Let’s talk about what we Jews should have done in 1967, when we forcibly ended the Jordanian and Egyptian occupation upon our 1948 decolonized Canaan land of Israel. Let’s talk about our Israeli people doing this in 2025 – evicting every politically land-squatting Arab Palestinian who refuses to live peacefully under our Indigenous nation sovereignty as a citizen! This is the only path to PEACE and SECURITY upon eretz yisrael!

Our Torah, our Jewish people’s sacred ancestral writings, teach very clearly that all nefesh (animal species of planet Earth) – from humans to insects – share the same “soul” while alive. Meaning, having the “breath of life” within that is provided by the Creator of all life.
This is why the Jewish people have a teaching that to save one Jew’s life is to save the whole world of human beings – upon our shared planet Earth 🌍🌎. EVERY Indigenous people worldwide shares this Indigenous perspective on humankind. It is from us that you arise!
This is also why the Jewish people of and from the Canaan land of Israel have, as a singular focus, a belief and insistence on “peace” (shalom) and security – “social justice (tzedaka)” – for our Indigenous people. Peace and security for our people means that we can outsize ourself as a people, and be the peacemakers throughout this world!
Even though we Jews still struggle with the successful decolonization of our Canaan land of Israel, we are ever – throughout the nations of the diasporas – trying to encourage peace and security between humans. We know that our efforts are premature, until the Canaan land of Israel herself knows peace and security!
Hence why we Jews are so resolute in maintaining our 1948 forced Indigenous sovereignty – modern Israel – upon our Southwest Asia sacred land. A fourth Jewish sovereignty upon our Canaan land, made possible through the need to SURVIVE as a Jewish people from the European-Arab Nazi alliance – for the (20th century CE) “Final Solution” to the problem of Jews upon this world!
Yes, the multi-continent Shoah (Holocaust), brought about from human ingenuity in creating weapons of mass destruction AND – these same weapons – for mass genocide, both disguised as “war” efforts. This modern technology gave us Jews the ability as a people to freedom fight for DECOLONIZATION, and to MAINTAIN our newly restored sovereignty upon our ancestral land!
The Jewish people are an Indigenous people and, thus, are a warrior people in nature. We don’t seek wars to colonize other people’s lands, rather we engage in warfare to protect our Canaan land of Israel and to protect her Jewish people (nowadays, anywhere upon this world!). ALL Indigenous peoples worldwide understand that, to survive, you must engage in Indigenous resistance!
Why? Because, if you do not find your warrior spirit – again and again and again, throughout the generations – then you will, either, lose your sacred native land and become dhimmi/ghetto folk, or, be forcibly assimilated or exterminated by the Colonizers of Indigenous peoples’ lands. Your choice, as an Indigenous people! Live your Indigenous mandate “to work and to protect” your sacred land, or face extinction.
The options for Indigenous peoples are clear, per our human species’ very behavior: Be thoroughly and relentlessly HATED by the world for surviving and decolonizing by any means necessary, OR become slowly and torturously erased as a Native people from existence upon our SHARED planet Earth 🌍🌎! We here, JIRA, shouldn’t need to combine words AND emojis in our written speech – to make this Left-Right brain connection in citizens of European and Arab pan-nationalist settler Colonist nations!
Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 !
If you want to LEARN more about the Land Back struggle of Jewish 🕎🪬 and Kurdish ☀️🪬 Indigenous peoples, then visit JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa . If you want to learn more about the Land Back struggle of Michilimackinac Indigenous peoples 🦬🏹, then visit NDNCollective . Then, HELP us Indigenous nations worldwide to successfully and PEACEFULLY decolonise our Native peoples’ sacred lands!
Oh, and, … If you colonists are willing to live peacefully ✌🏽☮️ upon our sovereign Indigenous Nations’ lands, then we WILL embrace your true – for REAL – Indigenous “ally”-ship! This is why there are over 2 million Israeli Arabs 🇮🇱🪬 – non-Jews – that live in Israel 🇮🇱🪬, with equal rights under our sovereign Indigenous law. AND they participate freely in ALL aspects of Israeli life ✊🏼🇮🇱🪬💪🏼 !
Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem gets this, hence this! – “Zionism is the original Land Back movement!”, https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1BKZtDnFq2/
Learn why TODAY! Don’t be afraid, watch the Reel video. … AND, Kol ha’kavod BBYO* for sponsoring this – for THIS is teaching our youth!
*- “BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish experiences. As expressed in our core values, BBYO welcomes Jewish teens of all backgrounds, denominational affiliation, gender, race, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, including those with a range of intellectual, emotional, and physical abilities.”
P.S. IF you want to understand what Jews during the British-Hashemite 🇬🇧🇵🇸 Colonizers’ “Mandate for Palestine” experienced in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s from pan-Arab settlers 🇵🇸 upon our sacred Canaan land of Israel, then LEARN what they did to us on October 7th, 2023! – https://www.facebook.com/share/v/15NKVkjo9E/ – Thank you, The RiverWinds for sharing this Reel video!

If you need to follow, then you are not learning! If you need to lead, then you are not listening! We Jews of Judea-Samaria have a saying,
امشي بجانبي وكن صديقي. وسنسير معًا في
طريق الله.
נאר גײ לעבן מיר און זײַ מײַן חבר. און צוזאמען װעלן מיר גײן אױפן דרך־ה׳.
Just walk beside me and be my friend. And together we will walk in the way of ha’Shem.
Yes, in Israel 🪬🇮🇱🎗️, a Muslim ☪️ can convert to Christianity and a Christian ✝️ can convert to Islam. In Israel, a Muslim ☪️ can marry a Christian ✝️ and, yes, the inverse – vise versa. In our 1948 re-sovereign-ed Israel ✊🏼🕎🪬🇮🇱💪🏼, we PROTECT our minority citizens from oppression and discrimination, because this is the way of ha’Shem ✊🏼🪬💪🏼!
In Israel 🪬🇮🇱🎗️, there are 273 churches ✝️, 7 “Messianic Jew” Christian churches ✝️, AND 400 mosques ☪️ . Guess what? ALL OF THEM are protected by the IDF – the Israel Defense Forces ✊🏼🪬🕎🇮🇱🎗️💪🏼, that are comprised of Israeli Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Arab citizens of Israel. ONLY Jews 🕎🪬 are required to serve in the IDF, our REAL non-Jewish allies VOLUNTEER to serve with us!
We Jews 🕎🪬, who are indigenous to our Canaan land of Israel 🪬🇮🇱🎗️, SUPPORT our REAL allies in the future of our decolonised Indigenous people’s nation of Israel 🪬🇮🇱🎗️! We EVEN protect the post-1948 pan-Arab nationalist political land-squatters 🇵🇸, the self-named “Palestinians” 🇵🇸 since 1964, who are occupying our 1948 decolonised Israeli land 🪬🇮🇱🎗️!
WHY?! Even WE Israelis are asking these days, “Why?”. Because, the peacefully settled amongst these Colonists 🇵🇸 are DESERVING of survival from harm, via our Iron Dome and our IDF 🪬🇮🇱🎗️, which is ONLY necessary because of systemic 1,600 years of Christian and Muslim antisemitism. You know, this anti- our Jewish land back movement, our Zionism ✊🏼🪬🕎🇮🇱🎗️💪🏼 !
Anti-Zionism is a Colonial European and Arab ☪️☭✝️ HATRED for our Jewish people’s 🕎🪬 survival, our REFUSAL to assimilate, and for our CHUTZPAH to take advantage of modern science creations – to forcibly decolonize ✊🏼🕎🪬🇮🇱💪🏼 a portion of our sacred Canaan land in 1948.
It does NOT matter how many lies, demonizations, and racistly violent propaganda and terrorisms that occur, all because of our SWANA Indigenous people’s ✊🏼🕎🪬🇮🇱💪🏼 resistance to European and Arab settler Colonialism 🇷🇺🇵🇸🇺🇳🇺🇸🇶🇦. We WILL survive you – STILL unassimilated and STILL intact, and we SWANA Indigenous peoples’ – from Kurds to Lebanese to Persians to Assyrians – WILL achieve our Indigenous ✊🏼🪬💪🏼 objective:
From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel, Kurdistan, and Lebanon – and, hopefully, even Iran and Assyria – will truly be free … of Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸, of European and Arab settler Colonialism ☪️☭✝️! Learn more – http://www.takemeon.org/dir/europeans-and-arabs-stop-appropriating-our-swana-shemagh-kufiya/
We SWANA Indigenous peoples are trying to bring PEACE and SECURITY to our entire SHARED planet Earth 🌍🌎! Perhaps, the privileged citizens of European and Arab Conquistador nations should LEARN from us. No? STILL not yet?! Then, we Indigenous peoples worldwide 🪬🏹✊🏼 continue our freedom fight for our shared planet Earth 🌍🌎!
