More Israeli people’s origin stories and lived history in the face on ongoing worldwide antisemtic racism and terrorism! Existence is our Indigenous peoples’ resistance. Never let the European and Arab Conquistadors silence our voices!
![Indigenous Story Time - the akedah on this Israeli full moon.](
On this full moon 🌕 Cheshvan 5785, we chant a set of Jewish origin stories that are so tribal and, from a non-Jewish perspective, “primitive” that cognitive dissonance occurs between what is chanted and what is understood.
Welcome, Parashat Vayera, and your yearly invoking of questions and discussions about native Jewish beliefs!
In this chanted section of our Torah, we hear about Y-HWH’s personal visit to Abraham and Sarah to discuss an unnatural procreation, and the efforts that Abraham makes to be hospitable to Y-HWH and his cherubim (winged humanoid-like celestial beings).
On a trip to the twin villages, Abraham gets into a verbal argument with Y-HWH about Y-HWH’s planned mass punishment and, during his confrontational challenge of this god’s intent, actually wins this argument, momentarily.
We also learn of a cataclysmic sky event that laid waste to the villages of Sodom and Gomorrah, for the extremeness of their inhospitality towards visiting strangers. Lot and his daughters survive but, in fear of surrounding villagers’ wrath, hide in a distant cave from humans. Fearing their father’s survival, Lot’s daughters each get him stupid drunk and rape him.
We learn that Abraham is a nomadic prophet who has little trust in the decency of other human beings, and is willing to lie, for family sake, while doing business with local kings. Y-HWH returns and fulfills his promise to make Sarah pregnant. Then, we finish with a tale of two sacrifices on the alter by Abraham, to ensure Y-HWH’s devotion to the people of his land.
Those who know, know. The rest, we Jews have questions for you? Go read one of the modern translations of our sacred ancestral scroll, then try to answer our questions presented directly below!
What was meant by Y-HWH, when he told Abraham that he will return and make Sarah pregnant with a child, even though she is well past menopause? And, when Y-HWH did return, whose child is Sarah carrying? Why does Abraham feel justified and important enough to argue with a god that can rain fire from the skies, directly questioning Y-HWH’s morality? What does this say about Abraham, especially, when we learn later that he fears the wrath of immoral humans?
Was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed because of “homosexuality”, as non-Jews have been preaching for the last 200 years? Or, was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed because of the attempted gang-raping of messengers sent to their villages by Y-HWH, as we Jews have been teaching for 3,800 years – the gravest of inhospitality? And, how does this correlate with survivor Lot being raped by his very own daughters, whom he had offered up in those villages to be raped, in place of the messengers?
Why was it that, when Abraham returned from his making sacrifice on Moriah, Isaac was no longer with him? For what reason is the story interrupted to introduce a ram for sacrificing, when the intended sacrifice was walking all along with Abraham? Why, in the first place, did Y-HWH demand that Abraham sacrifice his demigod son as a test of worthiness?
As to the deliberate ambiguity within the binding of Isaac story, can we assume the nature of this story is a type of mythical thought experiment, similar to the Schrödinger’s cat in modern science? If so, what does the response to the sacrifice reveal about the listener of this chant? So, too, all the other challenging parts of this reading of our Jewish sacred stories?
Snapshot – The Akedah, the slaughter of Isaac as a human sacrifice, mosaic on the floor of Beit Alfa בית אלפא Synagogue, in Israel.
![Who is atiq yomin, the ancient of days god?](
An Indigenous god or gods? Who is the Jewish people’s “Ancient of Days” god (עתיק יומין, atiq yomin)? Judaism, Judah-people-ism, is a native Canaan ethno-religion that has evolved over thousands of years from polytheism to henotheism to monotheism to our modern Jewish pantheism – iow, the belief that the Creator is the forces and laws of the universe (BOTH separate – kindred to the “Quantum Field” – AND inseparable – within every element of the “Cosmos” – at the SAME time).
During the 3rd century BCE to 1st century CE Second Temple period, the time of the Greek and Roman Palestinian (“occupiers”) occupations of our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel, many Jews were already henotheistic – devoted to “One” god, while still recognizing the lived reality that other gods exist and rule upon non-Jewish nations. Yet, some Jews during this period of Jewish history still clinged to our ancestors’ polytheistic ways, until the Roman empire crushed our Jewish people’s hopes for a messianic forced decolonization of our land from these northern Aegean Palestinians*.
Our Jewish ancestors’ ethno-religion revolves around a vassal treaty – a set of laws – made between the Canaan land’s god-King, Y-HWH, and his “chosen” people to fulfill and evolve his divine laws for the Canaan land of Israel. This means working and protecting the land of Israel, keeping and teaching our Canaanite Hebrew language, sharing our Jewish people’s origin stories to the next generation of Jews upon this planet Earth, and fulfilling the mitzvot/halachot – our indigenous Judean people’s law system – so that Jews continue to remain upon the land of Israel.
To this day, Jews are devoted to this relationship between Y-HWH and the Jewish people. Whether we believed, in one period of history, in three gods – Elohim, Y-HWH, and Asherah – or devoted ourselves, in another more recent period of history, to one god or two gods – just Y-HWH, or Elohim and Y-HWH, or Y-HWH and Metatron (3 Enoch**) – none of this changes the basics of our Jewish people’s agrarian ethno-religious way of life and devotion to our Canaan land of Israel.
