ALL of these deaths upon our SWANA Jewish people’s land 🕎🪬🇮🇱 and upon our Kurdish neighbor’s land for the last 106 years are the ONLY ACTUAL genocide occurring – being engaged in by the post-WW1 European established Arab Conquistador 🇵🇸 nations that occupy Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands!

It is Arab Palestinian terrorists for Islamic HAMAS and the PA/PLO that have committed a 106 year systemic genocide upon indigenous Israelis and Kurds and upon their Arab political land-squatters – self-named “Palestinians” since 1964 – who are occupying Gaza and the Colonial Jordan coined “West Bank”.
Why do these racistly violent and supremacist Arab Colonizers occupy Southwest Asia for the deadly and depraved “allahu akbar” glory of Colonial Allah and Christ? Simply to deny Israelis – native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous “Arab”ized citizens of Israel – our peaceful and secure 1948 forced decolonization of our Canaan land of Israel!
Shame on you, citizens of European and Arab colonial nations, for victim-blaming the Indigenous peoples of Southwest Asia for defending ourselves from European and Arab settler Colonialism and terrorisms upon our SWANA ancestral lands!!!
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel, Kurdistan, and Lebanon (and, hopefully, even Iran) will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Israel is the last still surviving “democratic” SWANA native nation that is NOT yet successfully occupied by Islamic and Marxist extremists for the “allahu akbar” glory of Colonial Allah and Christ ruling dominionism! We are the SWANA Indigenous light unto ALL the European and Arab colonized Native nations worldwide.
Do you want to know, planet Earth, what the “Land Back” movement looks like in actual applied actions? Look to Israelis and Kurds for your answers. It is WAY PAST TIME to end European and Arab settler Colonialism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 Arab Hashemite Colonizer from Hejaz, Arabia —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 (Jordan, Syria, Iraq) !
We indigenous Israelis will continue freedom fighting in resistance to all European and Arab Colonial genocide!

What is Indigenous resistance?
Indigenous resistance is keeping – somehow and someway – our Native language, our ancestors’ stories, our Native law system, etc, so that we can teach these Indigenous ways to our Native people’s present and future children l’dor v’dor (throughout the generations)!
Indigenous resistance is speaking truth to racist Colonial narratives and beliefs about the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel and about other still surviving Native peoples!
Indigenous resistance is NOT allowing European and Arab Colonial racism to define you, individually and as a Native people, as inauthentic for not looking “Jewish” enough or “Native” enough or “Indigenous” enough – as defined by antisemitic (aka, anti-Indigenous) Colonial societies!
Indigenous resistance is being true to our ancestors’ written words! For example, Zechariah 12 speaks of Indigenous resistance to non-Jewish occupation upon our ancestral land of Israel. This is not the only Jewish expression written by our ancestors on Zionism!
Indigenous resistance is NOT capitulating to the Colonial “allies” that want to be your Indigenous nation’s handler and benefactor for their Colonial foreign policy gains – at your peace and security expense!
Indigenous resistance is helping our brother and sister Indigenous peoples to successfully decolonize their nations from European and Arab settler Colonialism, political land-squatting, Apartheid, enslavements, terrorisms, and genocides!
Indigenous resistance is resolutely taking the freedom fight to the racistly violent religious and political terrorists that seek to oppress our Indigenous peoples and end our self-determining sovereignties! Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar learned the hard way about Jewish Indigenous resistance to terrorism!
Being an ally of Jewish people’s Indigenous resistance is to teach your own Colonial citizens the truth about Jewish people’s sovereign land rights to Judea and Samaria!
The United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations do not support Indigenous resistance and self-sovereignty! This is why the UN is so racistly antisemtic towards our 1948 forcibly decolonized SWANA Jewish nation of Israel!

What is NOT Indigenous resistance?!!
Filming your Palestinian self beheading Israeli babies before his/her parents eyes and, then, murdering the parents with a bullet to the head afterwards!
Arming your Palestinian selves with weapons of war and gang raping young Israeli women, then cutting off a breast or another body part to kick around like a football before her as she bleeds to death in agony!
Mass murdering innocent native Israeli citizens of Israel while screaming in bloodthirsty delight “allahu akbar” for the glory of Colonial Allah!
Being an ally of Arab Palestinian political land-squatting and depraved terrorisms upon Israelis and Kurds is NOT siding with Indigenous resistance!!!
We indigenous Israelis will continue freedom fighting in resistance to all European and Arab Colonial genocide!

