When Malcolm X uttered his consequential 1964* speech that included the words, “our problem is your problem”, he was not talking to the “white people” of the United States of Colonial “America”. Like now in this 21st century, they would not hear his words. Rather, he was making a speech of alliance to Indigenous peoples, specifically to Africans suffering from Colonial European Apartheid upon African Indigenous peoples’ lands. We SWANA Indigenous peoples – Jews, Druze, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, etc(!) – hear Malcolm X’s words, too! It is true that black history is indigenous peoples’ history, also. So, let us learn why! Shall we?!!!
![Malcolm X giving speech to South Africa Indigenous in 1964](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/FB_IMG_1707012539561.jpg?resize=960%2C562)
History is not an enigma, folks! It is a spiral repetition of similar events that are occuring between those who have social privilege and those who do not have social privilege. Quibble all you want over minute details of this, but this does NOT change our minority peoples’ lived histories! For example, regarding the above…
*Note, 1964, the year that Malcolm X gave his speech to Indigenous Africans who are traumatized by Colonial “white/European” South Africa Apartheid, is the very same year that the “white/European” Soviet Union, the USSR, invented through their KGB *both* the National Liberation Army of Bolivia, with Ernesto “Che” Guevara at its leader, and the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية Munaẓẓamat at-Taḥrīr al-Filasṭīniyyah), with whom Cairo born Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist Yasser Arafat became the leader of through “white” European KGB recruitment and grooming!
Further, please note another two self-evident historical facts:
It was the Soviet Union, the USSR, through their PLO occupation force that declared to the United Nations, in the 1970’s, that Zionism – the Jewish land back and self-sovereignty movement – is “racism” towards “Arab” Colonizers of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands. It was also the USSR that invented the idea of Israel being an “Apartheid” state like South Africa, as part of its misinformation campaign targeting Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) for our resolute Israeli resistance to re-colonization and, hoped for, to weaken U.S. support for Israel’s national survival.
Pay attention to the name that these post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists upon the SWANA Indigenous lands of Israel and Kurdistan gave to themselves, when forming the PLO and its fictitious “Palestinian people” with the KGB in 1964. “Filastiniyah” – “Palestinian” in English – is a Canaanite Jewish word for the northern Aegean invaders of our Gaza portion of our Southwest Asia (Levant) Canaan Judean land of Israel. This word Felishti – “Palestinian” – literally means in our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ Canaan language “those who rolled in”, in other words “invaders”, “foreigner” occupiers upon our Canaan Judean (Jewish) peoples’ land!
Folks, easily verifiable historical facts don’t disappear, no matter how much racistly anti-Indigenous Colonial propaganda is served to Arab-European Colonial subservients (“citizens”)! We surviving vulnerable Indigenous Peoples of this world have no reason to lie to you!!! Black history in the Colonial United States of “America” is ALSO Indigenous peoples’ history, too, planet Earth-wide! So, back to Malcolm X’s speech to a South Africa Indigenous peoples, read below what he had to say!
![Kaumatua Patrick Tupoto Manawakaiaia Ruka explains the meaning of Taketake](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/FB_IMG_1707174373503.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
Malcolm X’s words to South Africa (Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, etc) in 1964 is now Malcolm X’s words to African Americans regarding Southwest Asia (Israel and Kurdistan):
“Your [South Africa] problems will never be fully solved until and unless ours [African American’s] are solved.”…
Likewise, “Your [African American desegregation] problems will never be fully solved until and unless ours [Indigenous Peoples’ decolonization problems] are solved. You will never be fully respected [African Americans] until and unless we [Indigenous Jews and Kurds] are also respected [upon our Southwest Asia lands, no more UN funded Arab settler Colonialism and Apartheid (ethnic cleansing)!]. You will never be recognized [African Americans] as free human beings until and unless we [Indigenous Peoples worldwide, including here under the rule of Colonial America] are also recognized and treated as human beings. Our problem is your problem.”
Every day and every month is “Black History” month! Every day and every month is “Indigenous History” month! Let’s bring an end to Arab-European settler Colonialism and historical ignorance.
