Zionism is the ancient Jewish people’s Indigenous resistance to cultural assimilation. Zionism is the Jewish people’s desire for peaceful and secure self-sovereignty upon Zion, our Canaan land of Israel. In every generation, Zionism is our Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Every Jewish fighter for Israel throughout our 3,800 year history upon our Canaan land of Judea and Samaria were Zionists!

Indigenous resistance is preserving our ancestral traditions and laws!
🌿🍋 Sukkot 🍋🌿 arrives with the full moon! At sundown, we Jews live in temporary traveling shelters like our ancestors did. And through the eight days of this festival of shelters, we Jews wave the Four Species in the Six Directions – East, West, North, South, Skies above, and Land below. Outside of Yom Kippur, this traveling festival is the Jewish people’s favorite sacred ceremony.
The purpose of the 🌿🍋 Sukkot 🍋🌿 festival, which is akin to a “powwow” gathering on the continent of Michilimackinac (Colonial “America”), is to remember and do as our ancestors have done, by celebrating the harvests and supplicating the One who “controls the weather” for a good rain during the next harvest season.
This seven days plus one festival originally served to intentionally draw the individual Jewish communities across Judea and Samaria and those in regional diasporas together for the ceremony of sanctifying the 🕍 Beit ha’Mikdash 🕍 – the House of Y-HWH, which is the sanctuary upon the Jewish Temple Mount that was used to make offerings to our god-King of the Land of Israel – in a national dedication rite.
Along with seven days of living in temporary traveling shelters and waving vigorously the 🌿🍋 lulav and etrog 🍋🌿 in the six directions – East, West, North, South, Sky, and Land – we Jews dance communally around the sanctuary or, if in a diaspora land, around the synagogue.
On the seventh day, 🌿 willows 🌿 are gathered by everyone and struck three times on the ground in supplication for another good harvest year of rain and plants. The last day of the 🌿🍋 Sukkot 🍋🌿 festival, the eighth day, is the communal dancing procession of the ancestral scrolls, and the 🌿🍋 Sukkot 🍋🌿 festival is brought to a close with a reverently grateful community feast on this eighth day.
To reiterate, to this very day, this traveling festival holiday of 🌿🍋 Sukkot 🍋🌿 is still the most important and celebrated sacred Indigenous Jewish holiday on our SWANA Judean people’s social calendar! Chag 🌿🍋 Sukkot 🍋🌿 Same’ach Am Yisrael!
Sukkot begins Wed, 16 October 2024 after sunset = 15th of Tishrei, 5785
ט״ו בְּתִשְׁרֵי תשפ״ה
🌿🍋 Sukkot I 🍋🌿

Bill Maher understands Jewish Indigenous resistance to European and Arab settler Colonialism!
Thank you, Bill Maher, for stating the “f–k–g” obvious! We Kurds and Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous “Arab”ized citizens of Israel) are so TIRED of NOT being listened to, and having to correct the worldwide European and Arab Colonial social narratives about our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples!
Further, we are SO tired of having to put our women and men in harm’s way to protect our SWANA native peoples’ ways of life, land rights, and self-determining sovereignties. We are SO tired of having to do what the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations will NOT do to bring peace and security upon our ancestral lands!
This deserves repeating: Our Southwest Asian peoples’ histories and the facts surrounding them are not about political ideology. We reject being tokenized for any reason, political or otherwise. Seriously! 🪬🪬🪬 We don’t want to be European and Arab Colonial you, nor live by your high and mighty Colonial discretions.
To borrow from a famous USA movie, “Give us free!” and we’ll stop fighting you, Colonizers! … From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel, Kurdistan, and Lebanon (and, hopefully, even Iran) will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Israel is the last still surviving “democratic” SWANA native nation that is NOT yet successfully occupied by Islamic and Marxist extremists for the “allahu akbar” glory of Colonial Allah (and Christ) ruling dominionism! We are the SWANA Indigenous light unto ALL the European and Arab colonized Native nations worldwide.
Do you want to know, planet Earth, what the “Land Back” movement looks like in actual applied actions? Look to Israelis and Kurds for your answers. It is WAY PAST TIME to end European and Arab settler Colonialism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous resistance and peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 Arab Hashemite Colonizer from Hejaz, Arabia —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 (Jordan, Syria, Iraq) !

