AGAIN, why is Christianity, Islam, and Marxism going to bring an END to the Human species upon our SHARED planet Earth?!

Here is something that Joy Reid , Chris Hayes , Mehdi Hasan , Ayman Mohyeldin , Jake Tapper , etc, etc, etc (- if you know, you know -) will NEVER UNDERSTAND: What it means to be INDIGENOUS to a sacred land of origin and, thus, an Indigenous person! An ever endangered people upon our modern planet Earth!
Why? Why is it that those born into Colonial societies, who are citizen descendants of European and Arab settler Colonialism upon our entire shared planet Earth are UNABLE to understand our Indigenous social plight and perspective? The most direct answer is that they do NOT know what it is like to be born into an Indigenous family who are keeping alive our unique people’s Indigenous ways.
The longer answer is: Citizens of European and Arab Colonial nations think like Colonizers, believe like Colonizers, understand nothing more than European and Arab settler Colonialism upon our shared planet Earth! The whole myopic focus is upon what is happening to fellow Colonial peoples. And Colonial peoples are filled with self-deluding ahistorical lies about their own easily verifiable histories!
So, European and Arab settler Colonists are too easily fooled into calling each other “indigenous” to the lands that they have successfully colonized for whatever Colonial god ( – theological Christ and Allah, and political Marx are prime modern examples!). They systemically ERASE from much of Colonial social media OUR still surviving Indigenous peoples’ voices! We are entertainment, at best, or unbelievably hated, at worst, for CONTINUING to successfully survive unassimilated (think the Jewish people)!
It is very sad for us still surviving Indigenous Peoples to say that those like Joy Reid, Chris Hayes (no!, not, in your case!), Mehdi Hasan, Ayman Mohyeldin, etc, etc, etc only know what it means to be a minority within a PAN-European or PAN-Arab COLONIAL society. And some pan-Europeans and pan-Arabs live upon the outskirts of Indigenous Peoples’ continued RESISTANCE to your settler Colonialism!
Of course(!), you call us Indigenous peoples who are ✊🏼💪🏼 resisting (your assimilation) “terrorists”, the “occupiers, “right-wing” “supremacists”, etc. Think Leonard Peltier under USA occupation, wrongfully accused, who is STILL IN PRISON – even under Joe Biden’s watch! WHERE IS HIS PARDON?!!! WHERE ARE THE PROTESTS FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES RIGHTS AND “SOCIAL JUSTICE” ANYWHERE UPON THIS EUROPEAN AND ARAB SETLLER COLONIZED WORLD for Colonial Christ, Allah, and Marx ruling dominionism?!!! (Only two weeks left, “Uncle Joe”, please do the RIGHT “thang”!!! You know, for social justice!)
Christians, Muslims, and Marxists have no idea what it is like to survive as an Indigenous people, with your Indigenous language intact, with your Indigenous stories intact, with your Indigenous ethno-religion intact, with your Indigenous history still preserved and intact, and with your Indigenous law system STILL intact. We JEWS KNOW! ALL still surviving Indigenous Peoples worldwide KNOW!!!
We Indigenous peoples/nations worldwide – no matter who – are severely outnumbered. And, worse, we are spoken FOR by the social majority that has occupied our lands with historical impunity into this 21st century CE of Colonial “human” history. Yes, European and Arab settler Colonialism that demonizes Indigenous peoples’ resistance and, for us few, forced decolonization AMONGST your Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx nations!
You all in the Western nations ask (- for Eastern nations DO NOT ask such questions – ): “Why can’t you be peacefully one of us, fighting forever under our “benevolent” and “democratic” rule for your equal social place under our supremacist rule in our societies? (Your seat at OUR colonial table?)” It is because NO INDIGENOUS PEOPLE/NATIONS wants to be FOREVER occupied and rendered into a subservient underclass (as Jews know so full well, the ghetto /dhimmi status) – for refusing to assimilate!
So, you demonize the Indigenous of the lands that YOU occupy – especially, the Jewish/Israeli people. As somehow being who YOU ALL are upon our shared planet Earth! Labeling us as committing YOUR colonial crimes against pan- humanity – upon OUR Indigenous peoples’ sacred lands. The needless supremacist bloodshed that YOU have committed in the name of your righteous “God”-given supremacy, which YOU blame us Indigenous peoples for committing upon YOU, for our armed resistance towards YOU – for OUR literal survival as Indigenous peoples!!!
