Way past time! Zionism is the Jewish people’s land back movement for peaceful and secure self-sovereignty and survival upon our decolonized land of Israel. Zionism is Judaism. Judaism is Judea-people-ism upon Zion, the land of Israel. Zionists equals Jews, full stop! Besides our inherent right to decolonized self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land of Israel, we Jews wrestle with the questions of how to explain ourselves and our “Indigenous resistance” in this 21st century CE. Here are more of our stories….
![If Earth's history were condensed into 24 hours, if the Universe's history were condensed into Six Days like in the Torah of the Jews.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Polish_20240709_224603103.jpg?resize=833%2C1024)
Questions…. Is the Six Days of Creation story an ancient BCE human attempt to explain evolution? Is knowledge of evolution genetically inherited? Why ask these questions? Perhaps, so that you’ll look briefly upon the Genesis story from an evolutionary scientist’s perspective:
Day 1 – The Creator’s breath hovered upon the chaotic watery abyss (the primordial elements) and the Creator declares the existence of “light” (Evening, the big bang), wherein the Creator separates this “light” from “darkness” (Morning, the expansion of the known universe).
Day 2 – The Creator separates water from water (Evening, molten magma of this primeval “Earth” produces surface waters and, Morning, the atmosphere sky develops above the budding waters).
Day 3 – Evening, the Creator gathers the surface water into “seas”, thus revealing the dry land and, Morning, the Creator creates diverse plant-life (anaerobic organisms that have developed photosynthesis abilities).
Day 4 – The Creator places the unique lights in the sky that will be used to mark seasons and times (Evening, it is through freshwater green algae that the atmosphere became oxygenated enough to, Morning, allow aerobic organisms to spread upon the dry land).
Day 5 – The Creator creates the fish and the uber-large flying insects above the water and land (Evening, biodiversity within the oceans and in the skies), then creates the sea monsters, creatures that crawl upon land, and winged fowl (Morning, the dinosaurs!).
Day 6 – The Creator creates cattle, creeping things, and beasts upon the land (Evening, the mammals that replaced the dinosaurs), and created humankind (Morning, the various types of human hominid species, that eventually became just one human species at some point after interbreeding – see the next Gan Eyden creation story for more details 🙂 ).
Day 7 – The Creator takes a day of resting from all this creating and does this from Evening, through Morning, until Evening.
Now, it would seem that our ancient BCE Jewish cosmologist had a clear understanding of evolution, but didn’t have the “scientific age” verbage by which to express this. Complex understanding, shared in beautiful poetic storytelling. … And, naysayers, LISTEN! This is the way of all Indigenous peoples upon this planet Earth, since there have been the “human species” people upon our miraculous “garden of Eden”!
Questions? Objections?
Final, personal, thought: I often wonder “why” humans of this 20th-21st century CE have NO vision of the Oneness between what is “sacred” and what is “secular”. These are not dualities that are competing with each other! Living a “sacred” (sanctified) life by rituals and native (passed down) storytelling does not make you “religious” as opposed to “non-religious”. It makes you a member of a Native people and, thankfully, an attentive observer of our ever developing struggle to be One with life as human beings.
![Which face of God do Jews see?](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Polish_20240711_195353587.png?resize=1024%2C992)
“Rabbi Hanana bar Papa (taught): God showed them an angry face, a moderate face, a friendly face, a laughing face. An angry face for communal scrolls (our TaNaKh), when a person teaches his son Torah, he should teach with terror. A moderate face for Mishna. A friendly face for Talmud. A laughing face for Aggada.” – Pesikta DeRav Kahana 12:25, 5th century CE
א”ר חננא בר פפא נראה להם הקב”ה פנים זעופות, פנים בינוניות, פנים מסבירות, פנים שוחקות. פנים זועמות למקרא, כשאדם מלמד את בנו תורה צריך ללמדו באימה. פנים בינונית למשנה. פנים מסבירות לתלמוד. פנים שוחקות לאגדה. – פסיקתא דרב כהנא יב כה
“We must bring our whole selves to the encounter with the Talmudic text, as we must allow the Talmud to bring its full self to its encounter with us. We must give full voice to our beliefs and our biases, and let the Talmud speak its own (for we are no less conditioned by the 21st century than the Talmud is by Antiquity). We must negotiate our differences, and dialogue where we disagree.” – Gila Fine, Talmud scholar, The Madwoman In The Rabbi’s Attic
The Torah scroll (redacted 7th through 5th century BCE), Nevi’im scroll (redacted 2nd century BCE through 1st century CE), Ketuvim scroll (redacted 6th century BCE through 2nd century CE), Mishna (redacted 1st century through 2nd century CE), Tosefta supplement to Mishna (redacted 2nd century CE), halachic midrashim (redacted 3rd century CE), aggadic midrashim (redacted 4th century CE an STILL ongoing), Jerusalem Talmud (redacted 4th century CE), and Babylonian Talmud halacha debates and aggada (redacted 7th century CE) were ALL written and redacted by Jews in Southwest Asia, in the Canaan land of Israel, and in Babylonian land.
