The 7 Clans asked, “Why do we as Natives bring down other Natives knowing how hard life can be for a Native?” The answer is… Because, the European and Arab Conquistadors have taught our worldwide Native minds to see other Indigenous peoples as NOT actually indigenous peoples, thus the enemy! Colonial Christianity, Islam and, now, Marxism have been keeping us Native peoples worldwide separated – so that we do NOT unite together and force our Land Back and their Colonial accountability for their crimes against ALL Indigenous humanity worldwide. This becomes very apparent during Colonial holidays like “Thanksgiving”!

QUESTION: What do we JEWS worldwide want to DAILY be focused on? It is definitely NOT antisemtic racism, and threats to our Canaan people’s survival! It is definitely NOT whether we Indigenous peoples are “right”, and the European and Arab Colonizers – and their successfully colonized – are “wrong”!
QUESTION: What do we JEWS worldwide want to DAILY be focused on? Keeping our Canaanite Hebrew language alive, along with our Judean origin stories. Keeping our living Indigenous people’s identity alive through faithful adherence to our mitzvot/halachot – our Judean people’s ethno-religious way of life and indigenous law system.
QUESTION: What do we Jews worldwide want to DAILY be focused on? We WANT to be a “LIGHT” for ALL still surviving Indigenous peoples and for ALL Colonial societies on what a sacred agrarian culture’s morals/ethics have to say for a SOCIALLY JUST society. If ONLY non-Jews would ACTUALLY listen to us – for once in 1,600 years of European and Arab settler Colonialism for Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx ruling dominionism upon our shared planet Earth!!!
YOU appropriated from our Southwest Asia Indigenous people’s culture, ancestors, and sacred writings – SO, the LEAST you can do is LISTEN to us WITHOUT us feeling colonized and needing to APPEASE the European and Arab Colonial perspective – on who we are and what we believe as Jews!!!
We Jews really HATE sounding like Marxist Jew, Bernie Sanders, in the United States of Colonial America! Though he be a successfully colonized Jew, he still IS a JEW through and through!!! Repetitious for SURVIVAL, even if misguided by European and Arab Conquistador societies! Along with ALL other successfully colonized Jews – who are so, meaning Jews, legally by our Jewish people’s Indigenous Judean-orignating halachot.
Indigenous resistance and survival is our Jewish people’s Thanksgiving!

What do we Jews worldwide want to DAILY be focused on? Stories about our numerous DEMIGODS within our Chamishah Chumshei Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim, and Talmud – our sacred Judean people’s ANCESTRAL writings! Stories about the armless winged Cherubim that Y-HWH rides upon, and who sends as divine Messengers to human beings upon our shared planet Earth – and what this means to US, the Jewish people of the Canaan land of Israel.
What do we Jews worldwide want to DAILY be focused on? How to CREATE a sanctified world of human beings that ADORE social justice and honest weights!!! By our EXAMPLE, of course, AND by being able to successfully COMMUNICATE with the overwhelming majority of human beings around us – WITHOUT them speaking for us about us JEWS and what we actually believe!!!
What do we Jews worldwide want to DAILY be focused on? Showing our love to our indigenous Creator god by speaking our indigenous Canaanite Hebrew language and keeping our Canaan people’s stories and sacred laws, and fulfilling our Native people’s purpose of “working and protecting” the LAND – REGARDLESS where we are forced into as an Indigenous Judean people. And EVERYWHERE that we find our Jewish selves seeking social justice and honest weights for a PEACEFUL and SECURE society around us!!!
Indigenous resistance and survival – the preservation of our Jewish ethno-religious identity, our Canaanite Hebrew language, and our sacred Canaan land of Israel – is our Jewish people’s Thanksgiving!

It is bluntly because NON-Jews will NOT allow us this, that we JEWS must remain so defiant and – since our 1948 forced decolonization upon our SWANA sacred land of Israel – remain, now, so militarized for our Canaan people’s very survival upon our SHARED planet Earth!!!
