Honest questions: Knowing that all this bloodshed upon our Israeli sacred land never would have happened IF the United Nations had not been funding Palestinian terror groups, WHY do you still focus ONLY on what Israel is doing?!! Only the UNRWA 🇺🇳 funded Palestinian terror group Islamic HAMAS 🇵🇸 is responsible for this post-Oct 7th, 2023, rapey genocide upon Israelis AND Gazans, European and Arab Colonizers. WHY the victim-blaming? Blaming the Jews for the social traumas upon this planet Earth is as old as the Christian religion ✝️ !

❓- Why is it that the majority of this world does NOT want to discuss easily verifiable historical facts? BUT, are quick to engage with anyone on worldwide established Colonial history revisionism, disinformation, and outright lies? Meant to justify the European and Arab Colonial view of this shared human world – a socially supremacist self-righteous myopic view of humanity!
❓- Why is it that, when the Indigenous keepers of history speak (the actual social minorities upon this planet Earth), those brought up in Colonial societies seek to quote from their favorite doctorate professors in Colonial history revisionism, disinformation, and outright lies? You know, the Colonial university educated type – like Ilan Pappé (1), Rashid Khalidi (2), and Ta-Nehisi Coates (3) – in place of discussing well preserved archived quotes by those who ACTUALLY lived the history that is in question?
Historical facts, that are right before us and researchable online, in the PLETHORA of worldwide database archives – IF ONLY we would look at them and learn from them! And choose to educate ourselves, rather than be 🥄 spoon fed 🥄 by those with Colonial university degrees. A student becoming the mirror image of a professor is NOT actually an act of exceeding the professor’s knowledge. A student truly becomes the professor when he or she learns how to EDUCATE their professor on his/her biases and outright ignorance!
❓- Why is it that present human society in general, all around this planet Earth, INSISTS mightily so on emotion-pleasing self-justifying tribalism and confirmation bias research? Living in FEAR of being actually challenged to DOUBT what you were pre-planned (by the greater society, “Left” and “Right”!) to be taught to BELIEVE in?! Thus, in FEAR of intellectual growth, a growth in BOTH understanding and wisdom!
(1) – In August 2021, following the translation of Ilan Pappé’s book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” INTO our Jewish Canaanite Hebrew, the historian Adam Raz published a review in Haaretz criticizing Pappé as a historian whose work “suffers from negligence, manipulations and mistakes galore, and the result is not serious research” – Adam Raz, “Selective Reading”, 6 August 2021.
(2) – Rashid Khalidi, “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017”, written in 2020, is a supreme example of Arab/European history revisionism in the face of easily researchable archived historical facts. It was the Arabs with the British and French that militarily settler colonized Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands during World War I and have resisted Kurdish and Jewish indigenous resistance with depraved terrorisms and genocides for 106 years (and still counting).
(3) – Ta-Nehisi Coates, “The Message”, published in October 2024, is a supreme example of confirmation bias pseudo-research that is employed to justify his colonized worldview with Colonial established anti-Indigenous biases and outright distortion of the reality unfolding. The only settler Colonialism and Apartheid upon the historic Canaan land of Israel and upon Kurdistan is Colonial pan-Arab 🇵🇸☪️ nationalist created, and both Kurds ☀️ and Israelis 🇮🇱 are freedom fighting for liberation FROM this 🇺🇳 UN 🇺🇳 funded racistly violent occupation of our Indigenous peoples’ lands!
📣 This world of human beings upon our shared planet Earth is NOT “black” and/or “white”, EXCEPT in the 🇺🇸 United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 (WHERE such extremist racism developed)!!! From Indigenous peoples to Colonizers and their subjugated peoples, we are many shades of physical looks, skin colors, AND beliefs/understandings. What we differ on is an UNDERSTANDING of present history!
🔊 For those of us minorities at the social BOTTOM of worldwide nations – the disenfranchised minority citizens and we pesky STILL unassimilated Indigenous and still resisting peoples worldwide – are only asking you more socially privileged humans to HEAR our stories, histories, laments, and desires – being that we are the most systemically victimized by human societal progress. Worse, we are daily victim-blamed – as the REASON – for responding to and surviving your Colonial nations’ social woes!
✌️ We are NOT asking for a seat at your Colonial tables, only the space to live PEACEFULLY and SECURELY amongst you in our native ways, WITHOUT your Colonial supremacist parental supervision. You know, to be the ORIGINAL human adults in the planetary room, before the colonizing of all the human rooms around our shared planet Earth!!!
✌️ We still surviving Indigenous peoples just want to be neighbors – WITH – an equal say in the future of our planet Earth 🌍 ! Why is this so difficult for those raised in Christianity, Islam, and Marxism to embrace? Is it because of your absolutist religions of self-righteous conquest and privileged majority impunity from accountability?!

