This new moon 5785, we Jews are blessed with being able to share teachings about our Jewish origin stories! Specifically about Noah this Shabbat, but also about Adam and Chavah, Cain and Abel, those who built the Ziggurats in Mesopotamia, and how these stories all find their completion in the Jewish demigod Noach. Shall we start learning?

It’s the New Moon, folks! Thus, it is time for an indigenous Jewish origin story! You are very blessed this weekend, for we will be talking about Noah. Noah is the hero who saved the peoples of Canaan from the great primeval famine – the curse of Y-HWH that brought drought and suffering work – upon the Canaan land of Israel. It’s a wild story that required another Jewish story to resolve this curse of drought with a flood! Shall we learn?
Let’s start with a question for this Parashat Noach (נֹחַ) 5785, which begins the evening of 1 November 2024, which is the 1st day of the lunar month Cheshvan 5785:
Did Noah and family save the Levantine peoples from a famine or from a flood? The common teaching is that Noah saved the Canaan peoples from a massive flood that covered the Southwest Asian continent.
But, Noah’s name directly says that he is, by his birth and life, the end to a famine upon the land, for which Y-HWH promises will never occur again – for he regrets this curse and grants pardon to Adam descendants for his angry punishment of Adam and Chavah for eating the pomegranate at the behest of the serpent in the garden.
(The snake in the garden and the pomegranate represent the discovery of sexual union and the creative intelligence inherent with our human species.)
To arrive at the answer to our question of famine or flood, we must listen closely as this Parashat Noach is chanted! But, first we must quickly review what led to the curse, to understand how the curse was removed, so let’s review:
Y-HWH creates humans to work the soil of his Levant land and to protect it, and to live comfortably within it – the pleasures of the garden of Eden. Because, humans became like gods upon the land of Y-HWH, knowing “good” and “evil”, Y-HWH curses the land with an unending famine that makes cultivating the land painfully difficult!

Noah is then born and, like a demigod, is on a life path to breaking the curse of this Y-HWH inflicted famine upon the lands of Canaan. With the conclusion of the flood story, Y-HWH promises to never parch the land again with thirst, thus returning humans back to working and protecting the land of Canaan in the comforts of Eden again!
But, there is more to this Jewish origin story, because we have not answered the question above, yet! Let’s rephrase it: WHY did Y-HWH need to flood the land in order for Noah to fulfill his born destiny, which is to end the curse of famine upon the land? Couldn’t Y-HWH have just started to make it seasonally rain again?!
For our Jewish elders who redacted our Jewish origin stories into one long singular ever conflicting narrative, these Jews felt the need to include the Sumerian flood myth within the original Judean mythic narrative. They gave this Sumerian story of the pantheon of gods growing tired of human noise pollution interfering with their daily naps a uniquely Jewish spin to the story, by using it to resolve the question of how the famine came to an end, thus creatively preserving the original origin story being past down the generations.
Thus, Noah now saves the Middle East from both a long time famine upon the land and a flood so great in size upon the land that it literally ended the dry barren seasons that humans had been suffering under for many generations. Thanks to a flood, the Torah says, Y-HWH will never curse the land with a famine again יומם ולילה, “by day and by night”, meaning “perpetually.”
עד כל ימי הארץ זרע וקציר קור וחם קיץ וחרף יומם ולילה לא ישבתו
As long as the earth endures, seedtime, harvest, cold, heat, summer winter, shall not cease by day and night
Humans will be able to cultivate and live upon the Levant, and the nations of Moab, Edom, Israel and Judea, and Phoenicia (the “Canaanites” in our Torah) will thrive upon the land. “Implied in YHWH’s promise is that, until that moment, summers had been cold, winters dry, seedtime and harvest perverted. This describes well a drought and famine, not a flood.”
Noah, Hero of the Great Primeval Famine
Noah’s name expresses his father’s hope that Noah will bring comfort from the pain of the curse of the land, and before he plants his vineyard, he is called “a man of the land” (איש האדמה). These and other verses point to an older core narrative which spoke not of a flood but of a primeval famine that Noah brings to an end.

