Loay Alshareef, who was born in Saudi Arabia and Muslim raised to hate Jews immensely, shared, “Muslims named after Israeli Prophets should never question Israel’s legitimacy. It gets even more interesting when Muslims use the term ‘Bayt Al Maqdis’ without knowing its origin.” The European and Arab indoctrination into antisemitic racism did not survive within him, after Loay Alshareef lived with a Jewish family as a houseguest.

Imagine if northern Aegean created Christianity and southern Hejaz created Islam had NOT become world conquesting religions, meaning had stayed in their respective Palestinian kingdoms north and south of Southwest Asia.
Imagine, how their successfully converted adherents to Christian and Islamic theology would be knowledgeable enough to understand their writings, like Saudi Arabian Muslim, Loay Alshareef, because these religions do NOT colonize other peoples lands by force!
But, this is the fantasy history that pro-Christian and pro-Muslim adherents and propagandists try to spread. That they came and they come in peace, or that they were always here. While being deeply ignorant about their religion’s theology, history, and holy books.
Jesus the Jew of Nazareth taught his followers to follow our Jewish laws of Torah, a law that forbids idolizing Y-HWH with any formed image, and Christians worship the un-Jew-ed Jesus as a “God” in flesh, instead.
Mohammed based his revolutionary Quran upon Jewish teachings, the Shema in Torah, to replace Arab polytheism and Arab ancestors with a reverent attachment to the Jewish people’s ancestors and our resolute native devotion to Zion, our Canaan land of Israel.
This is why the Egyptian terrorist group “Ansar Bayt al Maqdis” is so offensive to native Jews of the land of Israel, the Canaan natives that Mohammed called “the people of the book”, and to our neighboring native Kurds of Kurdistan.
Ansar Bayt al Maqdis means “allies of the house of sanctification” – allies of the Beit ha’Mikdash – the house of Y-HWH upon the Jewish Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Yet these racist violent extremists terrorize the Jews and Kurds and seek our extermination from our lands for “allahu akbar” glory of Islam.
Islam means submission to Allah, Eloah in our Canaanite Hebrew, which is Y-HWH of the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel. Ansar Bayt al Maqdis is known today as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-Sinai Province (aka, ISIS).
ISIL stands with Iranian supplied and trained Palestinian Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic HAMAS (aka, the Egyptian Brotherhood), and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in their war to eliminate 1948 forcibly decolonized Israel from our planet Earth, along with her Jews and TRUE non-Jewish allies.
Christian and Muslim settler Colonialism is the REAL evil upon this planet Earth! The real harbinger of death and suffering for all victimized humanity under its manipulative colonizing influence.
And peace will not be achieved upon our planet Earth until Christianity and Islam actually atones for its sins against Indigenous humanity worldwide, and sins of blaming the Indigenous for THEIR acts of aggression!
The words “Palestine, Philistia” and “Palestinian, Philistine” are derived directly from our Canaanite Hebrew language – Feleshet פלשת, Felishtim פלשתים – and “Palestinian” literally means “one who rolled in”; aka, “foreigner, occupier” upon our Jewish land of Israel.
The Greeks and Romans were the “Palestinians” of old. And, these days, the Christians and Muslims are the “Palestinians” of the present. European and Arab Conquistadors living upon and terrorizing native peoples – upon Native peoples lands!
Everyday, Arabs and Europeans remind us Jews who are the settler occupiers upon our native Jewish people’s land of Israel! While they twist history into revisionist disinformation that – somehow, insanely – we Jews/Zionists are the occupiers of our own ancestral land!
Anti-Indigenous racism is a real thang, folks! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!

Judaism is an indigenous “religion” about the relationship between “we” and “you”. Judaism is the native Jewish people of Israel wrestling with our vassal treaty with our land’s god-King, Y-HWH, wherever upon this planet Earth that we Jews find ourselves.
Judaism has only one theology, and that theology is to love Y-HWH with all our heart, with all our body-mind, with all our physical means (scroll of D’varim 6.5). How do we “love” Y-HWH our land’s god-King? By keeping the mitzvot/halachot of our people, as vassal treatied with Y-HWH.
This is Zionism, folks! A native people’s steadfast and resolute emunah, “conviction”, to keep true to our civil-ritual laws that define us as a Southwest Asia Indigenous people. Zionism is the “love” for Zion, for our Canaan Jewish people’s way of life and responsibilities upon the land of Israel.
Judaism is Judah-people-ism!
יהדות – yahadút
Judaism is the ethno-religion of the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel.

