Let’s all work together to end European and Arab settler Colonialism, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides upon Southwest Asia and Africa and upon AbyaYala and Michilimackinac (Colonial America). Let us Indigenous nations worldwide demand REPARATIONS for the historic sufferings that we have individually and collectively endured! Let us Native peoples worldwide establish peace and security for our peoples, and truth and reconciliation within the Colonial nations!

REPARATIONS for Israelis and Kurds, let’s talk! The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations needs to be giving BOTH Israeli and Kurds “reparations” for their UN continued post-1919 occupation of our native lands and racistly violent terrorisms upon our native peoples!
106 years and still counting, Colonizers for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx!
It is way past time to end this racistly violent UNRWA eternal refugees program for the recolonization of the Israeli people’s Canaan land of Israel! It is way past time to end European and Arab settler Colonialism upon all Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!!
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel, Kurdistan, and Lebanon will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 Arab Hashemite Colonizer from Hejaz, Arabia —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 !
“This is October 7th, 2024. The one year anniversary of the brutal Hamas attacks on Israel. As Jews and Israelis across the world mourned, and prayed for the return of the 101 hostages STILL held in Gaza, the world has normalized celebrating a massacre in which babies were beheaded and burned alive. Choose which side of history you want to be on. #israel #hamas #gaza #war #us #palestine ” – Via ILTV
Snapshot – REPARATIONS for Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Persians, Lebanese, and Israeli Arabs are COMING DUE, United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations! STOP funding Islamic terrorism, United Nations!

Follow the Colonizer’s flag 🇵🇸 ! Let’s see,… There are 12.3 million pan-Arab nationalist “Palestinians” (self-named so since 1964) that live in post-WW1 established Colonial Jordan (their first place of settler occupation upon native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands), post-WW1 established Colonial Syria, post-WW1 established Colonial Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Kuwait, Libya, Yemen, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Chile, Honduras, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, Algeria, Mexico, El Salvador, Brazil, Peru, and Columbia – and wannabe Colonial “Palestine” (the Arab occupied Gaza and “West Bank” parts of our 1948 forcibly decolonized native Jewish land of Israel).
If you listen to these pan-Arab nationalist “Palestinians”, they would include the Israeli Arab citizens of Israel, 2.1 million, that were not chased out of Israel in 1948 through 1949, during the 10 month siege to eradicate Israeli native sovereignty by the 5 surrounding Arab armies – which became their “nakba”, because they failed to re-colonize Israel.
Of wannabe Colonial “Palestine” that is pretending to be the aboriginal of our SWANA native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands, these 5.4 million “Palestinians” have been politically land-squatting upon our 1948 decolonized Israeli people’s land, ever since our hard fought May 1948 Independence from European and Arab settler Colonialism.
It was Arab “Palestinian” terror group Islamic HAMAS, UNRWA funded for two decades, that attacked Israel on Oct 7th, then took their violent terrorism into Gaza to cause as many Arab “Palestinian” deaths as possible – hoping that the world of antisemites (anti-Indigenous racists) will rise up and destroy Israel, which they keep failing to achieve for themselves.
Even if we believe the Islamic HAMAS inflated numbers of deaths, the majority have been Arab “Palestinian” fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism. And, even if you in all your pro-terrorism mindset want to call them “innocent civilians”, 40,000 terrorists and their forced Gazan human shields does not equal a “genocide” upon 12.3 million pan-Arab “Palestinian” nationalist Colonizers!
Israelis – 7.3 million Jews and 2.1 million Arabs – are simply defending our native sovereign SWANA nation of Israel and our land rights from this post-WW1 European established Arab settler Colonialism, political land-squatting, and terrorisms that are deliberately targeting – for actual genocide – Jews, Druze, Kurds, and all others that support our sovereign Indigenous nation.
It is the antisemites’ racist game to blame the SWANA Indigenous peoples for the violent and depraved terrorisms of the European and Arab Conquistadors upon Native peoples’ lands. Israel is 3 times smaller than the Navajo Nation reservation in the United States of Colonial America. Yet, by existing undefeated, we are somehow to blame for these occupying Conquistadors’ deaths.
