Legal terrorism is the act of demanding that Jews/Israelis do nothing to defend ourselves while being raped and murdered by Arab terrorists! Blaming ANY Israeli for what Palestinian HAMAS and Hezbollah terrorists are doing is pure and simple European and Arab antisemitism towards decolonized Jews!

The nickname for native Jews is sabresím סברסים or tsabarím צברים and it directly correlates to the prickly pear cactus plant that natively grows upon the land of Israel.
The Sabra, whether cactus or Jew, is prickly on the outside and soft natured on the inside. Whoever is ignorant of this, don’t get close! Indigenous resistance and survival is a real thing.
In Arabic, the root of the word sabra صَبَّار means “patience”. Indeed, we native Israelis are a patient and determinedly resolute people! As our ancestors have done, we “plant and protect” our Canaan land of Israel – Zionism.
Blaming ANY Israeli for what Palestinian HAMAS and Hezbollah terrorists are doing is pure and simple European and Arab antisemitism towards decolonized Jews! You do understand this, don’t you, citizens of Europe and, especially, the United States of Colonial “America”?
Just because United States politicians and anti-Israel activists are angry that Israelis refuse to do the bidding of our Colonial USA handler in our time of war with an UNRWA funded terrorist army – Palestinian Islamic HAMAS, with its Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Palestine Authority, and Houthi supporters – this does not change our survival need to dismantle your United Nations’ supported violently racist anti-Jew hatred!
With or without USA support, we Israelis will finish what you, United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations, started upon our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel and Kurdistan.
The only reason you blame the victimized political spouse for defending herself 🇮🇱 from spousal terrorisms 🇺🇳 upon her is because you are seeing the pipedream of a USA 🇺🇸 determined “two-state solution” disappearing before your eyes.
The greatest fear of the European and Arab Conquistadors upon our SWANA native peoples’ lands is for we Israelis and Kurds to determine our own destiny – and finish forcibly decolonizing, in order to establish PEACE, SECURITY, and SURVIVAL upon our native lands!
Instead of blaming Israelis, how about supporting SWANA Indigenous peoples’ land rights, and demand that we be allowed to peacefully decolonize AMONGST your post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan 🇯🇴, Syria 🇸🇾, and Iraq 🇮🇶!
Maybe? Do you really want peace in the Middle East?!! … We native Israelis and Kurds do NOT believe so, based upon YOUR actions!

