The reason that the United Nations has being pushing for seven decades a two-state solution upon the same land between 1948 forcibly decolonized native Israelis and Arab Conquistadors who claimed the label “Palestinian” in 1964 is because Colonial “Palestine” is no different than Colonial “America”. Acclaimed allies of Israel, get your perspective on this world straight! For the “helpful” USA Colonizer has always been part of the problem for native Israel, as much as being our only Colonial nation ally.

We native Israelis and Kurds of Southwest Asia hope too much of you, as Michilimackinac natives. You are so colonized and bought by Colonial anti-Indigenous propaganda that you can’t tell who is the actual native peoples of SWANA lands and who are the lying European and Arab Conquistadors upon our SWANA peoples’ lands.
This is okay, for your occupation by Conquistadors is young, and you do not hear your elders. We Israelis and Kurds will survive every European and Arab genocide upon our peoples and support each other in our freedom fighting for the liberation of our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands from racistly violent and depraved post-WW1 UNRWA funded European established Arab settler Colonialism, political land-squatting, and vicious terrorisms upon our peoples and enslavements of our children and child bearing age women! All for the supremacist glory of “allahu akbar” upon native peoples’ lands!
We Israelis, aka Jews, have been demanding land back for 1,800 years. We can tell you NDNCollective that you will never get your land back without freedom fighting for the liberation of your land and for the lands of others. Look at Southwest Asia native lands, for we Israelis and Kurds are your example of what the land back movement actually looks like in applied actions!
The European and Arab Conquistadors for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide will NEVER peacefully allow Indigenous peoples to securely decolonize amongst their Colonial nations. It would mean that Christian, Muslim, and Marxist settler Colonialism is evil and wrong, if they allow our independent self-sovereignty upon our native lands!
This is why the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations UNRWA funds the post-WW1 European established Arab settler occupations and terrorisms upon Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ Southwest Asia native lands. We will not stop freedom fighting for the liberation of our ancestral lands, until the United Nations allows Israeli and Kurdish peoples to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst their post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. No more Palestinian settler Colonialism upon SWANA native lands!
By the way, “Palestinian” is derived from our Jewish Canaanite Hebrew language, and it means “foreigners, occupiers” upon our Southwest Asia region! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.

Bought and drank the anti-Indigenous European-Arab Conquistador’s kool-aid, did you, Artists for Palestinians? Too bad and so sad! None of what you said changes our lived reality as native Israelis and Kurds who are freedom fighting for the liberation of our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands from your racistly violent and depraved post-WW1 European established Arab settler Colonialism, occupations, and terrorisms upon our native peoples! From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea both Israel and Kurdistan will one day be fully decolonized, peacefully secure, and indigenously free!
Palestinians are wannabe watermelons. Immigrant settlers, who are not as loved by SWANA native peoples as the watermelon, because of their racist and religious violence! Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.

Our Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew language has never been a “dead language”, because we Jews of the Canaan land of Israel never stopped speaking it!
The Hebrew language is the foundation of our Jewish people, and our language informs our worldview, NOT the Colonial languages that attempted to replace our native Jewish language. Every natively raised Jew speaks Hebrew as their first words in life and of the day no matter where he/she is in this world, and our Hebrew are the last words we speak before going to sleep.
To say that our Canaanite Hebrew language was a “dead language” is to say that the Jewish people were a dead people until revived in the 1880’s. We Jews never stopped speaking our Hebrew language, we only revived it to a modern form with enough modern words to use as a daily language – in rejection of the Colonial languages of this world!
So,… the Jewish people were a “dead people” until the 1800’s? How does this lie work historically? A native people’s language is their life as a people and is their worldview!

Say it correctly: Israel will decolonize the East Bank of the land of Israel, presently known as post-WW1 Colonial Jordan.
Post-WW1 British established Colonial Jordan (created May 25, 1946), a gift to the Arab Hashemite royal family of Arabia for WW1 military support, is the East Bank of the historic – still surviving – SWANA Indigenous Canaan land of Israel!