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel, Kurdistan, and Lebanon will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Israel’s 🪬🕎 war with PA, HAMAS, and Hezbollah terrorists is brought to our Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands courtesy of the United States 🇺🇸 and United Nations 🇺🇳 ! Anti-Indigenous racism is blaming the victim nation 🇮🇱 for defending herself from United Nations’ funded and supported settler Colonialism and terrorisms!
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! This is why the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations are going to have to pay our reparations to all Indigenous nations as we successfully decolonize our lands from your racistly violent Christian, Muslim, and Marxist settler Colonialisms.
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 Arab Hashemite Colonizer from Hejaz, Arabia —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 !

It’s called confirmation bias, folks. Like Christians with their theology, Ta-Nehisi Coates shoots the arrow into the tree first and, then, draws circles around this arrow – excluding anything contrary, and desperately finding anything that fits – and “Bull’s-eye”! It’s native Jewish colonialism and Apartheid, folks!
This is HISTORIC European and Arab Colonialism’s systemic HISTORY REVISIONISMS upon ALL Indigenous peoples’ lands – WORLDWIDE!
That, somehow, the Native peoples are the liars, despite easily verifiable historical and present self-evident facts, and the words of a racist anti-Indigenous Colonizer ( – regardless of race – ) is the authoritative word to all within the Colonizer’s megaphone and interviewed reach!!!
Honest Reporting shared, “📖 Fiction cosplaying as non-fiction
Ta-Nehisi Coates recently released “The Message,” in which he draws inaccurate parallels between the struggles of Palestinians and those of Black people in America and Africa.
Special thanks to @Aizenberg55 on X for his detailed analysis of the lies and omissions throughout the book.
Our question for Ta-Nehisi: we thought you’d moved on from writing fiction? Apparently not.”
Joy Reid , Chris Hayes , Alex Wagner , Ayman Mohyeldin , will you explain to us native Israelis (and to your audience) why you hate us so much for our Indigenous people’s resistance to European and Arab settler Colonialism (political land-squatting, and violently racist and depraved terrorisms) upon our native land and Israeli people – by NOT challenging an antisemite’s worldview with easily verifiable historical facts?!
REPARATIONS for Israelis and Kurds, let’s talk! The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations needs to be giving BOTH Israeli and Kurds “reparations” for their UN continued post-1919 occupation of our native lands and racistly violent terrorisms upon our native peoples!
106 years and still counting, Colonizers for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx!
It is way past time to end this racistly violent UNRWA eternal refugees program for the recolonization of the Israeli people’s Canaan land of Israel! It is way past time to end European and Arab settler Colonialism upon all Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!!

How much do you actually know about 1492? A short history lesson on Christian settler Colonialism, and its devastating affects upon Southern Europe and what Europeans named the Caribbean islands and American continents.
Months before Christopher Columbus set his sails for his voyage to the East Indies, in 1492, the Christian Conquistadors ruling upon Spain and Portugal decided it was in their best interests to ethnically cleanse the native Jews (who had communities in Spain and Portugal from Roman Empire times).
This meant any Jew not yet forcibly converted to Christianity at threat of their death (self and family) had to flee to another land. Many went back to Israel, others to South Asia, others to friendlier parts of Europe, and some jumped on the boats for a ride to the East Indies. Also, along on these voyages, came the “New Christians”, the despised and not trusted Converso Jews being tortured, tormented, and accused (for not being “Christian” enough) in Spain and Portugal.
THEN, unfortunately for one Sephardi Jew, Christopher Columbus and his crew got lost at sea! It was the Taíno people of the Arawak that discovered Christopher Columbus first. Christopher and crew had mistaken the Caribbean islands for the East Indies. Hence, the label “Indians” of “America”.
The first Jew to step upon Arawak land was Yosef ben ha’Levi ha’Ivri, traveling under his forced Christianized name Luis de Torres. When Columbus set sail back to Spain, he stayed behind on the island to resume our native Judean ethno-religious path, living peacefully amongst the Arawak peoples. The garrison that Columbus left behind were killed off by Arawak natives.
