106 years of British-Arab post-WW1 settler occupation to prevent our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, and formerly-indigenous “Arab”ized people – from successfully decolonizing peacefully and securely – and still counting! It is way past time to end the UNRWA funded Arab occupation and terrorism, and force the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations to allow SWANA Indigenous peoples to peacefully and securely decolonize – amongst your post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. We Israelis and Kurds will NOT stop freedom fighting until we achieve this permanent ceasefire goal! We refuse to be assimilated into your Colonial cultures, and we refuse to submit to your Colonial gods, languages, and governments for us.
![Aboriginal peoples dancing together in understanding! From the land of Israel to the continent of Michilimackinac - no more terrorism!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240613_142653422.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
“The sacred calf holds significant meaning for the Lakota people, as it aligns with their cultural beliefs and traditions. According to the Lakota, the appearance of a white buffalo calf heralds better times and is akin to a divine revelation. The calf’s unique features symbolize purity and spiritual significance, evoking a sense of reverence and awe among those who witness it.
The arrival of the white buffalo calf serves as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of coexisting harmoniously with nature. It prompts reflection on the impact of human actions on the environment and the need to cultivate a greater sense of respect and care for the world around us.” – John Gonzalez, Standing Bear Network
This teaching is beautiful. Thank you. The white buffalo calf’s importance to the Lakota reminds us of our sacred Red Heifer.
It is said amongst the Jewish people that Judah ha-Nasi, a revered Rabbi (“teacher”), understood that he once became sick as a punishment for not showing compassion for a frightened calf. Lack of empathy, human indifference, sickens!
There is nothing in our sacred ancestral literatures that says we humans shouldn’t advance ourselves in knowledge and technology. But, if we fail to plant and to protect, to sustain our land’s vitality, then we create the cursed life of tilling thorns and being bit by angry wildlife!
Le’avdah ul’shamrah, to work and to guard the land, and to be wary of tza’ar ba’alei chayim, the suffering of animals – this is what it means to be Indigenously Jewish! It is pleasing to us that Michilimackinac Indigenous peoples feel the same.
![Indigenous understanding of dominionism, Standing Bear Network](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/FB_IMG_1718133826814.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
Dominionism, the “ruling” over things, what does this mean from an Indigenous people’s perspective? (Spoiler alert, it is very different from a Colonial religion perspective!).
When our Jewish word רדה “radah” is taken out of context, the act of “ruling” becomes self-oriented. Our Jewish Torah employs word play poetry in the telling of our origin stories. Every word in our Torah is there for a Torah reason!
For example, ha’adam, the “human”, is formed (like a clay figure) from the adamah, the “humus”, top soil of the land. Likewise, the elohim created humankind in their image. The Canaanite word elohim literally means “children gods of the Creator god El”.
After El Elyon created orderly land, skies, and waters and nefesh, “breathing creatures”, upon the land, in the skies, and in the waters, the humans, male and female together, were created by the ruling elohim, Sky-Gods, who were assigned their portion upon the land. For each god, their people and nation to rule upon.
Then, as a final creative act, they took a Shabbat. Our Torah does not erase our Jewish pantheon, it only obscures our polytheistic roots to favor Jewish henotheism (a form of “monolatry”, not monotheism). So, being that the ruling Sky-Gods of the land created humans, they gave us the responsibility to take care of the land for them – god-like creativity.
This is why the elohim rule from the skies, and only visit the land in our Torah stories. We humans are vassaled Viceroys who are obligated le’avdah ul’shamrah, “to plant and protect” the land. Further, Y-HWH god of our Canaan Judah-Israel nation requires that Jews be wary of tza’ar ba’alei chayim, “the suffering of living creatures”, and our native laws ensure that we show compassion for all life while we govern for the sustained benefit of our land’s Sky-God.
![Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem - Indigenous Coalition for Israel](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240614_211020613-1.png?resize=713%2C1024)
Marxist infiltrated, influenced, and indoctrinated Michilimackinac Indigenous peoples of various tribes foolishly put out a “collective statement” of support for Colonial “Palestine” and Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terroris
But the Michilimackinac Indigenous peoples who still know who they are as a people have not only put out a collective statement for Jews/Israelis, Kurds, and all other Arab-occupied SWANA Indigenous peoples, but have opened an Indigenous embassy in Jerusalem in support of we Israelis!
