This All Eyes On Rafah campaign serves only one purpose: to encourage the Arab-European colonized world to force a racistly violent end to the planet’s FIRST successfully (forcibly) decolonized Indigenous nation – the Jewish sovereign nation of Israel upon our land of Israel. What we Indigenous peoples want to know is: WHERE WERE YOUR EYES on October 7th, 2023, social justice warriors for human rights?!!! Are you telling us Israelis that Palestinian HAMAS terrorists’ lives matter more than the teenage Israeli women that they stripped naked, gang-raped, and murdered in public in the multiple hundreds?!!!
![Where were your eyes when Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS were burning and kidnapping Israeli babies on Oct 7th?](
The world is experiencing “moral clarity” about “Palestinians” and “Gaza”? Where were your eyes on Oct 7th, when your UNRWA funded and Iran trained Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorist army attacked Israel and depravedly gang-raped, physically mutilated while alive, and shot to death Israeli young women (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab women)?
And where were your eyes as these Arab Islamic terrorists burned Israeli babies in their cribs to death before their parents eyes, and kidnapped Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) to use as human shields – while Palestinian HAMAS deliberately fights IDF rescuers amongst heavily populated areas of Gaza?
We know, Indigenous peoples’ lives don’t actually matter! Only the occupying European and Arab Conquistadors’ lives have any value to the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations that are terrorizing Indigenous peoples all around this planet Earth!
![Educational exchange program for pro-HAMAS United States university students!](
1 – Jews, the people of Israel, are indigenous to Judea and Samaria, the land of Israel. Kurds and Persians are neighboring indigenous in our Southwest Asia region.
2 – Europeans are indigenous to Europe, up North of our Southwest Asia region, and Arabs are indigenous to Arabia, down South of our Southwest Asia region.
3 – Colonial Christianity was created up North in Europe and, from its founding, has been racistly anti-Indigenous towards the Jewish people. Colonial Islam was created down South in Hejaz Arabia and, from its founding, was taught by Christians to be racistly anti-Indigenous towards the Jewish people.
4 – Both European Christianity and Colonial Islam have been violently and racistly colonizing other peoples’ lands around this planet Earth in our native Jewish names, using our ancestral writings that they appropriated, all for the ruling glory and dominionism of Colonial Christ and Colonial Allah.
5 – Jews have had a nonstop 3,800 year living presence upon our land of Israel, despite every attempted ethnic cleansing of our SWANA Indigenous people from the land of Israel by European Christian and Arab Muslim Conquistadors. We Jews still speak our Canaanite Hebrew language and faithfully fulfill our yearly land obligations and rituals upon our ancestors’ land to this very day.
6 – Poland, Germany, and Ukraine are European nations. Seeing how the overwhelming majority of Jews in our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Judean nation of Israel have zero ancestry connected to the European diaspora – we are Middle Eastern, Southwest Asian, Southeast Asian, North African, and South African Jews – these European nations will treat us worse than they treat their Arab and African immigrants.
7 – We Jews don’t understand your Christian and Muslim obsession with the “chosen ones”, either, beyond knowing that it is part of your antisemitic racism targeting Jews anywhere and everywhere. The only thing that being “chosen” means to Jews, is that we are the native people of our land of Israel who are obligated to fulfill our land obligations and rituals upon the land of Israel – that is demanded of us Jews by our land’s god-King, Y-HWH.
8 – These post-WW1 Arab settler occupiers and terrorists upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan literally self-named themselves “Palestinians” in 1964 in order to deny our SWANA nations a peaceful and secure decolonization amongst your post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
Summary or the moral significance and lesson of history:
No matter how many distorted and ahistorical lies you spread about Jews and Israel, this does not change our Southwest Asia Indigenous Kurdish and Jewish peoples’ lived histories under your racistly violent European and Arab (presently, again, Arab) settler Colonialism.