Help us Jews, PLEASE, to make sense of this last 1,600 years of antisemitic racism targeting our people and all other Indigenous peoples AND ALL undesired OTHERS, for not successfully assimilating into the European and Arab colonized world around us for Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx ruling dominionism and religious/political THEOLOGY!!!
We DON’T want to be you, and we DON’T want to “convert” you. We Jews only want to relate PEACEFULLY and SECURELY with you, as the Southwest Asia Indigenous people – that we were created by our land’s god-King to be upon this planet Earth!!! We want to learn from you and adapt for survival as a Jewish people of/from the Canaan land of Israel.
WHAT IS THE TEACHING THAT YOU NON-JEWS ARE GIVING TO US JEWS ABOUT OUR SURVIVAL AS AN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF ISRAEL?!!! Why are we always to blame for your problems, when all that we Jews WANT to do is to argue Talmud and give TSEDAKA (“PAY IT FOWARD”)?!!! We Jews are SO TIRED of fighting for our very survival upon our planet Earth, along with ALL other Indigenous peoples worldwide!!!
Indigenous resistance and survival is our Jewish people’s Thanksgiving!

We know, TLDR!! We know, no honest questions are coming, because you already know better than we. After all, your accredited antisemitism is unquestionable, right? It’s Colonial approved, in all its “researched” history revisionisms and disinformation. Right, Ta-Nehisi Coates , right, Joy Reid , right, Mahmoud Abbas ? We native peoples love and UNDERSTAND your struggle, but we WILL speak up to your socially privileged power!
Not just for our Jewish people’s sake, BUT for ALL other marginalized Indigenous peoples worldwide – 360 million oppressed strong – still surviving European and Arab settler Colonialism, Apartheid, enslavements, terrorisms, and attempted genocides for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism!!! Which Jews get blamed for, for being the first to successfully, by militarization, to decolonize from!
The Kurds will be next, then the youngers – mark our words. Our planet Earth is literally at stake here!!! And, if we humans don’t self-correct, she will wipe us out and start over, and ALL Indigenous peoples know this!!! When you make treaty, you keep treaty, Colonizers! There is room for all of us, and we ALL need to have a say at the worldwide human social table. Give us decolonized and self-sovereign Land Back AND a voice on the future of our shared planet Earth!!!
Indigenous resistance and survival – the preservation of our Native ethno-religious identities, our Native peoples’ languages, and our sacred Native lands – is our worldwide Indigenous peoples’ Thanksgiving!

✊🏼 When you make TREATY, you KEEP treaty, Colonizers! ✊🏼 Jews don’t need personal “salvation”! Our indigenous Zionism is all about the “salvation” of the Jewish people from the occupations of the religious and political Colonizers. Which, since the 4th century CE, has been today’s Christianity, Islam, and Marxism. Whereas, Christians need personal salvation, so that they can eat bananas in an imagined heaven and avoid gnashing their teeth on fiery rocks in an imagined hell.
Jews are all about this life AND about bringing “heaven” (gan eyden) down to Earth – as our sacred ancestral writings so clearly explain! Jesus the Jew of Nazareth got this during his 1st century BCE/CE life, and was killed by the Romans for his Zionism – for his attempt to overthrow the Roman Palestinian occupation upon our Canaan land of Israel. Whereas, Christians are about an imagined “afterlife”, that can only be achieved by faith in an idol that absolves you from ACCOUNTABILITY for all your Earthly sins.
So, at the end of the days of the “Beast” and the “Dragon”, we Jews and all other Indigenous peoples will have our “salvation”, and the violently racist terroristic settler Colonialism will come to an END upon our sacred lands. Will come to an end upon ALL peoples’ lands! This is what “salvation” is for the Jewish people! And, if you weren’t reinterpreting our colonized sacred Judean people’s writings to justify your Colonial theologies, you would REALIZE that this – the days of peace upon Zion – is what our writings are saying to us Jews and to you goyim.
