Arab Palestinians and Israeli Natives are the most polled peoples upon this planet Earth, due to European and Arab Colonial obsession over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel. Here’s the most recent independent polling that was conducted in July 2024. It is very revealing! Even if not really surprising to Israeli tzabarim. If you want to understand the ACTUAL obstacles to peace upon the Land of Israel, which is suffering from this racist “Palestinian territories” occupation, then read VERY carefully this page! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!!

Post 1 – In a July 2024 independent survey that was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in Ramallah and the International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation at Tel Aviv University:
Arab Palestinians, a population created from the post-1918 WW1 British-Arab settler occupation of Israel (“Mandate” for Colonial Palestine) – specifically, the post-1948 political land-squatters who are still occupying our 1948 forcibly decolonized native land of Israel (the Egyptian Gaza and the Colonial Jordanian “West Bank”) to this very day – overwhelmingly believe that the Palestinian Islamic HAMAS 10/7 terrorist attack in 2023 was fully justified.
71% of the Palestinian land-squatters occupying Gaza and 86% of the Palestinian land-squatters that are occupying the Jordan named “West Bank” area of Israel believe this! But, no real surprise here for native tsabarím (Sabra Jews).
Further, these Colonial Palestinian political land-squatters upon our Southwest Asia Canaan land of Israel believe overwhelmingly that “the suffering under the siege and blockade of the Gaza Strip” by Israel and Egypt justifies Arab Palestinian Islamic terrorism that is targeting both the Israeli and Gazan peoples! And, by extension, justifies the Palestine Authority (PA) in its violently torturous and terroristic attacks upon both Israelis and Arab “West Bankers”.
Israeli natives, the Jew and Arab citizens of Israel (“Arab” includes Druze and Bedouin, here), who were surveyed on whether the Israeli response to Arab Palestinian terrorists for Islamic HAMAS taking their 10/7 2023 genocidal war into Gaza (with their raped and maimed hostages to use as human shields and bargaining chips), in order to fight Israel there, was justified, the overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews said “justified”.
84%, and an increasing minority number of Israeli Arabs, 27%, said Israel’s response in Gaza was fully justified.
Knowing that Palestinian HAMAS terrorists have a foothold in the Palestine Authority’s overseen “West Bank”, courtesy of the PA, we can naturally conclude similar results, had these Israeli operations also been included in the survey, too. Just the other day, Israel had to take out a HAMAS terrorist cell that was operating amongst the Arab “West Bankers” that are ruled by dictator Mahmoud Abbas.

Post 2 – In a July 2024 independent survey that was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in Ramallah and the International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation at Tel Aviv University:
Arab Palestinians, a population created from the post-1918 WW1 British-Arab settler occupation of Israel (the “Mandate” for Colonial Palestine) overwhelmingly REJECT, by 60%, the United States of Colonial America’s proposed “two-state solution” to bring peace between Israeli citizens (“Jews”, “Arabs”, and “Others”) and the post-1948 Arab Palestinian political land-squatters upon the Gaza and “West Bank” parts of our 1948 forcibly decolonized native Jewish land of Israel.
This is in direct opposition to the desires of Israeli Arab citizens (21% of Israel’s citizens), where an overwhelming 72% WANT peace to be achieved, somehow, for Israel’s survival as a successfully decolonized and democratic native Zionist nation-state!
Jews, the indigenous people of our Canaan land of Israel (74% of Israel’s citizens), share the position of the non-citizen Arab Palestinian land-squatters. Israeli Jews overwhelmingly REJECT, by 79%, the United States of Colonial America’s proposed “two-state solution” being forced upon native Israeli citizens and the post-1948 Arab Palestinian political land-squatters upon the Gaza and “West Bank” parts of our 1948 forcibly decolonized native Jewish land of Israel.
For Israeli Jews living in the “West Bank”, who are daily being violently terrorized by Arab Palestinians for establishing our native Jewish communities in this Arab contested part of our 1948 decolonized land of Israel, the desire for a two-state solution between post-1948 Arab political land-squatters and native Israelis (Jews and Arab citizens of Israel) is down to a 19% low, and understandably so!