Ask yourself these questions: Why did Y-HWH reject Cain’s vegetable offering, but loved Abel’s meat offering? After Y-HWH banished Cain from Y-HWH’s land to live in another god’s land, why was Cain able to build a vast city and legacy amongst these people?
Could both of these situations have anything to do with Y-HWH cursing the land with drought, which required Noah to be born, many generations later, to end Y-HWH’s curse of drought upon the land?
Further, where were the Ziggurats built, that caused the elohim/Y-HWH to desire flooding the land, lest these humans reach the deities’ heaven (homes) in the firmament above – thus, becoming gods themselves, if they should so achieve?
Why was it Noah, a “man of the soil”, from a land parched with thirst from curse, and his extended family who are the survivors of a massive flood that ends this very curse of drought upon Y-HWH’s Canaan land?
What does the story of humans surviving on Y-HWH’s drought and famine ridden Canaan land and the humans building ziggurats on the more fertile neighboring Mesopotamian land of Nod have in common?
If you’re not asking questions such as these, then you are NOT engaging in our Jewish ancestors’ origin stories like a native Jew engages in these ancestral stories every single year!

Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared, “A year has gone by since we last read the stories in Genesis and are now ready to embark on a new round of re-reading them….
Personal and religious narratives are live organisms, they, like us, grow, mature and, most importantly, reflect the state of mind of the reader. They are mere frameworks and we the readers fill those skeletal outlines with color and substance.
This year’s Genesis stories, will, therefore, not be the same as last year’s – especially after this annus horribilis of post October 7th…. I can’t wait to hear the current version of these majestic stories. Looking at them through the prism of these new lenses I will wonder:
What exactly is the story of creation? How does my perception of its particulars differ from the way I perceived them last year? What happened to Noach and his family when the world was wiped out by unnatural occurrence? What were our patriarchs and matriarchs like? How did they grapple when tragedy struck (starvation, infertility, spousal and familial strife)? What can we learn from that? Can we infer from those experiences some guidance for our current situation?
Essentially, in what way will our credal tales be similar to last year’s version and in what way will they be different; conceived differently by the new us that has so drastically changed since the last time we read them.”
Ysoscher Katz is a Satmar (Hasidic) raised kohen and rabbi, who is teaching our Jewish native communities’ ethno-religious ways.

Michilimackinac indigenous Peoples have their Seven Grandfather Teachings. SWANA indigenous Jews have our Seven Laws of Noach. Let’s sit together and share them!
The Anishinaabe Seven Teachings are:
1 – Debwewin, to speak only upon what we have lived or experienced.
2 – Dabasendiziwin, to think lower of oneself in relation to all that sustains us.
3 – Manaaji’idiwin, to go easy on one another and all of Creation.
4 – Zaagi’idiwin, unconditional love between one another including all of Creation, humans and non-humans.
5 – Gwayakwaadiziwin, to live correctly and with virtue.
6 – Zoongide’ewin, to live with a steadfast strong heart.
7 – Nibwaakaawin, to live with vision.
And our Jewish elders – the ancient ancestors who compiled our sacred scrolls of stories and laws – taught our people that, one day, all peoples/nations will live peacefully beside our Jewish nation of Israel, and stand reverently before the mikdash, the House of Y-HWH in Israel – regardless what religion and gods/goddesses they worship! Only Jews are required to be a henotheistic/monotheistic people who are resolutely devoted to our land’s god-King, Y-HWH.
In our native Judaism, with the redacting of our Talmud during the violent Roman occupation period upon our land of Israel, our Jewish elders taught and still teach to this day that all non-Jews are only expected by the Creator to abide, in their ways, with what we Jews have come to call the “Seven Laws of Noach”. They are not required to live by our legal vassal treaty with Y-HWH – the wrestling with the 613 mitzvot – for they have their own sacred ways that are right for their sacred lands and nations.
These Seven Laws of Noach are:
1 – Dinim, established courts of justice.
2 – Avodah zarah, do NOT worship an IMAGE of “god” as “G-d” (the Creator)!
3 – Qilelat ha’Shem, do not curse in the name of “god”.
4 – Gilui arayot, do not engage in sexual activity that “uncovers the nakedness” of those who are married to another.
5 – Shefikhut damim, do not “shed innocent blood” – which we Jews strive to achieve daily in this very antisemtic and terroristic world!
6 – Gezel, do not violently plunder – in other words, control your emotions and be strategic, when necessary.
7 – Ever min ha’chai, do NOT eat an animal while it is still ALIVE!!!
Nowhere in this Jewish list is a command of converting the non-Jews. And NOWHERE in our Canaan Jewish people’s sacred mitzvot is there such a Colonial thought! Hello?! We DON’T have the land space upon eretz yisrael for 8 billion plus people claiming “land rights” upon our SWANA native Israeli people’s sacred land!!! YOU ALL have YOUR OWN sacred “homelands”. Get this into your head, Christians and Muslims, who colonize in our Jewish names!!!
Understand this: Our 1948 decolonized Jewish land of Israel is 3 times smaller than the Navajo Nation reservation in the United States of Colonial America! Worse, we are occupied by 5 million non-citizen Colonial political pan-Arab land-squatters, who’ve been calling themselves “Palestinians” since 1964!! They claim – to the entire world – to be “indigenous” to our land, but they have no ancient roots in our SWANA soil. We Jews do!
The Jewish people have been faithfully speaking our Canaanite Hebrew language for 3,800 years. We are the only surviving people of Canaan that is still ethnically unique and not successfully colonized, and that still speaks, reads, and writes a Canaanite language to this very day.
AND we Jews have had a nonstop presence upon our sacred Canaan land of Israel, despite every single attempted ethnic cleansing of our native Jewish people from our land of Israel – by the colonizing European and Arab Conquistadors! You Colonizers don’t value our Native peoples’ lands, you value your Colonial religion’s right to take our lands and rule over us!!!
We surviving Native peoples worldwide wish – with epigenetic angst – that we were allowed a “Shared” voice within the Colonial nations’ social media platforms, rather than having to FORCE this voice upon you at GREAT risk!!! But, being so severely outnumbered, even this is not working.
Hence why Israelis and Kurds are so resolute to freedom fight – no matter how long this takes – for the peaceful and secure decolonization of our SWANA Indigenous nations amongst your United Nations’ mandated colonial nations! AND your United Nations’ funded terrorisms upon our peoples!!!
We Jews and Kurds who are Indigenous to Southwest Asia HATE the genocides that are being committed upon, BOTH, our peoples and the lower class citizens of Colonial nations UPON OUR sacred lands! Hey – Christians Muslims, and Marxists – STOP blaming Indigenous peoples for resisting your Colonial indifference to our voices – END your sponsored hatred and terrorisms!!!
Let our people go, Pharaohs!!! 389 days and Arab Palestinian fighters for UNRWA-funded Islamic HAMAS terrorism have NOT released the 101 – both dead and alive – native Israelis they kidnapped and took into Gaza to create a second genocide after their October 7th, 2023, genocide.
הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד!
How good and how pleasing for Native brothers and sisters worldwide to sit together as one in all our colors upon each other’s sacred lands!