We Jews and Kurds and other SWANA Indigenous peoples will continue to freedom fight for the peaceful and secure decolonization of our Indigenous nations, so long as you Arab-European Conquistadors refuse to allow us to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations!
Do the lives of Jews and other still surviving Indigenous peoples matter? Apparently, not to the Christian, Muslim, and Marxist colonized world of citizens! #BringThemHomeNow #alleyesonrafah #STOPtheGENOCIDE created by UNRWA funded Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism upon Israelis and Gazans!
![Decolonizing involves a process of unlearning the harmful teachings of our Ancestors. - Standing Bear Network](
Standing Bear Network shared: “Decolonizing is a powerful movement that advocates for shedding the oppressive legacies of colonization and imperialism that have shaped our societies for centuries. It is a call to reclaim our identities, cultures, and sovereignty, and to challenge the systems of power that continue to oppress indigenous peoples and communities around the world.”
This is literally how we Jews maintain our continuity to the past – the “old ways” – while living in the present! Jews are an indigenous people that sees life as a spiral cycle. Every generation embraces the “old ways”, but does so slightly differently within the “new ways”.
Hence, we Jews have been compared to chameleons as a people, for our ability to socially adapt to the changing world around us, without losing our continuity – our identity, our native language, our ethno-religion, and our cultural ways – as a Southwest Asia native Judean people.
We Jews also see the world differently from the European and Arab Conquistadors upon planet Earth. For our Canaan Judean people, the compass starts with East as our “North”. And, we also see the past as always before us, something within our field of viewing. It is the future that is always behind us, and has a tendency to sneak up on us, unannounced!
From a European and Arab Colonial perspective, the most dangerous Indigenous nation is one that can match the Colonial technology advancements and use them for sustainability upon our native land and other Indigenous peoples’ lands, and to defend our sovereignty upon the land of our ancestors.
This is why Israel is so vilified and hated, for being an – as yet, still, 1,600 colonized years later – unassimilated Indigenous nation of Jews, whose resolve to survive in continuity as a people pushes us towards matching this changing human world in our anti-Colonial endeavors! It’s our engagement in the practice of Iyyun – “study” and “debate” for understanding – that makes this possible for us.
That Hollywood Marvel movie, Black Panther Wakanda Forever, literally has its real life parallel in the Jewish people’s nation-State of Israel. Perhaps, this is also why Wakanda Forever has so many haters – and, why James Cameron’s apologetics movies of Avatar is so beloved by most.
Everyone loves Jake Sully teaching his Navi indigenous children Colonial Earth military tactics and lingo (instead of indigenous Navi warrior tactics and lingo) and because the Navi are simple technologically non-advanced backwards natives who are freedom fighting for their planet and ways of life.
How dare an African nation (Wakanda), like the Southwest Asia nation of Israel, be so technologically advanced that – they (we) can defend their (our) land from the Talokan (the British, French, and Spanish Conquistadors) and from the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations (United States, Russia, Colonial Jordan, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, etc, etc, etc)?!!
How dare Indigenous peoples be equals AND freedom fighters for the decolonized liberation of Indigenous peoples’ lands amongst the European and Arab Conquistador nations upon this planet Earth?!! How dare still colonized Indigenous peoples planet-Earth-wide see Israel as a light unto all still surviving Indigenous nations on what “land back” looks like in applied action?!!!
Where were your eyes when Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS were murdering and kidnapping Israeli babies and teenagers on Oct 7th, 2023?
![The messianic controversy and how it created Evangelical nationalism and HAMAS terrorism!](
What does Isaac, Samson, and Jesus have in common? All three were given the honorary status of a demigod in our Jewish people’s ancestral writings. All three were born through Y-HWH’s divine intercourse with their mothers, so says our Jewish writings. For this is how we Jews have historically honored our fully human ancestors who have inspired our native Judean people through their “ultimate sacrifice”. A demigod birth is not the only literary way that our Jewish ancestors have honored highly revered Jews.