Indigenous resistance is speaking truth to racist Colonial narratives and beliefs about the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel!
There is no such thing as reverse racism, folks! This thang does NOT exist! Not even when Jews, a SWANA native people, calls Ta-Nehisi Coates out on his antisemtic racism. Keep your “white” “black” USA racism trauma in the United States of Colonial America! STOP reimagining Southwest Asian Indigenous Peoples’ histories all to justify your Colonial social problems!
The following question is valid:
If native Israelis and Kurds, who are post-WW1 Arab “Palestinian” occupied, do not have the right to exist as sovereign SWANA nations, then what gives the Arab Conquistadors upon our SWANA peoples’ lands the right to have their Colonial nations?
Outside of the impunity of European and Arab settler Colonialism, supremacy, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides upon our outnumbered Indigenous peoples!
Ta-Nehisi Coates tries to be a moral writer and social activist. BUT, his morality – and that of his followers and defenders – suffers from Colonial blindness towards the Indigenous peoples of the land, and our freedom fights for liberation from racistly violent European and Arab settler Colonialism!
This is why Ta-Nehisi Coates spent ten days in Israel seeing Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Arabs living with equal rights and defending Jewish Zionism together, but could not believe his very eyes.
Zionism is native Israeli self-sovereignty in order to defend ourselves and our citizens from antisemtic European and Arab Colonial racism! Unable to admit that Israel proves that he is a liar, through his cherished USA antisemtic indoctrination, Ta-Nehisi Coates simply puts out more racist tropes about native Israelis.
Here is what a Mizrahi Jew, an activist for the 1 million Middle Eastern Jews that were ethnically cleansed from Arab controlled lands, has to say about Ta-Nehisi Coates’ racist message targeting “Jews of color” as white “supremacists from Europe”:
“Ta-Nehisi Coates thinks Israel’s Jews are “white” and Arabs brown – idiotic, as most of the Jews and Arabs in Israel look alike, how blind IS he? And so ignorant that he goes to Israel and doesn’t see how most of Israel’s Jews come from a generation of Arabic (Mizrahi) Jews ethnically cleansed from almost every single country in the MENA like my Iraqi Jew uncle z”l in the photo —YES that’s a Jew — he came to Hollywood hoping for work got mostly parts as an Arab for his looks! Time we tell the bigot Ta-Nehisi to go Fk himself if he can’t wash his Jew hatred off?” – Rachel Wahba