Now, read the whole theme of Malcolm X’s speech to understand why this is so. (Hint, all roads lead to the United States, like all roads lead to Iran!):
The African continent’s struggle is also the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ struggle (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, ethnic Persians, etc, etc!) Let’s expand that quote here, and PLEASE listen carefully to the echo of our SWANA Indigenous voices who have experienced firsthand this Arab-European Colonial Apartheid and endless terrorisms upon our peoples!:
“Our problems are your problems. We have lived for over three hundred years in that American den of racist wolves in constant fear of losing life and limb. Recently, three students from Kenya were mistaken for American Negroes and were brutally beaten by the New York police. Shortly after that two diplomats from Uganda were also beaten by the New York City police, who mistook them for American Negroes.
If Africans are brutally beaten while only visiting in America, imagine the physical and psychological suffering received by your brothers and sisters who have lived there for over three hundred years.
Our problem is your problem. No matter how much independence Africans get here on the mother continent, unless you wear your national dress at all time when you visit America, you may be mistaken for one of us and suffer the same psychological and physical mutilation that is an everyday occurrence in our lives.
Your problems will never be fully solved until and unless ours are solved. You will never be fully respected until and unless we are also respected. You will never be recognized as free human beings until and unless we are also recognized and treated as human beings.
Our problem is your problem. It is not a Negro problem, nor an American problem. This is a world problem, a problem for humanity. It is not a problem of civil rights, it is a problem of human rights.
We pray that our African brothers have not freed themselves of European colonialism only to be overcome and held in check now by American dollarism. Don’t let American racism be “legalized” by American dollarism.
America is worse than South Africa, because not only is America racist, but she is also deceitful and hypocritical. South Africa preaches segregation and practices segregation. She, at least, practices what she preaches. America preaches integration and practices segregation. She preaches one thing while deceitfully practicing another. South Africa is like a vicious wolf, openly hostile toward black humanity. But America is cunning like a fox, friendly and smiling, but even more vicious and deadly than the wolf.”
Malcolm X’s Speech to The African Summit Conference (August 21, 1964)
Note, the Arab Colonial world preaches segregation and practices segregation. Oh, 22 Arab nations across the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and Africa, where are your ethnically cleansed Jews? In Israel, of course! The United States preaches integration and practices segregation. She preaches one thing while deceitfully practicing another. This is why Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) and Indigenous Kurds have achieved zero peaceful decolonizations of our ancestors’ lands, since the Arabs with the British and French invaded during WW1 to divide our SWANA lands into racistly violent and oppressive Arab Colonial nations!
![Colonial Jordan Colonial Syria and Colonial Iraq are post-WW1 Arab created Arab Palestinian occupying nations upon Southwest Asia](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Polish_20240202_213019726.png?resize=1024%2C711)
The mother of modern Zionism was Gracia Mendes Nasi, who built the first modern Jewish community in Israel in 1558. The father of modern Zionism was Rabbi Yehuda Bibas, the scion of Moroccan rabbinical royalty, who traveled across Europe in 1839 to encourage Jews to make aliyah and reclaim Jerusalem. It was Jews Indigenous to Judea and Samaria and Jews who returned from Colonial Iraq and Yemen after Arab violence upon Jews and Jews who had already returned from the European diaspora that restored our Jewish land and waters sovereignty upon the land of Israel in the EARLY 1800’s in preparation for Zionism, decolonization from Arab-European settler Colonialism upon the Levant and Southwest Asia regions.
Theodor Herzl was born in 1860 up in the northern European diaspora, and he is wrongfully titled as “the father of Zionism”. While Theodor Herzl was writing books and holding conferences on Zionism, speaking in the Colonial language of our historic European oppressors, MENA Jews (Middle Eastern North African Jews) were preparing the land of Israel. Because MENA Jews were being allowed to decolonize under the new Ottoman rule, the Arabs – with British and French support – invaded the Jewish and Kurdish SWANA land region to re-occupy it for Colonial Allah-Christ dominionism.
This post-WW1 militarized British-Arab occupation of the land of Israel caused MENA Jews to smuggle in weapons into the “Palestine Mandate” to fight the Arab-European Colonial occupiers of the land of Israel. For near two decades, 5,000 MENA Jewish women and men freedom fought against the over 100,000 British-Arab troops for the liberation of Israel. During the 1930’s, the Arab settler occupiers of “Palestine” (only foreigners call the land of Israel “Palestine”) joined the German Nazi party, trying to spread the European Holocaust upon Jews throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In 1948, we MENA Jews successfully decolonized our SWANA Indigenous nation’s land!
