The Jewish people of Southwest Asia, the last surviving people of ancient Canaan, have a fire-based ethno-religion – just like neighboring Kurds and ethnic Persians (Zoroastrians). Though monolatrous to only our land’s god-King, Y-HWH, we still preserve in our Torah the elohim, the ancient Canaan pantheon of the gods of our ancestors. Though we Jews are a monolatrous Indigenous people, we value the importance of other Indigenous peoples worldwide keeping their ethno-religions and pantheon of gods. Learn why this is so, Indigenous Christians!
![Satan (the dragon; on the left) gives to the beast of the sea (on the right) power represented by a sceptre in a detail of panel III.40 of the medieval French Apocalypse Tapestry, produced between 1377 and 1382.](
Indigenous Peoples of our planet Earth: You do understand, don’t you, that Jews would rather that you keep your Indigenous ethno-religion alive, rather than take the path of the Colonialist Arab-European proselytizers of planet Earth. This is what the 1st century CE proto-rabbi Jesus the Jew would have wanted of his non-Jewish followers. Why? Unlike, the 4th century CE northern Aegean created Jesus the Christ for all mankind, Jesus the Jew was fully Torah and Nevi’im abiding in his Zionist teachings against the Colonizer, “the Beast”, the occupying Roman Empire.
The scroll of D’varim is very clear that “G-d” allows all nations their own “Gods”, and only Israel is to be monolatrous to just Y-HWH, the land’s god-King for we vassaled Jews. Further prophetic texts on the days to come, the days of the mashiach being born and helping to lead Israel into complete full victory over the Colonial “sons of darkness” and into an age of fully decolonized peace upon the land, state clearly that all nations – regardless of their devotion to their gods – will come and visit the Temple of Y-HWH and give proper and peaceful due respect!
A question for Christianized Indigenous peoples: How can we bring peace to this world by continuing the proselytizing of the Colonizers – who seek the assimilation of Indigenous peoples into a universal Colonial theocracy? Perhaps you should read your “Bible” books a little bit more closely and without a theology agenda clouding your view. For if you do, then you will know that war is inevitable between Indigenous nations seeking our Zionism – lands back and peaceful self-sovereignties – and the occupying Colonial nations. That is, until the Colonizers of planet Earth STOP colonizing Indigenous peoples!
The mashiach of the Jews is a warrior leader, and we Jews have had many mashiachs – King David, bar Kokhba, ben Hushiel, Golda Meir, etc, etc, etc! We just haven’t had a mashiach that so thoroughly defeats the Colonizers that world peace results from this warrior leader’s guidance. This is still our hoped for Indigenous Judean people’s future!
Our Indigenous friends and allies, listen: You can embrace Christianity or Islam AND retain your Indigenous ethno-religion with its pantheon, and this is great to Jews. Just don’t proselytize the Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam religions to others. And, especially, not to Jews! As our Torah teaches, there are many “Gods” in this world. For Jews, the land’s god-King, Y-HWH, is the only “God” for our people.
This is why we Jews have survived 1,600 years of Colonial Christianity and 1,400 years of Colonial Islam still intact and still devoted to our Indigenous ethno-religious path and beliefs. We don’t need a “Savior” for individuals, and we bring “heaven” down to Earth by our Indigenous laws and rituals.
![Seven universal laws of Noach and Seven Grandfather Teachings, Indigenous Christians can believe in both ethno-religions teachings!](
“You guys look so different, but your [Indigenous] philosophy is so similar!”
The Seven universal laws of Noach is Indigenous Jewish teaching. The Seven Grandfather Teachings is Indigenous Anishinaabe. Even our respective Creation stories are very similar, especially in the need for humans to treat other creatures with respect – for we all were created together as nefesh, “breathing creatures”, from insects to fish to birds to mammals to human primates upon this land! So, at least, our Jewish ancestors’ literatures teach us.
![Jews, Indigenous Christians, other Israeli allies all need to correct our narratives about Jews and Israel!](
You all are young Indigenous who are colonized. Believe us, please, that we Jews UNDERSTAND this! We’ve been colonized by Arab-European settler Colonialism for 2,300 years now. We know the anti-Indigenous adversary’s Colonial mind, generationally, now.