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, Jews and Kurds will one day be free! Arab “Palestinians” murder and enslave Kurds. Turks and Iranians murdered Kurds. Israel supports our SWANA brothers and sisters. We have every reason to defend them from Arabs, Turks, and Iranians. This is why Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians (etc) are supporters of Israel.
Shame on you, European and Arab Colonizers, for including Jews as the Conquistadors of other peoples’ lands. We were the first colonized by northern Aegean-created Colonial Christianity and Southern Hejaz-created Colonial Islam. We Jews are the first to forcibly decolonize and maintain what part of our sacred ancestral land that we decolonized.

Hen Mazzig shared, “Israel was established in 1948. But Jews lived in the region for thousands of years.
Before Israel existed, here’s what Jews in the Middle East could NOT do:
- Ride horses.
- Be eye level with Muslims.
- Had to pay tax not to be murdered and pillaged.
- Could not testify against a Muslim in court.
- Could not bear arms.
- Could not move freely after certain hours.
- Couldn’t dress without imposed Jewish symbols (like the yellow stars we saw in the Holocaust.)
In 1941, my grandma survived the Farhud. It was massacre against the Jewish community of Iraq, encouraged by the Nazis. Thousands of Jews were attacked by a mobs, which was backed by the Iraqi government.
My grandma had to flee Iraq – they even took her citizenship. So did with other 150,000 Iraqi Jews, who turned stateless refugees.
Today there are no Jews in Iraq. They were ethnically cleansed.
This didn’t just happen in Iraq. Jews were ethnically cleansed throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
Almost a million Jew ran for their lives. The only place to take them wasn’t America, or Britain— it was Israel.
Israel saved my Iraqi mother and my Tunisian father. It will continue to save Jews from everywhere else.”

Daniel, “I’m seeing posts like this and the other all the time. Natives for Palestine, natives for Israel, creating division amongst the native people who weren’t even Muslim, Catholic, Jewish, or Christian, until it was introduced to us by colonization. If we want our culture back, then we need to put down these books that they fight over and look to our elders and hear their words.”
Our Jewish response: Shame on you, our Apache brother, for including Jews as the Conquistadors of other peoples’ lands. We were the first colonized by northern Aegean-created Colonial Christianity and Southern Hejaz-created Colonial Islam.
In all the 2000 years before the invention of Christianity and Islam, how many peoples’ lands around this planet Earth did Jews conquest? As a Canaan indigenous people, we only had wars with our own neighboring Canaan peoples – even while being occupied by regional empires like Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. Then, came the Greeks and the Romans to our Southwest Asia native peoples’ lands, looking to conquer the known world!
Since the rise of world colonizing Christianity and Islam, how many native peoples have been forcibly subjugated under Judean people’s rule, forced to learn Canaanite Hebrew, and slaughtered if they rejected worshipping Y-HWH, chanting our Torah (ancestral literatures), and following our halachot (native Judea-originating Jewish laws)? No peoples nor nations, full stop! Outside of you, Jews are only accused of colonizing our own Native ancestral land – what the European and Arab Conquistadors call “Palestine”!
For 1,600 years of Christian and Muslim expansionism, Jews have endured being the – chased around this planet Earth – indigenous minority to blame and target for Colonial social woes, while living in a segregated ghetto/dhimmi status – all because we refuse to lose our culture, our language, our stories, our native laws, and our Judean ethno-religion. We Jews have always supported and encouraged minority peoples who are suffering under Christian and Muslim oppression to keep your ways and survive like us, at all costs!
Daniel, “Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA, Brother you really don’t want to get me rolling on this. Out of respect for my brother Joseph, I won’t. But his people, the Tainos, like himself are Jewish, and he was born into it. That didn’t happen by magic. Even teaching and introducing anything to a community, forced or not, and changes the existing culture, by the way is still colonialism.”