We SWANA Indigenous peoples so WISH that Islam was a peaceful religion. Something that Christianity is only beginning to WAKE up to – BUT not quickly enough! Christian Nazis ✝️☭ are embracing Muslim Nazis ☪️☭, and most Christians ✝️ and Muslims ☪️ WORLDWIDE are in denial! IN THIS 21st CENTURY CE, after the multi-continent Shoah (Holocaust) to exterminate the Jewish people of/from the land of Israel ✊🏼🕎🪬🇮🇱💪🏼!

Notice the Jewish name 🕎✊🏼 ! And look closely at his face. This is what most MENA Jews look like, folks! So, how could an armed gunman (a USA diaspora Jew, very sadly) mistake Israeli Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 , a father and son visiting Miami, for Arab Palestinians 🇵🇸☪️☭?
Look at the name, for this Jewish surname is eastern Ashkenazi in origin. Yes, Ashkenazi 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 in origin! Ashkenazi Jews are not Europeans, rather Middle Eastern – like Mizrahi and Sefardi.
Because, between indigenous Israelis 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 and forcibly colonized formerly indigenous pan-Arab 🇵🇸☪️☭✝️ Palestinians, you CANNOT tell the difference on looks alone! Just like you can’t tell the difference between American Indians 🦬🏹 and Mexicanos 🇲🇽✝️ !
One is still Indigenous 🪬🏹 and the other is Colonizer ☪️✝️ – regardless of ancestry! If you worship the Colonial god, speak the Colonial language, AND support Colonial rule upon the land – then, you are a Colonist, full stop.
This is why pan-Arab Palestinians 🇵🇸 kidnapped Israeli Arabs 🪬🇮🇱, Druze 🪬🇮🇱, and Bedouins 🪬🇮🇱 – along with Israeli Jews 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 – on October 7th, 2023, in all their rapey genocidal effort to torture and to kill as many “Jews” as possible for “allahu akbar”, the greatness of their Colonial god ☪️🇵🇸 !

Rabbi Yehonatán Elazar-DeMota shared,
“In light of the recent shooting incident in Miami Beach, Florida, involving 27-year-old Mordechai Brafman, I was compelled to write a short piece on this matter. This case brings to light deep-seated issues of anti-Arab hatred and Ashkenormativity within Jewish circles. Brafman, who fired 17 rounds at a vehicle he believed was occupied by Palestinians, was arrested and charged with two counts of attempted murder. The victims, however, were Israeli tourists, a father and son, who survived the attack. While Brafman’s attorney has cited a severe mental health crisis as a factor, the incident has prompted calls for federal hate crime charges, particularly from the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
A comparative analysis of six news articles from Reuters, The Telegraph, CBS News (Miami), Al Jazeera, The Guardian, and The Times of Israel reveals distinct narratives that shape public perception. Reuters and CBS News maintain a neutral stance, focusing on law enforcement reports and legal proceedings. The Telegraph takes a more politically charged approach, labeling Brafman as a “pro-Israel gunman” and exploring his ideological motivations. Al Jazeera contextualizes the shooting within broader patterns of Islamophobia and racial bias in the U.S., emphasizing calls for hate crime charges. The Guardian highlights the misidentification of the victims and advocacy group reactions, while The Times of Israel centers on the identities of those involved, particularly the victims’ initial fear that they were targeted in an antisemitic attack.
This tragic event exemplifies the dangerous consequences of anti-Arab hatred and racial profiling. The assumption that Palestinians, or those perceived as Palestinian, are inherent threats underscores a troubling bias. The immediate recourse to violence upon this misperception demonstrates the real-world impact of anti-Arab sentiment, a concern that both Al Jazeera and The Guardian emphasize in their coverage. Furthermore, the broader discourse raises questions about whether the same level of outrage and media attention would have been given had the victims actually been Palestinian.