❓📣 WHEN is the world going to stop victim-blaming indigenous Israelis 🪬🇮🇱 for YOUR post-WW1 European established Arab 🇵🇸 settler Colonialism, Apartheid, enslavements, terrorisms, and depraved genocides upon our ✊🏼🪬 Southwest Asia 🪬✊🏼 native Kurdish, Israeli, Lebanese, Assyrian, and Persian peoples?!! ❓
Joy Reid, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Mehdi Hasan, Chris Hayes, Ayman Mohyeldin, etc?! Your Colonial Palestinians 🇵🇸 are dying on SWANA Indigenous peoples’ 🪬🇮🇱☀️🇱🇧🪬 lands ONLY because of your ☪️🇵🇸🇺🇳🇺🇸✝️ socially privileged antisemitic racism, Colonizers! Antisemitism is anti-Indigenous racism, full stop!
When the UNRWA funded 🇺🇳 Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism 🇵🇸 lay down their weapons and release their raped, starved, and tortured Israeli hostages 🇮🇱, THEN the Gazans being used as human shields for Islamic HAMAS terrorism 🇵🇸 will no longer be in danger!
Snapshot – So, WHY is the United Nations 🇺🇳 of Arab-European Colonial nations NOT doing something about YOUR created and UNRWA funded pan-Arab 🇵🇸 Islamic colonial terrorisms and occupations upon Southwest Asia 🪬🇮🇱☀️🇱🇧🪬 Indigenous peoples’ lands?!!! (WHY do you blame native Israelis for YOUR created racist atrocities upon OUR SWANA peoples’ sacred lands?!!!)
Thank you, Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism 🇵🇸, United Nations funded and supported 🇺🇳, for all this needless bloodshed on our SWANA sacred lands. We Indigenous peoples 🪬🇮🇱☀️🇱🇧🪬 do NOT deserve this!!! Nor your racist Colonial victim-blaming!!!

Of, course, he blocked our SWANA Indigenous voice. And this socially privileged behavior is why we Indigenous are rarely heard in this world, and ever defending ourselves from ☪️🇵🇸🇺🇳🇺🇸✝️ Colonial occupations and terrorisms! Omri Marian, shame on you!
Welcome, to the new BlueSky, where you can live in an ex-Twitter confirmation bias social bubble. All we social minorities are asking for is an HONEST DISCUSSION with the socially privileged!
Unfortunately you, citizens of Colonial nations, treat Indigenous voices just like the racist socially privileged media trolls. You are SO privileged that you cannot tell the difference between us!
✊🏼 From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Kurdistan ☀️, Israel 🇮🇱, and Lebanon 🇱🇧 (and, hopefully, even Iran) will truly be free ✊🏼 ! And be able to live peacefully and securely amongst our Arab Colonial neighbors!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî (woman, life, freedom) revolution for SWANA Indigenous peoples’ equality! Flag of the post-WW1 Arab Hashemite Colonizer from Hejaz, Arabia —> Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 !

😠 Arabs living upon our decolonized land of Israel need to learn our indigenous Canaanite Hebrew language! Enough with the capitulating to European and Arab Conquistadors who have settler colonized upon our SWANA sacred lands. 😠
All Middle Eastern Jews know Colonial Arabic, along with our indigenous Canaanite Hebrew language. If there is to be PEACE upon Southwest Asia, this false equivalency between Colonizer and we who are colonized MUST come to an end!
Liron of Haifa is supporting this false equivalency, and taking away ANY chance for social justice for Indigenous peoples – worldwide. ENOUGH with the Creole languages already!!! Shall we also invent along with Aravrit:
Esparawakan, so that Spanish people and Arawak indigenous can speak to each other (as if Colonial Spanish isn’t already the dominant language of the region)?
Englitsalagi, so that the English people and Cherokee indigenous can speak to each other (as if Colonial English isn’t already the dominant language of the region)?
If the answer is “Why?”, then you UNDERSTAND our Jewish indigenous position on this Aravrit capitulation language (as if Colonial Arabic is somehow NOT the dominant language of our SWANA region)!
Tell the descendants of Colonizers living upon our Native lands to LEARN OUR Indigenous peoples’ languages: Hebrew, Arawakan, Tsalagi, ‘ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, te reo Māori, etc, etc etc!!!