Visit Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem – Indigenous Coalition For Israel for more information. And…. Remember, pretendian organizations like the Red Nation are Marxist anti-Indigenous organizations that prey upon Indigenous peoples, and we know them well!
![Jews have a Chamishah Chumshei Torah! The Holy Bible is a northern Aegean Christian created book.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240611_140613392.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
This is actually very offensive! So we fixed this meme, and will now explain why this is necessary:
Jews do not have a “Holy Bible”. We have a Chamishah Chumshei Torah! The “Holy Bible” is a Colonial Christian invention, and it is only 1,600 years old. The “Holy Bible” represents an antisemitic (anti-Indigenous) set of books about Jews from the viewpoint of northern gentiles AND dares to include our Jewish ancestral literatures with a theological interpretive spin.
We Jews will never gain the respect of appropriating Christianity, until we stop submitting ourselves to their Colonial terms for us. Our Chamishah Chumshei Torah is 3,000 years old – from separate scrolls, to redacted scrolls, to book format and ALWAYS in the original Canaanite Hebrew language!
We Jews need to decolonize our social presence before the Christian and Muslim Conquistadors and their successfully colonized. They have to learn to listen to us and learn from us, and STOP assuming that they know our ancestral literatures as well as we Jews do – and that, somehow in their social privilege, they have the right to speak for us Jews to the world about our Judean people’s writings!
Jews have a Chamishah Chumshei Torah! The “Holy Bible” is a northern Aegean Christian created book.
![Judeo-Christian tradition, values, heritage - whatever - is a USA Evangelical Christian no-thing! One could almost call it terrorism.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240612_003402459.png?resize=1024%2C533)
There is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian” heritage or values! This is an easily verifiable historical fact, not some kind of Jewish apologetics to the Christian colonized world of human beings!
The very idea of “Judeo-Christian” is a USA Evangelical Christian term meant to justify their appropriation of our Indigenous Judean people’s ancestral writings. It is meant to justify their ruling social supremacy upon aboriginal lands in our native Judean people’s ancestral writings.
Christianity is a northern Aegean created Colonial religion, and its values, beliefs, and teachings are literally the reverse of our native Jewish people’s ethno-religion, Judaism (Judea-people-ism). This is why antisemitic (anti-Indigenous) racism towards Jews is the inherent heart of the doctrines of the Church Fathers (look them up!).
Jews, being a Southwest Asia native people, do not have a concept of “original sin”, we do not have one specific theology other than faithful observance to our mitzvot (divine established land obligations, our civil-ritual laws), and we do not need nor want a god-in-flesh savior figure. Jews do not have a “Hell” to threaten people with.
We Jews believe that we return to the soil, from whence we came. Some Jews believe in reincarnation, and other Jews believe that in the days of the Messiah (the hoped for period of Israel history where no nations occupy Israel and we are truly able to live peacefully and securely upon our land in self-sovereignty) those who died before will reconstitute back to life for one more mortal chance at a long life in Israel before dying again.
![Arab Palestinian terrorists for Islamic HAMAS terrorism are deemed good people by this Arab-European colonized world.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240608_210712492.png?resize=592%2C1024)
May your family never be kidnapped while the world demands that you cease fighting for them! We Indigenous peoples are the teachers of easily verifiable historical facts.
No! The Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism did not “release” these four hostages. IDF rescuers fought for their liberation and rescued them!
No! Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) did not “kill 210 civilians in Gaza” while rescuing these four native Israelis. The IDF rescuers freedom fought the heavily armed Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism, killing many Palestinian HAMAS fighters in order to successfully free these HAMAS held hostages!
What Israel is doing is surviving this 6 decades long UNRWA funded Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatting, occupation, and terrorism that are meant to bring an end to the world’s first successfully decolonized Indigenous nation – the nation of Israel, a light unto all still colonized Indigenous nations planet Earth wide!
