Please, successfully colonized USA Jews, please STOP trying to redefine Judaism, Judah-people-ism, for all of us Jews. More importantly, when we non-USA Jews visit you in person and online – especially, we minority Jews(!) – please STOP taking immediate offense to our more native Jewish expressions. We speak to educate from our traditional understandings! Before deleting comments and blocking visiting native Jews, ask a question and LISTEN to our responses – first! Then, decide if we are too divided as Jews to have a mutually beneficial Jewish relationship.

And, now, for the intended USA Jews in this post, we non-USA Jews have a Jewish interest in Sci-fi stories like Star Trek, too! We are NOT as backwards as you assume us to be!
There is a pattern that I have noticed as an insular Jew raised in a non-USA proper environment: Whether it is a Humanistic Judaism type of Jew or an Orthodox type of Jew, those who pursue the Colonial holy grail of a USA university doctorate (PhD) degree come out behaving like the Kreetassans in the Star Trek Enterprise episode “Vox Sola”, S1 E22. No, seriously!
It’s like they are a special species of Jew, more advanced and evolved in all their thesis understanding of Judaism, Judea-people-ism, that even a tzabar Jew well educated in our native Judaism ethno-religion faces frustrating and unexplained door slamming. No question, no challenge for the sake of better understanding, just immediate deletion of our comments and blocking so that no discussion is actually had.
This Jewish behavior in the United States baffles me! And it effects not just the Gen Z and Millennial generation of Jews, but the Gen X generation, too.
It’s as if Jews not of the Colonial university credentialed type or speaking constantly in yeshiva verbage are not actually Jews, and the words expressed by such are uncomfortable, unwelcome, and unwanted. No matter how innocent and diplomatic our comments may be. We more native Jews are a different species, trying to understand how we keep effing up on sight before the superior Jews who live in the USA.
I was raised on an island in a yeshiva that never once slammed the door on what is perceived as an ignorant comment. A question or challenge would be offered instead. You know, just to be sure that this comment does not derive from an unfamiliar minority Jewish opinion. And, if it is truly ignorant, a polite correction is offered with the encouragement to, now, “go study”.
All well educated Jews know that all well studied Jewish opinions are valid Jewish thoughts, whether we agree with them or not!
It is a bad sign when a Jew finds another Jew’s comments so (what?, offensive?, ignorant? – we never know!), that he shows a thin-skinned knee jerk reaction to the very presence of the Jew that has expressed his native experience and understanding of Judaism. Thus, responding with the immediate assumption that this uncomfortable presence must go away, immediately!
This is NOT the Jewish derech, our native path! A path laid out by ordinary Jews with non-PhD level education in “Judaism”. You know, the more every day native types of Jews from all around this planet, that are also well studied in our living Judaism – our writings and our people’s history. … Who gave you that PhD, anyhow? Was it a non-Jewish society’s education credentialed system that your kind of Jews have embraced?
More importantly, is the rest of Jewish experience and understanding not quite Jewish, because it doesn’t fit your Colonial trained approach to understanding what Judaism is? So, it needs interpretation, modification and, thus, correction on what Judaism is and believes?
So much so that you couldn’t reach out to a Jew first to ask a question before choosing to delete and block? Or, at the very least, leave a message as to why you felt on first contact that our expression is wrong for you and, therefore, we are to be in separate worlds for this?
It’s only among USA Jews that this non-USA Jew, who is well travelled, has experienced this – repeatedly, in the USA physical and online environment.
We are either not the right skin color/look to be a “Jew” (thus, turn away, lest he try speaking again – and, too, his not submissive but respectful wife – oh, why did he visit our “shul” on Shabbat?, and we’re not even heredi Jews!). Or we say something in person or online that doesn’t fit the established well trained norm, so knee jerk reaction – he/she must never be heard from again.
What I don’t get is that everything I teach or make as a comment is fully based in both Torah and in Talmud conversation. My words are the words of non-credentialed but well studied ancestral experience that is shared in modern form. And, further, I only wanted to add to the Jewish worldwide conversation in my effort to comment. And, even if it is in a comment on a PhD credentialed Jew’s public post.
So, USA Jews, what is it with all these instant judgements without a questioning response?! You do know, don’t you, that slamming the door only applies to non-Jews seeking to be proselytized into Judaism, right? … Oh, maybe Jews in the USA are starting to forget. Judaism is not an approved thesis nor a degree, it is a native lived path that is based within a relationship with the land of Israel and our Torah and other writings.
Do not slam the door on a visiting Jew who appears (what?, insensitive?, ignorant?, what?! – what happened?!) on first contact. ESPECIALLY, if you pride yourself on working on creating a more inclusive Jewish environment!!! For example,… “With great fanfare, David Zvi Kalman and Joshua Schwartz announced their production of a new, “egalitarian and queer-inclusive” bencher, Seder Oneg Shabbos.”
How is a queer Jew going to trust you, when you treat different Jews in this way? Sincerely, just a Jew trying to reach out online to this world, from my own personal experience. And, who is trying to understand the behaviors of university educated Jews in the USA.
David A.M. Wilensky, will you share this post to my hoped for new friend, David Zvi Kalman? Maybe, to Adam Chalom, too? Keep Jewposting, trekkers!

