You European and Arab settler occupiers can rewrite history in your textbooks and social media feeds to make our Indigenous peoples’ histories YOUR “indigenous” history upon our lands, you can by the might of your physical numbers and globalized pan-nationalist infrastructure steal our lands and steal our cultural identities to make it YOUR “indigenous” identity, BUT you will NEVER EVER uproot OUR Indigenous peoples – no matter how much you try to erase us from human history! We will survive YOU intact.

There is a common thread between the European and Arab colonial religions of Christianity, Islam, and (political) Marxism: They – ALL three (3) – consistently shoot their arrow of belief into the tree and, THEN, draw the circles around their arrow of belief, proving their “righteous” point of view by deliberately selective “evidence”. This is a devoutly antisemtic – aka, ANTI-INDIGENOUS – act to engage in upon our shared planet Earth!
You Christians, Muslims, and Marxists are the present “theological”/”ideological” Colonizers of all Native sacred lands! Yet you claim to be the “indigenous” of OUR lands, despite the survival and resistance of ALL OF US Indigenous peoples worldwide, who REJECT assimilation into YOUR colonization!
From Jews, the Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel, and Kurds of Kurdistan in Southwest Asia to the Anishinaabe and Mohawk nations of the continent of Michilimackinac, to the Māori and Kanaka ‘o Hawai’i of Pacific Islands, WE ALL REJECT your attempts to label us as “Europeans” and “Arabs” just because your Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx has tried to assimilate our Indigenous/Native peoples – without full success!
You can rewrite history to make Indigenous peoples’ histories YOUR “indigenous” history upon our lands, you can steal our lands and steal our cultural identities to make it YOUR “indigenous” identity, BUT you will never uproot OUR Indigenous peoples – no matter how much you appropriate our Indigenous peoples’ histories, cultures, names, ethno-religions, origin stories, ancestries, languages, food recipes, and even “costumes” (clothing), etc, etc, etc!
So long as we Jews and ALL other Indigenous peoples of this planet Earth exist, we will ALWAYS continue freedom fighting for the liberation of our sacred lands – from YOUR racist and violent settler occupations for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism. And we will NEVER accept a PEACE that erases us, subjugates us, or segregates us – OUR born from soil Indigenous peoples – from the worldwide table of “social justice”, “equality”, and equal say on the future of our SHARED planet Earth!!!
You can DEMONIZE us in your Colonial social media platforms ALL you want and rewrite history ALL you want, and WE – Indigenous peoples – are STILL HERE to share easily verifiable historical facts for the – human, humanity – sake of PEACE and SECURITY for ALL human beings and for all non-human species upon our SHARED planet Earth!
Still surviving Indigenous Peoples worldwide are the most RESILIENT Indigenous peoples, for we embrace reality as it ACTUALLY is! And WE will be the ones who STILL exist when your Colonial Christian, Muslim, and Marxist imperial nations cease to exist upon planet Earth, remnants of our shared human history – that must be archaeologically revealed as an exotic extinct past “civilization”.
Snapshot above – Christians, Muslims, and Marxists are always shooting the arrow into the tree, THEN drawing the selective evidence circles around the arrow. Some in the science fields call this “confirmation bias”. We Indigenous peoples worldwide call this a Colonial attempt to LIE in order justify your attempt to erase and replace us! The history of our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands is NOT YOURS for the stealing, citizens of European and Arab settler Colonialism!
Don’t listen to us Jews indigenous to Judea and Samaria, Southwest Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East, listen to those who KNOW the history of European and Arab settler Colonialism and THEIR ahistorical lies to justify the racistly violent ruling dominionism of Christian and Muslim supremacy upon the land of Israel, upon the land of Kurdistan, upon ALL Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide! –
Who was it that Natasha Hausdorff was referring to that was ejected from the Oxford Union debate? It was Israeli Arab Yoseph Haddad, of course! –

“I don’t share our cultural teachings and history in any detail because I don’t know who I’m sharing with in this audience.” We Jews used to think the same thing, being the most trolled and targeted Indigenous people upon planet Earth (and some of us still do!).