The majority of Jews in Israel have no family ties to the European diaspora. We are Middle Eastern and North African Jews that were ethnically cleansed from Arab Conquistador colonial nations, and forced into Israel. As well, Jews have had a nonstop 3,800 year presence in Israel – despite every single attempted ethnic cleansing of our SWANA Indigenous people by the European and Arab settler occupiers for racistly violent Colonial Allah and Christ ruling dominionism.
Further, every Jew by our Jewish halachot – our Judea-orignating law system – is an Indigenous Jew from our Canaan land of Israel, full stop. “Religious” or “Secular”? These are Colonial labels that have ZERO meaning to our Jewish halachot!!! Further, it does NOT matter which non-Jewish land diaspora that Jews were forced into by the racist and often violent anti-indigenous Colonizers of our shared planet Earth. A Jew is a Jew by our Jewish – (have we said this before?) – native Jewish halachot.
A hint to modern antisemitic racist Colonizers: In our indigenous Jewish people’s halachot, there is no “blood quantum measures”, because we predate “modern science”, Islam, Christianity, and the division of “races” as an Indigenous Judean people. As well, in our indigenous Jewish people’s halachot, there is no “skin color” or racial “physical features” that are required to be a member of the “Jewish” people. We Jews are ALL about devotion to our sacred land of Israel, our Canaanite Hebrew language, our sacred origin stories, and our “working and protecting” the LAND.
It is crazy that Jews are the ONLY Indigenous people – outside of neighboring “second Israel”, the Kurds – who are accused of “colonizing” our own sacred ancestral land for engaging in LAND BACK for literal Indigenous people’s survival!!! Returning to your sacred land of Indigenous people’s origin is NEVER “colonization”, Colonizers, full stop!
Hey, Colonizers: Colonizing an Indigenous people’s land does not make you the new ancient “indigenous” of our land. Rather, it only makes you the oppressive European and/or Arab Colonizer, that is pretending to be “indigenous” to our people’s sacred land! Only those who are non-indigenous continue to call our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel this fictitious Colonial “Palestine” of yours.
The purpose of Torah (TaNaKh and Talmud, the “Hebrew Bible”, our sacred ancestors’ writings) is to keep Jews indigenously Jewish. No matter how much Colonizers – appropriators of our sacred ancestral writings and names – seek to assimilate our Jewish people into your CE period Colonial theology religions, languages, governments, and beliefs for and about us Jews.
We Jews will ALWAYS maintain our Jewish indigenous ethno-religious identity, Canaanite Hebrew language, and mitzvot/halachot – anywhere and everywhere upon this planet Earth – to keep our Jewish people distinctly alive in this European and Arab colonized world for Colonial Allah and Christ – and, now, Marx – ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ sacred lands.
We’s, “the Jews”, are the first on the ghetto block of colonization – and we Jews know you, Colonizers, better than you know yourselves! Try learning from us for the sake of PEACE and SECURITY upon our shared planet Earth!! In other words,…
✊🏼 When you make treaty, you keep treaty, European and Arab Colonizers! ✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter ✊🏼 and, as well, peaceful non-Indigenous lives matter ✊🏼 ! That is,… EXCEPT to European Christians and Arab Muslims and their Marxist offshoot, and their successfully indoctrinated and colonized human subjects!!!
Colonial Palestine ☪️🇵🇸 and Colonial America 🇺🇸✝️ STOP blaming the Indigenous peoples for YOUR created terrorisms on planet Earth! … Israel is the ONLY place where Jews can finally and truly FIGHT BACK for once!!! And ✊🏼 we native peoples worldwide can only teach 🔊 and resist ✊🏼 … in other words, Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !!!
Indigenous resistance and survival – the preservation of our Native ethno-religious identities, our Native peoples’ languages, and our sacred Native lands – is our worldwide Indigenous peoples’ Thanksgiving!

✊🏼 Christians, STOP your damn “HOLY WAR” with Muslims!!! ✊🏼 What the HELL?! Israeli Druze, Bedouin, and Arab citizens of Israel have ✊🏼 PAID THE SAME PRICE ✊🏼 as Israeli Jews since our 1948 forcibly decolonised sovereign Independence! This is WHY they fight WITH us Jews in our 🇮🇱 Israel Defense Forces 🇮🇱 for the LIBERATION of Israel – from European and Arab settler Colonialism (for Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon planet Earth)!!!
