We Jews Who Are Indigenous Just Want A Worldwide Voice!

Easily Verifiable Historical Facts Really Do Matter, Folks!

No amount of fake Arab-European Colonizer history revisionism will ever erase our lived Indigenous reality as Jews, Kurds, Assyrians, and Balochs – whom the Arab-European Colonizers of the Levant and Southwest Asia claim to have replaced upon our lands.

Jews are anti-Colonial always, refusing to be your victimized dhimmi ghetto minority! The land of Israel is alive because the Jewish people are alive.

All Jews are from Judea and Samaria. Some Jews were forced into Europe and then returned to the land of Israel. Some Jews were forced into Arabia and then returned to the land of Israel. Some Jews were forced into Africa and then returned to the land of Israel. Some Jews were forced to flee to the north and south of the continents that Europeans call “America” ​​and then returned to the land of Israel. All the Jews are from Judea and Samaria – the land of Israel!

The Jewish people have faithfully spoken our Canaanite Hebrew for 3,300 years. We are the only Canaanite tribe left that still speaks our Canaanite language dialect, Hebrew, to this very day. We still retain the names of our Canaanite deities in the sacred literature of our ancestors. We maintain our faithful presence in the land of Canaan/Israel to ensure the fulfillment of the land’s annual obligations. It was the Jewish families born in the Middle East that returned the Land of Israel to the agricultural and water sovereignty of the Jewish people in the 1880s.

That is why, in the years 1920 into the 1940s, during the British occupation, masses of Arabs came to Judea and Samaria to claim our Jewish land as “Arab”. It was the Arabic-speaking colonial settlers in the West Bank and Gaza who founded the KGB-PLO and its invented “Palestinian people” in 1964. They are a long-standing Arab occupation force, calling themselves “the Palestinian people” on our Israeli land.

Yasser Arafat, an Arab Colonizer, not a Judean Indigenous!

You can reinvent history all you want, and this does not change the easily verifiable historical facts of the Levant land. You can call easily verifiable historical facts “wrong,” and still they are easily verifiable historical facts. You waste your breath trying to “educate” the Indigenous Judean people of the land, who know our land’s history.

And, to all the Arabs and Europeans talking about the “Apartheid” going on in Israel – year after year after post-1948 Israeli decolonization year –

Yes, the Jordanian occupier’s Muslim Apartheid upon the Indigenous Judean people’s most sacred Temple Mount is “simply wrong”! Thank you for pointing out the only Apartheid system that exists in the land of Israel (what Arab-European foreigners to the land call “Palestine”), that is being supported by the UN (the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands – including the land of Israel).

“Why is truth against ZIONISM always ANTI-SEMITISM?!”

Because Zionism is inherently anti-Colonial, Colonial Arabs-Europeans for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands, this is why anti-Zionism is always antisemitism! The Jewish people are the first and (unfortunately, still) the only Indigenous nation to successfully forcibly decolonize upon a third of our ancestral land, in 1948. We are helping the Kurdish, Assyrian, Baloch, and etc(!) peoples to achieve their own forced decolonization from Colonial Arab-European settler-occupations and rule upon their lands. May the Kurdish people be the next anti-Colonialists to defy Arab-European-Persian rule over them!

Zionism is by definition: the self-sovereignty and self-determination of Jews upon our ancestral land of Israel, without Colonial Arab-European political and economic manipulation upon us! King David was an anti-Felishti (anti-Palestinian) Zionist. Even Jewish Jesus of Nazareth was an anti-Roman Zionist. The bar Kokhba rebels and later Hushiel rebels were anti-European and anti-Arab Zionists. The Lehi, Irgun, and Haganah paramilitaries were anti-British-Arab Zionists.

All Jews who embrace our Indigenous people’s identity, halachot (indigenous Judean-created laws), and ethno-religion (Judaism – Judea-people-ism) are Zionists! We don’t want to be you, Arabs-Europeans and Christians-Muslims, and we don’t want to be ruled by you!

“Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy, no one is interested in anything you have to say. NO ONE.”

Except all the still colonized Indigenous Peoples around this planet struggling for their own Zionism (forced decolonization) upon their own lands. The Jewish people of the nation of Israel are an inspiration and a “light for” all Indigenous nations around this planet, Earth. … Hence, why we don’t care what you Arab-European Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands have to say about us Jews. Too bad, so sad, you lose! The days of Arab-European Colonialism are coming to an end upon planet Earth. 🙂

Directly below the following meme is a link to a page full of historical quotes and historical facts to educate yourself on. Enjoy!

Size definitely matters, and Israel is seriously punching up to the Arab and European country geographic weight class around her!

If we minorities in this world do not control the narratives about us, who will write the narratives for us? The socially privileged, of course, who don’t want to lose their systemic structural Colonial social privileges and historical/present impunity from accountability in this world. So, educate yourself and flood the social media platform world with historical facts! … You can start here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers – ?http? !

Size Matters Folks! Israel is always punching up to this Arab-European colonized world!

But, according to all those who are obsessed with Israel, you’d think that Israel was some kind of world national superpower. Stop with the false comparison lies about the nation of Israel!

Ukraine is about 28 times bigger than Israel. Israel’s population size ~8.9 million people. Ukraine’s population size ~43.5 million people.

Iran is about 75 times bigger than Israel. Israel’s population size ~8.9 million people. Iran’s population size ~86.7 million people.

United States is about 448 times bigger than Israel. Israel’s population size ~8.9 million people. United States’ population size ~337.3 million people.

Russia is about 779 times bigger than Israel. Israel’s population size ~8.9 million people. Russia’s population size ~142 million people.

Even, China is about 437 times bigger than Israel. Israel’s population size ~8.9 million people. China’s population size ~1.41 billion people (~1,408.9 million).

