The Kurdish and Israeli peoples’ Indigenous resistance to terroristic religiously motivated Arab settler Colonialism will not be defeated by the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations and their UNRWA funded terrorist proxies!
![UNRWA will never re-colonize the 1948 decolonized land of Israel.](
(First nations of Michilimackinac…)
שלום לקרוביי. אני יהודי ואני מארץ קדושה מאוד. ארץ ישראל בה נמצאת העיר ירושלים. שלום עליכם.
shalóm l’krováy. aní yehudí v’aní m’éretz kdoshá me’ód. éretz yisraél bá nimtzét ha’ír yerushaláyim. shalóm aléichem.
(it is time to unite!)
In case we Jews are actually heard by American Indians, the First Nations of Michilimackinac, you’ve heard our greeting. When was the last time a Christian or Muslim or Marxist colonizer took the time to greet you authentically as a Native/Indigenous person?
Don’t worry,… we Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples will wait. And, yes, we have our own different continent ways, but we know who we are and who you are. We are always willing to meet you in your respectful ways. This is why there is a familial bond between Jews of Southwest Asia and First Nations of all Indigenous peoples worldwide.
No Indigenous nation alone can save this world! Indigenous Bridges, Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem – Indigenous Coalition For Israel, Indigenous Friends of Israel, The Red Nation, The RiverWinds, Indigenous Peoples Movement, Relentless Indigenous Woman, NDNCollective, Standing Bear Network, please, share this post with as many of your Native peoples that you can. So that we all – as united Indigenous nations planet Earth wide – can end racistly violent European and Arab settler Colonialism upon this planet Earth!
All citizens of nations born from settler Colonialism, PLEASE, allow all Indigenous nations to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations – without Colonial manipulations – starting with the Southwest Asia Indigenous nations of Israel and Kurdistan!
![Hebrew is the first of the Canaanite languages.](
The aboriginal language of the Jews is the Canaan language Ivrit – what is known by most humans as “Hebrew” – and we are still speaking this language as a first language of our people (or a second language, for some).
Chronology of the mutually intelligible languages of Canaan (all developed between 1500 to 700 BCE, see graph):
Proto-canaanite developed into
Hebrew Canaanite then
Phoenician Canaanite then
Ammonite Canaanite then
Moabite Canaanite then
Edomite Canaanite
Yes, our Jewish people’s Hebrew language is the oldest of the Canaan languages and Hebrew is the only still living language of Canaan!
NORTH-East of Canaan, peoples there spoke versions of Aramaic. SOUTH-East of Canaan, peoples there spoke versions of Arabic.
It would not be until the 6th c CE (A.D.) invention and spread of Colonial Islam – in response to the northern Aegean 4th c CE invented and spread of Colonial Christianity – that a universal “Classical” Arabic dialect would be forced upon Arabia, and upon the Southwest Asia and North Africa Indigenous peoples through Caliphate colonization (conquest) and Arabization.
![Judaism has evolved to monotheism from henotheism.](
The Jewish path is a native Judean one. We live with Torah on one hand and a sword in the other. The hand holding the Torah reminds us of our ethical laws. The hand holding the sword applies those laws. It is the head, the “government” of body, that must have the conviction and the wisdom to apply the Torah and its sword effectively, for Israel’s survival.
This Nas Daily video is excellent, but wrongly places “monotheism” into the BCE period of Jewish history. Monotheism is a recent worldwide invention that began in the European Middle Ages. For Jews specifically, monotheism began with the writings of Maimonides, whose one transcendent god is not found anywhere in Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, or even in Christian New Testament writings. This projection of monotheism into the past by Jews is to avoid further antisemitic racism targeting our Indigenous Judean people of Israel.
Even today, not all Jews accept monotheism. I don’t! As a Jew, I stand devoutly in the henotheism of my ancestors. Judaism, Judea-people-ism, began as a polytheistic Canaan people with an ethno-religion – our El Elyon with his Asherah and their 70 child gods (to rule the nations), that includes Y-HWH. Now, our Jewish ethno-religion evolved in the 2nd Temple into henotheism.