Debates and stories about “God” or the “Gods” is just an enlightening mystical aspect of Judaism, Judea-people-ism, that is meant to help evolve our people in an ever changing world. To this day, we Jews embrace our elders’ stories and legal rulings, to wrestle with them from our more modern perspective and to keep our indigenous tradition relevant! And here is where we get to the purpose of this post.
Judaism and Christianity could have remained friends, if the northern gentiles had NOT co-opted and distorted our indigenous Jewish mystical beliefs! Settler Colonialism is a direct result of Greco-Roman gentiles, non-Jews, getting ahold of our Jewish people’s mystical writings in the late 2nd to 3rd century CE and un-Jew-ing it through conflation with the Roman empire’s religions, thus turning our Jewish agrarian ethno-religious mysticism into a Roman empire colonizing religion.
Instead, of helping the Jewish people to successfully decolonize from the rule of conquesting nations, Christians reversed our native Judean beliefs and used our writings to justify conquering the world for “Christ”! They went so far as to create the very antisemtic tropes about Jews that are STILL being used to demonize our indigenous Jewish people to this very day. But, we are not writing this post to talk about Christian and, later, Muslim settler Colonialism! Instead,…
Who is the Jewish people’s “Ancient of Days” god (עתיק יומין, atiq yomin)? Is it “Elohim”, the high god of the ancient Jewish pantheon? Or is it the “elohim”, the children gods and goddesses that rule the various lands of indigenous nations? And who is the “one like a human being” that the “Ancient of Days”, then, gives reign upon all the nations of Earth? In addition, was there two thrones, one for the “Ancient of Days” and one for this child god that looks “like a human being”? Or, was there one throne, and the second throne was the footstool for the “Ancient of Days”?
For Jews, these stories from our sacred scrolls of ancestral writings that we chant communally is a fascination and a reason for discussion, but it is never a reason to proselytize and settler colonize OTHER peoples’ lands for some imagined theology-based mandate! ONLY Christians, Muslims and, now, Marxists, too, seek to erase native peoples’ ethno-religious and cultural identity with their Colonial theologies, languages, and and laws. It is an evil “sin” to blame Jews for this NON-JEWISH settler Colonialism and terrorisms upon our planet Earth!
FOOTNOTE * – Just a reminder: Names do matter! In our Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew language, פָלַשׁ “falash” literally means to “roll in” (to “occupy, invade, migrate, etc.”). It indicates foreignness, non-indigenous to the land of Israel. It is the root for the word פְלִשְׁתִּי “Felishti” that means “inhabitant” within the area of our indigenous land that was occupied, which was Gaza.
The Greek and Latin versions of our Jewish people’s word for “occupier” is derived from פְלֶשֶׁת “Feleshet” that identifies the land area that is occupied by the Felishti. Feleshet became Palaistinē in Greek and became Palestina in Latin and, then, became Palestine in English.
So, to complete this easy historical fact, Arabs who’ve been calling themselves “Palestinian” since the 1960’s are literally calling themselves “non-indigenous” to the Levant – “foreigner, invader, occupier, migrater”, someone who “rolled in” to our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel in order to claim possession over it!
This is why the Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatters upon Gaza and (what Colonial Jordan named) the “West Bank” part of our 1948 forcibly decolonized nation of Israel do NOT want to be citizens, rather they want our sovereign SWANA indigenous nation to disappear from planet Earth. Being pro-Palestine is all about historic and systemic Jew hatred! And Jew hatred is anti-Indigenous racism!
FOOTNOTE ** – The Jewish apocrypha books of Enoch, written between the 3rd century BCE to 5th century CE, and the Jewish pseudepigraphal scroll The Book of Giants (demigods), 3rd century BC, that resembles the first book of Enoch tell the tale of how Enoch was taken up to Y-HWH’s palace in the skies, the heavenly garden of Eden, and was appointed the “guardian” of all the celestial treasures.
According to the story, Enoch also became chief of the cherubim (winged armless humanoids that Y-HWH rides upon in the Torah, who also act as messengers for Y-HWH), and that Enoch became the primary attendant of Y-HWH’s throne. The Jewish translators of our Torah into Koine Greek in the 3rd century BCE took liberties on the phrase “God took him [Enoch]” by using the Greek verb metatithemi (μετατίθημι), which means “moving from one place to another place”, rather than the breath of life has been removed and he is now dead.
The book of Sirach, written in the 2nd century BCE by a successfully colonized (aka, “Hellenized”) Jewish scribe of Palestinian occupied Judea, Yeshua ben Eleazar ben Sira, made the claim that Enoch pleased God and was taken up into paradise (paradeisos, παράδεισος, gan Eyden) so that he could give repentance for the nations. So, this early version of Jewish “Kabbalah (mysticism)” had our Enoch ancestor of Torah as Metatron, “the younger god”, but the Jesus sect sought to make the connection between this “Son of Man” to Jesus of Nazareth, believing (wrongfully) that he was the messiah who would bring the downfall of the Roman Palestinian occupation upon the land of Israel.
Then, the northern Aegean gentiles got ahold of these Jewish writings and took very literally our Jewish mysticism and combined it with Roman empire elements! This is why 5th century CE written sections of our Jewish Talmud rebuke the new un-Jew-ed gentile religion of Christianity in several places for worshipping an idol that has been placed before Y-HWH. Jews have always had a fascination with demigod stories, but we never worship these demigods!
