What were our words that Joy Reid repeated on Monday in her antisemitic rant for a defense of Arab “Palestinian” racism towards Jews and their Arab “Palestinian” occupation of Jordanian-Egyptian occupied parts of 1948 decolonized Israel? We said that Arab “Palestinians” of Gaza should round up and hand over their Hamas militants, given that they are the majority – 2.3 million Arab “Palestinians” to a few thousand terrorists. What was Joy Reid’s response, and why was it so blatantly Jew-hating?
![Joy Reid antisemitic rant on the Reid Out, after being called out for antisemitism on her Friday's show.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231030_235815600.png?resize=608%2C1024)
Joy Reid’s response was to equate Arab “Palestinian” fears of those “with guns” to Black folk in the USA. As if Hamas is a police-style terror extension of Jews and our Israeli military – Jews who are trying to live peacefully as a decolonized Indigenous nation upon Judean ancestral land, with our antisemitic Arab-European neighbors. Thus, Israel-Hamas occupiers of Colonial “Palestine” are the reason that Arab “Palestinians” in Gaza are oppressed by the people “with guns” and have no self-autonomy in revolting against the very terrorist government that they elected into power in 2007. Gaza, a very small sliver of land that Israel forced ALL Indigenous Jews to evacuate from into 2005, for Arab “Palestinian” self-sovereignty – if they can manage this!
Joy Reid, the antisemitic lies and demonization of Jews must end! To demonize Benjamin Netanyahu as a theocratic extremist genocider of Arab “Palestinians” – and to use “the Bible” to do this – is to label ALL Jews as genociders of Arab “Palestinians”. ALL Jews, even Jews sickened by the social disease of antisemitic Israel-hating, are living in FEAR for their lives, because media personalities like you are spreading the Colonial Arab-European racist anti-Jew tropes that lead to pogroms, farhuds, Shoahs (Holocausts) directed at Jews. We Jews only want to live PEACEFULLY with our Colonial Arab-European neighbors!
Joy Reid, 40 million “Blacks” of the USA (aka, African-“Americans”) are surrounded by 200 million “white” Christian folk “with guns” and anti-black racism. Damn right for “Blacks” to be scared for their lives! 2 million Arab “Palestinians” in Gaza are surrounded by several thousand Hamas terrorists that Arab “Palestinians” of Gaza voted into power, who have “guns” and a devout fanatical anti-Jew racism. “Black” people’s fears in the USA do NOT EQUAL Arab “Palestinian” fears, except in antisemitic propaganda being socially pushed by Arab “Palestinian” and Marxist antisemites. Stop with the Colonial Arab-European lies, false equivalencies, and history revisionisms!
If Arab “Palestinians” want peace with Israel, why does the Palestinian Authority continue to “pay for slay” (whoever kills a Jew, your family gets money!) and why does the Arab “Palestinian” majority not revolt against Hamas?
Today, Hamas fired more rockets at Tel Aviv. Since Oct 7, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah have fired over 8000 rockets into Israel. The ONLY reason that the number of dead Jews, Israeli Arabs, and resident Europeans in Israel is NOT in the tens of thousands (10K+) already is because of the IRON DOME intercepting most of these rockets! Only antisemites look at half the regional picture and side against the Indigenous Judean people in our defense from Arabs-Europeans trying to start another Holocaust (WW3) targeting the Jewish people again!
In 1948, Indigenous Jews of the land of Israel forcibly decolonized in paramilitary warfare against the post-WW1 British-Arab occupiers of “Palestine”. The very next day, 5 surrounding Arab armies waged a 10 month war to exterminate the Jews of Israel, and lost their war (a nakba “catastrophe”). Jordan occupied the West Bank and Egypt occupied Gaza for 18+ years, until the Jewish people liberated our Arab “Palestinian” occupied parts of Israel in 1967. Both the PLO/PA and Hamas have no intentions on forming peaceful Arab nations on Jewish decolonized land, they want Israel exterminated!
In the 1920’s Arab migrants to the land of Israel viciously did a 10/7 Hamas atrocity to Indigenous Jews in Israel. In the 1930’s, Arab migrants did a 10/7 Hamas atrocity to Indigenous Jews in Israel. In the 1940’s, Arab “Palestinian” occupiers did a 10/7 Hamas atrocity to Indigenous Jews in the Iraqi diaspora. Shall we go on? With Israel sovereignty and our IDF, it took 75 years for another Arab “Palestinian” 10/7 Hamas massacre to happen to Indigenous Jews!