It is you citizens of Arab-European Colonial nations who don’t know history outside of an ahistorical version that justifies your European and Arab violently racist settler Colonialism upon Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide. We native peoples will survive you and will successfully decolonize, still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial gods, languages, and governments for us!
![During Operation Arnon, Noa Argamani is rescued!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/FB_IMG_1717968009385.jpg?resize=698%2C960)
Whether it’s Israelis or Kurds, when Arab “Palestinian” militants for Colonial Islam attack and terrorize, they seek to demoralize Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples by raping, kidnapping, and enslaving Israeli and Kurdish young women. These Arab settler Colonialists have been doing this to Israelis and Kurds since their invasion and occupation of Southwest Asia with the British and French occupiers during WW1.
Worse, since 1964, the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations have been UNRWA funding their racistly anti-Indigenous “Palestinian” depravities for “allahu akbar (god is greater)”! … African peoples, too, know this terrorized pain firsthand, for Islamic Boko Haram does to Nigerians what Palestinian Islamic HAMAS is doing to Israelis and Gazans.
May your family never be kidnapped while the world demands that you cease fighting for them! We Indigenous peoples are the teachers of easily verifiable historical facts.
“The Arab armies entered [Colonial] Palestine to protect the [post-WW1 Arab settlers who self-named in 1964 as] Palestinians from the [1948 decolonizing native MENA Jew’s] Zionist tyranny but, instead, they [the Arabs] abandoned them [their post-WW1 Arab settlers], forced them to emigrate and to leave their [since 1920] homeland, [the Arabs] imposed upon them a political and ideological blockade and threw them [these self-named “Palestinians”] into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live, in [the northern] Eastern Europe[an diaspora], as if we were condemned [by Arabs] to change places with them [the Jews]: they moved out of their ghettos and we occupied similar ones. The Arab States succeeded in scattering the Palestinian people and in destroying their unity [- no Colonial “Palestine” nation. Instead, native Israel, resovereiged, is next to Colonial Jordan]. They [the Arab States] did not recognize them [Arab “Palestinian” settlers] as a unified people until the [United Nations of Colonial nation-]States of the world did so, and this is regrettable.” – Abu Mazen (aka, Mahmoud Abbas), What We Have Learned and What We Should Do, published in Falastin el Thawra, the official journal of the PLO of Beirut, 1976
What Israel is doing is surviving this 6 decades long UNRWA funded Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatting, occupation, and terrorism that are meant to bring an end to the world’s first successfully decolonized Indigenous nation – the nation of Israel, a light unto all still colonized Indigenous nations planet Earth wide!
![Arab Palestinian terrorism targeting native Jews of the land of Israel since 1517](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/FB_IMG_1718334807086.jpg?resize=945%2C880)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “terrorism” as the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. And, Merriam-Webster defines “use of terror” as violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon of intimidation or coercion.
When Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism invaded native Israeli people’s homes, tortured them, and burned them to death while alive, this is terrorism. When Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism publicly stripped, gang-raped, cut body parts off of, and then shot to death Israeli teenage girls and young women, this is terrorism.
When Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism kidnapped Israelis and took them to Gaza to use as human shields and as bargaining chips, this is terrorism. Whereas,… When Israel Defense Forces rescuers follow these Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism into Gaza to rescue the Israelis that Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism are holding hostage, this is NOT terrorism and this is NOT genocide!
See for your Arab Palestinian terrorism for Islamic HAMAS! –
![All eyes on Nigeria? Matthew Cooke is sadly an anti-Israel Marxist.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240610_222131154.png?resize=1024%2C982)
Snapshot – More self-serving lies by the Marxist indoctrinated! Boko Haram (African HAMAS-ISIS) has murdered over 300,000 children. All eyes on Nigeria? Anyone?!
Since Boko Haram unleashed their deadly terrorism for “allahu akbar (god is greater)” Islamic supremacy upon Nigeria, over 300,000 children have been depravedly killed. This Boko Haram violence has – as of – 2023 statistics displaced 1.4 million children and over 83,000 lack access to drinkable water. Worse, Nigerian children are being kidnapped and forced to be suicide bombers for Boko Haram.