This began to change with the invention of online social media, wherein we realized that we can make our “cultural teachings” public and only those who understand (or truly want to understand) will take interest in our posts. For example – [ ] ours, explanatory, to emphasize the point,…
“You can take the bachur out of yeshiva but you can’t [take yeshiva out of the bachur]… (I have an incurably soft spot for anyone who expresses an insatiable love for Torah study [our ancestors’ sacred writings]).
Ever since I saw this picture of Sa’adyah De’eri z”l, who was killed in battle yesterday, I can’t avert my eyes. An image like this conveys a thousand points of light – of kedusha: the loving smile, the kind eyes, and of course, the little pocket sized gemara which he caresses so lovingly.
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh!
(Not to taint his memory with politics. Still, when tradition tells us that Torah study has the power to impart protection, it was referring to this kind of Torah, the stolen moments of study utilized by chayalim while they are on the battlefield. It was not referring to those who use the Beit Midrash as an escape route to avoid sharing in this mortal burden.)
Yehei zichro hakadosh baruch; בלע המוות לנצח ומחה ה’ אלוקין דמעה מעל כל פנים. May ALL the bloodshed permanently cease, and may God comfort the survivors and wipe the tears of all those who mourn. Amen [this Canaanite Hebrew language word means, “this be so”]!” – Rabbi Ysoscher Katz, haredi born kohen.
Attached to this post was a Jew in the Israeli army in the battlefield against terrorists who, during a pause in the fighting, was photographed bringing out his book of ancestors’ wisdom to continue studying it. He didn’t survive the battle – all his learning, lost(!) – but his very act saves our entire Jewish people!
This is how we Jews survive European (Christian) and Arab (Muslim) settler Colonial assimilation. The history of our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands is NOT YOURS for the stealing, citizens of European and Arab settler Colonialism!

The RiverWinds, a Taíno and Cherokee family, of the continent of Michilimackinac – aka, Colonial America – know who are the SWANA Indigenous peoples who are occupied by Colonial Palestine, and who are NOT. “The Druze are indigenous to SWANA with their own tribal beliefs and traditions and have been loyal warriors of Israel. They are known to be the best trackers in the IDF. You don’t see them labeled as colonizers or occupiers. If Israel is so horrendous then why did six Druze towns in Syria vote to have Israel annex their lands so they can live as free Druze without persecution from Islamic regimes?”
Just so USA VIEWERS – Jews and non-Jews – don’t make a history false equivalency MISTAKE with the above quote about Druze in the IDF, as being SOMEHOW (falsely) equivalent to the USA historic recruitment of “American Indians” – you know, the ACTUAL Indigenous upon the continent called “America” – for their exceptional tracking and fighting skills….
Here is how much (ALLEGED) Apartheid that exists in Israel: SWANA indigenous Druze are not JEWS, and Israel is, supposedly, an ethno-national Jewish nation-State that follows “Apartheid South Africa”. This is according to MOST of this European and Arab settler colonized world. Nevermind Arab Muslim actual Apartheid laws within THEIR Colonial nation-States, for the Muslim supremacy that must be maintained – like Jim Crow southern United States and Apartheid South Africa!
Yet, IN ISRAEL – which is a successfully DECOLONISED Jewish nation upon our SWANA Canaan soil, SINCE 1948 – DRUZE (like Israeli ARABS) are Officers and Commanders BY CHOICE in our Israel Defense Forces. WHY? There is NO obligatory service in the IDF for NON-Jews, but it is MANDATORY for Jewish women and men. Bedouin Arabs of Southwest Asia fought with Jews for our Zionism – our Indigenous Jewish people’s successful decolonization from post-WW1 British-pan-Arab militarized occupation!
We can show you photos and evidence, but if you are taught antisemitism (aka, anti-Indigenous racism), what is the point?! Nevertheless, we WILL TRY AGAIN!!! … Despite how outnumbered ALL Indigenous peoples are – JUST IN trying to get our Indigenous history HEARD by the European and Arab settler colonized world AND their successfully colonized Indigenous subjects. (*- Hence, WHY we are being Facebook throttled!)
History facts that are available on easily accessible Wikipedia: “Ghassan Alian (Arabic: غسان عليان, Hebrew: רסאן עליאן; born 21 March 1972) is an Israeli-Druze officer in the IDF and the current head of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories. Aluf by rank (equivalent to Major General), he has previously served as Central Command’s executive officer and head of the Israeli Civil Administration. Alian is one of the highest ranking Druze in the IDF and has served since 1990.” – Jones, Ryan (20 July 2014). “IDF Brigade Commander Wounded Leading Troops into Battle”. Israel Today. Retrieved 21 August 2014.
