What is Judaism? ما هي اليهودية؟

كم عدد آلهة اليهود؟ כמה אלים יש ליהודים? هل هناك أنصاف آلهة في اليهودية؟ האם יש אלים למחצה ביהדות? ما هي اليهودية؟ מהי יהדות? نحن نقدر جميع الردود على هذه الأسئلة! אנו מעריכים את כל התשובות לשאלות אלו!

How many gods do Jews have? Are there demigods in Judaism? What is Judaism? All responses to these questions are appreciated! … Look for your language, and learn!

A Jewish family in Silwan Jerusalem 1890. ما هي اليهودية؟

But, very sadly, Europeans and Arabs, the settler Colonists upon sacred Indigenous peoples’ lands, have the reigning narrative about who and what we Jews are. THIS must change for there to be ANY kind of PEACE and SECURITY for both Indigenous and Settler – upon all colonized lands for Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx ruling dominionism!

Sha'ban al-Sayed, father of Hisham al Sayed

إن شعار “استعادة الأرض” ليس مجرد مطلب بإعادة الأرض إلى السكان الأصليين، بل هو مطلب بالسيادة الأصلية! إنها مطلب للتحرر من النفوذ الاستعماري الأوروبي والعربي. الصهيونية هي حركة “استعادة الأرض” الأصلية!

كلنا نعرف من سرق الأرض والحياة في أرض كنعان إسرائيل: فلسطينيون أوروبيون وفلسطينيون عرب! لستم أصحاب شرعيين لأن الأجداد سرقوا الأرض! لا أحد يملك الأرض إلا إله الأرض. أنت لا تعرف حتى اسمه. لهذا السبب تسميه الله في لغتك العربية الاستعمارية. لقد ولد الشعب اليهودي من أرض كنعان إسرائيل! أن يكون صاحب السيادة على أرض أجدادنا.

لقد تحدث الشعب اليهودي بأمانة بلغتنا الكنعانية العبرية لمدة 3300 عام. نحن القبيلة الكنعانية الوحيدة المتبقية التي لا تزال تتحدث لغتنا الكنعانية العبرية حتى يومنا هذا. ما زلنا نحتفظ بأسماء آلهتنا الكنعانية في الأدب المقدس لأسلافنا. نحافظ على حضورنا الأمين في أرض كنعان / إسرائيل لضمان الوفاء بالتزامات الأرض السنوية. كانت العائلات اليهودية التي ولدت في الشرق الأوسط هي التي أعادت أرض إسرائيل إلى السيادة الزراعية والمائية للشعب اليهودي في ثمانينيات القرن التاسع عشر.

لهذا السبب ، في السنوات 1920-1940 ، أثناء الاحتلال البريطاني ، أتت جموع من العرب إلى يهودا والسامرة للمطالبة بأرضنا اليهودية على أنها “عربية”. كان المستوطنون الاستعماريون الناطقون بالعربية في الضفة الغربية وغزة هم من أسسوا KGB-PLO في عام 1964. إنهم قوة احتلال عربية طويلة الأمد ، يسمون أنفسهم “الشعب الفلسطيني” على أرضنا الإسرائيلية.

This video has Colonial English subtitles for those who are not familiar with the Colonial Arabic language.

ما هي اليهودية؟ מהי יהדות? نحن نقدر جميع الردود على هذه الأسئلة! What is Judaism? THIS must be answered for there to be ANY kind of PEACE and SECURITY for both Indigenous and Settler!

The Jewish people of the land of Israel mourn our dead children that were depravedly murder by Arab Palestinians!

רוצים שנדאג לילדים שלכם? תפסיקו לרצוח את הילדים שלנו! לא עוד טרור פלסטיני 🇵🇸 על אדמת ישראל הקדושה שלנו!

האנשים היחידים שמנסים ליצור שלום וביטחון על אדמת ישראל הם העם הישראלי הילידים שעבר דה-קולוניזציה ב-1948. עובדות היסטוריות שניתן לאימות בקלות באמת חשובות! אין פוליטיקה של ימין ושמאל בישראל. פוליטיקה יהודית היא כמו שיח תלמוד. למי שמבין את המילים הללו נא “Share” את המתיישבים היהודים בפזורה של ארצות הברית! .Mahalo mākou i kāu kākoʻo

Want us to care about your children? STOP murdering our children! No more Palestinian terrorism 🇵🇸 upon our sacred land of Israel!