This “allahu akbar” Islamic religious cry is the same used by Palestinian HAMAS terrorists as they gang-raped, depravedly killed, and kidnapped Israelis on Oct 7th, and as they depravedly kill Gazans by bringing their racist HAMAS “holy war” into heavily populated Gaza! According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, since Oct 7th 2023 to Jun 9th 2024, only around 7,900 Gazan children have been depravedly killed by Palestinian HAMAS fighters (not by IDF hostage rescuers!) who have taken their genocidal war with Israel deliberately into Gaza!
These deaths, injuries, and violence are fully on the hands of the meddling United States of Colonial America and the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations! This war to dismantle UNRWA funded Islamic HAMAS terrorism could have been finished months ago. All eyes on Nigeria? Anyone?!
If the United States and United Nations actually gave a damn about children, the Islamic war in both Nigeria and Israel-Gaza would have ended swiftly by the elimination of HAMAS and Boko Haram, like ISIS was ended. But, no – if the victims are only the Indigenous peoples of the lands, then “allahu akbar” massacres away!!!
Stop with the ahistorical lies, Matthew Cooke ! Where are All Eyes On Nigeria?!!! … Oh, right, no natives Israelis freedom fighting for survival from UNRWA funded Arab settler occupations and terrorisms upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Judean people’s land of Israel!
![The Al Jazeera journalist Abdallah Aljamal is a support of Islamic HAMAS terrorism.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240610_003850280.png?resize=663%2C1024)
Why would we indigenous Israelis and Kurds lie about easily verifiable historical facts and information?! Why would we lie about terrorism that is targeting Israelis and Kurds?
This Arab “Palestinian” family – that was enslaving a native Israeli woman – they are the UNRWA funded “well to do” “upper class” of Gaza society. They told Noa Argamani that she is lucky she is housed by them. The ONLY “truth” they shared, pre- IDF rescue!
Just like this Al Jazeera journalist for Palestinian HAMAS terrorists, Abdallah Aljamal, it was Arab Palestinian HAMAS’s AP photographer, Ali Mahmud, who accompanied the Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorists on October 7, 2023, to document their committing depraved atrocities and crimes against Indigenous Israelis.
Because Indigenous Israeli and Kurdish lives don’t actually matter to this Arab-European Christian, Muslim and, now, Marxist colonized world, let us remind you that… The prestigious Reynolds Journalism Institute recently rewarded Arab Palestinian HAMAS for their photojournalism of their own crimes against Indigenous humanity!
The first place award of their oldest photojournalism award for their Photo of the Year (POY) competition was given to Ali Mahmud – who accompanied the terrorists on October 7 and documented them committing depraved atrocities and crimes against Indigenous Israelis. Listen!
Ali Mahmud photographed the abduction of depravedly murdered Israeli Shani Louk because he was there to do so – as an Arab Palestinian Gazan with family members in Islamic HAMAS. He was NOT in Israel on October 7th, 2023, by accident. He was part of the invasion force!
Ali Mahmud, like Abdallah Aljamal and family, had a choice to stand for the victims of Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorism. Abdallah Aljamal and family could have smuggled Noa Argamani to IDF rescuers, like righteous non-Jews in Europe did for Jewish families during the WW2 German-Arab Nazi Holocaust!
But, Israel/Jews are to blame for this bloody and atrocious desecration of our sacred Native ancestral land of Israel!!!
![Native Americans dancing with Arab Conquistadors!!!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240612_201409375.jpg?resize=768%2C1024)
LOL! Native Americans dancing with Arab Conquistadors!!! Indigenous resistance is always more resolute than Arab-European Colonial resistance to our Indigenous peoples’ anti-Colonial resistance.
Flag of the Arab “Palestinian” post-WW1 Colonizer of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands —> 🇵🇸 You know, the lands of Israel and Kurdistan!
The American education system has citizens knowing the names of Columbus and fellow Conquistadors, but not the names of the still surviving Indigenous peoples upon Michilimackinac (opps, Colonial “America”).