The incident also highlights Ashkenormativity — the centering of Ashkenazi Jewish identity as the normative Jewish experience. The fact that Israeli tourists were mistaken for Palestinians suggests an internalized racial hierarchy, where Mizrahi Jews (Jews of Middle Eastern descent) may be perceived as “less Jewish” or closer in identity to Arabs. The Times of Israel’s coverage hints at this dynamic, as the victims initially suspected an antisemitic attack, reflecting the common assumption that Jewish identity in Western contexts is linked to whiteness.
The intersection of anti-Arab racism and Ashkenormativity becomes apparent in how this attack is discussed. If the victims had been Palestinians, would the attack have made major headlines? The disparity in responses raises concerns about how violence against Arabs is treated compared to violence against Jewish individuals. Additionally, the lack of immediate hate crime charges further illustrates disparities in how anti-Arab violence is addressed within legal and social frameworks.
This incident also sheds light on sin’at ḥinam (שִׂנְאַת חִנָּם, “baseless hatred”) and its relevance to Jewish exile, both historically and in the present day. The concept of sin’at ḥinam is central to Jewish thought, particularly as a cause of exile and internal divisions within the Jewish people. It is traditionally cited as the reason for the destruction of the Second Temple (Talmud, Yoma 9b), emphasizing how internal hatred can lead to collective suffering.
The shooting incident demonstrates how sin’at ḥinam manifests in contemporary Jewish communities. The shooter, Mordechai Brafman, acted on a racialized assumption, directing his aggression not at an external enemy but at fellow Jews whom he mistook for Palestinians. This reflects a distortion of Jewish self-preservation — where fear and suspicion, rather than unity, dictate responses to perceived threats. Just as sin’at ḥinam during the late Second Temple period led to infighting among Jews, here we see violence fueled by prejudice within the Jewish community itself.
The attack highlights how deeply ingrained biases can override rational thought, leading Jews to turn against one another. The fact that the victims were Israeli but mistaken for Palestinians exposes how certain racial and ethnic features within Jewish communities can be perceived as “other.” This mirrors how internal divisions — whether based on class, sectarianism, or racial hierarchies — have historically weakened Jewish solidarity.
Jewish tradition teaches that the exile of the Jewish people is not solely the result of external oppression but also of internal moral failings, particularly sin’at ḥinam. The persistence of intra-Jewish racial and ideological divisions today — exemplified by Ashkenormativity and the marginalization of Musta’arabim [Arabic-speaking Jews] (a.k.a Mizrahim) — can be seen as a continuation of this destructive pattern.
Even in diaspora communities like Miami, where Jews have security and legal protection, there is still a sense of existential vulnerability. The shooter’s fear-driven response suggests that exile is not just about physical displacement but about a mindset of perpetual threat, even in places of relative safety.
The incident serves as a warning that Jewish survival depends not just on external vigilance but on internal cohesion. Addressing racial and ideological divisions within Jewish communities can be seen as a necessary step toward redemption and healing from exile.
Utlimately, this case sheds light on the perils of racial bias and identity-based violence. It serves as a stark reminder that anti-Arab sentiment can have dire consequences, even for those who are mistakenly identified as Arab. Furthermore, it reveals the ongoing intragroup racial biases within Jewish communities, where Mizrahi Jews and those with Middle Eastern features may be viewed through a different lens than their Ashkenazi counterparts.
Moving forward, addressing these biases requires not only legal action but also broader societal introspection on how different identities are perceived and treated within both Jewish and non-Jewish spaces.”

LOL! This is how desperate pan-Arab nationalist 🇵🇸 settler Colonists and racistly violent terrorists are to convince this world that they 🇵🇸 are the “indigenous” of the lands they 🇵🇸 colonized and terrorize!
This post erases 3,225 years of indigenous Jewish 🕎🪬 presence upon our sacred Canaan land of Israel 🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 , so that pan-Arab colonists 🇵🇸☪️☭ can steal our Indigenous identity.
LOL, WABO 🇵🇸 !!! LOL! Are there NO lies that you will not spread, Colonizer 🇵🇸 ?! LOL – BUT, IT IS NOT FUNNY! This is ☪️☭✝️ anti-Indigenous racism, full stop!!!
