Snapshot – Gaza 🇵🇸 2025, after the “genocide”! This is NOT what a genocide looks like, unless you are the pan-Arab 🇵🇸 terrorists who are committing the genocide – and filming it for propaganda! The Indigenous nation of Israel ✊🏼🕎🪬🇮🇱💪🏼 survives in sovereignty – despite this European 🇺🇳 supported pan-Arab nationalist 🇵🇸 racism!
![Gaza 2025 after the genocide!](
Now look at Sudan. No daily broadcasts, no high-production footage. No militarized Islamic spectacles. Why? Because real genocide victims don’t have electricity, let alone professional gear to document their “genocide” and “suffering”.
Islamic HAMAS has access to high-end media equipment that rivals international news networks — BBC-level cameras, top-tier smartphones — constantly filming, constantly pushing their lying Jew-hating disinformation narrative.
And the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations LOVES to share this propaganda to everyone watching! Rewarding Islamic TERRORISTS with respect and support for all of their CRIMES against Indigenous humanity!
Arab Palestinian terror org HAMAS is deceiving the West, and too many are willingly falling for it! It’s called antisemitism, which is the world’s oldest form of racism – anti-Indigenous racism, that was invented by Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam. Again, easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
But, it’s all Israeli “hasbara” for pointing out the easily verifiable facts that expose the lies and demonizations targeting the Jewish people’s 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous nation of Israel, says the European and Arab settler Colonists and their successfully colonized!
It is way past time for Israel ✊🏼🕎🪬🇮🇱💪🏼 to exert full Indigenous sovereignty upon every inch of our 1948 forcibly decolonized Canaan land!
![Eli Sharabi, Or Levy, Ohad Ben Ami - Indigenous Israelis freed in propaganda spectacle by Islamic HAMAS terrorists after 491 days of solitude, starvation, and torture!](
Eli Sharabi did not know Hamas murdered his family. Yet Hamas forced him to stand on the stage, say he is missing his wife and kids, then they laughed at his face and he didn’t know why.
Unlike other hostages, they had zero access to media, and Or Levy and Eli Sharabi thought Hirsch Goldberg-Polin and Almog Sarosi had been freed.
They were starved for months, surviving on hardly any food, and lost a dangerous amount of weight.
Doctors report their heart, rib, and intestinal muscles are severely weakened, and the damage will take a long time to heal.
Hamas ensured the hostages will live their worst nightmares both inside and outside of captivity.
There are no words to describe Hamas’ pure, sick evil. –
![STOP listening to anti-Indigenous racist disinformation targeting Jews and Israelis!](
كلنا نعرف من سرق الأرض والحياة في أرض كنعان إسرائيل: فلسطينيون أوروبيون وفلسطينيون عرب! لستم أصحاب شرعيين لأن الأجداد سرقوا الأرض! لا أحد يملك الأرض إلا إله الأرض. أنت لا تعرف حتى اسمه. لهذا السبب تسميه الله في لغتك العربية الاستعمارية. لقد ولد الشعب اليهودي من أرض كنعان إسرائيل! أن يكون صاحب السيادة على أرض أجدادنا.
لقد تحدث الشعب اليهودي بأمانة بلغتنا الكنعانية العبرية لمدة 3300 عام. نحن القبيلة الكنعانية الوحيدة المتبقية التي لا تزال تتحدث لغتنا الكنعانية العبرية حتى يومنا هذا. ما زلنا نحتفظ بأسماء آلهتنا الكنعانية في الأدب المقدس لأسلافنا. نحافظ على حضورنا الأمين في أرض كنعان / إسرائيل لضمان الوفاء بالتزامات الأرض السنوية. كانت العائلات اليهودية التي ولدت في الشرق الأوسط هي التي أعادت أرض إسرائيل إلى السيادة الزراعية والمائية للشعب اليهودي في ثمانينيات القرن التاسع عشر.
لهذا السبب ، في السنوات 1920-1940 ، أثناء الاحتلال البريطاني ، أتت جموع من العرب إلى يهودا والسامرة للمطالبة بأرضنا اليهودية على أنها “عربية”. كان المستوطنون الاستعماريون الناطقون بالعربية في الضفة الغربية وغزة هم من أسسوا KGB-PLO في عام 1964. إنهم قوة احتلال عربية طويلة الأمد ، يسمون أنفسهم “الشعب الفلسطيني” على أرضنا الإسرائيلية.