The Arab Colonizers with European support continue to occupy and terrorize the land of Israel, lie profusely online about the very reality of the Levant, and lament to the world their “suffering” that Jews are defending themselves from Arab-European supremacist hatred for Jews! 7 million Jews in Israel with 1.5 million Israeli Arabs DEFENDING our right to exist in this world before 1.9 billion Arab Colonizers and their European supporters. 2,300 years of this evil anti-Indigenous racism, and counting!
#landback #truthandreconciliation
#GazaUnderAttack by حَماس#
yes #Hamas Please listen,
#JoyReid #TheReidOut
![Even Islamist oppressed Iranian peoples are flying the flag of Israel in support after 10/7!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231030_190334690.png?resize=620%2C1024)
By Joy Reid doubling down on her antisemitic racism, she only proves what we Jews, other Indigenous Peoples, and African Americans have to say about Arab-European Colonial racism: Once indoctrinated into antisemitic and its 2.0 skin-color racisms, there is no cure for these individuals! The only solution is to correct their lying narratives for the next generation so that all Indigenous Peoples and formerly enslaved peoples are freed from this Colonial Christian, Muslim, and Marxist deadly terrorism.
Again, in the 1920’s and 1930’s Arab migrants to the land of Israel viciously did a 10/7 Hamas atrocity to Indigenous Jews in Israel. In the 1940’s, Arab “Palestinian” occupiers did a 10/7 Hamas atrocity to Indigenous Jews in the Iraqi diaspora. With Israel sovereignty and our IDF, it took 75 years for another Arab “Palestinian” 10/7 Hamas massacre to happen to Indigenous Jews!
When is the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands going to allow just one Indigenous Nation to fully decolonize in peace next to you Colonizers?!
Even the peoples who are oppressed in Islamist occupied Iran stand with the Jewish people of the Land of Israel in our fight for full peaceful decolonization from Arab-European racist Jew-hatred and terrorism disguised as “Palestinians” and “anti-Zionism” (Zionism is the Jewish people’s Land Back movement)!
![The Indigenous heart of Israel!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231022_215212020.png?resize=813%2C1024)
If you claim that you are Indigenous because you took a DNA test, you’re not Indigenous!
If you claim to be Indigenous because you were told about Indigenous ancestors in your family and/or you know some Indigenous rituals, you’re not Indigenous!
If you claim to be Indigenous because you have names that were appropriated from an Indigenous People, you’re not Indigenous!
If you claim to be Indigenous because you saw yourself in an Indigenous People’s sacred book or have “faith” that you’re somehow “grafted” in, you’re not Indigenous!
If you were born into an Indigenous family or were adopted/”converted” into an Indigenous People, then you are Indigenous!
If so, then you value your Indigenous People’s language, ethno-religious beliefs and rituals, Indigenous laws, and people’s need for sovereign survival – above all Arab-European Colonial ways, gods, languages, and national identities – and you teach these Indigenous ways to the next generation!
Indigenous Nations are the sustainers of their specific lands, and keepers of the actual histories upon these lands, and we Indigenous upon this planet Earth see this world from our Indigenous Peoples’ eyes and worldview!
No amount of historical erasure, distortions, and history revisionisms changes our lived realities as the still surviving Indigenous Peoples/Nations of this planet Earth. We do not want to be you, Arab-European Colonizers, not ever! We just want to live peacefully beside you, our Colonial/Imperialist neighbors – still unassimilated, not terrorized by you, and free from your racist supremacist manipulations!
When will the United Nations, comprised mostly of Colonial Arab-European nations, STOP victimizing and murdering Jews and “Palestinian” children, all because the world wants to punish the Jewish people of the Land of Israel for forcibly decolonizing in 1948 for our people’s literal survival?! When is the the United States of Colonial “America” going to stop insisting on a “two-state solution”, wherein anti-Israel Arab Colonizers have equal land status and nationhood on our 1948 decolonized land of Israel, knowing full well that Arab “Palestinian” adults, in their yearly overwhelming majority, want the nation-State of Israel to cease to exist and for Jews, who survive their Arab supremacist violence, to be dhimmi under Arab nation rule again?!
