” “Free Palestine” is not an Indigenous liberation movement. … Today, there is an urgent need to reinforce our sovereignty. We must control our resources, govern our lands, and preserve our cultures against ongoing threats. Just as Jewish people have maintained their cultural and ancestral connections to Israel, we, too, must safeguard our heritage. ” – Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation, NASP … Native Americans fully understand that Jewish Zionism is an Indigenous people’s resistance movement!
![Native Americans understand that Zionism is an Indigenous resistance movement!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240502_141720657.png?resize=761%2C1024)
Indigenous Bridges shared, “A few days ago, my friend Lani Mekeel, a Native and Jewish woman- who’s land those Hamas-worshiping colonists are on illegally- was assaulted multiple times by privileged Islamist Nazis at UCLA, because she was opposing rape and colonialism. I posted the video of part of it on my ateretshmuel Instagram account, if you want to see for yourself.
How much of a hypocrite do you have to be to literally assault a Native woman on HER land, while claiming to be “against colonialism.”
If you’re on the side of a movement where masked men openly violently assault Native women – in addition, of course, to calling for the genocide of Jews, assaulting Jewish students, preventing freedom of press, and waving flags of some of the most hateful, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, colonialist terror groups on the planet – you’re on the wrong side of history.
I want to make something abundantly clear:
The “free Palestine” movement is a racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, homophobic, genocidal colonialist movement that happens to be repackaged in the appealing language of “human rights,” “social justice,” and “Indigenous rights”… but it is the literal opposite of all of those things. As you can clearly see in that video and so many others…
It relies on useful idiots who know NOTHING at all about the actual geopolitical reality in the region, but just want to feel good about themselves, to give it “legitimacy”.
Oh, and obviously the authorities did nothing.
But it does seem that some people are taking a stand and using their voice against this modern Nazi movement.
All the love and respect in the world for Native Americans for Sovereignty and Preservation. We will never forget who stood with us.”
NASP stands with Lani Dawn and Jewish Sovereignty
![The Arab-European invader and Colonizer of Native lands writes history and tells the Indigenous what history is now.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240501_235632912.png?resize=898%2C1024)
“The invader writes history, they came, they invaded & they write…” – these are the Arab-European Conquistadors upon Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide(!) “… You don’t expect people who came to invade us to tell the truth about us…” – Miriam Makeba
Exactly! This is why we Arab-occupied Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ – Israelis and Kurds – freedom fight everyday for the liberation of our lands from Arab-European enforced settler Colonialism!
Marvel Alves Henry wrote: ” I’m amazed at just how unaware people are about what’s actually happening in other parts of the world. Way too many people are willing to simply go along with whatever is trending. It really doesn’t matter if the truth is slapping them in the face….
I am saying that as a Afro descendant person, I will not be co opted for the cause of Jihadis who ask me to stand with them while they continue to brutalize and kill African people.
For decades, anti-Israel Arab college students and adults have sought solidarity with Black students/adults while saying nothing about the thousands of Black African slaves throughout the Arab/Islamic world. Then have the nerve to throw racial slurs at Black Israel-supporters.
I will never forget the pictures, stories and articles about the thousands of West African migrants sold in Libyan SLAVE MARKETS. What did we see? No global protests, a largely silent U.N. not a peep from leaders in the Arab / Islamic world.
I’m not your abeed, bruh. Go intifada somewhere else.”
![The Nazi flag and Palestinian flag are the same - hence our Jewish and Kurdish liberation movements!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240502_145553333.jpg?resize=913%2C1024)
This is something that European Americans, African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, and Muslim (religion) Americans will never understand! This special bond between Indigenous Jews/Israelis and Michilimackinac Native nations (aka, Colonial “America”) has a history tied directly to the chasing of Jews from out of the Iberian Peninsula by European Christian Conquistadors in the 1400’s.
For Sephardi Jews, those who fled the Conquistadors to the “American” continents, we were welcomed into Native tribes, fought the Conquistadors with them, intermarried with Michilimackinac Indigenous, and became treaty Chiefs between the “white man” and Native tribes. Since, I said “Chief”, one Sephardi Jew was chosen by a Michilimackinac Native tribe to be their federally recognized nation’s Chief. Look it up!
Jewish students are welcome on Native land! Native men believe Israeli women!
