From the most colonized to the least colonized,… What a time for Indigenous peoples resilience and resistance worldwide! … If only we all can learn to speak with one complicated even contradictory singular voice, like our Jewish people’s Torah speaks to our native Jewish people and to this entire human world.

If you want to understand the heart of the Jew, of the Sabra (the rooted in the dirt native Jew), the yehudi Israeli (Ees-ra-el-ee!) – wherever we may find ourselves planet Earth wide – then you NEED to listen to our song! Not just to our stories!!! We are an Indigenous SWANA people for a reason. Our identity is rooted in our Canaan people’s relationship with the Land of Israel.
Despite the horrors of last year that is terrorizing the beginning of this new lunar-solar year of 5785, we Jews MUST sing our song and blow our shofar in defiance of European and Arab settler Colonialism upon our land of Israel. We MUST remember who we are as a SWANA native people and fulfill our self-determined mission!
To bring heaven down to Earth, to be the miracle makers, and be the light unto all still surviving Indigenous nations!!!
The last of the JIRA admins signs off for the beginning of the terrifying and terrific Days of Awe. May all Jews still presently alive make it into the Book of Life for the year 5785! Shana tovah umetuka!
(Thank you, Nachmen Filmer נחמן פילמר, for the musical medleys that you are creating for the Jewish people!)
Shana tova, Israel! Shana tova, the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel! May year 5785 see an end to this worldwide antisemitism!
Rosh ha’Shanah is the first of four Jewish “new year” observances. Being that we are such an insular SWANA native people (meaning that we generally keep our Jewishness to ourselves), most non-Jews do not know this.
Rosh ha’Shanah is the birth of the civil/ritual seasonal year for the Canaan land of Israel and her Israeli people. The other new years are the new year of the calendar months, new year of the animals with civil taxation, and the new year of the trees with civil taxation.
And our Jewish calendar is often associated to the birth of Adam (literally, in this case, shaped from the dirt and given the breath of life), from which the Canaan peoples and, specifically, the Jewish people are descendants. Many Jews associate Rosh ha’Shanah with the beginning of the land and skies (the known “world” or, these days, the known “universe”).
The first two origin stories in our Canaanite Hebrew language ancestral scrolls is all about the creation of the world that gives humans a chance at living life. We begin with the Six Days of Creating cosmology story, and this is directly followed by the Gan Eyden creation story.
On this Rosh ha’Shanah, our d’varim (words, stories) that informs our derech (our native path) is the subject of this post. So, we have a question for you, to ponder on while embracing the terrible and terrific Days of Awe – Yamim Nora’im (Yom Teruah through Yom Kippur):
Technical note, Parashat Bereshit doesn’t actually get chanted until the 18th of Tishrei, 5785 (20 October 2024). We chant Parashat Ha’azinu on the 1st of Tishrei, 5785 (2 October 2024 after sunset). But, since Rosh ha’Shanah is directly associated with Parashat Bereshit….
When you chant/read the Six Days of Creating cosmology story that depicts the creation of the adam species* (humankind) in “our image” “male and female” by the Elohim and, then, after the first Shabbat, Y-HWH’s creation of the Adam that was split to become the people of Y-HWH’s Levant land (ultimately the Canaan people known as Jews),…
Of which Cain, who murdered his brother and, as a punishment, was sent out into a land beyond Y-HWH’s garden of land, and became quite prosperous with these equally intelligent human beings that were created by Elohim, where they created a city with him and a legacy for his descendants that is worthy of being mentioned in our Canaanite Hebrew language Jewish Torah….
- above, “adam species” (humankind) – Neanderthal humans, Denisovan humans, and Homo Sapiens humans, since all are represented in our genome, despite not being represented in our Jewish origin story (which only knows of the Homo Sapiens species).
Here is our question: How did, in Torah parlance, all humans upon the Elohim created land become the descendants of our Jewish people’s ancestors, Adam and Chavah (“life giver”, aka “Eve”), who were shaped from the adamah (top soil) and given the breath of life in the Gan Eyden origin story that begins after the first Shabbat?
Confused? Here’s another way of asking this question: How did this humanity that we know today come from Adam v’Chavah? Especially, when knowing that Torah teaches that Adam v’Chavah were created after most human beings upon the land?
שנה טובה עם ישראל!
🍏🍯 Rosh Hashana 5785 🍏🍯 approaches! Maybe this year, we will have those who understand the meaning of shema embracing our page. May this be so!

