“This Ramadan, pray for Palestine 🇵🇸” is the Colonial Muslim and Christian lament for Palestinians going around this planet Earth. Our Indigenous peoples’ response is: “Yes! 🇮🇱”
![Pray that Palestinians are no longer terrorized by Arab Palestinian HAMAS terrorists!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240311_224011419.png?resize=687%2C1024)
Pray and ACT to help force Arab Palestinian terrorists for Islamic HAMAS to lay down their weapons and release their captured Indigenous Israeli hostages (Jews and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel)! Pray that Israel can end the HAMAS efforts to bring a total destruction to our ancestral Jewish city of Gaza (that long ago was formerly occupied by European Palestinians!).
Pray, but ACT to support Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands rights! 300,000 dead Indigenous Kurds and Israelis, since 1920, by these post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists, self-named “Palestinians” since 1964, is enough Colonial racist injustice! Flag of the Arab “Palestinian” post-WW1 Colonizer of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands —> 🇵🇸 You know, the lands of Israel and Kurdistan!
This #Ramadan , let us all – Indigenous peoples and Colonial citizens – work together to end #GazaGenocide upon the Land of Israel! Let’s us #FreePalestine from Islamic HAMAS terrorism, so that we can achieve a #CeaseFireNow !
![Arab Muslims gorge while Arab Palestinians starve!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/FB_IMG_1710188286785.jpg?resize=960%2C959)
Thank you artists who are calling out the shameful indifference by the Arab-European Conquistadors of planet Earth! This starving of women and children did not have to happen, and it was a choice by the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations to allow this to happen to Palestinian children – all to use this humanitarian crisis as demonization chip against Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) who are freedom fighting for the liberation of our ancestral land from this depraved UNRWA funded HAMAS terrorist army.
End the UNRWA funded #GazaGenocide by Arab Palestinian HAMAS – #FreePalestine from Arab-European settler Colonialism! We Indigenous Israelis and Indigenous Kurds demand that you Arab-European Conquistadors #CeaseFireNow and hand over your captured Indigenous hostages!
![The leaders of HAMAS need to face the same fate as Iraqi president Saddam Hussein!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240309_183255454.jpg?resize=817%2C1024)
In Arab ruled and/or occupied Southwest Asia, there are a total of 34.3 million Arab “Palestinians”, with 6.7 million registered with the UNRWA (as eternal “refugees” of an Indigenous Israeli land that they never left!). There are also 7.8 million Indigenous minorities in these Arab Colonial “Palestine” nations (Kurds, Turks, Assyrians, Circassians, Chechens, Armenians, Druze, Jews/Samaritans, Hindus). Arab “Palestinians” rule upon 287.6 thousand sq km of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ land.
In comparison, upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Israeli portion of Southwest Asia, Indigenous Israelis (Jews and Israeli Arabs) rule self-sovereigned. There are 9.3 million Indigenous Israelis, living upon 22,145 sq km of land. Israel is 3 times smaller than the Navajo Nation reservation in the USA! There are also 554 thousand non-Indigenous Israeli from all over planet Earth in Israel.
It’s a simple flat statistical fact that Indigenous Israelis are surrounded and outnumbered by Arab “Palestinians”! For every 1 Israeli, there are 4 Arabs upon Southwest Asia. It is also a simple flat statistical fact that Arab “Palestinians” are occupying most of the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands. They rule upon 287,600 sq km of land, compared to Indigenous Israeli’s self-sovereignty upon 22,145 sq km of land.
And, just for existing and freedom fighting for continued survival as planet Earth’s first forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation, our Indigenous Israel nation is accused throughout the Arab-European colonized world of being the cause for all the social unrest in the Southwest Asia region, per the Arab-European Conquistadors of Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!
A kind reminder, Arab and European Conquistadors upon Indigenous peoples’ lands: Repeatedly starting a war and repeatedly losing your Colonial wars of aggression towards resisting Indigenous peoples, this doesn’t make you the “victims”!
Let’s #FreePalestine from #GazaGenocide by UNRWA funded Arab Palestinian HAMAS terrorists! The rest of these non-Jewish Colonizers, we Indigenous Israelis will deal with, in time. We are not afraid of adding to our numbers – for peace and security – through Indigenous legal determinations/intermarriages.
