We Jews love our native Jewish stories, and our stories about our ancestral origin stories! Read and get an education.
![Abraham Isaac Kook, First Chief Rabbi of British Mandatory Palestine for the native Jewish people upon the land of Israel.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/abraham-kook-3340330617.jpg?resize=1024%2C715)
Talmud Chagiga 12 teaches:
“The Gemara poses a question: And was light created on the first day? But isn’t it written: “And God set them in the firmament of the heaven” (Bereshit 1:17), and it is also written: “And there was evening, and there was morning, a fourth day” (Bereshit 1:19), indicating that light was created on the fourth day.
The Gemara answers: This should be understood in accordance with Rabbi Elazar, as Rabbi Elazar said: The light that the Holy One, Blessed be He, created on the first day was not that of the sun but a different kind of light, through which man could observe from one end of the world to the other. But when the Holy One, Blessed be He, looked upon the generation of the Flood and the generation of the Dispersion and saw that their ways were corrupt and that they might misuse this light for evil, He arose and concealed it from them, as it is stated: “And from the wicked their light is withheld” (Iyov 38:15).
And for whom did He conceal it? For the righteous people in the future, as it is stated: “And God saw the light, that it was good” (Genesis 1:4), and “good” is referring to none other than the righteous, as it is stated: “Say of the righteous that it shall be good for them, for they shall eat the fruit of their actions” (Yeshayahu 3:10).”
Directly above Chagiga 12 also teaches:
“The Gemara poses a question: Now that it is derived from the phrase “from one end of the heavens to the other,” why do I need the phrase “since the day that God created man upon the land”?
The Gemara answers that this phrase teaches us something else, according to Rabbi Elazar. As Rabbi Elazar said: The height of Adam the first man reached from the ground to the skies, as it is stated: “Since the day that God created man upon the land, and from one end of the heavens” (D’varim 4:32). When he sinned, the Holy One, Blessed be He, placed His hand upon him and diminished him, as it is stated: “You fashioned me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me” (Tehilim 139:5).
Rav Yehuda said that Rav said: The size of Adam the first man was from one end of the world to the other, as it is stated: “Since the day that God created man upon the land, and from one end of the heavens to the other,” which indicates that he spanned the entire length of the world. Once he sinned, the Holy One, Blessed be He, placed His hand upon him and diminished him, as it states: “And laid Your hand upon me.”
The Gemara asks: If so, the two parts of the verse contradict each other, since one indicates that his height reached the heavens while the other says it reached the end of the earth. The Gemara answers: Both this and that are one, the same, measure.”
![A self portrait of Rembrandt, whom according to Rav Kook was a non-Jew tzadik, because he was able to tap into the Or Haganuz.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/FB_IMG_1726022748318.jpg?resize=803%2C960)
Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared,
“Sharing an insight from Rav Kook Z”L, whose yartzeit is tonight and tomorrow, in which he describes Rembrandt as a tzadik and saint.
This piece is a powerful example of the spiritual creativity and theological audacity of Rav Kook זצוק”ל.
The Rabbis (Chagiga 12) tell us: “Rabbi Elazar said: The light that the Holy One, Blessed be He, created on the first day was not that of the sun but a different kind of light, a luminosity through which man could see from one end of the world to the other. But, the Rabbis continue, when the Holy One, Blessed be He, looked upon the generation of the Flood and at the people who built the Tower of Babel and saw that their ways were corrupt and that they might misuse this light for evil, He concealed it from them, as it is stated: “And from the wicked their light is withheld” (Job 38:15).
And when and for whom will that luminous light be revealed agin, they ask. The answer: for the righteous people in the future, in the world to come, as it is stated: “And God saw the light, that it was good” (Genesis 1:4), and “good” is referring to none other than the righteous, as it is stated: “Say of the righteous that it shall be good for them, for they shall eat the fruit of their actions” (Isaiah 3:10).”
Then Rav Kook comes along and makes the audacious claim that he encountered a tzadik who was able to tap into that hidden supernal light during our time, before we have reached that special time when the light was destined to be revealed.
Who in Rav Kook’s eyes was that “tzadik”?
None other than the Dutch, non-Jewish painter, Rembrandt.
In his book Arpelei Tohar p. 9 he writes: “When I lived in London, I would visit the National Gallery, and the paintings that I loved the most were those of Rembrandt.
In my opinion, Rembrandt was a saint.
