The historical Jesus of Nazareth, the proto-rabbi Jew living in 1st century CE Roman occupied Judea, was an anti-Roman Zionist, an anti-Colonial Pharisee Zionist. Had he been alive in the 2nd century CE to see what Paul did to his teachings and how antisemitic Paul the Pharisee had become through living in the Aegean north, he would have been anti-Christian, too, for all the antisemitism in this northern Aegean created Colonial religion.
![Jesus is a Greek variant of Aramaic Yeshua - Yehoshua, Joshua](
Jesus of Nazareth was an anti-Roman Zionist activist. He preached humbleness when being wrongly labeled and he preached kicking the asses of those who are defiling our most sacred Jewish land areas. 1st century Jesus was later co-opted by northern Aegeans who were introduced to heretic Paul’s writings and Marcion of Sinope’s new and superior Gentile Jesus Christ.
In the first century CE, Jewish writers of the Koine Greek gospels of Mark and Matthew gave this historical Jewish proto-rabbi of Nazareth his name, “Jesus”. We actually do not know what this Jew’s actual name was in Aramaic. It could have been a totally different name! But, that is the nature of Jewish scribes. They know things. Like, Greek “Jesus” is derived from Aramaic Yeshua, which happens to appear similar to the Canaanite Hebrew word/name yeshua/Yehoshua. This is not “rocket science”, so let’s please stop denigrating the word skills of Koine Greek speaking Jews of the 1st century CE!
In the European Middle Ages, during anti-Jew Crusades to colonize the land of Israel for “Christ”, Jews were aware that the name “Jesus” translates as yeshua when Hebraicized. And because of Christian genocides targeting Jews, the writers of Ma’oz Tzur used this connection to both praise Y-HWH’s power to save the Jews and to curse upon Jesus and Christianity for this Colonial religion’s end – in one phrase, in one Sephardic Chanukah poem of Indigenous Judean people’s resistance!
Only post-20th century Christians call Jesus “Yeshua”, as an effort to graft in northern Aegean 4th invented Christianity as being somehow Hebrew. It was Jesus of Nazareth that was a Jew living in Judea. Many Jews had Greek names after the Greek occupation of the land of Israel. In the 1st century CE, Jews always called Jesus “Jesus”, according to his Greek name. In the 20th century CE, Christians appropriated a Canaanite Hebrew word/name to Hebraicized “Jesus” with – for proselytizing purposes. In our Canaanite Hebrew language, the word yeshua means “salvation”, “rescue”, “redemption”. The word yeshua/yehoshua is also used as a proper name and, when so, translates as “Y-HWH saves”.
![Jewish Jesus of Nazareth was a hardcore anti-Colonial Indigenous Judean Zionist - who resisted the Beast - aka, Colonial European and Arab Palestinians!](
The Palestinians of the ANE were the Felishti / Aegean “Philistines” (Felishti is the Canaanite Hebrew word from which “Palestinian” is derived from and means “foreigners, occupiers”). Then came the Greek Palestinians, then the Roman Palestinians, then the European Christian Palestinians, then the Arab Muslim Palestinians, then the post-1948 Arab “Palestinian people” land-squatting Palestinians. A Palestinian is a foreign occupier of our SWANA Indigenous Judean people’s land.
The first “Christians” were in the Aegean north during the 2nd century CE. It was Paul the Pharisee heretic and Marcion of Sinope that created Christianity. Prior to this, there was the Jesus of Nazareth Pharisee sect, that was fully Torah observant and Zionist (anti-Roman occupation of the land of Israel). He never once condemned Pharisaic Judaism. He only rejected certain proto-rabbis’ interpretations of Torah law, favoring his own interpretations. His interpretations were well intended, but wrong at times. Hence why later northern Christianity was able to twist his words 180 degrees and create an anti-Judaism Colonial religion from it.
![Ysoscher Katz shares Chagal art<](
It was Paul the Pharisee – who became Hellenized and, subsequently, devoutly antisemitic in the Aegean north – and Marion of Sinope with his seven letters of Paul and his new – very popular – theology of Jesus who were the creators of Christianity. Marcion of Sinope taught that Y-HWH god is a tribal deity, and that Jesus of Nazareth had revealed in his coming a totally new and superior god. He further taught early Aegean “Christians” that the Jewish writings do not prophesize of the coming of Jesus, and that a Jewish messiah is still in the future for Jews.