When was the LAST TIME that ✝️ CHRISTIANS ✝️ worldwide were willing to come to Israel 🇮🇱 to fight our Israeli (native Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and formerly-indigenous forcibly “Arab”ized citizens of Israel) war WITH US 🇮🇱 for our Indigenous survival?!!! You were willing to do so for the European UKRAINIANS 🇺🇦 !!! Don’t think that we don’t notice!!!
Any Christian ✝️ and Muslim ☪️ that is socially speaking OUTSIDE of Israel, HOW DARE YOU sign on to this kind of self-righteous bullshit 💩 that was shared in this meme!!! SERIOUSLY, Jews have more in common with Arab adherents to Colonial Islam ☪️ (aka, Muslims) than we Jews HAVE EVER HAD with Colonial Christianity ✝️ ! Christianity was literally formed as the antithesis to Judaism 🕎✡️ , Judah-people-ism!
Christianity is the FIRST planetwide colonial religion, and the creator of geography based racism!!! ✊🏼📢 LISTEN,.. even though you HATE to hear it… Christian colonizers are the REASON for the creation of the Islam colonial religion! And, even though Muslims are inherently colonial supremacists like Christians, at least Islam mimics our Jewish people’s indigenous ethno-religion of Judaism. 📢✊🏼 You know, Judah-people-ism 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !!!
We JEWISH people of the Canaan land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱 , like ALL indigenous peoples worldwide, only want YOUR Christian, Muslim, and Marxist HOLY WAR for Colonial supremacy ✝️🇺🇳☪️ upon our shared planet Earth TO END!!! To END for ALL still surviving Indigenous peoples worldwide!!! Starting with your obsession over the Jewish people’s land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱 in Southwest Asia!!!
Still don’t believe us JEWS 🕎🪬🇮🇱 ?! Then, we DEMAND that you learn the ORIGIN of antisemitic racism in this world! It’s a SHORT but very informative video, by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. … Please, WATCH it, Christians!!!
As soon as you take accountability, Colonizers ☪️🇵🇸🇺🇸✝️ , then we victimized minorities will be able to GUIDE you, socially privileged majority, to an age of PEACE and SECURITY upon our shared planet Earth!!!
USHMM – European Antisemitism from Its Origins to the Holocaust”
The United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸✝️ – in all its self-serving imperialist foreign policies to complete with Islam and Marxism for worldwide domination – has been the biggest financial contributor to the last seven decades of UNRWA funded ✝️🇺🇳☪️ post-WW1 pan-Arab nationalist 🇵🇸 settler occupation, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides upon our SWANA Israeli 🪬🇮🇱 and Kurdish 🪬☀️ peoples’ lands! With “allies” so duplicitous as this, no wonder we Israelis and Kurds have so many enemies in our region!

We Jews, Kurds, ethnic Lebanese, ethnic Persians, Assyrians (etc, etc,) understand this historical pain! We have been trying for over 1,600 years to get these European ✝️ and Arab ☪️ Conquistadors to listen to our Southwest Asia peoples’ 🪬🕎☀️🪬 stories. Shared historical stories, involving Colonizers and their endlessly victimized Indigenous peoples.
We Jews who are not yet successfully colonized WISH that they would listen to our words about easily verifiable lived history,…
But these European and Arab Conquistadors ☪️🇵🇸🇺🇳🇺🇸✝️ seem more interested in spreading 1970’s KGB-pan-Arab Nazi propaganda, ahistorical lies, and history disinformation (in universities, and on social media steroids!), rather than taking ACCOUNTABILITY for Christian ✝️, Muslim ☪️ and, now, Marxist ☭ crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide!
We SWANA indigenous Jews will keep trying to get to our voices heard, just as much as you on AbyaYala and Michilimackinac lands will keep trying to be heard! It is never “hate speech” nor an act of “demonizing others” for Indigenous peoples – anywhere on planet Earth – to take back our narratives and our lands.
