The only path to peace, security, and social justice for all Indigenous peoples – for all still colonized Native peoples – is to decolonize now in this 21st century CE! Let the Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel and our neighboring Kurdish people be the examples to all nations seeking “land back” decolonization.

Significant events in 1492 CE:
In March 1492, after years of failing to forcibly convert the native Jewish communities who had been living in Spain and Portugal since 70 CE, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon issue the Alhambra Decree that began the expulsion of Jews from their kingdoms. This ethnic cleansing was the largest displacement of an Indigenous people to date. But, very soon, not to be the last!
In August 1492, the Arawak people of the “Caribbean” islands that are surrounding AbyaYala and Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands – what European Colonizers named South and North “America” – discovered Christopher Columbus and sailing gang, who were lost at sea trying to find India (the “East Indies”) for Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II. Thus, began the second largest attempted Christianization and mass displacement of Indigenous peoples!
It is history such as this, experienced by Native peoples who have been occupied and terrorized by European/Christian and Arab/Muslim Conquistadors, that is the reason Jews indigenous to Judea and Samaria, Southwest Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East are SO resolute to remaining (partially) 1948 decolonized upon our ancestors’ Zion, the land of Israel! We Jews are a “light” unto all still struggling to decolonize Indigenous peoples worldwide.
All that we Native peoples worldwide want is for the Christian, Muslim (and, now, Marxist, too) Colonizers to STOP trying to force/manipulate convert us, commit genocide upon us, and ALLOW us to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial nations! STOP forcibly politically land-squatting, and give us a little self-sovereign land space!! Is this really too hard for the sake of PEACE?!!!
We don’t want to be you (except for the successfully colonized), and we only want sovereign peace amongst you.
The RiverWinds, Taíno and Cherokee family, commented – “November 11, 1493 Sephardic Yehudi and Bnei Anusim (aka Crypto Jews) landed on my island. My people are the tribe of first contact. We were the first Island Arawak to fight against colonization and conquest, and many Sephardim (Sefardi Jews) fought with us in the first 11 year war that eventually led to our indigenous freedom.” – Joseph AmaHura RiverWind

Significant events in 1908 CE:
On August 16, 1908, ‘The Young Turks’, The Committee of Union and Progress, announces Ottoman reforms and respect for the rights of all living within the Ottoman Empire, regardless of race or religion. In response, Mizrahi, Sephardi, and Ashkenazi Jewish leaders encourage Jews living upon the land of Israel to be Ottoman in citizenship, while seeking their peaceful decolonization from Colonial rule upon eretz yisrael.
“Our homeland has returned to rebirth… the Jewish people, residents of Turkey, will endeavor through the freedoms given to us to bring closer all that is good and useful for our homeland… Forward, brothers, a little bit of force and everything can be accomplished. In order to save our [Jewish] honor before everything!” – Avraham Elmaliach, 1908, journalist and influential Sephardi-Mizrahi Zionist, born in Jerusalem, founder of Herut (“Freedom”) newspaper, editor between 1914 and 1919, this newspaper became the official newspaper of the Irgun freedom fighters for the liberation of Israel from British-Arab occupation.
“The call to accept Ottoman citizenship does not mean assimilation… What is the meaning of the term Ottoman?… It is a political term, no more… Jews, be Ottoman! Be the subjects of the Ottoman Empire, so you can be Hebrew in the land of your forefathers.” – Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, 1908 in Jerusalem, journalist and influential Ashkenazi Zionist, born in Luzhki Russia, Editor of ha’Tsvi newspaper, Jerusalem.
Why did Jews not peacefully and securely decolonize before 1919, so that we could reestablish Israeli sovereignty? Fearing the likelihood of this Jewish decolonization actually happening, the Arabs invaded – their infamous Hashemite Caliphate alliance with Europe! This Arab occupation of Southwest Asia was supported by both the British and the French. … Most specifically, the militarized occupation of the land of Israel by the British and Arabs after World War 1.
The Roman empire’s Colonial “Palestine-Syria” had been reborn in 1918 upon Jewish and Kurdish peoples’ lands through an occupying European-Arab “Mandate” alliance! By 1929, Arab settlers were committing 10/7 Palestinian HAMAS style terrorism upon native Jews living upon the land of Israel. This British-Arab militarized occupation and Arab terrorisms is what started the Jewish freedom fighting for the liberation of our land of Israel from this racistly violent settler Colonialism!