Henotheism is the monolatrous devotion to only one god (something that one Egyptian Pharoah attempted before being replaced), while recognizing the existence of other nations’ gods. Our Jewish people’s Torah teaches clearly, in numerous places, the following:
When Elyon (the Most High god) apportioned the nations, when he divided humankind, he fixed the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the gods; Y-HWH’s own portion was his people, Jacob his allotted share. – D’varim 32:8-9
Even the northern Aegean Christians were polytheists at their beginning as a Colonial religion. Marcion of Sinope taught that Jesus introduced a totally new and superior god to that of the Y-HWH “tribal deity” of the Jews. Early Christians worshiped the un-Jew-ed Jesus as a god-in-flesh, the “Christ”, and also worshipped the Roman emperor and his family as gods. Eventually Rome collapsed and Christianity became henotheistic like Judaism till the Middle Ages of Europe.
The reason that I as a Jew have discomfort with modern Rabbinical Judaism’s projection of monotheism onto the past is that it erases our Southwest Asia Indigenous people’s understanding about life and what our TaNaKh hopes for in the future.
The Jewish tradition maintains that in messianic times there will and should be Gentiles – people who are not members of the Jewish people and do not follow our ethno-religious path. The existence of those who are not Jewish is not merely a concession to facts on the ground, but part of the Jewish ideal, wherein all – Jew and Gentile alike – worship the single Creator god differently and distinctly, each in their own mode of worship.
What makes the messianic age different from our presently violent age of colonized human history is that Colonialists – regardless whoever they are – will lay down their weapons of racism, aggression, and occupation and allow ISRAEL and ALL OTHER Indigenous peoples worldwide to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst the nations of Earth.
In other words, they – all nations – will come peacefully to Jerusalem from their lands to bow before the tribal god Y-HWH, even though they still worship their own gods. Only Jews are to remain solely devout to Y-HWH – is the teaching of Y-HWH, who vassal treatied our people to his land of Israel! Now, we Jews have evolved in our understanding that Y-HWH and all other gods by name – including El Elyon – is ultimately the Ein Sof.
Who/What is the Ein Sof?! The “nothing end”. In other words, the Maimonides version of “G-d”, which is the “Creator” god, the “Source” of the universe, both transcendent and animistically infused into ALL of human recognizable reality, and beyond. This is why Rav Kook, the first Ashkenazi Chief Orthodox Rabbi of British Mandatory Palestine in the Land of Israel, taught the following:
“יש כפירה שהיא כהודאה, והודאה שהיא ככפירה. כיצד: מודה אדם שהתורה היא מן השמים, אבל אותם השמים מצטיירים אצלו בצורות כל-כך משונות, עד שלא נשאר בה מן האמונה האמיתית מאומה.
וכפירה שהיא כהודאה כיצד: כופר אדם בתורה מן השמים, אבל כפירתו מיוסדת רק על אותה הקליטה שקלט מן הציור של צורת השמים אשר במוחות המלאים מחשבות הבל ותוהו, והוא אומר, התורה יש לה מקור יותר נעלה מזה, ומתחיל למצא יסודה מגדולת רוח האדם, מעומק המוסר ורום החכמה שלו. אף-על-פי שעדיין לא הגיע בזה למרכז האמת, מכל-מקום כפירה זו כהודאה היא חשובה, והיא הולכת ומתקרבת להודאת אמונת אומן.
ודור תהפוכות כזה, הוא נדרש גם-כן למעליותא. ותורה מן השמים משל הוא על כל כללי ופרטי האמונות, ביחש של מאמר המבטאי שלהן אל תמציתן הפנימי, שהוא העיקר המבוקש באמונה.”
“There is a type of atheism that is really faith, and a type of faith that is really atheism. How so? One may acknowledge that the Torah is from Heaven, yet have an image of Heaven that is so immature that it does not have even a trace of true faith.
What is an atheism that is really like faith? One may deny that the Torah is from Heaven, yet such a denial is based on a concept of heaven that was received from minds filled with incorrect beliefs. The atheist says that the Torah must have some other source and begins to search for meaning through the moral and intellectual spirit of mankind. Even though this person may not have arrived at ultimate understanding, this type of atheism is a kind of faith that in time will bring one closer and closer to a more complete truth.
This is an upside-down generation that needs much help. The debate of whether or not Torah is from heaven is a good example by which to explain many debates in faith. For what we are truly dealing with is the difference between what people say simply with their mouths and what they actually mean inside. The latter is what truly matters.”
- אורות האמונה
- Orot HaEmunah, translation by R’ Darren Levin
The link to the Nas Daily video
Judaism’s allure lies in its vibrant tapestry of traditions, values, and a covenant that echoes through generations. From its profound teachings on compassion to its timeless commitment to justice, Judaism’s influence extends far beyond its own community, resonating across faiths.
