For those who are sincerely interested in building a better future for our Native children around this world, we must understand what it means to, both, train our children and train our non-indigenous neighbors upon their respective paths! What do we mean by this? Let’s explore….
![Train a Native child - Mishlei 22:6](
“Train a child upon his(/her) path and, when older, he(/she) will not turn aside from it.” – Mishlei 22:6
Meaning, train a child in our Canaan Jewish people’s ways according to his/her natural bend, like you would train a stick to become a bow. If you force a child to live against his/her natural grain, then he/she will break and, when older, will not train the future children with our bow. The bow, here, represents continuity in the teaching of our Judean people’s ways to every member of our people in every generation.
The theology of the Jewish people is incredibly simple and, yet within this, very complex. We are the vassaled people of our Canaan land’s god-King, Y-HWH, and we show our “love” for Y-HWH by fulfilling his established mitzvot (halachot) for the land and for our native people.
We strive as the Jewish people to be the bow that is always trying to hit the “bullseye” mark with our arrows. This is why we teach our children to respect the grey-haired, the elders, amongst our people, and to avoid lashon hara, committing slander/libel. For easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, and the victim(s) will one day see justice!
Our wise elders said: “There are three crimes for which retribution is exacted from a person in this world and from which he is denied a portion in the (decolonized) world to come: idol worship, forbidden sexual relations, and murder. Lashon hara is equivalent to all of them.” – 7:3 רמב’ם הל׳ דעות
Idol worship applies to any image of a god before the – not viewable, without the hand of eclipse – “face” of Y-HWH. Forbidden sexual relations address prostitution in service to a god, sexual violence such as rape, incest with specific family members of both the opposite and same gender, and adultery with either gender when married. Murder refers to an illegal form of killing.
Regardless of the “orientation” of a Jew, to accuse a person of any of these crimes that are prohibited by Torah law – without demonstrable evidence – is lashon hara! This is why lashon hara is treated as equal to these social crimes in our Talmud, for the damage done is akin to a form of murder.
![Acknowledging a Palestinian state is a foolish endeavor!](
“The meaningless recognition of “Palestine” as a sovereign state by mostly third world countries seeking the spotlight sends a dangerous message to terrorist groups and rogue states who seek to destroy Israel and the West. By empowering these terrorist organizations, the world is [deliberately and manipulatively] perpetuating a cycle of violence and instability in the region.
It is time to shift policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and stop rewarding those who perpetuate violence and terror. It is time to recognize the true problem at hand – [an UNRWA funded and enriched] corrupt and ineffective Arab leadership that has no interest in peace or prosperity for their own people and supports terror.”
The Arab settlers and occupiers, who self-named themselves “Palestinians” in 1964 to deny native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ our peaceful and secure decolonization, MUST come to accept their supremacist Colonial role in inciting our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ resistance to their racistly violent land occupations for Colonial Allah and Christ “allahu akbar” glory.
There will never be peace upon the SWANA native lands of Israel and Kurdistan, until Europeans and Arabs allow Indigenous Israelis and Kurds to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst their post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. This is the ONLY path for actual PEACE to exist between decolonized Israelis/Kurds and Arab “Palestinians” who have chosen to form an Arab nation upon our 1948 Israeli decolonized land.
Acknowledging a ‘Palestinian State’ is like admiring the emperor’s new clothes
The world, like the crowds hailing the emperor’s new clothes, is making a fool of itself. Op-ed. Duvi Honig Jul 1, 2024
![Rudy Rochman Activist Debates](
“Once society consumes enough false information, sprinkled in with a lot of manipulated half-truths, tailored specifically to have the world viewing Israel as the aggressor to all conflicts, then any form of attack against Israelis becomes either “fake”, justified, or even encouraged. For those who are sincerely interested in building a better future than the one we’ve inherited, we must be genuine in our approach and able to condemn evil whenever, wherever, or to whoever it happens, and ultimately understanding that the way to cease the deaths multiplying for both sides is by going to the source of the problem, which is NOT the existence of Israel or Palestinians.” – Rudy Rochman
It is a brazen LIE to say that “Palestinians” and Jews are both “indigenous” and have equal rights to the Canaan land of Judea and Samaria, the Jewish land of Israel! This false equivalency threatens any chance of creating actual lived peace upon the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Assyria, and etc. The “Palestinian people” is a KGB-ARAB 1964 invention to destabilize the world’s first forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation!
Until we Jews correct our narratives and STOP speaking as if there is an equivalency (a false equivalency) between native Jews and Arab “Palestinian” conquistadors, then these discussions that we keep trying to have with non-Jews will achieve NOTHING and, worse, yet ANOTHER European funded Arab Palestinian HAMAS terrorist attack WILL happen!
The Arab Palestinians are settler occupiers upon our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands, most of them since their immigration in the 1920’s through 1940’s during the British-Arab militarized occupation of the Jewish land of Israel. What ONLY European and Arab Colonizers call (Colonial) “Palestine”. The rest who go by “Palestinian” are forcibly Arabized and Islamized SWANA Indigenous peoples, courtesy of prior Arab Caliphate occupations.