Indigenous resistance is NOT allowing European and Arab Colonial racism defining you as inauthentic for not looking “Jewish” enough – as defined by antisemites!
Never judge a Jew on his or her physical appearance. It’s ALL about our native Judean halachot! We Jews who are indigenous to the Canaan land of Israel come in all flavors of human looks. This is why we can “chameleon” in features and in language to our worldwide European and Arab and Asian and African and Polynesian, and etc, diasporas!
We survive because we know who we are as the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel. It does NOT matter to us that our fathers and mothers before us are directly from the Levant and surrounding regional areas. It does NOT matter how many diasporas that we Jews have been forced into – just for peace and security amongst non-Jews!
We are a SWANA Indigenous people, whether uncolonized, decolonized, or successfully colonized. We are a SWANA Indigenous people, whether we treat ourselves as a “race”, “ethnicity”, “religion”, or a “faith”. All of these social labels are European and Arab Christian, Muslim, and Marxist colonial terms!
Jews are a SWANA Indigenous people with an ethno-religion and law system that defines who we are and who is not us. We are NOT our present geography. We are NOT our political beliefs. We are NOT a Jew based on some defined universal “theology” or “sect”. Whether we “believe in” the existence of our tribal G-d or not, this does NOT change our halachic (legal) status as a Jew.
What defines us as a Jewish people is our RELATIONSHIP and WRESTLING with our derech (our native Jewish path) and our d’varim (our Canaanite Hebrew language, literally “words”)! Meaning, our native Judean people’s way of life, language, minhag (community traditions/laws), and our involved (or not so involved) relationship with our ancestral mitzvot and our devotion to the vassal treaty that our ancestors’ made with the Levant land’s god-King of Judea and Samaria, the Land of Israel.
Like ALL still surviving and unassimilated Indigenous peoples planet Earth wide, we Jews just want to live peacefully and without targeted anti-Indigenous racism, bigotry, and bias. PEACEFULLY, wherever we find ourselves upon this planet Earth! WHY is this so hard for non-Jews to understand?!!! Most of us Jews were ethnically cleansed FROM our land by non-Jews, and we are daily attacked by non-Jews FOR BEING self-sovereign and self-determining upon our land.
Please, help us make sense of this!!! Our land of Israel – as presently defined – is THREE TIMES SMALLER (3X) than the Navajo Nation reservation in the United States of Colonial America!!! And we are STILL 5 million “plus” OCCUPIED by Arab post-WW1 political land-squatters for the re-colonization of Judea and Samaria, the historic Land of Israel!!!
Post-WW1 Arab political land-squatters who self-named themselves (with USSR help) “Palestinians” in 1964! Just BEFORE we Israelis – native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous forcibly “Arab”ized citizens of Israel – freedom fought the Colonial Jordan and Egyptian occupiers OFF of our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Jewish land of Israel in 1967!!!
We Jews are NEVER going to be successfully colonized by the European/Christian, Arab/Muslim, and Marxist Colonizers of Indigenous peoples’ lands! We know you all TOO well!!! … We will continue to be a light unto ALL still surviving Indigenous nations worldwide and, if necessary, even beyond this! Where have we lied about this in our actions?!!!
3,800 years of non-stop Jewish presence upon our ancestral Canaanite land of Israel … should eventually … be a hint!! We are TIRED of this anti-Indigenous racism targeting- not just us – but ALL still surviving Indigenous peoples/nations!!! We will continue our Jewish Indigenous resistance for the sake of all SWANA and worldwide Indigenous peoples!

Indigenous resistance is being true to our ancestors’ written words! Zechariah 12 speaks of Indigenous resistance to non-Jewish occupation upon our ancestral land of Israel.
“Behold! I am making Jerusalem a cup of weakness for all the peoples around [the Colonial world], and also upon Judah [the “Palestinians”], [that they] shall be in the siege against Jerusalem.
And it shall come to pass on that day that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all peoples; all who bear it shall be gashed, and all the nations of the earth shall gather about it…
On that day I will make the princes of Judah as a fiery stove among wood, and as a brand of fire among sheaves. And they shall consume on the right and on the left all the nations round about, and Jerusalem shall still stay in its place in Jerusalem…
On that day Y-HWH shall protect the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the weakest of them shall be, on that day, like David. And the house of David shall be like gods, as a messenger of Y-HWH before them.
And it shall come to pass on that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come upon Jerusalem.” – Zechariah 12 – non-Jews, you should really read this Jewish poetry carefully!

Indigenous resistance is helping your brother and sister Indigenous peoples to successfully decolonize their nations from European and Arab settler Colonialism, political land-squatting, Apartheid, enslavements, terrorisms, and genocides!
SWANA native peoples BE LOOKING for an opportunity to freedom fight for liberation! Himdad Mehristani encouraging SWANA native Kurds to be ready to freedom fight for sovereignty upon Kurdish land!
This is what the “Land Back” movement looks like in applied actions!!
Himdad Mehristani shared,
Kurds of Rojhelat, get ready—something big may happen in the next two weeks (just a prediction).
My advice: DON’T protest if the rest of Iran stays silent. If you do the regime will massacre people across Kurdistan to terrorize the rest of the country.
But if the whole country rises up, the regime will withdraw its forces from border regions like Kurdistan to central Iran and Tehran. That’s your chance to arm yourselves and form self-defense units, even in small villages. If the regime can’t crush uprisings across the country, they may leave Kurds alone, like Assad did in Syria.
The US won’t allow a regional war between Israel and Iran, but if Israel strikes Iran, it could trigger protests and even armed clashes within Iran. This would be a golden opportunity for Kurds and others who live in border regions to take control of their areas.