Significant events in 1918 CE:
The Arabs are coming 🇵🇸! The Arabs are coming 🇵🇸!! The British 🇬🇧 and French 🇫🇷 are coming, too!!!
(Note, in pre-WW1 negotiations, the British helped the Arabs to design their flags of Caliphate colors 🔴⚫⚪🟢, in order to create Arab nationalism amongst their military troops.)
And here ends the native Jewish people’s 🕎 post-1908 hoped for peaceful and secure decolonization of the land of Israel 🇮🇱!!! Colonial “Palestine” occupation has been RESTORED upon the land of Israel, courtesy the European League of Nations 🇺🇳, like in the Roman empire 🔱 days of old! What were the native Jewish people, just trying to peacefully decolonize, to do?!!
On Oct 1, 1918, the combined Arab and British military force, under the command of T. E. Lawrence, the “Lawrence of Arabia”, captures Damascus, after General Allenby and military force had already captured the Land of Israel from the fleeing Turks.
Armed with their British “Mandate for Palestine” and the French “Mandate for Syria” (their ancestors’ Roman version, “Syria Palaestina”), a border commission was established in December 1920 to decide how our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands are to be divided amongst the newly occupying “Palestinian” rulers of our lands!
(Over 1/3 of historic Israel and two parts of Kurdistan was eventually awarded to the southern Arabian royal Hashemite family for ruling ownership – think red 🔴 colour. The rest of Israel,… Now, the Jewish people fought for her against unbelievable odds, until the British left our land – near two decades of being called “terrorists” for freedom fighting from British-Arab militarized occupation.)
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! But, back on this year’s events.
The New York Times newspaper of America reported that General Allenby with his “Anglo-Egyptian” army reached the territory lying between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean, he and his soldiers found thousands of acres cultivated by immigrant Jews dwelling in a dozen or so communities…” – an act of native restoration of “land sovereignty” – “[the communities] were found to be in thriving and prosperous condition and far superior, as to scientific cultivation and housing, to the Arab farmers or those of the Turkish crown lands in the Plain of Sharon….” – Zionism Already Begun in Palestine, NYT article from June 9th, 1918
Here is one more significant historical event for the year 1918:
On Aug 4, 1918, Adolf Hitler receives Germany’s national “bravery award”, the Iron Cross first class, for his wartime bravery – ON THE RECOMMENDATION of his JEWISH superior, Lieutenant Hugo Gutmann!!! How did Adolf Hitler and later Nazi recruited Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini محمد أمين الحسيني, repay Lieutenant Hugo Gutmann?
Come on!!! JUST SAY IT! With the attempted genocide and extermination of the Jewish people ENTIRELY from the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa. WW2!! Had they been able to, the United States would have participated, as well! More than enough elected USA Senators courted and spearheaded this effort with the Nazis in the United States of Colonial America.