Zionism, ZIONISM, is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement for PEACEful and SECURE self-sovereignty amongst the European and Arab Colonial nations upon our planet Earth. ZION is the city of Jerusalem and, by extension, the Jewish Canaan land of Israel!
“If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget [its talents].” – Tehilim 137:5
Jews have had a non-stop presence within Zion for 3,800 years and, still, counting. We have never been successfully fully ethnically cleansed from our native Canaan land of Israel by the European and Arab “Palestinians”!
The words “Palestine, Philistia” and “Palestinian, Philistine” are derived directly from our Canaanite Hebrew language – Feleshet פלשת, Felishtim פלשתים – and “Palestinian” literally means “one who rolled in”; aka, “foreigner, occupier” upon our Jewish land of Israel.
Everyday, Arabs and Europeans remind us Jews who are the settler occupiers upon our native Jewish people’s land of Israel! While they twist history into revisionist disinformation that – somehow, insanely – we Jews/Zionists are the occupiers of our own ancestral land!
Anti-Indigenous racism is a real thang, folks! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
“Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the princes of the fathers’ (houses) of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem; to bring up the ark of the covenant of Y-HWH out of the city of David, which is Zion.” – Melachim 8:1
King David was a Zionist. Zerubabel, governor of Judah, was a Zionist. Nehemiah and Ezra were Zionists. Even the failed messiah, Jesus the Jew of Nazareth, was a Zionist.
Simon ben Koseba (bar Kokhba, the 3-year messiah) was a Zionist, 2nd century CE. Nehemiah ben Hushiel (messiah ben Joseph, another 3 year messiah) was a Zionist, 7th century CE.
The Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah Jewish freedom fighters for the liberation of Zion (eretz yisrael, the land of Israel) in the 20th century CE were Zionists. The present day Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Arab members of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) are Zionists, folks!
We Jews refuse to be the victimized colonized dhimmi of Arab-European Conquistadors anymore! It is way past time to end Arab-European settler Colonialism upon our planet Earth. Allow our Native peoples/nations to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Christian, Muslim, and Marxist Colonial nations!
Zionism, Tsiyón-ism
ציון – tsiyón
The ancient Canaanite Hebrew word for the Jewish land of Israel is “Zion”.

Do you REALLY want peace ☮️✌️ in the Middle East?! … Then STOP 🛑 blaming the Indigenous peoples for YOUR colonial acts of terrorism!
Blaming ANY Israeli – Jew 🕎🪬 or Arab ☪️ – for what Palestinian 🇵🇸 HAMAS and Hezbollah terrorists 🔫🗡️ are doing to SWANA indigenous – this is pure and simple European and Arab antisemitism towards decolonized Israelis and still colonized Kurds!
Instead of blaming Israelis for your United Nations 🇺🇳 funded and supported anti-Indigenous Arab wars ☪️☭, how about supporting SWANA Indigenous peoples’ land rights, and DEMAND 🔊 that we be allowed to peacefully and securely decolonize ☺️ amongst your post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
Maybe, one day, Colonizers 🇪🇺🇵🇸? For peace on Earth?! United States of (Colonial) America 🇺🇸, the land of “liberty and justice for all”, care to join Israel and Kurdistan in being a light of hope 🕊️ for all still surviving Indigenous humanity – that are still occupied and terrorized by European and Arab colonial nations?
With or without USA support, we Israelis will finish what you, United Nations 🇺🇳 of Arab-European Colonial nations, started upon our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel and Kurdistan.
The only reason you blame the victimized political spouse 🇮🇱 for defending herself from spousal terrorisms 🇪🇺🇵🇸 upon her is because you are seeing the pipedream of a USA 🇺🇸 determined “two-state solution” disappearing before your eyes.
No USA handled native Israeli nation and politically land-squatting Arab Conquistador nation sharing the same reservation size land.
Worse, you see Israel’s and Kurdistan’s fight for decolonization as meaning all Indigenous peoples/nations worldwide will be demanding accountability for European 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇫🇷🇺🇸 and pan-Arab 🇵🇸 settler Colonialism. Thus, forcing you to have to allow other Indigenous nations their peaceful and secure real and sovereign land back!
The greatest fear of the European and Arab Conquistadors about SWANA native peoples’ and our vision for our lands is that we Israelis and Kurds will determine our own destiny. To defeat this UN funded multi-nation terrorism upon our lands. To finish forcibly decolonizing – in order to establish real PEACE, SECURITY, and SURVIVAL upon our native lands!