If we may be bluntly forward here: How long has your people been colonized by these very same systemically social empowered people? If they are such a natural extension of our Indigenous Judean people, then why are we Jews still telling the Missionaries who come to the land of Israel to “go home” (to the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem’s lament)? Is it possible that this is because we Jews understand ours and their Colonial texts and histories better than the Arab-European Colonizers of planet Earth do?! …
We Jews who failed Arab-European colonization, we are NOT trying to be rude, here. But, it is TOO common for non-Jews to attempt to school Jews on Indigenous narrative terminology, whether these “teachers” are successfully Arab-European colonized or still surviving occupied Indigenous peoples. Again, forgive for the bluntness, here – for we Jews VALUE your ally-ship as Indigenous peoples, who are deserving equal attention and representation:
Capitulation to Colonial Arab-European acceptable narrative expressions (so as to have the ears of the colonized who are not actually listening), this may work for successfully colonized Jews, but we Indigenous Jews who know and accept that this is NOT actually working(!), we expect questions for clarification on our views of this world. Not reactions by non-Jews that suggest that our expressed understandings are rude or too aggressive, when not sympathetic to the Colonizers’ and/or their successfully colonized’s sensitivities.
The Middle East is a very violently rough place, sadly, and we Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples are not accustomed to the kind of “nuance” that European Colonial societies have managed to successfully enforce within their societies among minority oppressed. All we SWANA Indigenous peoples want is for peace amongst nations, and sadly – so our ancestral teachings keep proving right to us(!) – this comes with both “the Torah” and “the sword” to enforce “ethical democracy” amongst humans.
To awaken the rest of this world requires Indigenous peoples planet-Earth-wide to get our narratives on sword point, so that we DON’T have to strike in physical self-defense anymore! … Again, we apologize… NO!!! This, too!! We Indigenous peoples planet-Earth-wide need to STOP apologizing for making more privileged peoples uncomfortable with their privilege through our less privileged words!
![The only Apartheid in Israel is Arab Islam enforced!](
According to anti-Zionist haters, Israeli “Apartheid” is this: full Arab, Bedouin, and Druze citizenship and civil rights in our Indigenous Jewish nation of Israel, forcibly decolonized since 1948. How, do they call this “Apartheid”? Well, because there are 5 million post-1948 non-citizen Arab settlers, political land-squatters, upon Israel (primarily in Gaza and the “West Bank”) who desire equal rights in Israel as non-citizens, so that Arabs outnumber Jews and force an end to the world’s first forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation.
Anti-Zionism is anti-Indigenous racism. Anti-Zionism is anti-Indigenous peoples’ “land back” movements and decolonized self-sovereignty. If you are anti-Zionist – and, especially, if you are anti-Indigenous Israel sovereign existence, then you are ANTISEMITIC, full stop! STOP the lies, already. Own up to your Colonial anti-Indigenous hatred and racism!
![What does it mean to be Indigenous, Indigenous Christians?](
SO many anti-Zionists justify their anti-Indigenous racism by referring to an imaginary ancient “Palestinian” people, comprised of Jews and Arabs peacefully intermingling. Yet, actual lived Southwest Asia history says that this is a lie, and nothing more!
The ancient “Palestinians” were the peoples of Canaan, not the Arabs who lived down south. When northern European Christians and southern Arab Islamists started invading – in this CE period of history – to colonize our lands and ethnically cleanse or kill off Canaanite Indigenous who refused these Arab and European attempted assimilations of our Indigenous peoples – this is when a significant portion of the surviving people of Canaan – the Jews – were scattered around this world – and not by choice! Stop the Lies already!
The Indigenous peoples of Canaan, what you call ancient “Palestinians”, were the Moabites, Judahites/Israelites, Edomites, Ammonites, and Phoenicians (the “Canaanites” in our ancestral Torah). All spoke a Canaanite language, understood each other, and resisted the regional empires of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon.
The Arabs in the south, who speak their Arabic language and had a totally different pantheon of gods from that of the peoples of Canaan, wouldn’t start to have an interest in our Jewish people’s land and writings until AFTER the northern Aegean-created Colonial spread of Christianity, which started in the 4th century CE. This European colonialism spurred the creation of a second Colonial religion, Islam, which usurped Arab Indigenous identity, ethno-religion, and way of life for a Colonial one that forcibly assimilates Indigenous peoples into “Arab” ethnicity and identity.