How WARPED are your colonized human minds, when you can’t hear us STILL SURVIVING Indigenous peoples begging you to lay DOWN your damn weapons – along with your Colonial anti-Indigenous RACISMS – and just simply ALLOW still surviving Indigenous Peoples to peacefully and securely decolonize AMONGST your European and Arab Colonial nations? This starts with allowing Israel and Kurdistan to peacefully and securely decolonize – in unmanipulated SELF-SOVEREIGNTY amongst you!!!
Only then, can we get to the point where “all lives matter” upon this shared planet Earth!!! Post-1948 Israel and Kurdistan are the lights unto all STILL SURVIVING Indigenous nations worldwide that: Successful decolonization is indeed possible. BUT, because the European and Arab Conquistadors refusal to share OUR planet Earth, the price will be ENDLESS bloodshed upon our Indigenous peoples’ sacred lands – UNTIL European/Christian and Arab/Muslim supporters cease their terrorisms upon our Indigenous peoples!
The path to PEACE and SECURITY amongst humans is TOO easy – BUT privileged humans of privileged European and Arab Colonial societies are NOT listening!!! So, we Indigenous peoples get blamed for ✊🏼💪🏼 resisting YOU worldwide (for our literal survival!) – starting with the Jewish people 🕎 of our Canaan land of Israel (the last surviving Canaan people and the most targeted and terrorized people upon our SHARED planet Earth, since the 4th and 6th century CE inventions of Christianity and Islam)!!!
Snapshot – Why is Christianity, Islam, and Marxism going to bring an END to the Human species upon our SHARED planet Earth?!
NDNCollective, The RiverWinds, Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem, Zioness Movement, JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, Good Medicine Society, Pass The Feather, The 7 Clans, Justin Brown, Rudy Rochman רודי רושמן, Realest Natives, Hen Mazzig, A Wider Bridge , @….

Take this online historically accurate activism further – in OUR Jewish indigenous people’s narrative. Make the receptive go study for themselves how true our Indigenous peoples’ words are!
It is never the Indigenous peoples responsibility to educate (defend, prove – whatever – to) the socially privileged citizens of European and Arab settler Colonial nations. OUR Indigenous words, history, and ways WILL survive the extinction of the conquering privileged’s nations.
The History of Canaan Jews from Beginning to Present Day in Israel
Europeans AND Arabs, STOP Appropriating Our SWANA Shemagh & Kufiya!
We SWANA Indigenous Will NEVER Accept Your History Appropriation!
Winter Solstice – A SWANA Jewish Perspective
Rudy Rochman רודי רושמן , Ryan Bellerose , Hen Mazzig and all other young activists for PEACE and SECURITY upon our SHARED planet Earth – for BOTH still surviving Indigenous peoples AND the settled (non-proselytizing) citizens of European and Arab settler Colonialism.

To say that Israel is “committing genocide” upon pan-Arab Gazans is no different than saying that “black” Americans are “committing genocide” upon “white” Americans. BOTH are ludicrously racist comments to make, born in blaming the victims for the acts of the perpetrators! Colonial 🇵🇸 = Colonial 🇺🇸 !
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an indigenous Somalian-born survivor of Arab Muslim ☪️ colonization! At the age of five, Ayaan Hirsi Ali was forced to undergo female genital mutilation – the removal of her clitoris, so that she cannot feel sexual orgasm – like women are biologically designed (!) to feel – which was organized by her Muslim converted grandmother.
Her father Hirsi Ali Magan – a scholar, intellectual, and a devout Muslim – was AGAINST the procedure, but could not stop it from happening because he was imprisoned by the Communist government of Somalia at the time. LET THIS SKIN INTO YOUR MIND FOR A MOMENT, the connection between Islamic fundamentalism and Marxist Communism! Christianity’s ✝️ oppression of women is NO better, historically!!!
Before the World War 1 British, French, and pan-Arab Hashemite military occupation 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇵🇸 of Southwest Asia’s Indigenous peoples’ lands, “Syria was Christian, Iran was indigenous Zoroastrian, Pakistan was indigenous Hindu, and Afghanistan was Buddhist. These people lost their country and lives, because of Pseudo Secularism. Now all these nations are [fundamentalist Colonial] Islamic ☪️ !” – Ayaan Hirsi Ali
The likes of successfully colonized USA diaspora Jews who are embracing colonial European Christian “whiteness” – like Ben Shapiro, Steven Miller, and Dennis Prager (we feel WITH you Joy Reid !) – do NOT speak for the Jewish people, who are the Indigenous people of our Canaan land of Israel, and who have had a nonstop 3,800 years living physical presence upon our Judean land of Israel.