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) Interview With Wafa Sultan
![Shalom aleichem - aleichem Shalom!](
“I am not a Rabbi. I have not been ceremonially declared so by Rabbis. But I am a chacham, a pintele yid that is finding his voice upon this SHARED planet Earth 🌍🌎. To become a Rabbi legally would require that I embrace a community and to lead them. But WHO am I? I’m NOT worthy of such responsibility!
Seriously! I make both Moshe and Noach look like perfections of humanity. Further, I do NOT embrace sectarianism, for this is NOT actually, historically, the Sephardi-Mizrahi and, EVEN, the Ashkenazi Jewish derech. I was born tinok she’nishba, and my mother taught me my first Canaanite Hebrew words.
It was my mother that brought me as a child, at my request, to the most “liberal” form of Judaism available upon our island. And, this singular experience, as a chiloni Jew, sparked an obsession in learning anything and everything Jewish. Had adults of my youth had their way, I would have been a Christian (won’t tell you how many times I’ve been thoroughly spanked by Christians in a closet)! But,…
As the Talmud teaches… Jews would rather be atheists, than give up our indigenous inheritance! All three of my brothers have succumbed to a form of atheism. I was the first of my family to teshuva after the multi-continent European-Arab Shoah upon our Jewish people. I didn’t know WHY I longed so as a young person, only that I needed answers to questions that inner ancestors were asking of me.
So, I went from successfully colonized and explorative Jewish expressions to deeply insular Jewish expressions, towards trying desperately to find a balance between these, within this thoroughly colonized world that I fit into. I flunked out of university, but excelled in studying anything and everything Jewish on my own. I AM STILL LEARNING, and I am ONLY trying to share my inherited insular method of learning to others.
MORE importantly, I’ve been trying to teach myself to shut up and NOT express so much. AGAIN, I know me, better than anyone upon this SHARED planet Earth of ours! I am not worthy of a community to lead them, plus I happen to ABSOLUTELY HATE such a worldwide insistence that our Indigenous ways must remain community based and insular upon this world.
WHY must Indigenous peoples adjust OUR inherent expression to fit the Colonial narrative of what is “modern” that is surrounding us? You know, in order to be NOT worthy of suspension, depression, or outright erasure by the social majority?! WHY can’t we SHARE our planet Earth 🌍🌎 as human beings, WITHOUT human universal theologies to propel us forward?!
In other words, progressing as the creative nefesh that we were CREATED to be upon this planet Earth!!! Do we REALLY need to drive ourselves towards extinction to LEARN this simple creative lesson that resides in so many of our worldwide Indigenous peoples’ myths?!!
Such thoughts/struggles drive me towards insanity every single night, BUT who am I to change this world, if this world is NOT willing to change?! I look at the OTHER nefesh that are around me, both wild and domesticated, and recognize THEIR profound truth! “Be in this moment”, “be in this moment”, regardless WHAT level of the sentience spectrum we happen to be upon.
We humans truly have the POTENTIAL to be like Elohim, but our ONE singular flaw is our human self-oriented hubris!!! We do NOT know how to be BOTH – hello – self-oriented AND universal at the same time!!! I sure don’t know how to be so myself, BUT I see this in our sacred indigenous peoples’ myths every day. We humans CAN be on the pro-Life affirming path!” – Joseph Tsefanyahu Farkasdi
![Jeffrey Levine, The Times of Israel - The Soul of Israel](
“The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was nothing short of a miracle. For the first time in two millennia, the Jewish people had a home, a refuge, a place to go. Israel became the safe haven that our ancestors in Egypt, Spain, and Europe could only dream of—a homeland where Jews could stand tall and defend themselves….
We have already seen [since 2005] the dangers of relinquishing land to those who do not seek peace…. of what happens when land is handed over to leadership that prioritizes destruction over coexistence. Gaza serves as a warning for what would happen if a similar scenario unfolded in Judea and Samaria….
The Palestinian leadership in Judea and Samaria, like Hamas in Gaza, has shown no interest in peace. The Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorists, educates children to hate, and repeatedly rejects any proposal that acknowledges Israel as the Jewish homeland….
A Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria would not bring peace. It would bring war closer to Israel’s heartland. The region’s highlands overlook major Israeli cities like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, making them prime targets for attacks. A Palestinian state would become yet another terror base, just as Gaza has….
The true solution to the conflict lies in acknowledging the historic role of Jordan as the Palestinian state. In 1922, the British Mandate divided the land of Palestine, allocating 77% of it to create Transjordan (now Jordan), which was designated as a homeland for Palestinian Arabs….
