Almost all voting groups shifted toward Trump, except American Jews. Why? Even American Indians voted for Donald Trump at an alarming 65 percent, even though this choice directly threatens their Indigenous survival and efforts to decolonize. Why did other minority groups, but not Jews, vote significantly more for Trump this 2024 POTUS election?

In a historic election that saw former President Donald Trump rack up gains with almost every demographic — Black and Hispanic men, white non-college-educated women, and Asian Americans, among others — why did American Jews remain obstinately loyal to the Democratic candidate?
A preliminary exit poll showed Jews backed Vice President Kamala Harris over Trump by 79% to 21%. Two other polls, by J Street/GBAO Strategies and Fox News, had Jewish support for Harris at 71% and 66%, respectively. More complete polls may shift these numbers, but it’s worth noting they effectively track with the results of a poll, conducted shortly before the election, that showed that 71% of swing state Jewish voters backed Harris.
One explanation as to why: It’s not because Jews are so liberal — it’s because we’re so conservative. … BUT, we are so few in numbers, Jews had ZERO influence upon this 2024 POTUS election!!!
“President Trump’s embrace of anti-democratic, antisemitic, xenophobic, and racist conspiracy theories and tropes seeks to pit communities against one another,” Amy Spitalnick, CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, wrote after the election. “The Jewish community knows precisely where such hate, extremism, and dehumanization leads — and we will be on the front lines of the fights ahead because our values and our safety depend on it.”
Almost all voting groups shifted toward Trump, except American Jews. Why? It should come as no surprise Harris won the Jewish vote by a huge margin.

We native peoples worldwide can only teach 🔊 and resist ✊🏼 ! We don’t have the bodily numbers to do much more than this, until Indigenous peoples worldwide unite together for the decolonizations of our sacred lands.
With or without the support of the USA, Israelis will prevail over the armies and proxies of the United Nations’ supported Islamic Republic of Iran. The nation of Israel does not need the United States to win our wars for us – our wars with the European and Arab Conquistadors that are occupying Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!
The United States of Colonial America needs to keep Israel under their political and military influence, to prevent us from pushing their foreign policies for Southwest Asia out of our region. This is why the United States of Colonial America has invested in the continued occupation of the land of Israel with their UNRWA funded non-citizen Arab political land-squatting and terrorism forces, known as “Palestinians” since 1964!
Jews who are citizens in the USA diaspora, get some historical perspective, please!
Don’t blame a political party in the United States of Colonial America for our Israeli people’s mistake of not kicking these Arab political land-squatters off of our land in 1967. As well, don’t blame a political candidate in the United States of Colonial America for our Israeli people’s mistake of trusting in the idea of peaceful relations with Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatters and terrorists upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation of Israel – thus, allowing ourselves to become so distracted, that they thought they could genocide us out of existence in 2023.
More so, deeply introspect on this: “A Jew should always identify with the cause of defending the aggrieved, whatsoever the aggrieved may be, just as the concept of tzedek is to be applied uniformly to all humans regardless of race or creed.” – Rav Ahron Soloveichik, author “Logic of the Heart, Logic of the Mind”. In other words, it’s not all about us, and never has been ONLY about us and us alone as Jews. Never ever! Native Jews are Torah Jews, ALWAYS, first and foremost, even if socially “secular” or “cultural” in lifestyle.
Some questions for successfully colonized diaspora Jews to ponder on:
כשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
You might want to look in the mirror, Jews in the USA diaspora, and ask yourself: “If I am only for myself and my people, then what am I? And if not now for my people AND others, when?” If you are offended by these questions, then, maybe the answer is: “I am a Jew with a Christian/Arab colonizer soul – upon our Native peoples’ planet Earth!”
Jews do not need a savior figure, not in Israel nor from ANY nation or political party. We exist as a people to BE a nation-builder! If the nation (or nations) we build is based in chillul ha’Shem, what is the point?
Decolonizing the minds of Indigenous peoples is the most important agenda for these next four years, worldwide! Only by uniting together as Indigenous nations on mutual “land back” initiatives, restoration of our indigenous languages and ethno-religions, and successful, peaceful, and secure decolonization of our sacred lands from European and Arab settler Colonialism – and their depravedly racist occupations and terrorisms for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism – will we achieve the messianic age of peace between nations upon planet Earth!