“I’m a proud Palestinian who grew up in the Shu’fat refugee camp in Jerusalem. I live in East Jerusalem with my family, and want nothing more in this world than to see my children inherit a just and peaceful world. That’s why seeing violent protestors purporting to speak in my name chanting on campuses or burning the American flag in protests across America over the last year made me very, very angry.
The fools who chant the slogan “from the river to the sea,” a slogan which we Palestinians understand is a call for denying the right to exist of the world’s only Jewish state, aren’t just channeling the antisemitism of Hamas and Fatah, the two leading Palestinian political parties and movements. They’re also ignoring a much more basic fact: If you ask any of my Palestinian neighbors if they’d rather live under the corrupt Palestinian Authority or murderous Hamas or under Israeli sovereignty, an overwhelming majority of us would choose Israel.
I’m a proud Palestinian. I want nothing more in this world than to see my children inherit a just and peaceful world. That’s why seeing violent protestors purporting to speak in my name chanting on campuses or burning the American flag in protests across America over the last year made me very, very angry.” – Bassem Eid, Palestinian Human Rights activist
Read my latest in @usnews: ” – Bassem Eid, Palestinian Human Rights activist
Naftali Bennett נפתלי בנט, “Israel has now its greatest opportunity in 50 years, to change the face of the Middle East.
The leadership of Iran, which used to be good at chess, made a terrible mistake this evening.
We must act now to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, its central energy facilities, and to fatally cripple this terrorist regime.
To strike the head of the octopus of terror, that, in its cowardice, sent its tentacles (Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, etc.) to murder us, while the Ayatollahs sat safely in their palaces in Tehran.
The octopus’s tentacles are temporarily paralysed – now comes the head. We must remove this terrible threat to our children’s future.
We can grant the Iranian people an opportunity to rise up and shake off the regime that tyrannizes its women and daughters.
We have the justification. We have the tools. Now that Hezbollah and Hamas are paralyzed, Iran stands exposed.
Over this last terrible year, Iranian tentacles murdered our families.
Raped our daughters.
Kidnapped our children.
Ransacked our towns.
Burned our fields.
Fired on our ships.
Terrorized children in Kiryat Shmona, Kfar Aza, and Sderot.
Emptied out whole regions of our land.
Humiliated us.
Now is the moment.
A Nation of Lions has united and proven its strength over the last year. It has yearned for a change, for action, for so very long.
There are times when history knocks at our door, and we must open it. This opportunity must not be missed.”
@naftalibennett 4:04 PM · Oct 1, 2024 · 3.3M Views

Arab Palestinians are the only eternal refugees upon this planet Earth. Why? Because the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations insist that, to no longer be refugees, Palestinians must be allowed to recolonize our 1948 forcibly decolonized native Jewish land of Israel.
“UNRWA was established in 1949 by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to provide relief to all refugees resulting from the 1948 conflict; this initially included Jewish and Arab Palestine refugees inside the State of Israel, until the Israeli government took over responsibility for Jewish refugees in 1952. As a subsidiary body of the UNGA, UNRWA’s mandate is subject to periodic renewal every three years; it has consistently been extended since its founding, most recently until 30 June 2026.” – Wikipedia
For 75 years, Arab Palestinian occupied native Israel has spent billions of dollars building bunkers, border walls, and an Iron Dome defense system to protect her Israeli citizens from systemic ground and air attacks by Arab nations and terrorist organizations. This is the ONLY reason that 1948 forcibly decolonized native Israel still exists as a sovereign and independent Indigenous nation.
Israel’s vigilant and expensive defensive posture is also the reason why deaths on the Israeli side are few in comparison to Arab terrorist occupied areas. Israel hides her citizens from attack, and Arab Palestinian terror groups deliberately use their occupied citizens as disposable human shields! They know that Israel will be blamed for all these terrorist committed deaths. Right, European and Arab colonized world? This happens every time Israel is forced to defend herself for her survival!
For 75 years, the politically land-squatting Palestine Liberation Organization (the PA) and Palestinian Islamic HAMAS (and Hezbollah, too,) terror organizations have built tunnels under the Arab “civilians” that they govern, in order to protect their terrorist armies, weapons, fuel, and food depots – which are all UNRWA funded, courtesy of the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations. And, unsurprisingly, the Palestinian terrorists are the employees of UNRWA!
Because Israel protects her citizens – both Arabs and Jews, including a limited number of “Palestinians” – she is demonized by the world for defending her native right to exist and be self-determining. The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations call her defensive acts of survival an “escalation” and a “genocide” upon Arab Colonizers – political land-squatters that DON’T have to continue their conquest to possess all of Southwest Asia’s native peoples’ lands.
It is way past time to end this racistly violent UNRWA eternal refugees program for the recolonization of the Israeli people’s Canaan land of Israel! It is way past time to end European and Arab settler Colonialism upon all Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!!
Snapshot above – If you’re a registered “Palestinian”, you get eternal refugee status and handouts. You, your family, your descendants, and all your adopted childrens. So says the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations. Is this really fair?! Or, just plain antisemtic towards native Jews and Israelis? UNRWA – Occupying and terrorizing SWANA native peoples since 1949!

