WABO Palestinians no longer deserve Indigenous peoples’ sympathies anywhere on planet Earth. It time for all Indigenous nations to fully decolonize amongst these Arab-European settler Colonialists! Colonial Arab and European nations will just have to make room for our fully restored and sovereign Indigenous nations upon our ancestral lands. The modern Palestinian Arab Nazism towards Indigenous Jews for simply existing had got to come to an end! May the Kurds forcibly decolonize their land next, and in our lifetime.
![Arab Colonizers like to pretend to be the Indigenous, just like European Colonizers like to pretend. Actually read the left snapped post, USA! This is an example of Arab Nazism.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Polish_20231216_150937867.png?resize=955%2C1024)
The modern day “Palestinians” are descendants of violently racist Arab settlers during the British-Arab militarized occupation known as the “Palestine Mandate”. They are not Canaanites. The Canaanite peoples were Moab, Judah-Israel, Edom, Amon, and Phoenicia (the Canaanites of Torah myths). Of these Canaan nations, only one still survives to this day speaking her Canaanite language, preserving the Canaanite pantheon, history, ethno-religious cultural ways, etc, and this is the Jewish people of Israel. We have had a 3,800 year nonstop daily presence upon our land of Israel – despite every attempt by Arab-European Colonizers to forcibly expel our SWANA Indigenous people off of our land. Colonial Arabic and Colonial Islam are not “indigenous” to the Southwest Asia North Africa region!
The Felishti (Philistines/Palestinians) of ANE period were Aegean invaders who occupied Jewish ancestral land, and had to be fought by the Jewish people of Israel. Today’s Felishti of the 20th-21st century CE period are Arabs and their successfully Arabized who are the invaders that occupied Jewish forcibly decolonized ancestral land in 1949 onward, and have to be fought by the Jewish people of Israel because they behave exactly like the European Palestinians of ANE before! When you lose your Indigenous language, ethno-religion, laws, etc(!), then you are now the Arab-European Colonizer problem for all still surviving Indigenous nations upon this planet Earth.
![Dr Itai Pessach is director of the Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital at Sheba Medical Center outside Tel Aviv](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Polish_20231217_171348881.png?resize=1024%2C990)
Dr. Itai Pessach (director of the Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital at Sheba Medical Center outside Tel Aviv), whose team interviewed and examined many of them, told “CBS News Sunday Morning”…
There were also stories of hostages being branded (a common practice inflicted on Jews and other prisoners of Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust), and of being sexually abused. “Yes, we did see signs of branding,” Pessach said. “We definitely saw signs of being handcuffed. We did hear and see evidence of sexual abuse in a significant part of the people we have treated. We also heard evidence – and that was one of the hardest parts – of abuse against those that [are still there], both physical and sexual.”
Pessach also said hostages were subjected to psychological torture (as in being told that Israel no longer exists). “What really struck me is how prepared the Hamas terrorists were with their psychological torment,” he said. “It was structured and preplanned. They’re constantly saying, ‘Nobody cares about you. You are here alone. You hear the bombs falling? They don’t care about you. We’re here to protect you.’ And this really played with their minds.
![António Guterres, UN Secretary General](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/InShot_20231215_210535937.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
Arab-European Colonizers, YOU are the reason for Gaza and the “West Bank”! There would be no fighting between Indigenous Israelis and Arab “Palestinian” settler occupiers upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized land of Israel – IF – the United Nations for Allah, Christ, or Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide had not been UNRWA funding post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism upon the land of Israel and Kurdistan!
Save the Children Action Network could then focus instead on the 300,000 Yezidi Indigenous who have been in tent cities since 2017, because of Arab “Palestinian” violent racism – an Indigenous people which the UN utterly ignores, because Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialists’ lives matter MORE than SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lives!