For there to be ACTUAL established peace and security upon our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands, the European Christians and their successfully colonized and the Arab Muslims and their successfully colonized MUST COME TO ACCEPT that the Jewish people will ALWAYS reject their occupational Colonial appropriations in our Jewish names – our ancestors, our lands, our garments and foods, and our writings.
We Jews, the first repeatedly colonized Indigenous people of Judea and Samaria that is a land of Canaan, will never be Christian, Muslim, nor Marxist assimilated, full stop! We Jews will ALWAYS freedom fight for the liberation of our Jewish land of Israel, regardless of the present century of human history, full stop! We don’t want to be your dhimmi/ghetto “go to” people to blame for your Colonial nations’ social woes.
We Jews are a 3,800 year old native people, having experienced firsthand 1,600 years of nothern Colonial Christianity and 1,400 years of southern Colonial Islam upon our Jewish land of Israel, and we “the Jews” are STILL HERE Indigenously intact. NOT assimilated, “miraculously”! For we know your Colonial religions of appropriation better than you do! Since 1948, we Jews are again – for our 4th Zionism upon our Canaan land of Israel – now decolonized and self-sovereign upon our Jewish land of Judea and Samaria, the land of Israel.
For there to be ACTUAL established PEACE and SECURITY upon our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands,… the European “Palestinians” and Arab “Palestinians” upon our native Judean people’s land of Israel MUST – at the very least – MUST allow Indigenous Israelis and Kurds to PEACEFULLY and SECURELY decolonize amongst your all’s post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq! This is the ONLY PATH forward towards actual PEACE to exist between decolonized Israelis and Arab “Palestinians” who have chosen to form an Arab nation upon our 1940’s hard fought and won Israeli decolonized land.
As our Canaanite Hebrew word explains: Felishtim, which is rendered today as “Palestinian”, means “occupier, foreigner” upon our SWANA Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel and upon Kurdistan. The Aegean Greeks were Palestinians (“Philistines is another variant upon our Jewish word). The Aegean Romans were Palestinians. The 4th century CE European Christians and 6th century Arab Muslims are STILL Palestinians!
The Jewish people’s “promised land”, our Canaan land of Israel, is not YOURS for the taking! Muslims, your “holy land” is MECCA, in Arabia! Christians, your “holy land” is ROME, in Europe! You don’t need Jerusalem, in Zion, too! Colonial “Palestine” is no different than Colonial “America”! Colonialism is colonialism. If you worship the Colonizer’s god (Allah, Christ, Marx, whatever!), speak the Colonizer’s language (Arabic, French, Spanish, English, etc!), and support the Colonizer’s ruling dominionism and governments upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, then YOU ARE A COLONIZER, regardless of ancestry!
Allow our SWANA Indigenous nations of Israel and Kurdistan to peacefully and securely establish our decolonized self-sovereignty amongst YOUR Christian, Muslim, and Marxist established Colonial nations! This is ALL that Indigenous peoples WORLDWIDE ask of you, yet you – citizens of European and Arab Conquistador nations – choose to terrorize our people or support the terrorists who are targeting our people!!!
Oct 7 massacre links: (viewer discretion)
More links… (viewer discretion)
Rudy Rochman רודי רושמן Hananya Naftali Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem – Indigenous Coalition For Israel
Tell the European and Arab Palestinians the truth! And, ESPECIALLY, the Arab Palestinians upon SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands: Despite what you were raised to believe about yourselves, you Arab Palestinians are the Colonizers. And Israelis and Kurds are the Indigenous peoples of the land you call (Colonial) “Palestine”!
![Chodesh Yerechi Tamuz Rosh Chodesh Tamuz](
Chodesh Yerechi Tamuz / חוֹדֶשׁ יְרֵחִי תָּמוּז
Friday, 5 July 2024 / 29 Sivan 5784
Rosh Chodesh Tamuz / רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ תָּמוּז
Sun, 7 July 2024 / 1 Tamuz 5784
Huledet ha’Yare’ach / הולדת הירח
The birth of the new moon and new month!
What is historically happening now upon the Land of Israel has precedence in the past spiral cycles of life. Let’s learn from our ancestors (our Zionist ancestors – yes, “Zion” is the Land of Israel):
This new moon, we chant Parashat Korach, a story about the rebellion of Korach (a cousin of Moses and Aaron), Dathan, Abiram, and 250 of their followers. In short, they rebelled against the authority of Moses and Aaron, accusing them of taking the positions of king and high priest for personal gains.
In other words, they stood against – in opposition to – the people of Israel upon Israeli native land.
In response, Moses proposes a life and death test for these positions of leadership. If the accusation is true, these rebels will live to a natural old age. If not, these rebels will face unnatural deaths. All the rebels died. Some rebels are swallowed by the ground, while others are consumed by fire from the skies, and others die in a plague.