Our Jewish response: Our Apache brother, you obviously only know about Jews courtesy of Christians and, possibly, some successfully colonized Jews. This is okay, achi! We Jews of legal status have to address this all the time.
Many Taíno and “South American” native populations have a lot of Jewish ancestry included in their families. This is because the Christian Conquistadors first forcibly assimilated many Sephardi Jews living in the northern Spain and Portugal diasporas into “New Christians”, and those Jews who refused to assimilate (the majority) were forced out of Spain and Portugal by the Conquistadors and chased around this planet Earth for extermination. This was historically the biggest ethnic cleansing of a native peoples of its kind for Christian dominionism upon other peoples’ lands. That is, until these Conquistadors reached the “New World”.
Some Jews managed to travel to what these Europeans call the continents of “America” and some Jews merged with the Native peoples on both continents and surrounding islands. This is why Indigenous peoples of Michilimackinac find Sephardi ancestry in their family lines. But, being born with Jewish ancestry somewhere, this doesn’t make you Jewish, though.
The Jewish people have survived by a continuity of Native Judean traditions, stories, language and, most importantly, Jewish laws that has been inherited from family to family through the generations. This Judaism, our ethno-religious Judea-people-ism, defines who we are as a people, who is one of us, and who is not a Jew. To become a Jew as a non-Jew requires a Jewish beit din, our courts of law, to rule you as Jewish.
Conversos, Jews forced to become Christian or Muslim for their and their immediate family’s survival, are still legally Jewish. But, if they don’t return to Judaism (Judea-people-ism) – our ethno-religious native people and ways – then their descendants are no longer Jewish. Most did not and their descendants must embrace a beit din – after ensuring that they are properly educated in Judaism and committed to the Jewish people’s fate. Conversos are just like Mexicanos, who are no longer “American Indians”.
If you speak the Colonizer’s language, worship the Colonizer’s god, and support the Colonizer’s rule upon native peoples’ lands, then you are a Colonizer full stop, regardless your ancestry! This is what Arab Christians and Arab Muslims are upon our Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands. They are Colonizers who are seeking to replace our native SWANA peoples upon our lands.
The only peoples committing the act of Colonialism upon native peoples’ lands are European and Arab Conquistadors and their successfully colonized for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. Jews are simply the last surviving people of Canaan, keeping the stories, the languages, the laws, and the future of our Southwest Asia indigenous people alive, both on our land of Israel and in the worldwide diasporas.

What is the purpose and beliefs behind the Jewish act of ritual slaughter, a blood rite?
For the Jewish people, the act of ritual slaughter in order to eat flesh – the shechitah ceremony – is an ancient sacred obligation. According to Torah, the sacred writings of our Judean ancestors, we are taught in our Creation stories that all nefesh, “breathing creatures”, were shaped from the soil of the land and given the neshamah, the Creator’s “breath of life” – an “animating spirit/soul” to what would otherwise be a lifeless or dead nefesh.
The teaching of our Jewish ancestors is that all nefesh – fish, fowl, reptiles, insects, wild and domesticated mammals, and humans (a primate species) – have a unique expression of the Creator’s soul within them, that is giving life to this nefesh. Jews understand that this breathing spirit that causes an awareness of “self” – the “I” in relation to “you” – finds its home in the blood. Hence, all things relating to blood enter into the realm of the sacred for Jews.
The neshamah is a physical manifestation, not immaterial and separate (like in Christian and Muslim theologies). Like all aspects of physical life, this spirit-breath manifestation attains physical form through a primordial source within what we Jews call Elohim, the “ein sof” or “undefinable nothing”. Thus, the loss of blood is a loss of spirit or “soul” in native Jewish tradition, hence requiring ceremonies for all forms of bleeding.
Though our Jewish ancestral writings have no concept of a “life after death” (like in Christian and Muslim theologies), there is an ancient Jewish awareness of reincarnation and reanimation (“resurrection” from the grave back to physical breathing life upon the land of Earth). It is the reincarnation of the neshamah, the spirit-breath of Elohim, that we will focus on here.
