Yes! Let us create a real International Day of Solidarity with the SWANA Indigenous “Palestinian people” who are occupied by Arabs, Turks, and Iranians! Who are the “Palestinian people” (only Arab and European Colonizers use the word “Palestine” for SWANA lands)? Solidarity with Jews and Kurds and Balochs and Assyrians, who fight daily for their peaceful decolonization from post-WW1 Colonial Arab nationalism upon our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands – self-named, the “Palestinians”!
![How the keffiyeh became a Palestinian people national symbol through Colonial Arab nationalism upon SWANA Indigenous peoples' lands!](
This is such a racist article on CNN. And it is spreading fast around the Arab-European colonized world! Why racist? Because it completely omits the Jewish people and our over 3,000 year old head garment called a sudra – which Arabs who settled into the land of Israel to declare Arab nationalism upon it appropriated for their “Palestinian keffiyeh”. Why racist? Because Arab “Palestinians” ARE the Colonialists upon the SWANA Indigenous lands of Israel and Kurdistan! The Arabs are NOT the “anti-colonialist revolutionaries” as this CNN article is lying to the world.
It is the Jews, Kurds, Druze, Balochs, Assyrians (etc!) – who are Indigenous to the Levant and Southwest Asia regions – who are daily in an anti-Colonial revolutionary fight for survival from Arabs, Turks, and Iranians who are OCCUPYING our Indigenous people lands for Arab Colonial nationalism! The article is ladened with historical inaccuracies and omissions, all to deliberately revision the history of the Jewish Levant into an Arab “indigenous” region. This is grossly racist towards all the Indigenous peoples who would like the Arab “Palestinian” Colonizers to lay down their weapons and rockets and knives and rocks, and to stop their supremacist terrorisms upon our SWANA Indigenous peoples!
“International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” should be focused on the Indigenous peoples that are occupied by anti-Indigenous Arab Colonial nationalists. And the “Palestinian keffiyeh” is a cultural appropriation by Arabs to rewrite their Colonial history upon the lands of Jews and Kurds. We will survive you, Arab-European Colonizers of the Levant and Southwest Asia regions – still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial gods, languages, and governments for us!
Around this planet Earth, we Indigenous Peoples truly wish we were heard by the Arab-European Colonial United Nations in the same way that the UN fully hears Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialists! We could use some of that eternal UNRWA resources, too!
![The United Nations of Colonial Arab and European nations supports Colonial Arab Palestinian people nationalism upon the SWANA Indigenous lands of Jews and Kurds!](
Jews come in all colors BECAUSE of Arab-European settler Colonialism, full stop!
IBSI – Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel shared,
“I’m a Jewish woman and I was never converted to Judaism. I was born Jewish to a Jewish mother. My mother was born to a Jewish mother, and all the way back…” We Jews and Kurds are the “Palestinian people”. Only Arab-European Colonizers call the lands of Israel and Kurdistan “Palestine”!
All my life I’ve had to deal with the same antisemitic racism: “You’re too white to be from the Middle East,” “you must be adopted,” “you’re a convert to Judaism” (based on my physical looks alone)! … My “ass” belongs upon the land of Israel in the SAME way that her “ass” belongs upon the land of Israel! There are Indigenous Peoples still surviving this Arab-European colonized world, and there are the worldwide Arab-European Colonizers of this Indigenous Peoples planet Earth. We will survive you!
I remember being a child standing next to my olive skinned father, my Abba, with my brothers, and the person before us saying to him about me, “he must be adopted”. As a child, I didn’t know how to say “fuck you, bigot, learn about real life”! Regardless our admixtures that determine how we present upon the face of this planet Earth, we “Palestinian people” – Jews, Kurds, etc(!) will resist Colonial Arab and European appropriation of our culture and identities and violent settler occupations of our lands.