Listen closely: The Indigenous status of Native peoples has ZERO expiration date! There are ZERO exceptions to this, European Crusader and Arab Palestinian Conquistadors. Indigeneity to a land of origin is a perpetual right!
This is a worrisome one, not just for Jews, but frankly, for all Indigenous Peoples worldwide who wish to retain sovereignty of their ancestral lands.
The Jewish person will say: “Jews are Indigenous to the land of Israel / Jews come from the land of Israel.” The antisemite will respond: “You were gone for too long, so it’s no longer your land to claim.”
First, no Jewish person in their right mind could deny that the majority of us – not all of us, though – were violently expelled from our homeland, 1,400-2,000 years ago (until the Arab conquests, Jews remained the majority in the land of Israel). That’s not what we’re arguing.
Second, the idea that Indigeneity has an expiration date creates an extremely scary precedent for all Indigenous Peoples, because this gives the colonizer/oppressor the power to define our identity. If the oppressor keeps us under their thumb for just long enough, then they can refute our claim to the land.
Again, Indigeneity has a widely accepted international definition, one which was created by Indigenous Peoples from across the globe and took decades of research to compile. The definition does not include an expiration date. What would this arbitrary expiration date be, anyway? If we follow this line of thinking, does this mean that in another 900 years, Native tribes will forfeit their Indigeneity to the Americas? Of course, not.
The Jewish people have been faithfully speaking our Canaanite Hebrew language for 3,800 years. We are the only surviving people of Canaan that is still ethnically unique and not successfully colonized, and that still speaks, reads, and writes a Canaanite language to this very day.
We Jews still keep the names of the Canaanite pantheon of gods and goddesses alive in our ancestors’ sacred scrolls. We Jews still teach to the next generation our Torah origin stories and Judean-orignating law system. And we Jews keep our presence faithfully upon the land of Canaan/Israel to ensure the yearly seasonal land obligations and rituals are faithfully fulfilled.
The Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel are the epitome of Indigenous Peoples’ resistance and survival in a horribly European and Arab colonized world! Our Indigenous community has inherent land rights to peaceful and secure decolonization amongst occupying Colonial nations and to rule in Native sovereignty upon our land of Israel. STOP with the genocides targeting our SWANA Israeli and Kurdish peoples!

We Jews indigenous to Judea and Samaria 🕎🪬🇮🇱 resolutely believe in ✊🏼 Indigenous Resistance ✊🏼 to ANY – yes, 🔊 ANY 🔊 – form of Colonial cultural and land assimilation, regardless who is colonizing (and, especially, when doing so in our Jewish ✡️ names)!
The Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel 🇮🇱 are the epitome of ✊🏼 Indigenous Peoples’ resistance ✊🏼 and survival in a horribly European 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 and Arab 🇸🇦 🇵🇸 🇯🇴 🇸🇾 🇮🇶 colonized world!
Our Indigenous community ✡️ has inherent land rights to 🔊 peaceful and secure decolonization 🔊 amongst occupying ✝️ ☪️ ☭ Colonial nations and to rule in 🕎 Native sovereignty 🕎 upon our land of Israel 🇮🇱. We indigenous Israelis will continue freedom fighting in resistance to all European and Arab Colonial genocides!
The Jewish people 🕎🪬🇮🇱 have been faithfully speaking our Canaanite Hebrew language for 3,800 years. We are the only surviving people of 🫒 Canaan 🫒 that is still ethnically unique 🕎 and not successfully colonized ✡️, and that still 🗣️ speaks, reads, and writes a 🫒 Canaanite language 🫒 to this very day.
We Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱 still keep the names of the Canaanite pantheon of gods and goddesses alive in our ancestors’ sacred scrolls. We Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱 still teach to the next generation our Torah origin stories and Judean-orignating law system. And we Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱 keep our presence faithfully upon the land of Canaan/Israel to ensure the yearly seasonal land obligations and rituals are faithfully fulfilled.
We Israelis 🪬🇮🇱🪬 fight for NOT just our Indigenous people alone, but for 🔊 ALL 🔊 Southwest Asia’s Indigenous peoples. We fight for “second Israel”, the Kurds, who are 🔊 equally hated 🔊 by Arab Palestinian 🇵🇸 colonisers. We fight for 🔊 Indigenous 🔊 Lebanese, Assyrians, and Persians, too!
🪬🇮🇱 “Am Yisrael Chai!” 🇮🇱🪬 Yes, ☀️🔥 Jin, Jiyan, Azadî / woman, life, freedom ☀️🔥 revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 🖕🏼 Arab Hashemite Colonizer 🖕🏼 from Hejaz, Arabia 🇵🇸 —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 (Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and their post-1948 Arab political land-squatters upon decolonized Israel, who self-named themselves “Palestinians” in 1964) !
Colonial wannabe “Palestine” 🇵🇸 (an immigrant to Southwest Asia Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ native lands, like the watermelon 🍉) is an occupier upon Indigenous peoples’ lands, no different than Colonial “America” 🇺🇸 and Europe 🇨🇦 upon Michilimackinac native peoples’ lands! 🔊 Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks. And facts are NEVER lies. 🔊 Start listening!
We indigenous Israelis will continue freedom fighting in resistance to all European and Arab Colonial genocide!