Encouraging voluntary emigration to Jordan and other neighboring Arab states is not a radical idea—it is a pragmatic solution addressing the conflict’s root causes. It offers Palestinians the opportunity to escape poverty, violence, and corruption while ensuring Israel’s security and future as the Jewish homeland….” – Jeffrey Levine, The Times of Israel, 5 Feb 2025
BUT, wait read more …
We Have No Other Land. Nowhere Else to Go – for the Jewish people, the statement “We have no other land” is not a political slogan – it is a historical and existential truth!
![Nonie Darwish teaching about Middle Eastern Islam.](
She tells no lies, folks! Only easily verifiable historical facts. And she was born and raised Muslim in the Middle East. LISTEN to her, and LEARN!
This is what the Mehdi Hasan ‘s and Ayman Mohyeldin ‘s in Europe don’t want you to learn! Malcolm X did NOT realize that he was seeing the frontmen of Islam, the ones who present a benign face before non-Muslims (Europeans and Americans).
Malcolm X was a highly intelligent and charismatic Civil Rights leader for black Americans. And, had he lived long enough after separating from the Nation of Islam cult, there is every reason to believe that he would have come to the following conclusion about Islam, that Eldridge Cleaver came to:
Islam is NOT the religion for the Black man and woman! Islam is settler colonialism, just like Christianity is settler colonialism, with the same established supremacist oppressions upon those who are not Arab, as exist for those who are not European. Islam is a reactionary response to the creation of Christianity, and is just as systemically racist.
Because of his short experience living with Arabs, Malcolm X had no idea that he had “white” privilege in the Middle East as a “black” American. Whereas, Eldridge Cleaver, on the other hand, did invest sufficient enough time living amongst Arabs to come to this realization.
Eldridge Cleaver formed a Black Panther Party personal alliance with Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat, the leader of the KGB-PLO invented “Palestinian people”. He got to see firsthand the way Arabs treat non-Muslims, and especially Africans. What did Eldridge learn during his stay in the Middle East?
“To condemn the Jewish survival doctrine of Zionism as racism is a travesty upon the truth…. [I personally met Yasser Arafat, and when Arabs began using] oil as a weapon, one could foresee if that trend continued, the American government was capable of sacrificing Israel….
Secondly, I am surprised that the Arabs would choose to establish a precedent condemning [Zionism as] racism [against Arabs, sponsored in the UN in 1973 by Yasser Arafat’s KGB handlers] because it can so easily and righteously be turned against them.
Having lived intimately for several years among the Arabs, I know them to be among the most racist people on earth. No one knows this better than the Black Africans living along the edges of the Sahara.
[I have] the deepest sympathy for the Palestinian people in their search for justice, but I see no net gain for freedom and human dignity in the world if power blocs, because of their ability to underwrite sagging economies for a season, are able to ram through [these antisemitic] UN resolutions repugnant to human reason and historical fact.”
– Eldridge Cleaver, former member of the El Fatah-Black Panther alliance, while still in prison, 1976, author of Soul on Ice (suggest you read it!)
Let Nonie Darwish, born into Arab Islam’s Quran instruction and who is living with a “death decree” upon her for questioning and, ultimately, rejecting Islam, now educate you on EXACTLY WHY there is NO PEACE in the Middle East. … Hint, it has NOTHING to do with the Jews!!!
Born Radical Muslim, Taught to HATE – Now I DEFEND Israel (Nonie Darwish)
Let’s get our education on during #blackhistorymonth #blackhistorymonth2025 ! Right, Joy Reid of The ReidOut with Joy Reid ?
Let Loay al-Shareef, a Saudi Muslim that was raised to HATE Jews/Israelis, explain what the HAMAS logo means, thus why he fully supports Israel’s indigenous resistance!
![Loay al-Shareef - Israel is indigenous, Gaza must be saved from Islamic HAMAS!](
Loay al-Shareef – Israel is indigenous, Gaza must be saved from Islamic HAMAS!
![Tal Oran and Abraham Hamra explain Jewish indigenous objectives upon our sacred land of Israel!](
إستمعوا جيدا أيها الفلسطينيون!
“Complete Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria [and in Gaza] is not only the realization of our natural right in our land, but it is also the only way to ensure that the horrors of October 7th will not repeat in Afula, Hadera, Kfar Saba, Modi’in, Jerusalem, and Beersheba.” – Mo’atzot Ezoriyot, Feb 4, 2025
Israeli sovereignty 🇮🇱 is not a luxury but an Indigenous nation’s duty ✊🏼🕎🪬💪🏼 , and Israeli sovereignty 🇮🇱 upon all of our 1948 decolonized land prevents the establishment of an Arab ☪️☭🇵🇸 terror state in the heart of our sacred SWANA land – this is the ONLY path towards real peace and security upon our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱🎗️!