![HAMAS Palestinians are not freedom fighters but vile evil rapists!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/FB_IMG_1709753117106.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
Don’t understand? Learn from Jews who are still, in this 21st century CE, Indigenous to Judea and Samaria, the land of Israel, and actively engaged in our Canaan ancestors’ way of life and understanding about this planet Earth! As Hasidic Rabbi Manis Friedman teaches, “Don’t go to heaven, bring G-d down to Earth”! How do we do this? Not by theology! But, by maintaining our people’s ethno-religious ways and mitzvot/halachot.
“I’m glad Judaism is not a religion”! We are so happy that our TaNaKh and Talmud prevent our SWANA Indigenous Jewish people from becoming a religion! For idolatry is in the heart of theology based religions. Idolatry is based in self awareness – salvation of the “individual”. Of course, all presented versions of humanity and other species is precious, but “beauty” is always in the mind of the beholder. Even the “ugly” to some are “beautiful” to others. Keep THIS indigenous perspective in mind!
We Jews have survived for 3,800 years living non-stop upon our ancestral land – despite every Arab and European ethnic cleansing of our Jewish people to deny us this(!) – by maintaining our connection to our Canaanite Hebrew language, our Canaan Judean land, and our ethno-religion and laws that define who we are as a people and who is a member of our people and, thus, successfully resisting “conversion” to any of the salvation religions!
We Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples, we don’t want your Arab-European Colonial occupations and terrorisms for the glory of Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx dominionism upon our lands and our SWANA Indigenous peoples! Mark our SWANA Indigenous Israeli (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) and Indigenous Kurds words: We will survive you, no matter how long this takes and no matter what we Indigenous peoples must do to you for our survival, Arab-European Conquistadors upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide!
The easiest way to “heal Palestine”, Arab-European Conquistadors, is to allow the Indigenous peoples of Southwest Asia to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your racistly violent post-WW1 Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. Drop your anti-Indigenous racisms – for SWANA peoples, racism towards Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) and Indigenous Kurds – and STOP depravedly torturing and murdering and enslaving our Indigenous peoples AND your Colonial own trying to get to us!
![The kibbutzim burned by Arab Palestinians are still burning!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240314_172731330.png?resize=737%2C1024)
Correct number of casualties between Arab Palestinian non-combatants and Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS-ISIS terrorism upon Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples is 1 to 1 (despite what the HAMAS informed Western world chooses to believe) – VERSUS – the daily worldwide reported racist (emotionally pleasurable) idea that Colonial Arab “Palestinians” are being genocided by Indigenous Israelis who are freedom fighting for the liberation of all SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands from Arab-European settler Colonialism.
BUT none of this data – these mathematical vetted statistics – matter, folks! The anti-Indigenous demonization must be the social truth! Why? Because Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples – Jews, Druze, Kurds, Assyrians, Balochs, formerly indigenous “Arab”ized, etc, etc(!) – ALL know that only post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists’ lives matter to the Arab-European Colonial world of nations – to the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations.
You know, the self-named Arab “Palestinians” – since 1964 – who have been daily terrorizing and depravedly killing SWANA Indigenous peoples since their arrival from down South, since 1920, with the support of the British and French militaries! Listen,…
300,000 dead Indigenous Kurds and Israelis, since 1920, and many more enslaved by UNRWA funded Arab “Palestinians” – all for Colonial “Palestine” dominionism upon planet Earth’s first successfully forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation, the Indigenous land of Israel.
A punishment by the world for STILL surviving all the Arab-European genocides and Holocaust, and daring to successfully decolonize for literal Indigenous Judean people’s survival upon this planet Earth! But, who is counting OUR dead, except we still surviving Indigenous peoples upon our ancestors’ lands and the worldwide Colonial diasporas that some of us were forced into?!
![Arab Palestinians in Gaza are still glorifying terrorists even in Rafah Gaza!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240315_201110725.png?resize=577%2C1024)
While we continue to delay with entering the terrorist city of Rafah – they make sure to establish a central square that glorifies terrorism against Israel. This square needs to be torn down today, to show Arab Palestinian HAMAS and all their supporters of terrorism in Gaza [and elsewhere] that Rafah is not their city of refuge!