Our Moshe of legend, our “Moses”, married an Ethiopian woman for a second wife (polygamy and polyandry is an ancient Indigenous thang) – and we DO NOT circumcise Chavah, the “life giver”-gender of our human species! The more sexual she is, the greater our human (Indigenous) chances of survival!
Consider the “possibility” that there is NO SUCH THING as “Judeo-Christian values”! Seriously, we Jews worldwide presently AND historically reject this concept. Just like there is no such thing as “Judeo-Muslim values”! Dhimmi/Ghetto Indigenous peoples DON’T get an actual SAY in this European and Arab settler colonized world (too busy be chameleons for Indigenous survival)!
Well,… except in a token way in the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 , post 1960’s Civil Rights Acts, wherein “white” presenting Jews get a green card version of the “white card” so long as such Jews embrace the Colonial (European-Arab) “whiteness”, full stop! Hence, the Ben Shapiro, Steven Miller, and Dennis Prager types of Jews.
REMEMBER, since the invention of Christianity in the gentile Aegean north in the 4th century CE, Christianity has been DEVOUTLY and FAITHFULLY antithetical and antisemitic, full stop! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!!!
The only occupiers upon the land of Israel – and ALL OTHER Indigenous peoples’ sacred lands worldwide – in this CE period of human history are the European/Christian and Arab/Muslim settler Colonialists upon ALL Indigenous peoples’ lands worldwide!
Finally, as a FINAL easily verifiable historical thought, there is NO SUCH THING as an Indigenous people “colonizing” their OWN sacred land! HERE is the timeline history of the indigenous Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel, PLEASE click the link and learn something!!!…
The History of Canaan Jews from Beginning to Present Day in Israel

Sharing a post such as this SHOULD mean something. We are ever hoping to wake up to a new day, where we look at our Indigenous feeds and see that ONE of our posts has reached the citizens of European and Arab colonial nations AND been shared an unbelievably number of times! Not a token “stereotypical” post, but a genuine Indigenous teaching post…
Despite social media “pop”ular bullpuckey beliefs in Colonial societies, we Indigenous peoples WANT to progress AND to work and protect our ancestral sacred lands. Think “Wakanda” of Hollywood, which is ISRAEL 🪬🇮🇱🪬 and almost Kurdistan 🪬☀️🪬 in real life!
The very “colonizers” (decolonizers) of our OWN sacred lands which European and Arab Conquistadors AND their successfully colonized indigenous subjects protest the most – terrorize and genocide the most – while worshipping the glory of James Cameron’s apologetics in the Hollywood form of reinvented “Dancing with Wolves” in space (- opps, that “hit sensation” movies of “Avatar”).
We still surviving Indigenous Peoples are REAL, we are still HERE, and we WILL continue to be here upon OUR sacred lands of Indigenous people’s birth, NO MATTER how much you European and Arab Conquistadors and subjects seek to erase us from this worldwide global discussion on the survival of our SHARED planet Earth!
This is WHAT IT MEANS for we Natives who are still unassimilated – rejectors of European and Arab settler Colonialism. This INCLUDES we still surviving Indigenous Jews of our Canaan land of Israel. When we Jews speak of a “Messianic Age” of peace and security for our AND all other Indigenous peoples worldwide, we are referring to peaceful and secure DECOLONIZATION and the acceptance of our INHERENT RIGHT TO EXIST as a sovereign CO-EXISTING equal nation in PEACE!
Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem has a message for ALL Indigenous peoples worldwide to UNITE – to UNITE for a United Indigenous Nations (a UIN) to be counter to the racistly violent anti-indigenous United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations! You know. The racistly indifferent UN 🇺🇳 that supports our lack of real inclusion into world affairs, and glorifies land occupying Colonizers as victims of Indigenous peoples’ resistance 😡✊🏼💪🏼✌🏼 !
The citizens of European and Arab Colonial nations have NO CLUE how to DECOLONIZE this planet Earth for PEACE and SECURITY for all peoples/nations. They are NOT indigenous peoples, THUS only know a Colonial myopic worldview! Easily verifiable historical facts matter. Jews and Kurds, Pueblo and Anishinaabe, Sámi in Europe, and etc (etc, etc) have a history that predates by thousands of years the modern inventions of European/Christian and Arab/Muslim settler Colonialism.