“Indigenous Judeans Dance on their Sacred Grounds…
The most sacred site for the Jewish people is the Temple Mount, which is controlled by the Islamic Waqf Police, who see it as a memorial of conquest and colonization. Like Mount Rushmore is to native people, so is the Temple Mount to the Jewish people. Both were sacred places transformed into monuments of imperial conquest.
Why is this round dancing incredible? Typically, the Muslim Waqf Police who patrol the grounds will arrest and drag away anyone caught praying who isn’t Muslim! Talk about spiritual apartheid. For these men to openly pray and sing at their holiest site is amazing as they sing:
“May God build the Bet HaMikdash soon,Speedily in our time, soon.God – build; God – build,Build your House soon!”
Recently, in California while meeting with leaders of International Jewish organizations I spoke these words regarding the Temple Mount,
“Sometimes, we just have to take our sacred places back.” And 4.8 Earthquake hit us right at that moment.May my eyes see the building of The Temple for all nations in my days.”
Via Joseph AmaHura RiverWind

On this birth of the new moon, the new lunar month of Kislev 5785, we had just finished chanting about the twins – the story of Esau and Jacob, Parashat Toldot – on Shabbat. Two nations born from the same Canaan mother.
Esau, the firstborn of the twins, was light skinned with lots of red hair. Esau was a hunter-gatherer – what some call a “free spirit” – who was willing to sell his inheritance birthright to his brother for a bowl of soup.
And, clenching to his heel, was second born Jacob, who was olive skinned with brown hair. Jacob was a “sitter in tents” (yoshev ‘ohalim), a herder of livestock – who was willing to take on even a “sin” to ensure that their Canaan family remains steadfast upon the land of Israel.
Esau represents the vassal nation of Edom (Idumea) and, to an extent, the minority natural born “Gingers” of the Canaan peoples known as Jews, Samaritans and, by extension, Lebanese (Phoenician). Jacob represents twelve Canaan tribes of Israel, of which only the Jewish people still survive to this very day.
What northern kingdom tribe members that were not forcibly assimilated into the regional Assyrian empire, they joined with Jewish families in Judea along with – eventually – all of the people of Edom, fulfilling the Torah command to Jews “not to forget your brother Edom”. Jacob represents Am Yisrael. This is why we Jews say that the “lost tribes” of Israel is a lament over a Southwest Asia regional event of forced indigenous erasure of Canaanite Israelis who were captured and relocated to Assyria.
We Jews have experienced many more attempts at assimilating our Canaan people through forced occupation, enslavements, terrorisms, and attempted Indigenous people erasure. With no success, of course – for Am Yisrael Chai to this very day! And, our land is again – for the fourth time – partially decolonized and under Jewish self-sovereignty. This is WHY the majority of the European and Arab colonized world HATES Israel, and seeks another Shoah upon our SWANA Jewish people.
Israel Forever made an excellent observation last week about our Judaism, about our agrarian Canaan land-based ethno-religion Judah-people-ism:
“When we received the Torah at Mount Sinai [Horeb], God [Y-HWH] entrusted us with the unique role of being a bridge between heaven and earth. Yet, the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds is delicate.
Some make the mistake of indulging entirely in the physical, as seen in the secular, materialistic culture prevalent in much of the Western world. Others fall into the trap of religious fanaticism, where actions are carried out in the name of God that defy His true will. Both extremes miss the ideal: the harmonious fusion of the physical and the spiritual…”
Hence the reason for our Jewish mitzvot/halachot based way of life, to keep our Indigenous role of “worker and protector” of the Canaan land of Israel and, by extension, all of our shared planet Earth!
“…This balance is the Jewish mission in the world: to elevate the physical and imbue it with spiritual purpose [through the acts of ritual sanctification]. We do not reject the physical world; rather, we embrace it as a tool to serve a higher purpose. Whether through how we eat, work, or celebrate, we remind ourselves and the world that the material can — and must — be used for good.
Let us take inspiration from Jacob, who embraced this mission, and renew our commitment to sanctifying the physical in service of the spiritual.”
We Jews have got to stop being so dishonest to ourselves about ourselves, in the vain hope that the greater Colonial world will eventually one day see us this way – on a mission of teaching ethical living to all peoples – and, as such, end their systemic pogroms and shoahs (attempted genocides) upon our Canaan people!
Jews are a light unto all still surviving Indigenous peoples/nations worldwide, for the Colonial religions of Christianity and Islam choose to speak FOR us Jews about their appropriated beliefs, and insist upon not listening to us Jews. Rather, in every generation, they force conversions upon other Indigenous peoples and, as usual, target Jews when Colonial societies are unhappy with their lot.
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter to Indigenous peoples, worldwide, folks! Shavua chadash chodesh chadash mevorach שבוע חדש חודש חדש מבורך! Why not ask questions and learn from us, Colonizers?

