ONLY the USA and other European and Arab Colonial nations demand a “two-state” solution between Indigenous Israelis and Arab settler Colonialists upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Judean land! President Joe Biden, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas didn’t have to engage in pay-for-slay and martyrdom terrorism for the last 6 decades. This racistly violent post-WW1 Arab settler occupation and terrorism, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964, upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan to deny Israel a peaceful decolonization must come to an end! We Indigenous Israelis say “No!” to an Arab Colonial “Palestine” nation upon decolonized Indigenous Judean land!
![A two-state solution is an Arab-European Colonial lie to all Indigenous Peoples worldwide!](
The United States and the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations demand that Indigenous Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel – accept a “two-state solution” between Indigenous Israelis and Arab settler colonized “Palestine” upon our freedom fought 1948 forcibly decolonized land of Israel. The justification for this is that legitimizing a Colonial “Palestine” nation upon decolonized Israeli land – the Gaza and “West Bank” Arab occupied parts – will bring peace and stability to this Southwest Asia region. This is a European and Arab deceptive LIE, folks!
For Israel to accept an Arab Colonial “Palestine” nation upon decolonized Indigenous Israeli land is for Israel to accept unending United Nations legitimized post-WW1 Arab settler occupation and terrorism upon the SWANA Indigenous lands of Israel and Kurdistan. The Arab “Palestinians” have never wanted a two-state solution, because their goal was and still is to this day a racist Apartheid one-state Arab Colonizer solution “from the river to the sea”.
After 75 years of racistly violent Jordanian, Syrian, Egyptian, and Lebanese “Palestinian resistance” to Indigenous Israeli Zionism – our land back movement, decolonization and self-sovereignty – the post-WW1 Arab/Muslim settlers, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964, will never stop trying to colonize Israel for Arab Caliphate and Colonial Allah dominionism and glory! You are a fool committed to continued racism and terrorism upon Indigenous peoples, if you believe otherwise. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
![Nelson Mandela's fight is still the Indigenous Israeli fight!](
It was surrounding Arab nations that chased out half of their post-WW1 Arabs settlers upon the Indigenous land of Israel in 1948 through 1949, their “nakba” siege to conquer Israel.
Indigenous “Palestinians” are Israel’s Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens. No amount of Arab-European racist anti-Indigenous history revisions and inversions changes actual lived history!
It was the post-WW1 Arab, British, and French established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan and Syria, along with Egypt that created “the occupation” and “Apartheid” upon 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Judea, the land of the people of Israel! Israelis are Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel.
You do not get “indigenous” status by conquering the lands of Israel and Kurdistan to oppress and terrorize the actual Indigenous peoples of these lands, Arab/Muslim settlers (self-named “Palestinians” since 1964)!
Nelson Mandela’s fight is still the Indigenous Israeli fight! Those indoctrinated into anti-Indigenous racism, learn easily verifiable historical facts! #southafrica #NelsonMandela #Apartheid #truthandreconciliation #ApartheidIsrael does not exist! #PalestinianLivesMatter only when Indigenous Israeli lives – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel – and Indigenous Kurdish lives matter upon Arab settler occupied Southwest Asia. We SWANA Indigenous peoples demand #LandBack from #Palestine Colonialism!
![Arab Palestinian settler occupation and terrorisms funded by the UNRWA anti-Indigenous colonization program for a two-state solution.](
The United Nations funded the Arab Palestinian terror tunnels under Gaza. The United Nations funded the terrorist training schools and military grade weapons of Arab Palestinian HAMAS. The United Nations funded the UNRWA school books to turn each generation of Arab Palestinians into martyrs for Colonial Allah’s destruction of Indigenous Israel for having forcibly decolonized in 1948. (Israelis are Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel!)