There is a whole lot of “it’s Hashem’s (God’s) will” being said by diaspora Jews and Christians! And such thinking stands against everything natively Jewish! Let’s discuss and address this effect of Christian colonization. To rephrase into Christian parlance, let us Jews effectively invoke “Scripture” against “God”! Are you ready:
The Jewish people’s ethno-religious path is one of wrestling with and ruling upon laws – civil and ritual laws, court cases, various elections, etc, etc – that are derived from a vassal treaty we Jews made with our native people’s Creator god, Y-HWH (think Ten Proclamations). This engagement in mitzvot is how you show “love” for ha’Shem and bring G-d’s heaven down to Earth! There is no other way to be “holy”, for it is deeds and not words that truly matter!
Deeds, good and bad, exposes the hearts and minds of every human being. And, because it is a mitzvah, we will share here an ancient fundamental Jewish story that will explain how human historical events are never “God’s will” but, rather, the will of humankind, alone!
According to our sacred Torah scroll of ancestral writings, it was Y-HWH that established a separation of laws based on types, laws mandated down from the heavens and laws established by humans upon our planet Earth.
צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק תִּרְדֹּ֑ף לְמַ֤עַן תִּֽחְיֶה֙ וְיָֽרַשְׁתָּ֣ אֶת־הָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ נֹתֵ֥ן לָֽךְ:
“You will set up judges and law enforcement officials for yourself in all your cities that Y-HWH your Creator is giving you for your tribes, and they shall judge the people with mishpat-tzedek (fair and just decisions)… Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may live in and inherit the land Y-HWH your Creator is giving you.” – D’varim 16:18-20
Now, to our native Jewish people’s story that is known as the Oven of Akhnai:
“The Gemara asks: What is the relevance of akhnai, a snake, in this context? Rav Yehuda said that Shmuel said: It is characterized in that manner due to the fact that the Rabbis surrounded it with their statements like this snake, which often forms a coil when at rest, and deemed it impure. The Sages taught: On that day, when they discussed this matter, Rabbi Eliezer answered all possible answers in the world to support his opinion, but the Rabbis did not accept his explanations from him.
After failing to convince the Rabbis logically, Rabbi Eliezer said to them: If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, this carob tree will prove it. The carob tree was uprooted from its place one hundred cubits, and some say four hundred cubits. The Rabbis said to him: One does not cite halakhic proof from the carob tree. Rabbi Eliezer then said to them: If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, the stream will prove it. The water in the stream turned backward and began flowing in the opposite direction. They said to him: One does not cite halakhic proof from a stream.
Rabbi Eliezer then said to them: If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, the walls of the study hall will prove it. The walls of the study hall leaned inward and began to fall. Rabbi Yehoshua scolded the walls and said to them: If Torah scholars are contending with each other in matters of halakha, what is the nature of your involvement in this dispute? The Gemara relates: The walls did not fall because of the deference due Rabbi Yehoshua, but they did not straighten because of the deference due Rabbi Eliezer, and they still remain leaning.
Rabbi Eliezer then said to them: If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, Heaven will prove it. A Divine Voice emerged from Heaven and said: Why are you differing with Rabbi Eliezer, as the halakha is in accordance with his opinion in every place that he expresses an opinion?
Rabbi Yehoshua stood on his feet and said: It is written: “It is not in heaven” (D’varim 30:12). The Gemara asks: What is the relevance of the phrase “It is not in heaven” in this context? Rabbi Yirmeya says: Since the Torah was already given at Mount Sinai, we do not regard a Divine Voice, as You already wrote at Mount Sinai, in the Torah: “After a majority to incline” (Shemot 23:2). Since the majority of Rabbis disagreed with Rabbi Eliezer’s opinion, the halakha is not ruled in accordance with his opinion.
The Gemara relates: Years after, Rabbi Natan encountered Elijah the prophet and said to him: What did the Holy One, Blessed be He, do at that time, when Rabbi Yehoshua issued his declaration? Elijah said to him: The Holy One, Blessed be He, smiled and said: My children have triumphed over Me; My children have triumphed over Me.” – Bava Metzia 59b:1-5 (translation Sefaria)
No, it is not “God’s will” ever, when it comes to your/our decisions here in the human planetary realm! Own up to this, for we ALL must pay the price for these choices that are being made. Let us resolve to not make unjust and ignorant choices for self-gain at the expense of others around us!
“God” does not care who wins a nation’s political election, anymore than “God” cares who wins a war between nations. This is not “God’s” realm of influence, it is our human realm of decisions that is creating this history upon planet Earth! Our Jewish sacred words of stories, laws, and poetry are proven true, because we – the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel – make them true, with our resolute unassimilated devotion.
So it is, also – unfortunately, if bad deeds (social injustice) prevail over good deeds (“justice you must pursue without favor”) – in Christian and Muslim nationalist nations that have ruling occupation and dominionism upon our Indigenous peoples’ ancestral lands!