Most of the Jews that survived the northern European diaspora Holocaust went to the United States and Canada for survival. This is why Israel’s Jewish population is majority Mizrahi-Sephardi to this very day. Perhaps you should learn the actual history of the Levant and Southwest Asia regions – not Arab-European history revisionisms that erases our Indigenous Judean presence upon the land of Israel. Don’t be an antisemite, go study easily verifiable history instead! Be the source of PEACE upon this Arab-European colonized world!
Snapshot above: The Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq were all created after WW1, with the help of the British and French, all because Indigenous Jews were decolonizing our land for Zionism – Indigenous Sovereignty – in the 1800’s!
It was the League of Nations, invented after WW1, which is now known, since WW2, as the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations that formed the Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, Arab nations that were conceived between Arabia royals and the British-French. This is why Jordanian royals can marry Saudi Arabia royals – and the British royals can attend their weddings – because the Jordanian and Saudi royals are all part of the same extended Arabia royal families.
![Willie Smith was a 1920 Jewish Jazz legend, and should be learned about during black history month!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Polish_20240206_015657987.png?resize=829%2C1024)
A Guide for the Perplexed: Real Life Indigenous Jewish history, and How We Jews are Still Around today….
“Willie “the Lion” Smith, was Jewish. Smith’s New York birth record shows him as William H. Bertholf, with father, Frank Bertholf, an electrician from nearby Monroe, New York. Smith became at least somewhat conversant in Yiddish and studied Hebrew with children of a Jewish family who were clients of his mother’s. He made his bar mitzvah at age thirteen in Newark. His mother, Ida Oliver, had “Spanish, Negro, and Mohawk Indian blood”.”
Wikipedia does have useful Indigenous peoples’ information, if you are willing to learn about life. Just saying! We only wish as Indigenous peoples that we had a Colonial privileged audience to express to, “white” (Arab-European) or “black” (everyone else!). Every day and every month is “Black History” month! Every day and every month is “Indigenous History” month! Let’s bring an end to Arab-European settler Colonialism and historical ignorance.
So that we don’t need a #BlackHistoryMonth ! Nor an #IndigenousHistoryMonth , nor a #JewishHistoryMonth , nor a ….
![Taíno Indigenous history is Jewish Indigenous history too!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Polish_20240207_173145497.png?resize=1024%2C842)
The Taíno of the Caribbean were the first Indigenous people to encounter the Spaniards – aka, the Conquistadors – when Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492 to colonize these islands for gold extraction. By 1504, the Indigenous Taíno were the first to experience mass genocide and subjugation of their people. Along with them were Sephardi Jews who had fled from the Spanish Inquisition to what Europeans called the Caribbean islands and America continents.
It is not uncommon at all to find Caribbean and South American Indigenous with Sefardi DNA, nor to find North American Indigenous with Sefardi and Ashkenazi DNA, from the intermarriages between these stateless Southwest Asia Indigenous Jews and the Indigenous peoples who are still to this day occupied by Colonial “America”.
Even though most of the Sephardi Jews that were ethnically cleansed from the Iberian Peninsula returned to the Levant, Middle East, North Africa, or settled within Ottoman Southeastern Europe, the impact of this Christian expulsion of Jews is felt throughout the islands and continents of European colonized “America”. Prior to WW2, the majority of the Jewish extreme minority population of Michilimackinac (Turtle Island, North “America” above Spanish Colonial Mexico) was Sephardi.
Listen, now, to a Taíno history lesson, as shared by Chief Joseph AmaHura RiverWind ….
“Most Taino from Boriken and other islands have a large percentage of Sephardic DNA. Thousands of Spanish Jews fled the Inquisitions and forced conversions then sought refuge in the “New World”. We, Arawak Taino, were the first tribe to give refuge to them. When the Sephardim saw what the Spanish Conquistadors were doing to our native ancestors they sided with our people because the same atrocities were done to them and they paid the price by hanging or execution by the Spanish if caught.
It’s sickening to see how many natives are siding with the Islamic conquistadors and colonizers of the Middle East who have been ethnically cleansing millions of indigenous people since the 7th century and still persecuting and murdering indigenous people to this day. If this was 1492 you would be siding with the Spanish Conquistadors who raped, hanged, slaughtered, burned our chiefs and leaders at the stake and more atrocities that mirror Hama tactics.
The vast majority of these keyboard activists have never been to Israel and are talking out of their orifice with ZERO knowledge about what is really happening here except for the spoon fed propaganda they happily gobble up. Get educated and learn the truth of whose bloodlines you carry within you.”