Ever since the “nakba” 5 Arab armies 10 month siege, in 1948 into 1949, to eradicate Israel, and Jordan’s and Egypt’s 18+ years of occupation upon (what Jordan named) the “West Bank” and upon Gaza, the United Nations has been funding these post-1948 Arab political land-squatters upon our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Israeli land, these Arab self-named “Palestinians” since 1964. (Palestinians are Colonial Jordanian, Colonial Syrian, Lebanese, and Colonial Iraqi Arabs! This is why Egypt doesn’t want “Palestinians” in Egypt, anymore than Israel wants them on our 1948 decolonized land.)
Zuheir Mohsen, زهير محسن, PLO leader, 1977: “There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are part of one people, the Arab nation. Look, I have relatives with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenships. We are one people. Only for political reasons do we carefully subscribe to our Palestinian identity. Indeed, it is of national importance for the Arabs to encourage the existence of the Palestinians in the face of Zionism [Jewish forced decolonization of a third of the land of Israel from British-Arab occupation in 1948 for non-Arab Jewish sovereignty]. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is only there for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new means of continuing the struggle against Israel [her very decolonized existence] and for Arab unity…. Once we have acquired all our rights in all of Palestine, we must not delay for a moment the reunification of Jordan and Palestine.” – quoted in “Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden,” Dutch newspaper Trouw, March 31, 1977, Zuheir Mohsen, زهير محسن, Palestinian leader of (pro-Syria) As-Sa’iqa Ba’athist faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) between 1971 and 1979
![Jews are Indigenous to Israel and Indigenous peoples worldwide know this!](
For those who don’t quite get what is happening in #Gaza #Palestine through the Jewish people, as an extreme minority worldwide, and, specifically, through all Indigenous Israeli citizens of Israel (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arabs) who are freedom fighting for real peace and security, the explanation is found in our longest version of the Exodus story that is in our Jewish Torah. This version of the Exodus story is directly related to the present Israeli ( #IsraelPalestine , #IsraelHamasWar ) crisis, for historically it was all peoples of the lands of Canaan that were under 430 years of Egyptian occupation. Those peoples were the Canaan nations of Moab, Judah-Israel, Edom, Ammon, and Phoenicia (the “Canaanites” in our Jewish Torah).
It was the Indigenous freedom fight for the liberation of Israel in the 1930s through 1940s by MENA Jews that created our present native Israeli nation of Israel, our successfully decolonized modern Jewish nation of Israel in 1948, which was a decolonization from post-WW1 British-Arab militarized occupation. As a punishment for Jews forcibly decolonizing – for literal post-WW1 and post-WW2 Indigenous Judean people’s survival – it was our neighboring Arabized Egypt that occupied the Gaza part of our decolonized land of Israel for 18+ years. And, post-WW1 Arab Colonial nation Jordan occupied what they named the “West Bank” for the same number of years.
Yasser Arafat, the creator of the 1960s “Palestinian people” with the help of the USSR and the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations, was a Cairo born Egyptian and, also, an Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist. Yasser Arafat, the Egyptian turned USSR KGB recruit, set the stage of Arab-European United Nations disinformation, lies, and history revisionisms that have led to the present destruction of large parts of Gaza in this 21st century CE! These Arab Palestinians who fight as HAMAS terrorists are devoted to Hamas, because Hamas is an offshoot of the Egyptian Brotherhood – the same Islamist philosophy. This is why Egypt doesn’t want “Palestinians” in their land, anymore than Israel does. They have their own terrorism problems!
Now, for all the “two-state” pundits and their ignorant supporters who demonize Indigenous Israelis for our resistance to post-1948 Arab settler occupation – yes, these Arabs who self-named themselves “Palestinians” in 1964 for anti-Indigenous Arab Colonial reasons:
To accept this post-WW1-created Arab settler Colonialism upon Southwest Asia – this Arab settler occupation of Israel and Kurdistan and their racist terrorisms targeting our SWANA Indigenous peoples – would be to voluntarily be enslaved by the historic leaders of Egypt, by the modern Hamas Pharoahs who have brought the maschit wrath of Y-HWH upon their Gazan people! The moral of this present modern history struggle between Indigenous peoples and our wannabe aboriginal Arab “Palestinian” Colonizers is this: Never mess with the unseen G-d of still surviving Indigenous peoples, Arab-European Colonizers for Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous lands of this planet Earth! Let us Indigenous peoples peacefully decolonize amongst you, so there is peace upon this planet Earth amongst human beings!