![Stop UNRWA funding Arab genocide upon Indigenous Israelis and Kurds!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240427_173206897.png?resize=1007%2C575)
For every 1 Jew upon planet Earth, we are surrounded by 166 Christian Colonizers, 126 Muslims Colonizers, and 100 Marxist Colonizers – who near all are anti-Israel/anti-Jew and pro- Colonial “Palestine” upon Indigenous Israeli land. 392 social supremacists speaking for each 1 Jew about Jews and Israel, and most of it defamatory and derogatory about us! Then, worse, we have successfully colonized Jews in the United States of Colonial “America” supporting the UNRWA funded Arab “Palestinian” settler occupation and terrorisms upon decolonized Israel. So,…
STOP with the false equivalencies! Jews and Kurds are freedom fighting for our literal survival upon planet Earth from Arab-European racistly anti-Indigenous settler Colonialism! There is only one set of “combatants”, who are “well entrenched” in their Colonial position. The other side, the Native minority, is like an abused spouse with a gun, who is determined to defend herself from naked, rapey, violent, supremacist Christian, Muslim, and Marxist aggression!
This false equivalency between Indigenous Israelis/Jews (pro-Israel) and the Arab-European Conquistadors (pro-Palestinian) who are occupying Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide, to include Israel and Kurdistan, must end and in our lifetime! Jews are an extreme minority everywhere in this world, including in Southwest Asia, and the Arab-European Conquistadors for Colonial Islam, Christianity, and Marxism are the extreme social majority everywhere that Colonizers for Colonial Allah and Christ have occupied.
These ridiculously privileged university students – these young and life inexperienced wannabe social justice warriors – wouldn’t be stupidly getting themselves arrested, if they were taught easily verifiable historical facts about Southwest Asia, Israel and Kurdistan, and the USSR (now Russia) and United States of Colonial “America” holy war for the proxy possession of our SWANA Israeli and Kurdish lands! Easily verifiable historical facts don’t go away, no matter how much 1960’s-70’s KGB anti-Israel propaganda is funnelled into United States higher education campuses.
These students didn’t have to occupy their own school, terrorize Jewish students, and get arrested. Just like the USA universities didn’t have to embrace the KGB disinformation campaign. You know, the KGB created:
“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” that was spread throughout the Middle East to incite violently aggressive Arab anti-Jew racism. The ahistorical lies of “Israeli Apartheid”, which our Arab citizens denounce as antisemitic as f–k, because they are not oppressed! The USSR pushed resolution that Jewish “Zionism”, our Indigenous Judean people’s land back movement for self-sovereignty, is somehow “racism” against the Arab Conquistadors who are occupying and terrorizing SWANA Indigenous peoples – specifically, Israelis and Kurds!
Who are the present post-WW1 Arab Conquistadors upon Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands – outside of Colonial Jordan, Syria, and Iraq? The 1964 Moscow created PLO terrorist organization, with its KGB invented “Palestinian people” – invented to deny our peaceful and secure 1948 Indigenous Israeli (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens) decolonization from Arab-European settler Colonialism. Whom the KGB recruited Egypt-born Yasser Arafat and Bethlehem-born Mahmoud Abbas to be USSR-handled Marxist operatives that rule the “Palestinian people” for Russia.
Intelligent people with socially manipulative intent are sadly the creators of ahistorical disinformation, and even fall victim to this disinformation. We are in the 21st century planet-wide anti- Indigenous Israel disinformation age for this! So, keep this KGB understanding always in mind: “Disinformation is like cocaine – sniff once or twice, it may not change your life. If you use it every day, though, it will make you an addict – a different man[/woman].” – Yuri Andropov, KGB Chairman 1967 to 1982
STOP UNRWA funding Arab genocide upon Indigenous Israelis and Kurds! We will continue freedom fighting for the liberation of our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands, until you STOP!
![Columbia University has a campus with Tel Aviv University.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240501_223022881.png?resize=736%2C1024)
Did you know that Columbia University has a campus in Tel Aviv, Israel? And that Columbia University in Tel Aviv is accused of be anti-Palestinian for not accepting Arab Palestinians as students? Do you know why Arab Palestinians do not deserve to be students at any university in Israel, whether domestic or foreign? To make the answer easy, so that even USA Columbia University students, who are not so well educated, can comprehend and understand, let’s ask another question:
Do you really believe, citizens of the United States, that Mexican and Canadian citizens with no VISA, but have politically land-squatted within the borders of the United States to protest the United States’ national existence, should be allowed to go to USA universities? Why am I not surprised by the idea that these faculty indoctrinated students of USA universities would likely say, “yes”? Especially, considering how much anti-Indigenous racism – and, especially, anti-Jew/Israel racism – is inherent within the culture of the United States of Colonial “America”!
