Jews, who are also known as Israel, were pantheists, like Kurds and other SWANA Indigenous peoples, before becoming henotheistic, devoted to only one of the Canaan gods. It was the creation of northern Aegean Christianity and southern Arabian Islam that, eventually, pushed the Jewish people of the land of Israel into an animistic form of monotheism. It is time to address the Arab and European colonization of planet Earth for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling supremacist dominionism!
![Israel is not at war with Palestinians!](
Once indoctrinated into antisemitic racism, there is no amount of “information” that can change those hearts – the antisemitism will always reemerge after every education. We Jews have been trying to cure antisemitism for 58 generations, now, ever since Colonial Christianity was born in the Aegean north with Roman military powers. The only solutions for antisemitism is: First, Jews need to decolonize our minds and narratives about who and what we are as a people. Second, we need to speak that decolonized narrative, properly labeling Colonial racisms (anti-Jew and anti-black and anti-Indigenous), loudly on every Arab-European social media platform.
The false equivalency of Jews to Arab-European Colonizers is core to the antisemitic racism problem! Do not argue or even try to persuade those already infected with these racisms. Instead, correct their shared lies with historical facts, then move on to engaging with those not yet indoctrinated by the social disease of racism. Prevention measures for the next generation, through Indigenous Judean people’s full decolonization, is the only path towards “messianic” envisioned “Peace” for Jews and the Land of Israel! Jews and Colonialism are NOT equivalents, and it’s time to tell the Arab-European Colonizers of planet Earth to STOP preaching in our Jewish names.
landback #truthandreconciliation #GazaUnderAttack by حَماس# yes #Hamas
![The Jewish people, Indigenous to Judea and Samaria, are Israel!](
For every 1 (one) Jew that is murder by an antisemite, an anti-Indigenous racist who is targeting the Jewish people:
1 murdered Jew = 165 Europeans-Arabs/Christians murdered at the same time! Now, times this by 1,400! (Hint, the equivalent of 231,000 all at one time!)
1 murdered Jew = 125 Arabs/Muslims murdered at the same time! Now, times this by 1,400! (Hint, the equivalent of 175,000 all at one time!)
1 murdered Jew = 98 Marxists murdered at the same time! Now, times this by 1,400! (Hint, the equivalent of 137,200 all at one time!)
1 murdered Jew = 85 Hindus murdered at the same time! Now, times this by 1,400! (Hint, the equivalent of 119,000 all at one time!)
1 murdered Jew = 3 Indigenous Kurds murdered at the same time! Now, times this by 1,400! (Hint, the equivalent of 4,200 all at one time!)
1 murdered Jew = all “American Indian” and “Latin American Indian” and Indigenous Polynesian and Sámi and Baloch-speaking peoples murdered all at the same time! Now, times this by 1,400!
The Jews murdered by European and Arab Nazis during WW2 alone = all presently alive “American Indians” of the United States of “America” murdered at the same time!
![Please, stop murdering Jews! Antisemitism, anti-Zionism, is racism!](
Both Samantha Woll, a”h, and Rashida Tlaib knew and worked with the same staffer. Samantha, the Jew, is dead and speaks no more. Rashida Tlaib, supporter of Arab terrorists, is alive to continue spreading Jew-hatred, courtesy of Colonial Arab-European social media supremacy!
The burning bush is Israel repeatedly coming back from the European and Arab Colonial Holocausts upon our Indigenous Judean people! The vines are Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam trying to kill the burning bush of Israel l’dor v’dor.
We are headed towards World War 3, if we do not ADDRESS THE FALSE EQUIVALENCY of Jews to Colonial Arabs-Europeans and emphasize moral clarity NOW throughout this world!
We Jews hate that Arab children in Gaza are being killed or maimed, all because their parents support groups that racistly terrorize Jews who are Indigenous to Judea-Samaria. This antisemitic racism is evil!
We Jews hate that the United Nations, comprised mostly of Colonial Arab and European nations, is the direct cause and reason for 75 years of “Palestinian” children suffering and dying! … Read more to understand our Jewish plight and fight for the salvation of this human world upon this planet Earth!
Read more, and learn how close to WW3 we actually are! –
META Description : Read more to understand the plight of Israel and our fight for the salvation of this human world upon this planet Earth!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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