Israel’s response: Freedom fighting for the release of our native Israeli people and for peace and security for our decolonized Israeli nation is NOT an ICJ decision! United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations, STOP UNRWA funding Arab settler occupation and terrorisms upon the Southwest Asia lands of Israel and Kurdistan, and let us peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
![Israel's response to Colonial Spain's immoral recognition of Colonial Palestine, demanding that Spain allow Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Andalusia, Aragon, and the Canary Islands to decolonize!](
Joseph AmaHura RiverWind wrote, “How to Decolonize the Colonizer 101
Spain: The historic leader in perpetrating mass genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced conversions, forced assimilation, mass slavery and the brutal conquest of indigenous people has sided with Hamas. We shouldn’t be surprised since Spain set the foundation and pattern for the same colonization tactics used in the Arab Islamic conquest of the Middle East. This post is not directed at Spaniards who do not support this insanity.
In response to Spain’s decision to recognize a Palestinian state Israeli MK Sharren Haskel sent a letter to the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister requesting that Israel officially recognize the independence of Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Andalusia, Aragon, and the Canary Islands.”
This is our land! #IndigenousSovereignty #decolonize #thejewishvoice
For Sephardi Jews, who had to flee the Christian Conquistadors from Spain back to the land of Israel, we know Spain’s anti-Jew racism firsthand.
![Israel's response to the Colonial UN, the method to peace and security for our Israeli nation is not an ICJ decision. UN let us decolonize!](
Why are Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic terrorism upon Israel and Gaza dragging the bodies of dead Israelis around with them through Gaza – Israeli kids (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli “Arab” citizens of Israel) that they killed in Israel on Oct 7th – as they fight IDF rescuers in order to not release their kidnapped dead and living hostages?
Israelis will not stop our freedom fight for the liberation of Israel and Kurdistan from this depravedly racist UNRWA funded post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism upon our native lands! You don’t get to gang-rape, mutilate while alive, shoot the life out of our Israeli women and men, burn to death babies before the parents eyes, and kidnap Israelis to use as human shields in Gaza, European and Arab Conquistadors, and expect native Israelis to end our dismantling of your highly militarized anti-Indigenous army in Gaza!
The International Court of Justice for Arab-European Colonial nations that are occupying Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide can rule whatever they want, but we Israelis will continue to dismantle your UNRWA funded Palestinian HAMAS terrorist infrastructure and army in Rafah. And, you, the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations are going to live with it!
STOP murdering our teenage girls, elderly, and babies and make PEACE with our 1948 successfully decolonized Judean people’s nation – THEN we Israelis will lay down our weapons, too! May the Kurdish people be the next Southwest Asia Indigenous nation to forcibly decolonize to Independence – whatever it takes – from this depravedly racist UNRWA funded post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism upon our SWANA peoples’ lands.
![The firmament has a shared understanding between Astrophysics and Torah.](
Even our Jewish people’s Torah – an ancestral compilation of the 12th to 2nd century BCE origin stories and laws – teaches in its first Creation story that existence as we humans know it – the “I am” – precedes any thought about material reality – the “therefore I think”. Present day modern Quantum physics confirms this, and makes clearer how this is so.
René Descartes of the historically recent 16th-17th century CE scientific “Revolution/Enlightenment” period of human history actually claimed the reverse! His infamous phrase was, “I think” therefore “I am”. In other words, that “existence” is a result of having “thoughts”. But, according to Torah and Quantum physics, to even have a “thought”, one must first silently observe.
No matter where on this planet Earth, you will hear this idea of silent observing from all Indigenous peoples! So,… What are we actually “observing”, in order to have “thoughts” about it?
According to our Jewish cosmology story – the Six Days of Creation story that is found Bereshit (“at the beginning”) of our Jewish ancestral Torah – the breath of Elohim hovered over the dark chaotic abyss (the primordial matter, the Quantum field) and the first thought was “let there be light”, followed by a thought of there being a separation of “light from dark” (the revealing of human recognizable physical matter).
Fortunately, we Jews can say: Thank ha’Shem that Jews are not a religion, rather an Indigenous Judean people with an ethno-religion and laws that define us. We have always done as a Jewish people what Descartes approves of: “be a seeker of truth” and “doubt, as far as possible, all things”.
This is why Hara’ayah, Rav Abraham Isaac Kook z”l, made very clear that atheist Jews who keep our Indigenous Judean traditions and wrestle with our native people’s laws are the best, for they reject all the idols that we humans tend to latch onto in their pursuit of Torah (our native need for life sustaining “truth”).