And we Jews of the Canaan land of Israel fully agree with this, because our Jewish people’s origin story is mistranslated into other languages!
In our Canaanite Hebrew language version of Torah – the ORIGINAL version, not yet translated – the Creator god, Y-HWH, formed a human (non-gendered) from the humus (topsoil) of his land to be a “worker and protector” of the land. Then, after creating all the other animal species of the garden – which Adam gets to co-create, by naming – the Creator god could find NO species that is right for the human to mate with. An “equal opposite”!
So, the Creator god, Y-HWH, split the human animal (species), that was created in the “elohim” image, into male and female – the splitting of a ribcage in half, represents splitting a human into two distinct humans. And this is where human gender becomes revealed in our garden of Eden Jewish origin story upon the Canaan land of Israel. The male Adam – the “Human” – declared the female Adam’s name, “Chavah” – which means “life giver”!
Oh, did you think her name was “Eve”?! Then, you probably were taught that she ate an “apple” later to, yes? The story of pubescence, in our Canaan Jewish people’s Torah origin story, says that she ate a natively Indigenous pomegranate. Perhaps, you non-Jews should start listening to we Jews who are Indigenous to Judea and Samaria, the Canaan land of Israel!
Maybe, then, you’ll stop all this antisemitic racism that you target our Southwest Asia native indigenous Jewish people with. Maybe?! ✊🏼 Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱 ! We too often beg…
Non-Jews with your “Bibles”, you only think that you know what our Jewish Canaanite Hebrew language scrolls of sacred ancestral writings have to say. Sadly, we Jews are extremely OUTNUMBERED and, thus, spoken FOR on what our Indigenous writings have to say and to teach this world – on a worldwide daily basis! – Jeremy Corbyn and Socialist News, why not ask questions and learn from us, Colonizers?