Enough with the false equivalency between the indigenous nation of Israel – defended by half the entire world’s Jewish population and our 1.5 million Arab, Druze, Bedouin, and Kurdish citizens – with the world’s military powers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx supremacy! We Israelis, Jews who are indigenous to Israel that are living in the land of Israel, are extremely outmatched!

Size definitely matters, and Israel is seriously punching up to the Arab and European country geographic weight class around her!

Archived records in the USA show clearly that after the settler-occupying European “Americans” lost their Civil War to continue violently oppressing minorities upon Indigenous Peoples’ lands, being the supremacist majority, they rewrote their history to glorify their benevolence and to erase the real reason that they lost control of their colonized world – the rebellious enslaved blacks and their few northern white allies.

Likewise, archived records in the Middle East show clearly that after the settler-occupying Arab “Palestinians” lost their “Civil War” to continue violently oppressing the minority of the Levant land, the indigenous Jewish families of the Levant and Southwest Asia, being formerly the supremacist majority, they rewrote their history to glorify their Arab benevolence and to erase the real reason that they lost control of their colonized world – the rebellious anti-Colonial Jewish dhimmi (sub-class “infidels”), who spent decades restoring our land and waters sovereignty upon Judea-Samaria, our ancestral land, in preparation for Zionism (restored self-sovereignty).

The lesson in both of these historical accounts is this: After losing control of their world, in fear of retribution for their sins against minority/indigenous humanity and in hatred for history’s decision that they must change, the leaders of both the European “American” and the Arab “Palestinian” peoples decided to outright lie to themselves as to what this regional history actually is. This is why both white “Americans” and Arab “Palestinians” are raised generation after generation, since their failed supremacy, to believe in a fictional history about themselves. And no amount of factual contrary evidence is enough for most of them, for they cannot be wrong!

To this day, both celebrate publicly their fictitious accounts of history and wave their supremacist flags proudly. But, thankfully, there is hope for the minority/Indigenous in these European-Arab colonized worlds! There are “American” land-squatters who do understand their tragic racist history upon the land, and try to teach it to other “Americans.” And, likewise, there are “Palestinian” land-squatters who do understand their tragic racist history upon the land, and try to teach it to other “Palestinians.” Sadly, because of cultural differences between these two Colonizers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands for Christ-Allah and kings-caliphates, the threat of violent danger to openly and publicly teaching the historical truth is far more deadlier for the “Palestinian,” than for the “American.”

Never argue with USA Confederate and Arab Palestinian Colonial liars, they believe their own history revisionist lies!

Listen closely, “civilized” folks!:

This is what Jews face every day! Unless Colonial Arab-European caricature Jew supporting. Erasure, blocking, avoidance. First Arab-European colonized problems!

This is what Jews face every single day(!), unless Colonial Arab-European caricature “Jew” supporting. Erasure, blocking, avoidance, … First Arab-European colonized problems!

(No wonder, despite all honesty, that I have no “following” as a decolonized Jew! Got to remain complicitly colonized to have followers. We kiss the Colonial hands as fools, for the root problem of Colonial antisemitism has not been brought to account!)

A Maori quick to erase a Jewish ally to Maori suffering!

For clarification, “Immigrant Māori from Essex”. Was just trying to reach out to him! What I said above: “No speak da ʻōlelo Māori as one island Iudaio (Jew) of Hawai’i, but see you braddah! All IPs gotta unite. Try share da “follow”.”

… The moment someone Arab-European *colonized* hears the word “JEW”…!!!

Chabad statement on Jews in exile, even while upon our land of Israel

“Zion is redeemed by the study of Torah, and its captives through charitable deeds. (Isaiah 1:27)

Exile is more than a geographical circumstance. Even if every Jew lived comfortably in the Land of Israel, we might all still be in exile. Exile within our own land.

Exile is a state of being that we carry within ourselves. It is sustained by a cause and healed by healing its cause: The exile of the divine soul within each one of us, and the discord that stands between us.

Because we are spread over the entire globe, with our healing comes the healing of the entire world. With our return from exile, all things will return to their intended place in a grand harmony.

The return to Zion depends upon our return to our own souls within Torah, and peace and harmony in this world begins with acts of loving-kindness between each of us.” – Chabad

Love this post! A return to Zion is a return to our Indigenous Judean awareness and relationship with the Name and the land. From this, we become a light unto all still colonized Indigenous Nations, the path for their decolonization, too. From this point, the impunity and supremacy of the Colonial Arab-European nations will become clear to all the still colonized, and all nations will allow our Zionism without resistance, will simply visit in peace. All because Jews have embraced our return!

Until we address the root cause of antisemitism, the historic impunity of the Arab-European Colonizers regarding their crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide in our appropriated Jewish names, no bill passed through a Colonial Arab-European nation that still has not brought itself to account for its past is going to protect Jews (and Kurds, “second Israel”, and all Indigenous) from antisemitism (anti-Indigenous-ism)!

Whose Responsibility Is It – Jew or Arab-European? Who is the real victim? Click Here and Respond with an Indigenous Judean narrative online!!

The great Arab history Replacement Lie and How to Respond to It, Here!

A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!

A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!

I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!

Colonial Nation Flags of the 20th and Present 21st Centuries – See which countries are Colonizers on Indigenous lands!

Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!

Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea!Learn about it, here!

Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel!See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.

The Lost Tribes of Israel Were NOT Scattered Around Planet Earth!Learn Here – Enough with this ahistorical lie, already!

Torah Words Matter, Stop The Lies!Learn Here – The difference between Christian interpretive translations and what Torah literally says in our Canaanite Hebrew!

Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.

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