The Jew that wrote the Six Days of Creation cosmology story was a scientist well before the modern CE Enlightenment time, over 2,800 years before. That is why his/her myth starts with the primordial elements observed by the breath of Elohim, from which thought then brings into physical forms. Classical Einstein physics, just without the modern evolved knowledge on the order of events!
If you are reading an interpretation (a creative translation) of our Canaanite Hebrew language that doesn’t get this first sentence of our Jewish Torah correctly expressed into other languages, then you will miss what all of Torah is based upon. Including our Jewish story’s transition into the first Shabbat, that is followed by the parallel second Creation by Y-HWH upon the expansive land that Elohim “thought” into physical existence.
According to our Canaanite Hebrew language Torah, Y-HWH created the peoples (nations) of the Levant, the Canaan land of Israel, like the Elohim (El Elyon and his children) created all the rest of the nations of human beings upon this planet Earth. How we all become the “seed” of Adam is through the curse of drought upon Y-HWH’s land over Chavah and Adam becoming god-like adults!
In order to save created humankind, Y-HWH had to flood the (flat Earth) land to end the curse of drought and to promise to humanity, through a rainbow, that we will not be at the whim of the angers of the gods that rule upon this “Earth”. Side note, all of a sudden – through a drought and flood of rain – all of humanity is from the same human seed. Noah and family is the mythical representation of this “homo sapiens” survival upon this planet Earth.
![Many moons ago, Shabbat was observed on the full moon, and then Jews connected it to the seventh day of rest.](
The weekly seventh day of rest was invented by the Jews of Canaan. The Ancient Near East version of the seventh day of rest law was strictly connected to employment with no specific day of the week attached. And Shabbat was once a month on the full moon.
The unique Jewish contribution to the world was through connecting the monthly Shabbat to the employment law of a mandatory rest after six days of work (regardless what day of the week this seventh day falls upon). Thus, Shabbat went from being once a month to every seventh day of the standardized lunar-solar calendar week.
Through Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam, this seventh day weekly Shabbat – Shabbat literally means, “day of resting” to perform cultic rituals – the weekly Shabbat took off around this world.
![The RiverWinds teach that the Cherokee nation also celebrates a Shabbat that precedes Christian colonialism. Native peoples, let's decolonize our Shabbat!](
The RiverWinds teach that the Cherokee nation also celebrates a Shabbat that precedes Christian colonialism. The Cherokee word for Shabbat is Unotataquaska, and it means a day of resting from labor. It is different from the Cherokee word Uniawesalaha, which means resting from weariness. We Jews have some questions of deep interest!
When was the Sabbath engaged in by Cherokee? Was it tied to a celestial event? For Jews, the Sabbath was once per lunar month on the full moon before and up to the destruction of the 1st Temple. Was it tied to a form of commerce? Like all SWANA Indigenous peoples of the time, the only concept of a “seven day week” was directly connected to individual/household acts of labor. This was the time period when SWANA people had strictly a lunar calendar – new moon, full moon, new moon, full moon,… Was your Shabbat an ancient predecessor to our Canaan Judean people’s reinvention of Shabbat?
Jews of the 2nd Temple period, stopped observing Shabbat on the full moon and connected it to the law requiring employers to rest their entire household for a day, after six consecutive days of work. Through this, our lunar-solar national calendar was soon to be born. A standardized “weekly” seventh day of “resting” that is also a cultic ritual day of Shabbat. Now, we celebrate four Shabbats a month – AND – more, if the sacred holiday festivals fall within our lunar-solar month. We Jews love our sacred days of rest!
Native peoples, planet Earth wide, let’s decolonize our Shabbat from Arab-European settler Colonialism!
![Judaism is not a religion!](
We Jews are so glad that Judaism is *not* a religion. It doesn’t matter if you are a henotheistic, monotheistic, pantheistic, or atheistic Jew, so long as you are Indigenously Jewish! Meaning, observant/wrestling in our Judean-orignating ancestral laws – we call this Jewish halachot.
Hasidic Rabbi Menachem Manis HaKohen Friedman teaches it this way:
“So, I get this a lot: “Well, if you are shomer halacha and not a biblical literalist, then you’re really an atheist!” If so, then I’m proud to be one, because as Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook taught:
“Atheism displays the power of life. Therefore, the real spiritual heroes extract sparks of great kindness from their atheism and turn its bitterness into sweetness.” – Rav Kook, Arfilei Tohar, § 120
“The destructive wind of disbelief will purify all the filth that gathered in the lower realm of the spirit of faith… Its light will shine as a new light upon Zion with a wondrous greatness.” – Rav Kook, Shemona Kevatzim 1:476, Orot haTehiyah, ch. 51, p. 199
In other words, it’s always okay to question and challenge our understanding as Jews. One can be shomer halacha and an atheist, at the same time.”