Being an ally of Jewish people’s Indigenous resistance is to teach your own Colonial citizens the truth about Jewish people’s sovereign land rights to Judea and Samaria!
“Focus with me on this sentence said by the Jewish Zionist Christ, peace be upon him: “Because salvation is from the Jews.” ” – Saudi Muslim Loay Alshareef teaches Arab Muslims and Christians
“To those who say, “May God gather Sinwar with the righteous and the prophets,” I would like to ask them: “What prophets are you talking about?” Certainly prophets we have not heard of and certainly not the Israeli prophets of God, because these prophets glorified the land of Israel and its people.
Even Christ, whom some claim to believe in Islam, said: “You prostrate to what you do not know (Mount Gerizim), but we prostrate to what we know (Mount Zion), because salvation is from the Jews.”
Sinwar is a terrorist criminal who killed innocent people on October 7, among them Jews, Arabs, and Muslims, many of whom we know, and some of whom were in the Emirates a few days before the massacre. These were good souls, peaceful spirits, and loved everyone, and some of them were not religious and did not know much about Arab culture and Islam.
The enemies of the people of Israel throughout history are Pharaoh, Goliath, Antiochus, and Haman, and now Sinwar joins this dishonorable list. This is a list that suits anyone who wanted to destroy the Jews, and it is certainly not a list of Jewish prophets and Israeli men of God.” “
إلى من يقول “الله يحشر السنوار مع الصديقين والأنبياء”، أود أن أسأله: “عن أي أنبياء تتحدث؟” بالتأكيد أنبياء لم نسمع عنهم وقطعًا ليسوا أنبياء الله الإسرائيليين، لأن هؤلاء الأنبياء كانوا يمجدون أرض إسرائيل وشعبها. حتى المسيح، الذي يدعي البعض الإيمان به في الإسلام، قال: “أنتم تسجدون لما لا تعلمون (جبل جرزيم)، أما نحن فنسجد لما نعلم (جبل صهيون)، لأن الخلاص هو من اليهود”
ركز معي في هذه الجملة التي قالها المسيح اليهودي الصهيوني عليه السلام: “لأن الخلاص هو من اليهود”.
السنوار مجرم إرهابي قتل الأبرياء في 7 أكتوبر، من بينهم يهود وعرب ومسلمون نعرف الكثير منهم، وبعضهم كان في الإمارات قبل المجزرة بأيام. هؤلاء كانوا نفوسًا طيبة وأرواحًا مسالمة ومحبة للجميع، وبعضهم لم يكن متدينًا ولا يعرف الكثير عن الثقافة العربية والإسلام.
أعداء شعب إسرائيل عبر التاريخ هم فرعون وجالوت وأنطيوخوس وهامان، والآن ينضم إلى هذه القائمة غير المشرفة السنوار. هذه القائمة التي تليق بكل من أراد تدمير اليهود، وليست بكل تأكيد قائمة الأنبياء اليهود ورجال الله الإسرائيليين.

Indigenous resistance is resolutely taking the freedom fight to the racistly violent religious and political terrorists that seek to oppress our Indigenous peoples and end our self-determining sovereignties! Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar learned the hard way about Jewish Indigenous resistance to terrorism!
Terrorist Yahya Sinwar joined Hamas when Sheikh Ahmed Yassin founded the group around the time the first Palestinian intifada began in 1987. A graduate of the Islamic University in Gaza, he learned perfect Hebrew during his 23 years in Israeli jails.
[Like Ta-Nehisi Coates, he learned absolutely nothing about Israelis during his time in Israel, being so blinded by the Colonial antisemtic racism that he was raised to be indoctrinated into!]
He was serving four life terms for the killing of two Israeli soldiers, as well as four Palestinians he suspected of cooperating with Israel, when he became the most senior of 1,027 Palestinian security prisoners released in exchange for kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011.
He had received life-saving brain surgery while he was a prisoner, as recounted by the dentist who identified the tumor in a New York Times article in May. That same dentist’s nephew was killed on October 7.
Sinwar set up the group’s internal security apparatus the following year and went on to head an intelligence unit dedicated to flushing out and mercilessly punishing — sometimes killing — Palestinians accused of providing information to Israel.
According to a transcript of an interrogation with security officials published in Israeli media, Sinwar — the “butcher of Khan Younis” — professed to have strangled an alleged collaborator with a keffiyeh in a cemetery in that city.
The butcher of Khan Younis is dead!