Post 3 – In a July 2024 independent survey that was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in Ramallah and the International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation at Tel Aviv University:
And THIS is what breaks our still beating native Jewish hearts BOTH upon our Canaan land of Israel and throughout the worldwide European and Arab Colonial diasporas!!!
“Seeking to understand whether each side is able to humanize the other, or whether dehumanization is prominent among the two populations, we asked Palestinians and Israelis to select a number from 0 to 100 in which they can locate the level of humanity on their side and that of the other side. De-humanizing the other is a well-documented index of perceptions enabling parties to take violent actions, even in its most extreme forms against their rival group.
The results show one of the most symmetrical mirror images – each side almost completely dehumanizes the other, and completely humanizes itself. This is another indication of mutual zerosum attitudes not only towards the conflict but at the human level. When characterizing their side, 83% of the Palestinians selected the number 80 or higher and 17% selected numbers less than 80. On average, Palestinians gave themselves a score of 88 out of 100 on the humanity scale.
When characterizing the Israeli side, only 1% selected the number 80 or higher; 71% selected the number 0 and 27% selected a number between 1 and 50. On average, Palestinians gave Israeli Jews a score of 6 out of 100 on the humanity scale.
Similarly, among Israeli Jews, 80% chose a score of 80 or higher, in assessing the humanity of their own side, and 41% gave Jewish Israelis the top score of 100. The average score of Israeli Jews for Israeli Jews’ humanity level was 87 (from 0-100). There were only minor variations on this question, with more settlers who gave Jews the top score (56%), compared to 40% among Jews living inside the Green Line.
Notably, Arabs in Israel were split over their assessment of the humanity of Israeli Jews. 47% gave a score of 50 (the mid-point) or lower, while a majority, 53% gave a score above 50. On average, Israeli Arabs give Israeli Jews a score of 54 out of 100 and gave the Palestinians a score of 64 out of 100 in the humanity scale.”
Implicit anti-Jew racism is real, folks, ALL around this planet Earth!!! Even in Israel, where 21% of the population is Arabs that are free from Islamic and Marxist oppressions, who actually have equal rights with Israeli Jews and are a part of all aspects of our Israeli society! Arab Palestinians are non-citizen post-1948 political land-squatters upon our 1948 decolonized native land of Israel.
“However, Jewish Israeli views regarding the humanity of Palestinians show sweeping negative assessments, as a mirror image of the Palestinian view of Israeli Jews. Just 2.7% give a score above 80 for Palestinians. 92% give a score of 50 or lower; and among those, 42% gave the lowest possible score (zero). The average score was 14 (from 0-100).”

Post 4 – In a July 2024 independent survey that was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in Ramallah and the International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation at Tel Aviv University:
And this is why decolonization is SO difficult for all Indigenous peoples worldwide – not just for Jews and Kurds upon Southwest Asia! European and Arab Colonizers actually believe that they own the land, because they successfully colonized another people’s land. Until 1948, with the miraculous achievement of native Jews upon the land of Israel, the most that Native peoples have achieved everywhere is some kind of “two-state solution” between the Conquistadors and their occupied Indigenous!
“We asked both publics who they think owns the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river (i.e., the whole land of Israel/Palestine). Participants could respond that they see the land as belonging to one side more than the other by giving it a higher score on the scale of 1 to 6, or giving both a high score thus indicating it belongs to both equally.
Our findings indicate that both Jewish Israelis and Palestinians see the entire land as belonging entirely to their group through high and identical scores (91% among the Palestinians and 92% who gave the top two scores, indicating that the land belongs to their group).
Israeli Arabs are more divided: 15% thinks the land belongs to Jews (the top two scores on a scale of 1-6), but only 44% thinks the land belongs to the Palestinians. Only 28% of Israeli Arabs think the land belongs to Israeli Jews.
The majority among the Jewish and Palestinian publics negate the idea that the land belongs to the other side as well, thus perceiving the territory as exclusive to them. Two thirds (75%) of Israeli Jews believe the land does not belong to Palestinians (combining the top two scores), while among Palestinians 92% think the land does not belong to the Jews.”
What does it take for a people indigenous to a specific land, whose ancestral and language and historical roots run deep into the ground, to peacefully and securely fully decolonize AMONGST the European and Arab Colonial nations that occupy Native peoples’ lands – planet Earth wide?!! Arab Palestinians are non-citizen post-1948 political land-squatters upon our 1948 decolonized native land of Israel!
Our neighboring Kurdish people have been asking the same question as they, too, freedom fight for the liberation of their SWANA native lands!!! Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality!