“The Global Imams Council [GIC] condemns in the strongest possible terms the barbaric actions of Hamas,… We hold Hamas directly responsible for the deaths and suffering of all innocent lives lost since October 7, as their actions have not only brought death and destruction upon the region but have also led to immense suffering for the Palestinian people.
Hamas’s reckless and inhumane tactics, using civilians as shields and exploiting their plight, have only escalated the cycle of violence and undermined the cause of justice and peace.
Moreover, we recognize that the regime in Iran shares equal responsibility for these tragedies, as its continued support and endorsement of Hamas’s actions perpetuate violence and instability in the region.
We stand with all victims of this conflict, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or religion, and we extend our deepest condolences to their families.
We call upon the international community, all religious leaders, and people of conscience to unite against these acts of terror and to work tirelessly towards a future where peace, justice, and respect for all human life are the foundations of our shared existence.”
GIC Statement on the Execution of Hostages by Hamas Terrorists, Issued at The Islamic Seminary of Najaf, Iraq, 1 September 2024
The Global Imams Council (GIC)

And David 🇮🇱 (9.31 million Jews and Israeli Arabs) faces off with Goliath 🇺🇳 (69.8 million Arab Colonizers and successfully colonized, with 5.52 million Arabs politically land-squatting upon 1948 decolonized Israel).
Goliath 🇺🇳, who complains to his allies 🇪🇺🇶🇦 that David 🇮🇱 is victimizing his armies and peoples that are occupying Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands and terrorizing our native peoples!
Moral of this David (Israeli) versus Goliath (Palestinian) ancient story: … Making endless war with Native peoples and, then, blaming the Native peoples for these wars has its consequences, folks!
וַיַּאַסְפ֨וּ פְלִשְׁתִּ֚ים אֶת־מַֽחֲנֵיהֶם֙ לַמִּלְחָמָ֔ה וַיֵּאָ֣סְפ֔וּ שׂכֹ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר לִיהוּדָ֑ה ….
“And the Palestinians assembled their camps to war, and they assembled at Sochoh which belonged to Judah ….”
Shmuel 1 17:1

The existential reality is that young people, Gen Z and Millennials, need to stop getting their news and beliefs from terrorists and their terrorist supporters!
“Millennials did not grow up at a time where the causal relationship between Israel and the Holocaust still had living faces, they are far more likely than older generations to empathize with Palestinians…. Millennials have lived the entirety of their adult lives in a war against terror, they’re hesitant to protect a country that is far from home and from a people who they see as victims….
They grew up at a time of emphasized tolerance. Tolerance and inclusivity was a cornerstone of their childhood, from Harry Potter books to increasingly diverse schools—perhaps why Millennials are more likely to advocate for gay marriage and embrace political correctness. They believe, strongly, in the value of compromise and are notoriously conflict-avoidant. From what Millennials have experienced in their lives, they have seen far more Palestinian deaths than Israeli deaths, regardless of who fired what rocket first.”
Millennials and GenZ overall have zero lived understanding of what it is like to be dhimmi to Muslims – hated, segregated, tortured, enslaved, and murdered (ACTUAL genocides!) for being non-Muslims and/or ethnically cleansed from Muslim colonized lands. They see successful Indigenous peoples’ resistance and militarized decolonization – like Israel and Kurdistan – as an act of provocation and aggression towards the Islamic settlers they know as “Palestinians”.
Millennials and GenZ do NOT understand the oppression of living under Sharia law in Islamic dictatorships, nor do these privileged new voting youngsters of the United States understand that these post-WW2 Islamic extremists – that they idolize and support, and call the victims – have an intimate relationship with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi ideology, courtesy of Putin’s former USSR KGB handlers!
Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei (Iran) understand this generational dynamic and have been and still are actively exploiting it to bring about another Shoah (Holocaust) upon the Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel – by isolating us from the future government leaders of the United States and other European nations, with social media false narratives designed to bias them.
Not voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in 2024 because Kamala Harris won’t take the stance of a United States arms embargo against indigenous Israel is foolish and it is the minority Millennial and GenZ view. Instead of listening to them, send the right message that the United States is not going to be indoctrinated into antisemitic (anti-Indigenous) racism!
Why American Millennials Are Unsympathetic Toward Israel