Just a reminder: What the Islamic Republic of Iran (that is occupying native Persian land), Islamic Palestinian terror army HAMAS (that is occupying Gaza and parts of the PA/PLO occupied “West Bank”), and Islamic Palestinian terror army Hezbollah (that is occupying native Lebanese land) are trying to do is to START a WW3!
The objective of their non-stop attacks upon Israel since Oct 7th, 2023, is to fulfill the WW2 Nazi inspired Russia propagated agenda of drawing the European and Arab Colonized world into exterminating the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel – and – ALL non-Jewish Israelis that support her survival and Zionism (self-determining sovereignty)!
The Jewish people are the ONLY still surviving Indigenous Southwest Asia nation that has NOT fallen to Islamic rule, whether Shia or Sunni in nature!
These Islamic terrorists are using our 1948 forced decolonization and struggle with post-1948 Arab Palestinian anti-Zionist political land-squatting as a means to justify another Holocaust – another GENOCIDE – but just large enough to render ALL of Southwest Asia under Islamic rule!
Preferably, for the Islamic Republic that is occupying native Persian Iran, for the benefit of this Islamic Republic and Russia! Without Israel, there is ZERO United States influence in the Southwest Asia region.
THINK ABOUT THIS, “useful idiots” that blame Israel for defending her SWANA Indigenous land rights! This post is just a reminder that the GLOBAL Jewish population in 2024 is still smaller than what it was in 1939. Out of, now, 8+ billion human beings on our shared planet Earth!
And Iran, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Houthis, and the PA/PLO – with Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Qatar, and the collective United Nations support – seeks to wipe out from our planetary existence half the present worldwide Jewish population. HALF of our native Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel!!!
In their yelled words – while raping, mutilating, torturing, murdering, and kidnapping Israeli citizens – for the “allahu akbar” glory of Islamic colonial Allah! THIS is what GENOCIDE looks like! And they would do this to the United States, too.
Why will this European/Christian and Arab/Muslim and Marxist/Atheist colonized world not let the Jewish people of Israel PEACEFULLY and SECURELY decolonize upon our ancestors’ land – amongst YOUR colonial nations?!!!
STOP occupying and terrorizing our SWANA Indigenous peoples and we can live PEACEfully together as neighbors!!!
We ONLY want the racist terrorisms and demonizations, the repetitious genocide, the racist Colonial land-squattings to END, and your United Nations’ permission to allow us to peacefully and securely decolonize as a SWANA Indigenous people!!!
Snapshot above – This post is just a reminder that the GLOBAL Jewish population in 2024 is still SMALLER than what it was in 1939. Out of, now, 8+ billion human beings on our shared planet Earth!
And half the Jewish people are under a daily attempted Holocaust, since October 7th, 2023! THIS is what GENOCIDE looks like! And these Islamic terrorists would do this to the United States, too. Wake the FUCK up!

382 Days – 101 kidnapped native Israelis who are STILL trapped in the UNRWA 🇺🇳 funded HELL of Arab Palestinian’s 🇵🇸 Islamic HAMAS and Islamic Jihad terrorists’ captivity – being starved, tortured, humiliated and, for native Israeli women, being raped by their captors! DO NOT tell Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱 to “ceasefire” our Indigenous response to 🇺🇳 YOUR 🇵🇸 Colonial occupation, terrorisms, and genocides!!! (If you do, fk you! We’s done – and way done – doin your bidding at our expense!)
Our ancient Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah is ALL about remembering our ancestors’ words, our peoples’ history, and what Indigenous People’s resistance looks like! Even in battle with terrorist armies, we Jews ✡️ find ways and moments to fulfill our Canaan land obligations and rituals! European and Arab Conquistadors – Christians ✝️, Muslims ☪️, and Marxists ☭ – find ways to burn our land and terrorize our people for the glory of settler Colonialism!!! They repeatedly find ways and reason to commit genocide upon Jews and Kurds, and this must STOP!!!
Facts: #TheSukkotWar Remember Simchat Tora 2023 Day! This post is about the “innocent”, “uninvolved” civilians of Gaza, who gave birth, groomed, hosted and supported the Terrorists who aren’t some aliens but their sons, their brothers, their cousins, their fathers and husbands! They all are part of #ThePalestinianLie, none of them want the Homeland of the Jewish People to exist as a free, developed and powerful state!

