Yes, every “Palestinian” child born into the “West Bank” and Gaza of the 1948 successful decolonized Land of Israel is a Tinok Shenishba, a “captured infant” born on a path towards hatred and occupation of Jews and our land of Israel!
![Arab Palestinian child victims of European-Arab Colonialism are as tinok shenishba as Jewish children from the Land of Israel who are raised among Christians and Muslims and Marxists!](
These Arab children are innocent souls at birth and for some time, until successfully colonized by the UNRWA “education” system into antisemitic racism (a hatred for Jews and our resistance to non-Jewish assimilation of our people and our ancestral land). Hint, the UNRWA “education” system is the Colonial Arab-European multigenerational “refugee” indoctrination system for anti-Zionism. A fictitious alternative history program, the teaches Arab children born into Colonial “Palestine” that they are the “indigenous” of the land of Israel and that anti-Colonial Jewish resistance and self-sovereignty is violent racist oppression upon Arabs for having settler-occupied upon the non-Arab Levant land.
In other words, the UNRWA – empowered and governed by Arab-European Colonial nations – teaches anti-Indigenous (aka, anti-Jewish) racism upon the land of Judea and Samaria – and, by doing so, also teaches this racism in their worldwide Colonial diasporas(!). And Jews are, by default, fully to blame for their violently racist Arab behaviors, that naturally result from our 1940’s paramilitary forced Independence and Israeli sovereignty against the demands of the British-Arab occupiers of our land. Were it not for the Colonial Arab-European occupation of the Levant and Southwest Asia regions after WWI, all as a result of Arab nations’ fear that Jews would decolonize under liberal Ottoman rule and become self-sovereign, there would be no suffering “Palestinian” children being born on planet Earth, FULL historical stop!
Tinok shenishba is a Jewish term that normally refers to a Jew who “sins” in ignorance as a result of having been raised without sufficient knowledge and understanding of Judaism, which is the ethno-religious ways of the Jewish people who are the Indigenous people of the Land of Israel. We Jews suggest that this Indigenous legal term also applies to the “Palestinian” children of the Arab and European Colonizers who racistly target the Jewish people for hatred and violence, every single generation since the development of northern Aegean Christianity (with Roman military powers) and southern Arabian Islam in this CE period of human history.
These Arab “Palestinian” children of Arab Colonizers, migrants, and successfully turned Arab Levantines are NOT “refugees”, but live human pawns being used and abused by the real UN – the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah, Christ, and Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide. These “Palestinians” are occupying human shields to keep the only successfully forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation – Israel, a true ACTUAL refugee nation on ancestral Israeli soil(!) – in constant threat of re-colonization by the European and Arab Colonizers, who are themselves still occupying too much of this planet Earth.
Stop with the Colonial revisionist history lies already! Think about the Arab Tinok Shenishba that you Colonial Christians, Muslims, and Marxists are creating and violently murdering in your hatred for the people of Israel’s survival from your extermination genocides!
Haled al Azm, Prime Minister of Syria in 1948 and 1949, wrote in 1973: “[T]he call by the Arab Governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate it and to leave for the bordering Arab countries,… This collective flight helped the Jews, whose position improved, without any effort on their part…. Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we [Arabs] ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave…. In addition, we [Arabs] accustomed them [Arabs fleeing Palestine] to begging for hand-outs and to suffice with what little the UN organisation would allocate them.” – The Memoirs of Haled al Azm, Beirut, Part 1, pp. 386-387, 1973
Abu Mazen (aka Mahmoud Abbas), 1976: “The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the [Arab] Palestinians from the Zionist [1948 decolonization] tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, imposed upon them a political and ideological blockade and threw them [the Arab Palestinians] into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Eastern Europe, as if we were condemned [by Arabs] to change places with them [the Jews]: they moved out of their ghettos and we occupied similar ones.” – What We Have Learned and What We Should Do, published in Falastin el Thawra, the official journal of the PLO of Beirut, 1976
Sabri Jiryis, Institute for Palestinian Studies in Beirut, 1975: “It is not true that foreign States, especially Czarist Russia, Nazi Germany, Britain, and the United States were the only agents behind the conditions that led to the creation of Israel. The Arabs also took part in the process; sad to say, they were very active in it. … therefore, what happened was only a kind of “population and property exchange,” and each party must bear the consequences. Israel is absorbing the Jews of the Arab States; the Arab States, for their part, must settle the Palestinians in their own midst and solve their problems.” – How The Jews Were Driven From Arab Countries, published in Al-Nahar, Beirut, 1975
When will the United Nations, comprised mostly of Colonial Arab-European nations, STOP victimizing and murdering Jews and “Palestinian” children, all because the world wants to punish the Jewish people of the Land of Israel for forcibly decolonizing in 1948 for our people’s literal survival?! When is the the United States of Colonial “America” going to stop insisting on a “two-state solution”, wherein anti-Israel Arab Colonizers have equal land status and nationhood on our 1948 decolonized land of Israel, knowing full well that Arab “Palestinian” adults, in their yearly overwhelming majority, want the nation-State of Israel to cease to exist and for Jews, who survive their Arab supremacist violence, to be dhimmi under Arab nation rule again?!