Israelis 🇮🇱 are NOT responsible for the actions of Arab Palestinian fighters for Islamic HAMAS 🇵🇸 terrorism and genocide. Israelis 🇮🇱 and Gazan children are the victims!
Amer Zahr 🇵🇸 is a racist Colonist that is appropriating Indigenous Peoples’ identities 🪬🏹 to literally create disinformation and hatred for the actual Indigenous peoples ✊🏼 – who are freedom fighting for the liberation of our lands from this pan-European ✝️☭ and pan-Arab ☪️☭ settler Colonialism!

Captain America! Why are we showing this AI generated Reel? The answer: To make a point that Hollywood’s capitulation to antisemitism is NOT cool!
Let’s explore the new Marvel movie Captain America: Brave New World. There is NOTHING “brave” in Hollywood’s attempts to be too damn socially “woke” for profit! This new Captain America movie wasn’t “bad”, as some suggest, it just was mediocre. Why?
Because the story was underdeveloped to appease all the politics in the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸, for the sake of generating the best profit margin 💲 out of this movie. So, too many missed opportunities to make this movie a GREAT story!
Well into last year, this movie was protested – far BEFORE its release date. No, NOT because Captain America is now “black”. So, get that ish out of your mind! It was protested because – the character Ruth bat Seraph was a part of the movie.
WHO is Ruth bat Seraph? No, she is NOT Russian and has never been captured by Russians. (IOWs, her name is NOT Russian. Duh!!!) So, she is NOT and has never been in comic history a “Widow” acolyte! She is an INDIGENOUS Israeli super soldier in the Marvel Comics series!!!
Who was protesting this movie, before it had even finished production? Those who are Jew-hating racists, pro- Colonial Palestinian racists, that is who! And, uber-woke Hollywood fears controversy these days. For it’s ALL about the greatest profit margin, OVER telling the greatest story!
What is a “Seraph”? Anyone?!!! Bueller, Bueller, Bueller? … It is a flying winged serpent that is indigenous, in myth, to the Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel. It is Sabra – “tzabar” – like the Jewish people are Sabrim – “tzabarim”. Meaning, Indigenous to the land – from the soil natively!
Marvel Comics not only chose to hide and disguise Ruth bat Seraph’s identity, but chose to call her a “Widow” character, disguised her costume by making it appear no different than Captain America’s and Falcon’s, and rendered her to a co-hero subservient supportive role – that is worthy of a Christian or Muslim woman.
We Indigenous peoples, PLANET EARTH WIDE, do NOT denigrate our warrior women so!!! They are Chavah, the life-givers. You know, what you non-Jews call Eve and submit, by theological doctrine, to the man’s will.
Our Jewish women were literally on the front lines of our near two decades of freedom fighting for our sovereign Independence from the British-Hashemite 🇬🇧🇵🇸 post-WW1 occupation of our Canaan land of Israel. You know, the colonial “Mandate for Palestine”. A violently racist and supremacist occupation of eretz yisrael 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼!
Like the Jewish women who were members of the Palmach, the “Special Forces” of the Haganah Jewish resistance fighters, so is Ruth bat Seraph. Her comic hero biography goes like this:
Ruth ben Sera, SA-1980 (military code designation), Incredible Hulk #256. She is a Mossad agent, in the division of Israeli Super Agents. She was recruited into the X-Corporation, Office of National Emergency/50-State Initiative, Mishteret Yisrael (Israel Police Force), and Xavier’s Mutant Underground.
Ruth bat Seraph goes by the alias of “Sabra”. She is female with typical Mediterranean looks (Levantine, Kurdish, Persian presenting). She is a mutant, whose place of birth is near Jerusalem, Israel! She received Mossad training, is an Israeli Super-Soldier Program graduate, and her “Base of Operations” is in Jerusalem (Incredible Hulk #386).
Ruth bat Seraph was raised on a special kibbutz run by the Israeli government along with her family, after her mutant power manifested, Ruth was the first superhuman agent created to serve the Mossad (the Israeli Secret Service). She was also a police-woman in the Israeli Police forces of Tel Aviv, as a cover. It was presumably at this time she saved a near-to-death junkie found in an alley, granting to her powers at the same time she saved her by transferring her life-energy (Marvel Super-Heroes, Vol. 2, #6).
