I and other Jews know intimately, personally, and firsthand what it feels like to not be truly heard in this world, more so than any “Palestinian” descendant – whether of migratory Arab descent or successfully Arabized Levantine – will ever understand! More so than any Colonial Arab or European will ever understand! Perhaps you should listen to the lived teachings of my ancestral bloodline. If only you would echo our voices throughout the world’s social media megaphones, rather than the voices of non-Jews who speak for us or outright lie about us in their hate or indoctrinated ignorance!
![Despite USA and European nation support, Israel is punching up to all Arab-European Colonial nations!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231019_162943557.png?resize=989%2C1024)
Israel is surrounded and still partially occupied by Arab “Palestine”. Israel is 3 times smaller than the Navajo Nation reservation surrounded by the USA, and is 6 times smaller than the U.S. State of New York. Near half of all Jews alive on planet Earth are living upon and defending our reservation size Indigenous Judean land of Israel. There are only 15 million Jews in this world, still 4 million less than before WW2, and there are 1.9 billion Arabs and successfully Arabized just in the Middle East alone surrounding the Land of Israel.
Had Israel not had to forcibly decolonize from British-Arab occupation as a means to survive the European-Arab Holocaust of WW2 – Jewish women and men engaging in guerilla paramilitary warfare against the occupying British and Arabs for literal Indigenous Judean people’s survival from European-Arab occupation and near worldwide social supremacy – then the “Palestinian people” would have never been invented in 1964 by the USSR and Arab nations – as a Colonial “resistance” movement to the Jewish people’s Zionism (our no-choice 1948 decolonization and self-sovereignty upon our Judean ancestral land for literal “racial” Indigenous people’s survival)!
How quickly we humans of planet Earth want to forget easily verifiable self-evident history!!! How quickly we want to engage in false equivalencies to avoid addressing neverending Arab-European Colonial crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide! How easily we want to lend credence of guilt to and villainize the daily victimized minority, all to distract or justify away the sins of the dominant and ruling majority!!! To rewrite history into something less uncomfortable, all to maintain the “status quo” of the present world colonized way of life. To continue the antisemitism, the anti-Indigenous racism, that is a 1,600 year plus justification for hate and violence throughout the Arab-European colonized world!
Both the Colonial Arab and European supremacists and their successfully colonized do this to all still surviving Indigenous Peoples everywhere that they have ruling or influential dominionism upon this planet Earth. The Jewish people, the Kurdish people, the Pueblo people, the Cherokee people, the Sámi people, the Hawaiian people – just to name an extreme few(!!!) – all understand this collectively, being the surviving Indigenous Peoples under the Arab and European colonized world for Colonial Allah and Christ, Caliphates and Kings, (and, now, Marx, too) ruling religious supremacy upon this planet Earth! Once colonized for “Allah” or “Christ” or “Marx”, the need for “truth and reconciliation” is just an unrealizable tortured and violently victimized dream for their colonized victims. Just look around this planet Earth, just look at the daily victimization of Israel!!!
“Judeo-Christian” is just Colonial Christianity pretending to be what it is not! Just an Aegean north appropriation that is in direct fundamental opposition to the very heart and way of life of Judaism, Judea-people-ism, of the Levant, of the Land of Israel! Supporters of this anti-Indigenous Colonial Christian mindset are just as complicit as the Colonial Arab Muslim/Islam mindset that was also created in the CE period in the Hejaz south. I know intimately, personally, and firsthand what it feels like to not be truly heard in this world! Because, to be truly heard is to be recognized, to be shared, and to be a minority force towards majority self-evident change. The universalist Colonial majority is not listening to we Indigenous minorities. Hence, why Jews and Israel are always embattled!!! Only 15 million Jews in this world, over 7 billion non-Jews that think they know better.
I know, not really being heard even here and now, except by the experienced and the uninfluential few!!! Got it. Wish that I could shut up now! I just wish that “decent” human beings would treat others as decent human beings – as deserving equals – and have respect for our differences. More so, that decent human beings who are in the social majority would fight their majority openly and unequivocally for the benefit of the minority in their midst. Both communally and nationally. There is no change until inherent antisemitic and skin-color based racisms are forced to a human social end! Where is the human majority’s hatred for racism, both implicit and explicit, enough to act socially for its end?!!!
– Yosef ben David ibn Yehuda
![The burning bush is Israel repeatedly coming back from the Colonial Holocausts upon our Judean people!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231018_190552915.jpg?resize=1024%2C671)
Snapshot: Israel is the bush. Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam are the vines trying to “graft” themselves into the bush. Israel is the bush that must burn itself l’dor v’dor to keep the poison within the vines from infiltrating and taking root.
Israel is the last surviving Indigenous nation of Canaan. Aegean invented Christianity and Arabia invented Islam are world assimilating universalist religions in direct opposition to Judaism, Judea-people-ism. No amount of pretending and benevolence by non-Jews, nor capitulation by Jews to Colonial preferred views and narratives, changes this self-evident historical reality!
Inescapable facts, no matter how you spin your racist Jew-hating narratives: Do “Palestinians” speak Canaanite Hebrew, or do they speak Colonial Arabic? Colonial Arabic! Do “Palestinians” chant land obligations while facing Jerusalem in Zion, or do they bow and declare loyalty to the god down in Mecca? Allah down in Mecca, Saudi Arabia! Just like Europeans and their Christ god up in Rome, Italy. Do you know that there are 1.9 billion Muslim/Marxist Arabs, migrants mostly and successfully Arabized, surrounding 7 million Jews who are just trying to live in peace and security upon our 1948 successfully decolonized Land of Israel?