Know when and where to be silent in the days ahead, and… know when and where to speak out loud!!! Propaganda informed by a systemic racist U.S. history has successfully taken over the terribly evenly divided and largest nation upon this planet Earth, outside of China of course. … When both sides live in information bubbles and are lost to believing their own lies, lies to themselves and to others, how… do we bring truth and reconciliation through easily verifiable historical facts?!!
Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared, “There is an internal tug of war going on in my head this morning, the yetzer hara and yetzer tov are doing fierce battle: to speak up or not to speak up, that is the question. In the words of our rabbis: אוי לי אם אומר אוי לי אם לא אומר; woe if I speak up, and woe if I don’t.
The struggle is intellectual but also sociological.
Half my friends, relatives and people I cherish are thrilled and celebrating last night’s outcome, while the other half is devastated and in mourning.
Personally, I, of course, also have very strong feelings about the outcome, but at the same time understand that as a rabbi I need to avoid partisanship at all costs. Speaking out might be professionally questionable and also personally detrimental. I have five mouths to feed and therefore have to tread carefully, not to anger those who, proverbially, butter my bread.
I guess the advice of prophet Amos might be most appropriate, המשכיל בעת ההיא ידום. At times like these, the wise person remains silent—and silence, as we know, can mean many things: passive acquiescence, resignation, humility, contentedness, fury, and so much more.”

When you’re up against a systemic history of behavior and beliefs and are trying desperately to change it, you’re running up a very steep hill. Be patient and be persistent!
This applies as much to the minorities victimized by Colonial America (the United States), as it applies to native Israelis and Kurds victimized by Colonial Palestine (post-WW1 Jordan, Syria, and Iraq upon native Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands)!
What does Russia 🇷🇺, Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸, the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸, and Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 all have in common? The answer: A hegemony on minority rule upon their nation’s victimized majority! And, a disbelief that fascism is such a bad thing!
What does Christianity ✝️, Islam ☪️, and Marxism ☭ all have in common? The answer: A colonial hegemony on minority rule upon their nations’ victimized majority! And, a disbelief that fascism is such a bad thing!
What is “hegemony”? Merriam-Webster defines it as: “a preponderant influence or authority over others : domination”. In other words, individual and societal deeds don’t matter, ONLY beliefs matter! Hegemony is the “social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group”.
What is “fascism”? Merriam-Webster defines it as: “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”. In other words, a “tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control”, whether as an individual or as a political group.
Such individual and societal behavior, like what we’ve seen in the “too close to call” results of the USA POTUS 2024 election between social progress and justice, Harris-Walz, and continued racist xenophobia and misogyny, Trump-Vance, is a devoted commitment to the idea that “if it doesn’t harm me, then I have no problem with it – regardless what it is doing to my fellow citizens”!
And the USA, in all your privileged myopic self-serving vision, wonders why we Native peoples worldwide – including Israelis 🕎🪬🇮🇱 – don’t see the United States 🇺🇸 as a “beacon of hope” for the rest of this human world and, more importantly, don’t trust the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸, anymore than we trust any Christian, Muslim, and Marxist nations 🇺🇳✝️☪️☭ !!!