Listen up, privileged and naive USA citizens, Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatters – to deny Indigenous Israelis (Jews and Israeli Arabs) a peaceful and secure decolonization amongst the post-WW1 (European-Arab created) Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq – are NOT citizens of Israel, do not want to be citizens of our decolonized Indigenous Israeli nation, nor are they legal/illegal immigrants in Israel – thus these UNRWA funded and supported Arab (self-named since 1964) “Palestinian” racistly violent Arab Colonial land-squatters are NOT entitled to go to Columbia’s university in Israel, like our Israeli Arab and Jewish citizens are so allowed to do so.
North Carolina University Chapel Hill campus, students protestors hold a silent vigil for Palestine, then go to the school’s flag pole, remove the American flag, and raise the wannabe Colonial “Palestine” flag. Police arrive to remove the Palestinian flag and raise the USA flag, and student protestors wrestle and (technically) assault the police officers – all because these student protestors are upset that the University of North Carolina will not agree to their protest demand that their university “divests” from any organization that supports the right of Indigenous Israel to exist.
The last few weeks of University student protests in the USA has never been about the IDF-HAMAS war in Gaza. It has always been about the demonization of Indigenous Israelis/Jews, the glorification of the politically land-squatting Arab “Palestinian” Conquistadors and their Islamic terrorists, and historically consistent anti-Jew/Israel racism and anti-American (Marxist) bigotry!
These USA universities have utterly failed to educate these 20 percent of the student population, who occupying and disrupting their universities to spread the KGB’s 1960’s-70’s anti-Israel disinformation propaganda and incite an Islamic occupation upon the United States of Colonial “America”. Too many USA university faculty, who are antisemitic, are teaching this anti-Indigenous racism to their students!
![Indigenous peoples do not violently protest, immolate ourself, not strap on a suicide vest as a form of liberation and resistance.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240430_015445128.jpg?resize=586%2C1024)
Indigenous peoples do not violently protest, immolate ourself, not strap on a suicide vest as a form of liberation and resistance. Only the socially privileged citizens of Arab-European settler Colonialism do this. We Indigenous peoples value life and peace above all!
As we have been saying here, easily verifiable historical facts really do matter! And, thankfully, in every democratic nation, we have historians who educate with clarity. Here is a USA Presidential Historian’s knowledgeable observation on the glaring and obvious differences between today’s on campus pro-Colonial “Palestine” student protests from the 1960’s anti-Vietnam war and 1980’s anti-Apartheid student protests.
First glaring difference: In the 1960’s and 1980’s there was massive student presence for anti-war and anti-Apartheid divestment by the United States. And there was an utter absence of counter protests for war and Apartheid.
In 2024, we have pro-Palestinian protests calling for deaths of Zionists and expressing 1960’s-70’s KGB invented lies about Israel being a Jewish supremacist ethno-state, Jews being Colonizers from Europe, Jews engaging in Apartheid (all easily verifiable ahistorical lies!). And we have counter protestors who are not likely Jewish – for we are a Southwest Asia Indigenous people who are governed by our Judean-orignating law system – but these counter protestors are passionately pro-Israel’s right to exist in peaceful and secure decolonized self-sovereignty!
Second and even MORE important glaring difference: These 2024 student campus protests for their University’s divestment (not the United States, as in the ’60’s and ’70’s) are very small! The 80 to 90 percent majority of the students on these campuses just want these protests to STOP, so they can get their studies and graduations on – which they are now being denied.
Why does it appear that these student protests for pro-Colonial Palestine and Islamic HAMAS terrorists are massive in size, when they are numerically absolutely not? The myopic magnifying lens of social media platforms on every phone, tablet, and television these days!
Yuri Andropov, who masterminded these anti-Israel disinformation campaigns 6 decades ago, and present former KGB operative Vladimir Putin, master of disinformation propaganda in the social media age, would be/are so proud that their efforts to create destabilizing chaos in democratic nations is now spreading like a virus through worldwide social media!
