Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! You Arab-European settler Colonialists WILL make room for our Indigenous Israeli and Kurdish nations to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your post-WW1 created Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
![October 7 2023 a merciful display of Colonial Arab Palestinian anti-Israeli racism!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240224_161656217.png?resize=815%2C1024)
10/7, 2023, this is NOT the first time that these violently racist post-WW1 Arab settlers, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964, did a Hamas style massacre upon Indigenous Jews upon the land of Israel!
These Arab “Palestinian” Colonizers did a 10/7 Hamas style massacre of Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, 1930’s, and 1940’s – BEFORE there ever was a HAMAS terror group and a forcibly decolonized sovereign nation of ISRAEL!
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
As a result of the terroristic racism of these post-WW1 Arab settlers upon Colonial “Palestine” (the land of Israel) and the British occupier’s SUPPORT for these racistly violent Arab settlers, this forced our Indigenous Judean people’s paramilitary solution to this violently racist British-Arab occupation and Arab settler Colonialism.
5000 Indigenous Jewish women and men of Southwest Asia freedom fought for two decades to liberate the land of Israel from the 100,000 British-Arab militarized troops, until the British occupation part came to an end in 1948!
The very next day after Israel declared Independence, three surrounding Arab nations – two of them, the post-WW1 established Colonial Arab nations of Jordan and Syria – with five surrounding Arab armies engaged in a ten month siege upon Israel to re-conquest our defiant SWANA Indigenous nation. They failed, hence their Arab created “nakba”!
In 1967, our Israeli Defense Forces liberated the 18+ year Egypt and Jordan occupation of Gaza and the “West Bank”. We should have kicked these Arab Colonial land squatters out THEN, and have been paying the price for 6 decades now for not doing so – foolishly believing in peace between Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) and Colonial Arab nationalists, self-named “Palestinians”, upon the Gaza and (Jordan named) “West Bank” parts of our 1948 decolonized Israeli land!
May the Kurds, whom Arab “Palestinians” call “second Israel”, be the next SWANA Indigenous nation to forcibly decolonize from this post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism, no matter what it takes to achieve this, and may we see this in our lifetime! It is way past time to bring an end to Arab-European settler Colonialism.
![Islamic scholar in al-Aqsa mosque telling Arab Palestinians that you are Muslims not Canaanites!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240226_021953859.png?resize=863%2C1024)
Arabs are NOT Southwest Asia Canaanites (Moabites, Edomites, Judahites/Israelites, Ammonites, and Phoenicians – this very latter, the “Canaanites” in our Jewish people’s Torah!)! ENOUGH with this ahistorical Colonial Arab-European propagated LIE, already, for Colonial Arab-European dominionism upon this planet Earth!
We Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples are still HERE surviving you! Just because you SEE yourself, in your non-Jew experiencing of our Canaan Judean people’s ancestral literatures, this does NOT make you a descendant of our Southwest Asia (SWANA) Indigenous people, NO MATTER how much history revisionism you create for this very purpose!
Let an intelligent Arab Colonizer of Israel teach you the easily verifiable historical facts about “Israel”, about “the Jews”:
Palestinian Sheikh Amira in al-Aqsa: “The people of Palestine have no historical right to Palestine. They have no right that dates back 2,000, 3,000, or 4,000 years. The right of the Canaanites to Palestine is equal to the pharaohs’ right to Egypt. Is it conceivable that any Muslim in Egypt would say: ‘I am Pharaonic and proud of it?’ Well, it’s the same if a Muslim in Palestine says: ‘I am a Canaanite and proud of it.’
To hell with your Canaanite identity and with his Pharaonic identity. People, our history is simple and it is not ancient. Our history dates back only 1,440 years. 1,440 years ago we had no rights of any kind. Absolutely none…. It must not be said that the Palestinians have Canaanite roots. We can go back to the words of Yasser Arafat who lost our cause. He referred to you as the [Canaanite] ‘nation of giants.’ This is the first time I see a president who curses his own people.
The Palestinians are Muslims. Calling them [Canaanite] ‘nation of giants’ is cursing them. It’s humiliating to them. It sends them back to the infidel days of tyranny. The only thing you are allowed to say is: Oh Palestinians, you are Muslims.” – Palestinian Islamic Scholar Issam Amira, Al-Aqsa Mosque Address, Apr 14, 2023
Aqsa Call نداءات مقدسية
|نداء الجمعة الرابعة من رمضان 1444هـ| فقرة أجوبة أسئلة: الفقرة الثانية والدعاء الشيخ: عصام عميرة “أبو عبد الله” نداءات الجمعة الرابعة من رمضان 1444هـ من المسجد الأقصى المبارك=المصلى القبلي=Aqsa Call نداءات مقدسية=بيت المقدس الجمعة، 23 رمضان 1444هـ الموافق 14 نيسان/أبريل 2023 مـ
Palestinian Sheikh Amira in al-Aqsa
Okay, if not him, then….