How do we see this story in the present history of the land of Israel? If we step back 105 years, before the WW1 British-Arab militarized invasion and occupation of the land of Israel (known by non-natives as Colonial “Palestine”), we see the makings of the modern Korach rebellion upon the land.
During the Ottoman empire, Jews indigenous to Judea and Samaria, the land of Israel, had already begun our Zionism – our restoration of the land of Israel in preparation for restored self-sovereignty upon the land. This alarmed the long established Arab settler Colonialists in Colonial “Palestine”, hence the Arab and British 1918 invasion of the land of Israel.
With the influx of more Arab settlers during the British Arab “Palestine Mandate” and their violence targeting native Jews, we have the makings of a Korach rebellion upon the land of Israel through this Arab nationalism movement – instigated to prevent our successful Jewish decolonization of the land of Israel.
In response, Israelis are forced to propose a life and death test for the nationalism that rules the land. Will it be an Indigenous Jewish nation sovereignty, or will it be an Arab Colonial nation sovereignty? Jews are accused by both Arabs and Europeans of “colonizing” and “stealing” our own ancestral land for having forcibly decolonized – by native guerilla warfare – our land of Israel in the 1940’s.
If the accusation is true, these Arab rebels demanding a Colonial “Palestine” nation will live to a natural old age. The reason for this is: All that Israelis want is peace and security upon the land of Israel with our non-Israeli neighbors. This is why Israelis have tried for decades to form a “two-state solution” with Arab settlers who are claiming “Palestinian” national status – in other words, both an Israel sovereignty and a Colonial “Palestine” sovereignty upon the land of Israel side-by-side.
If the Arab rebels are lying, then these Arab rebels will face unnatural deaths. The reason for this is: These Arab political land-squatters upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Judean people’s land of Israel will never agree to peace and will engage in terrorism, so long as Jews have some form of indigenous sovereignty upon our land. And, all Israelis – native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and “Arab”ized Israeli citizens of Israel – are resolute in NEVER being the dhimmi under Arab nationalism upon our own land of Israel EVER again.
So, like in our new moon Parashat Korach story chanting, so it is – still to this day – with the unfolding of this very story upon the land of Israel! These violently racist Arab “Palestinian” rebels and so many of their complicit supporters have died, and still more are actively working for their deaths. Some of these Arab rebels are swallowed by the ground, while others are consumed by fire from the skies, and others die in a plague.
![A chimpanzee's finger and a human finger!](
According to our Jewish people’s ancestral scrolls – our Torah – nefesh, “breathing creatures”, includes humans, all other land animals, birds, fish, insects and, even, the snake. The only reason for the creation of humans in our Canaan Jewish creation stories is to “plant and guard” the garden, according to our ancestors’ writings.
Humans, out of all the primates, hold a unique position of responsibility for the land, which is why the land-god, Y-HWH, molded the human from the topsoil, and gave it (“him”-“her”) the creative intelligence needed to fulfill this responsibility for the Creator’s land, according to our Canaanite Hebrew language Torah.
The human was created l’avdah ul’shamrah, “to plant and to guard”, Y-HWH’s garden of Eden and to avoid tza’ar ba’alei chayim, the “suffering of animals”, so that all life is endlessly blessed. This is why native Jewish laws, our “halachot” system, demands for the ethical treatment of the planetary life that surrounds us.
“Dominionism” over the garden and all life within it is NOT “free agency” to do whatever humans desire, rather it is the responsibility to fulfill the duties demanded upon the human by the ruling god-King.
It is the Christian and Muslim inability to read our Indigenous Judean people’s story, like a Jew reads them, that leads them to believe that humans are “children of God”, thus gods ourselves who are free to do whatever we want and, then, justify this in “God’s” name – with a supporting fantasized guaranteed afterlife, so meh this planet be damned!
Now, according to science, the only difference between a human primate and all other primates is that you’ll never convince any other primate, other than humans, to do your bidding for imaginary bananas in a promised future heaven. All other primates, like still Indigenous human primates, know to keep “heaven” down on earth!
For those who wish to understand more what our Jewish people’s Torah says on its own terms in the original Canaanite Hebrew language:
According to the Six Days creation story, all humans – men and women together at the same time – were created by the elohim, the land-ruling “70 children gods of Creator god El and wife Asherah”. Hence, the 70 grandchildren of Noach – the nations of the known continent – along with all other planetary life and distinguishable forms.
El Elyon himself, the Creator high-god, with one word alone, transformed the “chaotic abyss” of primordial elements into human recognizable orderly form. How? Through the creation of light and orderly separation of this light from darkness. The children gods followed this creative example.
[The Canaan Hebrew word d’var means both “word” (formless) and “thing” (that is formed). Our relationship with life as a Jewish Indigenous people of/from Southwest Asia is an animistic one. Seriously! Present day “monotheistic” Judaism is still animism.]
And, then, came the first shabbat, “day of resting”, that separates the first story from the second story.