When I first saw Rembrandt’s paintings, they reminded me of the rabbinic statement about the creation of light. When G-d created the light, it was so strong and luminous that it was possible to see from one end of the world to the other. And G-d feared that the wicked would make use of it. What did He do? He secreted it for the righteous in the world to come. But from time to time, there are great men whom G-d blesses with a vision of the hidden light. I believe Rembrandt was one of them, and the light of his paintings is that light which G-d created on day one.”
The audaciousness is threefold:
1) He is comfortable ascribing to Rembrandt the “tzadik” moniker.
2) Rembrandt, according to him, is not a stam tzadik, his tzidkut is so potent that he is able to tap into a light God hid for another time.
3) He believed that if one looked closely, they could identify divine luminosity in works of art.”
![The ethical Decalogue in Shemot, the scroll of Exodus, that was inserted into the origin story to supercede the still present cultic Decalogue.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240905_213535129.png?resize=1024%2C846)
There are three versions of the Ten Proclamations (or Decalogue, “ten words”) in our Jewish ha’Torah, “the Teaching” of our ancestors. One is our native “cultic decalogue”, and two are differing versions of a later written “ethical decalogue”.
Anyone who can read our Canaanite Hebrew language (without modern theology blinders) knows that the ethical decalogue – what Christianity calls the “Ten Commandments” – is actually a redacted text that is compiled from our Ketuvim, “Wisdom” scrolls.(1) Hence, why the people of Israel did not react to its utterance.
The “ethical decalogue” is an addition to our Horeb/Sinai origin story, inserted by scribes into the scrolls of D’varim (Deuteronomy) and Shemot (Exodus) as additional words uttered by Y-HWH. So, what were the Ten Proclamations that Y-HWH actually uttered to Moshe (Moses) upon the mountain?
Torah Shemot 34:10-26 teaches us that Moshe ascended the mountain of Horeb/Sinai, taking two stone tablets with him. Y-HWH passed before him, and said:
“I will form a covenant, in the presence of all your people,… Keep carefully what I am instructing you today!”
As Y-HWH made his Ten Proclamations, Moshe wrote Y-HWH’s commands one by one on each of the tablets, one tablet of the covenant for Y-HWH and a duplicate tablet for the Jewish people. Y-HWH said:
1 – You will not prostrate yourself before another god, because Y-HWH, whose name is “Jealous One,” is a jealous land-God.
2 – You will not make formed images of gods for yourself.
3 – The Festival of Unleavened Bread you will keep; seven days you will eat unleavened bread…
4 – All that opens the womb is mine [first born, like first fruit],… a firstborn donkey you shall redeem with a lamb; if you do not redeem it, you shall decapitate it; every firstborn of your sons you will redeem, and they will not appear before me empty handed.
5 – Six days you may work, and on the seventh day you will rest; in plowing and in harvest you will rest.
6 – You will make for yourself a Festival of Weeks, the first of the wheat harvest, and the festival of the ingathering, at the turn of the year.
7 – Three times during the year all your males will appear directly before the Lord [the ruling land-God], Y-HWH, the God of Israel.
8 – You will not slaughter [or sprinkle] the blood of my sacrifice with leaven, and the offering of the Pesach feast shall not remain overnight until the morning.
9 – The choicest of the first of your soil you will bring to the house of Y-HWH your God.
10 – You will not cook a kid in its mother’s milk.
So, how did the inserted “ethical decalogue” take prominence over the “cultic decalogue”? After the creation of the “ethical decalogue”, it became so popular during the BCE 2nd Temple period that it was included with the daily chanting of the Shema.(2)
(1) – Babylonian Talmud Makkot 23b–24a, 3rd century CE, “Rav Hamnuna said: What is the verse that alludes to this? It is written: “Moses commanded to us the Torah, an inheritance of the community of Jacob” (D’varim 33:4). The word Torah, in terms of its numerical value [gimatriyya], is 611, the number of mitzvot that were received and taught by Moses our teacher. In addition, there are two mitzvot: “I am the Lord your God” and: “You shall have no other gods” (Shemot 20:2,3), the first two of the Ten Proclamations, that we heard from the mouth of the Almighty, for a total of 613.”
