International Court of Justice, why is Indigenous Israel on trial for genocide? Why is Arab Palestinian HAMAS not on trial, too? Why no ICJ case for the targeted October 7th genocide by Arab Palestinians? Why is it that victimized Israelis – Jews and Israeli Arab citizens – will have to bring this case of Arab Palestinian HAMAS terroristic genocide to your floor ourselves, before ANY European or Arab Colonial nation seeks justice for Arab Palestinian crimes against Indigenous humanity upon our Southwest Asia lands of Israel and Kurdistan?! Why is it that only Arab “Palestinian” lives matter to the United Nations, and not the lives of SWANA Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, and Assyrians? We see your hate, UN of Arab-European Colonial nations, your hate for Indigenous peoples firsthand!
![The bloodied and suffering Israeli hostages of Arab Palestinian Hamas are on trial at the International Court of Justice!](
Tirana Hassan , South Africa , why is Arab Palestinian HAMAS not on trial, too? Why no ICJ case for October 7th? An actual Apartheid state, South Africa – LOL! – accuses Indigenous Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel (forcibly decolonized in 1948) – of genocide against the racist anti-Indigenous post-1948 Arab settler occupiers of Gaza and (what Jordan named) the “West Bank”, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964.
Tirana Hassan, Human Rights Watch, and South Africa , this whitewashing of Arab Palestinian Hamas crimes – who actually committed and wish to continue commiting a genocide upon all Israelis, Jews and non-Jews – minimizes the depraved acts of Hamas who invaded Israeli communities, raped, mutilated while alive, beheaded, tortured, stabbed/shot to death, and kidnapped innocent Israelis – black and white, old and young – on Oct 7th 2023.
Make no mistake: Today’s South Africa’s shameful case to the International Court of Justice is nothing but a blood libel defamation against Israel and has nothing to do with the pursuit of actual justice. This case is a shameful inversion of the truth – all while Hamas holds and abuses hostages – men, women, the elderly, and children – for three months. It is time to end this post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism upon the Indigenous Southwest Asia lands of Israel and Kurdistan for the sake of PEACE – Arab “Palestinians”, you reap now what you’ve racistly sowed for 104 years!
International Court of Justice, why is there no social justice for Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, and Assyrians of Southwest Asia and for Israeli/Iranian Arabs – who are occupied by racistly violent Arab “Palestinians”, Turkish, and Iranian post-WW1 Colonial nations?! When will you address all these depraved murders (over 300,000 and still counting, since 1920!), ethnic cleansings, enslavement of women, and genocide crimes against SWANA Indigenous humanity?!
![The Museum of Ancient Palestinian History](
African Americans, Hispanics , Latinos , do you have any idea how many still surviving Indigenous peoples/nations around this planet Earth that are watching Israel fight for decolonization and peace, and are actively supporting us for their own “Zionism”, for their Indigenous land back and self-sovereignty movement? NO! You don’t! … Why? Are you willing to ask this question?! We Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel – ask, because, we need the USA’s support!
Black people of the USA and other POCs, as “black” African “Americans”, you and others, like Hispanics/Latinos, are Colonizers of the “minority” kind that think they have some inherited social political relationship with anti-Colonial Indigenous peoples around this planet Earth. Worse, you can’t even get past the skin color sickness that was taught to you all by white European Christian Colonizers. So, you can’t comprehend (easily), sadly, that still surviving Indigenous Peoples around this planet Earth come in ALL skin colors and looks.
It’s that myopic USA worldview that I keep trying to awaken you to. In certain places of this world, like the Middle East, the racist Colonizers are brown skinned with all of their successfully colonized formerly Indigenous (think Egyptians, and Lebanese / Islamized Iranian light skinned). And, in certain places of this world, like the continents of Michilimackinac (“America”), the racist Colonizers are white skinned with all of their successfully colonized formerly Indigenous (think brown skinned Mexicanos). Further, think about the Sámi Reindeer people, the last still surviving Indigenous people of Europe, who are just trying to survive as an Indigenous people upon their land, like the rest of us Indigenous peoples worldwide!