Our Jewish sages living in the Canaan land of Israel before the destruction of the 2nd Temple taught our people that some of them could speak to different kinds of nefesh, in the language of these animals (ex, Pesikta Rabbati 14).
Other Jewish sages revealed to us that human spirit-breath (neshamah, “soul”) is sometimes reincarnated into other animals at their first breath directly after birth (ex, Devash LeFi, Letter Chet 14). And, if the animal is a food source and is slaughtered correctly for food, this human neshamah can then reincarnate later at the first breath of a human newborn (ex, Tanya, Part IV; Iggeret HaKodesh 29:4) or enter a human to complete their purpose (ex, Sha’ar HaGilgulim 2:13, Sefat Emet, Numbers, Pinchas 23:2).
Thus, the teaching of the Jews in this world is that all nefesh, “animal life”, are sacred – as much as the human is sacred. Thus, rites regarding slaughter are an obligation for our people – blessings made and a painless quick death is given. We Jews are obligated to plant and to protect the land, and to ensure that other animals do not suffer by our human activities, place on the planetary “food chain”, or penchant for indifference.
In summary, the shechitah is a native Jewish people’s blood rite from the Canaan land of Israel, an intimate part of our Jewish dietary laws. Colonial Palestine’s “halal” is an appropriation, but we respect this. Just STOP occupying and terrorizing SWANA Indigenous peoples for the “allahu akbar” glory of anti-Indigenous Arab Muslim/Christian/Marxist supremacy over Native Southwest Asia peoples!

This meme is not funny, but rather ignorant of our Canaanite Hebrew origin story. The Torah of the Jews teaches that the breath of El(ohim), the Creator god, is hovering over the chaotic watery abyss (primordial elements within El).
Then, El spoke, “let there be light”. The result was a massive instant explosion of light that infused within all of the darkness. Thus, El had to separate “light” from the “darkness”. The Creator god called the “light” day, and the darkness “night”. This was the first day.
No mention of “time” is given in this passage. The words “day” and “night”, here, are descriptive place holders that are waiting for a set “time” and seasons to be created. In other words, a day could be 2 hours and the night is 148 hours. How long does El like to sleep in?
On the next two days of creation, perhaps the Creator god needed a little bit more balance between day and night. So, because El has now separated waters and begun to grow plant lifeforms (anaerobic with photosynthesis abilities), perhaps the day is now 12 hours and the night is 3 hours.
It is on day four that the Creator god shapes the luminaries in the sky to rule over the day and night, thus creating set times and seasons. A day that comprises daylight and nightlight, that eventually becomes near 24 hours by the time that humans are shaped from the soil on day six.
Then, the Creator god takes a day off from all of El’s creating, and gets some much needed rest before getting back to work. Thus, the final act of creating was creating the seven day week – the reason for the shabbat.
Update: A commenter on our post challenged us with the following: “Intelligence without a sense a humor is like a knife without a handle.” Meaning, that we are being too critical about this attempted humour.
Our response was simply: “Guay de mi, bavajadas! Todos los dedos de la mano no son unos. No save apartar la kalavasa de la berengena!”
Sephardi “oy vey”, nonsense! All the fingers of the hand are not the same! Meaning, humor is in the eye of the beholder.
One who doesn’t know a squash from an eggplant … (commenter).

Jews are not a religious “faith”, we are an Indigenous people. A native people, who are surviving BOTH on our native land and upon the worldwide diasporas (in nations that are not ethnically cleansing us!). We Jews must never take political sides in Colonial nations’ politics! We Jews must think about what is best for ALL still surviving Indigenous peoples, not just what is best for Jews/Israelis.
Despite what we have been forced for our very survival to think, we Jews are NOT the saviors of this world! USA diaspora Jews – and, especially, if you live in the political “battleground States” of the USA – taqshiv achshav (listen up)! Every vote matters and, especially, in the States of the USA that have the Electoral College advantage!