At its core, Judaism’s covenant with God, as stated in the Torah, embodies divine protection and accountability: ‘I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse’ (Genesis 12:3). This promise isn’t just about Israel; it’s a universal reminder of our interconnectedness and the power of our actions to shape our world. Let’s honor and respect one another, knowing that our blessings and curses ripple far and wide.
![The Arab Islamic occupier of Southwest Asia is the viper of no peace!](
And this is exactly why we Indigenous Israelis and Kurds freedom fight so hard for the liberation of our ancestral lands from these post-WW1 Arab settler occupiers and terrorists upon our lands! Thank you for supporting Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ land rights and decolonizations!
“If you believe in peaceful coexistence with an Arab Islamic occupier, it is as if you trust a viper not to strike while it curls around your neck.” – a Native proverb of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples – Jews/Israelis, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, etc!
Do you know that these post-WW1 Arab “Palestinian” racistly violent settler occupiers (Colonial Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and wannabe aboriginal Colonial “Palestine”) have depravedly killed 300,000 Indigenous Kurds since 1920, and kidnapped many Kurdish women to be slaves to rich UNRWA funded Arab Conquistadors upon Southwest Asia? Of course, not! If there is no rebellious Jews freedom fighting for the liberation of our land, then there is no worldwide news! Sadly, only Arab-European Colonial lives matter upon this planet Earth.
From the river to the sea, Israel and Kurdistan will one day be free, yes – of your UNRWA funded post-WW1 Colonial “Palestine” occupation and terrorisms upon our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands! The crimes against Indigenous humanity must one day be addressed – and all that we Indigenous peoples worldwide are asking for is that you let us decolonize in secure and peaceful self-sovereignty amongst your Colonial nations. STOP with your supremacist terror depravity! Why is this path to peace too hard for you?!!
![Jewish existence is Indigenous Resistance to UNRWA funded Arab settler occupation!](
The Arabs didn’t have to invade the Southwest Asia region during WW1 with British and French military support to re-colonize Indigenous Peoples’ lands and divide it into Arab Colonial nations. The Arab settlers upon “Palestine”, only foreigners call Israel and Kurdistan this, didn’t have to do a 10/7 Hamas style massacre upon Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, 1930’s, and 1940’s, forcing our Jewish freedom fight for the liberation of Israel from violently racist British-Arab militarized occupation of our ancestral land.
The surrounding Colonial Arab nations didn’t have to engage in a 10 month siege of newly Independent Israel, displacing half the Arab population that was destined to be Israeli citizens. Egypt and Jordan didn’t have to occupy Gaza and the “West Bank” parts of 1948 decolonized Israel for 18+ years, until Israel freedom fought these parts back in 1967. The Arabs didn’t have to align themselves with the USSR’s KGB to invent the PLO terror organization and its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964, nor hire a Cairo born Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist Yasser Arafat to lead this imaginary people to redemption of their newly invented imaginary history upon the land of Israel.
Of course, 1948, it is an Arab “occupation” catastrophe, a “nakba”! Of course, 1967, it is a “naksa” kind of Arab continued “occupation” nakba! A “catastrophe” for the historic Arab and European Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands who fought so hard before and after 1948 to prevent the Jewish people, the Indigenous Judean people of Judea and Samaria, the Land of Israel, from forcing our decolonization and re-sovereigned Independence as the only successfully decolonized Indigenous nation (so far!) upon this planet Earth!
May the Kurdish people, whom the Arab “Palestinian” Conquistadors call “second Israel”, the Indigenous people of neighboring Arab/Islam occupied Kurdistan be the next IP to decolonize upon their ancestral land!
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela, speech at Madison Park High School, Boston, 23 June 1990; reported in various forms
Indigenous Resistance above for #NakbaDay #Nakba76 ! Please, Arab-European Conquistadors of planet Earth for racistly violent Colonial Allah and Christ, #StopTheGenocide upon Indigenous peoples! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 13 May 2024
This is what Indigenous resistance and land back looks like in applied action! Israelis are Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel who fight for our Zionism, peaceful and secure self-sovereignty, against Arab-European settler Colonialism upon planet Earth.
“Seventy-six years ago, in the War of Independence, we stood alone. Few against many. Five Arab armies invaded our territory to eliminate the country that had just been born. We were poor in weapons, almost without means. But we had one secret weapon: the spirit of the ages, the life force of an ancient people that refuses to die.
Thanks to this spirit, we defeated our enemies and secured our existence. Today we are infinitely stronger. But the desire to destroy us has not gone away; it is still here. We saw it this year on October 7. This is no ordinary Independence Day. The war is still going on. It was imposed on us on a black day of a terrible [Arab Palestinian HAMAS] massacre.