Learn more about “the Jews”! D’var Torah Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – #landback #UNICEF #UNRWA for #PalestinianLivesMatter only when SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lives matter, and none of them are Arab Colonizers of Southwest Asia!
![The United Nations response to Indigenous Israelis and Kurds is See no Israel and Kurdistan, hear no Israel and Kurdistan, and speak no Israel and Kurdistan - speak Colonial two-state solution!](
It’s never been about Jews versus Arabs! It’s always been about Indigenous peoples versus regional and worldwide Colonizers of this planet Earth! Today’s Colonizers are Arab/Muslim, European/Christian, Turkish, and Iranian racistly anti-Indigenous occupiers of Indigenous peoples’ lands!
We Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, Sámi, Pueblos, Cherokee, Lakota, Navajo, Anishinaabe, Wampanoag, Taino, Cree, Māori , Kanaka o’ Hawai’i (Hawaiians), etc(!) cannot make this violent history of human beings upon this planet Earth ANY more simpler to understand than this.
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! Colonizers, please, war amongst yourselves for supremacist racist dominance until one of you has achieved totalitarian victory. But, leave all Indigenous Peoples’ to our peaceful and secure decolonization upon our ancestral lands during your majorities process to maturity!
Mark these words now. So long as we Indigenous peoples continue to be involved in your conflicts, there will never be peace upon this planet Earth, full stop! STOP terrorizing our Indigenous peoples AND your Arab Colonizer own, please! We hate your ignorance and indifference to us, full stop. We don’t want you Colonial Arab-European “two-state solution” for our decolonized Indigenous peoples!
![Matthew Nouriel, a Mizrahi Jew, explains peaceful coexistence!](
Colonial supremacy, whether it is Arab or European, needs to lie about history, in order to claim an imagined peaceful coexistence between Colonial victimizer and colonized Indigenous victims, in some distant history. Well, not too distant! Back before 20th century CE modern “land back” and “civil rights” movements began creating social disturbances and, subsequently, whiny grievances for the privileged citizens of Arab-European Colonial nations. All because of the existence of a miracle in this successfully Arab-European colonized world.
That miracle is the forcibly decolonized nation of Israel, which has ended the vulnerable dhimmi/ghetto status of Indigenous Jews all around this planet Earth, has inspired neighboring Indigenous nations to take up arms against the Colonial oppressors, and is the greatest example of former victimized minorities – subjects of statelessness, severe taxation, Colonial laws designed to punish any semblance of equalness, rapes and genocides, ethnic cleansing, and Apartheid – gaining real national independence and equal status, enough to successfully challenge the systemic Arab-European settler Colonialism that has hold over this world.
So, Arabs and Europeans wail their tropes of demonization to the world – how all we humans, Colonizers and colonized together, used to be so “at peace” with each other – until the emergence of Israel, modern Indigenous Israel, to take on this systemic abusive, appropriating, dehumanizing Colonialism upon all Indigenous peoples’ lands. So, the privileged citizens of Arab-European Colonial nations blame their social woes squarely on the Jews, on Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel), as a punishment for having forcibly decolonized a portion of our ancestral land in 1948 and refusing to accept the subsequent post-1948 Arab settler occupation upon the Gaza and “West Bank” parts of our decolonized Indigenous Israel – the last ditch Arab-European attempt to re-colonize this anti-Colonial Israeli nation!
Let Matthew Nouriel, a Mizrahi Jew, explain #dhimmi #israel #jewish #mizrahi #sephardi #jewishhistory #middleeast and the history of Arab settler Colonialism to you!
![Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu speaks for the majority of Indigenous Israelis, not for just himself!](
Hey, Western news outlets, Benjamin Netanyahu is not Israel (as a whole) and speaks only for the majority of Indigenous Israeli citizens! Indigenous Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel – do NOT vote for individual politicians. Israelis vote for a preferred political party, knowing full well ahead of time who will lead each of these political parties. The leader of the party that gets the most votes in an Israeli election gets to form a coalition government compromised of multiple political parties. Thus,…
When Benjamin Netanyahu speaks, he speaks for his elected political party and for the coalition government that is keeping his political party in power. So, listen closely: When Benjamin Netanyahu says “NO” to an Arab Colonial “Palestinian” nation upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Judean people’s land, this is the majority of Indigenous Israelis saying “NO” to an Arab Colonial “Palestinian State”. There are zero elected governments in Israel that got to power over the people by the minority’s vote. That rule by minority vote for a political candidate or a dictator is a United States corrupt political system, full stop!
The coalition government of Israel is a fragile alliance, and this is by deliberate design. If the Likud party’s coalition ends – Likud is Netanyahu’s political party that was voted in by Israeli majority vote – then elections begin all over again, and there is no waiting! The only issue Israelis have with Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership is his failure to take the threat of these non-citizen Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatters seriously – thus, allowing a 10/7 Arab Palestinian HAMAS genocide to happen – while also getting Israelis into a verbal civil war over how to fix our rogue and broken national court system!
![A 480 percent growth in Arab Palestinian numbers since 1950 is not a genocide!](
Because easily verifiable historical facts really do matter: For 74 years, the post-WW1 Arab settlers upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964, have been daily humanized and their racist occupation and terrorisms funded by the United States and United Nations. For 74 years, Indigenous Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel – and Indigenous Kurds have been consistently dehumanized, demonized, stereotyped, and terrorized by the USA and UN for the glory of Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx dominionism upon the Southwest Asia Indigenous lands of Israel and Kurdistan.
But, antisemitic racists do not give a damn about the sufferings of Arab occupied SWANA Indigenous peoples. 300,000 dead Indigenous Kurds, since 1920, at the hands of Arab “Palestinians” and zero world outcry – for Indigenous Kurdish lives don’t matter. Indigenous Israelis defend ourselves from Arab “Palestinian” terrorism, and the world is enraged that Arab occupiers are being uprooted by an Indigenous Judean nation.
The 1,200 dead Jew and Arab Israelis on Oct 7th, 2023, at the hands of Arab “Palestinians” and zero world outcry – for Indigenous Israeli lives don’t actually matter. All Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples know that #PalestinianLivesMatter ONLY if they are these post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists’ lives, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964! We Israelis will do everything we can to help Arab “Palestinian” occupied Kurds to forcibly decolonize – no matter what they must do to achieve this. It is time to end Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialism upon Southwest Asia!
Blaming Israel for cleaning up the United States’ and United Nations’ “Palestinian” sins, does not absolve the UN of direct responsibility for this crime against Indigenous and childhood humanity! Folks, please don’t become a pro-Palestinian anti-Indigenous racist. These Arab “Palestinian”, Israeli, and Kurdish deaths are on your hands for this! … And, we really wish, Western Arab-European news reporters and hosts, that you would STOP labeling indigenous Jews as “racist” towards Arabs. There is no such thing as reverse racism, Arab-European Colonizers of this planet Earth! To say that Jews/Israelis are racist towards Arab “Palestinian” Colonizers, is no different than saying that “black” African Americans are racist towards “white” Christian Colonizers.
META Description : A “two-state solution” is an Arab-European Colonial lie to all Indigenous Peoples worldwide! Nelson Mandela’s fight for an anti-Apartheid South Africa is still the Indigenous Israeli fight for an anti-Colonial decolonized Israel!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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