(2) Mishnah Tamid 5:1, “After the priests completed laying the parts of the daily offering on the ramp, they went to the Chamber of Hewn Stone to recite Shema. The appointed priest who oversaw the lotteries in the Temple said to the priests: Recite a single blessing of the blessings that accompany Shema. And the members of the priestly watch recited a blessing, and then they recited the Ten Proclamations, Shema (see D’varim 6:4–9), VeHaya im Shamoa (see D’varim 11:13–21), and VaYomer (see Bamidbar 15:37–41), the standard formula of Shema. Additionally, they blessed with the people three blessings.”
![Ysoscher Katz reflecting on Koholet, picture Robert Kreminzer.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240910_220244736.png?resize=984%2C1024)
Ysoscher Katz shared, “Kohelet (11:9) got it right: enjoy the pure joys of youth because one day they will be gone—forever.
There is something other-worldly about the yeshiva bochur life, especially on a day like today when you woke up with a knot in your stomach because …
… it was rosh chodesh E L U L!
At that age, the Jewish calendar made constant demands on your emotions-and it felt really good. You felt alive.
By the time Rosh Chodesh Elul came around the calendar demanded that you transition from the frivolity of bein ha’zmanim into the gravitas of Elul. And, you listened to her. As the day progressed, you slowly turned away from the bein haZmain distractions, moving further and further inward, kickstarting almost two months (Elul and Tishrei) of pure internality; two months of material obliviousness and spiritual bliss.
Now that’s all in the past, the Jewish calendar a mere blip on my consciousness.
Oy: זכרתי ימים מקדם, they are gone-forever.
True, as an adult לדוד ה׳ אורי has deeper intellectual resonance. אם תחנה עלי מחנה לא יירא לבי, אם תקום עלי מלחמה בזאת אני בוטח is very real now, in a way that it couldn’t have been as a teenager. “War” (internal and external), conflict and confusion is intrinsic to adulthood–and this year, tragically, more so than ever before in my lifetime.
Then again, as a teenager, that entire psalm, which ruminates on the soul’s insatiable craving for contact with the ineffable, carried a real punch in the gut. Today it only speaks to the brain with zero impact on the kishkes.
Ultimately that’s what’s missing as an adult: those powerful spiritual gut-churning fisticuffs. They were transformative and uplifting. Age, sadly, eliminates those highs and the withdrawal is painful. You constantly crave those spiritual fixes; אלי אלי למה עזבתני, רחוק מישועתי דברי שאגתי.
Chodesh ELUL tov!”
![The Arab Conquistador's Colonial Palestinian flag!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240917_135219052.png?resize=1024%2C996)
The watermelon 🍉, a fruit native to Africa ↙️, is a plant that grows well upon the Israeli diaspora. Its fruit is enjoyed immensely by native Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-Indigenous “Arab”ized/”Islam”ized citizens of Israel 🇮🇱 – for the benefits that the watermelon contributes to the health and well-being of Israeli society! It doesn’t matter that the watermelon 🍉 is a historically recent introduction to our Jewish 🕎✡️ people’s land. We embrace the watermelon 🍉 “as if” it were a native born fruit!
Like the watermelon, Arab Islam 🇵🇸 is a foreign introduction to our native Israeli people’s land. Arabs ☪️ and their conquesting Islam 🇵🇸 are native to the Arabian land down South ⬇️. (Much like, European Christianity ✝️, which is native to the Aegean land up North ⬆️.) We Jews 🕎✡️ are indigenous to Southwest Asia, the land that lies in-between these three lands. But, unlike our SWANA native embracement of the watermelon 🍉, we Israelis 🇮🇱 have tried embracing the Arabs 🇵🇸 and their successfully Arabized upon our SWANA peoples’ lands, but their fruit is toxic to the health and well-being and survival of Israeli society!
Like a vining weed 🌿 trying to lay claim to our Canaan land of Israel 🇮🇱, that is growing upon us to starve us out and replace us, Arabs ☪️ (Islam, a religion of “submission” to absolutism) and Europeans ✝️ (Christianity, a religion of idol worship) lie profusely to all about the history of our SWANA peoples’ lands and about their own violent and racist Colonialism upon our Southwest Asia peoples’ lands! They even lie about us Jews 🕎✡️ (Judaism, Judah-people-ism, a native Canaan originating ethno-religion) in order to justify their right to settler Colonialism upon all natives peoples’ lands – worldwide.