When mitzvot, sacred “ethical deeds”, are replaced with zealous religious beliefs, the face of the holy is diminished amongst all of humanity! If you’re Indigenous enough to know, then you know. We will survive this latest round of European and Arab racial supremacy retaking our shared planet Earth!
The United States has once again proven its racist Colonial face, even at the expense of their “white” own. We SWANA natives fear most for the Indigenous peoples of Michilimackinac, whose reservation lands are about to be raped by American reneging force!
We Jews worldwide have been warning the USA! This is 1932 all over again. The only thing that we hope is that, somehow, Trump doesn’t cause a WW3! But, the citizens of the United States have voted, and now must pay the price for this 2024 election vote!
May ha’Shem 🪬 protect 🪬 our native Jewish people of Israel 🪬 from this Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korean, and United States of Colonial America (with its former Apartheid South Africa immigrant supporters of Trump) axis that has been unleashed upon this world!!!
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!!! … We native keepers of history truly wish that we were listened to!!!
To any Jews in the United States diaspora who chose beliefs over their obligatory sacred mitzvot:
Hello, successfully colonized! Please do remember that native Jews are Zionists. We also know that the imperial United States of Colonial America does NOT have Israel’s best interests in mind, regardless who is presently your POTUS!
Your 2024 election was a clear choice between a United States seeking to progressively evolve from its racist imperialism past (Harris-Walz), or a United States that seeks to be the worst that the United States is historically remembered for (Trump-Vance) – even by we Israelis!
כשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
You might want to look in the mirror, Jews in the USA diaspora, and ask yourself: “If I am only for myself and my people, then what am I? And if not now for my people AND others, when?” If you are offended by these questions, then, maybe the answer is: “I am a Jew with a Christian/Arab colonizer soul – upon our Native peoples’ planet Earth!”
Concerning the shared meme: Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! Donald J Trump has had a lifelong fascination with Adolf Hitler, the Mein Kampf manifesto and, since the Obama presidency (a Black man in actual POTUS power), becoming a U.S. dictator! This is why his rallys are modern images of the 1930’s AMERICAN Nazis – wake up!!!

Help us understand this… 65% of Native Americans voted for pipeline Donald “drill baby drill” Trump? Is this because he promised to deport some of the American Colonizers (Mexicanos) off the stolen portions of their land? Is it because Evangelical Christianity has indoctrinated them into “white” idol worship? … The young do not always make the best choices, because they can’t see yet who has their best interests in mind! Get ready to blockade roads, burn tires, and face arrest Michilimackinac Indigenous tribes.
Joseph AmaHura RiverWind shared, “65% of Native Americans Voted Republican According to an NBC exit poll. I just recently posted a great article by Jett James Pruitt regarding the younger generations lying about who they are voting for. It may not be about the President because traditional indigenous values are more conservative than liberal. The political machine gives us a sad example of how the changes made during the civil rights movements negatively affected and altered native culture. Do you think this poll is accurate?”

Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorisms began their non-stop genocidal attack upon Israelis on Oct 7, 2023, and – FINALLY – a few hours of actual peaceful reprieve from attack for the nation of Israel on Nov 6, 2024. Imagine with us, what it is like for European and Arab diaspora Jews to be as terrorized as Israelis and, suddenly, noticing a difference!
Yemen Houthis declared a ceasefire publicly, and Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Iran is suddenly silent. Why? It’s not because Trump is fit for the Presidency of the United States of Colonial America. It is because, NO ONE upon this planet Earth is able to predict what the United States of Colonial America is about to do next, with the overwhelming re-election of Donald J Trump to the Presidency of the United States!
The USA has never embraced the “strong arm” authoritarian government, like it did in yesterday’s POTUS election. And, knowing the history of Donald Trump’s first term in office that benefited absolutely none except who paid the most to Donald J Trump, everyone worldwide is waiting to see what happens next! Whose got the cash for Trump’s approval?!!
Even the Islamic Republic of Iran occupiers who’ve been trying to start WW3 and a 2nd Holocaust targeting Jews upon our planet Earth is suddenly cautious! Even Putin’s autocratic government over the people of Russia is waiting to see first what the 47th’s agendas are going to be, before Putin congratulates Trump for a citizen “majority vote” victory back into – now, unlimited as President – power.
It is uncertain times for everyone upon this planet Earth! … Right, Joy Reid and Chris Hayes ?
META Description: Jews were the only native demographic to not be swayed by Donald J Trump’s grievance campaign this 2024 United States election! Why?
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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