Religions have a book of theology – for example, the Christian Bible and the Muslim Quran. The entire sacred book supports the religious theology, by any means necessary! Whereas, Indigenous peoples have our endless ever developing writings that we cherish as sacred in our ethno-religious way. Outside of our belief in a Creator god that has vassaled our people to a specific area of land upon this planet Earth and the Creator’s demands for our faithfulness to mitzvot/halachot, Jews don’t have a specific set theology.
Survival is the theme, survival of the people, for Jews. And our sacred writings expound upon everything from legal conversations and rulings, to legends about the rabbis, to midrash thoughts on Torah myths and history, to philosophical discussions about “God” and inherent nature, to ethics for a just society, to scientific theories and astrological teachings, to folk remedies for diseases, to jokes, to plenty everyday tales about family, food, money, to the importance of study, to sex and relationships and, even, to fantastical miraculous events.
“Whoever wishes to know the nation of Israel in all of its different dimensions, let him learn Aggada.” – Hayim Nahman Bialik (Jan 9, 1873 – Jul 4, 1934), a 19th-20th century CE Jewish poet, expressing in Canaanite Hebrew and in the diaspora Jewish creole language Yiddish, from The Book of Legends
If you don’t know this, then you don’t know who and what the Jewish people are. Worse, you stand against our Jewish hope for a “messianic” age upon this planet Earth!
Yosef ibn Yehuda
![From the river to the sea, Jews and Kurds will one day be decolonized and free!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Polish_20240709_010301767.jpg?resize=1024%2C729)
All that Israelis and Kurds (and Balochs and Assyrians and others) want is to live peacefully and securely decolonized and self- sovereigned upon our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands! This is all that we are asking the European and Arab Conquistadors of planet Earth – who have racistly and violently colonized peoples’ lands for the ruling glory of their Colonial Christ, Allah and, now, Marx, too.
The 1948 successfully decolonized land of Israel is – LISTEN – 3 times smaller than the Navajo Nation reservation in the United States of Colonial “America”. The land of Israel is the SAME SIZE as the island of Taiwan, and the SAME SIZE as the State of New Jersey in the United States. The Indigenous nation of Israel is literally – physically, geographically – SMALLER than Lake Michigan in the United States of “America”!
But, 2.4 billion European-ish Christians and 1.9 billion Arabized Muslims demand that Israel’s 9.3 million legal citizens (native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, “Arab”ized Israeli formerly-Indigenous citizens, Africans, and Europeans) share the land of Israel with 14.7 million non-citizen Arab “Palestinian” Colonial land-squatters – of which over 5.5 million still politically occupy the 1948 decolonized land of Israel to this very day – to DENY Israel’s self-determining existence and safety.
We Israelis are NOT the only ones freedom fighting upon our people’s SWANA land for decolonization and literally Indigenous people survival! The Arab Conquistadors – self-named “Palestinians” since 1964 – call the SWANA Indigenous Kurds “SECOND ISRAEL”, because of all of their freedom fighting for liberation from this European-Arab settler Colonialism upon Southwest Asia native lands.
There is a reason that Kurds are devoutly Zionist leaning! TRUE allies of the Jewish people of Canaan land of Israel. Iranians, Turks, and Colonial Syria/Iraqi Arabs terrorize and oppress Kurds in THE SAME WAY that they terrorize Israelis (it is our IDF that prevents any further Colonial oppression!). The Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel, historic Judea and Samaria, have never oppressed nor even murdered one single Kurd of Southwest Asia!