We Jews see how the USA idea of a two-state solution is working so well for the actual Indigenous Peoples occupied by “America” (LOL in Indigenous peoples’ anger)! Israel is 3 times smaller than the Navajo Nation reservation in the United States, and the U.S. wants Israel to be permanently occupied by a Colonial Arab nation, too, upon the same 1948 forcibly decolonized Judean land. The original Arab “Palestinians” stopped being refugees the moment that they rejected Israel’s offer to return and become citizens of our Indigenous Judean nation. You know, after the five surrounding Arab armies failed in their 10 month siege to eradicate the nation-State of Israel, 1948 through 1949. The Arabs who stayed during this Arab created “nakba” period and their descendants are proud and loyal Israeli Arab citizens who defend Israel’s right to exist with Jews!
We know that you hate us Jews, enough to use Arab “Palestinian” children as human shields – all so that you can blame Jews for defending our people from Arab-European terrorists who are determined to turn the world against our Indigenous Judean nation. We know that you hate Jews enough – hating Israel is hating Jews(!) – that you want to start World War 3 over the decolonized and sovereign existence of the Jewish nation of Israel, so that your Arab “Palestinian” terrorists can finish the job that their Nazi predecessors failed to accomplish during the last World War! We know, already, that you hate us – the Jewish people of Israel – for surviving 58 plus generations, now, since the advent of your northern Aegean and southern Arabian Colonial religions of Christianity and Islam, still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial gods, languages, and governments for our Jewish people.
We know, in every generation of Jews, how much you are willing to express your violent hatred upon us – just for being “obstinate” Jews seeking our Indigenous Zionism (peaceful decolonization and self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land of Israel). And that you will use Israel as the excuse to continue terrorizing and murdering Jews anywhere upon planet Earth that you suspect we may be present! We know, that most Arabs and Europeans, most Christians and Muslims, pretend to be benevolent towards the extreme Jewish minority amongst you, but will not take stand to end the Colonial Arab-European antisemitic racism, occupations, and crimes against Jews and other still surviving Indigenous Peoples on this planet Earth. The United Nations impunity must come to an end, and justice served for Colonial Arab-European crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide! This starts with letting Israel fully decolonize, no longer occupied and terrorized, so that we can be the example of “PEACE” for the world to come.
No more Arab “Palestinian” children and adults as human shields. It is time, NOW, for the United Nations to show accountability for your crimes of causing the murders of Arab “Palestinian” children over the last 75 years, all because the Jewish people of the Land of Israel successfully partially decolonized our ancestral land in 1948 against your Imperialist wills for the Middle East!
![When is the UN, the United Nations, the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples' lands worldwide, going to end their antisemitic racist occupation of the land of Israel?!!!](
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, 1908, “The call to accept Ottoman citizenship does not mean assimilation… What is the meaning of the term Ottoman?… It is a political term, no more… Jews, be Ottoman! Be the subjects of the Ottoman Empire, so you can be Hebrew in the land of your forefathers.” – Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, 1908 in Jerusalem, journalist and influential Ashkenazi Zionist, born in Luzhki Russia, Editor of ha’Tsvi newspaper, Jerusalem.
Avraham Elmaliach, 1908, “Our homeland has returned to rebirth… the Jewish people, residents of Turkey, will endeavor through the freedoms given to us to bring closer all that is good and useful for our homeland… Forward, brothers, a little bit of force and everything can be accomplished. In order to save our [Jewish] honor before everything!” – Avraham Elmaliach, 1908, journalist and influential Sephardi-Mizrahi Zionist, born in Jerusalem, founder of Herut (“Freedom”) newspaper, editor between 1914 and 1919, this newspaper became the official newspaper of the Irgun freedom fighters for the liberation of Israel from British-Egyptian occupation.
What changed? The Arabs invaded! Their Arab occupations of the Middle East were supported by both the British and the French. Most specifically, the militarized occupation of the land of Israel by the British and Arabs after World War 1! That’s what changed. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! Jews are not “settlers” in the Land of Israel, we are the indigenous population. Arab “Palestinian” children didn’t become a historical thing, until the USSR and Arab nations invented them as land occupying multi-generational eternal “refugees” in 1964.