The Arabs that invaded the lands of Israel and Kurdistan during WW1 with the British and French militaries hate the Jewish and Kurdish peoples SO badly for refusing to accept their post-WW1 created Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq upon our lands. And, as a punishment for Indigenous Jews freedom fighting for two decades and forcibly decolonizing a portion of our land from this post-WW1 British-Arab militarized occupation, these racistly violent Arab settlers have been land-squatting upon Indigenous Israeli and Indigenous Kurdish lands and commiting terrorism, all in a hope that the Indigenous minorities of these lands will finally give up our freedom fight for the decolonization of our lands.
This is never going to happen – no matter how much racist Arab violence, no matter how many ahistorical lies about our SWANA Indigenous peoples, no matter what … we Indigenous Israelis and Indigenous Kurds will successfully decolonize from this Arab settler Colonialism upon our ancestral lands!
Snapshot above: What does it mean to be Indigenous, Indigenous Christians? Many of your non-Christian Indigenous brothers and sisters are asking this question of you and us non-Christian Jews? Let’s explore this next, from a Southwest Asia Indigenous people’s perspective on Indigeneity!
![Taika Waititi, the Māori-Jew film director, Taika David Cohen explains Jewish understanding and laws on indigeneity](
If we may ask you, how do you define Indigenous? And, if we may, how do you define who is a member of an existing Indigenous people? And, also, who is not and why? … Seriously, we would like to understand your perspective! You can become an Arab just by embracing Colonial Islam. Likewise, you can become European-ish just by embracing Colonial Christianity. This is the way of settler Colonialism. In contrast, though, you can do the rituals of our Indigenous Judean people’s ethno-religion all you want, embrace our chants and cultural artifacts, call yourself a “Jew”, but … if you’re not halachically a Jew, then you’re not Jewish. Rather, you are what we call a ger toshav (a “righteous non-Jew”).
“Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA, yeh that’s all good, it’s the beit din ruling that surprised me, I’ve never heard of this style of indigenous, and what’s a legal Jewish family vs non legal Jewish family?
‘You can only be a Jew either by birth into a legal Jewish family or by beit din ruling (a Jewish court of law’s favorable ruling, after many years of ethno-religious study and assimilation)’ “
Our Indigenous Judean people’s genealogy is just as important to our continuity, as well. That’s why, whether Jews present physically as being Arab looking, “Iranian” looking, European-ish looking, African looking, Indigenous “American looking, Chinese looking, Pacific Islander looking, Māori looking, all Jews share a common set of family lines and history that ties us back to the land of Israel, and share a common devotion to our ancestral literatures and to our ancestral land. All the Cohen’s (shaman chiefs, Temple “priests”) from Africa to “America” share the same paternal descendancy the leads straight back to the time of Moshe and Aharon in Canaan.
Perhaps you know Taika Waititi, the Māori-Jew film director, Taika David Cohen? Even though our Indigenous Judean laws are different, we Jews only number worldwide 15 million out of 8 billion human beings, with half of our entire people defending our partially decolonized Indigenous Judean land of Israel.
Taika is by halacha (Indigenous Jewish law) fully Jew. He could obtain citizenship in Israel, if he wanted to. He is also by Māori standards, full Māori, and he prefers from upbringing to focus on sacred Māori ways. This is fine legally for all Jews. Near half of the Jewish people are not, to use the Colonial word for this, “religious” in any theistic sense. Yet, “atheistic” Jews regularly engage in some kind of Indigenous Jewish sacred rituals or engage in rituals of another Indigenous people (Taika’s personal choice).
Some Jews by marriage into Indigenous nations of Michilimackinac, who are surviving Colonial “America” occupation, choose to engage in both Indigenous cultures simultaneously, to include mastery of both Indigenous languages. For examples, there are Anishinaabe-Jews, Pueblo-Jews, and Taíno-Jews that speak the language of their Indigenous “American” tribe, and also speak our Indigenous Jewish Canaanite Hebrew language.