More food for thought from Tal and Abraham on Gaza and Felon-in-Chief DJT’s correct understanding of the language of the Middle East –
A brutal and honest – FAIR – analysis of the Middle East! THERE IS A REASON WHY the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸✝️ fails magnificently, like Russia 🇷🇺☭✝️ , in trying to mold the Middle East into your WESTERN Colonial image. …
Imagine this, Jews 🕎🪬 are FROM the Middle East, regardless where some of our communities may reside throughout the originally enforced diasporas. BUT, we Jews KNOW the Middle Eastern mindset 🕎🪬 – we’s just severely outnumbered by humanity in our reach of expression!
And this is WHY – after 106 years of post-WW1 colonization 🇬🇧🇵🇸 turned eternal “refugee” colonization 🇵🇸🍉 , we Israelis 🇮🇱🪬 are the ONLY still surviving NON-Arabized/Christianized Indigenous nation in the Middle East. We know you Colonizers ☪️☭✝️ better than yourselves! … Something to think about….
![Namibian and Jewish actual targets of genocides, and fake genocide in Gaza!](
And, إن شاء الله , you European and Arab Palestinians ☪️☭✝️ will NEVER return us Jews ✊🏼🕎🪬💪🏼 back to ذمي status upon our sacred أرض كنعان في إسرائيل 🇮🇱🪬! Go home, Colonizers, if you can’t live in peace and security under Indigenous nation sovereignty!
The Greek and Latin versions of our Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew word for “occupier” is derived from פְלֶשֶׁת “Feleshet” – if the פ is transliterated as a P, then “Peleshet” – that identifies the land area that is occupied by the Felishti. Feleshet/Peleshet became Palaistinē in Greek and became Palestina in Latin and, then, became Palestine in English.
These pan-Arab settlers 🇵🇸 that arrived after WW1 (1920’s onward) – Arab settlers who’ve been calling themselves “Palestinian” since the 1960’s – are literally calling themselves “non-indigenous” to the Levant – “foreigner, invader, occupier, migrator”, someone who “rolled in” to our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel 🕎🪬🇮🇱🎗️ in order to claim possession over it!
It is way past time for Palestinians to STOP politically land-squatting upon Judea and Samara and Gaza – land-squatting for no other purpose but to deny indigenous Israelis our peaceful and secure decolonization and self-sovereignty upon our sacred Canaan land of Israel!
Benjamin Netanyahu 🪬🇮🇱 sure knows how to Bojangles before the white Massa 🇺🇸 , doesn’t he?! Bibi is a MASTER politician, and plays the USA elites well!!! Most of us Jews/Israelis 🪬🇮🇱 are just NOT willing to bend the knee and entertain the devoutly transactional Felon-in-Chief DJT 🇺🇸 ! …
But, if we can get Trump to do for our SWANA Indigenous peoples 🪬☀️🇮🇱✊🏼 what the antisemtic United States 🇺🇸 and United Nations 🇺🇳 WILL NOT DO – allow us PEACE and SECURITY upon our sacred SWANA lands, we ALL embrace this!
It is way past time to END the UNRWA 🇺🇳 funded Arab Palestinian political land-squatting 🇵🇸 and generational indoctrination into Nazi style anti-Jew racism and BRING PEACE to our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands of Israel 🪬🇮🇱🎗️ and Kurdistan 🪬☀️ !
Easily verifiable historical facts REALLY DO MATTER, Colonizers! Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 = Colonial America 🇺🇸 ! … LEARN SOME ACTUAL and FACTUAL history! –
![Snapshot - King Abdullah I of Jordan. His three bodyguards pictured here were Sayeed, Salaah, and Saadia of the Habbani Yemeni Jews. The Habbani Jews were a subsect of Yemenite Jewry who were notable for their ferocity. Many Arab nobles favored them as soldiers and guards because their famed toughness in battle.](
Oh, Arab ☪️ colonized world, where are your Yemen Jews 🕎🪬 ? Where are the Syrian Jews 🕎🪬 , Iraqi Jews 🕎🪬 , and Egyptian Jews 🕎🪬 ? Where are the Kurdish Jews 🕎🪬 , Lebanese Jews 🕎🪬 , and Iranian Jews 🕎🪬 ? Oh, Arab ☪️ world, WHAT did you do to the Jews 🕎🪬 upon the lands that you colonized?! …
The Jews 🕎🪬 who are still alive, they are in Israel 🇮🇱🪬 and they are Zionist as f-ck, defenders of Israel 🇮🇱🪬 , because of what you pan-Arab ☪️ nationalist 🇵🇸 Palestinians did to the Jews! And, إن شاء الله (inshallah), you Palestinians ☪️ will NEVER return us Jews 🕎🪬 back to ذمي (dhimmi) status upon our sacred أرض كنعان في إسرائيل (Canaan land of Israel) 🇮🇱🪬 !
