All Colonizers – whether Christian, Muslim, or Marxist – take pride in their remaining in Conquistador power, at the expense of the formerly enslaved and/or Indigenous peoples of this – our – planet Earth! Yes, Native peoples, REGARDLESS of “skin color”/”skin colours”! Hineh mah tov umah na’im shevet achim gam yachad! How good and how pleasing for Native brothers and sisters worldwide to sit together as one in all our colors!

No, black Americans, no! Skin color has NOTHING to do with settler Colonialism, except for what metastisized in the USA! It has EVERYTHING to do with European and Arab supremacy for the glory of your Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon all still surviving Indigenous Peoples – and – upon OUR lands. Full historical and still ongoing STOP!
It doesn’t matter whether it is Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 upon Southwest Asia’s Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands or whether it is Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 upon the Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands (you know, “American Indians”) and the “Caribbean” and Pacific Islands, or whether it is Colonial Islam making Arabized/Islamized claim to the native peoples lands of Africa that Christianity had already laid claim to!
But Jews and Israelis (native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous “Arab”ized citizens of Israel) are the existential problem upon this planet Earth – STILL YET – for surviving your European and Arab settler Colonialisms and, WORSE, being the first Indigenous people to forcibly decolonize our land for literal Indigenous people survival amongst the racistly anti-Indigenous (antisemitic) Christians, Muslims, and Marxists of this world!
Ilhan Omar, the racistly anti-Indigenous Minnesota’s 5th congressional district elected, who is again a candidate for the United States of Colonial America’s House of Representatives in your 2024 USA elections. And it is because AIPAC did not involve itself in her primary race! It is important that citizens of Colonial nations who are supportive of Indigenous peoples’ land rights CHOOSE Representatives to government that reflect Indigenous peoples’ values! It is a shame that citizens of the USA still refuse to do so.

Does native Israeli people’s Halacha (indigenous Jewish laws governing Israel) require sacrificing our own soldiers in order to reduce enemy civilian losses? Does it make Israel morally equivalent to the racist anti-Indigenous Arab terrorists to use Arab non-combatants as human shields, like Arab Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorists do to their own Arab non-combatant population whom they imbed themselves within?
Rav Shaul Yisraeli, “In practice, there is insufficient basis to permit action against an entire community that has failed to execute its duty and remove murderers from its midst so long as it is reasonable to excuse them with the claim of fear, pressure, and the like.” … “We do not find the obligation in war to distinguish between blood and blood (combatants and non-combatants). In the course of war, when laying siege to a city and the like, there is no obligation to make such distinctions.”
Rav Chaim Jachter, “Rav Ariel, Rav Lior, Rav Schachter, and Rav Weiss are [all] justified in following the principle articulated by the Maharal, which has a solid basis in the Tanach, Chazal, Rishonim, and Acharonim. Thus, Halachah permits waging war without excessive regard for civilian casualties if the war is justified and no viable alternative exists through which to wage a successful battle.
We should stress that the IDF does not deliberately target civilians in order to weaken the enemy, as the Allies did during World War II. Israel certainly is justified in attacking terrorists who use civilians as human shields, despite the risk of collateral damage.”
But, the moral question raised by this Haaretz article, is whether it is halachically permitted to put an Arab non-combatant (if he is actually so, or just so for the moment) in harm’s way, risking his life to protect Israeli soldiers who have been forced into harm’s way by the UNRWA and their funded HAMAS terrorists? The answer is “yes” for both morally and halachically! Israel is freedom fighting for the survival of both Israelis and Kurds from this post-WW1 European supported Arab settler Colonialism and terrorisms upon Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands.
Rav Chaim Jachter, “The Israeli army is clearly entitled to risk the lives of civilians in their efforts to eradicate terrorists. The crucial question, though, is whether civilized countries must risk their soldiers’ lives in order to reduce civilian casualties. This question is debated by leading poskim of our generation.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein believes Israel must “absolutely consider the extent of the justification of killing a large group [of civilians mixed with enemy soldiers] in order to save the life of an individual [Israeli soldier]” (Techumin 4:185). He regards the amount of civilian casualties as a factor to consider when conceiving battle plans. Rav Avraham Shapira (Techumin 4:182) and Rav Dov Lior (Techumin 4:186) strongly disagree. Rav Lior writes, “In times of war, there surely exists firm halachic basis for any action taken in order to ensure that not even one soldier is God-forbid harmed.”
Rav Schachter and Rav Bleich told me that they agree with Rav Shapira and Rav Lior. In fact, Rav Schachter argues that Israel acted immorally by risking its soldiers in Jenin and Lebanon in order to reduce Arab civilian casualties. Rav Bleich concurred with Rav Schachter that it is forbidden to risk Israeli lives in order to save Arab civilians. Avi Levinson reports that Rav Mordechai Willig told him that he also agrees with the approach of Rav Shapira and Rav Lior….
Rav Bleich cautions, though, that in certain situations it seems that Israel might be justified in risking soldiers’ lives in order to spare Arab civilians if it feels that causing Arab civilian casualties will later endanger Israeli lives as a result of (unjustified) international condemnations. One might add that if Israel fears that Arabs will be incited by civilian casualties and therefore endanger Israeli lives, risking Israeli soldiers to save (other) Israeli lives might be permitted. We should stress, though, that in these cases, risking Israeli soldiers may be justified solely due to the consideration that it will save Israeli lives in the long run.”
For all the obsessive hating upon SWANA native Israelis, the simple fact that the European and Arab colonized world refuses to address and accept is the following:
NONE of this violence between Israeli indigenous and Arab settler occupiers and terrorists would be happening IF the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations had not been UNRWA funding post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism and terrorisms upon Southwest Asia’s native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands!
This racistly violent political land-squatting and terrorisms by Arab settlers must come to an end. Tell Palestinian Islamic HAMAS to stop hiding behind non-combatant women and children, lay their weapons of war down, and accept Israeli and Kurdish lands rights and decolonized self-sovereignty!
Quotes sourced from Halachic Perspectives on Civilian Casualties, Rabbi Chaim (Howard) Jachter
Learn more here….
Halachic Perspectives on Civilian Casualties, Rabbi Chaim (Howard) Jachter
Again, the IDF has a moral and halachic obligation to continue freedom fighting for the liberation and peaceful and secure decolonization of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands – especially Arab occupied Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands! Remember, historically, we Jews used to be fighting the Christian Conquistadors not too long ago, and you Christians are still NOT an ally without your Colonial religious agenda for Israel!