His (Apartheid – meaning he has NO place in Israel society, except by “segregation”), service record in our Israel Defense Forces (IDF), wars:
First Intifada
South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000)
2006 Lebanon War
Operation Cast Lead
Operation Pillar of Defense
Operation Protective Edge
Israel–Hamas war
He is STILL an active serving member of the IDF – AND – “In the wake of the Hamas invasion on 7 October, he was criticized for saying, “We are fighting human animals [Colonial Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS terrorism 🇵🇸 ] and we act accordingly.”” – Blumenthal, Paul (13 October 2023). “Israeli President Suggests That Civilians In Gaza Are Legitimate Targets”. HuffPost. Retrieved 2 December 2024.
Who is this great non-Jewish Israeli protector of the Jewish people who are Indigenous to our Canaan land of Israel? … Joy Reid of The ReidOut with Joy Reid , Chris Hayes of All In with Chris Hayes , Ayman Mohyeldin (nevermind the duplicitous Egyptians) , etc , do you know? If you did, you’d be defending Israel’s indigenous right to exist as a sovereign and free SWANA Indigenous nation!
Here he is: Ghassan Alian (Arabic: غسان عليان, Hebrew: רסאן עליאן; born 21 March 1972) is an Israeli-Druze officer in the IDF and the current head of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories. Aluf by rank (equivalent to Major General), he has previously served as Central Command’s executive officer and head of the Israeli Civil Administration. Alian is one of the highest ranking Druze in the IDF and has served since 1990.
Why does he never get interview offers on Western media to end European and Arab support for United Nations 🇺🇳 supported post-WW1 pan-Arab occupation, terrorisms, and genocide upon Southwest Asia’s Indigenous peoples’ lands?!!! The history of our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands is NOT YOURS for the stealing, citizens of European and Arab settler Colonialism!

A Texas Christian radicalized to Islamic Jihad … You will NEVER see Indigenous peoples martyring themselves in these ways for Christian and Muslim religious ideology, and NOT EVEN for Indigenous ethno-religious ideology!
Every native life matters to Indigenous peoples. And, especially to Israelis and Kurds who are battling ISIS, Hezbollah, Islamic HAMAS, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Fatah (Palestinian Authority/PLO), Al Qaeda, Islamic Iran, etc for literal survival!
Whether it is a self-immolating Aaron Bushnell type martyr – a Christian supporting the terrorist Islamic occupation of Indigenous Kurdish and Israeli peoples’ lands – OR a Christian turned Islamic Jihadist Shamsud-Din Jabbar type martyr, the racist religious nationalist supremacy is the motivation behind these acts. Listen up, folks!
For the sake of PEACE and SECURITY and NO MORE BLOODSHED upon our Indigenous peoples’ sacred lands worldwide, BOTH the European and Arab Conquistadors for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism need to END their violent racist regimes upon our shared planet Earth!
Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 equals Colonial America 🇺🇸 ! Remember, this is a U.S. born and raised Christian citizen of the United States of Colonial America, whose family ancestry is SWANA (“Arab”ized Iraqi) like the Jewish people. A U.S. Christian “Arab” American that became radicalized by Islamic terrorists.
The rest of this Christian “Arab” American family is in shock! Why does the USA news, except for the NYT, avoid mentioning this very important fact?! U.S. citizens and veterans are being radicalized to EITHER Christian “white” nationalist supremacy OR Islamic “jihad” nationalist supremacy, all because of Christian and Muslim systemic religious racism, and “holy war” with EACH OTHER!
“Abdur Jabbar, brother of Shamsud-Din Jabbar, said that they had grown up as Christians and that his brother had converted to Islam at some point, but that he believed that if his brother had indeed been involved in the New Orleans attack, it was “more some type of radicalization, not religion.””
New Orleans Attacker Is Identified as a U.S. born Texan, Christian raised, and was an honorably discharged U.S. Army veteran who investigators believe was inspired by the Islamic State. The man’s brother said he was “shocked” by the news.
