Size Matters, Perspective Matters, Indigenous Nations

Did you know that the most contested real estate on this planet Earth – Judea-Samaria, the land of our Indigenous nation of Israel – is 12 times smaller than the Māori Indigenous islands of New Zealand? Let this Colonial Arab-European obsession for USA “Reservation”-size Israel sink in for a moment. Jews only want our #landback !!! Indigenous Nations sovereignty – without occupation, peace upon our land!

Indigenous Israel here includes the present Colonial Arab

Israel is 21,937 sq km (8,469 sq mi) in physical size and has an Israeli citizen population of 9.2 million – and – is occupied by 5.3 million land-squatting non-citizen Arab “Palestinians” seeking the end of Indigenous Jewish sovereignty. The Māori peoples’ islands of “New Zealand” is 268,838 sq km (103,798 sq mi) and it is and it is relatively equal in size to the European nation of Italy, and has only 892,200 Māori Indigenous members. Israel is 12x smaller in physical land size, with an Indigenous Judean population of 7.1 million Jews.

We Jews/Israelis *love* our southern Arab and northern European brothers and sisters, who are *citizens* of the nation-State of Israel – despite their Colonial Christianity, Islam, and Marxist religious affiliations – and who also fight in our Jewish IDF to maintain our Jewish Zionism (decolonized self-sovereignty) upon the Land of Israel! All lovers of Indigenous Peoples’ decolonization is a welcome citizen of eretz Yisrael.

Perspective matters, especially in narratives! Imagine the islands of “New Zealand”, the islands of the Māori Indigenous nations, being as obsessed over by Arab-European Colonial nations, as Israel is daily obsessed over by the United States and the entire Arab-European Colonial world! With this clarification now stated, we can begin to understand the need for a correct Indigenous Jewish narrative in this world. So, let’s begin….

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META Description: The size of Israel greatly matters in understanding the Indigenous Jewish and Colonial Arab “Palestinian” conflict!





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