All these Arab “Palestinian” deaths and humanitarian suffering are the United Nations’ crimes against humanity! UN crimes against Indigenous Jews, Druze, Kurds, Yezidi, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel and Kurdistan – and – UN crimes against Arab “Palestinian” children who are too young to be Arab Palestinian Hamas fighters for the Arab re-colonization of 1948 forcibly decolonized Israel. Though it is true that, through the UNRWA , these children are being definitely groomed to see Jews through the racist eyes of 1930’s Nazis, thus groomed for terrorist recruitment courtesy of the United Nations!
It is YOUR fault European and Arab nations for causing so much suffering, death, and terrorism upon SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands! Shame on you for forcing Israelis and Kurds to clean up your Colonial Arab-European settler occupation and violence mess! If Arabs, Turks, and Iranians lay down their weapons, there will be peace and prosperity upon the lands of Israel, Kurdistan, and Assyria. No more Arab Al Qaeda, Palestinian Hamas, Palestinian Lion’s Den, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Egyptian Hezbollah, etc, etc!
![Arab-European history revisionism that erases MENA Jews](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Polish_20231212_203810845.png?resize=1024%2C430)
The mother of modern Zionism was Gracia Mendes Nasi, who built the first modern Jewish community in Israel in 1558. The father of modern Zionism was Rabbi Yehuda Bibas, the scion of Moroccan rabbinical royalty, who traveled across Europe in 1839 to encourage Jews to make aliyah and reclaim Jerusalem. It was Jews Indigenous to Judea and Samaria and Jews who returned from Colonial Iraq and Yemen after Arab violence upon Jews and Jews who had already returned from the European diaspora that restored our Jewish land and waters sovereignty upon the land of Israel in the EARLY 1800’s in preparation for Zionism, decolonization from Arab-European settler Colonialism upon the Levant and Southwest Asia regions.
Theodor Herzl was born in 1860 up in the northern European diaspora, and he is wrongfully titled as “the father of Zionism”. While Theodor Herzl was writing books and holding conferences on Zionism, speaking in the Colonial language of our historic European oppressors, MENA Jews (Middle Eastern North African Jews) were preparing the land of Israel. Because MENA Jews were being allowed to decolonize under the new Ottoman rule, the Arabs – with British and French support – invaded the Jewish and Kurdish SWANA land region to re-occupy it for Colonial Allah-Christ dominionism.
This post-WW1 militarized British-Arab occupation of the land of Israel caused MENA Jews to smuggle in weapons into the “Palestine Mandate” to fight the Arab-European Colonial occupiers of the land of Israel. For near two decades, 5,000 MENA Jewish women and men freedom fought against the over 100,000 British-Arab troops for the liberation of Israel. During the 1930’s, the Arab settler occupiers of “Palestine” (only foreigners call the land of Israel “Palestine”) joined the German Nazi party, trying to spread the European Holocaust upon Jews throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In 1948, we MENA Jews successfully decolonized our SWANA Indigenous nation’s land!
Most of the Jews that survived the northern European diaspora Holocaust went to the United States and Canada for survival. This is why Israel’s Jewish population is majority Mizrahi-Sephardi to this very day. Perhaps you should learn the actual history of the Levant and Southwest Asia regions – not Arab-European history revisionisms that erases our Indigenous Judean presence upon the land of Israel. Don’t be an antisemite, go study easily verifiable history instead! Be the source of PEACE upon this Arab-European colonized world!
Suggest you read the article by Sapir Taib and Matthew Nouriel, JNS, Why are Mizrahi and Sephardic communities being misrepresented as anti-Israel?, May 1, 2022
The modern Palestinian Arab Nazism towards Indigenous Jews for simply existing had got to come to an end! It was enough that Arabs – even Arabs in Jerusalem – joined the European Nazi party’s effort to exterminate all Jews on the planet. It is enough that the Arab-European Colonial United Nations’ UNRWA Arab settler occupation program has been teaching Arab Nazism to Palestinian school children using German Nazism racist tropes about Jews. May the Kurds – whom Arabs call “second Israel” – forcibly decolonize their SWANA Indigenous land next, as Jews were forced to do in 1948, and in our lifetime!
