Being an Indigenous people is about our ways, beliefs, and experiences, not just our history and land rights. How are the Jewish and Kurdish peoples ever going to successfully decolonize our SWANA lands, if the world thinks that the Jewish people are “just a religion” that is basically no different than Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam? We simply CANNOT let the Christian-Muslim colonized world dictate what is acceptable public speech by Jews. We simply must challenge the social supremacists’ favorite tropes and stereotypes about us!
![The Holy Land is everywhere. - Black Elk Not just one indigenous land!](
“The Holy Land is everywhere.” Amein! Yes, it sure is! Each native people have their sacred “Holy” land, and it should always be this way. Rabbi Ysoscher Katz teaches this native Jewish understanding as follows:
“The difference between holy and sacred is significant. To be holy is to circumvent corporality and avoid it, whereas sacredness requires us to embrace our physicality and sanctify it. And we are asked to do the latter, to pursue sacredness, not that we should be holy.”
This phrase – “the Holy Land” – this is the Christian’s and Muslim’s Colonial religious name for Israel, just like Colonial “Palestine” is their name for the lands of Israel and Kurdistan combined. We Jews, the native people of this Canaan land of Israel, call “the Holy Land” Zion – yes, Zion, hence our Zionism (indigenous self-sovereignty and self-determination, free of colonialism and imperialism)!
The only other place outside of Colonial “Palestine” (Israel and Kurdistan) that has been declared “the Holy Land” by Christians is Colonial “America” (Michilimackinac). Many of the early European colonists and immigrants to the continent of Michilimackinac, viewed this “America” as “the promised land” for European Christians. And this phrase that is found within our Jewish ancestral literatures is a direct reference to the Canaan land of Israel.
So, as it is with the difference between the words “sacred” versus “holy”, so it also is in the difference between a “promised land” versus a “holy land”. All aspects of life is holy, each native land is sacred ground, and every native people are to be “a sacred people” (often mistranslated as “a holy people”). It is the Indigenous way to pursue sanctifying the land – to “pursue sacredness” with our physical actions!
The “Holy Land” for colonizing Christians and Muslims is where they think their religion’s god has established his dominion and, thus, they are the foot soldiers to subduing this land for their religion’s god. For Muslims, Mecca in Arabia is not sufficient, for Allah must also have Jerusalem and all of “Palestine”. For Christians, Rome in Europe is not sufficient, for Christ must also have Israel and Michilimackinac, opps, “America”.
![Both Jews and Kurds face the same efforts to erase our Indigenous presence upon our SWANA ancestral lands.](
Are Hawaiians that were born in California or Texas still Indigenous to Hawaii? Are they immigrants to Hawai’i, if they return to the islands of their people? Why do you European and Arab Conquistadors want to separate Jews from the land of Judea? Why do you insist that Jews returning from European and Arab diasporas are somehow different from the Jewish people who have a nonstop 3,800 year presence upon our land of Israel, Judea and Samaria? Perhaps because we are the 1st Indigenous nation to successfully forcibly decolonize from racistly violent Arab-European settler Colonialism upon our land?
The majority of Israeli Jews are Sephardi-Mizrahi with zero ancestry connected to the European diaspora. Our Jewish laws are like any other Indigenous peoples laws: If you’re legally a Jew, then you are Indigenous to the land of Israel – no matter what diaspora the European and Arab Conquistadors forced your families into. Post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialists, who self-named themselves “Palestinians” in 1964, are not Indigenous to the Southwest Asia region.
Formerly indigenous who were successfully colonized by European and Arab Conquistadors for Colonial Allah and Christ ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands have lost their Indigenous identity. If you speak the Colonizer’s language, worship the Colonizer’s gods, and support Colonial governments upon Native peoples’ lands, then you are a Colonizer regardless of your ancestry. We native peoples worldwide will survive you and decolonize, forcibly if necessary, our lands from your Arab-European land thefts!
Snapshot – Both Jews and Kurds face the same efforts to erase our Indigenous presence upon our SWANA ancestral lands.
![Was Moses born a woman? Did Moses transition into a man?](
Sefer Tziyoni, a 14th century book, teaches that “Moshe Rabbeinu was born looking like a woman, צלם דמות אש”ה.” Yes, the suggestion is that Torah teaches that Moses was born a “girl”!