The point that I am trying to make to you, African Americans, Hispanics , Latinos , is that you really were sold a lie by both Europeans and Arabs about this world. Even in your Western alma maters, your USA elite university schools, which (thanks to Qatar and other Arab benefactors) has paid for your influenced understanding of this world (for your professors’ Middle Eastern travel and business perks in return). Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! We Indigenous peoples of this world have no reason to lie to any individuals within the Arab-European Colonial nations! For every 1 Jew in this world, there are 533 non-Jews speaking for us Jews about us, and way too overwhelmingly loudly.
Worse, European nations rely on successfully colonized Jews to explain the SWANA (Southwest Asia) Middle East to your European and successfully colonized audiences. There ain’t nothing like an agreeable colonized voice, parroting exactly what you want to hear! Right, “y’all”? How authentic are their voices, compared to Indigenous ours? I’ve asked you how many times, now, to bring on Indigenous Jewish and Kurdish voices who will challenge your programmed worldview for the sake of real PEACE in the Middle East and the rest of this world! When will this start happening?…
What are the POC experts saying to African Americans – who are angry at or are concerned about President Joe Biden – about not giving away this election to established criminal Donald J Trump, all because many African Americans and other United States minorities are discouraging minorities to NOT vote for Biden – because he stands with Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) as we fight for all SWANA Indigenous peoples against this post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism upon “Palestine”, the lands of Israel and Kurdistan? You know, the Arab settler Colonialists who self-named themselves “Palestinians” in 1964 to claim imaginary “indigenous” status upon our Southwest Asia peoples’ lands? VOTE for Biden, all USA citizens!
If you wish to embrace and learn more, then Messenger me, please, and we will discuss privately this very complex world of ours. We Jews need Blacks and Latinx in the USA voting for a future for both the United States and SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands! And, in return, we all can help all still surviving Indigenous peoples’ lands. All of us IPs are just simply seeking peace and social justice upon our ancestral lands, full stop!
![Here, titled it for you. Native Americans dancing with Arab Conquistadors! ... Natives dancing with Conquistadors!](
Just call them Arab Colonizers, already. Only foreigners, non-indigenous, call the lands of Israel and Kurdistan “Palestine”. Before 1964, an Arab would have killed you for calling him a “Palestinian” or a “Canaanite”. Before 1964, these words meant Jews, specifically, and residents of “Palestine”, generally. The word “Palestinian” is an English version of our Jewish word Felishti, which means “foreigner, occupier”. We used this word to describe the BCE Aegean occupiers of Gaza, and the Arabs – being Canaanite Hebrew language illiterate – chose this word to describe themselves in 1964. Everyday these post-WW1 Arab settler occupiers upon Israel and Kurdistan call themselves “foreigners, occupiers” for us, and racistly proudly so. Yes, these Arab “Palestinians” are directly responsible for the creation of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq with the help of the British and French, and to this day Jordan, Syria, and Iraq are murdering Indigenous Kurds, Jews, Druze, etc!
For those who support Arab “Palestinian” settler occupation and terroristic “resistance” towards the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples that they occupy, it is sad that you choose anti-Indigenous racism over our SWANA peoples’ land back movements. Not surprising, though. Easily verifiable historical facts do not go away, just because Arab-European settler Colonialists prefer their ahistorical mythic histories and Indigenous erasures. We will survive you, Colonizers, still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial gods, languages, and governments for us. The Kurds will be the next successfully partially decolonized SWANA nation, we Jews and Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) will ensure this! Shalom.
Snapshot above: An online racist meme conflating Indigenous with Colonizer. The Middle East’s “white people” are Arabs! Here, titled it for you, Colonial #Palestine supporters. Thanks for the title suggestion, Joseph AmaHura RiverWind. #LandBack!
International Court of Justice, why is there no social justice for Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, and Assyrians of Southwest Asia and for Israeli/Iranian Arabs – who are occupied by racistly violent Arab “Palestinians”, Turkish, and Iranian post-WW1 Colonial nations?! When will you address all these depraved murders (over 300,000 and still counting, since 1920!), ethnic cleansings, enslavement of women, and genocide crimes against SWANA Indigenous humanity?!
![Genesis, Exodus, and the Composition of the Torah](
“📖 Torah provides deeper insights into G-d & humanity if we study it as: 1. Divinely dictated, and 2. Composed by humans.” This is the only way to look upon our Jewish ancestral literatures!