![wabo Arab Palestinians are no different than wabo African Americans](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Polish_20231210_012048642.png?resize=701%2C1024)
Okay, “wabo” “waboism” has touched our Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy page. What is it? Do you know? Let’s address this uniquely “American” continents phenomenon – that causes some Indigenous peoples in “America” to hate Jews as “israhell”!
The short answer is that WABOism (WannA Be abOriginals) are “black” citizens of the United States who are pretending to be the Indigenous of the continents called “America”, by European settler Colonialists who enslaved “black” (African) people after they had already decimated the Indigenous peoples of these islands and continents (what some Indigenous call Michilimackinac, “Turtle Island”). Some pretend to be the “original Jews” or the “lost tribes of Israel”, as if Jewish Israel originated in Africa.
These WABO are also known as “Black Hebrew Israelites” in the United States, from which their Colonial European sect was born within, after USA “Emancipation”. They are NOT Jews! They are NOT Indigenous to the “American” continents! They suffer from a loss of identity directly because of USA “white” European settler Colonialism upon Michilimackinac! They are no different than the NOI (Nation of Islam)! Yet, Jews of the land of Israel are to be blamed by some Indigenous peoples of Michilimackinac for their identity theft appropriation behavior.
Is there no non-Jewish people that will refuse to go this route of Indigenous cultural appropriation that targets and demonizes the Jewish people of the land of Israel?!!!
![The UN votes to have Israel ceasefire before Arab Palestinian Hamas is defeated!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Polish_20231213_171407186.png?resize=782%2C1024)
The United States is so displeased that their puppet state of Israel is not following the USA Imperial agenda for the Middle East. Yes, those pesky SWANA Indigenous peoples – Jews, Kurds, Assyrians, etc(!) – making a mess of USA foreign policy to keep SWANA Indigenous nations’ lands settler occupied by the Arab “Palestinian” post-WW1 Colonialists.
So, you love Jews who are successfully colonized and know their social place in Arab-European Colonial societies. But, you hate it when forcibly decolonized Jews defend our ancestral land from Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialism. We MENA Jews who forcibly decolonized a portion of the land of Israel in 1948 are tired of the UNRWA enforced Arab “Palestinian” occupation of our decolonized land. Why?
These post-WW1 Arab settlers refuse to live peacefully upon our Indigenous Judean people’s land. For 104 years and still counting, they have terrorized Jews, Druze, Bedouins, Kurds, etc(!) – while pretending since 1964 to be the new ancient “Palestinian” indigenous upon all SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands! We Israelis refuse to be the dhimmi of Arabs ever again!
![gang raped, mutilated, and shot Israeli women courtesy of Arab Palestinian terrorists](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Polish_20231125_234111160.png?resize=756%2C1024)
Just a reminder, Arab Palestinian Hamas took their acts out of the playbook of ISIS and what they did to the Kurdish people occupied by the Arab Colonial nation Syria in 2014. (The only thing Hamas didn’t do, so we think so far, was to sell Israeli women as sex slaves to Arabs.) Arab Palestinian Hamas took their acts out of the playbook of the Nazi SS, who also cut body parts off of Jewish women and men while they were alive – to experiment upon them. (In this case, these Hamas terrorists played football with the body parts they cut off of their gang raped and still alive victims!)
These atrocities NEED to be heard worldwide!!! USA Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib , the first “Palestinian-American” in the U.S. Congress, praised the Oct 7th terrorist attack as “Palestinian” freedom fighting. But, we are supposed to believe that she does not know the actual meaning of “from the river to the sea”?! LOL! We SWANA Indigenous see you Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialists upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan, and we will fight you for Indigenous peace and freedom upon our ancestral lands.