Just like European nations’ education system has citizens knowing the names of Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, Yahya Sinwar and fellow Arab Conquistadors, but not the names of the still surviving Indigenous peoples upon Southwest Asia (opps, Colonial “Palestine”).
You know, Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, ethnic Persians (etc, etc, etc)! Saying that Arabs are “indigenous” to Southwest Asia (Colonial “Palestine”) is no different than saying that Europeans and their former African slaves are “indigenous” to Michilimackinac (Colonial “America”)! Both Europeans and Arabs are wannabe aboriginals – through their religion’s conquest of Native lands.
![Daddy's money spent and no diploma to show for it! We native Israelis and Kurds are laughing, while continuing to freedom fight against the Arab-European Conquistadors!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240612_163747141.jpg?resize=863%2C1024)
And that’s why you straight out of High School wannabe “social justice warrior” fools did not graduate! Daddy’s money spent and no diploma to show for it! We native Israelis and Kurds are laughing, while continuing to freedom fight against the Arab-European Conquistadors – that you support!
Who told you that native Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel – are committing a genocide upon Colonial “Palestine” (the Southwest Asia Indigenous lands of Israel and Kurdistan)? Perhaps the European and Arab Conquistadors for racistly violent Colonial Allah and Christ ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide?!
The USSR’s 1964 KGB invented PLO terror organization with its fictitious WABO Arab “Palestinian people”, is not indigenous to our SWANA native peoples’ lands. This is why the land turns to desert when European and Arab Palestinians (the Christian-Muslim Conquistadors) ethnically cleanse the land of Israel of Jews. And that is why the land of Israel blossoms when Jews are sufficiently present in numbers and fulfilling our land obligations upon eretz yisrael!
The actual Indigenous peoples of Southwest Asia are Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, ethnic Persians (etc, etc). Arab Conquistadors colonized our lands, and now want to gaslight the entire world that they are the “indigenous ” (wannabe aboriginals) of our lands.
We Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples have the post-USSR troll factory to thank for all this worldwide social media disinformation that is meant to erase our SWANA peoples existence and survival from this Arab-European settler Colonialism upon our lands.
Because you’ve been successfully lied to… Saying that Arabs are “indigenous” to Southwest Asia (Colonial “Palestine”) is no different than saying that Europeans and their former African slaves are “indigenous” to Michilimackinac (Colonial “America”)! Both Europeans and Arabs are wannabe aboriginals – through their religion’s conquest of Native lands.
Zionism is Indigenous Resistance, Full Stop!
![Marjane Satrapi said is absolutely true from a minority's perspective.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/FB_IMG_1717823718070.jpg?resize=683%2C1024)
What Marjane Satrapi said is absolutely true from a minority’s perspective within the religious nations of Iran and the United States! She said to the “secular” (LOL!) “American people”:
“The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me.”
Generally, true to a point. But, when it comes to the United States of – supposedly “secular” – Colonial “America” that is occupying Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands like Colonial “Palestinians” are occupying Kurdish and Israeli lands…
Statistically, there is little difference between the United States and Iran. The slight difference comes with executions as a supremacy weapon in the Islamic Republic nation of Iran. Here are the surface statistics between Islamic Iran and the United States:
Persians are 61 percent of Iran’s population, just like Whites are 61.6 percent of the USA’s population. Azerbaijani are the next largest at 16 percent in Iran, just like Hispanic/Latino are next largest at 18.7 percent in the USA. The indigenous Kurdish people, whose land is partially occupied by Iran, they are the majority population in Iran’s prisons and the most executed population, and they are only 10 percent of Iran’s population, just like Blacks (African Americans and “Native Americans”/Indigenous), the majority population in USA prisons, are only 13.5 percent of the USA’s population.
The Islamic Republic of Iran does not represent the entire Iranian people, only the socially privileged Persian citizens. In the same manner that the United States does not represent the entire “American” people, only the socially privileged white citizens.