More Sephardi Jews arrived (both Native and Conversos) in 1493, establishing the first Jewish community in the Americas. And these Sephardi Jews joined the Taíno freedom fight for the liberation of their people from the oppressions of the Christian Conquistadors. This prompted the migration of Sephardi Jews from the Caribbean islands onto the northern continent of America, as well.
The first African to walk upon the continent of North America was Mustafa Azemmouri (Estevanico the Moor), a Moroccan slave to the Spanish nobleman Andrés Dorantes de Carranza. In 1528, he was part of the shipwrecked Narváez expedition. He and three Spaniards survived enslavement by Native Americans. After escaping captivity, they traveled nearly 2,000 miles across the North American continent, and became the first African and Europeans to reach the American West.
Then came the chattel slaves to the North American continent, who were stripped of their very humanity by the European Christians settling the “New World”. Many slave rebellions happened upon this North American continent and – like with Sephardi Jews – Africans became part of American Indian tribes that were willing to take them in.
How much more history about “America” do you NOT know, “Americans”? How much are you willing to learn on Indigenous Peoples’ Day? …. We Indigenous peoples worldwide only want to share our lived histories with the rest of you!
Right, NDNCollective , Land Back , The RiverWinds , Mana Maoli , Realest Natives , Oceti Sakowin Camp … Joy Reid , did you know about Mustafa Azemmouri?
Snapshot – Jews and Moors are an ancestral part of the native history stories that make up Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the USA – Think 1492 and 1528 ! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! #IndigenousPeoplesDay #IndigenousPeoplesDay2024
Let us Indigenous nations worldwide demand REPARATIONS for the historic sufferings that we have individually and collectively endured!

Real scientists publish their data for peer review. Pseudoscientists publish documentary films that provide no scientific evidence, folks!
Antisemites be working overtime trying to blame the Christian Conquistadors’ colonization of the American continents on “the Jews”.
The fantasy that Christopher Columbus was a Sephardi Jew and that José Antonio Lorente of Spain’s University of Granada has found it with “absolute reliability” has been going around the internet since 2006!
(UPDATED) DNA tests all over: Was Columbus Genoese, Spanish, Portuguese, a Jew…? And how about your mutt, and how about yourself?
“Forensic anthropologist Miguel Botella, also from the University of Granada, remembers that day in 2003 when he waited for the box containing the supposed bones of Christopher Columbus to be opened. “Everyone expected to be greeted by an intact Columbus, but there were only 150 grams of bone fragments,” he says with a smile. The largest would have been about four centimeters in length….
By the time the bones were exhumed in 2003, it was not possible to extract DNA from the bones, Botella explains, adding that he stopped collaborating with the team responsible for the investigation after his initial involvement, not wishing to participate further.
Lorente then said that he was going to analyze the DNA of the three alleged members of the Columbus family with the help of prestigious geneticists, such as Ángel Carracedo from the University of Santiago de Compostela; and Mark Stoneking, from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, in Leipzig, Germany, one of the world’s most prestigious centers for the analysis of ancient DNA.
Carracedo recalls that the DNA that reached him was tremendously degraded, and he too distanced himself from the project. Moreover, he refuses to comment on Lorente’s new results until there is a serious scientific study published in a specialized journal. The response of the Max Planck Institute geneticist to questions from EL PAÍS were similar: “I am sorry, my group stopped working on this in 2005 and I have not heard anything about the most recent results,” said Stoneking….
Rodrigo Barquera is a Mexican expert in archeogenetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Barquera has conducted DNA studies of human remains prior to the arrival of Europeans in America, such as those of children sacrificed by the Maya at Chichén-Itzá in Mexico. The researcher is very critical of the fact the data have been presented via a documentary, and without the backing of a serious scientific article reviewed by independent experts, especially given the enormous interest in the figure of Christopher Columbus and his origins.
“Normally, the article is sent to a scientific journal,” he says. “The journal assigns an editor and at least three independent reviewers who rate the paper and decide if it is scientifically valid. If it is, it is published, and then the rest of the scientific community can say whether they agree or not. Putting it on a screen, removed from this process and with all the media focus on it, makes it difficult for the scientific community to say anything about it.” “
Scientists cast doubt on claims Christopher Columbus was a Sephardic Jew from Spain
How many racist anti-Indigenous occupations, ethnic cleansings, genocides, and history revisionisms targeting our Jewish people – before reparations become due? Let us Indigenous nations worldwide demand REPARATIONS for the historic sufferings that we have individually and collectively endured!

Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared a few days before Yom Kippur, “Every year around this time, I find myself thinking about the four sons (and daughters) from the Haggadah.
The idea behind the “four sons” premise is the notion that the Torah is not a monolithic text, speaking univocally. Instead, the Torah recognizes that we are a diverse people with disparate religious identities and corresponding diverse spiritual needs—which God is happy to accommodate, conversing with each of those modes of mind on their terms.
Around the high holidays I think about that diversity. What happened to the Torah’s multi-vocality regarding repentance? Why is the Torah’s discussion of teshuva univocal, speaking only to one of those four types? Why does God not converse with the other three personality types, helping them too understand the premise of repentance, on THEIR terms?
And, if I may be honest, among the three that are left out, I am most interested in hearing from the “rasha”* child. I am sure the rasha would have a very unique approach to repentance, one that I am extremely curious about.
The absence of the multi vocality means that our understanding of teshuva is thin and simplistic, lacking the nuance the Torah provides for the Pesach story by presenting a multitude of approaches. Their individuality has enriched our Pesach experience.
I wish God did the same for this season. Instead of a bland unidimensional approach to teshuva, we could have entertained multiple understandings of what it means to “return” to God—-if only the Torah gave them a voice.
Alas, it did not. Regarding teshuva, they are not part of the biblical discourse, and we’re spiritually poorer for it. – Chaval
The fact that I subscribe to the suggestion made by several commentators on the Pesach haggadah, that the four sons aren’t four different people, but instead represent the same person at different religious modes makes me all the more curious. How do I do teshuva during those times that I experience a rasha state of mind, or when I’m conflicted about repentance the way a tam child is?
(To be specific, the idea is that we ourselves are all four, each of them at different times. All of us are sometimes in a “chacham” mode, at other times in a “rasha” state of mind, then, sometimes we feel like the “tam,” and at other times we simply are in a she’eino yodaia lishol.” state of mind.)
*I’m using the term “rasha” because that is the moniker the Rabbis use. If it were up to me I would have never used that term. I frankly don’t believe that ANY child is a rasha. No matter what, a young person is NEVER wicked. They might be confused, lost or misguided, but wicked?! Never!!!”

Words of a Mizrahi Jew on the racist history revisionisms coming from the mouths and books 📚 of privileged Jews and Black American non-Jews in the United Kingdom and the United States of Colonial America!
Martin Gilbert, Peter Beinart, and Ta-Nehisi Coates, you should be ashamed of yourself, BUT you are not – and that is the nature of the Colonizer’s social disease of antisemtic racism!
“There are ALWays THE privileged JewS wHO look back in nostalgia how good IT was in Iraq – how we “ coexisted” before Israel! Really? AS SECOND CLASS dirty INFIDELS AT BEST (for the rich) – but for MOST? “hang a Jew to remind us” my mom said — sooner or later it was OBVIOUS … for Jews of MENA – it was shit – it was JIM CROW ( u think that’s lovely? ) yeah – it was NOT 👹 – please educate yourselves – there is a reason Iraq and Egypt – and and and and – all across the region – where we had our ANCIENT pre Mohammed JEWISH communities – are completely Jew free today -/ don’t talk 💩 – imma done with foolish rubbish talk – # AmIsraChai – THAT’S where most of Us Mizrahi Arabic Jews are TODAY 🇮🇱💙🇮🇱”
Even when visiting Israel and see for yourself that you are spreading bold faced lies about Israel, STILL you double down and lie further – to protect your racistly anti-Indigenous fantasies about Israelis!
And, sadly, there is no cure that can be offered, once infected by this Colonial education system and social media acquired racism disease. The only solution is Indigenous Peoples’ solidarity worldwide to determine our sovereign decolonized Independence, and a collective demand for REPARATIONS from the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations for their systemic and racistly violent European and Arab settler Colonialism, political land-squattings, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides upon our Native peoples!