In order to give them a morale “nakba”, so that they [the Arab post-WW1 settler Colonialists] know that we [Indigenous Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel] respond strongly to every bit of terrorism on their part – and that the destruction of the [remaining] square of terror in Rafah will be a symbol of the destruction of HAMAS in Rafah that will follow. What doesn’t go with pressure will go with more [Indigenous] pressure!
This is how they [the Islamist, the Arab Colonizer] behave in the Middle East, this is how they speak their Colonial Arabic, and this is how they create [worldwide Colonial] resistance [“we Colonialists are the victims”], and bring a new and decisive [worldwide] spirit to their war of aggression [upon Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands]!
![Rav Abraham Kook knows atheist Jews are the best Jews!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240312_005535902.png?resize=861%2C1024)
Even Rav Kook in Israel was very clear that atheist Jews are the best, because they expose the idolatries that are created by the “religious”. Why?! Because, Jews are the last surviving people of the historic peoples of Canaan. We are the story keepers of ANE Canaan!!! We have an ethno-religion and a laws system that informs us of who we are as a people, and what we are not as a people.
Our ethno-“religious” views, as a Canaan Indigenous Jewish people, has evolved from the polytheism that we shared originally with the now extinct (courtesy of regional and worldwide “Colonizers”) other peoples of Canaan and into henotheism (monolatry to one deity, while recognizing the existence of other deities) and, ultimately, (though never without constant questions!) into post-Maimonides animistic “monotheism”, AND into “cultural” post-Shoah (post-modernity) Jewish-ness. Some call this latter, wrongly, “atheistic Judaism”, for even “atheist Jews” embrace our ancestral literatures – to include facing Y-HWH in our most sacred of Jewish documents!
Atheism only means anti-theism, a devotion to a prescribed “religion” based in the belief in a personal “God” as creator and ruler of this world who is trying to “convert” the whole world of human beings into a universal “theology”. The Jewish people are not a “religion”, we have an Indigenous land-god that we are vassal treated to for survival, according to our Indigenous people’s stories! Where was this “God” that Christians supposedly “believe” in (too!) during the Christian inspired and worldwide perpetrated Shoah?!
WE JEWS DON’T KNOW!!! But, what we do know, as Canaan descendant Jews, is that we Jews have a purpose for still existing as an Indigenous Canaan Judean people in this world. Hello?! We still exist like all other still surviving Indigenous peoples worldwide! So, we demand a worldwide audience, as Jews!!! Whether in the land of our ancestors, Israel, or in the planet-wide diaspora, we have this purpose for being born and you must, human world, honestly and humbly listen to us. For we “Jews” will survive you, and you know this already. (What you don’t know is that other Indigenous peoples will survive you, too! They are also doing so, they just have even less minority numbers!)
![Israel's decolonization is the example for all Indigenous peoples worldwide!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240314_162217709.png?resize=591%2C1024)
This here is what we strive to teach this world, literally! Israel’s decolonization is the example for all Indigenous peoples worldwide! #indigenous #israel #native #nativeamerican
Why is being Native American and being Jewish really challenging to express? It’s two-fold.
First, like Jews in the USA, Native Americans are an extreme minority. Most U.S. citizens have never met a tribal registered Native American in person, like most have not met a Jew by Jewish halachot. Most USA citizens have only met a Jewish caricature, via social media, and those claiming to be Jewish who are not.
Second, Jews from the European diaspora have, since the 1960’s, identified as “white” European people with a Judaic religion, this latter causing them to have an ethnic difference amongst “whites”. In other words, Jews from the European diaspora have lost touch with their Indigenous identity, which no other diaspora Jews can afford to do.
Jewish Indigenous to Southwest Asia are, to this very day, still the last surviving Indigenous people of Canaan, no matter whether we live upon our ancestral land or in the worldwide diasporas. We speak our Canaanite Hebrew language, we keep our ancient land obligations and rituals, and we wrestle with the application of our Judean-orignating Jewish laws.
We Sephardi-Mizrahi Jews see other Indigenous peoples as kindred. Hence, many marriages between Native Americans and Sephardi Jews, who fled the Conquistadors’ Inquisition to “America” (Michilimackinac), only to be chased down here, too. And, upon Southwest Asia, as well, we view the Indigenous Kurdish people and the Druze and Amazigh as kindred people.