![The 3 Palestinian Americans in the USA news are descendants of Colonial Arab nationalism upon SWANA Indigenous peoples' lands!](
These 3 Arabs, descendants of post-WW1 settler Colonialists (self-named “Palestinians” since 1964) did not deserve to be shot by a “white” citizen of the United States! BUT, several news sources are reporting that 2 of them were wearing a “traditional Palestinian keffiyeh” – emphasize “traditional”. Let’s correct this Arab Colonial lie here!
This fishnet keffiyeh, made popular by Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat in the 1970’s, was created based on our SWANA Indigenous Jewish sudra, which Jews have been wearing for thousands of years. The first use of the “Palestinian keffiyeh” began during the 1936 to 1939 Arab Revolt in the land of Israel (only non-indigenous call Israel “Palestine”), as an act of Arab nationalism upon Indigenous Judean people’s land.
This 1936 to 1939 Arab Revolt to prevent Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria and Southwest Asia from forcibly decolonizing our land from post-WW1 British-Arab militarized occupation, was led by Arab Nazi party member Amin al-Husseini, president of the Arab Higher Committee and Mufti of Jerusalem for the Arabs down south in the Hejaz, Arabia.
By wearing the “Palestinian keffiyeh”, these Arabs are acknowledging that they are settler Colonialists upon our Indigenous Jewish people’s land. In our Canaanite Hebrew, the ancient Jewish word for “foreigners, occupiers” is felishti, a “Palestinian,” someone who “rolled in” to “settler-occupy” Jewish ancestral land – and, since 1919, in order to refuse Jewish Zionism upon the land of Israel, in order to be a non-citizen political land-squatter for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean land!
It is important to educate the world in any given situation that Jews are the Indigenous people of the land of Israel, and Arab “Palestinians” – from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt to Vermont in the USA – are the settler Colonialists, occupying Jewish land for the end of Jewish 1948 decolonization!
![Arab and European Colonial antisemitic racism is the true reason that Jews are attacked everywhere around this planet Earth simply for existing!](
This should be blatant public evidence that anti-Israel/Zionist hatred is NOT about Israel, but centuries old Arab-European Colonial antisemitic racism! Ever heard that the only good Jews are dead Jews or subjugated minorities under Arab-European Colonial rule? Even if Israel did not exist – if we MENA Jews had failed to liberate a portion of our SWANA Indigenous land from the post-WW1 British-Arab militarized occupiers – Jews anywhere in this world would be vulnerable to and subjected to terrorisms, genocides, and pogroms. It has never been about Israel, but about the miraculous nature of the Indigenous Jewish people’s survival – despite all the racist antisemitic efforts to assimilate and, thus, eliminate our SWANA Indigenous people! May the Kurds be the next SWANA Indigenous nation to forcibly decolonize a portion of their land, too, from Arab “Palestinian” settler occupation!
![Why are newscasters like The Lead with Jake Tapper spreading Arab Colonial history revisionist lies about the land of Israel?](
The Lead with Jake Tapper , why are you spreading Arab revisionist history about Arab “Palestinians”? The Jewish people who are Indigenous to the land of Israel have NEVER occupied Arab “Palestinians”. The Arab “Palestinians” are post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists upon the land of Israel, courtesy of the British-Arab militarized occupation of the lands of Israel and Kurdistan! The objective was to divide these SWANA Indigenous nations’ lands into Arab Colonial nations. Hence, we have Colonial Jordan, Colonial Syria, and Colonial Iraq!
The nakba! We won this two decade war for Indigenous Judean independence against our British-Arab occupiers in 1948, only to be attacked the very next day by 5 surrounding Arab Colonial armies seeking to conquest all of Israel for Arab rule. Their 10 month war and their deliberate displacement of half of the Arabs in Israel was a failure. So, hence the “nakba”, and the Colonial Jordanian and Egyptian 18+ year occupations of the “West Bank” and Gaza portion of our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean nation of Israel.