Well, the book of Revelation was written by a Torah observant Zionist Jew in the 1st century CE! Though, all Jews understood the “Beast” to mean Emperor Nero and the “Dragon” that gave the “Beast” his power to be Emperor Caligula and, further,…
seeked for the fall of the – deeply oppressive to Native way-of-life – Roman occupation upon the land of Israel within their lifetimes, maybe…
if all Indigenous peoples unite together with the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel, we might defeat settler Colonialism after all, in this 21st century CE period!
Joseph AmaHura RiverWind shared,
“What does unity in spirit look like? Come to the The Creator’s Feast Days and find out. Thank you Joshua Aaron for calling the nations together!
First Nations, Jews, Egyptians, Arabs, Lebanese, Mexicans, Australians, Americans, Africans, Brazilians, Portuguese, Persians, Haitians, and more! #everytribe #gatherthenations”
Historical note, because easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!:
Nero, the “Beast” persecuted the Jews for not worshipping him as a god in flesh. Having been given this self-deification by the example setter Caligula, the “Dragon”, who demanded this of the Jews first. All Jews paid the price, Torah observant and idol worshippers, for the Jewish people’s refusal to worship the Roman emperors as a god in the flesh.
Jews of the Jesus sect were Pharisaic Jews, an exclusive sect, not Christians. According to their writings, Jesus the Jew of Nazareth “came for the Jews” to teach and remind them to be fully observant of the “laws” and “prophets”. Albeit, his interpretation on how to apply these laws under Roman colonial occupation.
The Jews of the Jesus sect all died out by the early years of the 2nd century CE. As Paul became more Hellenized and antisemtic in the Aegean North, he became the first creator of the un-Jew-ed Jesus that gentiles would turn into the Christian idol between the 2nd century to 4th century CE.
The missionaries of the Gospels and the gentile written Christian books are not spreading the Jesus version of Judaism. They are spreading the idol worshipping un-Jew-ed version of Jesus’ teachings as taught by the heretic Paul.
Hence, the epithet “synagogue of Satan” directed at idol worshipping Jews and their followers by the Jesus sect, and the warning by Jesus to not violate Torah law by worshipping him as god. If you are a Jew, you will have no image of any kind before the face of faceless ha’Shem – this is top of the vassal treaty commands between Y-HWH and Jews!
All non-Jewish allies: do as you will, if our Jewish writings bring you – and your land’s god-Kings – to Jerusalem to bow before the god of Y-HWH, the god-King of the land of Israel, in our Jewish messianic age of sovereign peace and security upon our Canaan land of Judea and Samaria.
“Behold! I am making Jerusalem a cup of weakness for all the peoples around [the Colonial world], and also upon Judah [the “Palestinians”], [that they] shall be in the siege against Jerusalem.
And it shall come to pass on that day that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all peoples; all who bear it shall be gashed, and all the nations of the earth shall gather about it…
On that day I will make the princes of Judah as a fiery stove among wood, and as a brand of fire among sheaves. And they shall consume on the right and on the left all the nations round about, and Jerusalem shall still stay in its place in Jerusalem…
On that day Y-HWH shall protect the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the weakest of them shall be, on that day, like David. And the house of David shall be like gods, as a messenger of Y-HWH before them.
And it shall come to pass on that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come upon Jerusalem.” – Zechariah 12 – non-Jews, you should really read this Jewish poetry carefully!
Snapshot – “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no man could count, out of every nation and of all tribes, peoples, and languages, standing before the throne [in the house of Y-HWH on the Temple Mount] and before the Lamb [the Jewish messiah – “anointed leader” – that cannot be killed by the haters of Zionism, and who defeats the will of all nations to conquer and occupy the Canaan land of Israel], dressed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands.” – Revelation 7:9
A revolution for Indigenous peoples’ freedom is stirring all around this planet Earth! And the obsession over and for the Jewish land of Israel will be the destruction of Colonial nations around this planet Earth!
META Description : Let us Indigenous nations worldwide demand REPARATIONS for the historic sufferings that we have individually and collectively endured!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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