![Hatikvah asks why the UN ignores Yezidi refugees](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Polish_20231217_172809591.png?resize=1024%2C926)
“Why is there no dedicated UN refugees Aid organization to help the Yazidis like UNRWA that finances and supports Palestinian refugees and their descendants for eternity?” … Because no SWANA Indigenous lives matter like post-WW1 Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialists’ lives. May the Kurds be the next SWANA Indigenous nation to forcibly decolonize, like Jews were forced to do in 1948 for literal Indigenous Judean people’s survival!
300,000 Yazidis are lingering in poor refugee camps in Iraq / Kurdistan since they suffered genocide and atrocities by ISIS in 2014. They have no hope for the future and no help from local governments, the UN and International Aid Organizations.
Yazidis are non muslims, but they are indigenous to the land where they lived in Iraq and Kurdistan for thousands of years.
Why there is no dedicated UN refugees Aid organization to help the Yazidis like UNRWA that finances and supports Palestinian refugees and their descendants for eternity?
We Jews of the land of Israel know that the mashiach – the “Messiah” – can only arrive when the majority of humans on planet Earth are on the side of the “sons of light” – not on the side of the “sons of darkness”. This has absolutely nothing to do with skin colors, but with simple morals – the value of minority lives over privileged lives, so as not to “forget Edom” (our minority brothers and sisters, whom we often have issues with!). This is what Arab-European Colonizers of this planet Earth DO NOT understand about still surviving Indigenous cultures around this planet Earth!
Land Back and Truth and Reconciliation Now !!!
The modern Palestinian Arab Nazism towards Indigenous Jews for simply existing had got to come to an end! It was enough that Arabs – even Arabs in Jerusalem – joined the European Nazi party’s effort to exterminate all Jews on the planet. It is enough that the Arab-European Colonial United Nations’ UNRWA Arab settler occupation program has been teaching Arab Nazism to Palestinian school children using German Nazism racist tropes about Jews. May the Kurds – whom Arabs call “second Israel” – forcibly decolonize their SWANA Indigenous land next, as Jews were forced to do in 1948, and in our lifetime!
![all indigenous peoples must shed their shucks for survival](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Polish_20231215_131638578.png?resize=712%2C1024)
Some people within the people are the shuck of the people, meant to be shed and thrown off. And this is okay, it is good! For the people will survive and remember our lost brothers and sisters, who had to be sacrificed for our Indigenous people’s survival. We humans are like corn or rice, we are part of the natural ecosystem!
This expression here has nothing to do with parentage, sectarian beliefs within a people, unfortunate deaths within the people, the failure to educate some of the people, or the ability of some within the people to be conforming with the majority of the people, etc! This expression is a lot deeper. It is genetically deeper, due to the human trauma that occurs under the extreme number of generations that an Indigenous people experiences persecution for simply existing in this human world.
1,600 years of Christian-Muslim oppression of Indigenous peoples has its toll in the physical genes of the oppressed peoples. It reaches the point where an Indigenous soul so wants to be the further progenitor of his people, but his/her physical genes are so scared that there is no further chance of procreation. Like plants, Indigenous humans need to shed their shucks. But, unlike plants, we Indigenous peoples long and seek to remember those who became lost progenitors for us, because of oppressive humans!
THIS is what it means to be an Indigenous people upon this planet Earth. The erased minority or revisioned minority beneath the minorities of modern worldwide Arab-European Colonial society life! And, in Indigenous peoples’ opposition, this is what it means to not be a “universal” worldwide Colonizer of this planet Earth for the glory of some god or ideology. There is more to this life than human hubris!
When will we still surviving Indigenous Peoples worldwide have a say to the rest of this human world?!!! When will the Arab-European Christ-Allah-Marx colonized world start to listen to Indigenous peoples still surviving upon this planet Earth?!!! Nature itself avoids a lack of diversity, … if only a few have observed this!!!!! … We Indigenous will keep the lights burning.
META Description : The sons of light are Jews, Kurds, etc! The sons of darkness are Arab Palestinians, Turks, and Iranians! Learn more about Arab Nazism here.
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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