Significant events in 1948 CE:
In the early months of 1948, the Jewish freedom fighters (Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah that would later become the IDF) are taking more heavy losses in their near two decades war to decolonize the land of Israel, while also doing serious damage to the Arab and British infrastructure and to the political will of the British to continue their occupation.
On May 14, 1948, Israel successfully forcibly decolonizes. David Ben-Gurion declares Israel independent from British administration. The occupying British end their 28 year “Mandate” over Colonial “Palestine”, and the United States gives Israel “de facto” recognition (Soviet Union, then, recognizes 2 days later). The very next day, May 15th, the armies of Egypt, the Arab League of Colonial Jordan, and Colonial Syria launch a 10 month offensive attack against Israel, with military support for this invasion coming from Lebanon, Colonial Iraq, and Saudi Arabia!
“You won’t get anything by peaceful means or compromise. You can, perhaps, get something, but only by the force of your arms. We shall try to defeat you. I am not sure we’ll succeed, but we’ll try. We were able to drive out the Crusaders, but on the other hand, we lost Spain and Persia. It may be that we shall lose [Colonial] Palestine. But it’s too late to talk of peaceful solutions.” – Arab League secretary Abd al-Rahman Azzam Pasha on September 16, 1947
“The representative of the Jewish Agency told us yesterday that they were not the attackers, that the Arabs had begun the fighting. We did not deny this. We told the whole world that we were going to fight [to prevent the native Jews from successfully decolonizing and forming an independent Israeli nation].” – Jamal Husseini told the Security Council on April 16, 1948
“It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” – Abd al-Rahman Azzam Pasha, secretary-general of the Arab League, 1948
The only Arab achievements from this Caliphate war to re-conquer now decolonized native Israel was Egypt occupying Gaza and Colonial Jordan occupying the part of Judea-Samaria that Jordan named the “West Bank” of Jordan. Their land occupations would last for over 18 years. In 1967, after another attempt to conquer Israel, native Israelis liberated these Arab occupied areas of Israel from Colonial rule!
Pan-Arabism is the unification of all Arab people across the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and North Africa into a single Arab nation-state. This is the reason for the invention of the “Palestinian people” movement, to continue their Arab conquest to re-colonize Israel and Kurdistan, fully, under Arab national colonial rule.
“There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are part of one people, the [colonizing] Arab nation. Look, I have relatives with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenships. We are one people. Only for political reasons do we carefully subscribe to our [Colonial 1964 created] Palestinian identity.” – Zuheir Mohsen, زهير محسن, PLO leader, quoted in “Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden,” Dutch newspaper Trouw, March 31, 1977
If your State were suddenly occupied by pan-Arab nationalists who seek to politically land-squat, terrorize you, and ethnically cleanse you, wouldn’t you want your land back, too? This is what happened to the nation-State of Israel in 1948!
On Dec 9, 1948, the United Nations’ General Assembly unanimously approves their Convention on Genocide – to define internationally what constitutes a genocide, based upon the example of what the European and Arab Nazis did to the Jewish people of the land of Israel upon the continents of Europe, Southwest Asia, and Africa during WW2. On Dec 10th, the UN General Assembly adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The City on the Edge of Forever (S1 E28) is the most Jewish episode of Star Trek. Why do I say this? The past is the present, like the future is the present. And, as this Star Trek episode reveals, the past is always before us, and the future sneaks up on us.
Zikaron leYom Rishon, Appendix 1-3
“זמן תוחם הוויה; סופו של זמן הוא סופה של הוויה ותחילתה של חדשה. סופה של ההוויה הוא סיכומה ולכן שפיטתה.
Time delineates experience. The end of time is the end of one experience and the beginning of another new experience. The end of an experience is its conclusion and, so, its evaluation.”
For the landing party, all it took for their experience to change was a reevaluation of the past. McCoy’s jump into the past represents this Jewish understanding of time. The present changed instantly, and with it the hoped for future of going back to the Enterprise.
In other words, time is not entirely a fixed entity, for it depends upon the observer’s awareness to even exist. And the same is true for space itself – unquantifiable, until quantified in some rudimentary accepted way. For humans, time is represented by memory events that exist in our present mind, a mind being informed by evidence from our senses.
How different groups of humans perceive time determines their perception of the past, and this perception changes the future as it informs our present. Not every human’s perception of time is the same, because the language used is different.
Jews are not the only people on planet Earth that sees time as flowing from in front of you, the known “past” or “East wind”, to behind you, the unknown or not fully known “future” or “West wind”. The Malagasy people also experience time through their language in this manner. For them, the known situation is what triggers the event, not a perceived future likelihood.
Like Jews, the future is precariously behind the Malagasy people, where they have no eyes and cannot see (clearly). So, they do not – to use an analogy – start driving the bus because the appointed hour or event has arrived for this or because they have predicted the future, rather they start driving when the bus is actually full.
Most of the world, because of dominating social languages, see the passage of time opposite of what is displayed here in this Star Trek episode! “The Guardian” of time is behind most humans, much like a closet full of kept memories, and they are looking apprehensively towards the unknown future that is before them.
The City on the Edge of Forever (S1 E28) is, in my humble opinion, the most Jewish episode of Star Trek. But there are other very Jewish episodes, that I might share a meme on when it is before me in my present.

Photographed in 1889 by Anthropologist Emil Schmidt, a note in Globus about this photograph says “…….. Jude aus Cochin (Malabar, Ostindien), Der Tagelöhner David Nehemia , 32 Jahre alt. Photographiert 1889”
Translated as “…….. Jew from Cochin (Malabar, East India), The day labourer David Nehemia, 32 years old. Photographed in 1889” … Courtesy: Globus, Germany.
Malabari Jews of Cochin. – Like most Jews living in the regional diasporas of Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, North Africa, and Arabia, the Cochin communities of Jews predate the conquests of Arab Islamic Colonizers by numerous hundreds of years. The Jews in the land of Malabar, had formed communities in and around central Kerala as early as during the reign of King Solomon, 9th to early 11th century BCE.
In the early 16th century, Sephardi Jews – Jews who had settled in the Iberian Peninsula diaspora after the Roman occupiers destruction of the Jewish 2nd Temple in 70 CE, and who were ethnically cleansed from Iberia by the Christian Conquistadors in 1492 – were part of a Mizrahi-Sephardi immigration to Kerala. Most of the Sephardi Jews that came to India arrived by way of Aleppo, Constantinople, and the Land of Israel. The other Jews were from Arab colonized Iraq, Persia, and Yemen.