Fun fact: An unfertilized chicken egg is no different than an embryo. For most humans, it is breakfast! … Wait, we are NOT even close to “finish” with this post!!!
By our native Jewish law system, it is a sacred law to abort a baby that threatens its/his/her Mother. To allow the baby to kill the mother is no different than murder!(1) Those who aid and abet this are complicit in this murder.(2)
The Mother has the breath of life within her, and a baby in the womb has no breath without the mother. Until the baby is born and has the breath of life, the baby has no “God”-given inherent rights!
So says the very “Bible” of appropriated Jewish ancestral writings that Christians claim to believe in. So, now… Listen to our ancient Jewish elders:
(1) Sanhedrin 72b:14, “If a woman was giving birth and her life was being endangered by the fetus, the life of the fetus may be sacrificed in order to save the mother. But once his head has emerged during the birthing process, he may not be harmed in order to save the mother, because one life may not be pushed aside to save another life. If one is permitted to save the pursued party by killing the minor who is pursuing him, why is this so? The fetus is a pursuer who is endangering his mother’s life.”
(2) Niddah 5:3, “…And he [the child, he or she] inherits the estate of his mother if she died on the day of his birth; and if he dies [after birth], he bequeaths that inheritance to his paternal brothers; and [the] one who kills him is liable for his murder, as it is written: “And he that smites any man mortally shall be put to death” (Leviticus 24:17), i.e., any man, including a child who is one day old.”
We native Jews wish that Christians and Muslims had more of a damn about born living and breathing children!
We Jews occasionally get accused by non-Jews, whether the Colonizers or the successfully Christianized/Islamized colonized Indigenous peoples, of being “woke” for sharing publicly our legal discussions that are ancient in origin! From abortion to same sex relationships to humans that “transition”, these are ALL old subjects to the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel.
In every generation, what is “woke” social subjects has already been longtime discussed by our ancient Jewish ancestors!
We native Jews deeply and systemically wish that European/Christian and Arab/Muslim and their successfully colonized would actually “listen” to our native SWANA teachings, and inform their modern positions based upon our ancestral Indigenous wisdom.
Rather than telling us, the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel, from which you got your Colonial religions from, that we Jews are “wrong” and “woke” and that you, the non-Jews, know better about our Jewish writings and beliefs than Jews.
But, who listens to Jews, anyway? Unless they are parroting Colonial Christianity’s and Colonial Islam’s present beliefs for this human world upon OUR planet Earth?! The world of non-Jewish human beings – 8 billion of you to our vulnerable 15 million – who insist upon speaking for Jews, about our beliefs and about us Jews, and using our sacred ancestors’ written scrolls and other writings in order to do this!!