This is not a new development for our Jewish people, for Rabbis throughout the thousands of years have affirmed that being Jewish is all about our Indigenous Judean-orignating halachot system (our Jewish people’s laws) and not about a specific “theological” belief. That is the way of Colonizer religions!
The scroll of Koholet, “Ecclesiastes”, is an atheist Jew’s writing that is included in our Jewish people’s TaNaKh. When was Koholet written, anyone? … (Hint, think somewhere around 450 BCE.)
We Jews have no established universal “faith” creed, like both Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam has, for it is unnecessary to be Jewish – meaning to being a legal member of the people of Israel. “Faith” and “theology” is for gentiles, and showing “love” for YHWH of the land of Israel by mitzvot/halachot observance is Jewish, full stop!
If you didn’t know this, that’s okay! For, most people are taught to think that they know “the Jews” and our ethno-religious ways, and rarely are Jews included into the worldwide discussion about things Jewish. Especially, through questions that show genuine interest and invokes our native Judean people’s response!
For most non-Jews – hint, predominantly Christians – the only Jews that they gravitate to are the minority of Jews or halachically legal Jewish communities that have adopted a Jewish form of modern religious *theology*. Such modern (colonized) “Jewish” theologies often posit the idea that the role of Jews is to teach the gentiles our Torah, so that suddenly – miraculously – the whole world of gentiles will usher in a messianic age of peace for the Jewish people who are indigenous to the land of Israel.
This is fine for such Jews and Jewish communities to do! For our Jewish people’s halachot does not forbid such “faith” and “religion”-like behavior amongst Jews. Such religiousness only becomes a chillul ha’Shem, a “desecration of the divine name”, when this Jewish theology takes the path of violating our Y-HWH established halacha!
We Jews are so glad that Judaism is *not* a religion! For with theology comes absolutism! And the Christian and Muslim world wants – correction, blatantly proclaims – Jews to be just another absolutist theological religion upon this planet Earth. Somehow, no different than Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam (and, now, Colonial Marxism, too).
Let’s learn together what Judaism, Judea-people-ism, really is, yes?!
![Islamic jihad and Sharia law coming to a Western nation community near you!](
The United States and United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations funds UNRWA supported terrorist infrastructure, schools, weapons depots, and Iranian terrorist army training, then blames Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) for dismantling this two decades of Gaza Islamic HAMAS terrorism funding for the sake of both Gazans and Israelis.
When European and Arab Conquistadors for Colonial Christ and Allah ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide STOP occupying Southwest Asia Indigenous Kurdish and Israeli peoples’ lands ONLY then will there be peace in the Middle East.
Allow Israel and Kurdistan to peacefully and securely fully decolonize upon our ancestral lands amongst your post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq! علم المستعمر العربي -> 🇵🇸 Flag of the Arab “Palestinian” post-WW1 Colonizer of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands.
![Neturei Karta intend to decolonize through messianic war!](
For those pro-Palestinian antisemites that share memes of Neturei Karta, a lesson in understanding:
Neturei Karta to Gazans and all other Arab “Palestinian” settler occupiers upon the land of Israel: We are with you and are against the genocide you’ve alleged. But here’s the part that we don’t say out loud: We are of course opposed to it only for now!
We believe the evil SECULAR Zionists are wrong, because they are reclaiming our land of Israel before the time has come. But, when the right time arrives – when we believe that our Jewish messiah has arrived to lead us into battle against the gentiles – we insular RELIGIOUS Jews will be the first ones to annihilate all of you. And we expect it to happen soon, once the messiah arrives.
In fact, we pray three times daily for the arrival of the Jewish messiah, and when that finally happens, we will destroy every church, Mosque, and Buddhist temple that is upon the land of Israel. And, then, impose capital punishment on anybody who refuses to embrace our Orthodox Judaism. EVERY Palestinian who fails to submit to the authority of our Neturei Karta understanding of Jewish halakha (indigenous Judean people’s laws) will be killed!
Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel – to Gazans and all other Arab “Palestinian” settler occupiers upon the land of Israel: Make peace with our democratic nation of Israel. Become citizens of our Southwest Asia Indigenous nation, even! A peaceful and secure Israeli decolonization is a much wiser choice than a messianic war to decolonize.
![Uziya Tzadok sings Shema Yisrael](
Wait for it! … This child, this voice! Shabbat shalom!
Uziya Tzadok sings Shema Yisrael
META Description : The only path to decolonize Native lands worldwide, including the lands of Israel and Kurdistan, is to freedom fight for our survival!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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