So, to some of us Jews, at least, a Muscogee Jew, Pueblo Jew, Taíno Jew, Māori Jew, etc(!) are fully Indigenous Jewish AND fully Indigenous Native American/Pacific Islander.
The whole reason for the Facebook Page “Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA” is to help us Jews break out of the Colonial narratives that we were forced to adopt for our very survival – that we are a “civilization” or a religion, and not an Indigenous people with inherent land rights to our ancestral land of Israel.
We Jews must begin once again to speak unto this world from our inherent Indigenous voice and perspective! It is way past time to end the Arab-European Colonial violence and supremacy.
Judith Rosenbaum, CEO of the Jewish Women’s Archive, talks with Emily Bowen Cohen about Two Tribes, her debut graphic novel inspired by her own life experience being part of two vibrant tribes: she is Jewish and a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. March 7, 2024.
![The hypocrisy of Arab and European Conquistadors targeting Jews!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240314_165625067.png?resize=687%2C1024)
We Jews, being an Indigenous people to the land of Canaan Israel, do not fear nor wish to erase our polytheistic roots. If you, non-Jews, got this impression from our henotheistic ancestral literatures (our TaNaKh), then you are (painfully and sadly for us) (and historically) seriously mistaken about our Jewish people’s intentions! Jews, who are post- the 1st Temple polytheistic period BCE (ANE), are a monolatrous people, full stop! We have zero interest in “converting” the world to our Indigenous Judean people’s ethno-religion and way-of-life (in other words, to our Jewish path of halachot).
We Jews stress over the very ideas of “putting the past behind you” (European Colonial historical erasure of colonized Indigenous peoples) or seeing Islamists blow up any relics to a past that existed before the creation of Islam (Arab/Muslim Colonial historical erasure)! We Jews value the teaching of our (non-Jewish) ancestors that lived life on this planet Earth before us. Their understanding of this world is as valuable as our understanding, for these ancestors of the Israelites are the reason for why we Jews – the last surviving Canaan Indigenous people on planet Earth – still exist to this very today in this 21st century CE!
It does not surprise us Jews, only informs us, when Archaeology research reveals in “a concrete” way what our ancestral myths already teach us. That Canaanites (Jews, who are the only surviving descendants of the Canaan peoples) were the colonized “enslaved” by the Egyptian regional empire during the “divided” kingdom of Egypt (that preceded our Jewish Canaan people’s founding as a unique ethnicity amongst our Canaanite peoples). Not all Canaanites were in Egypt, but those who returned had stories to share to the rest of us. And, we Jews of Canaan, whose founding event occurred in Canaan Moab (southern Jordan today) – you know, the people of Israel – put our intimate Indigenous touch upon this telling of Indigenous peoples’ stories!
If you are NOT an anti-Indigenous Colonial racist, then you will understand what we Indigenous peoples are trying to teach this Arab-European settler colonized world. Science is the Jewish people’s greatest ally! For the science of Archaeology – a science born in questioning itself incessantly (like we Jews do through our Talmud debates) – like all modern sciences – reveals that during the Egyptian occupation of Canaan, courtesy of Semitic Hyksos Pharoah exchanges, the land-gods of both Canaan and Egypt were the gods respected in these lands – meaning, in both Egypt and Canaan.
Do you not see the obvious-ness of this?! The land-god Ba’al, the Canaan storm god, and the Egyptian land-gods Re-Horakhty, Seth, and Hathor were “worshipped” in Temples in BOTH Egyptian occupied Canaan and, in return, in Egypt proper. When Egypt was united once more under native Egyptian Pharoah rule, the Temple to Ba’al was simply renamed into a Temple to an Egyptian land god … without … physically changing the image of the god that is on the Temple wall. Whereas, (like expressed in Jewish messianic hopes), the Canaan temples to “the gods” continued to show all the gods – foreign and domestic – until the the sudden destruction of these temples at the end of “the Bronze age”.
Our Jewish Torah very clearly teaches that only the Jewish people are a vassaled people, as the chosen people of Canaan by Y-HWH who are obligated to the “613 mitzvot” that defines our people – in whatever modern form we present this to this human world. No one else is so obligated on this planet Earth! Hence, why Jews – the people of Israel – have the added burden in life to ensure that all peoples, regardless the land-gods that they follow and worship, have the “presence” opportunity to stand before Y-HWH in our land of Israel – even present upon our most sacred Indigenous people’s Mount, in our Jewish land of Israel – regardless which land-god they “worship”. Just don’t proselytize, non-Jews!