Abdullah Al-Hadlaq interview, Al-Rai TV, Kuwait:
Guest: “Is Palestine and its occupation an Arab cause or a religious one?”
Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: “There is no occupation. There is a people returning to its promised land. … Are you aware that the history of the Israelites is ancient, predating Islam? Therefore, we Muslims must acknowledge that the Israelites have a right to that land, and that they have not plundered it. The people who say that it was plundered are still thinking in the mentality of the 1950s and before. … When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘Palestine.’”
Host: “So where did we get that name, which we have been defending for 60 years?”
Abdullah Al-Hadlaq: “It didn’t exist. There were various communities living in Arab countries. They were called ‘Canaanites,’ ‘Amalekites,’ or a whole host of other names. The Quranic verse even says: ‘…in it are a people of great strength [Jabbareen].’ Some people called them ‘Jabbareen.’ Therefore, there was no state called ‘Palestine.’ I insist on this.”
Al-Rai TV 2017 Abdullah Al-Hadlaq
Do we need to really go on, successfully colonized Arab-European Colonial world?!! We Indigenous Southwest Asia peoples have SO MANY “receipts”, courtesy of Arab-European Conquistadors!
Just for you, Indigenous Peoples of this world, because every Indigenous life matters in this world! As Indigenous peoples, we all got to do better in sharing the Colonial Arab-European “receipts” that awaken humanity to our still continued presence. Right, The RiverWinds, Zioness Movement, Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem – Indigenous Coalition For Israel, Indigenous Peoples Movement, Indigenous Bridges @… etc, etc, etc(!)?!!!
![Malcolm X on Arab and European Colonialism](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240228_165347860.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
“They don’t know what morals are. They don’t try and eliminate an evil because it’s evil, or because it’s illegal, or because it’s immoral; they eliminate it only when it threatens their existence. So you’re wasting your time appealing to the moral conscience of a bankrupt man like Uncle Sam. If he had a conscience, he’d straighten this thing out with no more pressure being put upon him. So it is not necessary to change the [Arab and European] white man’s mind.
We have to change our own mind. You can’t change his mind about us. We’ve got to change our own minds about each other. We have to see each other with new eyes. We have to see each other as brothers and sisters. We have to come together with warmth so we can develop unity and harmony that’s necessary to get this problem solved ourselves. How can we do this? How can we avoid jealousy? How can we avoid the suspicion and the divisions that exist in the community?”
Malcolm X, speech at Cory Methodist Church, Cleveland, Ohio, April 3, 1964
Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom – both ruled by royal families, creators of colonial nations upon Southwest Asia and South Africa.
Iran Republic and United States –
demographically equivalent, both “war hawk” nations and funders of land occupations and terrorism.
Saudi Arabia – established the Colonial Arab nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq with British and French help.
United Kingdom – The British established what would become the Apartheid nation of South Africa.
The USSR – Russia’s KGB created the Arab PLO occupation force, Colonial “Palestine”, to terrorize 1948 forcibly decolonized Israel in response to the United States being an ally of Israel.
Canada, Mexico, and the United States – Colonial European nations upon the continent of Michilimackinac, Colonial “America”.
“They take the press with their ability to control you with image-making, and they make mass murder, cold-blooded murder, look like a humanitarian project. All these thousands of black people [the Indigenous – Africans, Jews, Kurds, etc!] dying, butchered and you have no compassion in your hearts whatsoever for them, because the victim has been made to look like he’s the criminal and the criminal [Arab-European Colonizers] has been made to look like he’s the victim.”
Malcolm X, speech at Militant Labor Forum Hall, New York City, May 29, 1964
Note, it was in 1964 that the USSR invented the PLO terror organization (now known as the “Palestinian Authority”) with its imaginary “Palestinian people”.
Remember #BlackHistoryMonth is also #IndigenousHistoryMonth because everyday is “Black” and “Indigenous” peoples’ history, full stop!
![Arabs and Jews did NOT live peacefully together before World War 1!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240224_222026614.png?resize=929%2C1024)
There are over 1.9 billion Muslims (Arabized/Islamized) upon this planet Earth. There are over 2.4 billion Christians (Europeanized/Christianized) upon this planet Earth. Now, ask yourself:
How does 15.2 million Jews who are indigenous to Judea-Samaria, to our Canaan land in Southwest Asia – half of which is upon our ancestors’ land defending it, and the rest of us spread out by Colonial force around this world…
How do we Jews COMPETE in getting easily verifiable HISTORICAL FACTS out to this Arab-European colonized world – who, in supremacist privilege, speaks for us Jews about us Jews of the land of Israel – to this world EVERY SINGLE DAY?!!