The anti-Jew (aka, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, etc) racism is real and systemic, folks. And news medias play a major part in this antisemitic narrative near worldwide! Honesty and full context really do matter, folks. But, who’s listening? Surely, not the European and Arab Palestinians and their successfully colonized!
Just like Ali Mahmud, an Islamic HAMAS “journalist”/”reporter”, so now with Bisan Owda, PFLP “journalist”. While this Israel-blaming journalism of Palestinian Islamic HAMAS’s genocide upon Israelis and – then – Gazans continues to get rewarded with prestigious awards, native Israelis being held hostage by Palestinian HAMAS have not seen the outside of cramped UNRWA-funded 🇺🇳 terror tunnels for 356 days – being starved, tortured, and having to crap in a bucket that sits beside them!!!
Meanwhile, Palestinian political land-squatters and terrorists are receiving awards for their journalism and disinformation propaganda! Let’s review the recent Western love affair with terrorist atrocities:
Bisan Owda is a member of the USSR ☭🟥 invented Palestinian PLFP – Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – the pan-Arab Marxist–Leninist nationalist terror organization created by the USSR in the 1960’s – to specifically terrorize 1948 decolonized Israel 🇮🇱 and, consequently, to terrorize the United States 🇺🇸, our politically aligned ally.
A lot of USSR money and support went into Arab “Palestinian” terrorist attacks, until the fall of the USSR in the 1980’s! The PLFP is presently the second-largest organization in this USSR-created Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), after Fatah. Now called the PA (Palestinian Authority), this terror organization is still presently overseen by KGB recruited and groomed Mahmoud Abbas (he got his PhD equivalent degree in Holocaust denial in Moscow!).
The Palestine Authority is a supporter of the goals of Palestinian Islamic HAMAS, even though the PLO fears losing Communist political power to radical Islam! Why is none of these easily verifiable historical facts being reported? Because, antisemitic propagandists like Bisan Owda wouldn’t get rewards for terrorizing and, then, blaming the Zionists (the Jews)!
Let’s review, further, the recent Western love affair with terrorist favoring reports of their terrorist caused atrocities:
The prestigious Reynolds Journalism Institute recently rewarded Arab Palestinian HAMAS for their photojournalism of their own crimes against Indigenous humanity!
The first place award of their oldest photojournalism award for their Photo of the Year (POY) competition was given to Ali Mahmud – who accompanied the terrorists on October 7 and documented them committing depraved atrocities and crimes against Indigenous Israelis. Listen!
Ali Mahmud photographed the abduction of depravedly murdered Israeli Shani Louk because he was there to do so – as an Arab Palestinian Gazan with family members in Islamic HAMAS. He was NOT in Israel on October 7th, 2023, by accident. He was part of the invasion force!
Ali Mahmud, like Abdallah Aljamal and family, had a choice to stand for the victims of Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorism. Abdallah Aljamal and family could have smuggled Noa Argamani to IDF rescuers, like righteous non-Jews in Europe did for Jewish families during the WW2 German-Arab Nazi Holocaust!
But, Israel/Jews are to blame for this bloody and atrocious desecration of our sacred native ancestral Canaan land of Israel!!!
Honest Reporting shared,
“If you missed the News Emmy’s on Wednesday, here’s the scoop:
Besides the terrorists honored throughout the show, Bisan Owda, a filmmaker-turned-journalist, took home the Emmy for ‘Outstanding Hard News Feature Story.’
Who would’ve imagined that a decade ago, when Bisan was leading PFLP rallies in Gaza—a terrorist-run territory with no freedom of press—she’d now be nationally recognized for her… outstanding journalism…? 🤔
No, Journalism is not a crime. But terrorism certainly is.” Shame on you, United States of Colonial America!!!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.