You know, “pay it forward” human decency! Now, WHY would Hollywood choose mediocre story telling to protect itself from antisemitic boycotting of this new Captain America movie?
Ruth bat Seraph’s, first public act as Sabra (NOT “Widow”) was to battle the Incredible Hulk, whom she mistakenly believed was working with Arab terrorists operating in Israel. As Hulk left with the body of a young Arab killed by the terrorists, Sabra chased him. At the end of their encounter, she was devastated by Hulk’s speech about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the death of Sahad (Incredible Hulk #256).
Years later, Ruth bat Seraph – Sabra – found herself caught up in the events of the anti-mutant campaign known as Operation: Zero Tolerance, gathering Mossad intel to pass on to the X-Men. She was seemingly part of Xavier’s Mutant Underground (X-Men, Vol 2, #67-69).
Sabra was later part of a makeshift superhuman team put together by MI5 to combat a large-scale terrorist attack on the city of London by R.A.I.D.. Sabra handled herself commendably during the attacks, though she at times butted heads with her Muslim teammate, the new Arabian Knight. Together with her allies Sabra fought such villains as Zaran and Machete, etc (Union Jack, Vol 2, #1-2, and 4).
Even in our Comics, Jews are always looking for ways to work with Muslims in a peaceful and productive way! But, present Hollywood is too concerned about how present politics will affect the profit margin, if Marvel stays true to the comics! So, they’d rather make a half-assed story for a movie, than affect their bottom line with a movie that inspires – via its incredible story.
What is Ruth bat Seraph’s – Sabra’s – mutant abilities? She is capable of superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, and stamina. She has the ability to transfer powers and life energy into others. And, she has an incredible regenerative healing ability. NOW, WHERE WAS ANY OF THIS in Captain America: Brave New World? Hello?! Anyone?!
NOWHERE! Hollywood wouldn’t even let her have her own costume, much less any of her Indigenous superpowers!!! Sabra was rendered into a subservient hired woman agent in the United States of Colonial America’s 🇺🇸 government. Her only superpowers were to be able to see oddities on a video replay of events, and her having some physical Captain America -like powers to kick the ass out of mind-manipulated male soldiers.
With this new Marvel superhero movie, the great Captain America, Hollywood spat in the faces of tzabarim, Jews who are Indigenous to our Judea and Samaria land 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼, after promising our marginalized Indigenous community that they would backtrack and NOT do this to our people in this movie – all because of racistly anti-Indigenous pro-Palestinian 🇵🇸 Colonist protests!
So, as the Indigenous warriors that we 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 are – both in the “streets” for real AND online – we spit back at the United States of America’s Hollywood 🇺🇸 with this Reel. You successfully colonized Jews in Hollywood that stay SO silent these days, YOU are no different than Yeezus with your acceptance of our Indigenous erasure and/or vilification!
Way TOO many California diaspora Jews NOT stepping up to the plate of combatting this antisemitic (anti-Indigenous) racism and erasure of our people – and our hard-earned comic characters, that show what we Jews/Israelis 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼 are all about!!!
Enough is enough! Join the fight against implicit and explicit anti-Indigenous racism, PLEASE!!! – https://www.instagram.com/oribejerano_ai/reel/DF98DVnIDtH/
Learn more about the Sabra superhero of the comic series – https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Ruth_Bat-Seraph_(Earth-616)
For those who don’t quite get the “Yeezus” reference –
If we can save an indoctrinated life tonight, Joy Reid @joy.msnbc.com , we understand “black”ness more than blacks understand blackness.
We also know that NDNCollective gets this. You will be demonized for attempting real “Land Bank”, for even partially decolonizing – outside of – Colonist rule and/or influence. Just look at Israel, at our attempt at Indigenous self-sovereignty – meaning, not being beholden to the European and Arab Conquistadors’ influence upon our future.

A word of wisdom for the worldwide perplexed: Indigenous peoples do not colonize other people’s lands for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx. Indigenous peoples do not colonize their own land for Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx.