Other employed methods of honorific titling in our Jewish Canaanite Hebrew language writings has been done in the form of a numerical patterned genealogy that is fit for a King, the declaration of elevation to a god-like status – think, from “son of man” to a “son of god” – and, either, a direct ascension into the palace of Y-HWH hidden above the firmament without physically dying (think Eliyahu ha’Navi) or dying and resurrecting within the lifetime of Jews who are witnessing present Jewish people’s efforts to survive and overthrow occupation.
All Native peoples want peace and security and self-sovereignty upon our ancestral lands! As the last surviving Canaan people of our ancient Southwest Asia region, we Jews only want what ALL still surviving Indigenous peoples want – our nation’s national rebirth, our return to traditional ways (albeit, modernized and truly ethical) – without the drama from surrounding socially privileged non-Jews who have settler occupied in majority upon our land (so, think now about Jesus, the proto-rabbi Pharisee of Nazareth who tried to overthrow occupying Rome). …
Who has all three honorific titles? Even though Jews got the blame for the “ultimate sacrifice” result of this? This is why we Jews STOPPED writing demigod stories by the 2nd century CE. We Jews LOVE our demigod stories! But, we will NEVER worship any of our honorary demigods as a god and, especially, as our Y-HWH G-d. This post is not meant to be offensive or antagonistic. Rather, it is simply meant to be just informative to this human world.
Sincerely, from a minority Judean people known as the Jews of Israel to the Christianized and Islamized world that surrounds us. And to ALL of you who have been violently and racistly colonized in our Jewish names and with our Jewish ancestral writings. We stand with YOU on “land back” decolonization! You can keep your ethno-religious traditions and gods, and STILL visit Israel and bow before the Y-HWH G-d of Israel. This is our written and hoped for prophetic Messianic age! It is time for PEACE on planet Earth amongst human beings. Are we not ALL created in Elohim’s image?!!!
Where were your eyes when Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS were murdering and kidnapping Israeli babies and teenagers on Oct 7th, 2023?
![Palestine Ministry of Health in Gaza May 29 update on HAMAS and Gazan casualty numbers.](
As of May 29th, 2024, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza (PMoH/G) has provided the following number of Gazan deaths, since the Oct 7th, 2023, Palestinian Islamic HAMAS genocide within Israel and their kidnapping of native Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) to use as human shields during their Iran-supported militarized battles with IDF rescuers in Gaza:
Total – 26,060 out of 2.2 million Gazans – and these numbers include: successfully killed Arab Palestinian terrorists for Islamic HAMAS (@11,000) and Arab Gazan children, women, and elderly (@15,000) who have been depravedly killed by Palestinian HAMAS fighters in their genocidal war with Israel!
![Jerusalem Pride parade 2024](
The Jerusalem pride parade… “It is a zechut to march and express solidarity with these holy souls whose primary desire, once it is stripped of the massive obscuring layers, is kirvat Elokim; closeness to HKBH — just like you and me…. The gay community marches in Jerusalem in order to bask in the sanctity of the city, not to subvert it. Allow me to explain.” – Orthodox Rabbi Ysoscher Katz
Amein! Every Jewish person is a vital part of our sanctified native people of Israel. Ysoscher Katz wrote:
“I am in the West but my heart and neshama right now are far far away, in the East, at the Jerusalem pride parade, which is happening now.
My wife and I have now spent fifteen summers in Israel, and whenever possible, I make it my business to join the marchers. It is an annual source of spiritual joy and inspiration. It is a zechut to march and express solidarity with these holy souls whose primary desire, once it is stripped of the massive obscuring layers, is kirvat Elokim; closeness to HKBH–just like you and me.
And that is very palpable at this parade.