Why is this? If Arab “Palestinians” (Colonial Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and politically land-squatting “Palestinians” upon 1948 decolonized Israel) are so “indigenous” to our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands, then WHY do they attack our people – both Jews/Israelis and Kurds?! Why do they rape our young women, enslave some of our women, decapitate our babies before our eyes, before murdering us for “allahu akbar” in all their indoctrinated Colonial religious terrorism?!!!
You’ve heard the racistly antisemitic Colonial Arab-European chant: “From the river to the sea, [Colonial] Palestine will be free [of Jews, Israelis, Kurds]!” We Native survivors of European and Arab settler Colonialism have this to say in this 21st century CE: We are the Indigenous – not you. And,… From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, native Israelis and Kurds will be ONE DAY be decolonized, self-sovereign, and free!
![Biblical Pseudepigraphy is actually indigenous Native tradition!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Polish_20240708_012943552.png?resize=970%2C1024)
“Skeptics can see through the ruse, while the faithful continue to be deceived.” This is why so many “real” Jews are “atheist”, by modern Christian and Muslim Colonial religions’ standards. And why many of these atheist Jews are either shomea halacha (listening) or shomer halacha (observant), wrestling with or faithful to the fulfilling of our Jewish ethno-religious ways and people’s laws.
We Jews are so glad that we are not a religion! Not bound to an unavoidable “theology” – other than wrestling with our indigenous people’s laws, that were assigned to us by the god-King of the Canaan land of Israel, Y-HWH. Seriously, we Jews are thankful that we are a native Southwest Asia Indigenous people, the last surviving still intact people of Canaan, and are free to question, debate, and understand our wise ancestral elders’ deliberate story telling “ruses”.
It is Native people’s resilience all around this planet Earth to embrace our stories and ways wholeheartedly as if they are literally true as is. Even when knowing personally the lived history that inspired our latest stories – our sacred myths, that are written for future generations of our people to learn from. For peoples who are indigenous to a specific land, our stories that define us and challenge us are the foundation to our survival through changing times. We understand that they are myths, based upon actual lived history, even while treating our Native stories as actual lived history.
This is why some Indigenous peoples – like Jews, Yezidi, Anishinaabe, etc – simply cannot be successfully assimilated (aka, “colonized”) by adherents to Colonial Christianity, Islam, and Marxism. We “see through the ruse” of absolutist theology and ideology. We know in our very bodies and minds that such is not our path! Many of us Native children are born angry and defiant, at war with this European and Arab colonized world, because of the lived ancestral traumas that are both inherited memories and actual lived experiences.
All surviving Indigenous peoples, planet Earth wide, thank our Creator (our land “God”) that each generation of our people turn tragedy into stories for the generations to come to latch onto – to learn from, and to find a people’s path forward that is still unassimilated. We Jews have never stopped writing to ensure this Y-HWH “promised” destiny for our people! First, it was a whole lot of separate scrolls of self-understanding writings. Then, we began the long process of redacting our stories in the ways necessary to keep all of our Jewish people together, self-identified in an ever changing world.
It surely didn’t stop here! Jewish people of Southwest Asia, the historic Judea and Samaria land of Israel, we have our Talmud, our Zohar, our numerous “Commentary”, and our every generation present writings for the sake of the future of our Jewish people! We are the last surviving people of all the nation peoples of Canaan in Southwest Asia. We are the people of Israel, who are found in the northern half of present day Colonial Jordan AND “from the river to the sea” – regardless whether our people are in the land of Judea and Samaria or in the worldwide non-Jewish diasporas.
Thus, we have “attribution” in our Jewish writings in all three definition forms that is found in Miriam-Webster’s dictionary: Ascribing a literary work to a particular author; ascribing quality, character, or right to someone; and/or the interpretive process by which people make judgments about the causes of their own behavior and the behavior of others. In other words, in scholarly terms, the first definition is called “pseudepigrapha”, falsely-attributed works. Which is the subject of this Indigenous Jewish people’s post, here.
So, here is “the rub” between Jews and Christians and Muslims. If you’re not a “religion” – an adherent to a religious writing that must be taken at face value as “accurate” and historically “true”, so as to not violate your religion’s precious “theology” – then you have no “faith” to lose when you LEARN that actual history is different from your sacred books of mythical history. We Indigenous peoples still know our place upon our lands, and Colonizers must literally lie – to themselves and others – to claim these lands. We should probably shut up here, lest another “Farhud” or “Shoah/Holocaust” comes upon us!