Avi Schiro teaches: וירא כי אין איש, “When Moshe kills the man it says ‘and he looked and there was no man’. Hillel says in a place where there are no men, strive to be a man. Moshe agreed with Hillel and where there was no men, he became a man (transitioned). Shemot 2:12
Pirkei Avot 2:5
Elli Sacks teaches: “The more common midrash on “Ki Tov” is that Moshe was born without a foreskin, therefore didn’t need a brit milah. Which explains why he didn’t cry as a baby and why his mother was able to successfully hide him from the Egyptians. (It also has reverberations in the strange Mikreh ba-Malon story.)
Writing that he was born with the zelem dmut isha”h, might also explain PHYSICALLY why he was able to avoid initial detection by the Egyptians.
But it seems here that there might be gender implications beyond appearances. Was Moshe born with a female soul? All the important early influences in his life (up until he met Yithro) were female.
And notice how the word “ish” appears so prominently and repeatedly in the Moshe bildungsroman story (thanks to Yael Ziegler for teaching this insight.) Perhaps Moshe did have to transition from female qualities to male ones in order to become ha-ish who would lead ALL of Bnei Yisrael…”
Michael Bernstein teaches: “Remember that Moshe said he breast fed the Children Israel.”
Non-Jews, do you honestly think that you understand Jews and how we reverence our Torah, our sacred ancestral stories? It is with deeply attentive study and questioning is how we do so!
We Jews do NOT shoot arrows into the tree, then draw confirmation circles around these arrows to justify some theological, political, or absolutist claim.
We are, as native Jews who are indigenous to the Canaan Jewish land of Israel, are thankful that Judaism – Judea-people-ism – is not a “religion”, like Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam!
Note: For those who dare to suggest this, the subject of this post is NOT “woke nonsense”, for these native insular Jewish discussions and/or debates determine how our communities are applying our halachot (native Judean law system). There are real world consequences for Jews that are being addressed in these Torah-Talmud discussions!
It is Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam that has enforced a bigoted ideology towards the LGBTQ+ community, using our sacred ancestral Jewish scrolls to justify this bigotry! And, by the number of Jewish communities that are surviving the Colonial diasporas that subscribe to such anti-Indigenous religious bigotries in our Jewish names, any misapplication of halacha by Jews is chillul ha’Shem (a desecration) towards our people’s Creator.
This divides the Jewish people and threatens the lives of our “two spirited” Jews AND their families! We simply CANNOT let the Christian-Muslim colonized world dictate what is acceptable public speech by Jews. This prostrating to the Colonial images that are “right” and “safe” for us has NEVER led to a peaceful and secure decolonization for our native Judean people! Rather, this protecting the mental and emotional sensitivities of supremacists for social acceptance only brings on the latest version of Oct 7th for our people.
![Are angels the children of indigenous human women?](
Snapshot: Perhaps there is a hint of the matter in the Shabbat tract, in the midrash that is quoted there when Moses ascends to heaven to receive the Torah in Sinai, the angels say to God, “What is the birth of a woman among us?” The term “born of a woman” is quite unusual, and also in the context there it is strange (because the passage that is quoted is “what a human because you will remember us”…)
The post that we made above, which came from an insular but public facing Jewish Rabbi’s page, invokes the teaching of Talmudic rabbis and their late BCE to early CE writings about Moshe. This isn’t a modern discussion, but a discussion that indigenous Jews have been having for thousands of years!
We Jews do NOT have binary issues, like Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam – save for those Jews having to adopt binary viewpoints to survive in the Christian and Muslim diasporas.
Our Canaanite Hebrew scrolls of Torah only recognize fluidity (the non-binary). Meaning, that there is no conceptual awareness of heterosexuality, homosexuality or, even, bisexuality in our Torah. There is no conceptual awareness of the transexual as a constitutional orientation. All of this is modern society, and is not indigenously Judaism, Judea-people-ism!
Torah assumes that all humans, whether male or female, are fluid. That any and every human being can be and likely will be sexual with either human gender, and can be and maybe likely will be a gender transitioning individual. And it is only any specific behaviors that create social injustice that must be regulated.