The Jerusalem march is its own breed. There is none of the provocative elements we have come to associate with these parades: revealing clothing, risqué behavior, boundary pushing, and blunt in-your-faceness. The Jerusalem version is very different. The vibe there is more like a very “lebedig” yeshivish wedding. People walk quietly, with the utmost deference for the sanctity of the city, shmooze, and occasionally break out in song, singing the kind of songs you’d hear at a shtark wedding (אנחנו מאמינים בני מאמינים, עוז והדר לבושה, and the like.)
Over the years I have come to understand the uniqueness of this particular parade, and its distinct purpose. The gay community marches in Jerusalem in order to bask in the sanctity of the city, not to subvert it.
Allow me to explain.
We all crave moments of transcendence. It is what allows us to overcome life’s vicissitudes, subdue our pains and alleviate some of our frustrations. Special moments like that enable us to take time out from our daily grind
The best place to experience those elevating moments is Jerusalem, the cradle of Jewish transcendence. The city is Judaism’s center of holiness. Therefore, when we are there, we replenish and rejuvenate spiritually, making life’s hardships tolerable and somewhat less draining.
In “othering” the LGBTQ community, we have at times managed to obscure the obvious: that our LGBTQ brothers and sisters are us, sharing our spiritual and emotional needs.
Like us, they too crave moments of transcendence and spiritual ecstasy. It is what allows them to overcome their own physical aches, spiritual pain, and life’s usual frustrations.
In fact, the harder the life, the more important those moments of transcendental experience are. One could, therefore, reasonably argue that the LGBTQ community deserves Jerusalemite transcendence even more.
That is the sole reason why the LGBTQ community marches in Jerusalem–for a yearly spiritual tune-up.
And to be able to express solidarity with those marchers, by offering allyship and pastoral support, is a huge zechut. For that reason I make sure to join hands with the community every year, either in person or, if I am unable, at least in spirit.
In addition to the religious impetus to participate, there is another reason why I join the parade: to express my personal hakarat ha’tov to the community. My own Torah learning has been immensely enriched by the observant LGBTQ community. Because of them I was inspired to explore areas of halakha that I have never studied before, resulting in a lot of new Torah, including my teshuvot on kitniyot, pidyon ha’ben and conversion as it pertains to the community, along with a lengthy teshuva on SSM–which I might or might not publish one day. Therefore, שלי שלהם!
Ironically, I always have difficulty joining the parade in person. Given my looks, the security apparatus pigeonholes me as chareidi, suspecting that I am there to cause havoc, not to actually participate. I am made to wait in some kind of holding pen until a member of the community who knows me comes to vouch for me.
That it happens at a parade whose raison d’etre is not to judge people, is kind of ironic. I don’t begrudge them for doing it, but it’s nonetheless a bit dissonant, hard to reconcile with the ethos of the march.”
SHE took the time to actually learn about Southwest Asia, its native peoples, and the history of 1940’s Israeli decolonization! It’s great that she awoke from inherited antisemitism this way. But, she learned the Ashkenazi-normative “white washed” history. The Holocaust is not the reason for the modern state of Israel! Not at all! A later part of the reason, yes, but not THE reason. LET’S LEARN some easily verifiable historical facts:
During the Ottoman empire period (19th century CE), MENA Jews of Sephardi-Mizrahi and Ashkenazi descent were intending to decolonize – to achieve Zionism, Jewish self-sovereignty upon the land of Israel. Because Arabs down south feared that Jews would actually decolonize, they invaded Southwest Asia during WW1 with the British and French militaries (20th century CE) in order to divide Southwest Asia into the European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. The Arab intention for “Palestine” was an Arab nation for all of the land of Israel.
Now, because post-WW1 Arab settlers committed repeated 10/7 HAMAS style massacres upon native Jews and the British were being duplicitous with Jews, the native MENA Jews of Israel smuggled in forbidden weapons and began freedom fighting for the liberation of Israel from this racistly violent British-Arab post-WW1 militarized occupation called “Mandatory Palestine”.