The only path to real peace and security is with the Palestinians (the European and Arab Conquistadors of Indigenous peoples’ lands, lands like our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel) recognizing the reality that they are Colonizers and NEED to allow Indigenous nations to peacefully and securely decolonize amongst their Colonial nations.
Until the Palestinians (Europeans and Arabs for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism on other peoples’ lands) understand this and act on this, allowing Indigenous self-determination and sovereignty, there is NO solution to the pan-Arab nationalist occupation of Southwest Asia that Israelis, Kurds, Lebanese, Persians, etc anywhere can offer! Right, Hen Mazzig ?
The Palestinians are NOT “refugees”, they are politically land-squatting pan-Arab nationalists upon Judea-Samaria and Gaza, who are denying our indigenous Jewish people’s self-sovereignty upon our SWANA sacred land of Israel. Until they accept our sovereign existence and choose to live peacefully amongst us, there will be no peace. For the Palestinians (the European and Arab Conquistadors for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon all peoples’ lands worldwide) will NOT allow for this!
Learn more about indigenous Jewish refugees from JIMENA –
This travel video that we are sharing next WILL CHANGE your life, IF you’ve never been to the “West Bank” and/or just Gaza! You will learn:
1 – You only think that you know something about the “West Bank” (an Arab Palestinian-occupied territory). Arab Palestinians RELY on Israel to protect THEM from Islamic Hezbollah, who shoots rockets at the “West Bank”, too.
2 – Get ready to have this Jewish “Zionist settler” surprise you on just how well Jews and Arabs LIVE TOGETHER in the “West Bank”. At least, in those areas that are OUTSIDE of the “no Jews allowed” – at threat of death – PA 🇵🇸 controlled areas.
The Arab Palestinian (Islamic/Marxist) Apartheid, that keeps native Jews off of parts of our indigenous Judean land, is the ONLY Apartheid that actually exists in Israel!
3 – Listen carefully to the Indigenous Israeli 🪬🇮🇱 re-telling of history, for this is EASILY VERIFIABLE historical facts! The disputes between Palestinian Colonists 🇵🇸 and Indigenous Israelis 🪬🇮🇱 is SIMPLY this:
Who, Islamic Colonizer 🇵🇸 or Indigenous Jew 🪬🇮🇱 , gets to have SOVEREIGN rule over OUR Judean people’s 🕎🪬🇮🇱 sacred land?
THE MEDIA LIED: We went to the real PALESTINE, & What we found CHANGES EVERYTHING!
P.S. Seriously, ( Joy Reid ), ( Chris Hayes ), ( Ayman Mohyeldin ), at least you NOW know “WHY” indigenous Israelis 🕎🪬🇮🇱 support Donald J Trump. DJT as POTUS, he is TRANSACTIONAL and willing to be “blushed” over by Indigenous peoples – the Lumbee Tribe of the USA 🇺🇸 has done the same for U.S. Federal recognition!
This is HOW the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz candidates for POTUS lost the USA 2024 election! Despite the majority of USA Jews and Indian Country voting for Harris-Walz, the Democratic Party of the USA … FAILED … to recognize the plight of disenfranchised Indigenous peoples – along with NOT convincing the white Gen Xers to vote for their CHILDREN’S best interests!
So, for the indigenous Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel, the return of Donald J Trump as POTUS 🇺🇸 NOW becomes a great mitzvah for the Jewish people! Very much worthy of praising Trump, in order to manipulate a path of PEACE and SECURITY for the SWANA Indigenous nations of Israel 🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 and Kurdistan 🪬☀️✊🏼 upon our Southwest Asia sacred indigenous lands.
We KNOW! And, we understand! … You’re indoctrinated and socially privileged myopic USA 🇺🇸 worldview is NOT allowing you to LISTEN to our Indigenous voices. Again, you are behind Europe in recognizing the worldwide social reality, because you have seas to “Left” and to “Right” – both, literally AND politically.