Listen to the historians! DON’T be fooled by these racistly violent pro-Colonial Palestine agitators on campus, they are not helping the Arabs in Gaza with this wannabe “social justice warrior” stupidity!
There is no such thing as reverse “genocide”, reverse “racism”, reverse “occupation” by Indigenous peoples, Ilhan Omar and Arab (self-named since 1964) “Palestinian” politically land-squatting Conquistadors upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Israeli land of Israel. If you can’t live peacefully with Native peoples, then go back home to your countries, Arab-European Colonial racists and terrorists!
Only European and Arab Conquistadors have committed “genocides” upon the land of Israel, targeting the Jewish, Druze, Israeli Arab, and Kurdish natives peoples of Southwest Asia. This is why we return your violence in kind for the defensive sake of PEACE and survival for our Indigenous peoples! Please, STOP UNRWA funding Arab genocide upon Indigenous Israelis and Kurds!
Hen Mazzig shared, “If you say Jews deserve protection but in the next breath brand the vast majority of us as ‘genocidal’, you don’t show compassion, you just prove how much you hate us.
This sort of rhetoric has no room in [USA] Congress or anywhere in politics.”
Ilhan Omar, anti-Indigenous Muslim racist, celebrates the idea that all Jews on campus should be protected from pro-Palestinian violence targeting Jews, even though she expresses in the same breath that she considers most Jews “genocidal” for defending ourselves from Arab (self-named since 1964) “Palestinian” terrorist depravity targeting Indigenous Jews and Israeli Arabs citizens of Israel.
![the wolf, the sheep, the sheppard - an African Proverb that is also Jewish](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240502_235545002.png?resize=820%2C1024)
The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the sheppard.” – African Proverb … This is also a Jewish proverb, and a proverb of all other Indigenous peoples.
“Behold I stretch forth My hand upon the Felishtim [European Palestinians], and I shall cut off the Keretim [Arab Palestinians] and destroy the survivors on the seacoast. And I shall wreak great acts of vengeance with rebukes of fury, and they will know that I am Y-HWH when I lay My vengeance upon them.” – Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 25:16-17
Moral of the story: Israel is the wolf in the form of a lion – territorial and steadfast, her nature is fully known to all. The sheep are the successfully colonized and indoctrinated who live upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, not understanding their status in life. The sheppard is the European and Arab Conquistadors, trying to keep the sheep in-line and away from the wolf (from the lion). It is the Arab-European Palestinian sheppard that grooms the sheep and, when plump and ripe with complicity, eats the sheep – which, from the sheeps’ perspective, looks like genocide!
And, the wolf (the lion) gets the blame for the nakba, the “catastrophe”, because the Arab-European shepherds are in control of the worldwide social media! The wolf (the lion) has no choice but to appear to be the aggressor upon the sheep and their shepherds, even though it is the shepherds who are actually eating the sheep deliberately. Why? To exterminate the wolf (the lion)? Or, is it just in the nature of Arab-European Palestinian Colonial shepherds to do this to both the wolf (the lion) and the sheep (the successfully colonized)?
Let’s discuss, please. We wolves (lions) know how to cultivate our ancestral lands and are very well self-fed. So, both sheep and shepherds, let’s discuss!
![Joy Reid one-on-one with Queen Rania of Colonial Jordan - May Southwest Asia achieve liberation from Arab settler Colonialism!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240502_213225518.png?resize=1024%2C578)
This “white” Arab Jordanian royal lied with socially privileged eloquence all the way through this interview – with history inversion and antisemitic characterizations about Indigenous Israelis (Jews and Israeli Arabs), except for one thing. She even lied about being “Palestinian”.
Queen Rania of Colonial Jordan is Hejaz Arab royalty with ZERO “Palestinian” heritage. No Arab royal from Hejaz is going to mix their bloodline with colonized infidels, their Arabized subjects. The British royals would NOT attend their Saudi-Jordanian weddings, if they did so! Why do you think Prince Henry and family were ostracized?
The only thing Queen Rania got right in this interview is telling Joy Reid that the protests in Israel are to get the Israeli war cabinet to press HAMAS harder for hostage release, NOT because any Israelis are against dismantling two decades of UNRWA funded Arab Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorist infrastructure under Gaza, weapons purchases, terror schools, and Iran army training!