It is never “hate speech” nor an act of “demonizing others” for Indigenous peoples to label correctly, Colonizers – for privileged peoples’ awakening – in order to bring truth and reconciliation to this human world, AND to bring European and Arab ☪️🇵🇸🇺🇳🇺🇸✝️ Colonial accountability for your unaddressed crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide!

What this world needs at this time in human peoples’ history is a United Indigenous Nations (a UIN 🔥) to bring accountability to the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations (the UN 🇺🇳) whom indifferently rule upon this planet Earth – for their myopic benefit! It is the ONLY path to peace and security upon our shared planet Earth!!!
Why did we Indigenous Jews choose the fire 🔥 symbol for the UIN, the United INDIGENOUS Nations? Because, the fire symbol – the lit candle, the flame – represents all still struggling to survive Indigenous peoples worldwide! And prove us wrong. Colonizers, do you need proof? Look to Southwest Asia’s still surviving Indigenous peoples who are still resisting your attempts at our assimilation!
In Southwest Asia, there is a relationship between Indigenous Jews, Kurds (Yazidi), and Persian (Zoroastrian) cultures. We all embrace the FLAME of our peoples’ understanding of reality and our indigenous destiny upon our SACRED lands. DESPITE all the last 2,300 years of northern European and southern Arabian colonizations of our sacred SWANA nations’ lands and (since the advent of proselytizing Christianity, Islam, and Marxism) ALL other Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!
Persians, in their ethno-religion, have an altar with an eternal flame representing their SWANA Indigenous beliefs. Kurds, in their ethno-religion, have an eternal flaming sun representing their SWANA Indigenous beliefs. Jews, in our ethno-religion, have a temple altar with an eternal flame representing our SWANA Indigenous beliefs. And we are ALL still present today to share our Indigenous SWANA beliefs and way of life! To this colonized world around us … if interested?!
We ALSO support each others Indigenous survival into the future of our shared human history upon our shared planet Earth! We suspect ALL other Indigenous peoples worldwide can understand us, if still yet not already successfully colonized into racistly anti-Indigenous history revisionism and disinformation campaigns – for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon all Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide.
PEACE and SECURITY for Indigenous peoples of planet Earth will NEVER be achieved by groveling at the European and Arab Colonial dominance tables for social inclusion. The socially privileged of their Colonial nations do NOT understand the victimized OTHER, despite a few righteous trying!!! They only understand THEIR privileged social victimizations in proximity to the Colonial table of privilege. An ACTUAL democracy includes ALL less privileged voices for a REAL consideration on how to be a democratic nation.
For the very survival of the human species upon this planet Earth – our Mother Earth – which is about ready to flick us humans off like a bad case of flees and start over on the grand experiment of “intelligence”….
What this world needs at this time in human peoples’ history is a United Indigenous Nations (a UIN 🔥) to bring accountability to the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations (the UN 🇺🇳) whom indifferently rule upon this planet Earth – for their myopic benefit! Addressing this is the ONLY path to peace and security upon our shared planet Earth!!!
Indigenous resistance and survival – the preservation of our Native ethno-religious identities, our Native peoples’ languages, and our sacred Native lands – is our worldwide Indigenous peoples’ Thanksgiving!

Pierre Krahenbuhl, UNRWA Commissioner General from March 2014 to November 2019 who returned to the International Red Cross in May 2021, said to Palestinian terror chiefs in a secret meeting in Beirut (see who attended below), February 12, 2017:
“We will not abandon the role entrusted to us, to be the historical witness to the injustice that has befallen the Palestinian people… [Meaning, the Jewish 1948 forced decolonization of Israel, which the Arabs declared a “nakba”.]
Regarding the principle of partnership you mentioned, and the necessity of being proactive so that we remain cooperative and not caught off guard, I completely agree with you and strongly support this perspective. I also have a request: that the spirit of partnership be mutual.