Pseudepigrapha, this is what Colonizers and their successfully colonized, who have appropriated over time our Indigenous Peoples’ writings, call our writings once they have begun to dig into the archaeological dirt of our people’s land. Or, learned enough of our Native languages to realize – at least scholarly – that we Native peoples have been “redacting” our stories for the sake of our own survival as a people for numerous generations.
To some European, mostly, and some Arab Colonizers of our Judean people’s land of Israel, “pseudepigrapha” means: “The ascription of false names of authors to Jewish literary works”. To Jews – who are still the indigenous people of the land of Israel, regardless where worldwide upon this planet Earth, these are the “teachings” and stories “of our fathers and mothers” before us! We Jews so wish desperately that the non-Jewish world around us would actually listen to our voices, rather than colonize in our Jewish names for their religious “theological” benefit!
Biblical Pseudepigraphy: Are Falsely Attributed Biblical Texts Deceptive?
Is editing and writing in the guise of Moses, Solomon, or Daniel a legitimate literary convention, justified because of the author’s inspired state? Or is this practice a form of deceit, even forgery?
Besides our inherent right to decolonized self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land of Israel, we Jews wrestle with the questions of how to explain ourselves and our “Indigenous resistance” in this 21st century CE….
![The Infancy Gospel of Thomas](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Polish_20240707_035546082.jpg?resize=751%2C1024)
Why did Irenaeus, the northern Aegean gentile Church Father whose fear of details that challenge his developing Christian theology beliefs, consider the gnostic gospel of Jesus’ childhood to be so “irreligious and impious”? Is it because this Infancy Gospel of Thomas shows Jesus’ development from childhood to adulthood in a very human light? The very concept of this threatens the absolutist theology of “original sin” and a “sinless” half-human half-god redeeming “savior” of individual human souls from this “original sin”.
The honorific history given to Jesus in the book of Matthew establishes him as a demigod – a product of a sexual union between Mary, his human mother that has no consenting choice, and a divine being who intends to use her womb for god imagined purposes. (At least the sexual relationship between demigod Samson’s mother with his divine being father was mutually consensual, no manipulative divine goal behind it, to include with consent by Samson’s stepdad!)
But, even while showing off Jesus’ divine miracle skills as a child, the 2nd century CE Infancy Gospel of Thomas emphasizes the human nature that is within Jesus. And how Jesus has to learn to grow out of his bad/evil traits into a human worthy of his demigod status in later adulthood. Yes, we’re talking about Jesus the Jew of Nazareth, that followers of this not always so peaceful Pharisee teacher believed was potentially the messiah (the leader to overthrow “the Beast”, the occupying Rome empire).
As Jews, we love our demigod stories – Noah, Isaac, Samson, Jesus, etc – for they teach us so much about our human selves. We understand that they are not to be worshipped, but to learn divine lessons from. This is why it is fascinating for us to learn that:
“Young Jesus is prone to outbursts of anger and revenge”, like when he was older (book of Matthew) and mature enough to righteously beat the crap out of merchants for defiling the Temple grounds with taxable Roman currency. That, as a child, “he curses other children who anger him”, like he cursed the fig tree (book of Matthew) for not growing fruit out of season for his immediate nourishment, “leaving them disabled or dead”. That he “afflicts neighbors with blindness, and also kills a teacher for reprimanding him”, hence his desire for non-violent solutions as a proto-rabbi adult (again, book of Matthew).
Even in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, like in the Gospel of Matthew, the child “Jesus also resurrects people from the dead”. Resurrection in the 2nd century BCE to 3rd century CE was understood by Jews to be a messianic related event. That all the fallen Jewish “martyrs” under Roman occupation would reconstitute (revive) to finish their lives in Zion (the land of Israel) during the messianic age of liberation from all non-Jew occupations upon her. To this day, most Jews still believe in this form of resurrection!
Sharing posts such as this is not an act of hatred towards Christians. And,.. Not sharing posts such as this is simply a Jewish act of survival amongst Christians. Both are true, at the same time! This is why it is so important for both Jews in the European and Arab colonized diasporas and Jews upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized land of Israel to understand:
“Once society consumes enough false information, sprinkled in with a lot of manipulated half-truths, tailored specifically to have the world viewing Israel [the Jewish people] as the [historic reason for Christianized and Islamized social problems and as the present] aggressor to all conflicts, then any form of attack against Israelis becomes either “fake”, justified, or even encouraged.