Why is Israel “escalating” this war against Muslim terrorists beyond Gaza and, now, into Lebanon? Even though it means that Israel will be accused by the European and Arab colonized world as committing MORE “genocide” upon Arab/Arabized women and children? This is why:
Keep in mind that most of the Jews indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa had been forcibly ethnically cleansed from the Arab controlled nations and forced into Israel (the majority) and into the United States (a “brown” minority).
In the 1970’s, with Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦, Colonial Jordan 🇵🇸, and USSR (Russia) ☭🟥 supported resources, and European nations’ 🇪🇺 UNRWA funding 🇺🇳,…
Throughout the 1970’s, Muslims continued increasing their numbers in these surrounding SWANA nations, and became a political majority within these Western-ized “small d” democratic Southwest Asia nations. Nations such as Lebanon and Iran and Afghanistan, and etc!
Why was it an imperative necessity for Muslims to do this?! To surround “small d” 1948 successfully decolonized Israel 🇮🇱 with Muslim enemies ☪️. “The enemy is Israel” and “the United States” – this has been the established Muslim doctrine in all of these successfully colonized SWANA nations for decades.
What has been the result of this Arab settler Colonialism upon these SWANA native lands? Their “Western”ized way of life and democracies have been replaced with Arab/Arabized Muslim terrorism and Sharia law oppression.
Once the Saudis realized what they had unleashed with Russia, it was too late. Christian Lebanon ✝️ became the anti-Saudi opposing kind of Muslim ☪️, a proxy of successfully Islamized Iran 🇮🇷. Iraq and Syria had fallen into similar anti-democratic traps!
So, Israel must clean up these decades long antisemitic United Nations 🇺🇳 established, supported, and funded mess – all so that native Israelis, Kurds, Balochs, Assyrians, Persians, Lebanese, Syrians, etc(!) can have a RETURN to their short-lived “small d” democratic way of life upon OUR Arab/Muslim 🇵🇸 occupied lands.
The United Nations is SO corrupt from antisemitism that there is no peacekeeping force to save the Middle East. No condemnation of Islamic occupation and terrorisms, no support for Israel, and no recognition of Kurdish forced independence upon their ancestral land.
Only Israel 🇮🇱 fights for SWANA native peoples’ decolonization and sovereign land rights! Only we cry out for the Kurds as we do our Israeli own (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous “Arab”ized citizens of Israel!).
Israel ALONE is given the unwanted task of bringing peace and security to our Southwest Asia portion of the Middle East! Sure, the Colonial USA 🇺🇸 and a few European nations (Germany 🇩🇪) support us with intelligence and weapons and minority UN votes, but…
Israel 🇮🇱 ALONE must save the Middle East, from this racistly anti-Indigenous world of Colonial nations 🇺🇳, just so Israelis can live in peace and security upon our ancestors’ land!
The Muslims ☪️ deliberately embed themselves into the native populations they conquer – whether by increasing numbers or by war conquest – to ensure that Israel 🇮🇱 is blamed for all their sinful and depraved acts of hate targeting Jews/Israelis. While they attack repeatedly, the worldwide news services say that Israel is “escalating” these wars.
Anyone that spreads this disinformation is fully complicit in and supportive of this Muslim Conquistador’s ☪️ settler Colonialism and terrorisms, as well! Europe and the (Muslim fundamentalist hated) United States is next! Consider this, Europeans, Russia 🇷🇺 is not trying to colonize your lands – only to restore the USSR ☭🟥 to its former 1970’s glory, and to turn your nations into Putin’s puppets.
Islam ☪️ has the United States’ Christian nationalist “Handmaid’s Tale” in mind for you! Just ask the Lebanese, the Iranians, the Afghans, etc. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks? Right, Joy Reid ?
Oh, and a historical note that every journalist should know:
Lebanon was a Christian ✝️ nation and Iran was a native SWANA Zoroastrian 🪔 nation, until the 1970’s. What changed? And, even after the destruction of Gaza, the UAE 🇦🇪 still stands openly with Israel. Why is this? Perhaps they are Zoroastrian 🪔 influenced?
Perhaps, Israel 🇮🇱 is NOT “escalating” anything. Rather, only trying to be the achiever of lasting PEACE and SECURITY for all SWANA native nations! This starts with defending our own native Jewish 🕎 land rights. And offering support to our SWANA neighbors like the Kurds.

It was on Tisha B’Av, 1492 CE, that the ethnic cleansing of native Jews from Spain began. …
“This tragic period in Sephardic history was chronicled in a historical-liturgical work titled Emek Ha-Bakha – The Valley of Tears. Composed by Yosef Ha-Kohen, a Sephardic Jew whose parents were among those expelled from Spain, the work later was translated into Ladino as El Vaye de los Yoros.
To this day, Sephardic Jews read this tragic work on Tisha B’Av… Refusing to die out or disappear on Tisha B’Av in 1492, Sephardim would now search for a new home, the destiny of which would be a return to the Land of Israel.”
As the Sephardi poet Yehuda ha’Levi expresses our Jewish resilience and Zionism: “My heart is in the East.”
Every native Jew is informed by our relationship with the Land of Israel, which birthed our Canaan Hebrew language and ethno-religious Judean culture, regardless where we find ourselves upon this planet Earth.
Sephardic Resilience, Sephardic Zionism: Born in 1492, Still Going Strong – Distinctions Magazine
The experiences of 16th century mystic Rav Yosef Karo demonstrate that the expulsion of Sephardic Jews from Spain was not the loss of home, but an impetus for returning home to the Land of Israel.
By Rabbi Daniel Bouskila
META Description : Who are the real allies of the Jews? Who really stands with Israel? Those with the names of Jewish prophets should be allies!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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