Zack Sage Fox, an American Jew pretending to be Italian American, was allowed by Arab Palestinians into the Palestine Authority’s ruled “West Bank” to freely interview “West Bankers” – and he almost lost his life for it!
In Israel you cannot tell an Arab from a Jew in most cases. In the Arab Palestinian occupied “West Bank” it’s even harder, unless you are a Jew with a lot of northern European diaspora admixture. So going into Israel anywhere with a predetermined idea of what you are going to find – of course you’ll be able to find anything this way.
But, this is such a stupid approach to learning about a people – predetermining who and what they are – that is based upon long-established antisemtic disinformation campaigns and the need for confirmation bias. A confirmation bias that native Israelis MUST be the problem, upon our ancestral land and everywhere else worldwide! So says the European and Arab Conquistadors of all Indigenous peoples lands planet Earth wide.
The “West Bank” is Palestine Authority ruled, like Gaza is Palestinian Islamic HAMAS ruled. BOTH are a dictatorship that thieves UNRWA funds and terrorizes its own Arab people, in order to keep them in line and to keep them supporting anti-Indigenous disinformation, history revisionism lies, and racistly violent acts of terrorism – of course, targeting native “Jews”, specifically, and “Israelis”, in general!
These Arab “West Bankers”, like their Gaza counterparts, are not citizens of Israel, nor do they want to be, and they are politically land-squatting upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Israeli land – all to deny our native Israeli sovereignty over our Canaan land of Israel, deliberately ensuring no peace and security for our Israeli indigenous nation.
With the support of the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations, these Arab “Palestinians” (self-named so in 1964) claim a bold face lie that somehow – unique only to them, these post-WW1 Arab settlers upon Israel – that they have a “right of return” into all of Israel, in order to re-establish a Colonial “Palestine” state upon her!
The only Apartheid upon the land of Israel is in Gaza and the “West Bank” and upon the Al Aqsa occupied Jewish Temple Mount. That is, if your passport says “Jew” or “Israeli”! This is why the Arab Palestinians are continuously attacking “Israeli settlers” in the “West Bank” and the world is blaming Israelis living in the Arab Palestinian occupied “West Bank” for fighting back in defense of our native people and native land!
Always, somehow, it MUST be the Jew’s/Israeli’s fault. Right, antisemitic world that claims not to be antisemitic?! Take a moment and listen closely to this video, and listen CLOSELY to what this educated and socially privileged young Arab Palestinian Muslim woman has to say about the Jews and Israelis that she hates so much. Her view is the systemic majority view of Arab Palestinians in BOTH the “West Bank” and Gaza.
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!!! … After watching this video, go watch the other videos of Zack Sage Fox’s life risking visit into the Arab Palestinian wannabe Colonial Apartheid state of “Palestine”.
Fox, a “loud and proud” Jewish American, told anyone who asked that he was an Italian American and was able to cross the border into the West Bank without issue, because Israelis and Jewish people are not welcomed in the region.
Fox found several people walking West Bank streets who were quick to express support for the Hamas terror group and declared Israeli hostages should not be released, but things got dicey when he tried to interview a woman whose hair was fully covered. A “very upset” Palestinian man approached him and asked him to delete the footage.
“They’re not used to anybody questioning their narrative that they’ve been brainwashed to believe. And you can see it … I’m interviewing that girl just for several minutes and these men watching it, they can’t even accept that you would be asking questions because it’s not a free society,” Fox told Fox News Digital.
Another technology expert caught wind of the story and offered to help recover the video. Fox thought it was impossible and was reluctant to set himself up for further disappointment but eventually said “f—k it” and gave them a shot.
“A week later I got a call that they recovered almost all of it. It was a miracle,” Fox said.
Fox then watched the footage and “couldn’t believe his eyes.”
“To see that interview back after three months was insane… I didn’t know when my cameraman stopped filming, so I didn’t realize, one, that you could see the men starting to pull the other men in into the thing. I didn’t realize you could see that behind me,” he said.

Yes, Ta-Nehisi Coates, these Arab Palestinian political land-squatters occupying Israel would be “better off” returning to Colonial Jordan, Colonial Syria, and Egypt!
We Jews/Israelis fully understand the experience that Ta-Nehisi Coates and you, Joy Reid , had when you visited Africa for the first time and felt, “this isn’t right, this land is a graveyard”. This is what every single native Jew and Israeli, whether indigenous or returned from a diaspora land, feels about our Jewish land of Israel!
The Jewish people were always in Jerusalem and throughout the land of Israel throughout every single European and Arab occupation of our Canaan land. To regain sovereignty, indigenous Jews with returned native Jews had to literally freedom fight for two decades for the liberation of our land from you Colonial folks – from European and Arab Palestinian racistly violent occupation.
Easily verifiable historical facts really matter, folks!!! The history revisionism is what the European and Arab settler occupiers are teaching – “you conjure a story” – to invalidate ANY Indigenous Peoples’ resistance! This includes the lies you preach about the history of Israel, meant to justify post-WW1 European established Arab settler Colonialism upon Southwest Asia!
For 1600 years – AND still counting – the raping and pillaging and occupying for the “allahu akbar” glory of Colonial Allah and Christ that has led to the deaths and forced conversions and ethnic cleansings of millions of Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Lebanese, Persians, etc! – and we are ANGRY that to this day this European-Arab Palestinian depraved behavior continues!
The only Apartheid upon the land of Israel is in Gaza and the “West Bank” and upon the Al Aqsa occupied Jewish Temple Mount. That is, if your passport says “Jew” or “Israeli”! This is why the Arab Palestinians are continuously attacking “Israeli settlers” in the “West Bank” and the world is blaming Israelis living in the Arab Palestinian occupied “West Bank” for fighting back in defense of our native people and native land!
The “West Bank” is Palestine Authority ruled, like Palestinian Islamic HAMAS ruled Gaza. It is a dictatorship that thieves UNRWA funds and terrorizes its own Arab people to keep them in line, these Arab “West Bankers” are not citizens of Israel nor do they want to be, and they are politically land-squatting upon Israeli land – since 1948 – to deny Israel a peaceful and secure indigenous sovereignty.
Israeli Apartheid, Joy Reid and Chris Hayes ? Seriously! Where amongst Israelis?! We challenge you to honestly show this on your show!!! Israeli “Apartheid” is a 1970’s KGB invented disinformation campaign that has been successfully bought by universities and anti-Israel organizations worldwide, and has been spread at an alarming rate in this age of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok!
Israel has as citizens near two million Arabs who were not successfully expelled by Arab armies during the Arab created “nakba” – the 5 Arab armies’ 10 month siege to eradicate the decolonized Independent Judean nation of Israel. These Arabs are doctors, teachers, court judges, politicians, entrepreneurs, and also fight with Jews in our IDF to ensure our continued successful Zionism. A former Jewish Prime Minister was put in jail for corruption by the Supreme Court of Israel which has an Arab Israeli judge presiding.
If Israel were an “Apartheid” state, would Israel choose Arabs to be judges upon the Supreme Court of Israel – for example, Salim Joubran, Abdel Rahman Zuabi, George Karra, and Khaled Kabub? Did you know that former PM Ehud Olmert was sentenced to jail by this very same Supreme Court with Arab judges upon it?
How is Arab freedom of movement and freedom to be what you want to be – a form of Israeli “Apartheid”, Joy Reid and Chris Hayes ? Seriously! Muslim women get special programs to ensure that they can get an engineering degree in Israeli universities. How is this Apartheid?!
It is the antisemites’ racist game to blame the SWANA Indigenous peoples for the sins and crimes of the European and Arab Colonizers!
To write his book, Ta-Nehisi Coates visited Israel with the expectation to find the antisemitic Russian 1970’s invented disinformation propaganda of Israeli “Apartheid” (which is used to this day by those anti-Israel institutions he mentioned) – and he found it everywhere he looked. Nevermind that Jews are targeted for death for being in the Arab Palestinian occupied and ruled “West Bank” and Gaza!
Ta-Nehisi Coates’ view is understandable, considering that he is indoctrinated into a USSR-created European and Arab history revisionism and disinformation campaign about native Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous forcibly “Arab”ized citizens of Israel, who are post-1948 occupied by UNRWA funded Arab political land-squatters to deny our hard fought 1940’s decolonization of our land!
Ta-Nehisi Coates needs to stick to the reality of the United States of Colonial America’s history of actual racial Apartheid and needed reparations! Something that is historically factual, and that he actually knows something about!
The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations MUST provide reparations to native Israelis and Kurds for this 106 years of racistly violent European established Arab settler occupation and terrorisms upon our SWANA peoples and lands!
Shame on you, Joy Reid and Chris Hayes , for you should know better by now, and be willing to openly correct this kind of antisemtic disinformation!