Post 5 – In a July 2024 independent survey that was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in Ramallah and the International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation at Tel Aviv University:
FALSE EQUIVALENCY is when you compare a minority native people’s views and a majority Colonial people’s views and TREAT them as being “partisan divides”!
For example, the majority of Arab Palestinian post-1948 political land-squatters upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized native Jewish land of Israel honestly believe that Israelis want to commit genocide upon Arab Palestinians, rather than find a way to live peacefully as neighbors.
A whopping 88% of Arab Palestinian political land-squatters believe this, that Israelis have been trying for decades to commit genocide upon and ethnically cleanse the non-citizen Arab Palestinian political land-squatters from our 1948 decolonized land of Israel!
Do they fear the native “land back” movement that badly? Or, is it more likely that these Arab Palestinians see their Colonial selves as the real victims of native peoples’ efforts to decolonize? Despite the easily verifiable historical facts that every act of war and terrorism has been started by Arab Palestinians!
After 1,600 years of European Palestinian and Arab Palestinian antisemitic (anti-Indigenous) racism targeting the Jewish people upon our Canaan land of Israel and in all the European and Arab Conquistadors’ nations – the many genocides, rapings, beheadings, attempted forced conversions, and ethnic cleansings, the Holocaust – it is completely understandable that most Jews do not trust the Christians, Muslims, and Marxists of the world!
Yet, to survive as the native Jewish people of the land of Israel, we keep trying to find a peaceful and secure path to peace!

When the majority of native Israelis (79%) and Arab Palestinians (60%) reject the idea of a “two-state solution”, it seems pretty silly to blame this rejectionist attitude upon PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his “extremist right-wing” coalition government. Just saying! …
Even though Bibi Netanyahu has made stupid and self-serving political choices, like allowing UNRWA funds to reach the hands of Palestinian HAMAS – still, it is wrong to blame Netanyahu for the UNRWA funds paid by the citizen tax dollars of the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations! Just saying. …
Even Yasser Arafat was not the enemy “Palestinian” leader targeting the Jewish people upon the land of Israel, for it was the combined KGB resources of the USSR that propped Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist Yasser Arafat up as the leader of the “PLO” terrorist organization and was pulling that useful idiot’s puppet strings (while enriching his family, like present Mahmoud Abbas, … through, get this … UNRWA funding)!
Blaming the native victim for the political spousal abuse and terrorism inflicted upon her is a racist and highly immoral act to engage in! It is a myopic and indifferent stance to take towards Israelis and Kurds, who are simply freedom fighting for the peaceful and secure decolonization of Indigenous peoples’ lands (here, and worldwide)! Right, Joy Reid ? United Nations, END your violent occupations, and let Native peoples peacefully DECOLONIZE amongst your established Colonial nations!!!
Remember, there are 22 Arab nations upon this planet Earth, most of them through colonization upon Native peoples’ lands. There are 180.6 million Arabs surrounding Israel (69.8 million are Arabs of the post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq). There is only 1 – ONLY ONE – Jewish nation that now exists decolonized upon our native ancestral land, since 1948.
Israel is 3 times smaller than the Navajo Nation reservation in the United States of Colonial America. And reservation size decolonized Israel is still presently Arab “Palestinian” occupied for Colonial political reasons. There are 5.52 million Arab Palestinian political land-squatters upon our 1948 decolonized Israeli land, denying 7.21 million Jews and 2.1 million Israeli Arabs our peaceful and secure decolonization!
Out of over 8 billion human beings, there are only slightly over 15 million Jews (less than pre- WW2), with nearly half upon Israel defending our Native “land back” movement and national sovereignty, our Jewish Zionism! Israel exists to prevent another European-Arab multi-continent Holocaust upon the Jewish people, who are indigenous to Southwest Asia!!! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks.