#landback #truthandreconciliation
#GazaUnderAttack by حَماس#
yes #Hamas
META Description : Joy Reid, Black people’s fears in the USA do NOT EQUAL Arab Palestinian fears, except in antisemitic Palestinian Marxist propaganda! When Jews present verifiable history, antisemites delete our voices! Joy Reid, please listen!
![When Jews present verifiable history, antisemites delete our voices! Joy Reid, please listen!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Polish_20231031_233059143.png?resize=710%2C1024)
Update Comparative Thought : We Jews hate it when indoctrinated antisemites *delete* their comments/posts, because we Jews *agreed* with their history lesson *and* provided historical facts to verify it! … Joy Reid, please listen!
Abu Mazen (aka Mahmoud Abbas), 1976: “The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, imposed upon them a political and ideological blockade and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Eastern Europe, as if we were condemned [by Arabs] to change places with them [the Jews]: they moved out of their ghettos and we occupied similar ones. The Arab States succeeded in scattering the Palestinian people and in destroying their unity. They [the Arab States] did not recognize them as a unified people until the States of the world did so, and this is regrettable.” – What We Have Learned and What We Should Do, published in Falastin el Thawra, the official journal of the PLO of Beirut, 1976
Charles McNeill, whoever you are.
Every Jew in this world, all 15.2 million of us out of 8 billion human beings on planet Earth, wishes that the fighting would STOP between Arab-European Colonizers and Indigenous Peoples, like the Jewish people of the Land of Israel! Like the Kurdish people! Like the anti-Islamist Iranian peoples!
Learn more HERE ! – http://www.takemeon.org/dir/history-that-is-erased-by-arab-european-colonizers/
Supplemental Update, Nov 1 : Our honest “olive branch”, seeing how Joy Reid is now stepping back and allowing guests to speak for her views, while sharing her perspective doubts/suspicions. See the comment below.
![It is way past time for Joy Reid -s of this world to wake and get on the Indigenous right side of history, the Zionist side!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Polish_20231101_232339951.png?resize=606%2C1024)
Just a reminder (because doubt and legitimate criticism is fine, but racism is not!) and the subject was brought up:
The fear of Black people is the fear of not being alive, because of anti-Black racism. The fear of the Jewish people is also the fear of not being alive, because of Arab-European systemic and structural anti-Jew racism. The fear of the Arab “Palestinian people” is the fear of being removed from the 1948 decolonized Land of Israel and not being allowed to reoccupy afterwards these still Arab occupied parts, Gaza and what the Colonial nation of Jordan named the “West Bank”. It really is THIS simple, under all the Arab-European United Nations’ created “complexities” for Arab-European occupied Levant and Southwest Asia regions of the Middle East!
The Colonial Arab nations that are surrounding Israel and fully occupying Kurdistan (hello? Arab’s call the Kurdish people “second Israel”) already know that they will never succeed in eradicating the Indigenous Jewish nation of Israel, then putting any Jews that survive their second Nazi Holocaust back into dhimmi status. But, with their racist Colonial Arab-European propaganda to encite hatred for decolonized Jews (Zionism), Arab “Palestinian” supporters daily keep trying! May the Kurdish people be the next Indigenous people to forcibly decolonize a portion of their land in our lifetime, as Israel did in 1948 for literal Jewish people survival from European-Arab genocidal Nazis.
Update Comparative Thought : When Jews present verifiable history, antisemites call us Indigenous Peoples liars and some even delete their posts to delete our voices! Joy Reid, please listen!
![When Jews present verifiable history, antisemites delete our voices! Joy Reid, please listen!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Polish_20231107_225224542.png?resize=682%2C1024)
And Joy Reid keeps doubling down on her antisemitic racism. This only proves what we Jews, other Indigenous Peoples, and African Americans have to say about Arab-European Colonial racism: Once indoctrinated into antisemitic and its 2.0 skin-color racisms, there is no cure for these individuals! The only solution is to correct their lying narratives for the next generation, so that all Indigenous Peoples and formerly enslaved peoples are freed from this Colonial Christian, Muslim, and Marxist deadly terrorism.
It is always the Arab-European Colonizers and their successfully colonized who deem the supremacist right to talk for Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa. To, in all their Colonial societal privilege, talk about what Jews believe, who we are, and what we want within this Arab-European colonized world. Beware, antisemites and ignorant ones do NOT want to be challenged! They always seek those who will validate their views publicly, rather than face easily verifiable historical reality! The descendants of Arab and European settler Colonialism cannot ever be the ones who are wrong. And how dare a SWANA Indigenous people have the nerve to forcibly decolonize their land from violently racist British-Arab occupiers in 1948?!!