Talmud 101. We had no idea you Jewish! Change the social narrative with honesty, because haters have no say on Native lands, and wherever your ass stays you got to keep your native path! Yes, word!! … Must throw the cat!
With or without USA support, Israelis – native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous “Arab”ized citizens of Israel – will continue our freedom fighting for the liberation of SWANA native peoples’ lands.
There will be peace in the Middle East only when the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations allows Israelis and Kurds to peacefully and securely decolonize fully amongst your post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq.
Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands!

As a Sephardi, I appreciate this! But, as a Jew now living in European diaspora who has studied European Colonial history, I must enlighten your audience that this fiction series has nothing to do with Iran. If we lie about history as Indigenous peoples, we are no better than the European and Arab Conquistadors of Indigenous peoples’ lands for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon our lands.
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter!
The handmaid’s garment is an “Evangelical” form of dress wear for Christian women. I have seen in these 2020’s CE Christian women walking the streets with stroller before them dress accordingly, just slightly different in clothing colours. Further, the Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, published her novel in 1985 as a dystopian near-future “New England” that has overthrown the “United States” government.
Though the patriarchal totalitarian state known as the Republic of Gilead resembles the present Islamic Iran, born in Islamic colonial revolution in 1979, it is all Christian and based in Christian history!
Look at the dress wear of the Pilgrims of the United States of Colonial “America”. Then further look at the USA’s Republican “Evangelical” political party’s “Project 2025”. Ever since the 1960’s Black and Jewish Civil Rights revolution in the USA, the Evangelical Christians have steadfastly worked hard to bring the United States towards the age of Gilead.
What do you think that they will do to Israel, if these USA Evangelical supporters with a Christian religious agenda get their way in the United States of Colonial America? The United States of Colonial America is 448 times larger than the 1948 resovereiged native Jewish nation of Israel! And Israel is DEPENDENT upon the United States diplomatically and, worse, militarily for our native Judean people’s decolonized survival!

Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared, “Today, the fifth of Av, is the yahrzeit of the Ari, Rav Yitzchak Luria z”l.
He, the compilers of the Zohar, along with the Besht and his students are responsible for thwarting Maimonidean rationalism’s hegemony and once again situating Jewish theology in its proper framework.
Ever since its inception, Jewish theology was situated in a mystical framework. The Bible’s God feels, emotes, derives pleasure and experiences rage (kavyachol). Rambam came along and negated all that, supplanting Judaism’s native mysticism with Aristotalian rationalism. Since, rationalism is a much easier sell than mysticism, it’s simple and easily accessible, people gravitated toward it, abandoning Judaism’s native theology. For hundreds of years Rambam’s rationalism reigned supreme. Until finally Spanish kabbalists and later European chassidim put an end to it and restored Jewish philosophy to its proper context.
Arizal played a pivotal role in that restoration.
Thus, today is an important day in our calendar. On this day we commemorate the legacy of someone who put back Jewish theology into its rightful framework, after many years of displacement.
Therefore, אי איישר חיליה; if I felt that I had sufficient legal authority, I would have said that his yahrzeit should trump the aveilut of the nine days, just as the rabbis of the previous generation said about Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s independence day. They decreed that the significance of jewish sovereignty is so enormous that it overrides the requirement to mourn during sefira. Today should be no different. We should be allowed to eat meat, drink wine and listen to music, in recognition of the gravity of this day. This is the day we remember someone who saved Judaism from the grip of rationalism.
Ultimately, I don’t feel comfortable making that claim but hopefully one day someone with broader shoulders will come along and give this auspicious day the halakhic status it deserves. Today, authentic Judaism was revived and revivified.
That is not to say that modern kabbalah is perfect. Like any philosophical tradition, the wheat and the chaff is interspersed and intertwined, and it’s our responsibility to separate the two. There is a lot of bad kabbalah and horrible kabbalists out there, but that doesn’t mean the philosophy itself is wrong. ישרים דרכי השם, צדיקים ילכו בה ופושעים יכשלו בה. The divine path is perfect. It guides the righteous, while the wicked are led astray by it.
Yehei zichro hatahor vehakadosh baruch!”

Remember, we Jews indigenous to the land of Canaan Israel are a legalistic mystical people.
Yodea tsadik nefesh bhemto (יודע צדיק נפש בהמתו) literally means “A just man knows the life of his (dependent fellow) animal”. This is a reminder of our native Jewish “Halacha” (laws) regarding the suffering of other earthly creations.
Yodea indicates “intimate knowing”, as in sexual. There is a different word in Hebrew for general knowing. This is why Jews translate this phrase as, “a righteous man has regard for the desire of his beast”.
If you look at pasuk one, “He who loves discipline (instruction) loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is brutish”. And, if you look at pasuk eight, “According to his intelligence a man is praised, but he whose heart has turned away will be despised”.
Perhaps pasuk nine sums up this tractate, “Better is he who is lightly esteemed but is a slave to himself, than one who is honored but lacks bread.”
“A just man knows the life (the breath) of his animal” / יודע צדיק נפש בהמתו – the native Jewish path is one of striving for sacred empathetic living. Creating heaven on Earth!