The Real Israel shared,
Former Sudanese Slave Simon Deng was a child when Jihadist terrorist militias attacked his village, slaughtered many, & took him & others as slaves. He was horrified to witness Hamas do the same thing to Israel on October7.
“What Hamas did was precisely like what Arab Sudan genocide government did to my people. Since they invaded Africa in the seventh century, Arab Muslims had always been doing jihad. Both Israel and my country, South Sudan, were born through jihad, one which began in 1948, the other in 1955.”
Via Think-Israel Organization
A real ally of the Jewish people of the Southwest Asia native Canaan land of Israel. … This man is Ghanaian, and we Jews are proud of you brother! 👏 💙 🙌
African man schools a Muslim Colonizer! Jews are not “white”, including Jesus of Nazareth.

This is how the Palestinian Authority treats their own: “Among other things, he was beaten all over his body with rifles, electric cables, and batons; they were hanged using the ‘Al Shabach’ method, denied sleep and access to the bathroom, forced to go out naked at night, and had cold water poured on him.”
The Palestinian Authority imprisoned these Palestinians “for more than four years in the basements of the PA” and severely tortured them, because they helped to thwart terrorist acts against Israel, according to “several rulings handed down at the beginning of this month by Judge Miriam Ilani of the Jerusalem District Court.
Another judgment speaks of sleep deprivation, teeth breaking, denial of access to the bathroom, being forced to drink soap, as well as threats to kill his family.
Attorneys Barak Kedem and Aryeh Arbus, who represent the Palestinian collaborators, said: “The events of October 7 taught us about the heavy moral debt we have towards the collaborators who help us in dealing with terrorism. The fact that the court obliged the Palestinian Authority to compensate the collaborators is recognition of their contribution and a distinction between enemy and ally.”
Hand over NIS 3 million of that UNRWA money from your personal bank account, Mahmoud Abbas. You can afford it – compensate your tortured Palestinian people!
On August 1st, 2024, the Jerusalem District Court ruled “in a series of decisions that the Palestinian Authority (PA) must pay over 80 million shekels, or more than $21,000, to 39 individuals suspected by the PA of collaborating with Israel.
Judge Moshe Drori “described the torture as “numerous and brutal,” detailing various methods used on the plaintiffs, including beatings with electric cables, metal rods and antennas; sleep deprivation; binding in painful positions; denial of access to restrooms and showers; stuffing a rag soiled with excrement into their mouths; extinguishing cigarettes on their bodies; starvation; and genital beatings.
In one case, a plaintiff was stoned, tied to a wall with a towel soaked in toilet water stuffed into his mouth, subjected to hot plastic being placed on his hand, had his head forced into a toilet, and was urinated and defecated on. The plaintiff reported that the severe torture ceased only after he confessed to the crimes attributed to him.”
Attorneys Aryeh Arbus and Barak Kedem, “The decisions send a clear message that Israel will do everything in its power to ensure the safety of collaborators who aid us in our fight against terror. Without the Palestinian Authority, Hamas could not operate as it does.”

IFC FATWA: “Hamas bears responsibility for its own reign of corruption and terror against Palestinian civilians within Gaza. It is prohibited to pray for, join, support, finance, or fight on behalf of Hamas – an entity that adheres to the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood movement.
Furthermore, The Islamic Fatwa Council joins The UAE Fatwa Council and the Council of Senior Scholars of Saudi Arabia in declaring the Muslim Brotherhood movement and all of its branches as terrorist organizations that defame Islam and operate in opposition to mainstream Islamic unity, theology and jurisprudence.”
FATWA | Palestinian Human Rights in Gaza – File No: F02301 – March 9, 2023 / Sha’bān 17, 1444 (which corresponds to the Jewish calendar date Adar 16, 5783)
Yahya Sinwar needs to face the same fate as Saddam Hussein of Iraq – a trial and capital punishment by his victimized Gazan people! A ceasefire without a complete surrender by Palestinian HAMAS and the arrest of Yahya Sinwar is a win for the terrorists, full stop!
The European nations should take a lesson from these Middle Eastern Fatwas, and stop UNRWA funding post-WW1 Arab settler Colonialism upon our Southwest Asia native peoples’ lands!