FINAL THOUGHT: It is an evil “sin” to blame Jews for this NON-JEWISH settler Colonialism and terrorisms upon our planet Earth! And it is especially “sinful” to label Jews as “colonizers” of our own native SWANA ancestral land of Israel!! If you don’t want to suffer from Indigenous resistance to your Christian and Muslim colonialism, stop occupying our native lands and terrorizing our indigenous peoples. Too easy, this path to peace and security upon our shared planet Earth!!!
Questions? Please ask! We may be intelligent Natives, but we have no desire to “preach to a choir”. Jews want an honest dialogue with this entire world! So,.. Questions?
![Non-Jews love calling Jews terrorists!](
Don’t be a Colonizer – like the British, American, an pan-Arab colonisers – by calling Southwest Asian Jews “terrorists” for our Indigenous resistance to European established Arab “Palestinian” settler Colonialism! Don’t be an antisemite, too! Research for yourself easily verifiable historical facts:
Some of the Jews that were ethnically cleansed from Spain and Portugal in 1492 found their way to Taíno islands in an effort to flee the Christian Conquistadors. These Jews helped the Taíno people in their freedom fighting for liberation. During the 1960’s, Jews were at the tables, riding the buses, and walking the bridge with Blacks for Civil Rights in the USA. Jews with money co-founded the NAACP. Shall we go on?
Easily verifiable historical facts are not hard to learn, for those willing to study. … For example, did you know that the ghetto was invented in Europe to racially segregate the Jewish people from Europeans, and this was imported into the United States to segregate the freed African slaves problem? The Jewish people are the SWANA Indigenous people of the Canaan land of Israel, despite what European and Arab history revisionisms have to say on this.
The Arabs of Hejaz, Arabia, didn’t have to invent with the British their flag of Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 in 1917 – which flew over the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz, in Arabia, and the Emirate of Transjordan (known as Colonial Jordan today), in Southwest Asia and, since 1964, has flown over the Jordanian-USSR “Palestinian”-occupied areas of the “West Bank” and Gaza parts of our 1948 forcibly decolonized SWANA nation of Israel!
The Arabs didn’t have to invade the Southwest Asia region during WW1 – with British and French military support – to re-colonize Indigenous Peoples’ lands and divide it into Arab Colonial nations. The Arab settlers upon “Palestine” – only foreigners call Israel and Kurdistan “Palestine” – didn’t have to do a 10/7 HAMAS style massacre upon Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, 1930’s, and 1940’s, forcing our Jewish freedom fight for the liberation of Israel from violently racist British-Arab militarized occupation of our ancestral land.
The British-Hashemite assigned Grand Mufti for the post-WW1 British-Arab Colonial “Mandate for Palestine”, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini محمد أمين الحسيني, didn’t have to visit Adolf Hitler personally in Germany during WW2, didn’t have to join the Nazi Party, and didn’t have to start broadcasting from Germany to the Arabs – who are occupying Southwest Asia and North Africa – to join the Nazi “Final Solution”, so that Arabs have a Jew free Colonial Palestine upon what used to be a Jew present colonized but indigenous land of Israel!
The surrounding Colonial Arab nations didn’t have to engage in their 1948 ten (10) month siege of newly Independent Israel, displacing half the Arab population that was destined to be Israeli citizens. Egypt and Jordan didn’t have to occupy Gaza and the “West Bank” parts of 1948 decolonized Israel for 18+ years, until Israel freedom fought these parts back in 1967. The Arabs didn’t have to align themselves with the USSR’s KGB in the 1960’s to invent the PLO terror organization and its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964, nor hire a Cairo born Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist, Yasser Arafat, to lead this imaginary people to redemption of their newly invented imaginary history upon the land of Israel.
The Palestinian Authority and Arab Palestinian HAMAS didn’t have to engage in pay-for-slay and martyrdom terrorism for the last 6 decades. The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” post-1948 occupations of Gaza and (what Jordan named) the “West Bank” – all to prevent Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) peace and security after forcibly decolonizing our Judean people’s land in 1948! The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” terrorist schools, weapons purchases, and terrorist tunnel constructions for 2 decades in GAZA!!!
Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism didn’t have to break the ceasefire on Oct 7th, 2023! This Arab “Palestinian” tragedy that is unfolding in Gaza did not need to happen! And the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations are directly responsible for this anti-Israeli and anti-Kurd depraved violence upon Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands! We Indigenous Israelis and Kurds are the ones who are most saddened that Arab-European Conquistador anti-Indigenous racism – for the glory of Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism – has caused this violence and bloodshed upon our sacred lands!
We Israelis and Kurds will not stop freedom fighting against Arab-European settler Colonialism, until Arab “Palestinians” give up their anti-Indigenous racism, lay down their weapons, and allow SWANA native Israel and Kurdistan to PEACEFULLY and SECURELY decolonize amongst these post-WW1 Arab Colonial nations of Jordan, Syria, and Iraq! Peace and security in the Middle East is literally this easy, folks!!! Why will European and Arab Colonizers of Indigenous peoples’ lands NOT allow this to happen?!