![Free Colonial Palestine from Indigenous Peoples' resistance?](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240228_134630211.jpg?resize=889%2C1024)
What it is like to be an actual minority people anywhere upon this planet Earth…. Living daily with the knowledge that you are outnumbered and unheard, ESPECIALLY in Colonial societies. Seeing and hearing daily, that you are being spoken for and being vilified about. Feeling that pain of NOT being able to reach the citizens of Colonial Arab-European nations (enough of them) to prevent their further indoctrination into anti-Indigenous Colonial racist rhetoric!
This is what all Jews and other Indigenous peoples upon this planet Earth – who are daily victimized by the “political discourse” targeting our peoples, or outright ignoring our cries for Arab-European Colonial accountability and decolonized social justice for Indigenous minorities – struggle with every single day. For example,…
Watching the Arab/Muslim Conquistadors claiming to be a “minority” and “unheard” by the European/Christian Conquistadors. And, as an ACTUAL physical minority amongst citizens of settler Colonial nations, knowing the actual feeling of BEING unheard, as you watch European/Christian and Arab/Muslim Colonizers of Indigenous peoples lands cry “genocide” when the actual Indigenous of our lands fight resolutely back against your Arab-European settler Colonialism and violently racist and deadly terrorisms!
![Martin Luther King on doing your own research to avoid being indoctrinated!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/FB_IMG_1709161287130.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
Inescapable facts, no matter how the Arab-European Colonial world spins its racist Jew-hating narratives:
Do Arab “Palestinians” speak Canaanite Hebrew, or do they speak Colonial Arabic? Colonial Arabic! Do Arab “Palestinians” chant land obligations while facing Jerusalem in Zion, or do they bow and declare loyalty to the god down in Mecca? Allah down in Mecca, Saudi Arabia! Just like Europeans and their Christ god up in Rome, Italy.
There are 1.9 billion Muslim/Marxist Arabs, migrants mostly and successfully Arabized, surrounding 7 million Jews who are just trying to live in peace and security upon our 1948 successfully decolonized Land of Israel. Arabs are indigenous to Arabia, just like Europeans are indigenous to Europe!
Jews, Kurds, Assyrians, Balochs, ethnic Persians, Bedouins, Druze, etc(!) are Indigenous to the Southwest Asia to North Africa region. Arab “Palestinians” are Arab Colonizers, settler-occupying Indigenous Judean and Kurdish lands and calling it “resistance” to Israel, resistance to Jewish decolonization in 1948!
Lying about history does not change our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lived realities upon our ancestral lands.
The Arabs didn’t have to invade the Southwest Asia region during WW1 with British and French military support to re-colonize Indigenous Peoples’ lands and divide it into Arab Colonial nations. The Arab settlers upon “Palestine”, only foreigners call Israel and Kurdistan this, didn’t have to do a 10/7 Hamas style massacre upon Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, 1930’s, and 1940’s, forcing our Jewish freedom fight for the liberation of Israel from violently racist British-Arab militarized occupation of our ancestral land.
The surrounding Colonial Arab nations didn’t have to engage in a 10 month siege of newly Independent Israel, displacing half the Arab population that was destined to be Israeli citizens. Egypt and Jordan didn’t have to occupy Gaza and the “West Bank” parts of 1948 decolonized Israel for 18+ years, until Israel freedom fought these parts back in 1967. The Arabs didn’t have to align themselves with the USSR KGB to invent the PLO and its fictitious “Palestinian people”, nor hire a Cairo born Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist Yasser Arafat to lead this imaginary people to redemption of their newly invented imaginary history upon the land of Israel.
The Palestinian Authority and Arab Palestinian Hamas didn’t have to engage in pay-for-slay and martyrdom terrorism for the last 6 decades. The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” post-1948 occupations of Gaza and the “West Bank” – all to prevent Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) peace and security after forcibly decolonizing our Judean people’s land in 1948! The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” terrorist schools, weapons purchases, terrorist tunnel constructions for 2 decades!!!
Arab Palestinian fighters didn’t have to break the ceasefire on Oct 7th, 2023! We Israelis and Kurds will not stop freedom fighting against Arab-European settler Colonialism until Arab “Palestinians” lay down their anti-Indigenous racism and weapons and allow Indigenous Israel and Kurdistan to peacefully decolonize amongst these post-WW1 Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq! If Arab “Palestinians”, Turks, and Iranians lay down their weapons and anti-Indigenous racism, there will be peace upon the lands of Israel, Kurdistan, and Assyria!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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