By definition, under Jewish law, Taika was born indigenous with two hearts. Now, if he were to give up his Indigenous identity and assimilate into the Colonial Christian/Islam culture and religion, he would still be a Jew legally, but his children would be born in the Colonial whakapapa.
![ahi kaa is an understanding that islander Indigenous Christians and others get!](
What does it take to get this message understood by this Arab-European colonized world?!!
The southern Arabs appropriated Canaan peoples’ identity when they created their 2nd Colonial religion, from exposure to the 1st Colonial religion – northern Aegean Christianity. Arabs are NOT descendants of Ishmael, except after the 7th century CE history revisionism.
WHAT IS SO MISSING in this Jewish narrative about us and our land of Israel is that IN 3,800 YEARS there has never been a single DAY where the Canaan people of Israel, known as the “Jews”, have been successfully fully ethnically cleansed from our ancestors’ land.
This is the significant difference between Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples and Michilimackinac, the northern continent of Indigenous Peoples that have been Colonial “America” occupied. Now, we would expect Island Indigenous to fully understand this!
But, unfortunately, like TOO many diaspora Jews, Indigenous Peoples worldwide look to our ancestors’ literatures for understanding about Jews – AND NOT TO STILL SURVIVING INDIGENOUS JEWS of the Middle East who can ANSWER historical questions!
Arabs/Muslims are a post-CE Colonial people from the south, like Europeans/Christians are a Colonial people from the north. NEITHER are “indigenous” to Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands, regardless what they believe and regardless of their appropriating Colonial religion that tells them otherwise!!!
![When did South Africa become the model for Arab-European settler Colonialism?!](
“equal rights for all”, for Indigenous Israelis and Arab “Palestinian” non-citizens, in a South African post-Apartheid style – let’s discuss this, please!
Equal rights between Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) and the Arab (post-1948) political land-squatters to deny and end Indigenous Jewish sovereignty, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964? So, the Arab-European settler Colonial nations have decided that peace can only come by continued Arab “Palestinian” South African Apartheid upon Indigenous Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Kurds? There will be no peace between we freedom fighting Indigenous Southwest Asia peoples with these post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists, until these violently racist Arab settlers STOP depravedly killing and kidnapping our peoples and their OWN trying to get to us, and allow all SWANA Indigenous nations to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst these Arab, British, and French created post-WW1 Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
Successfully colonized Jews, like Noam Chomsky, Yaakov Shapiro, Shlomo Sand, Ella Shohat (claims to be a “Jewish Arab” – a no-thing!), Ilan Pappé, and Hajo Meyer (who does not understand that Zionism, Jewish decolonization and self-sovereignty, was started in 1882 and achieved in 1948 by MENA Jews also affected by the European-Arab multi-continent Nazi Holocaust!), and isolated minority heredi groups like Neturei Karta do NOT speak for Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel). Rather they speak for the Arab-European Colonizers of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands – the Indigenous peoples are, you know, Indigenous Israelis and Kurds, and Balochs, Assyrians, etc!
When did South Africa become the model for continued Arab-European settler Colonialism upon the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel and Kurdistan?! Anyone?!!!
![Anyone who sides with Arab-European settler Colonialism, stands](
Anyone who sides with Arab-European settler Colonialism, stands “antisemitic-ally” against Indigenous Peoples’ survival – planet Earth wide! We will keep freedom fighting, UNTIL Arab-European Christians, Muslims, and Marxists lay down their anti-Indigenous racisms and their weapons, and allow still surviving Indigenous Peoples worldwide to peacefully decolonize amongst Arab-European Colonial nations. PEACE begins with an end to the dehumanization of Indigenous Peoples worldwide! Indigenous Israel is just the most resolute, so far! But, times “are a changing”, Arab-European Colonizers of planet Earth!
We Jews Indigenous to Judea and Samaria, Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa are not going to argue with anyone here over this. But, to those willing, listen carefully to easily verifiable historical facts:
Successfully colonized Jews, like Noam Chomsky, Yaakov Shapiro, Shlomo Sand, Ella Shohat (claims to be a “Jewish Arab” – a no-thing!), Ilan Pappé, and Hajo Meyer (who does not understand that Zionism, Jewish decolonization and self-sovereignty, was started in 1882 and achieved in 1948 by MENA Jews also affected by the European-Arab multi-continent Nazi Holocaust!), and isolated minority heredi groups like Neturei Karta do NOT speak for Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel). Rather they speak for the Arab-European Colonizers of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands – the Indigenous peoples are, you know, Indigenous Israelis and Kurds, and Balochs, Assyrians, etc!