We are so looking forward to reading this review! One, our Torah teaches that you cannot compel Jews to follow our native Judean ethno-religious mitzvot by force, without violence and bloodshed being involved. Even G-d cannot achieve this! Two, the inherent nature of our human species, regardless of ancestry, cannot achieve קידוש without mysticism (with just rationalism alone).
Jews, like all human beings are on a spectrum of mind, from “atheist”, purely rationalist, to “theist”, absolutely devoted to some degree of “magical thinking”. For the Jewish people’s derech, there is nothing wrong with either approach towards being shomer halacha or, at least, shomea halacha. It’s the very act of “sanctifying” that is the point of Judaism, Judah-people-ism!
It is very true that G-d can BOTH not exist and exist, at the same time! Even if it could be proven that G-d is nothing more than an over active quark in the Quantum Field that is producing all known physical life, this doesn’t change the reality that G-d also exists in the way we humans experience “G-d”.
“G-d” is in our Jewish people’s Torah, in our Jewish people’s origin stories. It is not a psychosis to be able to embrace the “G-d” of our sacred Jewish people’s stories AND embrace the observable reality – as we are experiencing it – that is Life unfolding!
We would dare say, BOTH are absolutely necessary for a balanced approach to our Jewish people’s ethno-religious way of life. As Ysoscher Katz quoted:
The Rabbis (Taanit 4a) tell us: “A Torah scholar who grows angry, it can be presumed that it is his Torah study that angers him and therefore deserves the benefit of the doubt …and even so, one is required to teach himself to act gently.” This is every Jew’s relationship with our Torah (TaNaKh) and our mitzvot/halachot (Talmud)!
Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared, “Hell hath no fury as one’s parents, teachers and deeply held convictions scorned. When one’s family, teachers and luminaries–contemporary and deceased, going back all the way to the Talmud, Mishna and perhaps even further–are demeaned the hurt cuts deep, spiritually and emotionally.
Erev shabbat I sat down to write a review of Dr Shalom Sadik’s new Hebrew book “A Call For The Revival of Religious Philosophy” in which he advocates for a Judaism which lacks any theological basis whatsoever—promoting it as an alternative to our mystical tradition which he repeatedly characterizes as idolatras.
(He believes that the ONLY reason we are obligated to observe the mitzvot is because they have sociological value. They however lack any metaphysical significance whatsoever, because in his view Judaism has no metaphysics at all. God does not “really” exist. Mattan Torah never “really” happened. Prophecy is only an illusion, etc.)
It was supposed to be a typical review (700/800 words) but the sadness and hurt were so strong the pen wouldn’t stop, it wanted to say more and more. By the time it was done, it was 2,500 words long in English and 2,000 in Hebrew.
Now they’re off to the editor and hopefully will be published soon.
The Rabbis (Taanit 4a) tell us: “A Torah scholar who grows angry, it can be presumed that it is his Torah study that angers him and therefore deserves the benefit of the doubt …and even so, one is required to teach himself to act gently”
Admittedly, it is an angry/pained review, but I nevertheless tried very hard to be gentle. And, אם שגיתי ה’ הטוב יכפר בעדי; if I am wrong or have wronged, may the merciful God forgive me.”