The United States of Colonial America has a growing USA born Christian and Christian turned jihadist domestic terrorism problem! This affects Indigenous Peoples, so FIX it now!!!

Speaking about facts during news reporting: “Shamsud-Din Jabbar” is NOT an “Arab” name, folks! It is a Mesopotamian indigenous Iraqi name, and his family is Christian in ancestry! “Shams ud-Din” is a popular birth name for Persian sultans, and it means “sun of the ethno-religion”, Yazidi/Persian Zoroastrianism!!!
Both Persians and Kurds are “sun” worshippers! Jews, Kurds, and Persians all embrace the ritual of sacred temple fire. Many Iraqis, which is where the surname “Jabbar” originates, as well, were Christianized by the occupying Byzantine Empire!!!
CNN, MSNBC, Fox News , please TELL your guests that Southwest Asia’s indigenous peoples are NOT Arabs. The southern Arab Conquistadors only managed to Arabized and partially Islamized our Jewish, Kurdish, Lebanese, and Persian peoples’ Southwest Asia region, but SWANA Indigenous peoples REJECT this “Arab” label that the West insist on placing upon them!
The history of our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ names is NOT YOURS for the stealing, citizens of European and Arab settler Colonialism!
On the New Orleans Intifada 🇺🇸🇸🇩 – Tal “thetravelingclatt” has a deeply important and pertinent message for you pro-Palestinian USA “social justice warriors”:
This is what “Globalize the Intifada” looks like, socially privileged myopic worldview fools in the West! This Texas born USA Christian 🇺🇸✝️ turned jihadist ☪️ , Jabbar, felt just like you, university campus “social justice warriors” wearing an appropriated Mesopotamian Indigenous shemagh (no, it’s NOT “Palestinian”!). The only difference, Jabbar did what you only had the guts to chant about since Oct 7th, 2023!
Even Aaron Bushnell, who stupidly self-immolated himself in public (he could have chosen an explosive vest, instead), had more guts than you. You Westerners, who are protesting Indigenous resistance ✊🏼🪬 to European and Arab settler Colonialism – in your hatred for our 1948 forcibly decolonized Jewish Indigenous nation of Israel 🪬🇮🇱 – you keep chanting, “Globalize the Intifada” and “allahu akbar” in your protests. What? You don’t actually want to put skin into your game?
New Orleans was just an introduction by ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Islamic HAMAS. Now that they KNOW that you support their pan-Arab 🇵🇸 colonial cause, WELCOME, “social justice warriors” for Colonial Islamic terrorism, to the global intifada that has now reached your Colonial America occupied land!

The “Palestinian” pan-Arab 🇵🇸 colonial flag was created in 1917 in the Hashemite royal kingdom of Hejaz Arabia, with the help of the British, as a pan-nationalist dynasty flag of conquest over the northern Southwest Asia region. The red color stands for the Hashemite Caliphate rulers, the green, white, and black stand for earlier Arab Caliphate occupations of northern Southwest Asia in history, since the 7th century CE.
The flag of Hejaz flew over the southern Arabia kingdom of Hejaz and still flies over the post-WW1 British gifted Transjordan 🇵🇸 colonial nation. A slightly altered version was created for the Hashemite royal family’s colonial nations of Syria 🇸🇾 and Iraq 🇮🇶. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
These pan-Arab nationalist 🇵🇸 Colonizers, British , and French are responsible for all the rapes, mutilations, enslavements, terrorisms, genocides, and just plain racistly violent political occupation upon Southwest Asia’s Indigenous peoples 🪬✊🏼 and all the blood they shed upon our sacred lands! All SWANA Indigenous support Israel’s freedom fight for the liberation of Southwest Asia from European and Arab settler Colonialism!
Just like their 1964 appropriation of the Mesopotamian shemagh for their “Palestinian kufiya”, so it is with their 1964 appropriation of the 1917 created Hashemite family dynasty flag for their “Palestinian flag”. There is nothing authentic with these lying politically land-squatting Arab Colonizers 🇵🇸 ! The history of our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ lands is NOT YOURS for the stealing, citizens of European and Arab settler Colonialism!
META Description : So long as we Jews and ALL other Indigenous peoples of this planet Earth exist, we will ALWAYS preserve the history of our sacred lands!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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