Please, world, “free Palestine”! We SWANA Indigenous peoples want to be free of the violence being inflicted upon our peoples and upon our lands by Arab and European “Palestinian” settler Colonialists. We SWANA Indigenous peoples will forcibly decolonize from this post-WW1 Arab-European landgrab and settler Colonialism upon our ancestral lands. A landgrab supported by the UN, the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for endless impunity on Arab and European Colonial crimes against all Indigenous peoples worldwide, since it’s forming. Israel is the first SWANA Indigenous nation to partially decolonize in 1948, and may the Kurds be next to achieve this!
![Hen Mazzig and Jewish child with Arab child planting tree in a](
Israel is the physical embodiment of Jewish people decolonization from Arab-European settler Colonialism upon our ancestral land of Israel. You cannot “be anti-Israel” without being “antisemitic”! To be anti-Israel, our peaceful existence that is free from Arab-European inflicted terror atrocities, is to be anti-Jews existing anywhere in this world. That is, except as slaves of the Arab-European supremacist masters of this world, so that we are vulnerably available – never safe from acts of antisemitic racism!
Yes, Arab and European Colonialists, it was a nakba! We won this two decade war for Indigenous Judean independence against our British-Arab occupiers in 1948, only to be attacked the very next day by 5 surrounding Arab Colonial armies seeking to conquest all of Israel for Arab rule. Their 10 month war and their deliberate displacement of half of the Arabs in Israel was a failure. So, hence the “nakba”, and the Colonial Jordanian and Egyptian 18+ year occupations of the “West Bank” and Gaza portion of our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean nation of Israel.
In 1967, these same Arab nations made another go at full conquest of forcibly decolonized Israel. They lost again, hence the “naksa” for Jews actually reclaiming the Arab “Palestinian” occupied parts of our 1948 decolonized re-sovereigned Israel. Israelis offered “right of return” to displaced 1948-1949 Arabs, if they would join their Israeli Arabs as citizens of our Indigenous Judean nation. Instead, we Jews have been occupied and terrorized with UN political and economic support for 75 years and counting now.
![Definitions of SWANA and MENA Indigenous terms.](
For those in Europe and, especially, in the USA, some definitions!
When we say MENA Jews, we are referring to Jews indigenous to Southwest Asia – which includes Judea and Samaria – and North Africa, along with Jews in the Arabian “Middle East” diaspora. M.E.N.A. Jews!
When we say SWANA Jews, we are referring to Jews indigenous to the Levant, Southwest Asia, the Iberian Peninsula, and North Africa that was repeatedly colonized by Arabs and Europeans. S.W.A.N.A Jews!
When we say European Jews, we are referring to Jews indigenous to Judea-Samaria who were forced into Europe and the Colonial “America” diasporas, whether these Jews are SWANA or MENA Jews!
ALL Jews by halachot (our Indigenous Judean law system) are Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, regardless WHERE these Jews may be found throughout this Arab-European colonized world for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands, full stop!
![The nihilism of](
Hussein Aboubakr Mansour, 2023, ” “Free Palestine” — Consider the ideological milieu in which many Arabs and Muslims have been raised, including me…. [This] is not in any way essential to what it means to be Arab or Muslim — it is a thoroughly modern phenomenon shaped largely by the influence of European revolutionary ideologies on Arab intellectuals and political activists. Among these imported systems of thought is a strain of revolutionary antisemitism that casts Jews as the eternal enemy not just of Arabs but of all human beings. Not every Arab or Muslim subscribes to these views, of course, but when fused with preexisting religious and cultural biases, they have infected almost every institution, pattern of thought, and aspect of life in the Arab Muslim world. Modern Arab political and religious literature is filled with the claim that Jews are hostis humani generis, the enemies of mankind — a classical European libel, and a French revolutionary cry….
The wholesale labeling of Israeli Jews – the vast majority of whom are refugees or descendants of refugees from Arab Muslim dictatorships and Soviet totalitarianism – as colonizers, settlers, and imperialists is in fact a type of collective ethnic punishment,… You might have noticed in the last few days that those committed to liberating Palestine can’t seem to avoid the abject dehumanization of the Jews as a people – and that their aim is not for Palestinians to simply live in peace, dignity, and freedom alongside Israelis, but a state that is necessarily established upon the ruins of Israel.” – The Savage Nihilism of ‘Free Palestine’, Tablet Magazine, October 9, 2023
In other words, nothing Israel does will bring peace for Jews and our land of Israel, UNTIL Arabs and Europeans – the historical settler Colonialists – END their antisemitic racist occupations and terrorisms upon we SWANA Indigenous peoples, starting with the Land of Israel! This Arab-European majority act of laying down weapons and making real land space for Jewish and Kurdish (and other SWANA Indigenous nations) decolonization upon our ancestral lands is the ONLY path to real peace in the Middle East and North Africa!
![Dying on a cross for the sins of the world does not work!](
An Egyptian Jew speaks the fundamental truth! Which all victimized Jews have known for 2,300 years now. These Westerners sympathize with Arab Palestinian Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and ISIS because they believe – like the Arab Colonialists – that the Middle East would be peaceful if those pesky rebellious SWANA Indigenous peoples would just go away or accept their violent deaths. We Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, etc refuse to disappear from Arab-European Colonial “Palestine”, because these lands are NOT “Palestine”!