Non-Jews like to use their “Bible” to prove that Jews “colonised” the land of Israel. This is a classic Colonial Christian tool of Indigenous people erasure! When you demonize Indigenous resistance, you are…
Justifying historic European and Arab Conquistador settler Colonialism, by mis-using Indigenous people’s writings to label the Canaan Jewish people as “ethnic cleansing” colonisers of our own ancestral land. Thus justifying 1,600 years of Christian and Muslim racistly violent occupations and plundering of other peoples’ lands planet Earth wide!
In other words, the usual non-indigenous knowledge about the Jewish people, our stories, and our history. Do you know which is which – what is myth and what is history – being a non-Jew who has possession of our sacred ancestors’ writings – and, most likely, only a translation of our Canaanite Hebrew writings?
You speak of Abraham being in Mesopotamia, being “born” there. So, what?! We ask you: Why does our Torah origin stories call Abraham “ha’Ivri”, the Hebrew? Further, our Canaanite Hebrew language is pronounced “Ivrit”. It was a common Southwest Asia Indigenous practice to associate people to their native lands by the language they spoke. Why would Abraham be called ha’Ivri, if he spoke Akkadian (Aramaic) as a first language?
Further, the scroll of D’varim clearly states that the Jewish people of Israel had our Indigenous ethno-religious identity founding in Moab, which is the southern half of present day Colonial Jordan. And, if this wasn’t enough, our Jewish scroll of Bereshit literally expresses the mythical origin story of our Levantine Canaan peoples’ creation and origin upon Y-HWH’s assigned Levant land.
So, enough, with this trying to use “Biblical” ignorance to define our Jewish people’s history and to erase our Indigenous status to the Canaan land of Israel.
We Canaanite Hebrew language speakers have had a 3,300 year nonstop presence upon our Canaan land of Israel, despite every single attempted ethnic cleansing of our Jewish people from our land of Israel. So, why do you not have questions about our Jewish history upon the land of Israel between ancient 13th century BCE Abraham and 20th century CE Colonial Resolution 181? Do you think Jews suddenly appeared in the European diaspora as a “religion” of some kind?
One more vital easily verifiable historical note: The “Canaanites” in our Canaanite Hebrew language Torah are the neighboring Phoenician people, and all Canaan peoples’ languages were mutually intelligible. Our Jewish people’s language is the only surviving Canaan language and we are the only surviving intact – still uncolonised – people of Canaan.
As to the rest of your pro-Colonial Palestine as “indigenous” beliefs – your 1970’s, USSR-pan-Arab nationalist supplied, university and social media indoctrinated beliefs about “the Jews” – that sure is a lot of Jew-blaming European and Arab Colonial history revisionism! No matter how much you try to claim that Colonial Arabic and Colonial Spanish/English are “indigenous” peoples’ languages on Southwest Asia and AbyaYala/Michilimackinac lands, Arabs and Europeans/Africans are not indigenous to our sacred Native lands.
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! Try learning some, rather than walking away from Indigenous voices! … Right, #reiders and Joy Reid ? Right, Ayman Mohyeldin and Ta-Nehisi Coates ? We know, questions, questions, questions,… needed questions!

It is NOT the skin and hair colors that make you Indigenous to a sacred land. It is the emunah, the mana, the native power of one’s nefesh, of one’s body-mind. It is the kedusha, the tapu, of one’s place upon the land that grows you. The sacred eretz, sacred whenua, sacred ‘aina, is made sanctified by the le’om, the nuinga, the po’e.
This is why we Indigenous peoples cannot be uprooted or bred out of existence through Colonial assimilation, ANYWHERE upon our planet Earth! Our Indigenous nature and resistance is REAL and not conquerable. Ask us questions!!! We will explain how Indigenous identity works upon our shared planet Earth!
Tainui Waka Cultural Trust