Jews who are going to the polling booths in the United States, BEFORE YOU VOTE … Please, watch this PBS 3 minute video about America’s Nazis during WW2 ! Especially, if you are thinking about voting for Donald J Trump.
Make a fully informed voting decision that is based on easily verifiable historical facts! Jews around this planet Earth have been warning you about Donald J Trump, since he came down that elevator to run for POTUS in 2015!
Allies reading this: SHARE, SHARE, SHARE ! Help us to guide Jews in the USA diaspora to NOT fall victim to tribalism and political social media manipulation in this 2024 POTUS election!!
Too many Jews in the USA are being encouraged by boldfaced lies to VOTE against their own interests – and against the interests of all other Indigenous peoples – by voting for a conman that is promising them a heaven for Jews in the United States and Israel, if they just believe that he supports them.
Donald J Trump wouldn’t even pay for the funeral of a murdered U.S. military soldier – after promising to do so – because she was a “fucking Mexican” type of United States citizen – his quoted words!!!
He has also preemptively blamed Jews as the reason for why he doesn’t win in 2024! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter!! Don’t let him start another genocide upon this planet Earth!
Donald J Trump is an emboldened fascist that comes from a family line of antisemtic racist hate for Jews, Blacks, women, and any other marginalized and undesired group. His father was a KKK member and an antisemitic racist.
Donald J Trump has had a lifelong fascination with Adolf Hitler, the Mein Kampf manifesto and, since the Obama presidency, becoming a U.S. dictator! This is why his rallys are modern images of the 1930’s American Nazis – wake up!!!
U.S. History segment –
PBS – Winchell Criticizes 1939 Nazi Rally

We Jews can’t make this stuff up, folks! The moment you politely challenge the Christian viewpoint, it near ALWAYS turns ANTISEMTIC!!! From “Am Yisrael Chai” to “Shalom child of Satan”. In ONE message exchange between a native Jew and an adherent to colonizing Christianity … 1,600 years of this and STILL counting!
This set of shared message snapshots is WHY we insular Jews DO NOT trust Christians when they say that they are an “ally” of the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel. It is too easy to expose their Colonial supremacy privilege – to decide for Jews what is Jewish – and – to NOT embrace our Jewish attempts to EDUCATE them on their Christian appropriated “Bible” of Jewish people’s ancestral writings!!
For those who think Judaism is a theology based religion and NOT an Indigenous people’s ethno-religion, learn from us JEWS! We are SO glad that Judaism is NOT a Colonial religion, like Christianity and Islam!!
Here is how Hasidic Rabbi Menachem Manis HaKohen Friedman explains this to Christians and successfully colonized Jews:
“So, I get this a lot: “Well, if you are shomer halacha and not a biblical literalist, then you’re really an atheist!” If so, then I’m proud to be one, because as Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook taught:
“Atheism displays the power of life. Therefore, the real spiritual heroes extract sparks of great kindness from their atheism and turn its bitterness into sweetness.” – Rav Kook, Arfilei Tohar, § 120
“The destructive wind of disbelief will purify all the filth that gathered in the lower realm of the spirit of faith… Its light will shine as a new light upon Zion with a wondrous greatness.” – Rav Kook, Shemona Kevatzim 1:476, Orot haTehiyah, ch. 51, p. 199
In other words, it’s always okay to question and challenge our understanding as Jews. One can be shomer halacha and an atheist, at the same time.”
This is not a new development for our Jewish people, for Rabbis throughout the thousands of years have affirmed that being Jewish is all about our Indigenous Judean-orignating halachot system (our Jewish people’s laws) and not about a specific “theological” belief. That is the way of Colonizer religions, like Christianity and Islam!
So, as Hasidic Rabbi Manis Friedman also teaches, “Don’t go to heaven, bring G-d [heaven] down to Earth” – every single human being, please. For this is the Jewish understanding and path in life! This is why we Jews refuse to assimilate, to be “converted”, to be successfully “colonized”. Shalom, Colonizer!
So, STOP tying Jews to “Satan” and claiming that we are committing genocide upon European and Arab settler occupiers for defending our inherent Zionism – our land rights to self-sovereignty!
For those who don’t quite understand the history of where this antisemtic (anti-Indigenous) racism comes from, it originates with the gentile Christians of Rome. Here’s a USHMM video to help you understand how the creation of Christianity led directly to the Holocaust and to today’s present second attempted Holocaust upon the Jews.
As you watch, ask yourself how much is personally familiar to you and your church members. It was Christians that taught this antisemtic (anti-Indigenous) racism to the Muslims.

We Jews must actively decolonize the European and Arab racistly anti-Indigenous narratives! 🪬🇮🇱🪬 non-Jews, defend our SWANA native peoples from European and Arab racist occupations, demonization, terrorisms, and repeated genocide to force our submission to settler Colonialism!!!
META Description : We indigenous Israelis will continue freedom fighting in resistance to all European and Arab Colonial genocides!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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