This is not a joke! UNRWA is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize after their employees participated – with United Nations’ complicity and financial support – in the October 7, 2023, militarized attack upon Israelis – wherein these UNRWA members of Palestinian terror group Islamic HAMAS raped, mutilated, tortured, murdered, and kidnapped Israeli women, children, elderly, parents, and men!!! Then took refuge in Gaza with their kidnapped Israeli hostages to ensure that they can cause maximum deaths of Gazans, while fighting the IDF hostage rescuers amongst Gaza’s women, children, and elderly! This is how much the world hates decolonized Jewish Indigenous resistance, our 1948 forced sovereignty upon our native land for literal Indigenous people survival from racistly violent genocidal European and Arab settler Colonialism.
Yoseph Haddad shared, “
אונר”א מועמדים לפרס נובל לשלום! זו לא בדיחה. למרות שהוכח שמדובר בשותף של חמאס ושעובדי אונר”א לקחו חלק פעיל בטבח ה-7 באוקטובר כמו המחבל שבתמונה.
פשוט בושה וחרפה!
מה הקריטריונים לפרס נובל לשלום? לקחת חלק פעיל בטבח ישראלים?!
UNRWA was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize! This is not a joke.
Even though it‘s been proven that the UN is in partnership with Hamas and that UNRWA employees took an active role in the October 7th massacre like the terrorist in the picture.
Just a shame and a disgrace!
What‘s included in the criteria for the Nobel Peace Prize? Taking an active part in the massacre of Israelis?!”

If you do not “pay to play” in this European and Arab colonized world, then your numbers on “Followers/Likes” remain small. And, you get to watch daily who comes and goes, based upon whether your post offends their mental/emotional sensitivities. Also, it shows you a little bit of “why” you suddenly get deleted and blocked by groups and pages.
It is very hard to be truly grassroots in your social activism, especially if you’re not promoting a European or Arab colonial agenda! And, even worse, if you’re fighting for Indigenous peoples rights and are not willing to “pay” for “click” play – because that pads the pockets of the European and Arab Conquistadors for Colonial Allah and Christ and, now, Marx, too, economic ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide!
This is why our page has so few followers, compared to most pages. Only hundreds, instead of thousands. And, this is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. Rather, this is the process of walking “hand in hand” with others – of same and unlike kind – on an honest native path! Of course, we minorities want to be seen and heard, too!! But, at what price? This is every activist’s dilemma!
Why is JIRA not exploding (going “viral”) across the worldwide Web? It’s because we speak in the Indigenous peoples’ narrative. And we refuse to capitulate our voices to express within the Colonial socially approved narratives for us. Rather, we correct the labels and the disinformations. And this makes the successfully colonized world very uncomfortable. But, this IS the price of remaining truly “in continuity” Indigenous!
Remember, Y-HWH and his covenanted followers have NEVER colonized any peoples’ lands, other than Y-HWH’s Canaan land of Israel. Torah and modern Archaeology teaches that Jews had our founding event in our Canaan land of Israel. But, somehow, we come from “Europe”, because the modern CE European and Arab Conquistadors insist that this must be true. Go home, Colonizers! Until you can learn to live in peace amongst Indigenous peoples who affirm their Native land rights.