The only people trying to create peace and security on the land of Israel are the indigenous Israeli people who were decolonized in 1948. Easily verifiable historical facts really matter! There is no left and right politics in Israel. Jewish politics is like Talmud discourse. For those who understand these words, please “share” with the Jewish settlers in the diaspora of the United States! We appreciate your support.

The Jewish people are Indigenous to our Canaan land of Israel!

היהודים ניצחו במלחמתנו נגד המתיישבים הבריטים 🇬🇧 ושחררו את ארצנו 🪬🇮🇱💪🏼 ב-1948. אבל אנחנו עדיין כבושים על ידי פולשי אדמות פוליטיות ערביות 🇵🇸 ! קולוניסטים ערבים 🇵🇸 שקוראים לעצמם פלסטינים (מאז 1964) ושונאים את הריבונות היהודית שלנו! היהודים הם ילידי ארצנו כנען, ישראל, ואנו מסרבים להיות “ذمي” ✊🏼🕎🪬.

הסיסמה “להחזיר את הארץ” היא לא רק דרישה להחזיר את האדמה לעם הילידים, היא דרישה לריבונות ילידים! זוהי דרישה לשחרור מהשפעה הקולוניאלית האירופית והערבית. הציונות היא תנועת “להחזיר את הארץ” המקורית!

The slogan “Land Back (reclaiming the land)” is not just a request that lands be returned to the Indigenous people, it is a demand for Indigenous sovereignty! To be FREE from European and Arab colonial influence. Zionism is the original “Land Back” movement!

Jews won our war against the British 🇬🇧 colonists and decolonized our land 🪬🇮🇱💪🏼 in 1948. But we are still occupied by Arab political land-squatters 🇵🇸 ! Arab colonists 🇵🇸 that call themselves Palestinians (since 1964) and who hate our Jewish sovereignty! Jews are indigenous to our Canaan land of Israel and we refuse to be “dhimmi” ✊🏼🕎🪬 .

ما هي اليهودية؟ מהי יהדות? نحن نقدر جميع الردود على هذه الأسئلة! What is Judaism? THIS must be answered for there to be ANY kind of PEACE and SECURITY for both Indigenous and Settler!

إن شعار “استعادة الأرض” ليس مجرد مطلب بإعادة الأرض إلى السكان الأصليين، بل هو مطلب بالسيادة الأصلية! إنها مطلب للتحرر من النفوذ الاستعماري الأوروبي والعربي. الصهيونية هي حركة “استعادة الأرض” الأصلية!

You absolutely must watch this! Well done to this man for speaking the truth! SHARE—this must be seen far and wide. Here is the Instagram version – SHARE far and wide, please …

Ariel Bibas and Kfir Bibas reborn into other Jewish families, may Yarden Bibas be blessed!!!

Reuchida buena! “And his name, in the People of Israel, shall be called Ariel Kfir.” THIS is the Jewish way of creating aftaha, “hope”, for our people ande estamos bendigamos! Moche muryo y adonay kedo in this yeled. Saludozos/l’chaim!

Zalman Sarah Deitsch shared, “And his name, in the People of Israel, shall be called Ariel Kfir. Mazel tov to my daughter Rosie Gurevitch and Yossi Gurevitch on their new son. May Hashem bring Moshiach now! No more tears, no more pain. May Yarden Bibas find peace and serenity. His children will live on in all our hearts.”


Eli Sharabi shares his experience as a hostage of Palestinian Islamic HAMAS!