To clarify this in the words of the native Southwest Asia Kurdish people, who started their “revolution” within the Islamic Republic of Iran and have paid dearly for doing so (a revolution now co-opted by the privileged Persians, themselves!):
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! SWANA Indigenous are the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples known as Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, ethnic Persians (etc), and our formerly-Indigenous but successfully Islam converted and Arabized (colonized) Israeli and Iranian “Arabs”.
![Matthew Nouriel is a child of the Iranian Jewish diaspora.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Polish_20240614_000523500.png?resize=862%2C1024)
We Jews – an ethno-religious aboriginal people from the Canaan land of Israel (Judea and Samaria) – we do NOT “hate” Christians and Muslims (adherents to Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam)! Nor do we “hate” devotees to Marxism. Whoever says this about “the Jews”, the people of Israel, is an indoctrinated racist liar! What we “hate” is anti-Zionism, anti- our self-sovereign peaceful security upon our ancestral land.
We Jews – an ethno-religious aboriginal people from the Canaan land of Israel (Judea and Samaria), who is now spread out around this planet Earth by anti-Jewish/Israeli Colonizers(!) – we are NOT “racist” towards colonizing Arabs and their successfully colonized (“Arab”ized) formerly Indigenous. What we “hate” is the racist supremacy and absolutism that targets Indigenous peoples for assimilation and conversion (by any means necessary!), whether Christian or Muslim or Marxist!
So, how about actually LISTENING to our extreme – but ever the divisive subject of this world – minority people, without our needing to CAPITULATE to the sensitives of the Colonial majority for the simple sake of survival as native people?!!!
We Jews/Israelis are devoutly and resolutely anti-Colonial in our inherent nature as an Indigenous people. All that we ask of this world as the Jewish people is what every other still surviving Native peoples ask of this successfully colonized world. Allow our aboriginal people to peacefully and securely decolonize upon our land amongst your European, Arab and, now, Marxist Colonial nations!
Why is this so hard for you, descendants of European and Arab settler Colonialism?!!! Seriously. Why will you NOT share this planet Earth with those survivors of settler Colonialism – who will never accept being assimilated into your Colonial cultures, gods, languages, and governments for us. And why – by your majority presence – will you NOT protect our human way of life, like you protect the Buffalo, the Whale, the Elephant, the (etc)?!
(Oh, we forget! Yes, you do this for some still surviving Indigenous peoples, so long as they are not “Jews” or Kurds or already colonized other Indigenous peoples. And, especially, not for Jews who have reestablished self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land!)
Why did we just say this?! Because, to an Indigenous awareness of this “thing called life”, all nefesh (“breathing creatures”, not just humans!) are literally of the same soil and are equally sacred by the Creator’s will for our planetary existence. We humans were given by the Creator the responsibility – in our created “after our likeness” resemblance – of working (planting) and guarding (protecting) this balance of land (planetary) life that sustains the Creator’s gan eyden (“paradise”)!
Unfortunately, most successfully colonized humans will see these words as a “rant” and FAIL to understand that this is our inability as “human beings” to remember our place upon this planet Earth. Thankfully, the Earth will survive our human species and will start over without us! (All thoughts from us humans is strictly “commentary”, for our hubris as a species is but a blip upon the cosmos, unless we humans decide differently!)
There is a difference between the Creator god and the land god that our different peoples/nations “worship”, and even our Jewish Torah says so. If we (too-creative) humans don’t realize this… A new grand experiment in evolution will take place upon this planet Earth, even without us – if necessary – and despite our beliefs! Remember, our Jewish people’s sacred TaNaKh says clearly,…
“For there is a happening for the children of the human, and there is a happening for the non-human – and they have one happening – like the death of this one is the death of that one, and all have one spirit (“the breath of life” of the Creator), and the superiority of the human over non-human is nothing, for all is vanity.” – Koholet 3:19
Let’s unite as human beings and become PEACE makers upon this planet Earth, before we drive ourselves into extinction like less regarded El (Elyon, Elohim) created species. This is all I/we have to say.
Shabbat shalom u’mevorach!
META Description : 106 years of British-Arab post-WW1 settler occupation and terrorism is enough! Allow Israelis and Kurds to peacefully decolonize!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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