We are being trolled and targeted, again. Repeatedly being reported for “hate speech”, because we are correctly labeling individuals and groups.
This is what happens when a systemically hated minority group defies their social place, and puts reality back into correct perspective. So, for “clapping” back to haters, we native Jews must be the haters – who now must constantly defend ourselves to the greater successfully colonized world!
This is true, whether it is Israel before the United Nations or it is JIRA before Facebook’s international judges on reported content.
It doesn’t matter where you live as a native Jew upon this planet Earth, all experience the same targeting to varying degrees. The less successfully colonized, the more violent the hatred towards us!
Easily verifiable historical facts correctly labeled are NOT “Hate Speech”, antisemites!
“You have us confused with Palestinian Islamic HAMAS, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Islamic Hezbollah, and Egyptian Islamic State. It is antisemitic to blame the victims of those who rape and commit genocide. Shame on you!” – Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA, shared on Native Lives Matter in response to an antisemitic comment targeting JIRA.
“If they are not literally hiding in the homes/apartments, hospitals, and schools, then these Arab “Palestinian” terrorist armies have bunkers right beside them or underneath them. This is the way of Islamic terrorism for the “allahu akbar” glory of Arab settler Colonialism!
It is important to understand something here about Colonial nations’ foreign policy duplicity, so a serious question for you:
Seeing how Hassan Nasrallah and his Hezbollah terror army were responsible for the attacks in Beirut that targeted the U.S. embassy, the U.S. Marine barracks, and the U.S. embassy annex in the 1980’s, why is it only now that “justice” for both Americans and Lebanese has been served, and it took tiny Israel that’s been under Hezbollah attack since Oct 8th, 2023, to carry out this crimes against humanity social “justice”?
Given the reality of superpower nations that are policing this planet Earth, one must wonder why it is that native Israel is being held responsible for cleaning up this UNRWA funded settler occupation and terrorism mess!
“Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror. His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.
The strike that killed Nasrallah took place in the broader context of the conflict that began with Hamas’s massacre on October 7, 2023. Nasrallah, the next day, made the fateful decision to join hands with Hamas and open what he called a “northern front” against Israel.” – POTUS Joe Biden, 28 September 2024″ – Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA, shared on our page!

But, according to the Western Colonial “two state solution” fanatics, Israel is the problem! Arab “Palestinian” occupied and terrorized Israel (106 years and still counting), courtesy of the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations!
“Palestinians in the West Bank are celebrating the Iranian missile attack on Israel that could have just as easily killed them as it could have killed Israelis. As long as Palestinians celebrate the attempted murder of Jews, there is no chance for peace.” – Bassem Eid, 1 October 2024
Along with this Iran ballistic missile attack that killed a Palestinian in Jericho, two Arab Palestinian settlers committed a terrorist attack in Jaffa, killing several native Israelis! (Update, 6 Israelis dead, 10 wounded. The 2 Palestinian terrorists were from Hebron.)
Demand that Palestinian Islamic HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah AND the Houthis lay their weapons down now and surrender for a permanent CEASEFIRE!
If you can’t do this regularly, daily, on your social platforms, then you are an antisemite, full stop! Please, don’t be an unsavable antisemite!
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel and Kurdistan will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors! Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality!

Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem – Indigenous Coalition for Israel shared, “Anti-Israel protesters hijacked Indigenous suffering to promote hate
Anti-Israel protesters hijacked a school field trip in which students were supposed to learn about the tragic history of Grassy Narrows, where for over half a century Indigenous children have been poisoned, many born maimed and disabled.
Activists handed out stickers to students stating, “Zionism does not kill — extremism does”. Meanwhile protestors called for genocide with their chants “Turtle Island to Lebanon, Israel will be gone”.
From First Nations leaders Harry S. LaForme, Karen Restoule and Mark S. Dockstator:
Indigenous values do not align with pro-terror and hateful messages. They are anathema to the Seven Sacred Teachings of Indigenous people. These values are found in Treaties of Peace and Friendship, which are grounded in the Seven Sacred Teachings — Love, Respect, Courage, Honesty, Wisdom, Humility and Truth.
IEJ joins Canadian First Nations leaders, Harry S. LaForme, Karen Restoule and Mark S. Dockstator
in calling for a thorough investigation into the events of Sept. 18.
Read the @nationalpost article in the link in the bio. #firstnations #firstnationscanada #firstnationspeople #indigenous #indigenouspeople #israel #jews #standwithisrael ✡️🇮🇱

Bassem Eid shared, “Gaza aid worker Islam Hejazy was murdered by Hamas thugs today after reportedly refusing to hand over funds that had been donated to her to provide aid to civilians in Gaza.
Hamas then tried to tell her family she was murdered “by mistake.”
The innocent civilians in Gaza continue to suffer under the barbaric Hamas terror regime. #FreeGazaFromHamas”