The watermelon 🍉, a fruit native to Africa ↙️, is a plant that grows well upon the Israeli diaspora. Its fruit is enjoyed immensely by native Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-Indigenous “Arab”ized/”Islam”ized citizens of Israel 🇮🇱 – for the benefits that the watermelon contributes to the health and well-being of Israeli society! It doesn’t matter that the watermelon 🍉 is a historically recent introduction to our Jewish 🕎✡️ people’s land. We embrace the watermelon 🍉 “as if” it were a native born fruit!
Like the watermelon, Arab Islam 🇵🇸 is a foreign introduction to our native Israeli people’s land. Arabs ☪️ and their conquesting Islam 🇵🇸 are native to the Arabian land down South ⬇️. (Much like, European Christianity ✝️, which is native to the Aegean land up North ⬆️.) We Jews 🕎✡️ are indigenous to Southwest Asia, the land that lies in-between these three lands. But, unlike our SWANA native embracement of the watermelon 🍉, we Israelis 🇮🇱 have tried embracing the Arabs 🇵🇸 and their successfully Arabized upon our SWANA peoples’ lands, but their fruit is toxic to the health and well-being and survival of Israeli society!
Like a vining weed 🌿 trying to lay claim to our Canaan land of Israel 🇮🇱, that is growing upon us to starve us out and replace us, Arabs ☪️ (Islam, a religion of “submission” to absolutism) and Europeans ✝️ (Christianity, a religion of idol worship) lie profusely to all about the history of our SWANA peoples’ lands and about their own violent and racist Colonialism upon our Southwest Asia peoples’ lands! They even lie about us Jews 🕎✡️ (Judaism, Judah-people-ism, a native Canaan originating ethno-religion) in order to justify their right to settler Colonialism upon all natives peoples’ lands – worldwide.
The watermelon 🍉 is the right symbol for the Arab Palestinian 🇵🇸 political land-squatters upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Judean land of Israel 🇮🇱, for neither are native to our Canaan land. But, the watermelon 🍉 is unfairly tainted by the violent and racist supremacy fruit of the Arab Palestinians 🇵🇸, the Middle East religious Conquistadors! Sadly, the watermelon 🍉 – which arrived upon the Jewish land of Israel 🇮🇱 centuries before the Arab Palestinians 🇵🇸 – has been turned into a “Palestinian solidarity” resistance symbol towards native Jewish decolonization of Israel and our reestablished self-sovereignty.
Even, worse, is “how” this false equivalency association between the good fruit watermelon 🍉 and the bad fruit Arab Palestinian political land-squatting 🇵🇸 to deny our peaceful and secure decolonization actually came to be!
Unfortunate, for the watermelon 🍉, its colors happen to resemble the pan-Arab nation flag 🇵🇸 that was designed by the British and Arabs – before their conquest of Southwest Asia’s Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands during World War 1. After 1967, when Israel 🇮🇱 liberated the Jordan and Egypt occupied parts of our 1948 decolonized land, the watermelon 🍉 became a replacement symbol of Arab Palestinian 🇵🇸 solidarity and anti-Indigenous resistance in the Arab Palestinian occupied territories of Israel 🇮🇱, in the places where displays of the Palestinian flag are often restricted or banned by Israel.
The watermelon 🍉 is indigenous to Sudan. Just like Arab Muslim Conquistadors upon our northern Southwest Asia region are indigenous to their southern Arabia 🇵🇸, now known as Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦. How do we know this easily verifiable historical fact about the watermelon 🍉? It is through our native Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew writings – the writings of our Jewish ancestors living upon our Canaan land of Southwest Asia – that historians have tracked the watermelon’s migration into the Middle East, as early as 200 CE (A.D.). This predates the invention of both Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️!
This “immigrated” watermelon 🍉 was used by Jews 🕎✡️ in Judea and Samaria – what only foreigners call “Palestine” – as a religious tithe to Y-HWH, along with our traditional native figs 🥗, grapes 🍇, and pomegranates 🥗. And, since we are on this subject, let’s not forget our native olive groves 🫒! For Jews 🇮🇱, the Canaan indigenous people of the land of Israel, the olive branches 🫒 represent the yearning for peace. Sustaining our native Israeli environment is core to Judaism, Judea-people-ism 🕎✡️!
Am Yisrael Chai 🍉 🇮🇱 🍉 !!

This flag was created in 1917 by the royal Hashemite family (the ashraf of Mecca) of Hejaz, Arabia, in alliance with the British and French. These colors represent militarized settler occupation, terrorism, ethnic cleansings, and the murdering of non-Arabs! This flag in ALL its versions has the blood of Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Africans, and Arabs on it!
The Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz المملكة الحجازية الهاشمية declared itself a kingdom in June 1916 as part of a war alliance with the British government – targeting Southwest Asia Jewish and Kurdish peoples’ lands for Colonial occupation and division.
Britain had promised Hussein bin Ali al-Hashimi, King of Hejaz, Arabia, a single independent Arab state that would include – in addition to the Arab’s Hejaz region – modern-day Colonial Jordan, Colonial Iraq, and most of Colonial Syria.
After WW1, Hashemite princes were established by the British and French as the ruling monarchs under the British “Mandates” for Colonial “Palestine” and “Syria” upon both the Emirate of Transjordan and Iraq, and this became known as the “Sharifian” colonial solution.
What is the Sharifian solution for SWANA Jewish and Kurdish peoples lands? It was the British-Arab post-WW1 plan to install the three younger sons of Hussein bin Ali al-Hashimi – the Sharif of Mecca and King of Hejaz – as heads of state in their newly created countries across Southwest Asia. Had the Arabs had their way, Colonial Jordan would also have been from “the river to the sea”.
This post-Ottoman British Middle East policy and French Middle East policy of nation-building is the reason that both Jews and Kurds began freedom fighting for the liberation of our SWANA lands from this racistly violent British-Arab and French militarized occupation. The European Conquistadors owed their Arab Conquistador ally!
Had the post-WW1 Arab settlers in “Mandatory” Colonial “Palestine” NOT started committing 10/7 HAMAS style terrorisms on both native Jews and Kurds – rapes, enslavement, genocides, and ethnic cleansings – and chose to allow Jews and Kurds land space for national sovereignty, then the last 106 years of Indigenous peoples’ resistance to Arab 🇵🇸 instigated wars would never have happened!
The British were duplicitous towards the native Jews, whose land the British were giving to the Arabs. Hence, why native Jews of eretz yisrael, the land of Israel, were labeled “terrorists” by Britain for waging guerilla warfare against the British-Arab occupiers for near two decades. It was worth it, though, for Israel gained decolonized independence in 1948 upon a portion of our ancestral native land 🇮🇱!
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! Except to those who support European and Arab settler Colonialism upon Native peoples’ lands!