For those who are sincerely interested in building a better future than the one we’ve inherited, we must be genuine in our approach, and able to condemn evil whenever, wherever, or to whoever it happens and, ultimately, understanding that the way to cease the deaths multiplying for both sides is by going to the source of the problem, which is NOT the existence of Israel [Jews] or Palestinians [Arab post-WW1 settler occupiers].” – Rudy Rochman, [ours]
Let’s tell the European and Arab Palestinians the truth!! And, ESPECIALLY, the Arab Palestinians upon SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands: Despite what you were raised to believe about yourselves, you Arab Palestinians are the Colonizers. And Israelis and Kurds are the Indigenous peoples of the land you call (Colonial) “Palestine”! The Jewish people’s “promised land”, our Canaan land of Israel, is not YOURS for the taking! Muslims, your “holy land” is MECCA, in Arabia! Christians, your “holy land” is ROME, in Europe! YOU DON’T NEED JERUSALEM, in Zion, too!
Colonial “Palestine” upon the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel and Kurdistan is no different than Colonial “America” upon the continent of Michilimackinac (“American Indian” lands)! Colonialism is colonialism. If you worship the Colonizer’s god (Allah, Christ, Marx, whatever!), speak the Colonizer’s language (Arabic, French, Spanish, English, etc!), and support the Colonizer’s ruling dominionism and governments upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, then YOU ARE A COLONIZER, regardless of your ancestry!
What the earliest manuscript about Jesus’ infancy reveals
Elizabeth Grenier, July 1, 2024
A recently discovered 1,600-year-old papyrus is the earliest known manuscript of the Infancy Gospel. The apocryphal stories about Jesus’ childhood fascinate the world, but they aren’t new.
![What was Moses's sin at the waters of Meribah in the Torah of the Jews?](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Polish_20240712_012745639.png?resize=537%2C1024)
“Due to Moses and Aaron tarrying by doing all this – that is to say, going to the Tent of the Meeting, falling on their faces and praying, and afterwards the revelation of the word of God coming to them – the time dragged out, and the [people of] Israel despaired and parted from each other scared and without hope. This was not a sanctification of the Name.” – Avvat Nefesh, חמשה קדמוני מפרשי ר’ אברהם אבן עזרא: הביאורים הראשונים על פירוש התורה לראב”ע
When the Israelites in the wilderness complain that they lack water and wish that they had died along with their brethren, Moses and Aaron consult with YHWH, who says to them:
במדבר כ:ח קַח אֶת הַמַּטֶּה וְהַקְהֵל אֶת הָעֵדָה אַתָּה וְאַהֲרֹן אָחִיךָ וְדִבַּרְתֶּם אֶל הַסֶּלַע לְעֵינֵיהֶם וְנָתַן מֵימָיו וְהוֹצֵאתָ לָהֶם מַיִם מִן הַסֶּלַע וְהִשְׁקִיתָ אֶת הָעֵדָה וְאֶת בְּעִירָם.
“You and your brother Aaron take the rod and assemble the community, and before their very eyes order the rock to yield its water. Thus you shall produce water for them from the rock and provide drink for the congregation and their beasts.” – Bamidbar/Numbers 20:8
Moses then heads over to the rock, ostensibly to fulfill YHWH’s command:
במדבר כ:ט וַיִּקַּח מֹשֶׁה אֶת הַמַּטֶּה מִלִּפְנֵי יְ־הוָה כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּהוּ. כ:י וַיַּקְהִלוּ מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן אֶת הַקָּהָל אֶל פְּנֵי הַסָּלַע וַיֹּאמֶר לָהֶם שִׁמְעוּ נָא הַמֹּרִים הֲמִן הַסֶּלַע הַזֶּה נוֹצִיא לָכֶם מָיִם. כ:יא וַיָּרֶם מֹשֶׁה אֶת יָדוֹ וַיַּךְ אֶת הַסֶּלַע בְּמַטֵּהוּ פַּעֲמָיִם וַיֵּצְאוּ מַיִם רַבִּים וַתֵּשְׁתְּ הָעֵדָה וּבְעִירָם.