For near two decades, 5,000 Jewish women and men engaged in “guerilla warfare” against both the British and the Arabs. The British declared Jews to be “terrorists” for this. The Arabs began joining the German Nazi party in order to deport or slaughter Jews throughout Southwest Asia for the Nazis. The Arab Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, led the Arab Nazi movement from both Jerusalem and from Germany.
The majority of Jews that survived the European diaspora Holocaust went to the United States and Canada after WW2. It was MENA Jews with some Jews returning from the European and Arab occupied diasporas that established the nation-State of modern Israel in 1948 through our freedom fighting against the British and Arab occupiers of the land of Israel.
For this, the Arabs created their own “nakba”, by failing to conquer Israel during their post-May, 1948, 10 month military siege to conquer all of Israel. Also, the Arabs ethnically cleansed Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews from all lands that are Arab controlled. The majority of these MENA Jewish refugees had nowhere to go except into Israel. Some went to the United States.
This is why Israel is majority Sephardi and Mizrahi in Jewish ancestry. In 1964, the USSR’s KGB recruited Arab terrorists to lead their Moscow created PLO terror organization with its fictitious “Palestinian people” occupation force – to deny Israel a peaceful and secure decolonization amongst the post-WW1 Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. The rest is modern history!
Where were your eyes when Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS were murdering and kidnapping Israeli babies and teenagers on Oct 7th, 2023?
![Arab Palestinian HAMAS terrorists store explosives even amongst tent dwelling Gazan refugees.](
These deaths are absolutely needless! Demand that the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations STOP UNRWA funding Arab settler Colonialism upon Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands, so that we Israeli and Kurds can peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your post-WW1 Colonial nations!
Instead of spreading antisemitic fantasies about Jewish ethno-supremacy upon “Palestinian” land and Israeli genocide upon non-citizen politically land-squatting Arab settlers (for the end of decolonized Israel sovereignty),…
Instead of blaming natives Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli “Arab” citizens of Israel) for today’s airstrike on embedded Palestinian HAMAS terrorist leaders – Palestinian HAMAS terrorists who shot 8 rockets at Tel Aviv from this Tal al-Sultan camp – how about …
Take accountability European and Arab Conquistadors for creating this evil set of events upon our Southwest Asia land of Israel! No? Continue blaming the Jews, instead? Nevermind easily verifiable historical facts! Right?!
Nevermind that the Jews have had a nonstop 3,800 years presence upon our land, despite every single attempted ethnic cleansing of our SWANA Native people from the land of Israel by European and Arab Conquistadors for racistly violent Colonial Allah and Christ ruling dominionism.
Nevermind that the Arabs invaded Israel and Kurdistan during WW1 with the British and French militaries to divide our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands into the European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq.
Nevermind that the post-WW1 Arab settlers did several HAMAS style massacres upon native Jews and Kurds, forcing our near two decades of Jewish freedom fighting for the liberation of our land from this racistly violent British-Arab militarized occupation.
Nevermind the Holocaust happening up in Europe, and that the Arab Mufti of Jerusalem, leader of the Arab settlers, had brought this Holocaust into all of Southwest Asia, after becoming a Nazi party member in the effort to kill off all Jews in Southwest Asia and the Middle East, as well.
Nevermind that we Jews of Southwest Asia successfully decolonized our land from river to sea in 1948! So, as a punishment, the surrounding Arab nations invaded the very next day to end our sovereign Indigenous existence, and their failed ten month siege turning into a “nakba” for them.
Nevermind that Egypt occupied Gaza for 18+ years and Jordan occupied what they named the “West Bank (of Jordan)” for 18+ years, until Israelis (native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli “Arab” citizens of Israel) successfully ended their occupations in 1967.