The Jewish Jesus of Nazareth, 1st century CE, was a Torah law-abiding Pharisee and proto-rabbi, who taught his Jewish followers to do as he does, and NOT to worship him for this violates Torah law (read the book of Matthew). His own alleged words are that he did not come to abolish the laws of Torah – only to make them fully relevant, again, in his present generation’s history changing time. He was being a typical insular Jewish Zionist, devoted to the liberation of Y-HWH’s Zion!
By the late 1st century CE into 2nd century CE, after Jesus the Jew’s execution for inciting a native Judean rebellion, successfully Hellenized Jews – that are wanting to believe Jesus will resurrect to finish his Zionist anti-Roman rebellion – began to do just that, worshipping Jesus as “God” in flesh. Which, both sadly and expectedly, is understandable, being under the influence of the polytheistic Roman Empire’s seemingly endless militarized occupation!
These idol worshipping Jews – who were worshipping Roman emperors and, then, Jesus, too – are the “synagogue of Satan” that the Jesus sect of Jews warned about in their book of Revelation. Under the influence of the Beast that was given his power by the Dragon – meaning, Emperors Nero and Caligula that demanded being worshipped as a human “god in flesh”.
The first followers of Jesus the Jew of Nazareth had enough vision to understand that deifying Jesus as a “god in flesh”, this is assimilation of the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel in progress! We Jews are forbidden by native Torah law to have an image of any kind that represents our land’s god-King, Y-HWH, per the brit (“covenant”) with Y-HWH at Mount Horeb/Sinai!
By the 2nd century CE, native traditional Torah Jews forced these idol worshipping Jews out of Judea and Samaria upwards into the northern Aegean lands. It was here in the Aegean north, that gentiles, like Marcion of Sinope, would get a hold of Paul’s anti-Torah law writings, and begin creating a very popular anti-Jew religion known as Christianity.
By the 4th century CE, the “tribal” Y-HWH god of the Jews had been replaced in the Aegean north with the gentile Christian’s “Trinity” god. And, thus, Jesus began his transition from Jesus the Levantine Torah-observant Zionist Jew into white European “Jesus Christ” – the new “God” for all the gentiles worldwide, blessed by the Roman Empire and his military, and his Roman Christian message being “shared” by his Christian gentiles.
Oh, and for rejecting this deified Jesus Christ, the Church Fathers of European Christianity began all the steadfast antisemtic tropes about Jews – that are still being applied to Jews to this very day by BOTH Christians and Muslims (and, now, Marxists, too) worldwide! There will never be peace UNTIL Christians, Muslims, and Marxists embrace truth and reconciliation!

When SWANA native peoples truly start fighting the Arab Conquistadors upon our lands! Remember, the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations voted today 124 – 14 to strip Israel of the right to self-defense upon the Arab Palestinian occupied Gaza and “West Bank” and upon Zion – Jerusalem – herself.
How dare the Native peoples wage war against their Colonial occupiers and terrorists?!!!
“We are opening a new phase in the war. It requires courage, determination and perseverance from us,” Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said in remarks at an air force base.
Colonial “Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi accused Israel of pushing the Middle East to the brink of a regional war by orchestrating a dangerous escalation on many fronts.”
Well, Palestinian Conquistador, let our Israeli people go! STOP politically land-squatting and terrorizing SWANA Indigenous peoples! The path to PEACE is TOO easy!!!
“The U.S., which denied any involvement in the blasts, said it was involved in intensive diplomacy to avert an escalation of the conflict.” “
The United States is seeing its dream of a mini-USA “two-state solution” upon Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands – like the USA enforces upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands (Colonial United States) – disappearing, because SWANA peoples are TIRED of this violently racist post-WW1 European established Arab settler Colonialism and terrorisms upon our peoples and our lands! 106 years of this depraved violence and STILL counting!!!
“The United Nations Security Council will meet on Friday over the pager blasts after a request by Arab states. Iran will follow up on an attack targeting its ambassador in Lebanon, the Iranian envoy to the United Nations said in a letter, saying it “reserves its rights under international law to take required measures deemed necessary to respond”.”
Now watch as the antisemites, the anti-Indigenous racists, in the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations FURTHER blame Israel – the only partially decolonized and UN recognized Indigenous nation in Southwest Asia – as the problem, for continuing to freedom fight for the liberation of our SWANA lands – so that Israelis and Kurds can PEACEfully and SECUREly fully decolonize AMONGST your post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations!
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel and Kurdistan will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.
Hezbollah devices explode again in Lebanon, raising fears of wider Israel conflict – Pagers and Walkie talkies !