If Arab “Palestinians”, Turks, and Iranians lay down their weapons and anti-Indigenous racism, there will be peace upon the lands of Israel, Kurdistan, and Assyria! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
Oh, #reiders, watch Joy Reid, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Mehdi Hasan fret, in all their anti-Indigenous racism, those who speak easily verifiable historical facts! If you want to see the propaganda disinformation achievements of the USSR’s KGB – their anti-Zionism disinformation campaigns that they sowed into European and Arab nations for decades, all to demonize Jews for surviving the Nazi-Arab multi-continent Holocaust and for forcing a decolonized Israel upon the world in 1948 – these modern devoted antisemites will proudly show you this, on their shows and in their books, still now in the 21st century CE!
Remember, they really do believe their ahistorical lies and antisemtic tropes! It doesn’t matter how righteous they are on social justice issues that they expose about minorities in European and Arab Colonial nations, like the USA. For, when it comes to SWANA indigenous Israel, these anti-Indigenous racists are compelled to label us with their Colonial sins! This also explains why they don’t really stand for the Indigenous peoples whose lands they occupy in Michilimackinac (opps, Colonial America) and in Southwest Asia (opps, Colonial Palestine).
It is far easier for privileged citizens of European and Arab occupying nations to call Indigenous peoples “terrorists” and “colonizers” of their own sacred native lands! And to claim that indigenous nations are engaging in “Apartheid” against European and Arab Conquistadors for keeping non-citizen occupying racist political land-squatters corralled by walls and fences, so that our Indigenous sovereignty and the safety of our citizens is not ended by their UNRWA funded Colonial terrorisms!!
✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter ✊🏼, except to European Christians and Arab Muslims and their Marxist offshoot!!! ☪️🇵🇸 = 🇺🇸✝️ STOP blaming the Indigenous peoples for YOUR created terrorisms on planet Earth! Israel is the ONLY place where Jews can finally and truly FIGHT BACK for once!!! And we native peoples worldwide can only teach 🔊 and resist ✊🏼 … in other words, Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !!!
![The Jewish sudra and Mesopotamia shemagh are the Indigenous headdress of Southwest Asia, not the kufiya keffiyeh!](
We native Jews of Southwest Asia have never stopped wearing our sudra (the equally ancient Levant version of what Arabs call a kufiya)! The misuse of the Arab kufiya (also spelled keffiyeh) as “indigenous” to Colonial “Palestine” is a 1960’s Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatters’ deliberate attempt to erase and replace our Jewish sudra – which is the actual Indigenous headdress of the land of Israel 🪬🇮🇱 !
When non-Semitic people – like “white” and “black” 🇺🇸 Americans – wear the kufiya to support Arab occupation and terrorisms upon native Israelis and Kurds, these non-Arabs are literally appropriating cultural items that are not theirs to wear in this manner! If they specifically wear the 🇵🇸 Palestinian keffiyeh, then they are supporting pan-Arab settler Colonialism, political land-squatting, Apartheid, enslavements, terrorisms, and genocides upon Southwest Asia’s Indigenous peoples!
We have written several posts on this over the years, along with posts about tefillin and tallit and hamsa and etc…. Despite the attempts by Arabs to outlaw the wearing of sudra by Jews, we have nevertheless continued to do so at great risk to livelihood. ✊🏼 More Jews wearing our sudra is not “appropriation”, it is “DECOLONIZATION”! ✊🏼
Jewish Unpacked shared, “Did you know that in Judaism there is a special blessing for the Sudra?
All over the world every morning for more than a thousand years, Jews have recited the words, “blessed are you HaShem… who crowns Israel with glory”; according to the Talmud in Tractate Berachot 60b this blessing was originally said, “upon spreading the Sudra upon one’s head”
Say what you want, but Jews covering their heads with a Sudra is not appropriation just because it looks similar to a Keffiyyeh.”
For more on the history of our Jewish sudra, here is a good resource:
Among other things decolonization is the process of removing the layers of oppressive foreign imperial and colonial influence imposed upon one’s culture. As discussed, Jews have worn the sudra since ancient times, dating back thousands of years. The garment came into disuse due to the oppressive laws of powerful empires, both in Southwest Asia/North Africa and among Jews in Europe. Reclaiming the sudra, which also happens to be of great spiritual significance, is an act of decolonization.
![Hen Mazzig defends Jesus and Mary as Jews, not Palestinians!](
Jesus’ mission was to keep Jews Jewish upon our European Palestinian colonized land of Israel and, if so blessed, to be the Zionist messiah that kicks the Roman empire out of Judea and Samaria. The latter, he failed at – for Rome, sensing Indigenous resistance to their Palestinian occupation, hung him on a cross as an example to discourage Zionist efforts! Jesus would be aghast to learn that northern Aegean gentiles un-Jew-ed his identity and teachings, and turned him into a Palestinian colonizer of Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!!!
Hen Mazzig shared, “In the list of things I didn’t think I’ll I have to do is to fight to claim Jesus as a Jew. But now Mary’s identity is under assault by anti-Israel groups.
So no, Jesus was not a Palestinian, the name “Palestine” was given to the land of Israel by EUROPEAN COLONIZERS. Jesus was a Jew, and many would probably have called him a Jewish settler if he was alive today.
Glad we can clarify that.”
![Parashat Chayei Sarah - Rivka](
Israel Forever Foundation shared, “In Parashat Chayei Sarah, Rivka’s simple yet profound act of kindness exemplifies the Jewish value of chessed. When she offered not only to give Eliezer water but also to draw for his camels, she demonstrated a generosity that went beyond the basic requirement. This moment reflects the essence of Jewish identity – going the extra mile for others with compassion and a giving heart.