Nevermind that the the USSR used it’s KGB to recruit Arab terrorists for the Moscow creation of the PLO with its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964. The USSR funded their terrorisms targeting Israelis, created the antisemitic lie of “Israeli Apartheid”, and got passed in the United Nations as a resolution that Jewish Zionism, our land back movement, is somehow “racism” towards post-WW1 Arab settlers upon our SWANA Indigenous lands of Israel and Kurdistan.
Nevermind that the United States and United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations have been UNRWA funding this ongoing post-1967 racistly violent Arab settler occupation and terrorisms upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Israeli land.
Nevermind that Israelis have not started even one fight with these Arab “Palestinian” Conquistadors, only wanting a peaceful and secure decolonization, and that war by Israel is a necessary act for continued survival and safety upon our land of Israel!
These deaths are absolutely needless! Demand that the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations STOP UNRWA funding Arab settler Colonialism upon Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands, so that we Israeli and Kurds can peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your post-WW1 Colonial nations!
Where were your eyes when Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS were murdering and kidnapping Israeli babies and teenagers on Oct 7th, 2023?
![Palestinian HAMAS terrorist army versus the Irish Republican Army and Israel Defense Forces.](
Listen, citizens of IRELAND and all OTHER colonised fools of European and Arab settler Colonialism! The IRA, Irish Republican Army, were righteous in their freedom fight to decolonize from British Colonialism! Just like the IDF, Israel Defense Forces, are righteous in our freedom fight to decolonise FULLY from post-WW1 European established Arab settler Colonialism and terrorisms upon the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel and Kurdistan! There is ZERO comparison between the UNRWA funded and Iran trained Arab Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorists and the Irish Republican Army slash Israel Defense Forces freedom fighters for the liberation of Indigenous people’s land!!!
“Has your media and politicians highlighted the actual genocide, butchery, and mass rapes, going on right now in Sudan ?
Probably not.
It’s not sexy. No Jews to blame.
Over 400,000 murdered. Millions actually starving. Tens of millions displaced with no humanitarian shelter or food.
But total silence.
Why should they grab the cameras and microphones?
They don’t care. There are no Jews to blame.”
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel.
![Arab Palestinians political land-squatters are not Israeli Arab citizens of Israel!](
Sometimes – NOT enough times – we Jews are asked good questions, questions for actual understanding….
“Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA, why can’t Jews and Arabs all live together in peace in Palestine/Israel. It’s not good to have a state where everyone has to worship the same religion. Look at Iran.”
All citizens of Israel are free to engage in whatever religion that they choose, even Jews – though there are some halachic limitations (Indigenous Judean people’s laws) regarding this, but such ONLY applies to Jews and not gentiles (non-Jews).
Israel has as citizens near two million Arabs who were not successfully expelled by Arab armies during the Arab created “nakba” – the 5 Arab armies’ 10 month siege to eradicate the decolonized Independent Judean nation of Israel. These Arabs are doctors, teachers, court judges, politicians, entrepreneurs, and also fight with Jews in our IDF to ensure our continued successful Zionism.
Have you ever been to Israel? We know that you have not! Perhaps experience real Israeli (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) Indigenous land back movement that is a history in progress. Rather than believing in Colonial Arab and European lies about Israel. No?
“Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA, so you’re supportive of a one-state solution where Jews and Palestinians can all live together one state?”
The post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists who named themselves Palestinians in 1964 are not citizens of Israel, rather they are UNRWA funded Arab political land-squatters upon the land of Israel – for the end to our 1948 decolonized self-sovereignty. They want all of Israel to be Colonial “Palestine”, hence why they never made peace with Israel and will not ever make peace.
To allow Israel, an Indigenous nation, to be peacefully and securely decolonized amongst the post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq would require the United States and the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations to address their crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide!
We Israelis – native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli “Arab” citizens of Israel – established our one-state democratic solution in 1948 in order to survive violently racist Arab-European settler Colonialism.
