The world over knows about the Jewish holiday of Pesach, “Passover”, courtesy of 4th century CE northern Aegean-created Colonial Christianity’s spread upon the continents and islands of planet Earth. But, how many non-Jews understand the history and the Indigenous Jewish rituals that are involved in this seasonal Judean people’s agrarian “holy”-day? Some non-Jews, more than others, think they understand, courtesy of the 20th century CE United States invention of Pretendinds – wannabe Jewish indigenous Christians – who are appropriating Jewish actual Indigenous ethno-religious culture (for their Colonial theological gains!).
![Pretendind (wannabe Jews) - Cultural appropriation is a crime against all Indigenous humanity, Evangelical Christians who are pretending to be Jews! Even on pesach!](
Pretendind (wannabe “Jews” who are indigenous to Judea and Samaria) – Listen up!: Cultural appropriation is a crime against all Indigenous humanity, Evangelical Christians who are pretending to be “Jews”! For Jews and other Indigenous peoples who are needing to understand who are Pretendind:
Deceptive Proselytizing is an attempt to convert people through devious and false means and methods. “Jews for Jesus” and all other “Messianic Judaism” groups are a 20th century Evangelical Christian invention that deliberately and directly targets the Jewish people of the land of Israel for conversion. These Pretendinds (wannabe Jewish indigenous) use cultural appropriation of Jewish language and ethno-religious practice to deceptively entice Jews into violating our covenant, our vassal treaty, with the Creator G-d of Israel.
While some of their members may, in fact, be legally Jewish, most are non-Jewish Christians who deceptively adopt Jewish names and practices, and misuse our cultural artifacts (our Torah, tallit, shofar, etc!) and titles (Rabbi, Rebbetzin, “Jew”, etc!) to appear Jewish. Their Jewishness is a façade, because these Christians are not legally Jews and these groups accept traditional Colonial Christian religion’s teachings, and reject authentic Jewish teachings in all the areas where this exposes their lies. They wrongfully call their churches “synagogues” and, in a new development, members of these groups are now, also, dressing up as Muslims in Arab nations and calling their churches “mosques”, for the same proselytizing reasons.
One obvious sign of a Pretendind – a fake Jew, a Christian or Muslim that is pretending to be Jewish – is when someone talks about being a messianic or completed Jew, or claims that a Jew can accept Yeshua (Jesus) without giving up their Judaism. No! This is a violation of the vassal treaty made between Jews and our G-d, Y-HWH. It is Y-HWH that forbids placing any kind of a formed image before the face of Y-HWH as a god (whether, in stone, in flesh and, especially, if in a human form!). Many sensitive Christians have condemned the deceptive behavior of these groups, while others continue to support them.
If you are Taíno, Anishinaabe, Cherokee, Lakota, Pueblo, Navajo, Wampanoag, Cree, or any other Native American people, please, be aware of this crime of appropriation of Indigenous people’s culture by Christians who are masquerading as “Jews”! Please, expose them for who they are and refuse to associate with them, until they get honest and less sinful in their behaviors – by calling themselves what they actually are, Messianic Christians who are proselytizing the Colonial “god in flesh” Christ to cause Jews to violate our covenant with Y-HWH! They even translated their northern Aegean created Christian “Bible” into our Indigenous Judean people’s Canaanite Hebrew, in order to deceive Jews into the idea that there was a Hebrew version of the Koine Greek “New Testament”.
Please, be aware that this fake Judaism further victimizes the Jewish people of the land of Israel, who are already badly misrepresented and targeted enough in every generation by normative Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam, courtesy of their settler Colonialisms upon all of planet Earth for ruling dominionism of Colonial Christ and Colonial Allah (and, now, Marx, too!).
![Jewish seder plate for pesach, Passover, which is not to be appropriated by wannabe Jews, Christians who are pretending to be us!](
Like with all of our Torah origin stories, our Jewish Torah shares (two to) three different versions of our Pesach story, which are expertly interwoven together into one self conflicting narrative.