No matter HOW MUCH the European supported Arab settler Colonialists reinvent their history to justify their 106 years of depraved occupation upon indigenous Kurdistan and Israel, EASILY VERIFIABLE historical facts really do STILL matter, folks! And we Indigenous peoples worldwide REFUSE to be socially erased! #reiders, don’t be an anti-Indigenous racist, like Joy Reid , Rashid Khalidi and his nonexistent @hiddenpalestine – and, now, soon to be indoctrinated President Joe Biden . Rather consider:
The Arabs of Hejaz, Arabia, didn’t have to invent with the British their flag of Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 in 1917 – which flew over the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz, in Arabia, and the Emirate of Transjordan (known as Colonial Jordan today), in Southwest Asia and, since 1964, has flown over the Jordanian-USSR “Palestinian”-occupied areas of the “West Bank” and Gaza parts of our 1948 forcibly decolonized SWANA nation of Israel!
The Arabs didn’t have to invade the Southwest Asia region during WW1 – with British and French military support – to re-colonize Indigenous Peoples’ lands and divide it into Arab Colonial nations. The Arab settlers upon “Palestine” – only foreigners call Israel and Kurdistan “Palestine” – didn’t have to do a 10/7 HAMAS style massacre upon Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, 1930’s, and 1940’s, forcing our Jewish freedom fight for the liberation of Israel from violently racist British-Arab militarized occupation of our ancestral land.
The British-Hashemite assigned Grand Mufti for the post-WW1 British-Arab Colonial “Mandate for Palestine”, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini محمد أمين الحسيني, didn’t have to visit Adolf Hitler personally in Germany during WW2, didn’t have to join the Nazi Party, and didn’t have to start broadcasting from Germany to the Arabs – who are occupying Southwest Asia and North Africa – to join the Nazi “Final Solution”, so that Arabs have a Jew free Colonial Palestine upon what used to be a Jew present colonized but indigenous land of Israel!
Have doubts and questions? Go research for yourself!
The surrounding Colonial Arab nations didn’t have to engage in their 1948 ten (10) month siege of newly Independent Israel, displacing half the Arab population that was destined to be Israeli citizens. Egypt and Jordan didn’t have to occupy Gaza and the “West Bank” parts of 1948 decolonized Israel for 18+ years, until Israel freedom fought these parts back in 1967. The Arabs didn’t have to align themselves with the USSR’s KGB in the 1960’s to invent the PLO terror organization and its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964, nor hire a Cairo born Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist, Yasser Arafat, to lead this imaginary people to redemption of their newly invented imaginary history upon the land of Israel.
The Palestinian Authority and Arab Palestinian HAMAS didn’t have to engage in pay-for-slay and martyrdom terrorism for the last 6 decades. The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” post-1948 occupations of Gaza and (what Jordan named) the “West Bank” – all to prevent Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) peace and security after forcibly decolonizing our Judean people’s land in 1948! The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” terrorist schools, weapons purchases, and terrorist tunnel constructions for 2 decades in GAZA!!!
Arab Palestinian fighters 🇵🇸 for Islamic HAMAS terrorism didn’t have to break the ceasefire on Oct 7th, 2023! This Arab “Palestinian” tragedy that is unfolding in Gaza did not need to happen! And the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations are directly responsible for this anti-Israeli and anti-Kurd depraved violence upon Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands!
Have doubts and questions? Go research for yourself!
We Indigenous Israelis 🪬🇮🇱 and Kurds 🪬☀️ are the ones who are most saddened that Arab-European Conquistador ☪️🇺🇳✝️ anti-Indigenous racism – for the glory of Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism – has caused this violence and bloodshed upon our sacred lands!
Snapshot – The Hundred Years’ War on Colonial Palestine?! LOL! Palestinian WABOs! (If you’re actually indigenous, then you know what we Israelis mean!) The Arabs didn’t have to invade Southwest Asia in 1917 to re-colonize it with the British and the French!
Have doubts and questions? Go research for yourself! Seriously!

Mosab Hassan Yousef (the “son of HAMAS”), born in Ramallah, explains the history of the word Palestine & the way in which perpetuating false narratives worldwide creates violence and continues the conflict.
Mosab Hassan Yousef (مصعب حسن يوسف), nicknamed by the Shin Bet as “The Green Prince” (HAMAS flag color), is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a HAMAS co-founder, who fled the violence of his Palestinian terror organization with his brother, Suheib Yousef.
Mosab Yousef said he saw the light after a stint with his dad’s comrades in an Israeli jail during the mid-1990s. At Megiddo Prison, he witnessed Hamas inmates leading a brutal year-long campaign to weed out supposed Israeli collaborators.
“During that time, Hamas tortured and killed hundreds of prisoners,” he said, recalling vivid memories of needles being inserted under finger nails and bodies charred with burning plastics. “Many, if not all, had nothing to do with Israeli intelligence.
“I will never forget their screams,” he continued. “I started asking myself a question. What if Hamas succeeded in destroying Israel and building a state. Will they destroy our people in this way?”
Though Hamas was democratically elected by the Palestinians of Gaza in 2006, Mosab Yousef said the group was not as popular as they might appear from news footage.
“The silence of the majority of Gaza is not because they support Hamas, but because they are afraid of Hamas,” he said. “The people live in fear. Hamas rules over them by the sword. If you oppose Hamas they will shoot you or hang you immediately. You and your family are finished.”
Hamas founder’s son says Israel should kill terror group’s leaders after ceasefire – Want to know why? Then, go research and ask questions!

At Feather River Adventist Elementary School in California, gunman shoots children to death as a revenge act for the conspiracy based alleged “genocide” on Gazans.
This is what the insanity of the pro-Palestinian, global jihad, Hamas supporting, radical Islamic, twisted ideological brainwashing results in. Violence and more violence. When these domestic terrorists say, “The Saturday people are first. The Sunday people are next.” They aren’t talking about serving ice cream at a kosher deli. – Joseph AmaHura RiverWind shared.
META Description : We Israelis and Jews have serious questions for you, Christians Muslims and Marxists, Europeans and Arabs, citizens of Colonizers!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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