Correct! The Jewish people are a mixture of Indigenous Canaan peoples and immigrants added to our people. There are Indigenous Judean origin myths in our Canaanite Hebrew language Torah, scroll of Bereishit, that states clearly that Y-HWH created our Canaan peoples upon this Levant land. And there are Indigenous Judean origin myths, scroll of Sh’mot, that is based upon the stories of those who immigrated into our Canaan Judean land and those who returned from servitude in Hyksos ruled Egypt, after the reunification of Egypt under the Indigenous Egyptian rulers.
Jews (Israel) are a Canaanite people, along with the peoples of Edom, Moab (amongst them was our founding event), Ammon, and Phoenicia (the “Canaanites” in Torah). All spoke a Canaanite language that was mutually intelligible to all others, and the Canaanite Hebrew is the last surviving language. When it comes to genealogies in Torah, these names are representative of larger family groups, along with being the names used in our Jewish origin myths to teach Jews about our Indigenous selves. So, surety is never the case with origin stories, but it teaches us where to look in history for corresponding real life historical events.
![Jewish Zionism is land back movement in living action!](
For Indigenous peoples who are still occupied by the United States of Colonial “America”, take a lesson from Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples. This here, in this snapshot of Israel’s IDF leveling the terrorist territory of Gaza, is #LandBack movement in living action before this world! Yes, “Land Back”! The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations – for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous peoples’ lands around this planet Earth – are never going to allow an Indigenous people to peacefully decolonize amongst Arab and European Colonial nations.
Indigenous Peoples – Jews, Druze, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, Pueblos, Cherokee, Lakota, Navajo, Cree, Māoris, Hawaiians, etc, etc, etc(!), will never be allowed to PEACEFULLY decolonize! The United Nations, the UN of Arab-European Colonial nations, will never allow this. To allow even one Indigenous nation, like the Judean nation of Israel, to peacefully decolonize – no longer Arab and/or European occupied, terrorized, taxed, politically manipulated, repeatedly raped, individually or group murdered, and facing ever present genocide upon our people – literally threatens the supremacist, self-righteous, systemically racist, self-justification of Arab-European settler Colonialism upon this planet Earth.
Allowing even the Jewish nation of Israel, a SWANA Indigenous nation, to peacefully decolonize, this threatens their Arab-European Colonial supremacist worldwide impunity for their historic crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide! Their United Nations’ sins and crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide would have to be addressed, if Israel – if Indigenous Israeli citizens (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) – were allowed to peacefully decolonize in this 21st century CE, now that we forcibly decolonized back in 1948 a portion of our ancestral land for literal Indigenous Judean people’s survival!
Wake up supporters of #Palestine, for #PalestinianLivesMatter if they are Indigenous Southwest Asia lives! You know, those unheard of Indigenous peoples who are occupied and terrorized – year after bloody year – by the UNRWA funded Colonial Arab “Palestinian” settler occupation force – a reality, since 1919, imposed upon SWANA Indigenous peoples by Arab, British, and French militarized occupation and subsequent Arab settler Colonialism upon the SWANA Indigenous lands of Israel and Kurdistan to divide our lands into modern post-WW1 Arab Colonial nations! You know, the nations of Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and Iran….
![Israel to tell Blinken Palestinians can't return to North Gaza without hostage deal](
“Gaza, it’s another ‘nakba’”, the Arab and European supporters of Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialism will say! … Hi, racist Arab and European settler Colonialists for enforced Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide! We anti-Colonial Indigenous peoples, starting with the Jews and Kurds, will fight you every day for our peaceful decolonizations amongst your Colonial nations and for our freedom from your moral-less, rapey, depraved terrorisms and genocides upon our Indigenous peoples. It doesn’t matter what ahistorical lies you spit back at us to demonize us, Arab-European Colonizers, we will survive you – no matter the cost – and the easily verifiable historical facts that we teach will not go away! It is time to end Arab-European settler Colonialism upon this planet Earth!