Question 1 of 4: Why did our Jewish ancestors preserve all versions of our Judean stories within Torah, rather than blend them into one singular internally consistent (and less long!) singular narrative?
Historical and regional archaeological evidence shows clearly that only some Jews, via our Canaan ancestors, returned to Judea from Egypt, and that the rest of Canaan were “slaves” to the Egyptians through Egyptian occupation of the land of Canaan. Hence, the differing stories interwoven within Torah about the Exodus.
Question 2 of 4: Does it even matter which version of ancestral history that we embrace as a Native Judean-orignating people – the mythical story version, that is based in history, or the literal and demonstrable history within our and neighboring peoples’ sacred grounds?
Our Torah story of Exodus teaches us that G-d hardened the heart of Paro, the “Pharoah”, to deliberately show the Jews his uncompromising power over the hearts and minds of humans – at the drowned expense of Pharoah and his pursuing army(!) – and Torah teaches us that G-d was literally surprised by the hardened heart of Paro (Pharoah) and had to react to this human insolence to his authority, which led to the unfortunate and accidental deaths of Paro and his pursuing Egyptian army.
Question 3 of 4: Which of the two stories of Jewish human encounter with G-d displayed in our Jewish Torah represents your personally lived experience of the divine?
For the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel, the past is always before us – and, thus, the future is the unknown that is behind us. Understanding this uniquely Judean people’s worldview, every generation of the Jewish people live our historical past as if it were our present experience. Hence, our sensitivity as a people to the repetitions of human history that targets us. Hence, why our community sederim, based on regional or diaspora locations, include additions to the seder that represent modern (post-“biblical”) exoduses of the Jewish people!
Question 4 of 4: What are your Jewish community’s stories of survival from non-Jewish enslavement of our Jewish people?
![The order of seder for pesach has a reason to it that does not include Colonial Jesus Christ of the Aegean north!](
A reminder: If you want to understand Jews, then you must properly understand our Indigenous stories. For example,… How many ‘Exodus from Egypt’ stories are there in our Canaanite Hebrew language Jewish Torah? Do you know the answer? If you said “one”, then you are very wrong about this! Remember, Torah is a battle between two gods for the minds of Jews. But, interestingly, in this part of our Torah, there are three Exodus stories. Each story has its own purpose and teaching, and all stories blended together spans a thousand years of Indigenous Jewish thought.
What do we Jews mean by this? Well, let’s get to studying the present parashot that Jews are engaged in at this time of year – the story of the exodus from Egypt. Remember, every year, we Jews recite or listen to the recitation of our Canaan-originating Jewish stories in the original Canaanite Hebrew language of our people of Israel. So, let’s start listening here!
Part 1 of 3 D’varim (Stories)
The oldest version of our Exodus story tells a tale of the Judean land god, the storm god Y-HWH, doing battle with the Egyptians to impress upon them his superior might, so that the Egyptians will know the god of the Jews. This story is short and to the point about how Y-HWH overcomes the Egyptians in battle, after the people of Israel sneak away from Egypt and the Pharaoh’s army is closely following from behind to bring them back to Egypt.
In this story, Pharaoh has made the royal decree that every son born shall be thrown into the Nile and every daughter kept alive. This is where Pharoah’s daughter finds Moshe (Moses) and raises him as her own, he eventually kills an Egyptian as an adult, flees for his life, and becomes the adopted son of a Midianite priest, having married Ziporah. From here, a cherub of Y-HWH appears to Moshe in a flaming bush, and Y-HWH warns Moshe that he is on sacred ground. Moshe takes off his shoes, and Y-HWH informs Moshe that he is seeing the suffering of the people of Israel in Egypt.