The Garden of Eden second creation story, that parallels the first creation story, confirms the earthly nature origin of humankind and defines the unique position of responsibility that humans have for the land – “to plant and to guard” the land, which requires “governing” skills. In other words, the ruler’s ability of imaginating the outcome of our actions as human beings.
So, unlike what some people claim about our Jewish people’s Torah, our Torah does NOT say that we humans are “the children of God”, rather that humans are created by the “children gods of El”. And “dominionism” is NOT “free agency”, but just enough god-like intelligence to fulfill the duties demanded of the human – by the ruling god-King.
The colonizing Christians and Muslims misuse our Jewish ancestral writings, and declare war on our planet Earth in the names of their gods – USING our Jewish names and writings that they appropriated in order to justify their “theology”!
Remember, all other primates want to eat real bananas and live, like we still surviving Indigenous peoples planet-Earth-wide, not die from starvation in order to eat imagined bananas in an afterlife paradise. There is NO such thing as Judeo-Christian values or heritage or whatever!
Yosef ben David ibn Yehuda
Hello world! What is Judaism, really? –
![The Torah’s Version of the Flood Story](
“In 1929, while excavating Abraham’s native city of Ur, the great British archaeologist Leonard Woolley (1880-1960) observed a thick layer of sediment covering the valley. Not a man to shy away from publicity, Woolley telegraphed messages to the leading newspapers in Britain and the USA announcing that he had found proof of Noah’s Flood.
But he was a scholar too, so when he compiled his report, Ur of the Chaldees: A Record of Seven Years of Excavation (London: Ernest Benn Ltd., 1935), he acknowledged that what he had discovered was evidence not of a universal deluge, but of a disaster confined to the lower Tigris/Euphrates valley.
Knowledge of the ancient world has increased exponentially since Woolley’s time. If you think Noah’s Flood was a universal deluge rising to 15 cubits above Mt Ararat in 2100 BCE (1656 years after Creation), give or take or few years, forget it, it never happened; there is overwhelming evidence that most life around the planet continued on its normal course.
Does that mean that the story of Noah’s Ark is a fantasy? Not at all. The truth behind the words is more wonderful than the plain meaning, and reaches far back in time. … [To learn more, go study from actual Jews, not Colonial religions that appropriated Jewish ancestral literatures.] …
Certainly, as Samuel Noah Kramer wrote (The Sumerians, p. 299), ‘The law which came forth from Zion (Isaiah 2:2) may have had not a few of its roots in the soils of Sumer.’ But the growth that emerged from those roots has sent forth branches and borne fruit that could only come from Sinai.” Am Yisrael Chai!
“וְהָיָ֣ה | בְּאַֽחֲרִ֣ית הַיָּמִ֗ים נָכ֨וֹן יִֽהְיֶ֜ה הַ֚ר בֵּֽית־יְהֹוָה֙ בְּרֹ֣אשׁ הֶהָרִ֔ים וְנִשָּׂ֖א מִגְּבָע֑וֹת וְנָֽהֲר֥וּ אֵלָ֖יו כָּל־הַגּוֹיִֽם:
And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of Y-HWH’s house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the [goyim] nations shall stream to it.” …
NOT to be “converted”, like with Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam born from absolutist theology doctrine, but to HONOR the Jewish people’s Indigenous resistance and survival upon this Creator’s planet Earth.
This is the messianic hope of the Jewish people who are still Indigenous to Southwest Asia’s Judea and Samaria, the Canaan land of Israel. Look up our Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew language Torah for yourself – the scroll of Yeshayahu (Isaiah) Chapter 2 for more details – and wrestle with our Native language for understanding!
The Torah’s Version of the Flood Story
Dr. Rabbi Norman Solomon,
“The story of a Great Flood sent by God or the gods to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution is widespread; there are the legends of Matsya in the Hindu Puranas, of Deucalion in Greek mythology, there are stories from China, and in the Americas the Toltecs, Aztecs and Inca are just some of those who told similar tales. Closest to the biblical narrative – as Woolley knew – is the episode of Utnapishtim, Noah’s equivalent in the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh. Fragments have been found of earlier versions, in Sumerian, dating back to the third millennium BCE, long before Genesis; Sumerians call the hero Ziusudra, meaning ‘he saw life.’”
![The watermelon is as much an immigrant to Palestine as the Arab - not a Native!](
Like the watermelon, like the 1964 KGB-ARAB invented “Palestinian people”! The latter, the Arab Muslim Conquistadors, they are settler occupiers upon Southwest Asia, and are not a SWANA Indigenous people!
Yes, watermelons have grown in the Middle East for centuries – like some of these earlier European and Arab settlers that we Canaanite Hebrew speaking Jews repeatedly call “Palestinians” (“Felishtim”) in every generation.
But, history shows that the watermelon is actually indigenous to Northern Africa, most likely Sudan. Just like Arab Muslim Conquistadors upon our northern Southwest Asia region are indigenous to their southern Arabia.
How do we know this easily verifiable historical fact?