As we go through weeks parasha, may Rivka’s example inspire us to look for opportunities to do something extra, to uplift someone in need, and to embody the beauty of chessed in our daily lives.
Today, take a moment to do an act of kindness – and maybe, go the extra mile. Let’s spread goodness and be proud of the values that unite us as a people.”
Why?! WHY will non-Jews NOT allow our SWANA native Israeli people to be the Rivka people of this shared post? WHAT does it take to overcome the worldwide European and Arab Colonial antisemtic racism targeting the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel?! WHY do you insist on keeping us colonized and parroting YOUR colonial narratives about us? Even when we provide easily verifiable historical facts, WHAT is it that prevents you non-Jews from overcoming your trained antisemtic racism and disinformation about us Jews and Israelis?!
We REALLY want to understand this 1,600 years of persecution of our SWANA native people! Is it simply because we refuse to assimilate into YOUR European and Arab Colonial religions, languages, and governments for us? That even when you present us with our successfully colonized own, we still refuse to give up our indigenous Judean people’s understanding of this world and our fully educated understanding of the last 3,800 years of easily verifiable historical facts?
For those who are systemic victims of racism, WHY do you subject us surviving uncolonized and decolonized Jews to YOUR antisemtic racism targeting us? Help us to UNDERSTAND how to reach and communicate to YOU who we, as the Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel, really are! … We KEEP asking the questions, but those indoctrinated into European and Arab Conquistador understanding of this world DO NOT respond to us!!! Outside of repeating the same repetitious racist anti-Indigenous tropes that you believe in as “historical” reality.
WHY do you listen to our easily verifiable historical corrections to your media expressions BUT, then, “double down” on your demonization of our people – refusing to take accountability for YOUR European and Arab Conquistador nations’ crimes against our worldwide still surviving Indigenous peoples?!! You know – occupation of our lands, Apartheid (aka, ethnic cleansing) that targets our people, terrorisms, and endless attempted genocides. Which you, then, blame upon Indigenous peoples as if WE are doing this to YOU for resisting your attempted colonization of our Indigenous peoples!
Please, help us make sense of this, so that we Indigenous peoples can better COMMUNICATE with you privileged citizens of European and Arab Conquistador nations!!! OUR EXTREME MINORITY LIVES ARE AT RISK by this inability to talk to the socially privileged who THINK they are the victims. AND, skin color has absolutely NOTHING to do with this, subjects of the United States of Colonial America, except in the USA! Ask us Indigenous peoples worldwide!
Why even listen to us, if you are just going to blame us for your European and Arab Colonial created terrors upon our shared planet Earth? We especially want to understand this from African Americans, like Joy Reid and Ta-Nehisi Coates , who have benefited so immensely in your USA Colonial social justice causes from our direct Jewish physical and economic support! How many Selma bridges do we have to walk with you, before you end your silence to our Indigenous people’s questions?
![Jewish thoughts on blood quantum measures!](
And, Realest Natives , we Jews are the only SWANA Indigenous people who are subjugated to providing a blood quantum status to prove how Indigenous to Southwest Asia we Jewish people are. Since our 1948 forced decolonization of our sacred land of Israel, of course!
And, of course, they only want samples from the MOST colonised of us Jews, by which to judge us all by – with their modern 20th century misused science.
Oh, how did we Indigenous peoples determine who is us – BEFORE – genetic science became available for anti-Indigenous racists to misuse – in order to erase our Indigeneity and to claim their new ancient “indigenous” status upon our Canaan people’s sacred land, that these European and Arab Conquistadors colonized for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism?!!!
Help us Jews make sense of this!! How do we break this racist Colonial bubble of silencing our Indigenous voices?!!!
Ever since the creation of DNA science, European and Arab antisemites have been mis-using this science to try to divide our SWANA Jewish people into “European” and “Arab” groups with a Jewish “religion”. This is an attempt to erase our Indigeneity to our SWANA Canaan land of Israel. Jews are the most colonized of Indigenous peoples and, because of the rapings and ethnic cleansings, we Jews come in all colors and features of human beings now. 1,600 years of being chased around this planet Earth to persecute us for the problems of European and Arab Colonial societies takes its admixture toll.
More importantly, before the invention of DNA science to use as blood quantum measures, how did we Indigenous peoples worldwide determine who is one of us and who is not? Jews are a Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples with an ethno-religion, Judah-people-ism, that defines linguistically, culturally, religiously, and legally who is a member of our Jewish people and who is not (aka, a pretendian). This continuity of our people’s identity and way of life has been passed down from family to family and community to community for over 3,800 years.
So, since we Jews successfully and forcibly decolonized our Canaan land of Israel in 1948 against the will of the European and Arab Conquistadors, suddenly Israel is a “European” colonial project upon our own ancestral lands. Most of the Jews in Israel have no family ties to Europe, but racist fake science reports are used by both European and Arab Conquistadors to relabel our people as not Indigenous to our land – so that they can continue to occupy Southwest Asia for the “allahu akbar” glory of Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx! Israel stands in the way of this – by our very decolonized existence!