Y-HWH admits that he already knows that the Pharoah of Egypt will not allow the people of Israel to go, so he will put out his personal hand, strike Egypt with his power, and they will let the Jews go. Then, a little bit later, Y-HWH realizes that Moshe is uncircumcised and seeks to kill Moshe for this. Ziporah becomes the unheard mashiach (messiah) of this story, for she had the wherewithal to save Moshe’s life by circumcising their son. After this, Moshe and Aharon demanded, in the name of Y-HWH, that Pharoah let Moshe’s people of Israel go to celebrate an Indigenous Judean festival in the wilderness. Pharoah asks, “who is Y-HWH, that I should listen to his voice? No!” This was the end of all discussion.
So, the people of Israel fled from Egypt. And, Y-HWH, riding upon a cherub that is surrounded by a densely thick cloud, guides the Jews by day towards their home, and by night with a pillar of fire, because the Egyptians are pursuing them. When the time was right, Y-HWH navigated his cloud from before the people of Israel to behind the people, clouding the path of the Egyptians. This is when Y-HWH brings a powerful Eastern wind to separate the Sea of Reeds to create a dry land escape path for the people of Israel to run across.
The Egyptian army fought through the darkness and columns of fire that Y-HWH had thrown at them, but was now fatally vulnerable within the dry ground of the sea of reeds, between the wind separated columns of water. The Egyptians declared, “Y-HWH is fighting for the Jews against us, we need to flee!” They turned around and fled. But, too late! Y-HWH covered the Egyptians with the waters of the sea of reeds, and the people of Israel saw Egypt dead on the seashore. They celebrated their survival with an Indigenous foundational song!
Part 2 of 3 D’varim (Stories)
The youngest version of our Exodus story tells a tale of the Judean high god, Elohim, exerting absolute control over all transpiring events, allowing absolutely zero “free will” of choice for both the Egyptians and the people of Israel. In all Jewish Elohim stories, the high god is a dictator – in both the verbal instructions and the decision making sense.
In this story, the children of Israel have been very fruitful in their birth rates, thus Egypt oppressed them with the hard labors that were within Egyptian society. The children of Israel groaned under their labors, and Elohim heard them and remembered the covenant with his people. So Elohim spoke to Moshe (Moses), revealing that he is Y-HWH who appeared as El Shaddai to Avraham, Yitzhak (Isaac), and Yaakov (Jacob).
Elohim instructs Moshe to tell the children of Israel that he will bring them out from under Egypt’s oppression and bring them to their Canaan Judean people’s land. Moshe instructs the people as commanded, but the people do not listen under their physical and emotional stress. So, Elohim tells Moshe to speak to Pharoah directly, and tell him to let the children of Israel go from his land. But, now, Moshe objects, because he badly studders and does not believe that Pharaoh will listen to him.
Elohim declares to Moshe that he has made Pharoah see Moshe as a god and Aharon (Aaron) as Moshe’s prophet. This is where Elohim reveals his plan: Moshe will speak what Elohim commands, Aharon will speak to Pharoah, and Elohim will harden Pharoah’s heart to multiply Elohim’s signs and wonders to all of Egypt. From here begins the making of magic and charms between Moshe’s Aharon and Pharoah’s magicians. And the more they traded signs and wonders, the more Elohim hardened Pharoah’s heart.
Eventually, Aharon’s magic was more powerful than that of Pharoah’s magicians, and Elohim hardened Pharoah’s heart even more. At this point in our Exodus story is where Elohim has Moshe and Aharon command the children of Israel to pack up, as if fleeing, and make a festival meal with a mark on their front door post. The children of Israel did so, and Elohim came through Egypt with the maschit – a demon that slaughters – to slay all firstborn throughout Egypt. Only homes with the mark on them will be spared, for Elohim will guide the maschit away from them.