Although this is not a normal Independence Day, it is a special opportunity to understand the meaning of our independence. The independence to be a free people in our [native land and] country. The independence to protect ourselves on our own. The independence to realize the decree of the generations: Never Again!”
![UNRWA supporting Colonialists calling Indigenous people colonialists upon our own land.](
The “Master Race (Arabs and Europeans)” want to make the world’s social and economic problems all about the “Chosen People (Jews and Israelis)” only because they know full well that they – the “Master Race” – sin wilfully by settler Colonialism.
The European and Arab Colonialist settlers living on land stolen from Indigenous peoples accuse the Indigenous peoples of being Colonialist settlers – go figure! Remember,… Colonial “America” = Native Michilimackinac & Colonial “Palestine” = Israel and Kurdistan!
Another way of saying this: The difference between the “Master Race” and “God’s Chosen People” is the “white” European “Master Race” has been systematically ghettoizing, terrorizing, and genocidal-ly slaughtering “God’s Chosen People” for 1,600 years now with impunity.
The white “Master Race” taught this anti-Jew Colonial racism to the Arab “Master Race” who have been systematically ghettoizing by dhimmitude, terrorizing, and genocidal-ly slaughtering “God’s Chosen People” for 1,400 years now with impunity.
This is why the Jews who are indigenous to Judea-Samaria and Southwest Asia were forced to forcibly decolonize a portion of our SWANA Indigenous land in the 1940’s for literal Jewish people survival! This is why the Kurdish people are repeatedly forced to decolonize parts of their Arab “Palestinian” occupied and terrorized land!
Note, for the Colonial misinformed: Being “chosen” by our Creator god has nothing to do with “white supremacy” and nothing to do with being “saved”. These meanings are the words of Christian and Muslim Conquistadors speaking for Jews.
The only meaning behind the Jewish concept of being “chosen” is to keep our aboriginal language (our Canaanite Hebrew), Canaan stories and histories, and Judea-originating Native laws alive from generation to generation, and to keep a nonstop (presently 3,800 year) presence upon our ancestral land of Israel.
Jews are a native people of Israel who are “chosen” to fulfill our Israeli land obligations according to the laws established by our Creator.
![Russell Means American Indian Movement](
“and the Palestinians are the American Indians of Europe” What???! … Hint, Jews are NOT an Indigenous people of Europe, and Arab settler Colonialists are NOT indigenous to Southwest Asia.
American Indians, First Nations of Michilimackinac, we Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples know that you are NOT being taught easily verifiable history about our SWANA peoples and ancestral lands. This is not your fault! Those of you who support Arab Conquistadors, please – listen, learn, and become true allies of the Israeli and Kurdish peoples:
Please , know that our Levant Southwest Asia lands of Israel, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Assyria (and etc!) are NOT on the European continent. There are no “American Indians of Europe”, other than the still surviving Sámi “reindeer” people who are indigenous to Europe. Also, our Southwest Asia region of Native lands is not in the Arabian Peninsula. So, let’s correct this Arab-European Colonial revisionist history amongst some of your Native Michilimackinac peoples:
“Russell Means stated 23 years ago, “What the American Indian Movement says is that the American Indians are the Palestinians [Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Kurds] of the United States, and the Palestinians [post-WW1 Arab settler occupiers and terrorists] are the [wannabe aboriginal] American Indians of Europe [actually, Arabia].”
This historical narrative of being deemed a savage or subhuman [- St. Augustine encouraged the Roman enslavement of “the ungodly race of carnal Jews.” St. John Chrysostom taught that, because Jews rejected the Christian God in human flesh, we therefore deserved to be killed: “grew fit for slaughter,” because “Jews worship the devil… their religion a disease….” St. Jerome connected all Jews with Judas Iscariot and the immoral use of money: “Judas is cursed, that in Judas the Jews may be accursed… their prayers turn into sins.”) -] as a pretext for exploitation and displacement is a primary reason many Indigenous people today stand in solidarity with [Colonial invented] Palestine [Jews, Druze, Bedouins, and Kurds]. The similarities in our histories of oppression, dispossession, and resilience resonate deeply across time and space.”
Understand something here about the word “Palestinian”. The Jewish Canaanite Hebrew word “Felishtim” is where the present word “Palestinian” is derived from. The word means “occupiers, foreigners”. The Aegean Greeks were Palestinians (“Philistines is another variant upon our Jewish word). The Aegean Romans were Palestinians. The 4th century CE European Christians and 6th century Arab Muslims are still Palestinians!