“You cannot defeat the Indigenous heart, for settler Colonialism cannot keep us apart! We know who we are no matter the attempted indoctrination, and will find a native way for our transformation. No, we are not talking submitting to conversion, rather a Native indigenous resistance to our coercion.
Whether Jew or Kurd or Persian or Lebanese, we will find some way to debilitate our enemies. We could have said to make them prostrate in Colonial submission before us, but such racistly anti-Indigenous Colonial behavior is superfluous! We only want to live free and decolonized upon our ancestral land, the exact thing that Christians and Muslims have been attempting to ban.
All still surviving Indigenous peoples worldwide know this painful indigenous plight, but damned will any of us give up our native resolute fight! But, we know, Indigenous worldwide now give a shout out – that our feet and hands dancing eliminates any fearful minority self-doubt. From Jew to Taíno to Maori to kanaka o’ Hawai’i, our sacred ways upon our lands are a voice from Sinai!
So it is in the most colonized region of this world, the sacred lands where you see our flags unfurled. From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel and Kurdistan will truly be free. In that messianic age we will know the peaceful fruits of decolonization, and share immigrant watermelons lovingly with our Arab Colonial neighbors.” – Yosef ibn Yehuda

In the Middle East, you have to take the religious zealots literally. For they DO inform the future of Southwest Asia! Not just Arab HAMAS, Hezbollah, Islamic State, etc, but EVEN the Neturei Karta type of pro-Palestine heredi Jews that are within Israel. Understand that Benjamin Netanyahu, Itamar ben G’vir, and etc, are PACIFISTS in comparison, looking for a PEACEFUL solution for Israel! We WILL explain.
Neturei Karta is a Haredi Jewish extremist group, founded IN Jerusalem in 1937 by Amram Blau and Aharon Katzenelbogen. It is an offshoot of the Aguda movement. And they support the end to present Zionist Israel and a return to Arab Palestinian ruling occupation – with a religious agenda! A violent form of Zionist agenda. We’ll get back to this!
Most of the world hates Bibi Netanyahu, but Israelis have returned to loving him, since he embraced his political f–k up (that contributed to 10/7, 2023) and started being a LEADER again! As Ian Bremmer said in agreement with Yuval Noah Harari comments to Bill Maher, “if there were an Israeli election today”, then the Likud Party would majority win – AGAIN! Why is this?
We’ll explain it here in this post. (So that Americans, like social justice and civil rights activist Jake Tapper , Joy Reid , Chris Hayes , Reverend Al Sharpton , etc, can understand our Arab occupied SWANA world. And the most insular of Jew’s reactions to our native situation in Southwest Asia.)
The land of Israel, that both Europeans and Arabs call Colonial (aka, conquested) “Palestine”, is native Jewish people’s land. We Jews – both upon the land of Israel and in the worldwide diasporas – have never abandoned her, Zion (meaning, Israel)! The more “religious” we Jews are about this, the more Zionist we are about our native land. Our Canaan land of Jewish origin!
If we were to rate Jewish Zionism by majority percentage between Middle Eastern Jews and worldwide diaspora Jews, outside of heredi zealots like Neturei Karta, the Middle Eastern Jews (of all flavors – Mizrahi, Sephardi, Ashkenazi, etc) would be the most Zionist. Full stop on this!
What is Zionism? Jewish peaceful and secure self-sovereignty upon our Canaan ancestral land of Israel. Like all Native peoples, this is ALL that we are asking of this world of Colonizers – for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism! NOT to be the daily blamed and targeted people for your privileged social discomforts in life.
Our neighboring Kurds – the indigenous Kurdish people of Arab “Palestinian”, Turkish, and Iranian occupied Kurdistan – seek the same! But, it appears, only native Jews hear THEIR sufferings. For the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations only give a damn about women and children of Colonizers! Hence the obsessive Israel focus!!
Oh, the Colonizers ask, “How is Israel defending herself NOW from historic European and, present, Arab settler Colonialism?” … Why did we bring up Neturei Karta earlier in this post? Aren’t they “pro-Palestine” advocates?! Yes, for NOW, with an emunah (“conviction”) about the ultimate Jewish Zionism (redemptive self-sovereignty).
For those who have ears, please, shema (listen)…. All surviving native peoples can only take so much oppression. After enough generations – of occupation, forced conversions, kidnappings, rapings, ethnic cleansings, genocides, etc – our desire as a people for peace, security, and self-determination – especially, upon our ancestral lands – becomes extreme! And, worse, it doesn’t have to be this way!!!
This is what Neturei Karta and other presently anti-Zionist insular Jewish communities believe wholeheartedly in… A publicly unexpressed message, here, from Neturei Karta to Arab Palestinians settler occupiers upon the land of Israel:
We are with you and are against the genocide you’ve alleged. But here’s the part that we don’t say out loud: We are, of course, opposed to it only for now!
We believe the evil SECULAR Zionists are wrong, because they are reclaiming our land of Israel before the time has come. But, when the right time arrives – when we believe that our Jewish messiah has arrived to lead us into battle against the gentiles – we insular RELIGIOUS Jews will be the first ones to annihilate all of you. And we expect it to happen soon, once the messiah arrives.
In fact, we pray three times daily for the arrival of the Jewish messiah, and when that finally happens, we will destroy every church, mosque, and Buddhist temple that is upon the land of Israel. And, then, impose capital punishment on anybody who refuses to embrace our version of Orthodox Judaism. EVERY Palestinian who fails to submit to the authority of our Neturei Karta understanding of Jewish halakha (indigenous Judean people’s laws) will be killed!
This should NEVER be the Jewish path for native indigenous survival. Such a mindset is born in painful historic and present occupations! As well, capitulation to a Colonial insisted upon “two state solution” is NOT the answer, either! Such relegates Native people status to a reservation, like what is found throughout the United States of Colonial America.
And Israel IS three times (3x) smaller than the Navajo Nation reservation in the United States, and is occupied by over 5 million non-citizen Arab (self-named) “Palestinian” political land-squatters – to deny our Israeli people a post-1948 peaceful and secure decolonization amongst the post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
This, here, is what most Jews and Israelis desire… Israelis – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel – to Gazans and all other Arab “Palestinian” settler occupiers upon the land of Israel:
Make peace with our democratic nation of Israel. Become citizens of our Southwest Asia Indigenous nation, even! A peaceful and secure Israeli decolonization is a much wiser choice than a MESSIANIC WAR to decolonize – that Jews/Israel WILL win. Where does easily verifiable historical facts lie? Please, look at easily verifiable history!
A Shabbat thought, in the hope for peace in our Southwest Asia portion of the Middle East!