These same post-WW1 Arab settlers, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964, occupy Kurdistan, as well. Since 1920, these Arab “Palestinians” have murdered 300,000 Indigenous Kurds, and sold many of their women into sex slavery to other Arabs. The only reason that Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens)* have not faced this same fate since 1948, until 2023, is because of our forced decolonization and resolute IDF. We MENA Jews forcibly decolonized our land of Israel in 1948 for literal Indigenous Judean people’s survival from racistly violent Arab-European settler Colonialism! And it is way past time that we Israelis forcibly remove all Arab “Palestinian” settlers that are generational land-squatting solely to end our Indigenous nation’s security and sovereignty! … Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks.
A serious response here! If Arab “Palestinians”, Turks, and Iranians lay down their anti-Indigenous racisms and weapons, there will be peace upon the lands of Israel, Kurdistan, Balochistan, and Assyria! It is time for this racist post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism to come to an end upon Southwest Asia Indigenous nations’ lands. #landback and #truthandreconciliation for Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples, for Kurds and Jews, that are occupied by post-WW1 Arab #Palestine ! All Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples know firsthand that #PalestinianLivesMatter only if they are post-WW1 Arab Colonizers’ lives – nevermind Indigenous Jews, Druze, Kurds, Balochs, and Assyrians who, apparently, don’t exist in the United Nations’ worldview. We will survive you, and keep fighting you, Arab-European Colonialists, until you choose peace upon the lands of Israel, Kurdistan, and Assyria!
(above) * – Israel has as citizens near two million Arabs who were not successfully expelled by Arab armies during the Arab created “nakba” – the 5 Arab armies’ 10 month siege to eradicate the decolonized Independent Judean nation of Israel. These Arabs are doctors, teachers, court judges, politicians, entrepreneurs, and also fight with Jews in our IDF to ensure our continued successful Zionism. May the Kurds, whom Arabs call “second Israel” and are also post-WW1 Arab “Palestinian” occupied, be the next SWANA Indigenous nation to forcibly decolonize a portion of their ancestral land, like Jews were forced to do in 1948 for literal Indigenous Judean people’s survival from racistly violent British-Arab militarized occupation! All Indigenous Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel and these racist land-grabbing post-1948 Arab political land-squatters, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964, know that the only Apartheid in Israel is the Islamic Apartheid that keeps Jews away from their Al-Aqsa “Mount Rushmore” mosque upon our most sacred area of land!
International Court of Justice, why is there no social justice for Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, and Assyrians of Southwest Asia and for Israeli/Iranian Arabs – who are occupied by racistly violent Arab “Palestinians”, Turkish, and Iranian post-WW1 Colonial nations?! When will you address all these depraved murders (over 300,000 and still counting, since 1920!), ethnic cleansings, enslavement of women, and genocide crimes against SWANA Indigenous humanity?!
![Blinken rejects Israeli calls to forcibly displace Palestinians from Gaza](
The United States of Colonial “America” is complicit in crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide, to include the UNRWA funded Arab settler occupation and terrorisms upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous land of Israel. (Israelis are Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel.) If the USA and United Nations were to actually allow Israelis a full and peaceful decolonization upon our ancestral land, then these racist post-WW1 Arab occupiers of Gaza and the “West Bank” would NOT be dying! Arab-European settler Colonialists do NOT have land rights upon decolonized Indigenous nation’s land – and, especially, not these 104 year and counting Arab settler occupiers upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan, who are fanatically murdering Jews, Druze, Kurds, and Israeli Arabs – year after bloody year!
The reason for the UNRWA funded eternal multi-generational “Palestinian refugees” program is to keep Israel forever occupied by Colonizers. The UNRWA is funding Colonial occupation and terrorism, purposefully! And, if the USA-UN stops funding and allows Indigenous Israelis a full and peaceful decolonization, then the Indigenous Kurds who are also occupied by post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964, could righteously make the same demand for peaceful decolonization to the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations (for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands, whether they want this United States, United Nations, Saudia Arabia land occupation or not)!
We Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, etc, will never lay down our weapons until the post-WW1 Arab “Palestinian” Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, and the Turks, and Iranians STOP their terrorism and genocides upon SWANA Indigenous peoples! Let us decolonize amongst you in peace – or there will never be peace for you Arab-European Colonizers!
META Description : International Court of Justice, why no cases seeking social justice for Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, and Assyrians?
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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