Elohim commands the children of Israel to leave Egypt, and they do so. Elohim now strengthens Pharoah’s already hardened heart, so that Pharoah pursues Israel out of Egypt and towards the sea with Egypt’s entire army – all for Elohim’s glory against Pharoah before all of Egypt, so that they will know the name Y-HWH. At the sea, Elohim divides the waters, creating a dry path for the children of Israel to cross. Then, Egypt’s army pursues onto the dry seabed and is swallowed by the divided waters. Every member of Egypt’s army perished by drowning, and Egypt now knows Y-HWH.
Part 3 of 3 D’varim (Stories)
The longest version of our Exodus story (and it is very very long!) tells a tale of the Judean land god, the Elohim Y-HWH, being surprised by the Egyptian Pharaoh and the Egyptian citizens’ responses to his demands that the people of Israel be allowed to return home to their Canaan land of Judea and Samaria. And, unlike the two previous versions of G-d that control the action by physical might or by dictating words, this version of G-d prefers to work through others, behind the scenes, to perform his glorious works.
In this story, a new Pharoah has taken rule upon Egypt, one who did not know Joseph. He noticed just how many there are in the numbers the children of Israel that are upon the land of Egypt. Fearing that we Jews would side against Egypt in a time of war, the Pharoah had his CEOs, his “commanders of the work-companies”, deplete the number of Jewish workers with numerous labor projects. Note, manual labor of the Egyptian kind can easily lead to deaths when workers are overworked.
To the dismay of the Pharoah, though, the more he worked the children of Israel, the more the Jews multiplied in their numbers of birth to meet the construction needs of the Pharoah’s work companies. Inciting his own Egyptian people towards hatred for the children Israel, the king of Egypt (the actual term for Pharoah that is used in this version of the story) instructed all the midwives delivering Jewish children to kill any male newborn, thus allowing only the female children to live.
The midwives refused to obey the Pharoah’s command. When summoned to explain, they justified themselves by calling the people of Israel an “animal” species thus, by the time the midwives arrived to deliver babies, the Jewish women had already given birth. The Pharoah accepted the excuse, and the midwives were significantly blessed by Elohim for sparing Jewish lives. Thus, the children of Israel grew very powerful in numbers in Egypt.
This is where the story shifts radically to an introduction of Moshe (Moses), who is shepparding the flock of his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. As Moshe drove the flock to the far side of the wilderness, he arrives upon Horeb, which is the Mountain of G-d (Sinai is another name for this mountain). Moshe hears Elohim call to him from inside a burning bush. Elohim says that he is the god of Moshe’s father and the god of the patriarchs, and Moshe hides his face in fear.
Elohim instructs Moshe to go face the Pharoah, for Elohim sees the Jews’ suffering, while knowing that Elohim is beside him when facing the king of Egypt. Note, in this version of the Exodus story, Elohim Y-HWH has no physical form, and appears within very specific animated objects. Elohim instructs Moshe to bring the children of Israel to Horeb, after Pharoah has let the people go. Moshe asks how he should introduce Elohim to the children of Israel. Elohim instructs him, tell them “I am who I am” who has sent you, Moshe, to the Jews.
Moshe doubts the voice of G-d coming from the burning bush. So, Elohim tells Moshe to drop his staff. And, before Moshe’s eyes, the staff turns into a snake (a significant Southwest Asia to North Africa divinity symbol)! Moshe fled from it in fear. Elohim tells Moshe to grab its tail and, when Moshe does this, snake becomes a staff. The proof of miraculous acts continue, until Moshe is convinced of his divine Indigenous calling in life. Moshe, now convinced, pleads that he is heavy of mouth and tongue and would not make a good spokesperson for the children of Israel.
Elohim Y-HWH’s anger flares at this point, over Moshe’s insolence, for Elohim already knew Moshe’s impediment. He explains to Moshe that Aharon, the Levite, who will speak for him, is already on the path toward Moshe, who is the Cohen. When the two unite, they went to the people of Israel and showed Elohim Y-HWH’s signs and wonders before the people. And the Jews believed in these signs and wonders, asking to go on a trip outside of Egypt to make sacrifice to Y-HWH, lest he strike against them rather than Egypt.