We Jews teach each other that to save the life of one is to save the life of all. … Now, yes, we know! This is a painfully complex belief that we believe in. Are we referring to our native Jewish people alone? Are we referring to all humans, in general or regardless of circumstance? Where do we find the balance to our moral indigenous stance in life?! … This is not easy for any Jews to answer, whether in our 1948 forcibly decolonized native land of Israel or whether in the diaspora nations.
We Jews who understand life outside of the United States of America ask you, Jews within the USA, these following questions and deeply in earnest:
If I am not for me and my people, who is for me and my people? And when I am for myself and my people alone, what am I? And if not now that I choose my side on our struggle for social justice, then when? – Pirkei Avot 1:14 made clear. Are my choices also benefiting all other still surviving Indigenous peoples upon this planet Earth, or does my political choice only benefit Jews upon the land of Israel and in the worldwide diasporas?
Division is the Colonizer’s game! Very rarely do you see a “people’s” movement in a Colonial nation. Yes, the United States IS a Colonial nation! At this moment, we – the world – are witnessing a working class and minority movement seeking their ruling political power within the political structure of the United States of Colonial America. The formerly enslaved with indigenous and other types of minorities all seeking a way of life that is NOT divisive, but is peacefullly and structurally inclusive!
Think for a moment the implications, here, BEYOND the USA! There is no nation upon this planet Earth that is as large as the United States of America. This is why you are the ONLY actual “superpower” upon this planet Earth! The United States has the greatest land space, the greatest amount of physical resources, and the greatest number of citizens to tax for the achievement of your desired goals.
What is happening NOW with the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz campaign for election to the Executive Branch of the United States of America, this benefits ALL Indigenous peoples worldwide, not just the native peoples within Colonial America. If criminal Donald J Trump regains power, the indigenous survivors of “America” will suffer, along with any other minorities undesired. And, the world suffers from the most powerful nation upon this planet Earth becoming an autocracy or, worse, a kleptocracy!
The United States needs to become an actual peoples’ democracy, for the sake of all still struggling minorities. Not just for the benefit of blacks and latinos/hispanics in the USA, but for all Michilimackinac native peoples’ benefit, too! AND, just think! A chance for the United States to be a real “ally” for all other struggling to survive Indigenous peoples seeking social justice planet Earth wide.
Imagine with us non-USA Jews, for a moment, a United States of America that embraces the suffering and victimized within its midst, ends the Colonial divisions, and supports all other still surviving Indigenous peoples around this planet Earth – indigenous peoples who are still wrestling with European and Arab Colonial nations, all for their sake of peace, security, and prosperity between humans emphasizing their “difference” upon this planet Earth?!

Arab Palestinians and neighboring formerly “indigenous” Arabized/Islamized burn the ground – the historic land of Israel – and native Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli “Arab” citizens of Israel) replant the ground.
It is an Indigenous Judean land obligation to make the land blossom into a garden. We will begin again, upon our ancestors’ land! … Upon our forcibly and, so far, successfully decolonized portion of our ancestors’ land.
This is all about hatred for Jewish people’s survival and our prosperity upon our native land!
Throughout the historical period of the British-Arab occupiers’ “Mandate for Palestine” upon our eretz Yisrael, Arabs were known as “Palestinians” along with Jews. This British-Arab reestablished Colonial “Palestine” upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan, a militarized occupation, is the justifying reason for the later post-1967 Palestinian Arab embracement of the word “Palestinian”.
When native Israelis liberated the Egyptian occupied Gaza and Jordan occupied “West Bank (of Jordan)” parts of 1948 forcibly decolonized land of Israel in 1967, Israel absorbed all the Palestinian Arabs that were forced by Egypt and Jordan to live upon the Gaza and “West Bank” Arab occupied parts of the nation-State of Israel.