This is why our Talmud writing period rabbis would notice details in our Jewish Torah that suggest some form of gender transitioning by Moses. Again, these indigenously Jewish discussions have REAL WORLD consequences in our Jewish people’s application of Halacha!
If you don’t understand, shut up and start listening and learning. Please, don’t behave like Christians and Muslims towards our people – telling us about ourselves and our writings, and expecting us to accept these Colonial stereotypes designed for us.
Mishnah, Ketubot 5:5, teaches that a woman can transition into a man regarding human labors:
“These are the labors that the woman must perform for her husband: she grinds and bakes and launders, cooks and nurses her child; she arranges the bed and works in wool. If she brought him one maidservant, she does not grind and does not bake and does not launder; two (maidservants) and she does not cook and does not nurse her son; three (maidservants) and she does not arrange the bed and does not work in wool; four (maidservants) and she sits in an easy chair.”
P’sikta Zutarta Bamidbar Behalot’kha teaches that manna, like breast milk, transitions into different types of food:
“Just as with the breast, which changes to take on many tastes, so too the manna turned into whatever food they wanted. Just as with the breast, the baby suffers when s/he separates from it, so too Israel suffered when separating from the manna.”
Chullin 113, Shabbat 53 teaches that transitioning is a miraculous possibility under dire conditions:
“There was an incident where one man’s wife died, and she left him a son to nurse, and he did not have money to pay the wages of a wet-nurse. And a miracle was performed on his behalf, and he developed breasts like the two breasts of a woman, and he nursed his son.”
![Obscurity, not darkness, precedes light, in our indigenous Judean people's Torah.](
You meant “fate”, right? But, Freudian slip, you say “faith”. Let’s us Jews, the indigenous Judean people from whence you got this concept from, have a say upon this, please. … If darkness proceeds light, is this your suggestion? This is certainly a no-thing according to our Jewish people’s ancestral literatures!
The word choshek means “obscurity”, something undefined and unrecognizable from a human perspective. And, yet at the same time, from a human perspective, “choshek” means darkness, the inability to see clearly – after all, we are just humans.
According to our BCE Jewish cosmologist, who was trying to speak in the verbage of his (maybe, her’s) time period of human existence, about the obvious reality around him or her, darkness and light were created at the same time. Seriously! How can there be “darkness” without “light-ness”?
According to our Jewish Torah, the Creator’s “breath” hovered over the primordial elements (the chaotic watery deep), and declared “let there be light”, the first intelligent creative act. What was the second creative act? To separate light from darkness, so that later formed living creatures might recognize this.
As to “the faith of the planet Earth”, if the sun stops existing, then there will be no more “nefesh” (living “breathing-creatures”) upon this now dead Earth. This is the understanding expressed within the scroll of Koholet, that humans and all breathing creatures face the same fate.
Further, the promised land of Jews who are indigenous to the Canaan land of Judea and Samaria will cease to exist, as well as all human planetary life, as our Jewish people’s Torah teaches. Avraham’s descendants will be a nation until the land and skies are no more (olam, modernly translated as “eternity”, iows until this “dust of earth” is no more).
If you do not understand the beginning of our Jewish Canaanite Hebrew language Torah and you do not understand our Canaanite Hebrew poetic Torah words, then you do NOT understand our Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew language Torah. It is VERY different from the Christian “Holy Bible”, with its four repetitious separate individual books!
The Torah is meant to be – and has ALWAYS been chanted as so – as one continuous story. And we Jews chant our ancestral literatures accordingly so – every lunar-solar year – anywhere and everywhere around this planet Earth, full stop! For example (again, TIRED emoji towards the Arab-European Colonizers of this planet Earth in our Jewish people’s names)…
“For all the land that you see I will give to you and to your seed to eternity. And I will make your seed like the dust of the earth, so that if a human will be able to count the dust of the earth, so will your seed be counted.”