“Let’s be proud of who we are. We’re the only people whose name is always a trend. When is this shit going to end? Look at all the different colors of our skin. Black is not our color, but our core. [Jew is not our color, but our SWANA Indigenous core.] It’s what we’ve been living, fighting, and dying for.
But if you choose to be called African American and that’s your preference, then I’ll give you that reference. [Likewise,… If you choose to be called a “faith” or a Jewish “religion”, then we still SWANA native Jews will give you that reference.]
But I know that on this issue I don’t stand alone on my own. And, if I do, then let me be me [yes, let us be we AND peacefully and securely decolonized]! And, I’d appreciate it, if when you see me, you say there’s a man who says it loud. I’m Black [I’m a Jew]!” – Smokey Robinson, Def Poetry Jam … Pay attention, for “black” as a race identifier is an 20th century CE European “American” invention.
Wow! Is Smokey Robinson a pintele yid? (He does have Portuguese ancestry.) All Jews raised studying Talmud know that the rabbis will present a lie or a stereotype as if it were the truth. Then, by the time you’re done reading the whole masekhet, “tractate” division, you realize that these ancient rabbis are telling you that the opposite is true or that you are simply an assuming fool.
The first modern “race” classification, that is separate from Origen of Alexandria’s 2nd century CE Christian explanation on peoples’ varying skin colors and geography lived, can be traced to the Portuguese-Spanish Conquistadors during the modern Colonial European Christian and Arab Muslim expansion period. Specifically, to the 1440’s, wherein the Portuguese and Spanish established the word Negro to refer to the Bantu peoples that they encountered in Africa. The word “negro” literally means “black”, and is derived from the Latin word niger, meaning “black”.
During the Enlightenment Era of European history, German citizen Johann Friedrich Blumenbach divided the human species into five distinct races in 1779. Thus, inventing the “Caucasian” or white race for Europeans and the “Ethiopian” or black race, which included all sub-Saharan Africans. He had a skin color classification word for the red, yellow, and brown (Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander) races, too.
In the United States, the word negro had already metastisized into a catch all word relating to anyone of colour that is or should be enslaved as chattel (Africans and Michilimackinac Natives), hence the 1787 Three-Fifths clause in the United States Constitution. Further, in the United States of Colonial America, this concept of “white” and “black” races metastasized into scientific racism and the development of Eugenics.
A USA science that Adolf Hitler utilized for the identification and extermination of the Jewish “race”, with many antisemite U.S. Congressmen’s encouragement.
Louis Agassiz of the USA established, in 1850, through his writings the genre of “scientific racism”. He believed in scientific polygenism, and advocated that human races come from separate physical origins of creation. In other words, “co-Adamism”, meaning that each classified human “race” had their own unique “Adam” figure, without connection to other “Adam” figures around planet Earth.
Thus, whites, blacks, reds, yellows (and, etc) have differing and unequal attributes that could be classified into specific climatic zones of the planet, like other species of animals and plants. Thank you, United States of Colonial America for creating the “white” and “black” and other races of the singular human species upon this our planet Earth!
This European Christian invented modern racism is a complete reversal of what our Jewish people’s Torah teaches! Yes, it is true that our Torah teaches that different sky-gods of the Canaan pantheon, that are ruling upon the different lands, created humankind all over the land upon their respective lands – BUT, through the flood that ended the curse of drought upon the land, ALL humans derive directly from Noah’s family.
Do you want to know why Africans and Southwest Asians, respectively, hate to be classified as “black” and “white” peoples? Because, it was Stokely Carmichael and others, in the 1960s, that created this United States racial identifier of “Black”, as an understandable deliberate effort to shift away from “Negro” and towards “Black” as a more powerful social ethnonym. And it is the United States’ inability to address its past and present racism that has black Americans pushing “white” and “black” racism segregation upon the rest of the nations of this world!
Look up Stokely Carmichael’s “Black Power” speech at UC-Berkeley in 1966. For there is no such thing as “black Africans”, “black North Africans”, “black Middle Easterners”, “black Europeans”, “black Asians” (“black” etc) based on human origins. The place that “blacks” and “whites” exist is in the United States of Colonial America! So, please, STOP exporting that racism labeling to the rest of us peoples on planet Earth and, especially, we still surviving Indigenous peoples!
Thank you, my Black queen, for finding and sharing this!
Smokey Robinson’s masekhet on “black” history and “African American” identity!

Every black American still supporting these racist Arab “Palestinians” NEEDS to watch this video! These Arab Conquistadors of Native peoples’ lands don’t actually give a damn about you and your “black” cause. Get WOKE!
Hen Mazzig shared, “In recent days, many in the Black community are feeling ostracized after numerous voices in the Palestine movement have condemned them for being interested in their own rights.
These Black influencers have been openly Pro-Palestine but feel that they are given no reciprocity while they are asked to put Palestine before everything else, even before their own wellbeing.
Many of the comments have been racist in nature. It led some Black influencers to bring up past tensions between the Arab and Black communities, such as the legacy of the Arab slave trade.
Of course, no group is a monolith, and I’m sure there is much disagreement within both the Black and Palestinian community on how best to advocate for their causes in this election cycle. This crack in the movement, however, seems rather significant.
It seems like many are waking up to realize what “in every means necessary” actually means.”
The only reason that black Americans (who are the only “black” people upon planet Earth, the rest are “Africans”) were falling for the Arab “Palestinian” Conquistadors’ lies about being the new ancient victimized “indigenous” upon native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands is because Arab Palestinian Conquistadors played successfully to the historic “white” versus “black” skin color racism that is the United States of Colonial America!
Indigenous Peoples worldwide present in ALL skin colors! There is no USA politician that truly supports Indigenous peoples’ land rights. Hence, Kurds remain Arab “Palestinian”, Turkish, and Iranian occupied and Israel is expected to submit to a permanent colonization of our SWANA native land through a Colonial “Palestine” nation upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Jewish land of Israel.
Trump is a racist towards blacks, Jews, and Arabs who are “Muslim”. And Kamala Harris, like Joe Biden and Barack Obama before her, is the “two-state solution” candidate, ONLY because European and Arab Colonial nations cannot allow Israel to succeed in being the world’s first peaceful and secure fully DECOLONIZED Indigenous nation!