It absolutely does NOT matter whether you were coerced or forced to support European and Arab settler Colonialism, AND the building of their subsequent nations. By the very act of supporting this over Indigenous decolonization, real sovereignty, and land rights, you are no different than the Colonizer.
The rest, as we Jews say throughout the generations, is commentary!
No water in Gaza? Actually a lie. No indigenous children in Be’eri? An easily verifiable historical fact! Has groveling at the table of European and Arab colonists EVER created social justice for the marginalized, the oppressed, the successfully colonized?
Indigenous peoples ONLY point out the obvious about our SHARED planet Earth 🌍🌎 .
Whether it is the history of Southwest Asia or the history of Michilimackinac, we still Indigenous expect (but DON’T demand) that you follow us, and LEARN from us. For the sake of PEACE and SECURITY upon ALL Indigenous Peoples’ sacred lands.

Shmuley Boteach! The voice of the Jewish people? We think not! The voice of the Jews in the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 diaspora? Again! We think not! … With the achieving of the social privilege to be heard by non-Jews, this requires a bit of anavah (humility), of tzniut (modesty), and tefilah (introspection).
The Peter Beinart ‘s, Shmuley Boteach ‘s, Ben Shapiro ‘s, and Dennis Prager ‘s of the USA diaspora don’t seem to understand this!
When successfully colonized Jews in the USA scream at other Jews and at non-Jews in the New York Times with full page adds declaring a racist anti-Indigenous lie – that Jews/Israelis 🪬🕎🇮🇱🎗️✊🏼 are “ethnically cleansing” Gaza and the “West Bank” of the post-1948 pan-Arab nationalist 🇵🇸☪️☭ “Palestinian” political land-squatters – they show clearly…
That THEIR version of the Jewish derech is one of eternal enslavement to the European and Arab settler Colonists 🇷🇺🇵🇸🇺🇳🇺🇸🇶🇦 , to the groveling forever at their Colonial social table. And this is heartbreaking 💔!
Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared,
A couple of quick observations re. last night’s post about the rabbinic petition in the NYT.
1) The discussion went in directions I neither anticipated nor liked. I therefore dropped out early on. Perhaps I’ll return to the topic another time.
2) I am a petition virgin: I never ever signed any rabbinic petition of any sort. Not because I haven’t been asked—I have- but because I fail to see their utility. Those who agree with you, don’t need the petition, and those who don’t, anyway won’t be swayed by a petition.
3) I know that FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY RABBIS sounds like a big number but it really isn’t—we are a dime a dozen. Moreover, for every rabbi who came out against the transfer plan (which I too vehemently oppose), there are many hundreds of “rabbis” who are in favor—and those promoting this idea know that. So, in the scheme of things, 450 opponents pale in comparison to twice or triple the number who are in favor. Which in turn begs the question: Why then spend so much money on something so futile when that money could accomplish so much more when applied elsewhere?
4) Emotionally, when I hear petitions in the NYT the only association I have is Shmuly Boteach’s silly and obnoxious screeds in the NYT. While I should be able to distinguish between petitions, it’s not always easy. A full page ad in the Times is akin to screaming rather to speaking. It is loud, aggressive and very much in your face—characteristic that are more easily associated with the Boteachs in the world.
5) I want to thank everybody who engages my posts. I very much appreciate that the discussions are (for the most part 🙂 civil, kind, sensitive, respectful—and most importantly: informative. You always teach me a lot; הרבה לימדתי מכם, even if I might not always agree.
Toda me’omek halev.
If you are STILL pro-Palestinian 🇵🇸 colonist on SWANA Indigenous peoples’ 🪬 lands, then there is something inherently morally WRONG with you! … There is only one correct action to take:
Evict every non-citizen politically land-squatting Arab Palestinian 🇵🇸 who refuses to live peacefully under Indigenous Israeli 🕎🪬🇮🇱 sovereignty upon our 1948 hard-earned miraculous decolonised land. What we should have done in 1967, after ending the 18+ years of Jordanian and Egyptian occupation of eretz yisrael 🕎🪬🇮🇱✊🏼😡 !
It is way past time for these racist violent Jew-hating pan-Arab 🇵🇸 land-squatters to be evicted from our 1948 decolonized Israeli 🕎🪬🇮🇱 land ✊🏼😡 ! These well fed and morally depraved supremacist Colonizers 🇵🇸 !