Every time these present post-WW1 Arab settlers call themselves “Palestinians”/”filasteen”, they are literally calling themselves the “occupiers, foreigners” that are politically land-squatting upon Israeli and Kurdish lands – which they literally are doing to deny our SWANA Native peoples a peaceful and secure decolonization amongst the Arab Colonial nations!
These post-WW1 Arab settlers for Allah, Christ, and/or Marx ruling dominionism upon Southwest Asia Native lands, created the present Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq with the militarized help of the British and French. With the help of Russia, who created the PLO terrorist organization in Moscow, with its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964, the Soviet-Arab alliance has managed to convince too many humans over the last 6 decades (including isolated American Indians) in their anti-Israel disinformation campaigns.
We MENA Jews forcibly decolonized our Indigenous Judean people’s land in 1948! Jews and Kurds were the “Palestinians” before 1964, according to the historic European Christian and Arab Muslim Conquistadors upon Southwest Asia.
There are 1.9 billion Arab Muslims and 2.4 billion European Christians speaking for Jews about Jews. Our 15 million strong Jewish people, who are indigenous to Judea and Samaria – aka, the land of Israel – are simply NOT being heard when we speak. Rather we are lied about by most citizens of European and Arab Colonial nations!
“There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are part of one people, the Arab nation. Look, I have relatives with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenships. We are one people. Only for political reasons do we carefully subscribe to our [Colonial 1964 created] Palestinian identity.” – Zuheir Mohsen, زهير محسن, PLO leader, 1977
“The Palestinians are always coming here and saying to me, ‘You expelled the French and the Americans. How do we expel the Jews?’ I tell them that the French went back to France and the Americans to America. But the Jews have nowhere to go. You will not expel them.” – North Vietnamese communist General Vo Nguyen Giap, whom Egyptian terrorist turned KGB “Palestinian” recruit Yasser Arafat met several times.
Exactly! Jews are from Judea and Samaria, the land of Israel! There will FINALLY be peace upon the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel and Kurdistan – ONLY – when these post-WW1 created (and European manipulated) Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq allow our native peoples to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst their Arab Conquistador nations. Until then, we will continue to freedom fight for the liberation of our SWANA peoples’ lands!
No Indigenous nation alone can save this world! Indigenous Bridges, Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem – Indigenous Coalition For Israel, Indigenous Friends of Israel, The Red Nation, The RiverWinds, Indigenous Peoples Movement, NDNCollective, please, share this post with as many of your Native peoples that you can. So that we all – as united Indigenous nations planet Earth wide – can end racistly violent European and Arab settler Colonialism upon this planet Earth! All citizens of nations born from settler Colonialism, PLEASE, allow all Indigenous nations to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations – without Colonial manipulations – starting with the Southwest Asia Indigenous nations of Israel and Kurdistan!
![Arab Muslims grooming naive and vulnerable USA university students into Colonial Islam.](
And this, a worldwide Caliphate under racistly violent Islamic law, is the ultimate goal. To one up the racistly violent Christian Conquistadors of planet Earth. The more you submit to the will of Christ or Allah – the more you identify with the “Palestinian”* cause – the more you become a victim of settler Colonialism upon this planet Earth!
Wake up, Europeans, even you – the historic modern Conquistadors – can be successfully colonized for a Colonial god’s rule over the “infidels”/”savages”, like your legacy with Colonial Christ! Devout fundamentalist Muslims really do see you – the “West” – as an evil to be subdued. Just ask ANY Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples who are still freedom fighting for the liberation of our lands from European and Arab settler Colonialism.
Do know, European and Arab Conquistadors, that we Indigenous peoples worldwide – especially, the Jewish people of Israel and our brother/sister Kurdish people – we will survive you always, still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial gods, languages, and governments for us! Shalom.
*- The Jewish Canaanite Hebrew word “Felishtim” is where the present word “Palestinian” is derived from. The word means “occupiers, foreigners”. The Aegean Greeks were Palestinians (“Philistines is another variant upon our Jewish word). The Aegean Romans were Palestinians. The 4th century CE European Christians and 6th century Arab Muslims are still Palestinians!
Every time these present post-WW1 Arab settlers call themselves “Palestinians”/”filasteen”, they are literally calling themselves the “occupiers, foreigners” that are politically land-squatting upon Israeli and Kurdish lands – which they literally are doing to deny our SWANA Native peoples a peaceful and secure decolonization amongst the Arab Colonial nations!