It is through our native Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew writings – the writings of the Jews who are indigenous to the Canaan land of Southwest Asia – that historians have tracked the watermelon’s migration into the Middle East, as early as 200 CE (A.D.).
This “immigrated” watermelon was used by Jews who are indigenous to Judea and Samaria as a religious tithe to Y-HWH, along with our traditional native figs, grapes, and pomegranates.
And, since we are on this subject, let’s not forget our olive groves that have been replaced in this late CE (A.D.) period with post-WW1 Arab settler villages! Yet they, the settler “Palestinians”, claim they are the “indigenous” cultivators of our Canaan people’s olives.
Don’t believe us? Think about the Jewish “Mount of Olives”, that was a mountain for Colonial Arab Muslim human development.
In the mid-1850s, the villagers of Arab settler Silwan were paid £100 annually by native Jews in an effort to prevent the desecration of Jewish graves on the mount. – Menashe Har-El, Golden Jerusalem, Gefen Publishing House Ltd, p. 244.
For Jews – the Canaan indigenous people of the land of Israel – the olive branches represent the yearning for peace. Sustaining our Native environment is core to Judaism!
Seriously,… Anywhere upon this planet Earth, where are we still surviving Indigenous peoples wrong in our words to this European and Arab colonized world?!!
If you still do NOT understand, Judea-and-Samaria is the Southwest Asia’s Canaan land of Israel. Why is this so difficult for non-devout antisemites to understand?!!!
Note, the “Palestinian protest” is an Arab Conquistador political act of land-squatting – with endless terrorisms – upon the Southwest Asia native lands of Israel and Kurdistan. ALL because the native Jewish people of Israel dared to successfully and forcibly decolonize our land in the 1940’s!
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter. That is except to antisemites (anti-Indigenous racists) who target the Jewish people of Israel!
These post-WW1 Arab settlers are land-squatting as a wannabe “indigenous” people, wannabe indigenous for racistly violent and supremacist “allahu akbar” Colonial dominionism and terrorism.
Meaning, that these Arab settlers and their successfully forced “Arab”ized and “Islam”ized formerly Indigenous are “Palestinian” simply to deny and prevent our Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ our successful, peaceful, and secure decolonization – from this historical European established Arab settler Colonialism upon our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands.
How many must die on yet another Shabbat – Jew and gentile – simply because of European and Arab antisemitism?!! Allow Indigenous peoples to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations, Christians, Muslims, and Marxists!
We will never be you, we don’t want to be. So STOP occupying and terrorizing for the glory of your absolutist Colonial religions and ideologies!
![The actual meaning of the Jewish Talmud word min and minim.](
“min”, an impious Jew – meaning, who lacks reverence or proper respect for our Jewish ethno-religious ways. Let’s discuss this! First, this is the modern understanding of our Jewish word “min”. Second,… what does this have to do with atheism?
Moses ben Maimon, the 12th century CE Sephardi Jew who is known as Maimonides and as Rambam, taught in “Yad,” Teshubah, iii a redefined version of the word “min”. Maimonides version of “min” identifies the following five classes of “impious Jews” (aka, heretics):
“…those who deny the existence of G-d [Y-HWH] and his providence; those who believe in two or in more than two gods; those who ascribe to G-d form and figure [idolatry]; those who maintain that there existed before the creation of the world something besides G-d; and those who worship stars, planets, or other things in order that these may act as intermediaries between them and the Master of the World [the Creator G-d, El Elyon].”
So, I have a question then: What is the difference between theist Jews who are shomer halacha and atheist Jews who are shomer halacha?
Up until the 12th century CE revelatory Maimonides teachings, Jews were a henotheistic people – monolatrous to ha’Shem, while recognizing the reality of other gods. Thus, the “minim” – Jews of a particular “sect” – within Talmud refers to “24” sects of Jews who deviate from the Talmud (Rabbinic Judaism). Examples include, Sadducees, Nozerim, Samaritans, etc, etc. Not all “minim” were idolaters, like Nozerim, and nothing about “atheism” is ever mentioned.
Jews who are “atheist” are not “min”, like Jews who engage in idolatry.
“יש כפירה שהיא כהודאה, והודאה שהיא ככפירה. כיצד: מודה אדם שהתורה היא מן השמים, אבל אותם השמים מצטיירים אצלו בצורות כל-כך משונות, עד שלא נשאר בה מן האמונה האמיתית מאומה.
וכפירה שהיא כהודאה כיצד: כופר אדם בתורה מן השמים, אבל כפירתו מיוסדת רק על אותה הקליטה שקלט מן הציור של צורת השמים אשר במוחות המלאים מחשבות הבל ותוהו, והוא אומר, התורה יש לה מקור יותר נעלה מזה, ומתחיל למצא יסודה מגדולת רוח האדם, מעומק המוסר ורום החכמה שלו. אף-על-פי שעדיין לא הגיע בזה למרכז האמת, מכל-מקום כפירה זו כהודאה היא חשובה, והיא הולכת ומתקרבת להודאת אמונת אומן.