Black history in the Colonial United States of “America” is also Indigenous peoples’ history planet Earth-wide, let us worldwide Indigenous peoples’ show you why!
![Indigenous Kurds support Indigenous Jews and Israelis!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Polish_20240202_194130239.jpg?resize=961%2C1024)
If the United States and UN had not been UNRWA funding Arab “Palestinian” terrorist schools, weapons purchases, and tunnel constructions, then Oct 7th wouldn’t have happened and the United Nations would not be directly responsible for Gaza’s destruction by Arab Palestinian Hamas! If the Arabs had not invaded Southwest Asia with the British and French during WW1 to divide SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands into Colonial Arab nations – all to prevent Indigenous Israeli decolonization – then Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) would not still be needing to freedom fight for our literal survival from racistly violent Arab settler occupiers and terrorists upon Israel and Kurdistan, self-named Palestinians since 1964! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! Look these facts up. Easily verifiable historical facts don’t go away, no matter how much the antisemitic world around us lies about our history to justify their antisemitic racism!
Hey, anti-Indigenous racists, Mizrahi-Sephardi Jews are NOT “Europeans”, neither are Ashkenazi Jews in the European diaspora! Enough with that racist lie! All Jews that return to the Jewish people of Israel – who never left Judea-Samaria, despite every Arab-European attempt to ethnically cleanse us from our land(!) – are all SWANA Indigenous Jews, full stop. Yes, the Jews that returned from the Arab colonized Middle East diasporas, Southwest Asia diasporas, and North Africa diasporas. Yes, the Jews that returned from the South Africa diaspora and the northern European diaspora, and even Jews that returned from the Colonial named “America” diasporas. Jews are not European and will always be anti-Colonial to Arab-European settler Colonialism upon this planet Earth! Get used to it, racist Colonizers and appropriators of Indigenous Jewish culture for your Colonial Christian-Muslim religions.
![Ysoscher Katz has thoughts on those who do and those who be!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Polish_20240206_150727139.png?resize=688%2C1024)
“Thanks so much for this thoughtful post. As an Israeli living here with sons and son in law in active miluim service, I ask myself where all the American Jews are right now. At least the affiliated and Israel-oriented ones. They don’t come to do or to be. They simply don’t come. … I believe that this is going to be one of the big questions to be addressed “the day after” as we approach the rebuilding of more “united” Jewish society in the wake of October 7. Not only the religious- secular and left-right, divides – but also the Israel-Diaspora divide…” (See post AND comments!)
Ysoscher Katz has thoughts on those who do and those who be in our support of Indigenous Israelis:
“Why Am I Here?!
To use Brisker terminology, there are “tzvei dinim” (two models) in the post October 7th diaspora Jewry’s Israel hopover, the thousands who embark on a short pilgrimage to Israel for a few days and then return home.
1) There is the “kum ve’asai” model; the active pilgrim where one comes to Israel for a short while in order to DO.
They arrive prepared with a jam-packed itinerary, filled with moments of chesed and alturism. They help prepare food for the chayalim to provide them with a bit of comfort, visit hospitals to offer a modicum of relief for the injured, attend funerals to cry with the bereaved (sadly there are too many of those), and pay shiva visits to alleviate some of the pain of the mourners.
2) Then there is the “shev ve’al ta’aseh” model; the passive model, whereby one comes more to BE than to DO.
They come here just like that, with no itinerary in hand. Mostly they come to do a lot of NOT DOING; to spend some time sitting in silence with friends, loved ones, and the country as a whole. They crave to be here because it feels wrong to be away during this trying time, when am Israel in eretz Israel is experiencing fear, anxiety, innumerable deaths, and debilitating uncertainty.
They want to be in that space even if only for a short time; walk the streets in fear of the next rocket attack, refrain from extravagant laughter and frivolity while a few short miles away some of our brothers and sisters, some of them very young and some of them not so very young, wither in chilly Gazan subterranean tunnels—so close by that in the serenity of late at night you imagine yourself hearing their bone crushing cries for help and relief.
Two models, equally valid but for a variety of conscious and unconscious reasons, some embrace the first model while others adopt the second.
I am here for a few days to do the latter. I am more of a BE’er than a DOer.
