This needs repeating: Kristallnacht took place on November 9, 1938. The Nazis thought they were oppressed by Jews too. Just like the Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatters upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Jewish land of Israel! We Jews blame Christians for this Amsterdam pogrom two days ago! “Let’s get one thing clear: there is no justification for a lynching mob… The days of chasing Jews down European city streets should remain in the dark annals of history.” It’s never about “free (Colonial) Palestine”, it’s about hating Jews for successfully and forcibly decolonizing a portion of our ancestral land in 1948!!!

LISTEN, folks! Jews are an Indigenous people being deliberately targeted everywhere by Arab antisemites, who are supported by European antisemites!!! Our Arab allies are being targeted, too!!!
We here, JIRA, have NOT even posted the Arab terrorist attacks directly in Israel over the last 24 hours, a chasing down of Jews/Israelis until killed by Jews/Israelis for survival! Listen to an Arab citizen:
“Just shocking!!!! Events of severe lynchings and abuse against Israelis in Europe on a scale we have not experienced since the time of the Nazis!!! It’s a pogrom in every respect!
Dozens of Maccabi Tel Aviv fans in Amsterdam were lynched, beaten, humiliated, injured, run over, stabbed – there are shocking documents, and THE POLICE DID NOTHING and allowed hundreds of [Arab immigrant citizen] terrorists to attack them [Jews] on the city streets for hours! Unbelievable. Europe has been occupied by [Arab] terrorists, and even going to a football game has become a life-threatening risk for Israelis!!!
Praying that everyone will return to Israel from there soon and in peace!” – Yoseph Haddad
WORLDWIDE, we Jews are experiencing this! Even the glorious United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 cannot PROTECT our native people from this constant 1,600 years and counting antisemitism! Much less, assure us of safety, regardless HOW many of us VOTE for this – appealing to both USA political parties!!!
Indigenous Lives Matter, folks! EVERYWHERE upon this planet Earth!!! We Jews of and from the Canaan land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱 resolutely believe in ✊🏼 Indigenous Resistance ✊🏼 to ANY – yes, 🔊 ANY 🔊 – form of Colonial cultural and land assimilation, regardless who is colonizing (and, especially, when doing so in our Jewish ✡️ names)!
The ReidOut with Joy Reid , care to bring יוסף חדאד – Yoseph Haddad onto your show?

We agree fully with Joseph AmaHura RiverWind’s words, “On the eve of the Kristallnacht anniversary Middle Eastern migrants were hunting Jews in Amsterdam and interrogating all people they encountered on the streets last night. If the people they interrogated didn’t know how to speak Dutch or Arabic, they were violently attacked by the crowd.
Has no one learned ? Has everyone forgotten already? What part of they aren’t stopping does the world not understand? Chasing elderly Jewish people down, throwing people in rivers, beating a man unconscious and continuing beat him, assaulting women and six reported missing so far. The whole time they video or livestream their religious pogrom hate crimes against Jewish people. There is no coexistence with people who want to murder you and are commanded to do so by their god.
If you’re not carrying a weapon then you need to, period. These aggressors can only be stopped one way and that is with brutal and overpowering force. Awake yet? I will not be silent and I will be prepared.”

✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter!!! ✊🏼 Amsterdam was warned of this PLANNED Islamic pogrom by local Arab and Muslim gangs on Maccabi Tel Aviv soccer fans ahead of time. They were asked to tighten security, and they did NOTHING to prevent this!!! These are the same Europeans who have been allowing antisemtic attacks and vandalism upon Jewish synagogues and museums for months! Dutch authorities have admitted to their policy of NOT forcing police to protect Jewish citizens. There are still 3 Jews “missing” and they are likely dead for this!!!
A fair warning to the United States of Colonial America. When liberalism is so concerned about not offending Muslim immigrants, this becomes a license to test how much Islamic groups can get away with. Eventually, they WILL form political parties to be the solution to their social unrest and, once in ruling power, then END democracy in favor of Islamic nationalism. JUST LIKE Christian nationalists have been doing in the USA and in certain nations of Europe!!!
Ask the Persians who are ruled by the Islamic Republic of Iran! Ask the Lebanese Christians who are ruled by Hezbollah and, indirectly, HAMAS! Ask the African nations that have succumb to this colonizing Islamic rule upon THEIR native lands AFTER having succumb to colonizing Christian rule upon THEIR native lands!
Israelis and Kurds are told that we need to stop “occupying” our SWANA native lands, and just hand over ruling sovereignty to the violently racist post-WW1 political land-squatters – who self-named themselves “Palestinians” in 1964 to forever deny our Indigenous peoples’ attempts to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your European established Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq!
We NEVER WILL, nor will any other “woke” Indigenous peoples! When will you start HEARING (hello, attention) us? Here is our INDIGENOUS peoples’ fear: Both the Arab/Muslim and European/Christian extremist movements are presently WINNING, folks, ALL around this planet Earth! They are TAKING RULING POWER over YOU. Please, LISTEN to us…
We Native peoples know how to resist assimilation – been doing it for thousands of years – but we are severely outnumbered!!! 360+ million surviving Indigenous Peoples upon our planet Earth, who are surrounded by near 8 billion humans who are no longer “indigenous” human beings. ALL of you are caught up in the European and Arab Colonizer churn! And we Indigenous have NO real voice at your policy tables!!!
(Not even we native Jews!)
When you sympathize with the Christian or Islamic Conquistadors, you become the ruled victims of your OWN inability to see their tyranny on the rise. Hello?! Don’t listen to us Natives, see and hear with your own eyes and ears what is happening around you!
What does it take to get the “democratic” humans who are favoring social equality and social justice to realize this?! The USA just passed up on this professed ideal, in a MAJORITY VOTE, no less!!! This is what most perplexes Indigenous peoples around this world! ( Joy Reid , Jake Tapper , Chris Hayes , what happened?!)
Social justice and social equality does NOT equal Indigenous peoples under the rule of Colonial European and Arab settler nations! It does NOT equal the oppression of women, gays and transexuals, those with a different skin color, or those who still embrace an ethno-religion that (inherently) stands against theology based Colonial Christianity, Islam, and Marxism!!
Not all of us humans want to be subservient to Christian, Muslim, and Marxist nations! This self-righteous and self-justifying FANTASY of moral, ethical, and racial supremacy…. We Jews, Yazidis, Persians, Anishinaabe, Navajo, Maori, Hawaiians, etc, etc, etc, just want to live PEACEFULLY and SECURELY self-sovereign amongst your Colonial peoples’ nations. Why do you REFUSE to listen to us, oh privileged citizens of European and Arab Colonial nations?!
✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter ✊🏼, except to European Christians and Arab Muslims and their Marxist offshoot!!! ☪️🇵🇸 = 🇺🇸✝️ STOP blaming the Indigenous peoples for YOUR created terrorisms on planet Earth! Israel is the ONLY place where Jews can finally and truly FIGHT BACK for once!!! And we native peoples worldwide can only teach 🔊 and resist ✊🏼 … in other words, Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !!!

linoy-yo – The police arrested 60 suspects and let them all go by yesterday. How is this possible?! There’s video evidence! They were at least 10 in this video. They were enjoying it!
restingbee – As a Non Jewish person watching this, you know what breaks my heart? No matter how badly the Jewish people are victimised and blood libeled, there will always be cruel people twisting and inverting the narrative to say it was warranted. I’m so sorry to bear witness to this. Your people don’t deserve this.
katrinssketchbook – The same has happened in Berlin, Germany last Thursday evening after a football match. Youngsters of TuS Makkabi Berlin were insulted and followed with knives and sticks by the “usual suspects” aka “members of the religion of peace”. They barely managed to escape. Our “great” mainly leftist/radical leftist politicians try to downplay as usual but it’s all over the news especially in the German “Bild-Zeitung”.
mrzand – This is an attempted murder. Period.
einanchassid – Europe is going to be a radical Muslim continent???
reneenoaharris – And just like 10.7, even filming themselves does nothing to sway the western liberals from finding creative ways to blame the Jews. antisemites gonna antisemite.
But, if Jews native to our Canaan land of Israel had just NOT forcibly decolonized in 1948, then none of this violence towards Jews would be happening, so we are told.
Right, Joy Reid , Ta-Nehisi Coates , Chris Hayes , Mehdi Hasan , etc, etc? It is our fault, for simply existing as Jews and trying to live peacefully and securely SOMEPLACE upon planet Earth, that we are targeted worldwide in every generation by Christian and Muslim antisemtic racists!
Israel is the ONLY place where Jews can finally and truly FIGHT BACK for once!!! We native peoples worldwide can only teach 🔊 and resist ✊🏼 Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !!!
The Persian Princess shared, “Monsters. Antizionism Is Antisemitism!”
This content is intended solely for educational purposes. I unequivocally denounce any form of violence, hate, harassment, or bullying. This page does not endorse or promote dangerous acts, organizations, or any form of violence.
In accordance with section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, this content is made available for “fair use” purposes, including criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research.

Why hasn’t this been reported by Western News media? Islamic Fatwas have been made across the Middle East ACCUSING the Arab Palestinian terror group Islamic HAMAS of such crimes against Gazans. Israeli courts have forced the Palestine Authority to pay reparations to “West Bankers” for these crimes against humanity! Bassem Eid has been actively trying to free his Islamic/Marxist victimized Palestinian people! Israelis just want the UNRWA funded political land-squatting and terrorisms to end upon our sacred SWANA lands!
META Description : It does not matter whether it is Christians or Muslims engaging in terrorism targeting native Jews, a pogrom is a pogrom!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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