We indigenous Jews 🕎🪬 HATE that the disgusting white supremacist grifting traits of the racist and convicted felon, Donald J Trump, has gotten hold over the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 (per your society’s vote)! But,… first, WE Jews 🕎🪬 must survive successfully DECOLONIZED, in order to be a “light” unto this world, as our sacred ancestral Judean writings demand of us. And, second,…
It is way PAST TIME for you, USA 🇺🇸 news hosts and reporters, to use your news and social media platforms to ENCOURAGE your fellow USA citizens 🇺🇸 to actually support SWANA Indigenous peoples’ 🪬☀️🇮🇱✊🏼 “LAND BACK” movements – for the SAKE of PEACE and SECURITY in the Middle East – and upon Michilimackinac (Colonial America)!
We KNOW … TLDR (too long didn’t read) ✊🏼🪬🏹💪🏼😡 !!! Such Colonist ☪️☭✝️ privilege!!!
P.S.S. The RiverWinds , 23 minutes in , you’ll appreciate this! The Jew from Coney Island, New York, who returned to our Canaan land of Israel, who has been guiding Mizrahi Jew, Tal Oran, through the “West Bank” of Israel, wrapped the available tefilin v’tzitzit and Tal – though chiloni (“secular”) – led (literally, “led”, iows suggested) the chasidei to the next chant. Harmonious indigenous flow, even in the “West Bank” of our Canaan land of Israel! Am Yisrael Chai!!!
The Canaan land of Israel, THIS is Indigenous Israeli sacred land 🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 , and we DON’T accept this temporary Islamic/Marxist Palestinian 🇵🇸 Apartheid that is keeping Jews 🕎🪬 off of the sacred areas of our SWANA people’s land!
![Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy Org on social media purpose!](
Our singular purpose here on Facebook is to teach YOU every Indigenous people’s perspective upon this European and Arab “Conquistador”/”Palestinian” colonized world 🌍🌎. By sharing with YOU easily verifiable historical facts.
This is WHY we, the admins of Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA, DON’T pay Facebook for a troll audience! Even WE don’t get paid for our Indigenous peoples advocacy online!!!
We are truly grassroots, so you CAN believe that we are telling you the literal “flat fact” historical and cultural truths. We ONLY ask YOU to SHARE our posts and web site pages, so that our extreme Indigenous minorities’ voices get HEARD in this European and Arab settler colonized world.
NOT heard by “the choir”, but HEARD by the still NOT YET indoctrinated citizens of the European and Arab established nations for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism upon ALL lands worldwide 🌍🌎 !
With each human life that we save from European and Arab Conquistador/Palestinian indoctrination, the CLOSER we come to saving the human species from racist disillusionment, our fellow species that cannot speak for themselves the way we humans do from extinction,…
AND the planet Earth 🌍🌎 from becoming unlivable – except for the chosen and privileged European and Arab Conquistador/Palestinian few who have the resources to survive (for awhile) Mother Nature’s intention to restart the planetary-wide intelligent life process! Sadly, we humans are too full of HUBRIS!!!
This is WHY “Land Back” on EVERY continent is SO vital during this present time of Human history. Elohai neshamah shenatata bi tehorah hi… (Berachot 60b, Bereshit 2:7)! Too many humans simply do NOT realize and understand these words, because we humans are losing our Indigenous nature, planet Earth wide 🌍🌎 .
May our daily acts be WORTHY of these Jewish indigenous words, so that we keep the purpose of living life – l’avdah ul’shamrah, “to plant and to protect” this planet Earth 🌍🌎 that sustains our nefesh (body-mind) so that the Creator’s neshama/ruach can reside within us!!!
This is the Jewish derech – our Indigenous Judean people’s path, whether upon our Canaan land of Israel or elsewhere upon the worldwide diasporas.
Elohai Neshama: Breathing the Soul Alive
The simple words of this traditional morning blessing draw us back to the dawn of our mythic creation.
The following ALSO get this Indigenous understanding: NDNCollective , JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa , The 7 Clans , Mana Maoli , Office of Hawaiian Affairs , Realest Natives , Ojibwe Crafts , Pass The Feather , Indigenous Bridges , @….
META Description : Gaza 2025, after the “genocide”! The Indigenous nation of Israel survives in sovereignty – despite pan-Arab nationalist racism!
For more blogs available on this site, click here now.
Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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