I hopped over for about 120 hours. To hold my children’s hands, wipe their tears, comfort my little grandchildren who even if they don’t have the words yet to express themselves undoubtedly sense that something is askew. Hopefully, Zaidy’s presence can provide a modicum of reassurance, and help steady them a bit.
Along those lines, on shabbat morning when we recite the mi shebeirach for Tzahal, I want to shed a tear in response to the tear shed by the person sitting next to me, who quite possibly has a child serving in Gaza–or maybe worse, God forbid! (Perhaps my neighbor’s child did serve but is no longer able to because it’s hard to fend off an enemy from inside a grave.)
Finally, with all the bloodshed happening on my behalf it felt right for me (others might disagree) to spend a few moments to be a part of this operation, at least vicariously. The burden of carrying the consequences of the aggressive war tactics (albeit necessary) should not just fall on those who live here. Perhaps for a few days, I too should feel safe only by owning that which Tzahal is doing on our behalf. It’s necessary but no less horrific, devastating, and tugs at your conscience. It’s one thing to grapple with this from afar. Up close it is a very different experience, for better and for worse.
Being in such close proximity to the Gazan theater of war enables you, at least for a couple of days, to better understand the necessity of this brutal war. And, at the same time, the brutality feels more intimate when you go to bed a mere 5/10 miles from where all the mass killing is taking place.
The Rabbis tell us, כשישראל בצער, שכינה מה אומרת קלני מראשי קלני מזרועי. When the Jewish nation is in pain, God says: I am in pain as well. My head is aching, my arms are hurting.
This little aphorism teaches us an incredibly deep lesson.
As we know, traditional Judaism believes in an omnipotent God who can do anything. This then begs the following question: when God notices that His children are in pain, why doesn’t He immediately heal them, alleviate their pain?! He can easily do it! The answer is: there are times when healing is NOT called for. There are moments when before we try to minimize the suffering of our loved ones we just need to join them in that painful space, to be with them and suffer alongside them; cry and ache just as they do.
That is Godly.
When God’s beloved experiences heartbreak, before God invokes His Godly healing powers, He first just sits with the broken hearted and tries to lend a shoulder, carrying the burden of hurt with them.
That is why I am here, just for a few short days. I made a conscious choice not to reach out to friends because that is not what mourners do. The bereaved person does not hang out with friends and share coffee with acquaintances. Other than being with my family, I am here to spend time in silence, crying, contemplating and soaking up every bit of fear, uncertainty and anxiety hovering all over the horizon.
Hopefully, I’ll absorb enough of it so that I can bring some of that back home with me. This way, even after I return, the broken reality stays as raw and as palpable as it is while I am here.
Like HKB”H, קלני מראשי קלני מלבי; for the couple of days that I have been here I am not experiencing the joie di vivre I usually associate with our Tel Aviv community. Instead, my head hurts and my heart aches–and that is the only way I want it.”
![Academic Study of the Torah Is Essential, Not Just for Academics](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Polish_20240207_133918998.png?resize=898%2C1024)
Like Rabbi Menachem Manis HaKohen Friedman said, “I’m glad Judaism is not a religion”! I am so happy that our TaNaKh and Talmud prevent our SWANA Indigenous Jewish people from becoming a religion! For idolatry is in the heart of theology based religions. We Jews have survived for 3,800 years by maintaining our connection to our Canaanite Hebrew language, our Canaan Judean land, and our ethno-religion and laws that define who we are as a people and who is a member of our people and, thus, successfully resisting “conversion” to any of the salvation religions! Again, as Hasidic Rabbi Manis Friedman teaches, “Don’t go to heaven, bring G-d down to Earth”! How do we do this? Not by theology! But, by maintaining our people’s ethno-religious ways and mitzvot/halachot. In other words, by STUDYING in every way possible our ancestors’ writings!
![U.S. Congressman @ritchietorresny15](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Polish_20240203_162448547.png?resize=919%2C1024)
Let’s learn today some Black History from U.S. Congressman @ritchietorresny15 !