Just a history correction (#1) for Joy Reid’s audience: The “nakba” 1948-49: Where 5 Arab nations’ armies waged a 10 month siege to conquest and occupy every inch of Judea-Samaria (what only foreigners, non-indigenous, call “Palestine”), and utterly failed to slaughter the rest of the Jewish people that Adolf Hitler had failed to get to during his conquest to rid the planet of Jews. The “naksa” 1967: Where the same 5 Arab armies tried again to conquest Judea-Samaria for Arab rule, and Jordan and Egypt lost the parts of Israel that they were *occupying* for 18 years after their first Nakba Day (Gaza, and the part of Israel that Jordan named the “West Bank” during its occupation).
Of course, it is a “nakba”! Of course, it is a “naksa” kind of nakba! A “catastrophe” for the historic Arab and European Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands who fought *so hard* before and after 1948 to prevent the Jewish people, the Indigenous Judean people of Judea-Samaria, from forcing our decolonization and re-sovereigned Independence as the only successfully decolonized Indigenous nation (so far!) upon this planet Earth! May the Kurdish people of Turko-Arab-Persian occupied Kurdistan be the next IP to decolonize upon their ancestral land!
Stop the Colonial Arab-European history revisionist lies! Easily verifiable history survives Arab-European Colonial antisemitic and skin-color based racisms!
Again, as said previously…
Just a history correction (#2) for Joy Reid’s audience: The Arab “Palestinian” (self-named so in 1964) post-WW1 settler-occupiers upon the Levant and Southwest Asia did a 10/7 Hamas style massacre to the Indigenous Jews of Israel in both the 1920’s and 1930’s and in Colonial Iraq in the 1940’s. These Arab “Palestinians” raped Indigenous Jewish women in public, murdered Jews, burnt our homes and businesses, and desecrated our graves! Jews forcibly decolonized the land of Israel in 1948 because of this violently racist Arab-British militarized occupation of Colonial “Palestine” (Arab-European colonized eretz yisrael).
With Israel sovereignty and our IDF, it took 75 years for another Arab “Palestinian” 10/7 Hamas massacre to happen to Indigenous Jews! When is the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands going to allow just one Indigenous Nation to fully decolonize in peace next to you Colonizers?! May the Arab “Palestinian” occupied Kurdish people be the next Indigenous nation to forcibly decolonize a portion of their land, soon!
Stop the Colonial Arab-European history revisionist lies! Easily verifiable history survives Arab-European Colonial antisemitic and skin-color based racisms!
Again, as said previously…
Just a history correction (#3) for Joy Reid’s audience: For 4 days now, the IDF surrounding Gaza has been ceasefiring from 10 AM to 2 PM to allow Arab “Palestinian” non-combatants to flee by safe harbor to southern Gaza, so that the IDF can fight only the Arab “Palestinian” Hamas terrorists. Thousands of Arabs have fled, so far. There is video footage of these daily ceasefires for humanitarian purposes, despite Hamas fighters not ceasefiring as well, and there is also video footage of Hamas terrorists shooting Arab “Palestinians” for trying to flee this northern war zone. Why is it that Western media news fails to show these kinds of footage?!! Antisemitic, no?!! To demonize Indigenous Jews of Judea and Samaria for defending ourselves from 104 years of racistly violent Arab post-WWI settler-occupation upon the land of Israel?!!!
Stop the Colonial Arab-European history revisionist lies! Easily verifiable history survives Arab-European Colonial antisemitic and skin-color based racisms!
![Watch as thousands of Arab Palestinians leave northern Gaza by IDF safe harbor evacuation!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Polish_20231107_225455144.png?resize=941%2C1024)
Joy Reid, please listen! It is always the Arab-European Colonizers and their successfully colonized who deem the supremacist right to talk for Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa. To, in all their Colonial societal privilege, talk about what Jews believe, who we are, and what we want within this Arab-European colonized world. Beware, antisemites and ignorant ones do NOT want to be challenged! They always seek those who will validate their views publicly, rather than face easily verifiable historical reality! The descendants of Arab and European settler Colonialism cannot ever be the ones who are wrong. And how dare a SWANA Indigenous people have the nerve to forcibly decolonize their land from violently racist British-Arab occupiers in 1948?!!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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