טוכִּ֧י אֶת־כָּל־הָאָ֛רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה רֹאֶ֖ה לְךָ֣ אֶתְּנֶ֑נָּה וּלְזַרְעֲךָ֖ עַד־עוֹלָֽם: טזוְשַׂמְתִּ֥י אֶת־זַרְעֲךָ֖ כַּֽעֲפַ֣ר הָאָ֑רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֣ר | אִם־יוּכַ֣ל אִ֗ישׁ לִמְנוֹת֙ אֶת־עֲפַ֣ר הָאָ֔רֶץ גַּם־זַרְעֲךָ֖ יִמָּנֶֽה:
Bereshit 13: 15-16
![It is the lunar monthly full moon Shabbat](
On this full moon Shabbat (the “day-of-resting”), let us Jews remind this world of human beings that we are NOT a religion that is “pretending to be indigenous”. Let us Jews remind you – Christian, Muslim, and Marxist Colonizers of planet Earth – that we got our unique Judean weekly form of Shabbat upon our Canaan Jewish people’s land of Israel and, by your appropriation, shared it to the rest of this world.
No! We are not talking here about the 1st Temple polytheistic period, where Shabbat – the ritual cultic “day of resting” – was observed once a lunar month on the full moon, like so many other native peoples in their indigenous ways. We Jews are talking here about the 2nd Temple henotheistic period of Jewish people history upon our Canaan land of Israel, wherein this full moon Shabbat directly reflects back to our ancestors’ ways. We only get this experience once every lunar month!
Between the birth of the new moon to the full grown moon to the death of this month’s moon (which is immediately followed with the birth of the new moon), we Jews suddenly had an innovation in ritual and civil observance of sacred living! We realized that we could combine the weekly seventh day of resting from six days of labor law that is action based, not “calendar” based, and make the ritual cultic day of Shabbat (the “day-of-resting”) a weekly event every seven days.
Hence, the invention of the standardized “week” and our Jewish people’s lunar-solar calendar. Now, with us Jews who are indigenous to the land of Israel and are ALSO spread out around the Christian and Muslim colonized diasporas, we have more to share about our sacred weekly Shabbat! It is through our ghetto/dhimmi non-citizen experiences in the European and Arab diasporas that we learned as Jews to see our weekly Shabbat as a special and unique form of “Indigenous resistance” and survival upon this planet Earth.
It is the teaching for many Jews within our Jewish people that Shabbat has saved the people of Israel, because the Canaan Jewish people of Israel have kept the Shabbat. “Kept” means here, that we have faithfully and reverently sanctified the seventh day of every lunar-solar week, since BCE times! Further, many Jews who have been touched by Colonial diaspora life have a teaching that the Shabbat day affords the father and mother of every Jewish home the opportunity to be the “Royals”, to be for one day of each week FREE of all burdens like a king and a queen.
WHAT SUCKS MOST is when the Christian, Muslim, and Marxist Colonizers of all Indigenous Peoples lands worldwide decide to disrupt our Jewish Shabbat – our day of resting – with a FUCKING genocide upon our people, like what happened on Oct 7th, 2023. ENOUGH with the lies and the JEW hate! You deserve what you get, Colonizers, if you continue to refuse to live peacefully amongst our Indigenous peoples’ nations.
It doesn’t matter if it is Colonial “Palestine” (the SWANA land of Israel and Kurdistan) OR if it is Colonial “America” (the also colonized Michilimackinac Indigenous continent), the antisemitic United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations that are occupying planet Earth must end their impunity and allow Indigenous peoples worldwide to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations. This is the ONLY path to peace on Earth!
We Israelis (native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli successfully “Arab”ized citizens of Israel) and Kurds will not stop freedom fighting for the liberation of our Southwest Asia Native ancestral lands, until you Colonizers stop TERRORIZING and manipulating our Indigenous peoples for your Colonial gods’ dominionism and for your Colonial ruling supremacist benefit.
Not everyone wants to be a COLONIZER upon this planet Earth … AND … listen, there really is room still YET upon planet Earth, for ALL of us – Colonial established nations AND still surviving Indigenous nations – to PEACEfully and securely live together! You know, AS “NEIGHBORS”. Please, citizens of European and Arab settler Colonialism, STOP blaming Indigenous peoples for our resistance to your enforced (think UNRWA!) occupations and terrorisms upon our Native peoples!
![First Nations and Indigenous tribes supporting SWANA Indigenous Israelis in our freedom fight for Native survival and decolonization!](
Marxist infiltrated, influenced, and indoctrinated Michilimackinac Indigenous peoples of various tribes foolishly put out a “collective statement” of support for Colonial “Palestine”.