When Christians lie about converting an “Orthodox Jew” to Christianity, it sounds like this:
“I actually received this message a few minutes ago from Gil, a former Orthodox Jew:”
says Christian Missionary Eitan Bar,
“I have no words to thank you and Moti for the articles and videos. I saw one of your ads on YouTube 1-2 years ago, but turned it off when I realized it was about “Christianity.” Recently, I found another of your videos. It grabbed my attention and I decided to read the prophecies in the Old Testament. I was surprised to discover that they all point to Yeshua.”
No Orthodox Jew talks this way! No traditionally raised Jews talk this way! Jews do not have an “Old Testament”. … Eitan Bar continues his antisemtic lie,
“I was born into an Orthodox Jewish family and was very serious about religion. But I was a nasty and legalistic person because of it. Eventually, I realized there was something fishy about rabbinic Judaism. I ended up leaving religion and God, and became an atheist.”
Besides this being a 1,600 year and still counting Christian antisemitic trope, a pious Jew can be shomer halacha and an atheist, at the same time. Many “Orthodox Jews” are atheists or henotheists! … Eitan Bar continues,
“But this summer my life was changed! I found our Messiah, and two days ago, gave him my heart.”
“Gil is young and “new.” Attacks will soon come both from Satan and from his family and friends. Please take a moment to pray for him!”
“Satan”? The Christian code word for Jews keeping Jews on our native Jewish path! Again, another 1,600 year and still counting antisemtic Christian trope about Jews. … Eitan Bar continues,
“Internet evangelism is an innovative way of fulfilling the Great Commission, and has proven to be very productive. It’s important to pray for the success of such an endeavor, for those involved in it and for the fruit borne of it.”
Like all Christian and Muslim missionaries, Eitan Bar supports Jews and Israel for a Colonial Christian agenda of eventual Jew assimilation into their idolic messianic cult.
Beware of the pretend “Jew” Christians who are lying to their gullible followers about Jews embracing a forbidden idol! And, especially, if you’re a converted Indigenous person.
Don’t fall for the Colonial false equivalency between native Judaism and Colonial Christianity. This northern Aegean created Christian proselytizing religion is the exact opposite of Judaism (Judea-people-ism) in near every way!
Don’t understand? Ask actual Jews your questions. Rather than letting Christians talk for us!

Dear Jewish-Americans, you are part of the problem for our nation of Israel! When someone calls Jews a “faith” and you don’t push back, this false equivalency with Christianity and Islam – two actual theology-based Colonial religions – harms our Jewish attempts to peacefully and securely decolonize our land of Israel.
Only in the United States of Colonial America are Jews a religious “faith”! Everywhere else upon this planet Earth, we Jews are still the native people of and from the Canaan land of Israel, who are preserving our ethno-religious way of life and identity. We Jews are occupied and terrorized, like ALL still surviving Indigenous peoples worldwide, by Christian, Muslim, and Marxist Colonizers!
Jews living in the “American” diaspora, and Christian/Muslim citizens wanting to be a true “ally” of Israel and other Indigenous peoples, put your “faith” agenda aside and recognize that Israel is a native Jewish nation that ALLOWS Christians and Muslims their “freedom of religion” upon our Y-HWH established ethno-religious land and within our Jewish people’s nation!
If there is to be peace upon the Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Assyria (etc), then this false equivalency of Jews (a native people) with Christianity and Islam (colonizing religions) MUST come to an end. Peace in the Middle East will ONLY be achieved when Christian, Muslim, and Marxist nations allow still surviving Indigenous nations to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations!
How many times must we Jews/Israelis and other still surviving Indigenous peoples say and demonstrate this to you? We don’t want to be you, ever! We will survive you, always! And we refuse to be ruled and manipulated by you!

Truly “grassroots” activism only applies to those who live in successfully European-Arab Christian, Muslim, and Marxist colonized nations as successfully colonized citizens – who are pining for a seat at the Colonial’s table.
The rest of us? We are just an amusement to follow, until we offend the social majority’s sensibilities with native peoples’ experiences and wisdom and with our ancestral knowledge.
Half a Jew, Kurd, Pueblo, Taíno (many, etc) is not in our nature of public expression.
META Description : Jews will survive upon our native land and in the diasporas regardless of modern Christian, Muslim, and Marxist occupations for supremacy!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
The originating Admin of this native web site is TIRED of begging for the world around us to SHARE our posts! … Sadly, we are STILL speaking too early. … So, this Take Me On web site is taking a shabbaton, until there is evidence that non-Jews are actually INTERESTED in what we native peoples have to teach this human world! … We were not kidding about being truly “grassroots”. If you’re not sharing, then you do not care, FULL STOP!
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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