בעדות שעוד לא שמענו כמוה אלי שרעבי מספר לאילנה דיין על כמעט 500 ימים בשבי, מתחת לאדמה, כבול בשלשלאות ברזל כל הזמן. הוא עושה את זה בשביל אחיו שעדיין שם ובשביל צעיר אחד, שהשאיר אחריו במנהרה. …

שרעבי, שנחטף מקיבוץ בארי ב-7 באוקטובר, משחזר את רגע הפרידה הקשה מאשתו ליאן ובנותיו נויה ויהל. “הסצנה היא פשוט נוראית, פחד נוראי שלא דומה לשום דבר. עשרה מחבלים בתוך הבית, שניים מהם תופסים אותי, תופסים את הבנות ועומדים איתן במטבח. וכל הזמן הזה ליאן אומרת להם: ‘דרכון בריטי’, היא חושבת שזה יגן עליהן. אני יודע שאני הולך להיחטף, זה היה לי ברור”, הוא חושף. “אני צועק לבנות: ‘אני אחזור’, ומשם אני במוד של הישרדות. לא משנה מה קורה לי עכשיו, לא משנה מה עושים לי, אני חוזר. לא אשכח את המבט בעיניים שלהן, איך הן היו מבועתות, אני מקווה שהן לא סבלו”.

הוא מתאר את הכניסה לעזה, וכיצד כמעט מבוצע בו לינץ’ בידי המון. ב-52 הימים הראשונים הוא מוחזק בדירה, ולאחר מכן מורד למנהרה. בשלב הזה הוא פוגש את הרש גולדברג-פולין, אורי דנינו ואלמוג סרוסי, שנחטפו ממסיבת הנובה. “שלושה ימים שאני איתם, וזה כאילו הכרתי אותם כל החיים”. לדבריו, כאשר השלושה מתפצלים מהם, הוא מניח כי הם משתחררים הביתה. רק בסוף השבי יגלה כי נרצחו חודשים אחר כך במנהרה ברפיח.

שרעבי מספר עוד כיצד נודע לו כי אחיו הקרוב, יוסי, שחי לצדו בקיבוץ, נחטף ונרצח. “יומיים לפני השחרור אותו ‘מפקד אירוע’ נקרא לו, נורא גאה לספר לי, להראות תמונה של יוסי ולהגיד לי שחיל-האוויר הרג אותו. אני אומר לו: ‘בסדר’ ולא מאמין”. אוהד בן עמי, שכנו מהקיבוץ שהוחזק בשבי בנפרד והתאחד עמו לקראת השחרור של שניהם, נאלץ לבשר לו את הבשורה הקשה. “הוא לוקח אותי הצידה ואומר לי ‘כל מה שנאמר לך נכון’. זה כמו פטיש חמישה קילו על הראש”.

אזוק בשרשראות כבדות, שנה וארבעה חודשים

את הלילה הראשון במנהרה שבה שהה יותר משנה, יחד עם אור לוי, אלי-ה כהן ואלון אהל, שרעבי זוכר בבהירות. “אתה 50 מטר מתחת לאדמה, התנאים הסניטריים שם פשוט נוראיים. אתה מתקלח בסופו של דבר פעם בחודש עם בקבוק מים, עם חצי דלי של מים קרים. שרשראות על הרגליים לא עוזבות אותי מהיום שאני בעזה ועד היום האחרון. יש כאלה שהיו חלק מהזמן, אני שנה וארבעה חודשים אזוק ברגליים, עם שרשראות שעוטפות אותי, עם מנעולים מאוד מאוד כבדים שקורעים לך את הבשר”.

אך יותר מהאלימות והתנאים הסניטריים הנוראיים, שרעבי מתאר רעב כבד, שמכלה את הגוף. “המושג הזה של אדם חופשי שיכול לקחת פרי או מים – על זה אתה חולם כל יום. לא אכפת לך מהמכות שאתה חוטף, ואתה חוטף מכות ושוברים לי צלעות. לא אכפת לי, תן לי עוד חצי פיתה. אתה כבר רואה את הבטן שלך ממש נכנסת פנימה. באיזשהו שלב אתה לא מאמין שזה קורה לגוף שלך. בתקופות הגרועות אוכלים פעם ביום קערת פסטה, שזה 300-250 קלוריות”.