But the Michilimackinac Indigenous peoples who still know who they are as a people have not only put out a collective statement for Jews/Israelis, Kurds, and all other Arab-occupied SWANA Indigenous peoples, but have opened an Indigenous embassy in Jerusalem in support of we Israelis!
Visit Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem – Indigenous Coalition For Israel for more information. And…. Remember, pretendian organizations like the Red Nation are Marxist anti-Indigenous organizations that prey upon Indigenous peoples, and we know them well!
The erasure of comments online is real! Those who are bought into antisemitic (anti-Indigenous) racism do not want our voices present to challenge the racist and violent narratives of other commenters. We know this, because we check back, only to find our comment(s) deleted on many pages – (both Indigenous and celebrity “woke” pages) – simply for providing easily verifiable historical facts that expose the antisemitic lies about Southwest Asia, Jews/Israelis, and socially erased Kurds (that Arab Palestinian occupiers call “second Israel”). Supporting Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism and justifying European Christian and Arab Muslim settler Colonialism is way more important than protecting Indigenous lives!
![What Arab Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorists did in Israel on October 7th 2023!](
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “terrorism” as the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. And, Merriam-Webster defines “use of terror” as violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon of intimidation or coercion.
When Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism invaded native Israeli people’s homes, tortured them, and burned them to death while alive, this is terrorism. When Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism publicly stripped, gang-raped, cut body parts off of, and then shot to death Israeli teenage girls and young women, this is terrorism.
When Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism kidnapped Israelis and took them to Gaza to use as human shields and as bargaining chips, this is terrorism. Whereas,… When Israel Defense Forces rescuers follow these Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism into Gaza to rescue the Israelis that Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism are holding hostage, this is NOT terrorism and this is NOT genocide!
See for yourself Arab Palestinian terrorism for Islamic HAMAS! –
![It's time to wake all the Indigenous lions!](
We know why United States colonized Indigenous groups or pages suddenly delete all our posts and block us from even seeing their group or page. And this is despite how long they have allowed us to show the many ways that the Jewish people and other SWANA native peoples – aka, the land of Colonial “Palestine” – are natively similar to Michilimackinac Indigenous peoples, who are still surviving Colonial “America”.
What is the reason? Online terrorism – by European and Arab Colonizers and their successfully colonized supporters, regardless of ancestry. Seriously! When Jews/Israelis speak, we become a threat to Christian, Muslim, and Marxist anti-Indigenous racism and controlling supremacy. We bring historical “receipts” with us, and this exposes their Colonial lies. Worse, the most Native of us, show just how Indigenous we Jews still are in this 21st century of “Anno Domini” CE.
Imagine with us Jews/Israelis just how many anti-Jew/Israel messages are targeting still vulnerable Indigenous communities (Groups, Pages) for allowing our SWANA people to express in this Colonial dominated online world! In our aboriginal (“from beginning”, first inhabitants) lunar-solar calendar, it’s the year 5,784, as of the date of this post! So,… let’s just say the obvious very bluntly out loud and online! And, even IF we Jews/Israelis are not being actually heard by this successfully colonized world.
We Jews/Israelis are the most hated Indigenous minority upon this planet Earth – courtesy of colonizing Christianity, Islam, and Marxism. We are in THEIR way towards global dominance, and we stand as a people resolutely anti- their worldwide assimilation. Since our 1948 successful forced decolonization for literal Indigenous Jewish people survival upon this planet Earth, we are the “light” for all still surviving Indigenous peoples. A light that teaches YOU, indigenous readers, that you do NOT have to assimilate into Arab-European settler Colonialism!
The Jewish people of the land of Israel, Judea and Samaria, are showing the world of Indigenous nations that decolonization – the “land back” movement – is actually possible, still yet! Not easy, but possible!!! And, we will keep showing this for the sake of PEACE amongst humans upon this human dominated planet Earth. If this means anything to you, STOP submitting to the anti-Indigenous pressure upon you to continue submitting. And STOP silencing our posts! Share, share, share!!!
If WE don’t get to rest during Shabbat (the day-of-resting), then NEITHER do you, Colonizers!
META Description : The land of Israel is not the only Holy Land upon our planet Earth. Every Indigenous people’s land is just as sacred as Zion with Jerusalem!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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