In 1967, these same Arab nations made another go at full conquest of forcibly decolonized Israel. They lost again, hence the “naksa” for Jews actually reclaiming the Arab “Palestinian” occupied parts of our 1948 decolonized re-sovereigned Israel. Israelis offered “right of return” to displaced 1948-1949 Arabs, if they would join their Israeli Arabs as citizens of our Indigenous Judean nation. Instead, we Jews have been occupied and terrorized with UN political and economic support for 75 years and counting now.
It is called antisemitic racism, directed at the SWANA Indigenous “Palestinian peoples”, the original racism before the European Colonizers created skin-color based “white” “black” racism. Please, learn the actual history of the land of Israel and Kurdistan, the SWANA Indigenous lands that are Arab-European “Palestinian” settler occupied for the glory of Colonial Allah and Islam and Christ.
![We are tired of Colonial Arab](
When you are Indigenous, the hardest thing in this world is to teach real life history to the world around us! An olive branch to the “Black” people in this world, we need your united support for the full decolonization of the Land of Israel:
There are 46 million “Blacks” (African Americans, and 5 million Jews) in the USA. Throughout this entire planet Earth there are only 15.2 million Jews in total out of 8+ billion human beings, and half of our SWANA Indigenous people are on the decolonized part of the Land of Israel – defending our 1948 paramilitary forced decolonization from post-WW1 British-Arab militarized occupation (1919 to 1948). There are 14.5 million post-WW1 Arab “Palestinians” (2 Arabs to every 1 Jew) land-squatting on our historic Land of Israel, and even more upon Kurdistan. Just ask the Kurds!
We 7 million Jews, with our 1.5 million Israeli Arabs, are simply struggling to stay decolonized and self-sovereign, despite the racistly violent antisemitic occupation and terrorism of these post-WW1 Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialists! Statistical numbers really do matter(!): Up until this “four day” temporary “ceasefire” in Nov 2023, Arab Palestinian Hamas has fired over 9,000 rockets into Israel (and Gaza, by misfires, killing Arab Gazans!), barrages every single day, and the only reason that the death toll of Jews and Israeli Arabs is NOT in the ten of thousands is because Israel spends its money on defensive weapons!!! The “Iron Dome” and bomb shelters for our citizens, regardless of “race”/ethnicity or religion! Regardless of gender, orientation, or citizen status within our non-occupied parts of 1948 decolonized Israel!
Hamas has publicly said to this entire world that they build their tunnels to protect their Arab Colonial terrorists, NOT to protect their Gaza citizens, all 2+ million who elected them (30 thousand now?!) in governance upon the Arab “Palestinian” people in 2007 (and never has the Arab “Palestinian” 2 million majority revolted against this Hamas leadership minority)! … In comparison, 5,000 Jewish women and men together, who were members of Igun, Lehi, and Haganah freedom fighters – (these paramilitaries became our unified IDF, HELLO!) – for two decades fought against 100,000+ occupying British soldiers and their militarized Arabs, and actually miraculously WON our war for SWANA Indigenous Independence in 1948!!!
“Abu Marzouq added that since 75% of the residents in the Gaza Strip are refugees [sic Arab Colonial imaginary refugees!], it is the responsibility of the []United Nations[] [of Arab-European Colonial nations] to protect them. He added that according to the Geneva Conventions, it is the responsibility of the ‘occupation’ [decolonized Jews upon our land of Israel] to provide civilians in Gaza ‘with all the services,’ as long as they are under occupation [by Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria].” “Land Back” for we Indigenous Peoples are TIRED OF THE RACIST inability to hear us!!!
Wake the —- up, world(!), we JEWS ARE TIRED OF RACIST ANTISEMITIC OCCUPATION upon our ancestral land!!! – We are tired of Colonial Arab “Palestinian people” settler occupation and terrorism upon our SWANA Indigenous peoples!
META Description : To be in true solidarity with the “Palestinian people” requires inclusion of the SWANA Indigenous peoples that live in the land!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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