The watermelon 🍉 is the right symbol for the Arab Palestinian 🇵🇸 political land-squatters upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Judean land of Israel 🇮🇱, for neither are native to our Canaan land. But, the watermelon 🍉 is unfairly tainted by the violent and racist supremacy fruit of the Arab Palestinians 🇵🇸, the Middle East religious Conquistadors! Sadly, the watermelon 🍉 – which arrived upon the Jewish land of Israel 🇮🇱 centuries before the Arab Palestinians 🇵🇸 – has been turned into a “Palestinian solidarity” resistance symbol towards native Jewish decolonization of Israel and our reestablished self-sovereignty.
Even, worse, is “how” this false equivalency association between the good fruit watermelon 🍉 and the bad fruit Arab Palestinian political land-squatting 🇵🇸 to deny our peaceful and secure decolonization actually came to be!
Unfortunate, for the watermelon 🍉, its colors happen to resemble the pan-Arab nation flag 🇵🇸 that was designed by the British and Arabs – before their conquest of Southwest Asia’s Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands during World War 1. After 1967, when Israel 🇮🇱 liberated the Jordan and Egypt occupied parts of our 1948 decolonized land, the watermelon 🍉 became a replacement symbol of Arab Palestinian 🇵🇸 solidarity and anti-Indigenous resistance in the Arab Palestinian occupied territories of Israel 🇮🇱, in the places where displays of the Palestinian flag are often restricted or banned by Israel.
The watermelon 🍉 is indigenous to Sudan. Just like Arab Muslim Conquistadors upon our northern Southwest Asia region are indigenous to their southern Arabia 🇵🇸, now known as Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦. How do we know this easily verifiable historical fact about the watermelon 🍉? It is through our native Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew writings – the writings of our Jewish ancestors living upon our Canaan land of Southwest Asia – that historians have tracked the watermelon’s migration into the Middle East, as early as 200 CE (A.D.). This predates the invention of both Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️!
This “immigrated” watermelon 🍉 was used by Jews 🕎✡️ in Judea and Samaria – what only foreigners call “Palestine” – as a religious tithe to Y-HWH, along with our traditional native figs 🥗, grapes 🍇, and pomegranates 🥗. And, since we are on this subject, let’s not forget our native olive groves 🫒! For Jews 🇮🇱, the Canaan indigenous people of the land of Israel, the olive branches 🫒 represent the yearning for peace. Sustaining our native Israeli environment is core to Judaism, Judea-people-ism 🕎✡️!
Am Yisrael Chai 🍉 🇮🇱 🍉 !!
![Only the native SWANA Jewish people of the land of Israel speak Canaanite Hebrew!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240903_152213758.png?resize=867%2C1024)
Evidence of a Colonizer …. Colonizers impose their language, religion, and governments onto the peoples they colonize!
The modus operandi of the Conquistadors of other peoples’ lands ….
Conquest | Genocide | Land Theft | Ethnic and Cultural Assimilation
56 nations speak Colonial English
32 nations speak Colonial French
26 nations speak Colonial Arabic
23 nations speak Colonial Spanish
14 nations spoke Colonial Russian until the collapse of the Soviet Union
9 nations speak Colonial Portuguese
7 nations speak Colonial Dutch
Only one nation upon this entire planet Earth has Canaanite Hebrew as its official language – the land of Israel! Colonial Arabic is a co-official language in Israel.
123 nations around this planet Earth are Colonial Christianity in majority.
53 nations around this planet Earth are Colonial Islam in majority. 5 nations around this planet Earth are Colonial Marxism in majority.
Only one nation upon this entire planet Earth is native Judaism – Judah-people-ism, the people of Israel’s ethno-religion – in majority, and this nation is the land of Israel.
![Jewish and non-Jewish relations in the Arab conquered worlds.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240910_220912620.png?resize=1024%2C544)
This is for Avi Shlaim and all the people confused by his false assertions that Jews left Iraq because of Zionist conspiracies. Fact – there was antisemitism in Iraq way before Israel was established. Zionism did not cause antisemitism and the expulsion of my family and the whole ancient Babylonian community from Iraq — deep seated antisemitism did.
Anti-Zionism was antisemitism then as it is now. We cannot change history. We cannot argue with the writing on the walls.
And yes there were Iraqis who genuinely coexisted with Jews — the scary thing is — they were not enough to stop the 1941 Farhud massacre. They were not enough to stop the Iraqi governments taking away of Jewish civil rights. They were not enough to stop the mass expulsion of over 120,000 Jews between 1950-52.
Let me remind you today there are only 3 Jews left in Iraq. Once upon a time Baghdad was a third Jewish.
If you can’t open your heart to Jews — open your history books.