“The main narrative of our detractors, of our haters, is to try to separate the Jewish people from the land of Israel. This is their strategy, this is their tactic…. The Jewish people became the Jewish people in this land [of Canaan Israel, Judea and Samaria]!… The only thing that they [these Arab and European anti-Indigenous racist Colonizers] can do is to try and separate us from the very place in which we were created [as a Southwest Asia Indigenous Canaan people, known as “the Jews” worldwide]. But, it is our wonderful friends from the different Indigenous communities from around the world who see the [historical] truth, because you all know what it is like to be a people from a land, you know what that feeling is! And, you recognize that the Jewish people have that same feeling in this [Southwest Asia] land [of Israel].” – Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan Nahoum, Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem, 1 February 2024
Voices of Indigenous Solidarity with Israel and the Jewish People
Black history in the Colonial United States of “America” is also Indigenous peoples’ history planet Earth-wide, let us worldwide Indigenous peoples’ show you why!
![To stop the genocide of Palestinians, we need to know who are the actual Palestinians!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Polish_20240202_154416136-1.png?resize=1024%2C674)
To stop the “genocide of Palestinians”, we need to know who are the actual “Palestinians”! First, only Arabs and Europeans call Southwest Asia “Palestine”, and the inhabitants “Palestinians”. Second, using your words for our SWANA Indigenous peoples, the Palestinians that have been in the land for over 4,000 years non-stop upon our Indigenous peoples’ lands are Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, ethnic Persians, etc! Arabs are post Islamic Caliphate setter Colonialists from the South, like Europeans are post Greco-Roman eventual Christian Crusaders from the north. Invading and colonizing Indigenous peoples’ lands does not make your descendants “indigenous” to these lands. Go home racistly anti-Indigenous Arab-European settler Colonialists! STOP terrorizing and depravedly killing our Indigenous Peoples!
Yes, let’s agree that post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists upon the Southwest Asia Indigenous lands of Israel and Kurdistan, who self-named themselves “Palestinians” in 1964, need to immediately lay down their anti-Indigenous racisms and weapons used for terror towards Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) and Indigenous Kurds. We SWANA Indigenous peoples’ are tired of this 104 years of Arab settler Colonialism, occupation, and terroristic depraved killings and enslavement of our peoples! We Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Kurds are the “Palestinians” (a Colonial Arab-European word for our lands!) who are experiencing genocide by this UNRWA funded Arab settler occupation program! Ask yourself this:
Are you really fine with Southwest Asia lands being divided up after WW1 by the Arab, British, and French invaders to create the Arab ruled Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq? Are you really supportive of the 300,000 Indigenous Kurds that have been killed off by these Arab “Palestinians” since 1920, and many of their women sold to rich UNRWA funded Arab “Palestinians”? Are you really so naive to Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ struggles to freedom fight from this Arab settler Colonialism that you absolutely have no idea that the post-WW1 Arab settlers, self-named Palestinians since 1964, committed a 10/7 Hamas style massacre upon Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, in the 1930’s, and in the 1940’s – forcing Middle Eastern Jews to freedom fight for the liberation of Israel from this British-Arab militarized occupation and terrorisms upon our people?!
It is only because we Jews indigenous to Judea-Samaria and Southwest Asia forcibly decolonized in 1948, that the number of dead Israelis is not as high as the Indigenous Kurds. The surrounding Arab Colonial nations didn’t have to wage a 10 month 5 Arab army siege upon 1948 decolonized Israel, thus displacing half the Arabs that would have been Israeli Arab citizens. Egypt and Jordan didn’t have to occupy Gaza and (what Jordan named) the “West Bank” for 18+ years, until Israel liberated these Arab “Palestinian” occupied areas of our 1948 decolonized Indigenous land.
The United States and United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab settler occupation upon Israel for 7 decades, all to force Israel to give up Indigenous sovereignty and accept being ruled by an Arab Colonial nation-State! The UN didn’t have to fund Arab “Palestinian” terrorist schools, weapons of war purchases, and terrorist tunnel constructions! The United Nations could have fought back against the spreading of racistly anti-Indigenous history revisionisms and demonizing propaganda – targeting Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel).
If Arab “Palestinians”, Turks, and Iranians lay down their weapons and racism, there will be peace upon the SWANA Indigenous lands of Israel, Kurdistan, Balochistan, and Assyria! We Indigenous peoples will not stop freedom fighting – no matter what it takes to achieve this – until Arab “Palestinians”, Turks, and Iranians choose to allow Israel, Kurdistan, Balochistan, and Assyria to peacefully decolonize amongst their Colonial nations!
![What is not Colonialism!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/FB_IMG_1707348050760.jpg?resize=835%2C1024)
META Description : Black history in the United States of America is also Indigenous peoples’ history planet Earth-wide, let us show you why!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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