Wake up, #reiders, “white” Colonizer woman Queen Rania is feeding you history inversion. Every single Israel-HAMAS war has been started by Arab Palestinian land-squatters upon 1948 decolonized Indigenous Israeli land! Why will Joy Reid never bring on an Israeli or Kurd for a SWANA Indigenous perspective?! To challenge her racistly antisemitic beliefs? The answer: There is no cure for antisemitic racism targeting Jews and Israeli Arabs in Israel!
Also, despite the Queen’s inflated lies, per the Palestinian Ministry of Health/Gaza, the verified Palestinian death toll is 23,999, and half are Arab Palestinian fighters for HAMAS – who are commiting acts of genocide against BOTH Indigenous Israelis and Arab Gazans. Further, per the PMoH/G, the verified children casualties are 7,615 (not, as Colonial Queen Rania said, 35K “civilians” with 70% being children).
STOP with the lies, Arab-European Conquistadors! These Arab Palestinian political land-squatters upon Israeli decolonized land – to deny Israel a peaceful and secure decolonization – are former citizens of Jordan. Why “former”? Because, Arab Jordan royalty that is ruling upon the Colonial Jordan nation ended the citizenship of Palestinians (decades ago), because – like Egypt – they don’t want Palestinians in their land!
Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples know our history better than this Arab royal Jordanian Queen from Hejaz, Arabia. United States citizens watching USA myopic worldview newscasts – PLEASE – do not decide your POTUS election on how Joe Biden is addressing the IDF-HAMAS war in Gaza. Please, vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2024. Do not let racistly anti-Indigenous Joy Reid turn you into a Trump voter with her MSNBC The ReidOut with Joy Reid broadcast!
May Southwest Asia achieve liberation from Arab settler Colonialism!
![White Arab woman Queen Rania of Colonial Jordan upon Indigenous Israeli and Kurdish peoples' lands!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240503_153141269.png?resize=1024%2C741)
Hey, #reiders, look at the troll fest that Joy Reid has brought to her page! Arab-European Conquistador bots, successfully Arabized (colonized), and dhimmi (oppressed) supporters of the Arab Jordanian royal family from Hejaz, Arabia! (Two of us jumped on and added the SWANA Indigenous feelings and perspective in both Arabic and English.)
السلام على إسرائيل! اليهود من يهودا. العرب من شبه الجزيرة العربية. الفاتحون العرب! العودة إلى شبه الجزيرة العربية. النزول من أرض السكان الأصليين!
For English speakers: Peace be upon Israel! Jews are from Judea. Arabs are from Arabia. Arab conquerors! Return to the Arabian Peninsula. Get off indigenous land!
لا يمكن أن تصدقي نفسك أنكِ إعلامية يا جوي ريد ولا المحطة التي تتبحين عبرها يمكن أن تكون محطة ليست أكثر من بترينا لعرض نساء للإيجار ، ألسنتهن مثلاً .. الرق،،، عبرها
لا يمكن لأحد أن يصدق أن من يستضيفوا جارية تركض خلف زوجها الساقط وتناديه سيدها لتتحدث عن فلسطين وغزة وحروب وإنسانية واعتراف بدول ووو إعلام وصحافة أو حتى إمرأة محترمة
أنتِ عبدة الكاميرا ومن يملكها كما ضيفتكِ جارية ساقطة تركض خلف زوجها وتناديه سيدها .
You cannot believe yourself to be a media personality, Joy Reid, nor can the station you broadcast through be a station that is nothing more than Petrina’s display of women for rent, their tongues, for example…slavery,,, through it.
No one can believe that those who host a slave girl, who is running after her disgraced husband and call him her master, should talk about Palestine, Gaza, wars, humanity, recognition of countries, the media, the press, or even a respectable woman.
You [Joy Reid] are a slave to the camera and whoever owns it. Your guest is a disgraced slave girl who runs after her husband and calls him her master.
![The black and white keffiyeh is an appropriation of Indigenous Jewish people's traditional and ancient sudra!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240429_004857954.jpg?resize=1024%2C837)
The black and white keffiyeh worn by Arab settlers upon what (post-Roman empire) European and Arab foreigners and occupiers call “Palestine” – and, now, also worn by antisemitic protesters throughout the European-Arab colonized world – was invented during the British-Arab militarized occupation of Israel and Kurdistan (1919 to 1948). This racist symbol of Arab occupation became a symbol of Palestinian nationalism during the Arab “Revolt” of the 1930s. The Arab settler Revolt was an attempt to establish an Arab Colonial nation upon all of Indigenous Israeli land, next to post-WW1 established Colonial Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, in order to deny native Jews our goal of forcibly decolonizing from Arab-European settler Colonialism.