WE still Indigenous peoples/nations must STOP GROVELING at the funding table of Colonizer nations, and we MUST UNITE together upon this one cause – so that ALL peoples, REGARDLESS your “ethnicity” and your “religion”, has an equal say on the future of our SHARED planet Earth!
Let not Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and Atheists be the harbinger of death for our SHARED planet Earth – the reason for the next planetary-wide extinction event. Much of what exists now IS FACTUALLY the creative intelligence of Native peoples (we Jews of planet Earth are NOT bragging, but have been a substantial part!). But, being outnumbered, we Indigenous peoples find ourselves governed through the numbers of pan-European and pan-Arab self-serving extremists!
WE Indigenous peoples worldwide need to CHANGE this social dynamic upon our SHARED planet Earth with a singular multi-voiced often contradictory narrative – just like the Jewish people’s sacred Torah scroll, that has kept our Canaan indigenous Judean people alive intact all around this beautiful planet Earth for thousands of years!

Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, except to racist European and Arab Palestinian Colonizers! Here is a Southwest Asia historical fact:
The Greek and Latin versions of our Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew word for “occupier” is derived from פְלֶשֶׁת “Feleshet” – if the פ is transliterated as a P, then “Peleshet” – that identifies the land area that is occupied by the Felishti. Feleshet/Peleshet became Palaistinē in Greek and became Palestina in Latin and, then, became Palestine in English.
These pan-Arab settlers 🇵🇸 that arrived after WW1 (1920’s onward) – Arab settlers who’ve been calling themselves “Palestinian” since the 1960’s – are literally calling themselves “non-indigenous” to the Levant – “foreigner, invader, occupier, migrator”, someone who “rolled in” to our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱🎗️ in order to claim possession over it!
Which is exactly what pan-Arab nationalists did to Southwest Asia, with their WW1 military occupation alliance with the British and French militaries.
There is no such thing as an “indigenous Palestinian”, unless you are referring to Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples – you know, Jews, Kurds, ethnic Syrians, ethnic Lebanese, ethnic Persians (etc, etc, etc) – and those formerly indigenous who had been forcibly Christianized/Islamized by the Christian and Islamic Colonizers, and are still rejecting Arab-European Colonial rule.
Learn more easily verifiable historical facts about our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel here –

There has never been a sovereign state/nation called Palestine. What a few antisemitic Arab-European Colonial nations in the UN 🇺🇳 say is totally irrelevant! (Evidence on this, after the next correction paragraphs on news narratives.)
Further, Israelis 🇮🇱 have been freeing Lebanon 🇱🇧 of the Hezbollah terrorists who are occupying Lebanon 🇱🇧 with UNIFIL 🇺🇳 protection, in order to attack Israel 🇮🇱 . Just like we are eliminating Islamic HAMAS from further genocides upon Gazans 🇵🇸 and Israelis 🇮🇱 ! Israelis 🇮🇱 destroyed Iran’s 🇮🇷 ability to fire missiles at Israel 🇮🇱 .
Israelis 🇮🇱 are creating the peace and security in our Southwest Asia region that the racistly anti-Indigenous UNITED NATIONS 🇺🇳 of Arab-European Colonial nations refuse to do (you know, clean up YOUR Colonial ☪️☭✝️ post-WW1 created terrorisms and genocides mess)!
Now, for those reading who are ignorant about our SWANA region:
🔊 Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and Atheists 👁️🗨️ read and listen 🙊 very carefully to every word and emoji in this post!
Islamic HAMAS that is occupying Gaza since 2005 is the Egyptian Brotherhood 🇪🇬 terrorist organization! You know, terrorist Yasser Arafat’s Egyptian 🇪🇬 gang, until he was recruited by the USSR’s ☭ KGB for their Москва/Moscow-created 1964 fictitious “Palestinian” people.
“Palestinians” 🇵🇸 are Jordanian 🇵🇸 citizens – (former citizens, now, after they terrorized one too many times the Hejaz royal family that rules upon Colonial Jordan 🇵🇸 and lost their citizenship) – who are politically land-squatting upon decolonized Israeli 🇮🇱 native land for the sole purpose of bringing an end to Israeli 🇮🇱 self-sovereignty.