ודור תהפוכות כזה, הוא נדרש גם-כן למעליותא. ותורה מן השמים משל הוא על כל כללי ופרטי האמונות, ביחש של מאמר המבטאי שלהן אל תמציתן הפנימי, שהוא העיקר המבוקש באמונה.” – הראי״ה
HaRav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, Orot HaEmunah
How many “religious” Jews are actually so immature in their understanding of traditional (indigenous) Judaism, Judea-people-ism, that they might as well admit that they are really idol worshippers? And how many “atheist” Jews who reject Torah min haShamayim are the example of “trust” and “faith” in their pursuit of truth? What is the difference between a “religious” Jew and an “atheist” Jew when both are shomer halacha?
![In Ishmael's House, A History of Native Jews in Muslim Lands](
Rachel Wahba shared, “A Jew could not take a Muslim to court A Jew had to hide when it rained or be killed for the Jew would pollute earth should rain touch him before reaching the ground A Jew may never have his head higher than a Muslim- Jewish women had to bare their face as they were considered whores …Unless you understand the deeply rooted anti Infidel Islamic laws (Jews suffered more than other infidels for refusing conversion) after Muslim Conquest now mostly Jew free you cannot understand what is going on since Israel’s rebirth “ laws—which originated with Mohammed’s subjugation of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula and became part of Sharia (Islamic) law—allowed Jews to practice their religion, but also sanctioned their humiliation vis-à-vis Muslims in daily life. One example is the jizya, a poll tax levied on the Jews, which the Koran states had to be “exacted from him directly in order to vilify and humiliate him, so that Islam and its people may be exalted and the race of infidels brought low.” – from the book “In Ishmael’s House, A History of Jews in Muslim Lands”.
Elizabeth Wolf, a privileged (¿likely Christian?) citizen of Colonial “America”, was absolutely wrong in her racist terrorism towards the Muslim immigrant from Colonial “Palestine” – that is occupying 1948 decolonized Israeli (native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli formerly-Indigenous “Arab”ized citizens of Israel) land. Wolf’s racist shame must be shared. … Yet, this is an opportunity to learn something!
Emma Aziz, former citizen of Colonial “Palestine” (¿dual-citizenship?) and, now, citizen of Christian colonial “America”, has recently learned (without actually knowing this!) what it was like for Middle East and North Africa Jews living as dhimmi under Arab Muslim Colonial rule – before over 900,000 Jews were violently and racistly ethnically cleansed from Arab nations with only the clothes on their backs and deported into Israel (mostly) and the United States and Canada (a minority few).
This is why we MENA Jews remind you who are willing to actually LISTEN that there is NO SUCH THING as reverse racism coming from Jews/Israelis towards the Christian and Muslim Colonizers that have been terrorizing our SWANA Indigenous people upon our land of Israel and in the European and Arab diasporas for 1,600 years and still counting.
There is NO difference between the European Conquistador and the Arab Conquistador, both are “Palestinians” (“foreigners, occupiers”) according to our Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew language. Hence, our Zionism – Indigenous resistance and land back movement!
No more subhuman dhimmi status, ethnic cleansing of Jews throughout Arab occupier’s nations, the stealing of Jewish lands and property, and the violent genocides from hate filled fundamentalist Muslim fanatics!
![JIMENA Executive Director Sarah Levin shares about Arab Nazism!](
“We can no longer ignore or fail to teach our students the Nazi roots of the Muslim Brotherhood – the father organization of HAMAS, the historical and violent criminalization of “Zionism” and “Zionists” in the Arab world, and the ongoing belligerent and systemic Holocaust denial by [Arab self-named “Palestinians”, with their KGB recruited dictator, Mahmoud Abbas, and] the Islamic Republic of Iran.” – JIMENA Executive Director, Sarah Levin, Jerusalem Post, June 20, 2024
Zionism is the native Southwest Asia Jewish people’s “land back” movement for decolonization and self-sovereignty – for the sake of literal Jewish people survival – and “Zionists” are indigenous Jews of/from the Canaan land of Israel, regardless where upon on this planet Earth!
![Antisemites lament the consequences for their anti- Native Jewish people's sovereignty upon our 1930-40's forcibly decolonized land of Israel!](
Okay, ATTENTION, all university student wannabe “social justice warriors” for Islamic terrorism causes! Listen closely:
If you publicly engage in displayed antisemitic physical and verbal acts (antisemitism is anti-Indigenous racism), then you are NOT being “doxx”ed for endless “harassment” when a web site captures, documents, and archives permanently for public awareness your antisemitic acts that are targeting the native Israeli people of Judea and Samaria, the Canaan land of Israel.
Did you not publicly display your antisemitic acts for people to see and know? To snapshot and video record on their online devices? Yes?!
So, it is YOUR fault, then, that you cannot get a job, because the potential employers see your profile of antisemitic activity on the world wide web! Further, your university, whom you occupied in support of Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorists, has ZERO legitimate reason to reward you, and zero reason to protect you from the fallout for your actions – whether it be university disciplinary actions or any actions committed by others off campus.