Israel has as citizens near two million Arabs who were not successfully expelled by Arab armies during the Arab created “nakba” – the 5 Arab armies’ 10 month siege to eradicate the decolonized Independent Judean nation of Israel. These Arabs are doctors, teachers, court judges, politicians, entrepreneurs, and also fight with Jews in our IDF to ensure our continued successful Zionism. May the Kurds, whom Arabs call “second Israel” and are also post-WW1 Arab “Palestinian” occupied, be the next SWANA Indigenous nation to forcibly decolonize a portion of their ancestral land, like Jews were forced to do in 1948 for literal Indigenous Judean people’s survival from racistly violent British-Arab militarized occupation!
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! It’s time to end this Arab-European nations enforced Colonialism upon Israel and Kurdistan, as a punishment for Indigenous Jews forcibly decolonizing our ancestral land in 1948 from British-Arab militarized occupation and terrorisms! Indigenous Israelis will help our Kurdish brothers and sisters to forcibly decolonize themselves, as soon as we break the Arab “Palestinian” yoke of Colonialism from our land. Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality!
![Houthis, let's discuss this Iranian supported threat.](
Houthis (الحوثيون) , Ansar Allah (أنصار الله) … Slogan of the Yemen Houthi movement (from top-to-bottom) on their very Hamas/Palestinian Authority -style flag(!):
“God is the Greatest [which god?! Y-HWH, or Allah-Christ-Marx?!!!], Death to America [oh my, thank you, USSR!], Death to Israel [but, of course, for surviving Arab-European settler Colonialism and forcibly decolonizing in 1948, only 1,600 years later!], A Curse Upon the Jews [for being the REASON for modern Indigenous Israel’s rebirth upon Arab conquered lands!], Victory to Islam [the second of two universalist theology-based Colonial religions for the worldwide assimilation of all humans beings to a universal singular “truth”, “faith”, and “belief”!].”
This Colonial Islam sounds a lot like Colonial Christianity in the United States of Michilimackinac occupied “America”, to include the multi- racial, gendered, political, and oriented “death to progressive America” for wanting to support human rights(!), whether Indigenous peoples, formerly enslaved “People of Color”, or those who reject a self-centered and racist theocracy!
I/We Indigenous minorities will NEVER understand the worldwide support for Authoritarian dictatorships that that threaten easily victimized minorities!!! We will survive you, and fight you – for our anti-Colonial decolonizations!!! We know how to lead ourselves, and to do this in a “holy/sanctified way”. Make peace or “go home”, Arab-European Colonizers of planet Earth!
![Bedouin Israelis planting trees for Indigenous Israeli victims of Arab Palestinian terrorism on Oct 7th!](
In times of darkness, we must seek bright moments and our affiliate Project Wadi Attir is a generator of hope!
Yesterday, almost 300 people gathered in Wadi Atir, Beduin and Jews, to plant fruit trees in memory of the October 7 victims of the Beduin community. The event showcased the beauty and potential of Wadi Atir and posed an example of shared grief that brings growth and rebuilding.
PoweredByJNF Project Wadi Attir / مشروع وادي عتير/ פרויקט ואדי עתיר
![Bassem Eid is an Arab Palestinian that supports Indigenous Israeli land rights!](
Yesterday, the IDF revealed a 700-meter tunnel that ran below UNRWA’s headquarters in Gaza and which contained a Hamas intelligence center containing a server farm for intelligence gathering, data processing, and communications. The tunnel was powered by the UNRWA building’s electricity supply.
Inside the tunnel and the UNRWA facility, IDF forces also found Hamas weapons and documents indicating the UNRWA offices were also used by Hamas terrorists.
Hamas has turned every school, mosque, home, shelter, and civilian in Gaza into a shield for terrorist activity — and at least some of it was done with UNRWA’s help.
META Description : Indigenous Christians who support Israel: You can embrace Christianity or Islam AND retain your Indigenous ethno-religion with its pantheon!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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