While Türkiye (“Turkey” – cluck, cluck, cluck – to daily victimized native Kurds of Southwest Asia) seeks “international arrest warrants” targeting Israel for being in a war on seven Colonial fronts, Türkiye bombs and kills Kurds every single day for daring to establish Kurdish independent areas upon their Arab Palestinian (Colonial Syria and Iraq), Türkiye, and Iranian occupied native SWANA land.
And ZERO outcry, ZERO marches, for the native Kurdish people, like the Palestinian political land-squatters upon Israel have been getting. Zero university tent cities for “social justice”, zero adamant supporters – OUTSIDE OF OUR Israeli people’s outcry and support!
If there are no Israelis defending themselves from Colonial Arabs and their Palestinian/Hezbollah proxies, then NO NEWS. Who gives a damn about SWANA Indigenous peoples, UNLESS it is Israel freedom fighting for an actual peaceful and secure decolonization upon our Canaan land of Israel!!! … We native Israelis agree with Himdad Mehristani’s position: “Fuck” the Colonizers who occupy Indigenous peoples’ lands and rape, enslave, terrorize, and murder us!
When was the last time a Jew or a Kurd strapped on a vest and blew themselves up for the martyrdom glory of Y-HWH (Elōah) or Xwedê (Elah)? When was the last time that a Jew or Kurd or ANY other Indigenous person has self-immolated in social protest to European or Arab Colonial injustice and depravity? Why?! Because Native Lives Matter, folks!!! We cannot afford to lose body numbers, if we intend to survive still unassimilated and, hopefully, peacefully and securely decolonized!
Colonial Allah and Colonial Christ promise their followers “bananas in heaven”, if they only martyr themselves to the Christian and Islamic cause of world dominance. A “Holy War” between them for possession and assimilation or genocide of all still surviving Indigenous peoples worldwide! … Don’t be offended by easily verifiable historical facts that have resulted from the northern Aegean created religion of Christianity and the southern Hejaz created religion of Islam in this CE period (A.D.) of human recorded history.
Indigenous peoples’ lives – you know, Native peoples – ONLY matter, when they are successfully Christianized or Islamized (successfully colonized) or in a ghetto or on a Colonial regulated reservation! This is THE REASON that Jews and, especially, Israelis (since 1948) are the most obsessed over native people upon this planet Earth. We were the first, and we are STILL not fully assimilated and STILL engaged in “Indigenous resistance” to Christian, Muslim, and Marxist settler Colonialism and terrorisms upon our people!
We Jews only want to peacefully and securely fully decolonize upon our native Jewish Canaan land of Israel. The same for Kurds upon Kurdistan, Balochs upon Balochistan….
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.
Seriously, #indigenouslivesmatter #NativeLivesMatter regardless where we are upon this planet Earth! Regardless what we look like, too!
European and Arab Conquistador nations lie profusely about their history and about the peoples who fight their racistly violent settler Colonialism upon our lands. Hence, the need to stand for easily verifiable historical facts, to dispell all the daily lies and disinformation that justifies European and Arab racial supremacy over all other peoples. For the glory of Colonial Allah and Colonial Christ, of course!

Palestinian occupied native Israel is trying desperately to end and clean up this UNRWA funded antisemitic foreign policy mess – FOR the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations, who are trying to keep SWANA native peoples under their Colonial rule – at the cost of their own politically land-squatting citizens – women and children!! It is a depraved immorality that is occurring upon our Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands, and it MUST stop!!!

On this full moon 14 Elul 5784, let’s learn about Rapa Nui natives:
” “Personally, I believe the idea of the ecocide is put together as part of a colonial narrative. That is this idea that these supposedly primitive people could not manage their culture or resources, and that almost destroyed them. But the genetic evidence shows the opposite. Although we have to acknowledge that the arrival of humans dramatically changed the ecosystem, there is no evidence of a population collapse before the Europeans arrived on the island. So we can put those ideas to rest now,” says Moreno-Mayar.
“Many thought that present-day Rapanui carry Indigenous American genetic ancestry due to European colonial activity. But instead, the data strongly suggests that Rapanui and Indigenous Americans met and admixed centuries before Europeans made it to Rapa Nui or the Americas. We believe this means that Rapanui were capable of even more formidable voyages across the Pacific than previously established,” adds Sousa da Mota. “
So, scientists have dispelled yet another Colonial “history revisionism” myth.
” “We looked into how the Indigenous American DNA was distributed across the Polynesian genetic background of the Rapanui. This distribution is consistent with a contact occurring between the 13th and the 15th centuries,” says first author Víctor Moreno-Mayar, Asst. Professor at the Globe Institute’s Section for Geogenetics, University of Copenhagen.
“Our genetic analysis shows a stably growing population from the 13th century through to European contact in the 18th century. This stability is critical because it directly contradicts the idea of a dramatic pre-contact population collapse,” says Bárbara Sousa da Mota, a researcher at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at University of Lausanne and first author of the study. “
The cult of Colonial Christianity has been unknowningly the harbinger of death for half the planet upon contact. One has to wonder,…
What would have been the history of Indigenous resistance to European Christian expansionism, if the native populations of AbyaYala (South “America”), Michilimackinac (North “America”), and Polynesia had already had immunity to the diseases the Europeans carried from Europe, South Asia, and Africa?
How much more resistance to sword, slavery, genocide, forced assimilation, and Colonial Christian laws would have happened with a multiplied native population presence? Would their Indigenous “American” resistance have been similar to Southwest Asia Jewish, Kurdish, and Persian peoples’ resistance?
Is this the reason that the cult of Colonial Islam did not have as expansive a success, because Colonial Muslims only sought conquering Southwest Asia, Europe, and Africa? Those non-Arabs who already possessed resistance to any diseases that the Muslims may carry with them? And, as such, Colonial Islam’s expansion as a harbinger of death for conquered native peoples was strictly by sword, slavery, genocide, and Arab laws?
Ancient DNA from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) refutes best-selling population collapse theory
META Description : Arab Palestinians and Israeli Natives are the most polled peoples upon this planet Earth. Here is July 2024 PSR survey results!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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