The Pharoah summons Moshe and Aharon and asks why they have released the children of Israel from their labors to the king of Egypt. In anger, the Pharoah commanded his taskmasters to increase the burden upon the Jews to prevent them any time for festivals. And Elohim Y-HWH now reveals his plan to stress the Pharoah, until he releases the children of Israel and allows them to leave Egypt. With every visit to the Pharoah, Moshe and Aharon, demand that Pharoah let the Jews go from Egypt to serve Y-HWH.
With every plea that Moshe and Aharon makes on behalf of the children of Israel, Elohim Y-HWH increases the burdens upon the Pharoah and his Egyptian people. Plagues of all sorts! Elohim Y-HWH is determined to win this battle of the wills. The Pharoah is beginning to make concessions for relief,… – (unfortunately, in this ancient Indigenous story, it’s not a few “hostages”, but just false promises of release!) – …but Pharoah still refuses to relinquish his occupation upon the Jews. – (This sounds a lot like present Arab Palestinian HAMAS terrorists, now, doesn’t it?! Hello?!)
Elohim Y-HWH becomes backed into a corner over the Pharoah’s obstinance and refusal to let the Jews go. So, he brings the maschit – the demon that slaughters – to Egypt (to occupied Gaza!) to end this standoff between evil (Colonizer, oppressor) and good (Indigenous peoples). Moshe and Aharon warn the people what to do for our survival from this divine wrath over the oppression of Indigenous peoples.
And the Jews of Israel listened, avoiding more slaughters of our people, as Elohim Y-HWH slaughters the children of the Egyptians – to our forever Indigenous dismay that life has to actually unfold this way upon this planet Earth for Indigenous peoples’ survival! For this Indigenous people victory over a regional Colonizer, Elohim Y-HWH instructs the children of Israel, the Jews, to consecrate every firstborn to the service of Elohim Y-HWH.
For 3,800 years now, no empire, no Colonizer (Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Arab Muslim, European Christian, Turkish, Iranian, etc!) has been able to successfully fully uproot the Jewish people of Canaan Israel from our Indigenous land and our Indigenous ways. IT IS TIME to end modern history Arab-European settler Colonialism upon this planet Earth, for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx dominionism upon Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!
Can you see for yourself the three versions of the Exodus from Egypt story in our Jewish Torah? They are expertly redacted together into one complicated, even contradictory, singular Exodus narrative about a complicated, even contradictory, Judean land god and his people of Israel. … This is why we Jews love our stories. Go study!
We Indigenous peoples worldwide demand #LandBack ! Allow us to peacefully decolonize amongst your Arab-European Colonial nations! This means no longer being an Arab-European occupied “puppet state” upon our decolonized ancestral lands! We Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, Sámi, Pueblos, Cherokee, Lakota, Navajo, Anishinaabe, Wampanoag, Taino, Cree, Māori , Kanaka o’ Hawai’i (Hawaiians), etc(!) appreciate your “kokua” (respectful assistance, help) for our Indigenous peoples’ ways and land rights!
Zionism is the most successful land back movement, so far, in modern human history!
![Not even on Pesach do Neturei type Jews speak for the Jewish people of Israel!](
Beware the religious messianic Jews. They believe that the ben Kosebah, ben Hushiel, ben Gvir types of Zionists are wrong, only because they took Jewish decolonization for survival into their own hands. Once these Neturei type Jews believe they have found their messiah, they will seek with a religious vengeance the death of all non-Jews occupying the land of Israel! These types of Jews do not speak for the Jewish people of Israel.
Ysoscher Katz correctly shared, “Neturei Karta to Gazans: we are with you and are against genocide … but here’s the part we don’t say out loud: we are of course opposed to it ———
We believe the evil Zionists are wrong …
… because they are doing it before the time has come. But, when the right time arrives, we will be the first ones to annihilate all of you. And we expect it to happen soon, once the messiah arrives.