Joseph AmaHura RiverWind shared, “Thousands of healthy, well fed Gazans lined the streets to CHEER, REJOICE , and CELEBRATE as the bodies of 4 murdered Israelis are PARADED through the streets. This is sick and macabre! Among the dead on parade were the Bibas family; mother Shiri and her two sons Kfir and Ariel who were kidnapped by Gazan civilians. Justice come quickly.”
Amen (“this be so”) !!!
Watch and Learn about Arab Palestinians filmed by Arab Palestinians – https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1UL84H3C7J/

The only people trying to achieve PEACE and SECURITY is the indigenous Israeli people! The Palestinian occupiers of our 1948 decolonised land must be removed, for they will NEVER respect the sacred land that they are politically land-squatting upon! When they are not parading tortured and murdered Jews down their streets, they are trying to mass murder Israelis through bombings.
STOP the Lies shared,
“Massive Palestinian terror attack in Israel was prevented by miracle right now. Three buses in Tel Aviv area exploded. Luckily the buses were empty.
Explosive devices were planted by Palestinians from Judea and Samaria. Hamas has taken responsibility.
Two more explosives were dismantled before detonating. They had a note: “Revenge from Tulkarm” (Palestinian city in Judea and Samaria).
Israel Intelligence says the bomb was supposed to blow off at 9 in the morning when the buses were full of people, but the terrorists set the timers to 21:00 by mistake.
I have no words anymore, I really really really have no words anymore, we are surrounded by psychotic mass-m*rderers, we always knew it, but the world didn’t know it, and maybe they still don’t know it.”

For the Jewish people of/from the Canaan land of Israel, the Indigenous path is one of wrestling with mitzvot (our native law system). If you could say that Jews have a specific theology that binds us as a people, this would be it! And, every Jewish community wrestles with how to best apply mitzvot through legal rulings on mitzvot.
It is our Jewish path, our indigenous derech. Between our Jewish communities, we don’t always agree on legal rulings made about mitzvot, thus the Jewish people represent differently throughout the world. But, we all agree to wrestle with the mitzvot of our Jewish people’s native Canaan land-based agrarian ethno-religion!
Rabbi Ysoscher Katz shared,
Problem solved?
Shabbos morning, around 7:00 am, our son’s Alexa alarm went off, ringing incessantly. He usually deactivates it before Shabbat but apparently forgot to do so this time.
After an exhausting week in school, it didn’t do the job, it wasn’t loud enough to arouse him from his slumber. It however was annoying enough to drive me crazy, but … it was Shabbat and I wasn’t sure if talking to Alexa to get her to do things is allowed. My hands were tied, I couldn’t shut her up.
It was excruciating.
Finally, after an hour or so he woke up and immediately realized what was going on. The moment he woke up he yelled to me from his room: Abba, am I allowed to tell Alexa to stop the alarm. And … guess what …Alexa heard the words “stop the alarm” and she immediately shut it off.
And … we both burst out laughing: the problem was solved …without having to resolve the halakhic question. We lucked out.
It is an interesting halakhic question though: May or may not one dictate stuff on Shabbat to Alexa:
1) on the one hand, you’re not DOING anything, you’re merely talking.
2) On the other hand, we do have a halakhic concept called בדיבוריה איתעביד מעשה, meaning a scenario whereby your speech causes and actual action to happen. While one isn’t halakhic culpable for mere speech. When a negative action comes about as a direct consequence of one’s speech, the action is attributed to the speaker and they are culpable for anything that happens as a result of their verbal utterance.
This complicates the Alexa question: is talking to her MERE speech — at least from the speaker’s perspective. The subsequent activity by Alexa is merely an indirect consequence of my verbal utterance — and there are no speech prohibitions on Shabbat and therefore it should be allowed?
Or, is that disingenuous, since we know that Alexa listens and almost instinctually responds to our verbal commands. In which case, our speech cannot be considered mere speech? The speech is the way we DO our actions.
I am not sure, I hear both arguments and need to think more this….but at least for this Shabbat the problem was solved inadvertently 😉
META Description : Let’s talk about how the Israeli people should have evicted the non-citizen Arab Palestinian land-squatters in 1967!
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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!
Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!
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