Amjad Taha, a UAE political strategist and analyst, wrote to HEZBOLLAH and HAMAS today, 18 September 2024:
“You dared to strike at a smart and courageous nation on October 7th – committing genocide, kidnapping their children, and violating their women.
You thought they would fall, but they rose again, returning after 11 months to correct what had only momentarily slipped – their intelligence.
Now, they will send you back 1,000 years, to a time without technology, where a ringtone feels like a death knell and a beep is a nightmare. You will be haunted by your own shadow, too afraid to use any technology, cut off from the advanced world.
And they will defeat you – not with bullets or tanks, but through the unbreakable will of brave, intelligent people. Over a simple cup of coffee, with one decisive click, they will seal your fate, and the fate of anyone who dares harm their children. This is a nation the world respects.
Lebanon – Hezbollah’s pager attacks and today’s V82 strike are not merely military victories; they represent a triumph for the Middle East over radicalism – a victory not only for Israel but for all who stand against terror.”
Bassem Eid, Arab Palestinian supporter of Palestinians and supporter of Israel’s native right to exist – peacefully and securely decolonized – upon our land of Israel, 19 September 2024:
“While Israel has found exceptional ways to precisely target Hezbollah terrorists who have been attacking Israel for 11 months, Hezbollah chief Nasrallah has vowed to continue raining rockets and drones down on Israeli civilians to pressure Israel to end its war against Hamas.
If you condemned Israel for blowing up pagers carried by Hezbollah members, but won’t condemn Hezbollah for indiscriminately terrorizing Israeli civilians, you’re not pro-Palestinian, you’re pro-terrorism.”

One could make the case that Black Americans are an “indigenous” people, for “black” identity, language, and culture is distinctly different from African and distinctly different from American Indian. Though formed from the white slaver’s colonial “America” environment, Black American identity naturally arose upon the colonial land of the United States of America, and is the youngest of the indigenous peoples upon the continents of the “Americas”.
Indigenous status has nothing to do with skin color or, ultimately, originating in Africa. American Indians are mostly Asian in ancestral descent and they range in skin colors from near white to near black. Likewise, Ethiopians are indigenous to Africa, Sámi are Indigenous to Europe, Jews and Kurds and Persians are indigenous to Southwest Asia, Arabs are indigenous to Arabia, Polynesians are indigenous to Polynesia, Filipinos and Japanese are indigenous to the Philippines and Japan, respectively, etc.
One could also make the case that Haitians are an indigenous people, too, having formed their unique identity in the Caribbeans in the same manner that Black Americans formed in the United States. Again, Haitians are the newest indigenous group, being distinctly different from the Taíno people who were the first to settle this and other Caribbean islands.
A question: Is it possible for an indigenous people to be born from a Colonial culture? Maybe, if Black Americans and Haitians survive colonization long enough, both will one day be classified as “indigenous”, like American Indians.
“Indigenous” is defined per the United Nations as:
“Indigenous Peoples are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment.” In other words, they settled in a land and never left it (except by colonial force), forming a unique ethno-religious identity based upon the land. … As you stated this in your words, my friend, “indigenous means occurring naturally.”
“They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live.” In other words, indigenous peoples refuse to be assimilated, even when colonized by immigrants to our lands.
“Despite their cultural differences, Indigenous Peoples from around the world share common problems related to the protection of their rights as distinct peoples.” An absolute fact on every continent and island around our planet Earth.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs – Indigenous Peoples
META Description : Legal terrorism is the act of demanding that Jews/Israelis do nothing to defend ourselves while being raped and murdered by Arab terrorists!
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Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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