![Joe Biden blames Benjamin Netanyahu, not Arab Palestinian Islamic HAMAS, for not reaching a deal in Gaza.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240910_221430927.png?fit=887%2C1024)
“What happened to the days when the U.S. was a superpower, standing firm against terror and holding our enemies accountable?!”
The American citizen, Hersch Goldberg-Polin, was a “Jew”, this is why….
Our responsive SWANA peoples’ question to the United States: When did the United States get into the game of negotiating with terrorists for the release of U.S. citizens? Seriously!!! When?!!
The United States of Colonial America is trying desperately to force itself politically, economically, and militarily upon Southwest Asia and, especially, our native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ governments and lands. The reason for this – our best guess – is that USA still thinks it’s in “Cold War” with the USSR’s KGB terrorists upon Southwest Asia!
The Middle East demonstrably rejects the mini-USA political establishment (just look at both Iraq and Afghanistan for prime examples!) as much as the Middle East rejects a “two state solution” between native SWANA/SWE peoples and the Arab Islamic Conquistadors seeking a Caliphate rule upon all of our Native peoples’ lands!
Why?! Why is this so difficult to understand, citizens of the United States of America? As much as you support SWANA Indigenous freedom fighters (when it suits your foreign policy goals), you have been JUST AS MUCH of the problem for us – here, upon the European and Arab conquered land.
The United States of Colonial America has been just as much the PROBLEM in our Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ efforts to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst the post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!!!
Listen to this video teacher, please….
Note, between Kamala Harris and convicted criminal Donald J Trump, we outsiders say: Please, vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in 2024, citizens of the United States!
![Israeli protesters demanding that Israel capitulate to Palestinian HAMAS for a hostage deal!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240903_131955172-scaled.jpg?fit=1024%2C592)
These “leftist” useful idiots, an extreme minority in Israel, are being used by Palestinian HAMAS terrorists to sow division within Israeli society!
And as the worldwide news media focuses on them and Israel, HAMAS is implementing further brutal terror tactics upon their Israeli hostages – AND THE WORLD DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN!!
Where is the obsession over what the Arab Palestinian HAMAS terrorists are still doing to native Israelis – to Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Arab citizens of Israel?!!! And to the Gazans that they have embedded themselves among?!!!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.
![Palestine is not a country, not a people, just a Roman word for Israel that was reestablished by the British-Arab militarized occupiers in 1918 CE!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240902_190736678.png?resize=986%2C1024)
If we want the antisemitic racism to end, then we need to be very historically accurate in our online statements – whether less than 250 characters or more than a paragraph. Every ahistorical claim that we make as Jews/Israelis, to defend Jews/Israel, only feeds the worldwide narrative of “hasbara” – that we natives are somehow the liars, not the European and Arab Conquistadors of Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide.
When we post “anything” about Israel in support of Israel and call it “the truth”, even if it’s misleading or historically wrong, then the European and Arab Conquistadors who are occupying our Southwest Asia’s native lands of Israel and Kurdistan win the war for social justice. No accountability for their history and actions, for their victimization of Indigenous peoples, because they point to our posts and righteously say “liars”!
Easily verifiable historical facts: Arab Palestinians are Colonial occupiers, political land-squatters, and terrorists upon SWANA native peoples’ lands! They are the reason for the racism, violence, and bloodshed. The United Nations has been and still is UNRWA funding this European established Arab settler Colonialism!
The four colours of the pre-WW1 invented Arab flag represents the four Caliphate periods. The red dynastic color is the present Arab Hashemite royal family of Arabia that joined the British and French in re-colonizing Southwest Asia during WW1. The Arab Conquistadors were rewarded by the British and French with their post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq – upon native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands!
We will never reach those already indoctrinated into Jew-hatred and Israel-hatred, full stop! But, our words are informing those not yet indoctrinated (many in your generation and younger). If we misinform (aka, lie) like the Christians, Muslims, and Marxists, then we validate their false equivalency about Jews/Israel being no different than them.
Never Again Is Now-Gen Z and Beyond and easily verifiable historical facts really do matter!
![Conversation between Never Again Is Now-Gen Z and Beyond and Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy - JIRA.](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240902_153834733.jpg?resize=1024%2C918)
The young have difficulty with listening and historical comprehension. So, instead of appreciating our correction, Gen Z are quick to emotionally react (defensively disagree and argue their point to “exhaustion”) and, then, (suddenly) delete your presence from their page, if they did not convince you on their points. Why even have the conversation at all, Gen Zers?!!! Now, your post is only spreading ahistorical disinformation!