Snapshot – Palestinian Arab political land-squatters do not (≠) equal Israeli Arab citizens of Israel! Palestinians equals (=) post-1948 Arab political land-squatters upon decolonized Israel to deny our peaceful and secure self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land! Zionism is the Jewish people’s anti-Colonial land back movement in applied action!
![Hampton University antisemitism towards Jews and Israelis.](
Do you know how stupid and racistly anti-Indigenous this meme is, “black” citizens of the United States of Colonial “America” upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands?!
Israel is socialism in applied action! Ask any Israeli “Arab” why they fight so passionately for Israel’s continued survival! And Zionism is Indigenous peoples’ decolonization in applied action. Zionism is Jewish native self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land – upon Zion, the land of “Israel”!
Israel has been European and Arab occupied repeatedly for 2,300 years and STILL counting, post our 1948 forced decolonization. Zionism is the Jewish people’s land back movement! Zionism is Judaism, Judea-people-ism. All Jews planet-Earth-wide that are not successfully colonized by the Arab-European Conquistadors are Zionists, full stop!
We Jews have survived for 3,800 years living non-stop upon our ancestral land – despite every Arab and European ethnic cleansing of our Jewish people to deny us this(!) – by maintaining our connection to our Canaanite Hebrew language, to our Canaan Judean land, and to our ethno-religion and laws that define who we are as a people and who is a member of our people – and, thus, successfully resisting “conversion” to any of the salvation religions and their Colonial way of life!
African Americans who are actually supportive of Indigenous Peoples’ lands rights, please educate Hampton University- Official @HamptonThink !
Snapshot above – 1st sentence is pro-Israel. 2nd sentence is pro-Colonial Palestine. Beware the deliberately racist anti-Indigenous disinformation campaigns! Antisemitism towards Jews and Israelis comes in ALL skin-colors! Zionism is the Jewish people’s anti-Colonial land back movement!
Where were your eyes when Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS were murdering and kidnapping Israeli babies and teenagers on Oct 7th, 2023?
![Criminalizing the mere mention of Israeli sovereignty is a Middle East Arab Conquistador norm!](
“How do you criminalize the mere mention of a state or a people???” You don’t! But,…
This happens to our Southwest Asia’s native Israel nation EVERY single day! So, we feel your pain, citizens of the United States of Michilimackinac (opps Colonial “America”, sorry!).
“He also equates the recognition and support of a Palestinian state as “support for Muslim terrorism” which warrants consequences that we have used against so-called “Muslim terrorism” in the past… actions that have included torture, rendition, sexual abuse, extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detention.”
Regardless whether Democrat or Republican, any USA citizen that says support for a recognize Colonial Palestinian state is a “support for Muslim terrorism” is absolutely historically correct! But, the Colonial religious “holy war” between Christianity and Islam MUST stop for there to be peace – for we still surviving Indigenous Peoples upon this European and Arab occupied planet Earth!
“Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian hatred and bigotry are so normalized among American politicians that they don’t even get noticed or make news.”
Again, Colonial “Islamophobia” and Colonial “Christophobia” NEEDS to END! Stop your racistly anti-Indigenous “holy war”, European and Arab Colonizers!
Add to this, Colonial USA Democrats say that anti-Palestinian (a post-WW1 wannabe aboriginal and wannabe Colonial nation upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan) hatred and bigotry are so normalized among American politicians that they don’t even get noticed or make news.
And, Colonial USA Republicans say that anti-Israel (an actual still surviving Indigenous nation AND the first to successfully forcibly decolonize in 1948) hatred and bigotry are so normalized among American politicians that they don’t even get noticed or make news.
YOU ALL are so noisy, that we Indigenous peoples planet-Earth-wide do NOT get heard at all!!! Where were your eyes when Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS were murdering and kidnapping Israeli babies and teenagers on Oct 7th, 2023?
META Description : Where were your eyes when Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS were murdering and kidnapping Israeli babies and teenagers on Oct 7th, 2023?
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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