How did Noah survive his addiction to wine, only to become so incredibly old? We Jews are ALWAYS asking questions! This is our native Judean people’s path in life. And, this is also WHY we are still upon our sacred ancestral land 3,800 years later, to this very day!
Noah was איש האדמה, “a man of the land”. He was also quite a wine expert. And, he was also quite a drunk. At least, according to our sacred Torah of Jewish origin stories! “If you know, you know”. And, for those who think you know, you ALMOST know (come talk to an Indigenous Jew for more information).
Addictions are a real “solution” to traumas. Let the human species upon this planet Earth throughout history attest to this!!! Let us rephrase,…
Addictions are NEVER the reason for ongoing traumas! Lived traumas UNADDRESSED are the reason for embracing addictions as a solution for these traumas. The ONLY problem is that ADDICTIONS are only a temporary solution – while we have the “high” of the addiction.
Let us correct ourselves, again… The ONLY other problem is that addressing the actual trauma to RESOLVE the problem that an addiction is a solution for is WAY much harder than embracing an addiction to NUMB the problem. This is why so many addicts call themselves their addictive solution to their trauma. And, this is also why recovery takes an entire lifetime!
Whatever your “addiction” is, remember two things: One, you’re NOT the only human experiencing this!!! Get this into your head!!! And,… Two, the path to addressing the reason for the “addiction” solution is a lifelong process. Until you are ready, you are not ready. So STOP “beating yourself up” over this. BUT, at the same time, resolve to take life DAY BY DAY, until you CAN resolve within yourself the trauma not yet presently addressed!
NOTE, THOUGH, in the meantime, NOT ALL ADDICTIONS ARE THE SAME!!! Some require professional intervention and SUPPORT groups to NOT kill yourself in your attempt at recovery!!! When offered these, TAKE THEM with a passion that you do NOT feel yet! You will thank us later for this. Further, LOVE yourself, and STOP judging yourself based on what you THINK other people are feeling about you!!!
Give yourself a healthy moment of mental reprieve, so that you can FOCUS on the REAL reason for your present social life debilitating addiction, that is also your reprieve from the shared human pain that we ALL humans go through. You can be Noah, despite your thoughts about yourself! Remember this!!!
An after the New Moon thought on Parashat Noach (נֹחַ), the lunar month Cheshvan 5785. A new month blessing offered for all humanity!
A native Jewish thought about addiction.

“It is known that there are people whose faces resemble those of other animals, so that you see some people who look like lions and others who look like bulls and so on. According to the tendencies of their shapes the people are nicknamed. This is why he says “the face of an ox, the face of a lion, and the face of an eagle,” all of them are “human faces” that tend to the forms of these species.” – Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed, 3:1
יחזקאל א:י וּדְמוּת פְּנֵיהֶם פְּנֵי אָדָם וּפְנֵי אַרְיֵה אֶל הַיָּמִין לְאַרְבַּעְתָּם וּפְנֵי שׁוֹר מֵהַשְּׂמֹאול לְאַרְבַּעְתָּן וּפְנֵי נֶשֶׁר לְאַרְבַּעְתָּן.
Yechezkel 1:10 Each of them had a human face [at the front, East]; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right [South]; each of the four had the face of an ox on the left [North]; and each of the four had the face of an eagle [at the back, West]. (NJPS)
Peace will come to the Middle East only when the Arab Conquistadors who are occupying our SWANA Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands learn to love their children more than they hate us!
It is way past time to end this European and Arab settler Colonialism, political land-squattings, Apartheid targeting SWANA Jews, depraved rapey Islamic terrorisms, and repetitious attempted genocides to erase the presence (and the memory) of Israelis and Kurds from our planet Earth!!
“If we [Jews/Israelis] have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image.” – Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel from 1969 to 1974, as quoted in As Good as Golda : The Warmth and Wisdom of Israel’s Prime Minister (1970) edited by Israel Shenker and Mary Shenker, p. 26
Southwest Asia’s Native Peoples’ Lives Matter!!! From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel, Kurdistan, and Lebanon (and, hopefully, even Iran) will truly be free – and be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Do you want to know, humans of our planet Earth, what the “Land Back” movement looks like in actual applied actions? Look to Israelis and Kurds for your answers. It is WAY PAST TIME to end European and Arab settler Colonialism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 Arab Hashemite Colonizer from Hejaz, Arabia —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 (Jordan, Syria, Iraq) ! They claim to be “indigenous” to our land, but they have no ancient roots in our SWANA soil.
Israel is the last still surviving “democratic” SWANA native nation that is NOT yet successfully occupied by Islamic and Marxist extremists for the “allahu akbar” glory of Colonial Allah and Christ ruling dominionism upon SWANA native peoples’ lands!
We Israelis – native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous forcibly “Arab”ized citizens of Israel – are the SWANA Indigenous light unto ALL the European and Arab colonized Native nations worldwide. Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !
We Jews indigenous to Judea and Samaria 🕎🪬🇮🇱 resolutely believe in ✊🏼 Indigenous Resistance ✊🏼 to ANY – yes, 🔊 ANY 🔊 – form of Colonial cultural and land assimilation, regardless who is colonizing (and, especially, when doing so in our Jewish ✡️ names)!