WAR EXPOSÉ 1918: This is a quote from the New York Times, on June 9th, 1918, sharing a surprise discovery by British troops about Jews in “Palestine” (Judea-Samaria) actively cultivating and sustaining our ancestral land:
“When the Anglo-Egyptian Army which is invading the Holy Land under General Allenby reached the territory lying between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean,… The soldiers of Allenby found thousands of acres cultivated by immigrant Jews dwelling in a dozen or so communities…. [the communities] were found to be in thriving and prosperous condition and far superior, as to scientific cultivation and housing, to the Arab farmers or those of the Turkish crown lands in the Plain of Sharon….
Why the Turks left this Garden of Eden comparatively unmolested is a mystery,… the Jewish artisans of Jerusalem whose work lost its market on account of the [world] war… Most of these [Jewish artisans], succeeding the British occupation, have joined those of their race at Ben Shamen or gone back to ply their old arts in the Holy City. Ben Shamen, among the foothills of Mount Ephraim,… When Allenby found it, there were about 120 Jews there, with an acreage that had been increased from 200 to 600 in two years, under olives, apples, and corn. Most of the people were from the Betsalel, the arts and crafts school in Jerusalem. They dwelt in stone houses looking down on the great plain…. Here, before the war, the [Jewish] men worked in brass and silver, and their wives wove carpets or made lace. With a wonderful power of adaptability, when they lost their market they quickly turned to the fields…. Among their farms are those of Arabs who have been cured of their nomadic habits of centuries and have settled down to till the soil.
Four miles south of Rishon Le Zion lies Rehoboth…. It has a population of more than 900 souls, including 270 Yemeni Jewish workmen, whose introduction has proved a great success. So far the British have found eighteen independent rural [Jewish] communities within their zone of occupation,… who, when the war began, were gradually attracting to them well-educated Jews and Jewesses from the towns – from Jerusalem, Damascus, and even from Beirut. After three and a half years of war they have a population of 10,000, who patiently cultivate more than 6,000 acres.
As to administration, social and political, they [these Jewish communities] are all of the same type; they are goverened by their vaads, or village council…. They are elected annually by all the adult landowners and resident taxpayers of three years standing, independently of sex…. Here, therefore, is a quasi-federal State of immigrant Jews [from the Middle East and Europe returning to ancestral land] made up of many independent colonies, proving two things: that Zionism is an established fact, and the Jews of the city, if they get the opportunity, will profitably till the soil.” – Zionism Already Begun in Palestine, NYT article from June 9th, 1918
Arab “Palestinian” children didn’t become a historical thing, until the USSR and Arab nations invented them as land occupying multi-generational eternal “refugees” in 1964. The USSR created the PLO, and introduced for Arab nations the 1973 UN resolution that Jewish decolonized sovereignty upon eretz yisrael (Zionism) is “racism” against settler-occupying Arabs in the Levant.
The Arabs didn’t attack the Hebron Jews when the [Arab] pogroms started in 1920–21. Good relations between the religious leaders of these two groups. The third wave of pogroms was led by Haj-Amin Al-Husseini [last names denotes from Mecca Arabia’s royal family]. His Jew-hatred made him blind and he believed every Jew should be murdered. This is why the pogrom in 1929 was the most murderous of them all. The Jewish congregation in Hebron was dealt a severe blow, and at least 67 Jews [both of the established community and the new community] were butchered amid indescribable torture. Women were raped in front of their families and corpses were violated.” – Hebron: A Jewish Presence for 3,800 Years, The proud Jewish history of Hebron defied modern propaganda,
The Arabs, like Europeans, have been repetitiously consistent in their crimes against Indigenous humanity! The Jews of Hebron and Peki’in and other Jewish communities lived non-stopped upon the Land of Israel for 2,100 years before the creation of Christianity and 2,300 years before the creation of Islam, and have continued living non-stop upon the Land of Israel throughout ever single Arab and European occupation of Judea and Samaria, then – finally – achieved successful Zionism, by decolonizing Israel in 1948 with Jews returning from Arab-European diasporas.
Arab “Palestinian” children didn’t become a historical thing, until the USSR and Arab nations invented them as land occupying multi-generational eternal “refugees” in 1964. The UNRWA was invented to provide funding for this decades long Arab “Palestinian” occupation of the Land of Israel – ensuring that UN funds don’t end until Israeli decolonized sovereignty has come to an end (Arab recolonization “from river to sea”) and Arabs fully rule upon the Levant once again.