“Palestinians” are Arab Colonizers, settler-occupying Indigenous Judean land and calling it “resistance” to Israel, resistance to Jewish decolonization in 1948! Only Arabs and Europeans and successfully colonized Jews view Arab Colonizers, who are resisting the existence of Israel upon decolonized Jewish land, and Jews, who are fighting for Israel’s very literal survival, as equals. Only racists, both non-Jewish and Jewish, blame Israel for the United Arab-European Colonial Nations’ “Palestinian” occupation upon Israel and their UNRWA seven decades long intentional suffering of “Palestinians” – who exist to, in all antisemitism, blame Israel for!
![Jews, Israelis, please stop preaching to the choir!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231019_170613738.png?resize=893%2C1024)
These kinds of posts – “Israel didn’t”, “Palestinians did” – are not effective! Preaching “to the choir” does not end Jew-hatred. Speaking as the Colonial Arabs-Europeans have socially designed for us dhimmi does not end Jew-hatred. We Jews need to decolonize our Indigenous Judean narrative on every social media platform! The false equivalency between Colonial “Palestinian” Arab settler-occupiers and Jews who are indigenous to Judea-Samaria must be daily challenged, or the terrorism upon our people will never come to an end. The victim-blaming must end! Israel is not at fault for the United Arab-European Colonial Nations’ created Israel-“Palestine” conflict. It is time for the UN to end its 7 decades UNRWA Arab occupation of 1948 forcibly decolonized Israel, and settle these “Palestinians” in their Arab lands!
![Jews are the only people on planet Earth accused of](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231020_215850864.jpg?resize=1016%2C1024)
I hate that Arab children in Gaza are being killed or maimed, all because their parents support groups that racistly terrorize Jews who are Indigenous to Judea-Samaria. This antisemitic racism is evil!
I hate that the United Nations, comprised mostly of Colonial Arab and European nations, is the direct cause and reason for 75 years of “Palestinian” children suffering and dying! The UNRWA antisemitic eternal Arab “refugees” occupation upon 1948 forcibly decolonized Israel is evil!
Colonialism is evil! No matter where and no matter who is colonizing! Israel is not the only Indigenous nation upon planet Earth to experience the terrors inflicted by Arab and European Colonizers. And to be blamed for Arab and European Colonial crimes against Indigenous humanity!
The people of Israel, Jews, have always been the most hated and targeted Indigenous nation, all for refusing to assimilate into Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam way of life. The only “good Jew” is a “dead Jew” or a Jew that is successfully colonized and values Colonial lives over literal Indigenous Judean people survival!
Racism, both the original anti-Jew and the USA invented anti-black racism, is evil! It is a Colonial Christian invention, the foundational heart of northern Aegean Christian theological doctrine. Simply for existing and wanting to live in peace, both upon our ancestral land of Israel and throughout the Arab and European colonized diasporas, the Jewish people of Israel are to blame for everything bad every generation, everywhere, thus are deserving of daily terrorism!
I hate Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam, and the anti-Jewish racism that is indoctrinated into their socially privileged adherents! I hate their Arab and European lies about us Jews, that justify their violently racist acts of terrorism! I hate that Israel-blaming successfully colonized Jews actually exist! Victim-blaming in all its forms is evil! I hate the outcomes of Colonialism upon this planet Earth!
WHEN is the United Nations for Arab-European Colonialism going to stop victimizing their Colonial created “Palestinians”, the Arabs of Gaza and the Jordan-named “West Bank”, all to create future anti-Jewish racist fighters for Israel’s re-colonization?!
The Jewish, Kurdish, Assyrian, Baloch, Pueblo, Navajo, Cherokee, Cree, Māori, Hawaiian, Sámi (etc!) all want to know the answer to this question, United Nations! Successfully colonized Jews like JVP and B’Tselem do not speak for the Jewish people of the Land of Israel They are examples of self-inflicting Jew hate! And the Jewish people lament these lost Jews.
– Yosef ben David ibn Yehuda
![Wakanda Forever is modeled off of Israeli resistance to Colonial Arab-European nations!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Polish_20230630_234445796.png?resize=692%2C1024)
For all followers here, take a break from the hateful and disheartening news! Watch a movie this weekend, but know *WHICH ONE* to watch! Follow this link of advice.
“Why I love certain movies! What not to watch, followed by what to *definitely* watch:
Avatar 2 The Way of Water – It is nothing more than shameful Colonial European self-serving apologetics and “Palestinian” projectionism (wannabe-ism regarding the Land of Israel)!
Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever – It is nothing less than Israeli-style pro-Indigenous! But *literally* African-style resolute anti-Colonial “we are humans(!)” *and* “equals(!)” and can even be *more* than you, even on the Colonial world stage that denies our rightful Indigenous existence!
Your choice, in how you take a break from the real world! But, may I encourage you… Don’t be part of the social narrative problem, instead be on the side of actual still surviving Indigenous Peoples worldwide. If you need Hollywood to understand, seek out Wakanda!”
![Nazis taught Arabs and Palestinians how to Jew-haters genocidal style!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231019_230338404.png?resize=1024%2C958)
From Nazi to Palestini with Love. It’s time for the Jewish people to fully decolonize our land, and other Indigenous Peoples’ lands! Nazis taught Palestinian and Iraqi Arabs their Jew hatred, and the USSR taught the rest of the Arab Colonial world, funding their terrorists groups for decades!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
META Description : The burning bush is Israel repeatedly coming back from the European and Arab Colonial Holocausts upon our Indigenous Judean people!
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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