Amitai Adler’s take on the origins of Christianity is the Indigenous Jewish understanding: “I always try to make a distinction between the historical Jesus and the Jesus of Pauline theology, the one worshipped by Xians.
Reading between the lines of the synoptic gospels— especially in their oldest textual layers— one sees the teachings of someone who may have been heterodox or even heretical in his interpretations, and most likely was in serious error by believing himself to be the moshiach at least in potential; but not someone who confused himself with God, and not someone who taught the abrogation of the brit between God and Israel. It shows someone who uses narrative midrash in the style of the rabbanim, who drashes Torah in the style of the rabbanim; and even when his conclusions are clearly not compatible with what Chazal have taught us, one can see that often his errors arise from good intentions, a desire for kedushah, for rachmanut and chesed.
What I mean to say is that it seems reasonable to me to regard the historical Jesus with sympathy and understanding, even though we recognize that his teachings, if well-intended, erred in some of their conclusions, and he himself erred greatly in supposing himself to be the moshiach (which, after all, others have done also, and not all wickedly, such as Bar Kochba).
I personally believe that if the historical Jesus were to be shown the Pauline scriptures, and the theological writings of the Church Fathers that arose from them, he would be horrified.
Nonetheless, though the theological Jesus is, from a Jewish perspective, infinitely more troubling than the historical Jesus, I think it’s correct to say that while his religion is avodah zarah for Jews, it’s not idolatry per se for non-Jews. It can be misused as such, certainly, but that proves little, since there are even Jews who have misused Torah in such a way as to support midat Sedom, which is at least moral and ethical idolatry, if not idolatry mamash; and if benighted Jews can pervert even Torah against itself, kal vachomer benighted non-Jews could pervert that which is not Torah against its better nature. But I know too many Christians who are good people, devoted to justice and to raising up and protecting the poor and the vulnerable, and devoted to kavod habriyot, to ahavat chinam, for me to believe that the theological Jesus and the religion that is based around him is entirely without merit (for non-Jews, of course).”
Merry Christmas peaceful, benevolent, non-proselytizing, supporting Indigenous decolonization Christians. Prove Amitai and the rest of us Indigenous Judeans right! Bring peace to the Middle East by helping Israel to end Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialism and terrorism upon SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands.
![My Jewish Learning - Hanukkah and the Winter Solstice](
“As we have seen in our examination of Sukkot, the Mishnah goes out of its way to preserve the memory that “Our forebears turned toward the East, to the Sun. . .” and the torches of Sukkot, juggled by the Levites as they danced through Jerusalem, may have been reminders of the sun…. It is a short leap to surmising that the Syrian Greeks may have chosen the 25th of Kislev as a time to desecrate the Temple by making their own sacrifices there precisely because it was a time of solar and lunar darkness, the time of the winter solstice and the waning of the moon…. If we see Hanukkah as intentionally, not accidentally, placed at the moment of the darkest sun and darkest moon, then one aspect of the candles seems to be an assertion of our hope for renewed light.”
- Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Hanukkah and the Winter Solstice
“Don’t go to heaven, bring G-d down to Earth”, Rabbi Manis Friedman. Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew, a Zionist Jew looking to overthrow the Roman occupiers of the land of Israel. Jesus of Nazareth taught faithful following of Torah law in order to bring “G-d down to Earth “. … Now, Jesus Christ is a 4th century northern Aegean created idol, a god in flesh, created for a theology of “original sin” and “salvation” of individuals. A Colonial religion idea to convert the world to European Christianity. Because Jews refuse to accept and assimilate into this anti-Judaism religion, it was with Christianity that the racist anti-Jewish tropes that we hear today was invented in the 4th century CE. Jesus of Nazareth rejected idolatry, which is what a god in flesh is, when you worship him.
META Description : Only post-20th century Christians call Jesus “Yeshua”, so as to graft in northern Aegean invented Christianity as being somehow Hebrew.
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Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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