As an admin for JIRA recently said, “In the Gen Z’s mind all things are somehow equivalents, and both sides have legitimate views. Therefore, whatever can be used to justify your view is the truth.” Even if it’s disinformation? A lie, that will now be used against you?
“Palestinian” identity was recreated by the British, French, and Arab militarized occupation force upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan in 1918. “Palestinians” were Jews and all others living in the land. Palestinian Jews became known as Israelis in 1948, and Palestinian Arabs (both Christian and Muslim) continued to be known as Colonial Jordanians, Colonial Syrians, and “Palestinian Arabs”.
In 1964 in Moscow, the USSR’s KGB invented the PLO to create the disinformation lie that post-WW1 Palestinian Arab settlers have some kind of land rights to native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands. This PLO charter was signed in Jerusalem, and the KGB recruited Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist Yasser Arafat to lead this Colonial Arab resistance movement – in response to our 1948 Indigenous forced decolonization of part of our land and rejection of the USSR as an ally.
Like Donald J Trump, Yasser Arafat was a useful idiot for the exploiting, used for his handler’s foreign policy objectives upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan. Mahmoud Abbas was also recruited, handpicked, and groomed by the KGB for PLO leadership.
A puppet has no personal self-autonomy. Only with the handler pulling the strings, does the puppet have a voice and actions. Both Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas were specifically recruited by the KGB for their assigned roles. Islamic Iran is in a bromance relationship with Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin’s first career was being a KGB agent for the USSR. Connect the dots, folks!
Likewise, Yahya Sinwar and Palestinian HAMAS, Hezbollah, the Houthis (etc) are swords being swung by the puppet master Islamic Iran. Islamic Iran is trying desperately – with continued UNRWA financial support – to chop more necks, arms, and legs off of Israelis – and they don’t give a damn how many Gazans they kill to achieve this!
What got our tsabarím (sabarim) comment deleted from a Jewish Gen-Z page was this:
We told [you] where the ahistorical parts are in both your posted words and the text. We are baffled about why you cannot see the inaccuracies (which antisemites will point out to call Jews “liars”). BUT, it’s your page and WE SUPPORT your page! We hope you’ll allow us to continue commenting with easily verifiable historical facts to add to your conversation with this Jew-hating world. Toda achi!
[Note, deleting our comment and polite discussion wasn’t enough, JIRA is also now blocked from further participation on his page. Wow!]
This is why we Gen Xers MUST continue doing the talking to the young ones, so that in OUR generation we see peace and security upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
We, here, at Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA put easily verifiable historical facts – the “full history” – into one short or long post many times a day. What is behind the online resistance to just saying it accurately, as we native Israelis and Kurds try to teach every single day?
![Stop the Lies telling Jewish useful idiots to stop blaming Bibi Netanyahu for Islamic HAMAS actions!](https://i0.wp.com/www.takemeon.org/dir/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Polish_20240910_223410479.png?resize=1024%2C850)
Where is the obsessive news reports over Qatar housing UNRWA-funded wealthy Palestinian HAMAS leaders in their southern Arab nation?!
Where is the obsessive news reports over Egypt and Jordan refusing to open their nations to displaced Gazan Palestinians, while Israel removes the UNRWA-funded Palestinian HAMAS terrorist army that is occupying Gaza and holding native Israeli hostages in their terror tunnels?!
Where is the obsessive news reports over the racist libels against Israel, blaming Israel for Palestinian HAMAS’s genocide against Israel and Gazans?!
Where is the obsessive news reports over the recent violent ethnic cleansing of an entire Kurdish village, so that Arab Palestinians can claim their homes and call their village a “Palestinian” village?!!
All eyes on Gaza?! No!
All eyes are on Israel, as we struggle to rid Israel and Kurdistan of this racistly violent UNRWA-funded post-1948 Palestinian Arab settler occupation, political land-squatting, and terrorisms from our lands!!! Anti-Indigenous Arab settler racism to prevent Israel and Kurdistan our peaceful and secure decolonizations amongst the post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!!!
A ceasefire without a complete surrender by Palestinian HAMAS and the arrest of Yahya Sinwar is a win for the terrorists, full stop! The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations would just love this, wouldn’t they?!!!
META Description : We Jews love our native Jewish stories, and our stories about our ancestral origin stories! Read and get an education.
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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