![Joanne Zahlan speaks only antisemtic racism about Jews.](
Haters gonna hate! The reason that Jews come in all looks and colors is because of the violently racist European and Arab settler Colonialism, Apartheid, enslavements, terrorisms, and attempted genocides upon our Canaan Jewish people and our neighboring Kurdish people for the “glory” of Colonial Allah and Christ! Jews are the most colonized, yet we will never assimilate – no matter how many forms of human you racist European and Arab Conquistadors turn us into! ✊🏼 It’s an Indigenous thing ✊🏼, which you wouldn’t understand.
The Jewish people have had a nonstop 3,800 year presence upon our sacred Canaan land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱 – despite every single attempted ethnic cleansing of our people from our SWANA native land. Despite every attempted forced conversion or outright genocide upon our SWANA native people! Further, every Jew by our indigenous halachot – our Judean-orignating Jewish law system – is a Jew from our Canaan land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱, regardless which diaspora their families were forced into by the racistly violent and anti-indigenous European and Arab Conquistadors for Colonial Allah and Christ ruling dominionism.
Colonizing an Indigenous people’s land ☪️🇵🇸✝️ does not make you the new ancient “indigenous” of our land. You still have no indigenous roots in our soil to dig up and show to this world 🇺🇳! Rather, colonizing an Indigenous people’s land only makes you the oppressive European and/or Arab Colonizer that is rewriting history and pretending to be “indigenous” to our people’s sacred land! Only those who are non-indigenous continue to call the Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱 this fictitious Colonial “Palestine” of yours.
✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter ✊🏼 peaceful non-Indigenous lives matter ✊🏼 ! These evil Christian and Muslim bloodsheds being committed upon our Southwest Asia indigenous sacred lands MUST come to a STOP, Colonizers ☪️🇵🇸=🇺🇸✝️ ! Hence, our militarized Indigenous resistance ✊🏼 !
![Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy shares Honest Reporting video - they HAMAS take our food!](
✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter ✊🏼 peaceful non-Indigenous lives matter ✊🏼 ! These evil Christian and Muslim bloodsheds upon our Southwest Asia indigenous sacred lands MUST come to a STOP!
It is UNRWA-funded and supported Arab Palestinian fighters 🇵🇸 for Islamic HAMAS terrorism ☪️ that has been engaging in this genocide upon Israelis and Gazans in their extremist Colonial hate for our 1948 forcibly decolonized and still surviving Indigenous nation of Israel!
Today marks 410 DAYS of Islamic HAMAS 🇵🇸 and Palestinian Islamic Jihad 🇵🇸 terrorist fighting with Israel Defense Forces rescuers 🪬🇮🇱 and these Arab Conquistadors are still holding 101 native Israelis (grandfather to babies) as hostages. When is the world going to demand that Palestinians CEASEFIRE and RELEASE their hostages?!!
Victim-blaming indigenous Israelis 🪬🇮🇱 and Kurds 🪬☀️ never brings solutions for the racistly violent European and Arab ✝️🇺🇳☪️ settler Colonialism, political land-squattings, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides upon worldwide Indigenous peoples and our lands.
✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter ✊🏼, except to European Christians and Arab Muslims and their Marxist offshoot!!! ☪️🇵🇸 = 🇺🇸✝️ STOP blaming the Indigenous peoples for YOUR created terrorisms on planet Earth! Israel is the ONLY place where Jews can finally and truly FIGHT BACK for once!!! And we native peoples worldwide can only teach 🔊 and resist ✊🏼 … in other words, Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !!!
![Türkiye committing genocide upon Syrian Kurds!](
😡 Another genocide targeting 🪬Kurds☀️! 😡 Yet, pro-Palestinian activists and human rights organizations – who claim to oppose genocide, ethnic cleansing, famine, and war crimes – remain silent. Too busy wrongfully blaming Israel for that, rather than the ☪️Islamic terrorism☪️ upon our SWANA indigenous lands!!!
Honest Reporting shared, “💧 1,000,000 Kurds are without water and electricity
Turkish airstrikes in northeastern Syria have destroyed critical infrastructure, plunging Kurdish civilians into a dire humanitarian crisis.
Yet, pro-Palestinian activists and human rights organizations—who claim to oppose genocide, ethnic cleansing, famine, and war crimes—remain silent.
Do they truly stand for these principles, or do they only speak out when Israel can be falsely blamed?”
![Tal the Iraqi Jew wears the indigenous shemagh that pan-Arab nationalists appropriated for their racistly violent Palestinian cause!](
✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter ✊🏼 Listen to Mesopotamia indigenous people explain how racist pan-Arab “Palestinian” colonisers 🇵🇸 got their appropriated fishnet kufiya/keffiyeh! You’ll find their words to match our native Jewish/Israeli people’s words.
Arab “Palestinians” 🇵🇸 are the direct equivalent of “white” European colonisers 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇫🇷🇪🇸 – they are settler occupiers upon Southwest Asia’s indigenous lands and appropriators of SWANA Indigenous peoples’ cultures! As you read this post, these pan-Arab nationalists are expanding into Africa and Europe. Understand THIS, Arab “Palestinians” 🇵🇸 have no – NONE, ZERO – actual roots in our SWANA peoples’ sacred lands!
Their flag 🇵🇸 was invented in 1917 down South in Hejaz, Arabia, for the Hashemite royal Arab family, by the British 🇬🇧, so that they may conquer Southwest Asia’s Jewish and Kurdish peoples’ lands during World War 1 – in order to divide our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands into the post-WW1 European established Arab Colonial nations of Transjordan 🇵🇸 (now, Jordan 🇯🇴), Syria 🇸🇾, and Iraq 🇮🇶.