The Jewish sudra, a rectangular piece of cloth that has been worn as a headdress, scarf, or neckerchief by Jews since ancient BCE times, is the traditional “keffiyeh” of Judea and Samaria, the land of Israel. And every generation of Jews living upon the land of Israel – nonstop since 3,800 years ago – has worn our Indigenous headdress as a cultural symbol of aboriginal Jewish identity and ethno-religious significance. It is demonstrably laughable that the racist anti-Indigenous citizens of the Arab-European colonized nations look upon the Arab settler’s 1938 invented “Palestinian” keffiyeh as representative of indigenous culture in Southwest Asia, while our Jewish nonstop wearing of our SWANA aboriginal sudra is deliberately erased from the discussions about Israel-“Palestine” in Arab-European Conquistador nations – for example, like in the United States of Michilimackinac (opps, Colonial “America”!).
![Telegram posts by the Palestinian Ministry of Health/Gaza](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240428_132953607.jpg?resize=771%2C1024)
This here is how Arab Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, which is HAMAS-governed, is recording and reporting data. Notice that PMoH/G knows that their reported data is questionable! That the difference between verified numbers and honor system reportings are 10,182 apart from each other, as of 24 April 2024. Notice that, of the verified numbers, the number of Arab Palestinian fighters for the terror group Islamic HAMAS is not separated from non-combatants who have died in Gaza – because their entire Arab Palestinian narrative in reporting numbers blames Israel entirely for all deaths.
Also, notice clearly how the Arab-European Colonizer nations’ media outlets – in all your anti-Indigenous (antisemitic) daily narrative glee – reports the highest number they can find in PMoH/G’s reporting – because antisemitic racism is theologically, ideologically, and systemically inherent within Arab/Muslim and European/Christian cultures! All the violence and suffering has just got to be, somehow, the fault of those pesky unassimilated forcibly decolonized Jews (and their Israeli Arabs) who are indigenous to Judea and Samaria (the land of Israel) and won’t allows us Arab-European Conquistadors to possess and rule upon their land!
Upon all their reporting forms, Palestinian Ministry of Health/Gaza says,
وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية/ غزة
نموذج تبليغ عن الشهداء والمفقودين
يعتبر ادخال البيانات على هذا الرابط بمثابة تعهد على صحة البيانات المدخلة، مع تحمل كافة المسئولية عن اي بيانات غير صحيحة من قبل مقدم الطلب
“A form for reporting martyrs and missing persons. Entering data on this link is considered a pledge that the data entered is correct, with the applicant bearing all responsibility for any incorrect data.”
![Who are the Indigenous peoples of Southwest Asia?](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Polish_20240427_204505320.jpg?resize=1024%2C746)
Are you really an “ally” of Indigenous peoples, including Israelis and Kurds in Southwest Asia? To find out, ask yourself the following questions:
Are you pro-Peace in the Middle East, or are you pro-occupation, pro-terrorism, and pro-genocide? Are you really an ally of native Israel and native Kurdistan, or are you an ally so long as Israel and Kurdistan submit to racistly violent settler Colonialism upon her?
Are you for a wannabe aboriginal Colonial “Palestine” nation, that is presently politically land-squatting as “resistance” to our anti-Colonial Israeli and Kurdish post-WW1 decolonizations? Or, are you really pro-Israel, and against Arab and European “pro-Palestine” occupations?
Pro-Palestinian activism is always anti-Indigenous (antisemitic) racism! No matter what lies you create to justify your racism as not really anti-Indigenous racism, this changes nothing for all Native peoples living under the occupation of Arab-European settler Colonialism worldwide.
We Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples will continue freedom fighting for the liberation of our ancestral lands, until the Arab-European Conquistadors allow our SWANA nations to peacefully and securely decolonize fully amongst your post-WW1 created European manipulated and Arab ruled Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
META Description : Calling for genocide and sexual violence are not acts of resistance, rather terror! Jewish Zionism is an Indigenous liberation movement!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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