Indigenous resistance is NOT capitulating to the Colonial “allies” that want to be your Indigenous nation’s handler and benefactor for their Colonial foreign policy gains – at your peace and security expense!
Wannabe experts, like Ayman Mohyeldin , want to portray Israel and the U.S. special ops as having no idea, at all, where the hostages have been – that Sinwar being surrounded by Israeli hostages was just Israeli “narrative”. Let’s just hope DEARLY that the daimon that was fleeing Gaza, unsuccessfully, has NOT murdered his human shields before resurfacing! …
At least, we know … AGAIN, …
At least, we know that it was a painfully slow death for him, like it was for all the Palestinians that Yahya Sinwar personally took to a graveyard to rap a keffiyeh around the neck, strangling to death Gazans on suspicion of aiding Israel!
Remember his own words! Even “twenty thousand, thirty thousand” dead Palestinians will NOT stop his Jihad against Jews and non-Jews who support native Israel’s 1948 forcibly obtained decolonization!
Over “42,000” Gazans deaths – and the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations have NOT stepped in to clean up their UNRWA funded terrorism mess! But, are still demanding that Israel stop freedom fighting for the liberation of our citizens from these Arab fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism. Antisemitic much, European and Arab Colonizers?!!
Honest Reporting shared, “We’ve been keeping a watchful eye on social media following Sinwar’s death.
Here’s some of the worst takes we’ve encountered.
From portraying Sinwar as a brave hero of the Palestinians to completely misrepresenting Israel’s objectives in the Israel-Hamas war 🎗️, these posts have completely missed the mark.”

The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations do not support Indigenous resistance and self-sovereignty! This is why the UN is so racistly antisemtic towards our 1948 forcibly decolonized Jewish Indigenous nation of Israel!
Yes, UNIFIL “peacekeepers” patrols Lebanon to protect Hezbollah terrorists and their southern Lebanon infrastructure! UNIFIL has done absolutely nothing to fulfill its Resolution 1701 mandate.
The United Nations funds and supports Arab settler Colonialism, political land-squatting, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides upon Southwest Asia’s native Israeli, Lebanese, and Kurdish peoples’ lands.
NOT surprising, seeing how the United Nations is an international body of racistly anti-Indigenous Arab-European Colonial nations, that would rather be a terrorist organization – than to allow native Israelis and Kurds to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations (Jordan, Syria, and Iraq)!
The only acceptable Indigenous nation is one that is willing to be successfully forever colonized! Israelis refuse to be this, so we are to blame for the United Nations funded and supported terrorist acts that are targeting Israelis, Kurds, Lebanese, Assyrians, Persians, etc.
Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem shared,
Aussie reporter @SharriMarkson of @SkyNewsAus sets the record straight on the role of UNIFIL in Lebanon.
Speaking truth to power! 💪 #UN #Unifil #unitednations #UnitedStates

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is EVERYDAY, Colonizers! David facing off the Palestinian hoards in every generation of our SWANA native Jewish people – who defend our Canaan land of Israel faithfully from this racistly violent European and Arab settler Colonialism, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides.
We Israelis fight for NOT just our Indigenous people alone, but for ALL Southwest Asia’s Indigenous peoples. We resolutely believe in Indigenous resistance to Colonial cultural assimilation! 🕎🪬🇮🇱
“Am Yisrael Chai!” Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 Arab Hashemite Colonizer from Hejaz, Arabia —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 (Jordan, Syria, Iraq) !
META Description : Indigenous resistance is speaking truth to the racist Colonial narratives and beliefs about the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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