Sabri Jiryis, Institute for Palestinian Studies in Beirut, 1975: “This is hardly the place to describe how the Jews of the Arab States were driven out of the countries in which they lived for hundreds of years, then how they were shamefully deported to Israel after their property had been confiscated or taken over at the lowest possible price. It is plain that Israel will air this issue in the course of any serious negotiations that might be undertaken one day in regard to the rights of the [Arab] Palestinians.” – How The Jews Were Driven From Arab Countries, published in Al-Nahar, Beirut, 1975
When will the United Nations, comprised mostly of Colonial Arab-European nations, STOP victimizing and murdering Jews and “Palestinian” children, all because the world wants to punish the Jewish people of the Land of Israel for forcibly decolonizing in 1948 for our people’s literal survival?! When is the the United States of Colonial “America” going to stop insisting on a “two-state solution”, wherein anti-Israel Arab Colonizers have equal land status and nationhood on our 1948 decolonized land of Israel, knowing full well that Arab “Palestinian” adults, in their yearly overwhelming majority, want the nation-State of Israel to cease to exist and for Jews, who survive their Arab supremacist violence, to be dhimmi under Arab nation rule again?!
Learn more Levant history here –
![Enough! Stop with the lies about Jews and Israel commiting genocide upon Arab](
During the 1920’s, Arabs that migrated to “Palestine” tortured and murdered nearly 100 Jews, raped Jewish women in front of their families, and desecrated Jewish graves. Why? Because they could, in all their Arab-European Colonial supremacy and impunity!
In 1941, the Arabs that established Colonial nations upon “Palestine” – the Levant and Southwest Asia regions with the help of the British and French – now, inspired by the Nazis, raided and destroyed Jewish homes and businesses, violently slaughtered near 300 Jews, and raped Jewish women in the city of Baghdad. Why? Because they could, in all their Arab-European Colonial supremacy and impunity!
On Oct 7, 2023, Arab “Palestinian” Hamas invaded IDF protected Israel, decapitated Jews, burned babies in their cribs, raped Jewish women, murdered 1,400 Jews, and took 200 hostages. Why? Because they could, in all their Arab-European Colonial supremacy and impunity! The antisemitic heart of the United Nations still beats with indifferent Jew-hatred!
The existence of Israel as a nation is not the reason for this racist antisemitic violence. Israel being forced to kill Arab “Palestinian” children as collateral damage, children who are being used by Arabs as human shields, in order to defend Jewish women and children from terrorism is not the reason for this racist antisemitic violence. Until Oct 7, 2023, Israel was the salvation from chronic Arab-European terrorism for half of the Jewish people of Israel!
Still not convinced? The Jewish community of Peki’in in Galilee, near the city of Safed, survived 2,452 years unmoved and uninterrupted by all the Arab-European Colonial invasions of Judea-Samaria, from 516 BCE to 1936 CE. The 1936 to 1939 Arab settler-occupier riots drove these Jewish families finally off their land and into the city of Hadera! Why? Because they could, in all their Arab-European Colonial supremacy and impunity!
![We Indigenous Peoples of the world know that the successfully colonized Arab and European worlds are not listening to the Jewish people nor any other Indigenous Peoples!](
We surviving Indigenous Peoples of planet Earth hate that Arab “Palestinian” children in Gaza are being killed or maimed, all because their parents support groups that racistly terrorize Jews who are Indigenous to Judea-Samaria. This Colonial 1,600 year antisemitic racism is evil! We surviving Indigenous Peoples of planet Earth hate that the United Nations, comprised mostly of Colonial Arab and European nations, is the direct cause and reason for 75 years of “Palestinian” children suffering and dying!
When will the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide STOP murdering Jews, other Israelis, and Arab “Palestinian” children who are trapped in Gaza and the “West Bank”, areas of 1948 decolonized Israel that are still occupied by anti-Indigenous Arabs seeking an end to Israel?!!! When are Jewish lives going to matter, like Arab “Palestinian” lives matter, like Muslims lives matter, like Christian lives matter, like White lives matter, like…???!!! 1,600 years, and still waiting for an answer. When is this Colonial Arab-European, Colonial Christian-Muslim, NIGHTMARE going to come to an end for all ANTI-COLONIAL Indigenous Peoples still surviving upon this planet Earth?!!!
Sincerely, the Jews, Kurds, Sámi, Pueblo, Navajo, Wampanoag, Cherokee, Cree, Māori, kānaka Hawai’i, etc, etc, etc(!) all want to know this answer. When can Indigenous nations live side-by-side with Arab-European Colonial nations in self-sovereignty and in genuine PEACE?!
META Description : Arab “Palestinian” victims of Colonialism are as tinok shenishba as Jewish children from the Land of Israel who are raised among Christians, Muslims, and Marxists! You know, non-Jews!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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