You know, “from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea, (Colonial) Palestine 🇵🇸 will be (Jew/Israeli 🇮🇱) free”, is their slogan, as they land-squat on native Israeli 🇮🇱 1948 decolonized land, with UNRWA 🇺🇳 eternal “refugee” funding – until this is achieved. Arab “Palestinians”, as of 1964, that re-colonized Southwest Asia 🪬🇮🇱☀️✊🏼 Indigenous peoples’ lands during WW1 – who existence has always been under the rule of the USSR-pan-Arab terrorist group called the PLO 🇵🇸 (rebranded as the “Palestinian Authority” 🇵🇸).
WHEREIN, he – Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist 🇪🇬 turned “Palestinian” leader 🇵🇸 , Yasser Arafat – donned a MESOPOTAMIAN indigenous shemagh and declared it the “Palestinian kufiya”, WHILE still wearing it like an Egyptian 🇪🇬 wears a headscarf. For the naive privileged citizens of European and Arab Conquistador nations, this is Colonial “appropriation” of Indigenous peoples’ cultures, full stop!
Despite all of this, Israelis 🇮🇱 – we indigenous Jews, Druze, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel 🇮🇱 – have kept the vain hope going that – ONE DAY – these Arab political land-squatters 🇵🇸 are going to choose PEACE and SECURITY, and abandon their pan-Arab nationalist 🇵🇸 genocidal ambitions. The Israeli 🇮🇱 hope being so much so, that…
For Gazans 🇵🇸 to prove to Israel 🇮🇱 and the world 🇺🇳 that a USA 🇺🇸 “two-state solution” for peace is possible, ISRAELIS 🇮🇱 voluntarily ethnically cleansed ourselves from OUR historic Gaza (our graves and all left with us) in 2005, and we gave Gazans 🇵🇸 complete self-rule. They became an Islamic HAMAS terrorist ruled land area for this, by their own antisemitic (aka, anti-Indigenous racist) Gazan “Palestinian” 🇵🇸 election!
🔊 Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and Atheists 👁️🗨️ read and listen 🙊 very carefully! … Understand this easily verifiable historical fact: It has NEVER been about creating a “Palestine” state/nation 🇵🇸 for these post-WW1 pan-Arab nationalist Colonizers 🇵🇸 .
Islamic HAMAS is an offshoot of the Egyptian Brotherhood 🇪🇬 terror organization, with terror tunnels – that Israelis 🇮🇱 had to destroy – under Gaza reaching into Egypt 🇪🇬 ! LIKE Israel 🇮🇱 , Egypt 🇪🇬 was forced to build a border wall that cuts Gaza 🇵🇸 off completely to STOP the Palestinian terrorists 🇵🇸 for Islamic HAMAS and their terrorized Gazans from coming into Egypt 🇪🇬 ABOVE ground!
For peace and security, Israelis 🇮🇱 may just have to reclaim Gaza and (what Colonial Jordan 🇵🇸 named) the “West Bank” (during their 18+ year occupation of Israel 🇮🇱) in the way we SHOULD have done so back in 1967 – all non-citizen political land-squatters 🇵🇸 get out, get off of our 1948 Israeli 🇮🇱 decolonised native land.
“Palestine” is the, British 🇬🇧 established, nation of Colonial Jordan 🇵🇸 upon Southwest Asia, that was gifted to the Arabian kingdom of Hejaz 🇵🇸 for their military support during WW1. Yes, the Hashemite caliphate 1917 invented 🇵🇸 flag moved from southern Arabia northward onto British-pan-Arab 🇬🇧🇵🇸-occupied Israeli 🇮🇱 indigenous land (the infamous “Mandate for Colonial Palestine” 🇬🇧).
🔊 Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and Atheists 👁️🗨️ read and listen 🙊 very carefully! … Colonial Jordan 🇵🇸 , Arab “Palestine”, was established post-WW1, and is still occupying to this very day 70 percent of Israeli 🇮🇱 indigenous land! “Palestine” 🇵🇸 has NEVER been a self-sovereign Arab-occupied territory upon our 1948 forcibly DECOLONIZED Israeli 🇮🇱 land boundaries.