We Jews know you mean well and do not want to offend you, as is the way of all Indigenous peoples upon our planet Earth. But, we DON’T want to be misrepresented by non-Jews, either! Hence, the following easily verifiable historical facts:
Messianic Judaism did not exist upon our shared planet Earth until the 1970’s. Since the 4th century CE invention of Christianity – that formed in the northern Aegean Roman empire area – to the United States of America’s year of 1973 CE, no Christian would dare call themselves a “Jew”! Just like before 1964 CE, no Arab/Muslim would dare call themselves a Palestinian/Canaanite. Why?
Such would mean calling yourself a “Jew” – a primitive and resistant “savage/infidel” people who are deserving of – AT BEST – ghetto/dhimmi status for refusing to “assimilate” to your theology-based proselytizing colonial religions of Christianity/Islam!
In every generation after the Roman Empire’s acceptance of the Aegean created Christian religion, native Jews of Judea and Samaria – the land of Israel – have been the DIRECT TARGET of forced conversion to Christianity, by any means necessary. Regardless whether living in our ancestral land or in a forced upon us diaspora land, nowhere upon our planet Earth were Jews safe from attempted proselytizing and, if necessary, attempted forced conversion of our SWANA Canaan people to Christianity.
This is why some legally born Jews of the people of Israel have submitted to their forced conversion to Christianity! Despite knowing that their children risk being, according to our native Judean people’s laws, a non-Jew for this assimilation. — We Jews MUST honor our ancestors’ paid-in-blood sacrifices for our indigenous people’s freedom and resistance to colonial assimilation!
Their rationalization is that Colonialism will eventually win over us Native peoples of planet Earth. Some call this Stockholm syndrome, where some members of an Indigenous people become tinok she’nishba – a captive child – of the Christian and Muslim and, now, Marxist Colonizers of our planet Earth.
Every lost Jew is a tragedy! NO DIFFERENT than the lost Jewish souls who are STILL trapped in the tunnels of the UNRWA-funded Arab Palestinian’s terror group Islamic HAMAS – that is occupying our 1948 decolonized Gaza!!!
But we were talking about Messianic Judaism. …
The Hebrew Christian movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries consisted of Jews who converted to Christianity in Europe and the USA, but worshiped in congregations separate from denominational churches. This led to the emergence of the white Evangelical Christian Baptist non-profit organization Jews for Jesus, that was founded in 1973 by Martin “Moishe” Rosen, a United States of America minister in the Conservative Baptist Association.
Seeing a unique opportunity to proselytize and convert “Jews” to Christianity, this “Jews for Jesus” Christian movement deliberately identified as Jews, translated the northern Aegean-created Christian “New Testament” into Hebrew, and began appropriating our sacred garments and rituals. ALL for the purpose of converting Jews to the colonial religion of Christianity.
The rest is history, as it is said. The Evangelical Baptists have been striving ever since to create an alternative form of Judaism, Judea-people-ism, that is not based in our Canaan Jewish Indigeneity and native law system but, rather, based in the Christian “faith” religion. A religious theology designed specifically for proselytizing and world conquering supremacy for ruling dominionism.
We Jews of the Canaan land of Israel can only tell you, world of humans, the historical truth! It is up to YOU to believe our native people over ALL who seek to speak for us and, worse, in our names.
We Jews have no reason to lie to you! Messianic Jews are Christians, pretending to be Jews. We wish that they would STOP appropriating our Judaism for their antisemitic Christian agenda. It is harming the path to peace upon our SWANA native land of Israel! Go home, Missionaries!!!

On the left, an Arab Muslim. On the right, a Jew. Having a conversation on Indigenous land rights in Colonial Arabic!
The thing is – the post-6th century CE Islamic Colonizers of Southwest Asia have ZERO inherent land rights to our SWANA peoples Indigenous lands! Jews and Arabs/Muslims are NOT equals!
And this is why we Jews had to freedom fight for the liberation of our ancestral land in the 1930’s and 1940’s – for literal Indigenous Judean people’s survival – from the racistly violent and supremacist European and Arab Conquistadors who are STILL occupying Southwest Asia!
META Description : The Jewish origin stories are best taught on the New Moon and, if you don’t believe us, let’s talk about the story of Noah!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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