If they are not literally hiding in the homes/apartments, hospitals, and schools, then these Arab “Palestinian” terrorist armies have bunkers right beside them or underneath them. This is the way of Islamic terrorism for the “allahu akbar” glory of Arab settler Colonialism!
It is important to understand something here about Colonial nations’ foreign policy duplicity, so a serious question for you:
Seeing how Hassan Nasrallah and his Hezbollah terror army were responsible for the attacks in Beirut that targeted the U.S. embassy, the U.S. Marine barracks, and the U.S. embassy annex in the 1980’s, why is it only now that “justice” for both Americans and Lebanese has been served, and it took tiny Israel that’s been under Hezbollah attack since Oct 8th, 2023, to carry out this crimes against humanity social “justice”?
Given the reality of superpower nations that are policing this planet Earth, one must wonder why it is that native Israel is being held responsible for cleaning up this UNRWA funded settler occupation and terrorism mess!
“Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror. His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.
The strike that killed Nasrallah took place in the broader context of the conflict that began with Hamas’s massacre on October 7, 2023. Nasrallah, the next day, made the fateful decision to join hands with Hamas and open what he called a “northern front” against Israel.” – POTUS Joe Biden, 28 September 2024
Statement from President Joe Biden on the Death of Hassan Nasrallah, September 28, 2024

Israel is a light unto all the still surviving Indigenous nations worldwide that a reservation size people can stand up and direct the world towards an age of peace and security for all Native peoples! … Literally, the UAE is supporting and thanking Israel for cleaning up this Saudi Arabia and United States established Arab Hezbollah terrorist army mess!
Don’t worry, United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations, we Israelis won’t stop our actions to free the Gazans from your UNRWA-funded Palestinian Islamic HAMAS terrorist army, while we also dismantle the Iranian Hezbollah terrorist army for the freedom and security of SWANA native Israeli and Lebanese peoples!
“This morning dawns without Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, no longer casting his shadow over Lebanon.
What a joyous afternoon it is! An early Merry Christmas and Hanukkah echo in the air. A truly historic day—one that fills the heart with pride. Well done, Israel—sincerely and forever.
Today, the Middle East embraces a new light, with Israel at the heart of a bright and beautiful future. Israel has triumphed, and its enemies fade, now and for eternity.
The 7th of October stands as a testament: you dared, and now they shall dare no more. … Sinwar, you’re next.”
Amjad Taha, UAE political strategist and analyst
Thank you, Stop the Lies , for sharing his words!

Why is the United States so devoted to negotiating with terrorist groups in this 21st century CE? The answer is because, if it has anything to do with Israel, then they’re not really terrorists in the foreign policy eyes of the United States of Colonial America.
The USA loves being the pro-Israel antagonist handler of Israel, in order to pressure the USA’s foreign policy goals in Southwest Asia. This is why Joe Biden is SO angry with Israel after Oct 7th, 2023!
Because, Israelis are no longer capitulating to the losing political desires of the White House on what Israel can and cannot do for her citizens’ security and for long-term peace within this Arab Palestinian occupied SWANA region.
Ask yourself this: Why didn’t the United States of America ensure the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, established in 2006, that calls for the permanent disarming of the Hezbollah terror organization, be fulfilled?
Is it because the United States of Colonial America treats Israel as a pawn to use for U.S. regional interests, and doesn’t care what the impact is upon native SWANA Israeli and Kurdish peoples? Israelis and Kurds that keep fighting on behalf of the United States, only to be repeatedly spurned by the USA in return?
President Biden angrily said to reporters, when they asked his position on the IDF ground incursion into Lebanon, “I am more aware than you might know, and I’m comfortable with them stopping. We should have a ceasefire now!” … All for USA politics, the White House shows again how much an ally Colonial nations really are, when it comes to Israel and Kurdistan.
How is it Israel’s fault of “escalation” for not trusting the USA’s ability to get Islamic terrorists to “make a deal” of peace with Israel, right?! Insanity is Israel and Kurdistan trusting the USA duplicitous foreign policy!
Blaming the Israeli and Gazan victims of genocide for the acts of UN funded Arab Palestinian settlers and terrorists, who self-named themselves Palestinians in 1964, is pure antisemtic racism, Colonizers!
Snapshot – Israel’s war with Hezbollah terrorists is brought to our Israeli and Kurdish lands courtesy of the United States 🇺🇸 and United Nations 🇺🇳 ! Anti-Indigenous racism is blaming the victim nation 🇮🇱 for defending herself from United Nations’ funded and supported terrorisms! Flag of the Arab Colonizer –> 🇵🇸

She’s what we call a ger toshav, a “righteous non-Jew”, who has added herself to chasidei umot ha’olam, “the righteous among the nations” of European and Arab Colonial nations!
She stands with Yoseph Haddad (Israeli Arab Activist), Bassem Eid (Palestinian Human Rights Activist), Loay Alshareef (Saudi Arabia Muslim Activist), and Mosab Hassan Yousef (son of Palestinian Islamic HAMAS co-founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, who rejected his father’s HAMAS terrorist Jew-hating doctrines)!
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel and Kurdistan will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.