We in fact pray thrice daily for the arrival of the messiah, and when that finally happens, we will destroy every church, Mosque, and Buddhist temple, and then impose capital punishment on anybody who refuses to embrace Orthodox Judaism; EVERY Palestinian who fails to submit to the authority of halakha will be killed—and their radical left sympathizers won’t fare that much better either.
One may believe whatever they want but to be disingenuous is condemnable.”
![Welcome to TAAF and Jews for Judaism](
Tribal Alliance Against Fraud (TAAF) understands our Jewish people’s plight in this modern world – where Evangelical Christians think it does no harm to the Jewish people of Israel to “graft” yourself in, and to appropriate what is ethnically and ethno-religiously our Judean ways, by altering it to fit your Colonial culture and religious beliefs. There is a reason we scream at you in Israel, Missionaries, for bringing this “proselytizing the Jew” ish upon our sacred land!
“Why Is It So Important To Us?
The American Indians living today are the descendants of the tiny percentage of American Indians who survived colonization. [So are the Jews indigenous to Southwest Asia!] We are still fighting for our sovereignty, for basic human rights, and facing many challenges like the intergenerational grief and trauma we inherited from [Arab-European] colonization itself; reservations, the boarding schools, forced removals, missing and murdered women and girls, environmental issues such as at Standing Rock, high rates of suicide, alcoholism, and much more.
American Indians are very resilient. [All surviving Indigenous peoples are very resilient!] It is literally in our genes. We adapt. We thrive. But we are facing a new form of genocide: the theft of our cultures, and even our ancestors, by people who are benefiting from their theft and who are taking our cultures and turning them into something unrecognizable.
Why? Because they think it’s cool. Because they mistakenly think they have American Indian ancestry. [In our case, think they have Jewish legal status from a non-Jewish Colonial religion’s theological “faith”]. For whatever reason. They are uninformed and do not realize what they are doing. And some do it for money and/or notoriety. [Some do it to deceptively coerce the Jewish people of Israel to violate our Covenant, our vassal treaty, with the Creator G-d of Israel in favor of worshipping their northern Colonial invented “god in flesh”!]
It does not “honor” someone when you steal what is not yours. It is not for non-American Indians [and non-Jews] to determine what American Indians [and Jews] should be willing to share after so much was stolen [from us]. [As these wannabe “Messianic Jews”, Evangelical Christians, of the 20th and 21st century are doing without shame!] If something is willingly shared, that is a gift. It should be respected and honored. If it is not willingly shared, it should not be taken. That is theft. [A violation of the Ten….]
Some [Indigenous peoples] are willing to share more openly than others. American Indians are not a monolith. [Nor are Jews who are indigenous to the land of Israel.] Make no assumptions[, please]. Ideas about tribal identity and sovereignty do vary. Please honor them all and err on the side of caution and respect. [Don’t pretend and appropriate our Native cultures and ethno-religions!]
We expose those who knowingly represent themselves falsely for the purpose of financial gain and other [Indigenous] damaging causes. People [- most often, citizens of Arab-European Colonial nations -] who falsely represent themselves as Indigenous are slowly erasing us by replacing us.” It’s already bad enough that we are not being heard by the majority who, in their social supremacy, speak for us extreme social minorities upon this planet Earth!
Lo yiyeh lecha elohim acherim al panai!
Why is it so important to Jews?
Founded in 1985, Jews for Judaism was created as a response to religious coercion targeting Jews for conversion, and to strengthen and preserve Jewish identity through education and counseling.
Our unique programs have provided hundreds-of-thousands of people with tools to respond to religious harassment and discover the spiritual richness of Judaism. We are a respected resource for all ages and all denominations within the Jewish community.
META Description : Pesach, what the non-Jewish world knows as Passover, is an Indigenous Judean people’s yearly seasonal ritual that defines our SWANA people!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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