Why is it only USA Jews? From “religious” to “secular”, uncomfortable when hearing a difference of opinion? So, delete and block immediately! Especially if it is a tsabar speaking and clarifying native SWANA Jewish understanding and tradition.
What was it that we wrote to deserve to be treated so, for adding productively to the Jewish people’s conversation? … It is ALWAYS and ONLY USA Jews that do this to other Jews! Do you think your Western university degree makes you smart or right and others wrong, if it clouds your understanding?
Here is what we wrote as a comment to David Zvi Kalman ‘s posting on Jews being like a butterfly and just a religion (time as an arrow and time as a loop):
Jews have never been just “a religion” (except for maybe some living in the USA). Jews are an Eastern people with an Eastern language, our Canaanite Hebrew. This Eastern language informs our native Southwest Asia people’s Jewish worldview, as evidenced in the sacred writings of our Jewish ancestors and in how we see this world.
We Jews are not “a butterfly pinned to a board” that is “still alive and flapping its wings”. And only by studying the past, do we Jews see historical spirals.
Jews are a type of indigenous cactus, the tsabarím, that is always facing “East”, from whence we came. East is the head, the “top”, of our Jewish people’s compass. Our word “qadim”, which means “East wind” also means “ancient”, and this is because – for the Jewish people – the past is always before us, and the unexpected, semi-predictable, surprising and, sometimes, horrifying future sneaks up on us behind our backs, where we do not have eyes to see.
Apparently, David Zvi Kalman is a Jew, despite his Colonial given PhD, because he didn’t see our comment approaching!

The young have difficulty with listening and historical comprehension. So, instead of appreciating our correction, Gen Z are quick to emotionally react (defensively disagree and argue their point to “exhaustion”) and, then, (suddenly) delete your presence from their page, if they did not convince you on their points. Why even have the conversation at all, Gen Zers?!!! Now, your post is only spreading ahistorical disinformation!
As an admin for JIRA recently said, “In the Gen Z’s mind all things are somehow equivalents, and both sides have legitimate views. Therefore, whatever can be used to justify your view is the truth.” Even if it’s disinformation? A lie, that will now be used against you?
“Palestinian” identity was recreated by the British, French, and Arab militarized occupation force upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan in 1918. “Palestinians” were Jews and all others living in the land. Palestinian Jews became known as Israelis in 1948, and Palestinian Arabs (both Christian and Muslim) continued to be known as Colonial Jordanians, Colonial Syrians, and “Palestinian Arabs”.
In 1964 in Moscow, the USSR’s KGB invented the PLO to create the disinformation lie that post-WW1 Palestinian Arab settlers have some kind of land rights to native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands. This PLO charter was signed in Jerusalem, and the KGB recruited Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist Yasser Arafat to lead this Colonial Arab resistance movement – in response to our 1948 Indigenous forced decolonization of part of our land and rejection of the USSR as an ally.
Like Donald J Trump, Yasser Arafat was a useful idiot for the exploiting, used for his handler’s foreign policy objectives upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan. Mahmoud Abbas was also recruited, handpicked, and groomed by the KGB for PLO leadership.
A puppet has no personal self-autonomy. Only with the handler pulling the strings, does the puppet have a voice and actions. Both Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas were specifically recruited by the KGB for their assigned roles. Islamic Iran is in a bromance relationship with Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin’s first career was being a KGB agent for the USSR. Connect the dots, folks!
Likewise, Yahya Sinwar and Palestinian HAMAS, Hezbollah, the Houthis (etc) are swords being swung by the puppet master Islamic Iran. Islamic Iran is trying desperately – with continued UNRWA financial support – to chop more necks, arms, and legs off of Israelis – and they don’t give a damn how many Gazans they kill to achieve this!
What got our tsabarím (sabarim) comment deleted from a Jewish Gen-Z page was this:
We told [you] where the ahistorical parts are in both your posted words and the text. We are baffled about why you cannot see the inaccuracies (which antisemites will point out to call Jews “liars”). BUT, it’s your page and WE SUPPORT your page! We hope you’ll allow us to continue commenting with easily verifiable historical facts to add to your conversation with this Jew-hating world. Toda achi!
[Note, deleting our comment and polite discussion wasn’t enough, JIRA is also now blocked from further participation on his page. Wow!]
This is why we Gen Xers MUST continue doing the talking to the young ones, so that in OUR generation we see peace and security upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
We, here, at Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA put easily verifiable historical facts – the “full history” – into one short or long post many times a day. What is behind the online resistance to just saying it accurately, as we native Israelis and Kurds try to teach every single day?