Luai Ahmed shared, “Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis – led by the Islamic Regime in Iran – are destroying the lives of Iranians, Gazans, Lebanese, and Yemenis.
We need to unite and stand up against these fascist militias, and understand that they are the enemies of our people.”
Luai Ahmed, a Yemen Arab, is a ger toshav, a “righteous non-Jew”, who has added himself to chasidei umot ha’olam, “the righteous among the nations” of European and Arab Colonial nations!
He stands with Yoseph Haddad (Israeli Arab Activist), Bassem Eid (Palestinian Human Rights Activist), Loay Alshareef (Saudi Arabia Muslim Activist), and Mosab Hassan Yousef (son of Palestinian Islamic HAMAS co-founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, who rejected his father’s HAMAS terrorist Jew-hating doctrines)!
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel and Kurdistan will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Colonial “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter.

It is antisemitic to accuse the Israeli victims of doing what terrorists did on Oct 7th! HAMAS terrorists who recorded themselves committing rape, torture, and genocide upon Israeli women and children – and, while doing so, shouting “allahu akbar”!
Whoever reported our comment as “hate speech”, for saying that Benny Roberto ‘s antisemtic comment targeting us, JIRA, is real and actual hate speech, you are part of the reason there is no peace for Indigenous peoples upon this European and Arab colonized world. Shame on you!
Jews/Israelis stand AGAINST those who – as Benny Roberto alleged about us above – “support rape, pedophilia, and genocide”! All Native peoples stand or SHOULD stand AGAINST those who would commit such racist atrocities upon any Indigenous people, not just upon Israelis and Kurds alone.

What’s worse is that Facebook apparently hires antisemites to monitor content. This human judge did not take down Benny Roberto’s hate speech, but declared our response to this antisemitism to be judged as definitive hate speech. Can any help us understand why?

Correct labeling MATTERS, folks! … The native Labanese were peaceful Westernized neighbors of Israel, UNTIL Palestinian (post-WW1 pan-Arab Arabized Lebanese and Arab settlers – the latter, immigrants upon Southwest Asia) took over Lebanon in the 1980’s and turned her involuntarily into a Shia Islamic state of oppression.
The same happened to Persia (Iran) in the 1970’s. The native Persians, a Zoroastrian people, were peaceful Westernized neighbors of Israel, UNTIL successfully Islamized Persians took over Iran to form a Shia Islamic state upon her, and turned her involuntarily (most native Persians) into a Shia Islamic state of oppression.
Then we have the post-WW1 Hejaz Arabia royal Hashemite family and British and French established Colonial Jordan, Syria, and Iraq upon Southwest Asia – that is STILL occupying Jewish and Kurdish native peoples’ lands to this very day!!
So, correct labeling MATTERS, folks!!!
It is NOT “Palestine Authority”. It is post-WW1 Arab “Palestinian” USSR invented terror group “Palestine Liberation Organization” (the PLO)!
It is NOT “Hamas”. It is Arab Palestinian terror group Islamic HAMAS, an offshoot of the Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist organization!
It is not Islamic Jihad. It is the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad!
It is not Islamic State. It is Egyptian terror group Ansar Bayt al Maqdis (“allies of the Jewish Temple Mount”), which originated from the post-WW1 Iraqi Salafi-jihadist terrorist group that aligned with the al-Qaeda terrorist group. ABM is known today as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-Sinai Province (aka, ISIS) or, in Arabic, as “DAESH” – and they are NOT allies of native Israelis nor native Kurds!!!
It is not al-Qaeda. It is a Saudi Arabia conquered native (Hindu) Pakistan terror organization, a pan-Islamist militant organization led by Sunni jihadists – Abdullah Azzam, Osama bin Laden, Muhammad Atef, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and other veterans of the Soviet–Afghan War – who self-identify as the future of a global Islamist revolution to unite the Muslim world under a supra-national Islamic Colonial caliphate.
Like the Hejaz Arabia and Colonial Jordan Arab Hashemite family dynasty, like Arabia’s Islamic al-Qaeda wannabe terrorist turned Caliphate Sunni pan-Arab dynasty! Al-Qaeda literally means to serve as a “vanguard” for Islamic jihad.
An EXTREMELY important question here, since this directly affects ALL South Asian Indigenous peoples…
WHERE in this post is the native peoples of Israel, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Assyria, and etc?!!! The ones who are supposedly terrorizing the Middle East?!! And supposedly victimizing their racistly supremacist pan-Arab Islamist/Marxist occupiers?!!!
Don’t worry, antisemtic world! We Indigenous peoples will survive you and YOUR demonization of SWANA Indigenous peoples (and other equally Indigenous peoples worldwide!) who are just trying to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your Colonial European established Arab Colonial nations!
It is NOT “Hate Speech” to point out the easily verifiable historical facts about the European and Arab Colonizers of planet Earth, AND to label such peoples and groups accurately for non-racist benefits!!!
META Description : It is time for Indigenous peoples resilience and resistance worldwide! May we all unite together for land back – NOW!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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