Will You Listen To Us, Colonial Europeans and Arabs?

Since the 15th century CE, most Jews have transitioned into monotheism and atheism. This is an understandable development for our Judean people who are indigenous to the land of Israel. Especially, given the impact that European and Arab Colonialism, in the forms of Christian and Muslim universal supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide, has had upon all Indigenous Peoples still resisting assimilation into Colonial universalism. Before Jews became monotheistic, we were henotheistic – monolatrous to our people’s deity, despite the influences of other nations trying to “convert” us. We Jews still are this monolatrous to YHWH only Indigenous nation of Israel, anti-Colonial as always, to this very day!

Indigenous Jews are anti-Colonial like our anti-Colonial Canaanite ancestors before us!

“Indigenous Jews – not Palestinian. Indigenous Jewish – not Christian or Muslim or Marxist. Indigenous Jew – like our anti-Colonial Canaanite ancestors before us!”

What do most Jews influenced by the European and Arab Colonial diasporas expect for our extreme minority size Indigenous Judean people (our 15 million)? That somehow we are being heard by the extreme majority non-Jewish world of humans (by the 8 billion surrounding us), and somehow influential in our attempts to “convert” the Arab-European colonized world from Colonialism and back into Indigenous Peoples’ sovereign nationhoods. That we Jews are somehow the “immune system” of social humanity, being the Indigenous Judean people that European “Christians” and Arab “Muslims” appropriated from for their theological universal “convert all (to us)” religions. Universalist religions that are guilty for all the modern CE (A.D.) crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide! And having done so in our appropriated Judean names and stories.

But, we Jews know that this “influence” upon the social world that we supposedly have (gifted by “G-d” as an obligation for our Jewish people) is actually not quite true! In every generation! Why? Because racism, modern racism, courtesy of European and Arab Colonialism, is just as strong today as it was when it was developed in the Aegean north by nascent Christianity 1,600 years ago. So long as antisemitism (anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Jewish racism) and the metastisized version of skin color racism continues to exist among humans upon this planet Earth, then we Jews have not achieved our minority people’s desired immunization from historic Arab-European Colonialism upon this planet. No messianic age of peace and social justice, no tikun olam (repairing of this world)!

The Jewish people are the first Indigenous People to successfully forcibly decolonize a portion of our ancestral land. We achieved this #landback movement despite the antisemitism of Colonial Arab and European nations who sought our people’s ultimate extinction during World War II. Since 1948, we Jews are, as a resolutely anti-Colonial Indigenous nation, a light to all still surviving Indigenous Peoples who are seeking their own “Zionism” (decolonization and Indigenous sovereignty upon ancestral land). As a people, we Jews do not seek a “theocracy” upon our land.

Such social supremacy is the talk of the social majority – sometimes heard in our Jewish people’s mouths – the talk of the religious antisemites in this world who want desperately to maintain their social supremacy, with impunity for historic crimes intact. Especially, upon the land of Israel! We Jews have always been too diverse in our beliefs to be such a monolith of governance, unlike Christianity’s and Islam’s historically proven “track record” of such governments upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide. Even our ANE (BCE) Jewish ancestors struggled for nearly two thousand years to “convert” our Indigenous Judean people into the ideology of henotheism, thus forever forsaking our original Canaanite Hebrew polytheism.

Since the 15th century CE, most Jews have transitioned into monotheism and atheism. This is an understandable development for our Judean people who are indigenous to the land of Israel. Especially, given the impact that European and Arab Colonialism, in the forms of Christian and Muslim universal supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide, has had upon all Indigenous Peoples still resisting assimilation into Colonial universalism. Modern Judaism, Judea-people-ism, is historic Zionism, our Jewish people’s “land back” movement and attempts to survive in any way possible as the Indigenous Judean people that we were born to be in Moab (southern Jordan today), before we Jews became an ethno-nationality north of Moab and across the river throughout Judea and Samaria.

We Jews know that Christianity and Islam (now, Marxism, too) fears our Jewish people’s survival, and tries desperately to define us for us (who we are as a people) – since they repeatedly fail to successfully assimilate us into universal Colonial them. Like chameleons, we Jews adapt to our environment successfully for survival, despite the habitual systemic losses from antisemitic racism. Still teaching our children our indigenous Canaanite Hebrew language, our Judean ancestral origin stories, and still adhering to our Indigenous Judean originating halachot that defines who is a Jew and who is not in this world – regardless one’s personal “theological” beliefs or lack thereof about this.

We Jews love Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and surviving Indigenous Peoples who recognize, with their social active support, our Jewish right to Zionism – to peaceful decolonization and self-determining sovereignty upon the land of Israel – without Colonial Arab-European political and economic manipulation and dependency oppression. The land of Israel is not a tourist attraction to be used and abused by the Colonial privileged and numerically/financially powerful in this world. The land of Israel is Indigenous Peoples’ sacred ground! This is why we Indigenous Peoples defy Colonial Christian, Muslim, and Marxist assimilation so resolutely l’dor v’dor (generation to generation).

We Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Igbos, Sámi, Pueblos, Cree, Navajo, Lakota, Hawaiians, Māori (just to name a few!) will survive you, Arab-European Colonizers – still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial gods, religions, languages, and governments for us. Believe what you want to believe, descendants of the historic European and Arab Colonizers and your successfully colonized, just allow us our Indigenous freedom to maintain our Indigenous languages, law systems, ancestral stories from a native perspective, and self-sovereignty upon our ancestral lands alongside you all! It is the historic Arab-European Colonizers who must bring peace and anti-racism to this world, for you all outnumber us greatly!

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META Description : The Jewish people are the first Indigenous People to decolonize, despite the antisemitism of Colonial Arab and European nations.





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