Significant events in 1492 CE:
In March 1492, after years of failing to forcibly convert the native Jewish communities who had been living in Spain and Portugal since 70 CE, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon issue the Alhambra Decree that began the expulsion of Jews from their kingdoms. This ethnic cleansing was the largest displacement of an Indigenous people to date. But, very soon, not to be the last!
In August 1492, the Arawak people of the “Caribbean” islands that are surrounding AbyaYala and Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands – what European Colonizers named South and North “America” – discovered Christopher Columbus and sailing gang, who were lost at sea trying to find India (the “East Indies”) for Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II. Thus, began the second largest attempted Christianization and mass displacement of Indigenous peoples!
It is history such as this, experienced by Native peoples who have been occupied and terrorized by European/Christian and Arab/Muslim Conquistadors, that is the reason Jews indigenous to Judea and Samaria, Southwest Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East are SO resolute to remaining (partially) 1948 decolonized upon our ancestors’ Zion, the land of Israel! We Jews are a “light” unto all still struggling to decolonize Indigenous peoples worldwide.
All that we Native peoples worldwide want is for the Christian, Muslim (and, now, Marxist, too) Colonizers to STOP trying to force/manipulate convert us, commit genocide upon us, and ALLOW us to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations! STOP forcibly politically land-squatting, and give us a little self-sovereign land space!! Is this really too hard for the sake of PEACE?!!!
We don’t want to be you (except for the successfully colonized), and we only want sovereign peace amongst you.
The RiverWinds, Taíno and Cherokee family, commented – “November 11, 1493 Sephardic Yehudi and Bnei Anusim (aka Crypto Jews) landed on my island. My people are the tribe of first contact. We were the first Island Arawak to fight against colonization and conquest, and many Sephardim (Sefardi Jews) fought with us in the first 11 year war that eventually led to our indigenous freedom.” – Joseph AmaHura RiverWind

Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared,
“These days, during Elul, everybody talks about the “haMelech ba’sadeh” trope. The idea being that during the yamim noraim season God abandons His celestial palace, descends from heaven and dwells here on earth. This in turn makes Him more accessible–just like a king who is roaming the fields away from their palace, during which time they are more accessible to their subjects.
When a king is in the fields, the protective bubble usually surrounding royalty is gone, making it easy to approach them.
Personally, this trope never spoke to me very much.
I like it better when different realms separate God from us and us from God, I don’t want easy access and perpetual intimacy. I’d rather we occupy our own individual spaces and only occasionally, when either party is so inclined, reach out to each other, spend precious intimate time, but then return to our designated realms.
Couples who are together all the time tend to encounter more challenges than couples who love each other but also respect the fact that they are not one and the same, and therefore occasionally give each other some “alone-time” when they can be their own self-self; themselves as experienced on their own, not themselves as defined through the prism of their connection to another entity.
Same here, when God is ba’sadeh, I in fact get a bit anxious. I worry: will I lose my existential self because it will be consumed by the all encompassing embrace of our King and Loving Father. As we know, human as well as divine love can sometimes be suffocating. A more healthy relationships between God and humanity is one that operates in what kabbalists call the הלוך וחזור mode, the push-pull dynamic. They are close sometimes, but also know when to step back and give their beloved their own space, away from Avinu/Malkeinu, so that they can cultivate their own non-contingent self.
So: if hamelech is indeed ba’sadeh during the two months of Elul and Tishrei, I will definitely stop by to say hello. I won’t, however, lurk close by all the time. Instead, I’ll wait until He goes back to his realm and THEN continue our operative model of push-and-pull. Sometimes spending close and intimate moments, and at other times making sure that we are far far away from one Another.”

Shema/Listen! Our wise ancestors told stories of chacham (gifted Jews) who could speak in other animal languages. Such stories are preserved in our Jewish ancestral writings. As well, our wise ancestors taught that sometimes human “souls” are reincarnated into other animals to fulfill an incomplete life mission.
One has to wonder, if natively Jewish, what it is that we just witnessed in this tik tok video. Does the cat understand our human languages, verbally and emotionally, and hates Donald J Trump for saying that Haitians are eating dogs and cats (and geese)?
Or is this a Jewish soul that was reincarnated into this cat to witness Donald J Trump’s blatant racism and antisemitism, in order to show the world that he is a “disgrace” that is deserving a cat-like hiss and attack?
Beware the cats that are within the “cat lady”s home, J.D. Vance, for you are likely next!!!
META Description : USA Jews, PLEASE, before deleting comments and blocking visiting native Jews, ask a question and LISTEN to our responses – first!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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