The majority of Christians in the USA have an Evangelical agenda for the Land of Israel. Real allies of the only struggling to survive partially decolonized SWANA Indigenous nation, Israel, would put their religions completely aside and support Israel because it is the moral thing to do – considering it has been Christianity and Islam that has been colonizing this entire planet, starting with Israel, giving Jews a BAD name everywhere around this planet. How are we to overcome this Arab-European settler Colonialism in our Jewish names, because Colonial Jesus and Colonial Allah forgives/approves of this Christian/Muslim behavior?! How are we as the victims of Colonialism supposed to save the world, when the world does not want to be saved?!!
Jews are the only Indigenous people keeping what is left of the Indigenous peoples of Canaan alive. Without us, all of Canaan history is an extinct history! The Jewish people of the Land of Israel are the last voice of the land and peoples of Canaan. We are the Indigenous keepers of this land!!! Allow us space to peacefully decolonize beside your Arab-European Colonial nations! Please, world, we SWANA Indigenous peoples ask you to “free Palestine” from post-WW1 Arab-European racistly violent settler Colonialism!
Without Jews, this entire world would never have known about the peoples of Canaan. The only reason the world is digging in our Israeli ancestral land is because of the Jewish people resisting Arab-European Colonialism for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all of planet Earth. Keep this in mind when you face an antisemite!
![Beware fake SWANA Kurdish accounts targeting Israel with antisemitic racism, like The Middle Eastern Feminist! Free Palestine from Arab Palestinian Colonialism!](
For those who don’t know history and are drawn in by suffering narratives, well designed and long tested: Most of the Arab so-called “Palestinians” arrived into the land of Israel during the post-WW1 British-Arab occupation of the Levant and Southwest Asia regions, 1919 to 1948. These Arab “Palestinian” settlers did a 10/7 Hamas style massacre of Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, the 1930’s, and the 1940’s. This racist and violent Arab-European Colonialism forced the Jewish people to fight the British-Arab occupiers and forcibly decolonize a portion of the land of Israel for literal Jewish people survival!
IT TOOK 75 YEARS before the Arab “Palestinians” could successfully pull off another 10/7 Hamas style massacre! Not that they haven’t been trying, literally EVERY DAY for 75 years and still counting!!!
These non-citizens of our Indigenous Judean nation of Israel are not occupying the “West Bank” and Gaza to become citizens of a successfully decolonized Indigenous refugee nation. No! They settler-occupied to reject the existence of a self-determining sovereign decolonized Jewish nation upon our ancestral land. LEARN the actual history of the Land of Israel, please. May the Kurdish people be the next SWANA Indigenous nation to forcibly decolonize a portion of their ancestral land, like the Jews did in 1948 for literal Indigenous people survival! Hello? Arab “Palestinians” have been calling Kurds the “second Israel” since the 1960’s!
And, don’t be fooled by fake SWANA Indigenous accounts! Such as …
@The Middle Eastern Feminist
Anybody who is a member of what Arab “Palestinians” (Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, and Egyptians) call “second Israel” since the 1960’s, knows that Israel’s survival IS the Kurdish people’s survival, along with ALL other still Arab-European colonized Indigenous Peoples around this entire planet Earth! We IPs on the frontline of anti-Colonial decolonization, we really do see you.
![Eldridge Cleaver wanted to free Palestine from the violent Arab Colonial racism towards SWANA Indigenous peoples!](
To quote a USA “American” Civil Rights hero, Eldridge Cleaver, who formed a Black Panther alliance with the Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat: “To condemn the Jewish survival doctrine of Zionism as racism is a travesty upon the truth…. [I personally met Yasser Arafat, and] I am surprised that the Arabs would choose to establish a precedent condemning [Zionism as] racism [against Arabs, sponsored in the UN in 1973 by Yasser Arafat’s KGB handlers] because it can so easily and righteously be turned against them. Having lived intimately for several years among the Arabs, I know them to be among the most racist people on earth. No one knows this better than the Black Africans living along the edges of the Sahara.” – Eldridge Cleaver, former member of the El Fatah-Black Panther alliance, while still in prison, 1976, author of Soul on Ice (suggest you read it, and send Joy Reid a copy!)
It is this culturally systemic supremacist racism towards Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria that is the reason Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialists have been forcibly occupying the Land of Israel for 104 years and counting, their Colonial Arab pockets kept filled with 74 years of UN funded support!
Racism, whether it is skin-color based or antisemitic (anti-Indigenous, anti-Zionist), is WRONG! It is time to END this violent and hateful Arab-European Colonialism born in Christianity and Islam supremacist theology and, further, expressed in Arab-European Colonial “liberation” movements (against still surviving Indigenous humanity). We Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Sámi, Igbos, Pueblos, Cree, Navajo, Māori, Hawaiians, etc(!) THANK all privileged descendants of Arab-European Colonialism that fight WITH us for Indigenous nations decolonization around this planet Earth. You are OUR heroes! Anti-Colonial Israel is the first Indigenous nation to partially decolonize, and may the Kurds be next! It is time to END Arab-European Colonial crimes against Indigenous humanity and oppressed minorities worldwide!!!
Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus PAC, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Congressional Black Associates, Democratic National Convention, National Democratic Institute, listen and correct your narratives!!!
META Description : Please, world, “free Palestine” from the violent Arab Palestinian Colonial racism towards SWANA Indigenous peoples – Jews, Kurds, etc!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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