Were it not for Arab Conquistador nationalism, these Palestinian Arabs would have had an opportunity to become citizens of Israel and join the Israeli Arab community of Israel. Israel offered this! These Palestinian Arab land-squatters chose to reject our native people’s offer. They have rejected every offer of peace since 1967, and through UNRWA funding have mounted terroristic warfare against the very existence of Israel for over 50 years.
Who are the Arab Palestinians, exactly?
“There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are part of one people, the [colonizing] Arab nation. Look, I have relatives with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenships. We are one people. Only for political reasons do we carefully subscribe to our [Colonial 1964 created] Palestinian identity.” – Zuheir Mohsen, زهير محسن, PLO leader, quoted in “Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden,” Dutch newspaper Trouw, March 31, 1977
This is your post-1967 “Palestinian people”, folks! The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was conjured up and written into an official charter in Moscow in 1964, then signed in Jerusalem by the occupying Palestinian Arabs upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized land of Israel.
The concept of a “Palestinian people” in the Colonial English language is highly misleading, and has been part of the problem for Israelis in our efforts to peacefully and securely decolonize upon our ancestral land. The rest of the world simply calls them “Palestinians”. Even these occupying Palestinian Arabs simply call themselves “Palestinians”.
So how do we get “Palestinian people” out of simply “Palestinian”? Note, before 1964, to call an Arab in our Southwest Asia region of Israel and Kurdistan just “Palestinian” would be an insult worthy of bloodletting! For “Palestinian” meant Jews, just like “Canaanite” meant Jews.
There is a Colonial Arabic word that gives us our answer. The word is “tsumúd” صمود, and it means “steadfastness” or “steady perseverance”. It is a Palestinian Arab colonial political strategy that emerged in the wake of the 1967 Six Day War.
We native Israeli people have a word that expresses our Indigenous people’s status upon our land, which became quite popular in the 1930’s – before our 1948 successful partial decolonization of our Jewish land. Jews are tsabarím, meaning “from the soil of our Canaan land, like the tsabar plant.” In other words, we Jews are the prickly pear cactus of the Canaan land of Israel – the land that European Palestinian and Arab Palestinian colonizers call Colonial “Palestine”.
Now, since 1967, amongst the occupying Palestinian Arabs, an Arab who exhibits tsumúd are referred to as tsamídín. The political ideology inherent amongst the Arab “Palestinian” Colonizers of the native SWANA lands of Israel and Kurdistan is that tsamídín will prevail over the tsabarím – if they keep their land-squatting political occupation upon our Southwest Asia native peoples’ lands!
The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations fully agree, for the funding of this post-WW1 European established Arab settler Colonialism upon Southwest Asia’s Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands has flowed nonstop! The endless daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly armed terrorisms continue nonstop!
The original Christian-Muslim racism of antisemitism (anti-Indigenous racism) insists that Israelis and Kurds must accept that we will never be allowed to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your European-Arab Conquistadors’ invented Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. Only a “two-state solution” between native Israelis and Kurds with the Arab Conquistadors upon the same areas of land is acceptable to the United Nations!

Zionism is the Jewish people’s Land Back movement. Martin Luther King Jr understood and fully supported this!
“Don’t talk like that! When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism!” – Martin Luther King, Jr., made in response to a student’s remark against “the Zionists” at a fundraising dinner at Martin Peretz home at 20 Larchwood Drive, Cambridge, in the early evening of 27 Oct 1967, wherein Seymour Martin Lipset was a guest to the dinner.
MLK’s words were witnessed personally by Seymour Martin Lipset, George D. Markham Professor of Government and Sociology at Harvard, which he later reported in an article that he published in the magazine Encounter in December 1969.
The Cambridge student was being radicalized by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) on campus. The SNCC had issued a newsletter to students claiming that “Zionist terror gangs” had “deliberately slaughtered and mutilated women, children and men, thereby causing the unarmed Arabs to panic, flee and leave their homes in the hands of the Zionist-Israeli forces.” – an ahistorical lie.