In other words, if you have any criticisms, observations, concerns, or issues you are dissatisfied with regarding UNRWA, let us come back and meet in similar gatherings—even if we meet a thousand times. Challenge our decisions, tell us, “We do not agree with this decision, and we criticize it.” We might change it or even entirely tear it up.
But we want the spirit of partnership to prevail in our meetings.
We also prefer these discussions not to be public, as that could challenge our credibility. More importantly, it could lead to a loss of trust between donor countries and UNRWA, which might result in reduced or even halted funding.
[What activities do you need to keep secret from the tax paying citizens of European and Arab Colonial nations?]
Your cooperation with us in security matters and your commitment to not closing UNRWA institutions, facilities, schools, or offices also completes this partnership.
If we can achieve this, it means we are united, and no one can separate us.”
Days after the Hamas massacre on October 7, 2023, Ali Baraka – Hamas chief of foreign relations, who was at this secret meeting – claimed that the group had been planning the attack for two years, and he revealed the existence since 2021 of a Palestinian Joint Operations Room among the various factions. “We made them think that Hamas was busy with governing Gaza, and that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians there, and has abandoned the resistance altogether. All the while, under the table, Hamas was preparing for this big attack,” said Baraka.
All who were at this 2017 meeting: Hassan Zeidan, Fatah al-Intifada; Abu Imad Ramez, PFLP General Command; Ali Baraka, HAMAS Chief of Foreign Relations (indicted by U.S. for “heinous crimes”); Abu Imad al-Rifai, Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Salah al-Youssef, PFPL Leader; Ali Faisal, DFLP Leader; Hakam Shahwan, UNRWA Chief in Lebanon (where Hezbollah took terror occupation of, courtesy of UNIFIL); and Pierre Krähenbühl, UNRWA Commissioner-General.
All of these are pan-Arab terrorist groups that are targeting Israelis, Kurds, and Lebanese indigenous peoples!!! This includes UNRWA. And the International Red Cross shares the SAME leadership as UNRWA, hence not one visit to check on the welfare of the kidnapped Israeli hostages being held by Islamic HAMAS and Palestinian Islamic Jihad!!!
It’s now day 414, and Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism are still fighting Israel Defense Forces’ hostage rescuers in GAZA, trying desperately to get even more Gazans slaughtered for the martyrdom “allahu akbar” glory of Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx!!!
But Israel is the declared problem, of course, for having forcibly decolonized a portion of our sacred SWANA land in 1948, in response to the violently racist post-WW1 Arab occupation of Southwest Asia’s indigenous lands of Kurdistan and Israel!!!
UNRWA chief told Hamas and Islamic Jihad: “We are united and no one can separate us”
Indigenous resistance and survival – the preservation of our Native ethno-religious identities, our Native peoples’ languages, and our sacred Native lands – is our worldwide Indigenous peoples’ Thanksgiving!

It’s Day 420 since the viper struck our SWANA native people, and we are still trying to save the lives of 101 indigenous Israelis! Our words and our songs carry the weight of serious warnings!! Why not listen to us, and choose peace instead?
TELL Palestinian terror groups Islamic HAMAS and Palestinian Islamic Jihad to CEASEFIRE and RELEASE their hostages!!!
We Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples have a saying, “If you believe in peaceful coexistence with a European Crusader or an Arab Islamic occupier, it is as if you trust a viper not to strike while it curls around your neck.”
✊🏼 Indigenous Lives Matter ✊🏼, except to European Christians and Arab Muslims and their Marxist offshoot!!! ☪️🇵🇸 = 🇺🇸✝️ STOP blaming the Indigenous peoples for YOUR created terrorisms on planet Earth!
Israel is the ONLY place where Jews can finally and truly FIGHT BACK for once!!! And we native peoples worldwide can only teach 🔊 and resist ✊🏼 … in other words, Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱 !!!
Matisyahu – Ascent – Am Yisrael Chai !!!
META Description : The preservation of our Jewish identity, our language, and our sacred land of Israel is our Jewish people’s Thanksgiving!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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