Yes,… Egypt 🇪🇬 and Colonial Jordan 🇵🇸 DIDN’T HAVE TO occupy Gaza and the “West Bank” parts of self-sovereign Israel in 1948 for 18+ years, until Israel 🇮🇱 fought these parts back in 1967. The Arabs with the USSR DIDN’T HAVE TO invent the “Palestinian people” 🇵🇸 in 1964 to continue their pan-Arab nationalist anti-Indigenous political land-squatting upon our 1948 forcibly decolonised Israeli 🇮🇱 land.
And, the ONLY REASON that Israelis 🇮🇱 – indigenous Jews and Druze, and Israeli Arab citizens – granted these post-1948 non-citizen political land-squatters 🇵🇸 their self-governing semi-autonomy is so that they could PROVE to Israelis 🇮🇱 and the world 🇺🇳 that they are WILLING to establish a peaceful neighboring Arab State 🇵🇸 upon our 1948 “contested” borders of Israel 🇮🇱 .
Here is an easily verifiable flat historical fact: Instead of achieving peace and security through embracing this USA/UN 🇺🇸🇺🇳 brokered IDEA of “land relinquished for peace” with historic ☪️☭✝️ Colonizers, we Israelis 🇮🇱 have been terrorized as a reward FOR DECADES by Arab Palestinian 🇵🇸 “pay for slay” terrorisms targeting Israelis 🇮🇱 , simply for our still existing successfully decolonized!
🔊 Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and Atheists 👁️🗨️ read and listen 🙊 very carefully! … These non-citizen politically land-squatting Arab Palestinians 🇵🇸 are NOT self-sovereign. Arab Palestinian “leaders”, the PA (“Palestinian Authority”), are ALLOWED semi-autonomous rule over “Palestinian” Arabs 🇵🇸, UNDER Israeli 🇮🇱 rule upon OUR sovereign sacred Indigenous land. This is easily verifiable historical facts, not rhetoric! There has NEVER been a “Palestine” state, outside of Colonial Jordan 🇵🇸 !
Here is another way to say this: Ireland 🇮🇪 is indigenous Irish land. 3/4 of Ireland 🇮🇪 is self-sovereign Irish ruled, the Republic of Ireland 🇮🇪 (like Israel 🇮🇱 , post-1948 Egypt’s 🇪🇬 and Jordan’s 🇵🇸 militarized occupation of sovereign Israeli 🇮🇱 land). 1/4 of Ireland 🇮🇪 is a semi-autonomous territory that is still occupied by the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 , Northern Ireland (like the “West Bank” and Gaza parts of Israel 🇮🇱 , the Palestinian-occupied territories 🇵🇸 – but it wasn’t Colonial Jordan that gave them semi-autonomy, it was we Israelis 🇮🇱 who offered this olive branch 🫒 of peace for our MUTUAL security in this region!).
The indigenous Republic of Ireland 🇮🇪 , supporter of United Nations’ 🇺🇳 ahistorical lies and blood libels targeting the indigenous Jewish/Israeli 🇮🇱 people of our Canaan land of Israel 🇮🇱 , is unfortunately conflicted. Irish 🇮🇪 who are pro-Palestinian 🇵🇸 , pro- pan-Arab settler Colonialism 🇵🇸 , are still suffering from the British subjugation of their minds to Colonialism 🇬🇧 . They cannot see that Arabs, the so-called “Palestinians” 🇵🇸 , are the Middle East “white” people, like the British 🇬🇧 , who are lying to them!
Here is our Indigenous Jewish/Israeli 🇮🇱 response: European and Arab Conquistadors ☪️☭✝️ , STOP appropriating our SWANA 🪬✊🏼 Indigenous peoples’ cultures and history – and STOP land-squatting on our SWANA 🪬✊🏼 Indigenous sacred lands! We will NEVER stop resisting YOU!
Still in doubt on who is actual Indigenous (🇮🇱) and who is a WABO (wannabe aboriginal 🇵🇸)? Then let a Syrian Jew, from a Palestinian terrorized REFUGEE family, help you to decolonize your mind! –
A history timeline of the Jews who are indigenous to our Canaan land of Israel, for those willing to learn and become Indigenous peoples’ allies –
Blaming Indigenous peoples, like Israelis 🇮🇱 , for what European and Arab settler occupiers and terrorists ☪️🇵🇸🇺🇳🇺🇸✝️ do upon our sacred ancestral lands is evil. Go home, Colonizers!
META Description : Why is Christianity, Islam, and Marxism going to bring an END to the Human species upon our SHARED planet Earth?!
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