What they were not counting on was native Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱 resisting to such a resolute degree that we actually FORCED the British 🇬🇧 off our land and decolonized in 1948 against the wishes of these pan-Arab Conquistadors 🇵🇸! Hence, their non-citizen political land-squatting ever since – UNRWA funded 🇺🇳, of course! And, the ethnic cleansing of 1 million Mizrahi-Sephardi Jews 🕎🪬 from their Arab colonized lands throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
An honest historical question: Middle East, where are your native Jews? How did you come upon their lands and possessions?
The answer that they – Arabs themselves – refuse to acknowledge is: MENA Jews are in our 1948 decolonized Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱, of course! And the rest are in the United States of Colonial America, still trying to get social justice through the European-Arab Colonial court systems 🇺🇳. Middle Eastern North African Jews in ISRAEL 🇮🇱 and in diaspora 🇺🇸 are just as ZIONIST as SWANA Jews!
NOTICE the red color 🔴 on the pan-Arab national flags 🇵🇸🇯🇴🇸🇾🇮🇶 and 🇮🇷! For this red color represents the Hashemite Arab Caliphate rule upon OTHER peoples’ lands that are NOT theirs to rule over. And the United Nations 🇺🇳 of Arab-European Colonial nations are supporting and financially/militarily backing their colonisation. Including the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 with its anti-Indigenous “two state solution” between Indigenous and Colonial occupier!
Hence, our ✊🏼 militarized Israeli 🇮🇱 and Kurdish ☀️ Indigenous resistance ✊🏼 to their 🇵🇸🇺🇳 post-WW1 land and identity thefts!
📢 Anyone who puts on the so-called “Palestinian” fishnet kufiya/keffiyeh in support of pan-Arab Colonial “Palestine”, TAKE IT OFF! You have ZERO right to wear our SWANA Indigenous shemagh (our Southwest Asian peoples’ sudra) in support of Arab terrorisms, Indigenous erasure, and cultural appropriation!!! 📢
Ta-Nehisi Coates , Joy Reid , Mehdi Hasan , are you appropriating SWANA 🕎☀️ Indigenous peoples’ cultural items? Ayman Mohyeldin , you’re an Egyptian, like Yasser Arafat 🇪🇬. (Opps, there’s that red color 🔴 again – the sign of colonisation!) Are you appropriating, too?
✊🏼 From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Kurdistan ☀️, Israel 🇮🇱, and Lebanon 🇱🇧 will truly be free ✊🏼 ! And be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors! Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 Arab Hashemite Colonizer from Hejaz, Arabia —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 !
![Syrian Jewish families being harassed in the United States by morons for Colonial Palestine!](
If you want to know WHY we Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱 are so ✊🏼 resolutely defiant and angry ✊🏼 it is because we are NOT being listened to by the European and Arab colonised ✝️🇺🇳☪️ world around us!!! 15+ million Jews 🕎🪬 – still less than pre-WW2 body numbers – surrounded by 8 BILLION human beings ✝️🇺🇳☪️ who are speaking for us about us and NOT LISTENING TO US!!!
That’s 533 non-Jewish voices around every single Jew speaking daily, 📣 through their various social media megaphones 📣, their non-Jew “truth” about us Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !!! Think about this!!! We Jews are being asked by listening Millennials WHY we are NOT getting our message of easily verifiable historical facts out to their generation. We are extremely OUTNUMBERED is the reason WHY!!! And the few righteous non-Jews that speak our 🕎🪬🇮🇱 message are OUTNUMBERED, too!!!
So, we Jews have three choices:
Be insular and survive by being – hopefully – unnoticed most of the time in this devoutly Christian, Muslim, and Marxist colonised world. 1,600 years and still counting!
Or be uncolonised and establish militarily our Indigenous people’s decolonised self-sovereignty upon our sacred SWANA land of Israel, so that we may fight the European and Arab Conquistadors of planet Earth on our own terms! 76 years and still counting!
Or, we resort – like all systemically oppressed peoples – speaking in the explicative angry language of the Colonisers to REACH the colonised mind.
This last one is the expression of Middle Eastern Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱 who are SO tired of all this worldwide European and Arab created antisemtic racism ✝️🇺🇳☪️ !!! Antisemitism is anti-Indigenous racism, full stop!!!
You met an Iraqi Jew 🕎🪬, Tal, in a recent post of ours – who taught you about the pan-Arab “Palestinian” 🇵🇸 appropriation of our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ culture. Now meet a Syrian Jew 🕎🪬, Abraham Hamra, who has some much needed context for you who are willing to not be a parrot of European/Arab Colonial societal privilege.
Colonial Palestine ☪️🇵🇸 = 🇺🇸✝️ Colonial America, regardless what your skin color presents!!! Embrace the sting of his words for A WORLD OF PEACE AND SECURITY upon our SHARED planet Earth-
Joy Reid Mehdi Hasan Ayman Mohyeldin Chris Hayes Jake Tapper @…. Are you willing to put him on your “news” show?
![Hen Mazzig reaction to ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant.](
Today marks 414 DAYS of Islamic HAMAS 🇵🇸 and Palestinian Islamic Jihad 🇵🇸 terrorist fighting with Israel Defense Forces rescuers 🪬🇮🇱 and these Arab Conquistadors are still holding 101 native Israelis (grandfather to babies) as hostages. When is the world going to demand that Palestinians CEASEFIRE and RELEASE their hostages?!!