These post-WW1 Arab settlers for Allah, Christ, and/or Marx ruling dominionism upon Southwest Asia Native lands created the present Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq with the militarized help of the British and French. With the help of Russia, who created the PLO terrorist organization in Moscow, with its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964, the Soviet-Arab alliance has managed to convince too many humans over the last 6 decades (including isolated American Indians and island Native peoples) in their anti-Israel disinformation campaigns.
We MENA Jews forcibly decolonized our Indigenous Judean people’s land in 1948! Jews and Kurds were the “Palestinians” before 1964, according to the historic European Christian and Arab Muslim Conquistadors upon Southwest Asia.
There are 1.9 billion Arab Muslims and 2.4 billion European Christians speaking for Jews about Jews. Our 15 million strong Jewish people, who are indigenous to Judea and Samaria – aka, the land of Israel – are simply NOT being heard when we speak. Rather we are lied about by most citizens of European and Arab Colonial nations!
Snapshot above: Student anti-Israeli pro-Arab Palestinian protestors submitting themselves to Colonial Allah and Islam that has Burqa (hijabs) for their USA and Europe future under Sharia law.
![Israel Kamakawiwo'ole Bradah Iz](
This Admin of Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy knew Israel Kamakawiwo’ole face to face. Before returning to my native Southwest Asia land of Israel, I lived on the same island as Israel K and, like all native peoples living in Hawai’i – Hawaiians, Sāmoan, Micronesian, Māori, Tongan, Japanese, Filipino, Jews/Israelis, etc – I was devastated by his sudden loss. His mana and kipona aloha for the āina will be felt mau loa.
Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s first name literally represents our Jewish/Israel resolute love for the land of our ancestors, Israel, and our resolute lived commitment to the land obligations placed upon us by Y-HWH, our Creator. Though not a Jew, rather a kanaka o Hawaiʻi, a Pacific island Indigenous, he represents his people with our shared emunah. Hawaiian and Jewish culture formed my kama’āina youth!
Thank you, Standing Bear Network , for inspiring this post!
![The UNRWA funded Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza has been very clear throughout this post-Oct 7th war with their verified casualty numbers!](
The United Nations has slashed its Gaza casualty numbers in half, claiming “fog of war” has been making it difficult to get these numbers right. But the Palestinian Ministry of Health/Gaza (PMoH/G) has steadfastly throughout the HAMAS-IDF war gotten the verified numbers reported out! There is no “fog” for PMoH/G.
As of May 6th 2024, the PMoH/G shared their latest graphic, which these adjusted United Nations numbers are based upon.
10,006 Arab Palestinian terrorists for Islamic HAMAS killed.
7,797 Arab Gazan children murdered by HAMAS in its war with Israel.
4,959 Arab Gazan women murdered by HAMAS in its war with Israel.
1,924 elderly Arab Gazans murdered by HAMAS in its war with Israel
Total: 24,686 – and half of these verified casualty numbers in Gaza are Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS.
The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations that UNRWA funds Arab settler Colonialism upon decolonized Indigenous Israeli land have finally gotten around to actually using Palestinian Ministry of Health/Gaza VERIFIED numbers. Too late, though! The worldwide damage to Israel is already done!!!
Upon all their reporting forms, Palestinian Ministry of Health/Gaza says,
وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية/ غزة
نموذج تبليغ عن الشهداء والمفقودين
يعتبر ادخال البيانات على هذا الرابط بمثابة تعهد على صحة البيانات المدخلة، مع تحمل كافة المسئولية عن اي بيانات غير صحيحة من قبل مقدم الطلب
“A form for reporting martyrs and missing persons. Entering data on this link is considered a pledge that the data entered is correct, with the applicant bearing all responsibility for any incorrect data.”
One more time, in case you did not actually hear: The UNRWA funded Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza has been very clear throughout this post-Oct 7th 2023 war with their verified casualty numbers!
![Polygyny upon Canaan Judea is so similar to polygyny upon the continent Michilimackinac.](
Interesting read. Polygyny was forced out of our SWANA Indigenous people by Colonial Christianity. Else wise, we Jews would still to this day live by the Torah law that a brother takes in his deceased brother’s wife and, if his deceased brother had no child to be heir, he is obligated to provide one through his deceased brother’s wife. This was the old Indigenous people’s way.
META Description : No matter how much European and Arab nations demand, UNRWA funded Palestinians will never re-colonize the 1948 decolonized land of Israel.
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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