For example, Layla Saliba, a graduate student and campus organizer at Columbia University, said she started protesting after “14 members of her family were killed in Gaza”. But, this begs the question: What was she protesting for? After all, her 14 family members would NOT be dead today, if Arab Palestinian fighters from Gaza for Islamic HAMAS terrorism had not attacked Israel, then took their “allahu akbar” holy war against indigenous Israelis (native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli “Arab”-ized citizens of Israel) straight back into Gaza.
Was Layla Saliba protesting HAMAS for willfully killing her 14 family members in Gaza? Was she protesting against the depravedly violent murdering of Israelis, and demanding the release of the Israelis that were taken hostage (to be human fodder stored in UNRWA funded Palestinian terrorist tunnels in Gaza)? No! Absolutely, not. And this is why she is permanently on that Canary Mission web site for employers to find! How many of her family were members of HAMAS, the target of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) rescuers operating in Gaza?!
On her Twitter account, Layla Saliba posted the following poem, “They will bomb your homeland / Burn your olive trees to the ground / And claim to be the greatest nation in the world. [“They” means native Israelis, and “homeland” means Colonial “Palestine”.]” And she laments in a publicly made interview to USA Today, “It’s honestly really hurtful to see that I’m being called antisemitic,” and used that very poem as proof that she’s being targeted and harassed, thus a victim (¿of who – Jews/Israelis?).
Worse, Layla Saliba’s lament of victimhood for publicly engaging in blatantly anti-Jew/Israel hatred has taken a predictable darker turn. That is, if her story to USA Today is even true. Layla Saliba now claims that people (undefined) posted her personal information online, including her cell phone number and her address. Thus, she has connected her profile of antisemitism (which is anti-Indigenous racism) on the Canary Mission web site to “hundreds of death threats and rape threats” made towards her.
Of course! Her own acts of antisemitism are NOT the reason for her problems as a publicly protesting Colonial “Palestinian” living in a virulent anti-Muslim Colonial European Christian nation. It must be “the Jews”, “Israel”s, fault that she is now suffering. After all, if we hadn’t forcibly decolonized our Indigenous Judean people’s land in 1948….
Now, if these allegations of death threats and rape threats are true, then these are legitimate hate crimes being committed against her and should be investigated for prosecution – speedily, before anything actually happens to her! But, she conveniently leaves the assumption open that Jews/Israelis must be a fault for this, too.
“It’s honestly really hurtful to see that I’m being called antisemitic,” she told USA TODAY. “Especially since I’ve been dealing with this grief and it’s been my Jewish friends that have provided me with so much love and support.” We are sure that her “Jewish friends” did not know about her antisemitic posts that add another voice to the choir of anti-Indigenous racism from European and Arab Conquistadors, who are targeting Israel for defending our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Judean people’s land!
This is why we Jews worldwide are angry and deeply worried – justifiable so – and publicly collecting and sharing data for the future generation(s) to learn from. ENOUGH, European and Arab Conquistadors for racistly violent Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx, too, ruling dominionism upon all still surviving Indigenous peoples’ lands, starting with the Jewish land of Israel! Allow our Native peoples to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your supremacist and self-righteous Colonial nations.
Amid Gaza War protests, this website profiled students and accused them of ‘hatred’
![Rabbi Ysoscher Katz understands the warrior's experience of war!](
“Circle two is called: PREPARATION: That is for when the dreaded invitation arrived, containing a set date for when you are expected to show up at the war zone, ready to do battle. Every clock tick is another knot in your stomach, the moment of potential doom is inching closer. In x moments you will have to part from your loved ones, and suppress the thought that this could very well be the last time lover and beloved held each other while alive.
Circle Three is called HELL. That is for when the time has finally arrived and you or your loved one is out in the war zone. There is death and misery all around the warrior, and they are just trying to navigate their way between rockets, bombs, bullets—and death. One can die any minute…
Then you come home–safe and sound. There are a few days of peace and quiet, and soon enough the second round of the three circles of hell kicks in. Given the army’s shortage of manpower, you know it won’t be long before you will be called again and once again be relegated to three circles of doom.” You are forever changed!
Ysoscher Katz teaches, “Ever since that accursed day (10/7) we, the chayalim, their spouses, siblings and parents have been relegated to Dante’s inferno, alternating between nine different circles of hell.
1) Circle one is ANTICIPATION: that is when you anticipate you will be called up to serve but don’t know when. Every push notification makes you skip a heartbeat: will this be THAT dreaded email or phone call from the army, the invitation to enter the war theater?!
2) Circle two is called: PREPARATION: That is for when the dreaded invitation arrived, containing a set date for when you are expected to show up at the war zone, ready to do battle. Every clock tick is another knot in your stomach, the moment of potential doom is inching closer. In x moments you will have to part from your loved ones, and suppress the thought that this could very well be the last time lover and beloved held each other while alive.