The world is changing! … International Fatwa Regarding Hamas Rule in Gaza
Fatwa No.: F02301 – March 9, 2023
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Master Muhammad, his family and all his companions
As an Islamic and Jurisprudential Council, we monitor the affairs and conditions of Muslims around the world, trying to issue the appropriate legal and jurisprudential position for the facts that Muslims in the world in general and the Palestinian people in particular may be exposed to
In this context, we have noticed the situation of the oppressed Palestinians in Gaza under the rule of the Hamas movement and the brutality and violations that the Palestinian people suffer there. We consider it our Islamic and legal duty to take the appropriate religious position in order to protect the rights of the Palestinians in Gaza
The Islamic Council for Fatwa and Guidance has taken a legal position towards (Hamas) for violating the verses of the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Noble Prophet, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace
Signed, Islamic Fatwa Council (IFC)
The Islamic Fatwa Council (IFC) is the first global governing judicial body specializing in deducing Fatwas from indisputable and moderate Islamic references. The IFC transcends borders and continents as its jurists and legal scholars come from all Islamic denominations and sects, reinforcing the credibility and legality of the issued verdict. It is a representative legal body of all sects of Islam, critical for denouncing and opposing all forms of violent verdicts and hateful public statements.
فتوى شرعية بخصوص حكم حماس في غزة
الفتوى رقم: ف02301
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
بصفتنا مجلسًا إسلاميًا وفقهيًا ، فاننا نراقب شؤون وأحوال المسلمين في عموم العالم محاولين اصدار الموقف الشرعي والفقهي المناسب للوقائع التي قد يتعرض لها المسلمون في العالم عامة والشعب الفلسطيني بشكل خاص
و في إطار ذلك لاحظنا حال المضطهدين من الفلسطينيين في غزة تحت حكم حركة حماس
والوحشية والانتهاكات التي يعاني منها الشعب الفلسطيني هناك. فإننا نعتبر أن من واجبنا الإسلامي والشرعي اتخاذ الموقف الديني المناسب من أجل حماية حقوق الفلسطينيين في غزة
اتخذ المجلس الاسلامي للفتوى والارشاد موقفاً شرعياً تجاه (حماس) لمخالفتها لايات القران الكريم وتعاليم النبي الأكرم صلى الله عليه واله وسلم

Though the video shows Yahya Sinwar free from his terrorist tunnels, this video captures accurately very recent events!
Yes, Sinwar doesn’t want to face being hung by Gazans like Saddam Hussein was hung, SO his HAMAS negotiators are trying to free him by forcing Israel to except a U.S. version of a ceasefire plan that would allow him to escape Gaza like Osama bin Laden escaped accountability for many long years.
Yes, while HAMAS negotiators were in Doha meeting with Qatar’s Prime Minister & Egyptian Intelligence Chief to force an Israeli ceasefire with no conditions that would limit Yahya Sinwar’s chances of survival, his Palestinian terrorists were launching 30 rockets into northern Israel and taking public claim for it. HAMAS ally Hezbollah joined in this terrorist attack with an additional 100 rockets.
Meanwhile, Israel’s IDF hostage rescuers are finding nine tunnels from Gaza into Egypt, that were all sealed by Egypt on the Egyptian side just prior to the Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorist attack targeting native Israelis on Oct 7th, 2023, for their “allahu akbar” holy war against Indigenous resistance!
Egypt doesn’t want to get its hands dirty like Iran, but Egypt has always been an ally of the Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist army, HAMAS, that is occupying Gaza and parts of the “West Bank”! Egypt does not care, like Iran, how many Gazan women and children are murdered by Palestinian HAMAS fighters – who are fighting this Islamic war amongst them and want their deaths, in order to cripple Israel.
Hamas negotiators on Sep 11 met with Qatar’s Prime Minister & Egyptian Intelligence Chief. The meeting in Doha came amid efforts to break the deadlock in the Gaza ceasefire deal talks. Hamas released a statement & confirmed the meeting on a deal that includes IDF’s withdrawal. Watch this video for all the details.
META Description : Here is the only path to peace and social justice for all Indigenous peoples! Let the Jewish and Kurdish peoples teach you decolonization.
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Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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