“Moses took the rod from before YHWH, as He had commanded him. Moses and Aaron assembled the congregation in front of the rock; and he said to them, “Listen, you rebels, shall we get water for you out of this rock?” And Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod. Out came copious water, and the community and their beasts drank.” – Bamidbar/Numbers 20:9-11
At first glance, it seems like a miraculous and successful ending to the story, but YHWH turns out to be furious:
במדבר כ:יב וַיֹּאמֶר יְ־הוָה אֶל מֹשֶׁה וְאֶל אַהֲרֹן יַעַן לֹא הֶאֱמַנְתֶּם בִּי לְהַקְדִּישֵׁנִי לְעֵינֵי בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לָכֵן לֹא תָבִיאוּ אֶת הַקָּהָל הַזֶּה אֶל הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר נָתַתִּי לָהֶם.
“YHWH said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust Me enough to affirm My Sanctity in the sight of the Israelite people, therefore you shall not lead this congregation into the land that I have given them.” ” – Bamidbar/Numbers 20:12
What did Moses and Aaron do that displayed ‘a lack of trust in YHWH’ that resulted in a failure to publicly affirm YHWH’s sanctity? And why did they merit such a harsh punishment?
Moses Strikes the Rock: His Sin Depends on Your Worldview
Do miracles enhance faith? Rashi and Maimonides’ diametrically opposed positions on this question lead them to very different explanations for Moses’ sin. In between them is Ibn Ezra, who has a secret as to how miracles work and why Moses failed to perform his correctly. Avvat Nephesh, in the 14th century, rejects his predecessors’ explanations, and instead critiques Moses and Aaron’s passivity and lack of leadership; they waited for God to provide answers instead of taking initiative.
![Arab Palestinians support Islamic HAMAS terrorists and terror attacks, say reliable pollsters!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Polish_20240712_161027634.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024)
CNN Fact Check: President Biden claims “HAMAS is not popular” amongst “West Bank” Arab politically land-squatting “Palestinians” (self-named, since 1964). But available polling contradicts President Biden’s wilful disinformation.
Polling of these Arab “Palestinian” post-1948 political land-squatters (non-citizens, who are denying native Israelis a peaceful and secure forced decolonization from post-WW1 British-Arab racistly violent militarized occupation) shows clearly that:
HAMAS’ popularity in the “West Bank” has actually increased, since the Islamic “Palestinian” terrorist organization’s depravedly horrific terror attack upon Israelis (native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli “Arab”ized/Islamized citizens of Israel), according to results from well known pollsters in the “Palestinian” occupied territories of decolonized Israel.
The name “West Bank” was given to this post-1948 Judea-Samaria region of Israel during the 18+ year post-1948 Colonial Jordan land occupation.
![Arab Palestinian children are raised to love HAMAS terrorism and to hate the Jews Israelis.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Polish_20240712_003442272.png?fit=785%2C1024)
Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam must come to an end. Benevolent non-proselytizing, non-occupying, non-terrorizing Christianity and Islam are welcome upon our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands. But, this United Nations’ UNRWA-funded post-WW1 Islamic-Marxist depraved European established Arab Colonial occupation and terrorisms – for bloodthirsty “allahu akbar” martyr-ism – ENOUGH!
“While Hamas supporters have bought the lies about colonisation, occupation etc etc, the reality is that these terrorists are driven by religious belief, which is why they have no qualms about murdering children and innocent civilians.
Wake up people!” – Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem
The “Palestinian people” antisemitic land-squatting occupation is a KGB-ARAB 1964 invention to destabilize the world’s first forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation, 1948 successfully reestablished self-sovereign Israel.
We native Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and “Arab”ized Israeli citizens of Israel) and Kurds will never stop freedom fighting until our lands are liberated from your racistly violent settler occupations and terrorisms!
Flag of the post-WW1 European-supported UNRWA-funded Arab Colonizer of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands —> 🇵🇸
From the river to the sea, Israel and Kurdistan will one day be free, yes, of this UNRWA funded post-WW1 Colonial “Palestine” occupation and terrorisms upon our Southwest Asia native Kurdish and Israeli peoples’ lands!
META Description : Jews have Indigenous stories, teachings, and laws that do not fit into one sacred book. To understand our people of Israel, listen to us!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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