3) Circle Three is called HELL. That is for when the time has finally arrived and you or your loved one is out in the war zone. There is death and misery all around the warrior, and they are just trying to navigate their way between rockets, bombs, bullets—and death. One can die any minute–and more than six hundred of them indeed have died, their lives snuffed out by a bullet or rocket. There is a good chance that the next time you will be surrounding your loved one (if you’re the relative) or be surrounded by family (if you are the warrior) it will be on a gurney, with the chayal’s eyes closed for eternity.
Then you come home–safe and sound. There are a few days of peace and quiet, and soon enough the second round of the three circles of hell kicks in. Given the army’s shortage of manpower, you know it won’t be long before you will be called again and once again be relegated to three circles of doom.
After you completed the second round, once again, you come home, relax a bit and before you know it, round three kicks in, because–you know… shortage of manpower, blah, blah, blah.
And so it goes for all of us, nine miserable and excruciating circles of hell over and over. Life is filled with fear, sadness and also a lot of resentment. All joy is gone. Your smiles are fake and you are constantly on the verge of tears.
And so it has been for our family and many other families ever since that Godforsaken day: GEIHENOM!!!
There of course is a tenth circle and that is preserved for … Well never mind, those doomed to go there will find out when they get there. That is when they will learn that in olam ha’emet learning a little bit of Torah does not protect you at all from the horrific sin of not sharing in this mortal burden.
For those of you blessed to be spared from this misery, let me tell you, it is sheer hell. Whether you are the chayal, their spouse, or the parent who needs to comfort both your relatively young children, who are at the prime of their lives, the soldier on the battlefield and the spouse who stays behind. As hard as you try, there is nothing meaningful that you can say to them. All you have are hugs and a bunch of tears, crying with them and trying to hold them, physically and emotionally. … It’s excruciating.”
![The 4th of July with Immunity for criminal POTUS, courtesy of the 2024 U.S. Supreme Court!](
A long weekend begins for the United States citizens. It is a holiday weekend – the “4th of July”, the celebrated “Independence Day” – for citizens of the USA. Not everyone will get a four day weekend, but some who are socially privileged will. And I – a child that understands island colonization – SO know that this is presently DEEPLY troubling times for the USA!
Across the USA nation, people are talking about the loss of citizens’ civil rights, the fear of a dictatorship at the Executive Branch, courtesy of the present U.S. Supreme Court,… BUT, if you want to understand how the “American experiment” is turning into a pre/post-1776 Colonial Christian theocracy, then you need to see past the 1960’s “Civil Rights” era with historical vision. Seriously!
Despite that the rich land-holding / slave-owning “Founders” of the “United States” of Colonial “America”, upon colonized Michilimackinac nations’ devastated lands, embraced both the Christian Bible, first and foremost, and the Muslim Quran, second (some of them), and despite that their “American revolution” was an INSURRECTION over NOT having to pay taxes to their ruling Monarch government overseas,…
They, the founders of the USA, had the wherewithal to write a United States Constitution that does NOT speak of “God” AND speaks of a Republic that embraces “we the people” who naturally have “inalienable rights” – NONDESCRIPT – who “do ordain and establish” this nation that is known as, worldwide, the United States of (Colonial) America. But, “here’s the rub” (as it is said in the USA!)…
If the People, the citizens with VOTING power, do not unite together AGAINST the ruling monarchs – the “political Party” dedicated politicians, who are beholden to “political Party” ideology and to the U.S. dollar (the weapon of the rich in political elections!) – for the beneficial sake ALL citizens and for the actual benefit of their CONSTITUENTS (REGARDLESS of political ideology), then…
It is too late in present modern history for original Christian racists to take this colonized “American” land back as the “God”-given new “promised land” for Christian Pilgrims from Europe! Even “Native Americans” reject this religiously biased and evil Colonial ideology – as citizen members of the United States of America – WHO HAVE FOUGHT themselves in the USA’s battles for “democratic” freedom in this world!!!
What is happening in the United States of America – in this 21st century CE – is a travesty upon a despicable travesty towards Indigenous humanity worldwide! ALL Indigenous peoples – from Israelis and Kurds, to Lakota and Cree, to Māori and kanaka o’ Hawai’i (Hawaiians) (ETC!) – want to see a United States of America that honors treaties and seeks REAL and GENUINE “social justice” for all who are touched by the United States’ superpower presence!!!
This can ONLY be achieved when the powerful, the supremacist, bow towards and embrace the resolute and resilient historic minority within your presence, who are trying desperately to be “a light” unto your nation!
![Muslim citizens of Israel join the IDF for Zionism survival!](
ישראלים אנחנו עם אחד!
عنان، إسرائيلي مسلم، يحمل المصحف بفخر وهو يؤدي قسم الولاء ليلتحق بلواء ناحال في جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي.. عنان مثل كثير من المواطنين المسلمين الذين التحقوا بجيش الدفاع لحماية دولة إسرائيل وشعبها.🇮🇱
META Description : All Indigenous Peoples know that we must train our children in their Native path. But, we must ALSO train our colonizing neighbors!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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