So, it’s #MeToo unless you’re a Jew 🕎! Bashar al-Assad of Syria 🇸🇾 committed an ACTUAL genocide upon his own pan-Arab Colonizers and subjugated SWANA Indigenous peoples, and no arrest warrants! Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Türkiye 🇹🇷 is still committing an ACTUAL genocide upon indigenous Kurds, and no arrest warrants! Ali Hosseini Khamenei of Iran 🇮🇷 is still committing an ACTUAL genocide upon Kurds, Jews, Assyrians, Balochs, etc, etc, and no arrest warrants! But, if Israelis 🕎🪬🇮🇱 defend themselves, then the false equivalency to Islamic HAMAS terrorists 🇵🇸 must be made – the standard 1600 years of antisemtic racism!!!
Victim-blaming indigenous Israelis 🪬🇮🇱 and Kurds 🪬☀️ never brings solutions for the racistly violent European and Arab ✝️🇺🇳☪️ settler Colonialism, political land-squattings, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides upon worldwide Indigenous peoples and our lands. ✊🏼 Right here, this is WHY Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱 must continue to exist and freedom fight for the liberation of our SWANA Indigenous peoples, and for all racistly targeted Jews worldwide! ✊🏼
It is UNRWA ✝️🇺🇳☪️ funded and supported Arab Palestinian fighters 🇵🇸 for Islamic HAMAS terrorism ☪️ that has been engaging in this genocide upon Israelis and Gazans in their extremist Colonial hate for our 1948 forcibly decolonized and still surviving Indigenous nation of Israel! The ICJ ✝️🇺🇳☪️ is nothing but an immoral and racistly anti-Indigenous joke for a so-called court!
Hen Mazzig shared, “The #ICJ targeting Israeli leaders—no matter who they are—is a dangerous precedent. Here’s why:
🔹 No Jurisdiction: Israel isn’t a party to the Rome Statute, and the ICJ doesn’t prosecute individuals. Using international courts this way undermines their credibility and legal integrity.
🔹 Selective Justice: Why focus on Israel while leaders of other nations commit atrocities without consequence? This double standard weakens trust in global justice.
🔹 Head of State Immunity: Prosecuting a sitting leader breaks with international norms, risking a dangerous politicization of the legal system.
🔹 Impact on Peace: Criminalizing Israeli leadership won’t bring peace—it will harden divisions, destabilize the region, and derail negotiations.
🔹 Asymmetric Warfare: Israel operates in a complex reality where nonstate groups like Hamas hide behind civilians while launching attacks. The full context matters.
I am a vocal critic of Netanyahu and his government, and I can also recognize that justice should never be weaponized for hateful and sinister agendas. Let’s uphold fairness and focus on real paths to peace. Call this out as it’s a threat to justice everywhere.”
![Dear MAGA voters, now might be the time to study Project 2025.](
Russia, China, Iran, and the United States? We Israelis will take Iran out of this question for you! … You’re welcome!
You get what you vote for! … At least, we Israelis might be able to salvage your USA 2024 election for our indigenous Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ liberation from this racistly violent post-WW1 European established Arab settler Colonialism upon our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands!
Trump is so useful, if we can continue to pay for his attention and signatures. But, at what cost, though, to the vulnerable citizens of the United States of Colonial America?!!! … Well, we WARNED and ENCOURAGED you NOT to vote for him, but the majority of the citizens of the United States of Colonial America voted for the conman felon Donald J Trump, regardless.
So, we Israelis and Kurds must now think about our SWANA peoples’ survival interests, knowing a blessed opportunity as has been offered in the 2024 POTUS election, courtesy of your USA citizens’ votes. And, as such, our ethno-religious Indigenous moral obligation to discourage you from a DJT re-election is now over!
Good luck, citizens of the United States, and may we SWANA natives peoples be BLESSED from your POTUS choice! Understand that we still hate Donald J Trump’s racist self-serving ways, but we native Jews do understand that anyone can do a mitzvah (a “good deed”, as it is commonly expressed by USA Jews).
Trump’s hand can do the mitzvot for SWANA Indigenous peoples 🪬🇮🇱🪬☀️🪬 that his mind cannot even comprehend! And, for this reality, may we say “amein/this be so”! BUT, we worldwide Indigenous peoples, we are listening and responding to your sufferings, privileged minority citizens of European and Arab Colonial nations.
We do not and will not take sides FOR social injustice! This is NOT any Indigenous peoples’ way anywhere upon our shared planet Earth. Allow our native peoples to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst your European and Arab nations for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon Earth!
Give us Indigenous peoples an ACTUAL say amongst your Colonial governments, please!!!
![Ladino word Mashala](
Diremos bien, para ke todo se aga bien. Mashala y chazak y baruch!
We will say good words, so all happens well. G-d wills, strong and blessed!
Jewish Language Project shared, “Today’s Fun Fact is in honor of Mizrahi Heritage Month, which honors Jewish communities with roots in the Middle East and North Africa. For the history behind this annual celebration of Mizrahi history and perspectives, visit this link at JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa’s website:
META Description : Despite all the antisemtic racism targeting the Israeli people, we will not silence our voices, origin stories, and lived history!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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