House of the Rising Sun: Azekah’s Canaanite Temple
![Jews do speak and write Colonial Arabic too, Arab and European Colonizers!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Polish_20240314_213156563.png?resize=629%2C1024)
كلنا نعرف من سرق الأرض والحياة في أرض كنعان إسرائيل: فلسطينيون أوروبيون وفلسطينيون عرب! لستم أصحاب شرعيين لأن الأجداد سرقوا الأرض! لا أحد يملك الأرض إلا إله الأرض. أنت لا تعرف حتى اسمه. لهذا السبب تسميه الله في لغتك العربية الاستعمارية. لقد ولد الشعب اليهودي من أرض كنعان إسرائيل! أن يكون صاحب السيادة على أرض أجدادنا. … الأكراد يريدون استعادة أرضهم من المستعمرين العرب.
كل يهود اليهودية والسامرة. أُجبر بعض اليهود على دخول أوروبا ثم عادوا إلى أرض إسرائيل. أُجبر بعض اليهود على دخول شبه الجزيرة العربية ثم عادوا إلى أرض إسرائيل. أُجبر بعض اليهود على دخول إفريقيا ثم عادوا إلى أرض إسرائيل. أجبر بعض اليهود على الفرار إلى شمال وجنوب القارات التي يسميها الأوروبيون “أمريكا” ثم عادوا إلى أرض إسرائيل. كل يهود يهودا والسامرة ارض اسرائيل!
لقد تحدث الشعب اليهودي بأمانة بلغتنا الكنعانية العبرية لمدة 3300 عام. نحن القبيلة الكنعانية الوحيدة المتبقية التي لا تزال تتحدث لغتنا الكنعانية العبرية حتى يومنا هذا. ما زلنا نحتفظ بأسماء آلهتنا الكنعانية في الأدب المقدس لأسلافنا. نحافظ على حضورنا الأمين في أرض كنعان / إسرائيل لضمان الوفاء بالتزامات الأرض السنوية. كانت العائلات اليهودية التي ولدت في الشرق الأوسط هي التي أعادت أرض إسرائيل إلى السيادة الزراعية والمائية للشعب اليهودي في ثمانينيات القرن التاسع عشر.
لهذا السبب ، في السنوات 1920-1940 ، أثناء الاحتلال البريطاني ، أتت جموع من العرب إلى يهودا والسامرة للمطالبة بأرضنا اليهودية على أنها “عربية”. كان المستوطنون الاستعماريون الناطقون بالعربية في الضفة الغربية وغزة هم من أسسوا KGB-PLO في عام 1964. إنهم قوة احتلال عربية طويلة الأمد ، يسمون أنفسهم “الشعب الفلسطيني” على أرضنا الإسرائيلية.
![Halal chitterlings for the African American converts to Colonial Islam! Palestinians, do try!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/FB_IMG_1710545390009.jpg?resize=600%2C800)
This is for the Farrakhan crew and any other African Americans “reverting” to Colonial Islam! LOL! Shaun King , have you tried? You definitely can convert from Colonial Christianity to Colonial Islam and from Colonial Islam to Colonial Christianity. But, you cannot revert back to a Colonial religion that you were never forced into.
African-Americans, former slaves, were forced into Colonial Christianity and lost knowledge of their ancestral ethno-religion. Just like Africans, mostly former slaves (for some are still being enslaved by Arabs to this day), were forced into Colonial Islam and lost knowledge of their ancestral ethno-religion.
Both religious Colonizers of this planet Earth are guilty of the same Colonial sets of crimes against still surviving Indigenous humanity worldwide! You know, Jews, Druze, Amazigh, Igbos, Kurds, Sámi, Navajo, Anishinaabe, Cree, Pueblo, Cherokee, Lakota, Māori, kanaka o’ Hawai’i, etc, etc, etc(!).
You only serve your Colonial own, and never mind the Indigenous peoples who are refusing to assimilate into Arab-European Conquistador societies – thus, are the “terrorists” “infidels” “occupiers” within your Colonial imagined social world.
META Description : Pray that Israel can end the HAMAS Palestinians efforts to bring a total destruction to our ancestral Jewish city of Gaza!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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