As the native people of your ancestral land you CANNOT reverse occupy your own land! LOL, but it’s NOT funny! Historical facts matter, except to citizens of Arab-European Colonial nations who believe in their society’s anti-Indigenous racist lies, disinformation, and outright propaganda. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
The Colonial Jordan named “West Bank” is not “Palestinian territory”! It is the “Arab Palestinian occupied Israeli people’s land.” We forcibly decolonized all of Judea and Samaria in 1948 – for literal Jewish people survival from racistly violent Jew-hating Europeans and Arabs!
The surrounding Colonial Arab nations DIDN’T HAVE TO engage in a 10 month siege of newly Independent Israel, displacing half the Arab population that was destined to be Israeli citizens. Egypt and Jordan DIDN’T HAVE TO occupy Gaza and the “West Bank” parts of 1948 decolonized Israel for 18+ years, until Israelis freedom fought these parts back in 1967.
The Arabs DIDN’T HAVE TO align themselves with the USSR’s KGB to invent the PLO terror organization and its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964, nor hire a Cairo born Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist Yasser Arafat to lead this imaginary people to redemption of their newly invented imaginary history upon the land of Israel.
False equivalency between a Native people and their Colonial occupiers is anti-Indigenous racism, full stop! Jews (and our Druze, Bedouin, and Arab citizens of Israel) who defend our land from this racistly violent Arab settler Colonialism – upon our SWANA native land – are righteously acting in self-defense. The extremists are those who settler occupy a land, religiously terrorize its native peoples and, then, cry victimhood when the natives pick up weapons and begin fighting back ferociously!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.

The Arabs didn’t have to invade the Southwest Asia region during WW1 with British and French military support to re-colonize Indigenous Peoples’ lands and divide it into Arab Colonial nations. The Arab settlers upon “Palestine” – only foreigners call Israel and Kurdistan “Palestine” – didn’t have to do a 10/7 HAMAS style massacre upon Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, 1930’s, and 1940’s, forcing our Jewish freedom fight for the liberation of Israel from violently racist British-Arab militarized occupation of our ancestral land.
The surrounding Colonial Arab nations didn’t have to engage in a 10 month siege of newly Independent Israel, displacing half the Arab population that was destined to be Israeli citizens. Egypt and Jordan didn’t have to occupy Gaza and the “West Bank” parts of 1948 decolonized Israel for 18+ years, until Israel freedom fought these parts back in 1967. The Arabs didn’t have to align themselves with the USSR’s KGB to invent the PLO terror organization and its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964, nor hire a Cairo born Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist Yasser Arafat to lead this imaginary people to redemption of their newly invented imaginary history upon the land of Israel.
The Palestinian Authority and Arab Palestinian HAMAS didn’t have to engage in pay-for-slay and martyrdom terrorism for the last 6 decades. The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” post-1948 occupations of Gaza and (what Jordan named) the “West Bank” – all to prevent Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) peace and security after forcibly decolonizing our Judean people’s land in 1948! The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” terrorist schools, weapons purchases, and terrorist tunnel constructions for 2 decades!!!
Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism didn’t have to break the ceasefire on Oct 7th, 2023! This Arab “Palestinian” tragedy that is unfolding in Gaza did not need to happen! And the United Nations are directly responsible for this anti-Israeli and anti-Kurd depraved violence upon Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands! We Indigenous Israelis and Kurds are the most saddened that Arab-European Conquistador anti-Indigenous racism – for the glory of Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism – has caused this violence and bloodshed upon our lands!
We Israelis and Kurds will not stop freedom fighting against Arab-European settler Colonialism, until Arab “Palestinians” lay down their anti-Indigenous racism and weapons and allow Indigenous Israel and Kurdistan to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst these post-WW1 Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
If Arab “Palestinians”, Turks, and Iranians lay down their weapons and anti-Indigenous racism, there will be peace upon the lands of Israel, Kurdistan, and Assyria! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter!
META Description : From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day soon Kurdistan and Israel will be free from Colonial “Palestine”.
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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