“כל אמירה שהיא חסרת אחריות, הראשונים שחוטפים – זה אנחנו”

לתנאים הקשים שבהם שהו, התווסף לדברי שרעבי מרכיב נוסף – השפעת התבטאויות ההנהגה הישראלית בתקשורת על יחס המחבלים לחטופים. “רק מההתנהגות שלהם אתה יכול לדעת מה קרה בחדשות. לכן האחריות אצל ההנהגה. ההתבטאויות שלהם בתקשורת, יש להם המון, המון כוח. הם כל הזמן מקשיבים להם. הם כל הזמן חשופים להם. כל אמירה שהיא חסרת אחריות, הראשונים שחוטפים זה אנחנו”.

“הם באים אלינו ואומרים לנו, לא נותנים לאסירים שלנו אוכל, אתם לא תאכלו. מכים את האסירים שלנו, אנחנו נכה אתכם. לא נותנים להם מקלחת, אתם לא תקבלו מקלחת”.

הלוחמה הפסיכולוגית של טרוריסטים ערבים פלסטינים 🇵🇸 היא הרוע בהתגלמותו! המאמצים שהם עושים כדי לגרום לישראלים להאשים את הישראלים במה שעושה החמאס האסלאמי לישראלים!!!


ما هي اليهودية؟ מהי יהדות? نحن نقدر جميع الردود على هذه الأسئلة! What is Judaism? THIS must be answered for there to be ANY kind of PEACE and SECURITY for both Indigenous and Settler!

The New Arab understands the real reason for Joy Reid 's sudden firing from MSNBC!

The New Arab has also noticed the real reason for Joy Reid ‘s sudden firing from MSNBC. We warned Mehdi Hasan and Ayman Mohyeldin , too! Now all three are fired from MSNBC for their public antisemitism.

We tried so hard to save Joy Reid’s news show – and almost reached her! But once indoctrinated into anti-Indigenous racism, only the indoctrinated can save him/her-self from this inherited hateful mental disorder.

All she needed was to present balanced views, rather than to always blame the victimized Israelis for Arab Palestinian’s Islamic terrorism and attempted genocide upon Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Arabs!

The New Arab shared their favorite antisemitic statements made by these three in their FB Reel. It is racism, Colonist racism! Meant to turn SWANA Indigenous peoples’ militarized defense against pan-Arab colonist terrorisms into an evil.

From the Tigris river to the Mediterranean sea, one day Israel, Kurdistan, and Lebanon – and, hopefully, even Iran and Assyria – will truly be free … of Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸, of European and Arab settler Colonialism ☪️☭✝️!


There are many Reiders placing the blame for her firing on her opposition to Trump. But every single anchor on MSNBC, regardless of skin color, is expressing the same opposition – many of them just emphatically. This shows that it wasn’t about Felon-in-Chief DJT, but that she was being lulled by her partisan viewership into a social media bubble.

Her problem was a lack of balance, by bringing on the same guest choir all the time to avoid having to embrace an opposing view and do real journalism. MSNBC is now trying to not be like Fox News, so the choir shows must go!

Learn more here – http://www.takemeon.org/dir/europeans-and-arabs-stop-appropriating-our-swana-shemagh-kufiya/

ما هي اليهودية؟ מהי יהדות? نحن نقدر جميع الردود على هذه الأسئلة! What is Judaism? THIS must be answered for there to be ANY kind of PEACE and SECURITY for both Indigenous and Settler!

FULL MEETING – Trump hosts Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at White House

Okay, you MUST WATCH the WHOLE PRESS CONFERENCE between Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Jew 🕎 elected by Ukraine 🇺🇦 to be THEIR President, and Felon-in-Chief Donald John Trump 🇺🇸 ! KEY THINGS TO UNDERSTAND FIRST BEFORE WATCHING THIS NEWS VIDEO:

1) As you’ll notice in this press meeting between President Zelensky and President Trump, this Press conference begins with Trump PRAISING Zelenskyy AND his generals for their amazing achievements at survival, AND accepting President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s words that Vladimir Putin STARTED the war between Ukraine and Russia, AND that Vladimir Putin is a “killer” and a “terrorist”.

2) Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, on behalf of his Ukrainian people, is addressing a transactional 47th POTUS by offering a variety of shared licenses for a secure and permanent end to this war between Russia and Ukraine. A permanent PEACE and SECURITY that is backed by European nations and the United States of Colonial America. There is ZERO protest by Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 to this! So, all is looking good!

3) Penn’s Wharton School of Business most DEFINITELY produced a genius upon this world! Every continent and island on planet Earth has “raw earth”, and Ukraine’s “raw earth” is no different than the United States of Colonial America’s “raw earth” – other than being LESS in quantity. What “white” and born privileged, elite college graduate, Donald John Trump 🇺🇸 means with his ignorance is “rare Earth minerals”. Stupidity knows NO bounds, and we’ll PROVE this with what comes NEXT in this Press conference between Ukrainian PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Donald J Trump and gang!

4) A flat historical fact: Twice in a week of meeting NATO nation’s “Heads of State” in the Oval Office press conference, Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 has professed the lie that European nations are making “loans” with Ukraine, and the United States has “donated” money. Both times, France’s and the United Kingdom’s Head of State – physically in front of the Press – verbally STOPPED Donald J Trump AND, before the Press, live CORRECTED his ahistorical lie! Still, yet, in this PRESENT Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump White House meeting, Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 again proffered this ahistorical lie.

5) Another flat historical fact: The United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 made WORLDWIDE HISTORY by the VPOTUS, JD Vance, directly intervening during this press conference to ACCUSE President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of a lack of “GRATITUDE” for the USA’s help against Russia. You’ll see this later in this shared video. No other Vice President of the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 has EVER done this inhospitality to a visiting neighbor!

6) Additionally, though obviously ahistorical this accusation that VPOTUS JD Vance made towards the President of Ukraine, Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump did NOT get angry over this “deal” ending exchange – that was started by VPOTUS JD Vance (at behest of who? Trump? Putin?). WE ARE WAY JUMPING PAST THE JUICY STUFF!!! Instead of admonishing his VPOTUS for his historic lack of decorum, Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump chimed in – IN SUPPORT – of the VPOTUS ahistorical accusations targeting Ukrainian PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy!


7) WORSE, Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump AND JD Vance went on a diatribe of how the only reason that Ukraine exists today is because of the United States of Colonial America’s 🇺🇸 support of Ukraine. Be it noted that JD Vance fully voted AGAINST supporting Ukraine’s survival from Vladimir Putin’s Russia invasion to reclaim Ukraine as part of the Soviet Union!

8) 26 minutes into this video is where you see the problem of Felon-in-Chief DJT’s ego and HOW MUCH he hates being corrected by OTHERS! All contributing nations, per Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s own words, have contributed to Ukraine’s survival “equally” – and Felon-in-Chief DJT responds with, ‘I am the ONLY Savior of Ukraine’, in his usual Donald J Trump visual disagreement!

9) A reporter asks Trump: “What place in history do you want to take, and do you associate yourself with any historical figures?” Felon-in-Chief Donald John Trump’s response is the following:

“I’d say George Washington, Abraham Lincoln. I would say I am far superior to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. (Aghast laughter in the room!) Now, you know I am only kidding, right? Because, when I say that, the fake news is only going to go wild. They’re going to say ‘he considers himself to be better than Washington’, but you never know, you never know. But, I don’t consider myself to be better than anyone [another blatant easily verifiable ahistorical lie], I’m just here to do a job.”…

Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump continues his response, “Whether they’re in Russia or Ukraine, think of all the parents that have been killed needlessly.” Ukrainian PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy WITH VISUAL exasperation interjects, “They came to our territory [meaning, militarily invaded].” Donald John Trump continues unfazed, “It should have never started. If I were President, this would have never started.”

10) A press reporter asks Volodymyr Zelenskyy, “After signing this agreement, do you think that the U.S. is on your side, that President Trump is on your side? … At this moment?” Ukrainian PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy responds directly to Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump, “What do you think?” Donald Trump’s response is, “He wants to know do you think that … It’s sort of a stupid question!” (There is Press laughter.) Trump continues, “I guess we wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.” PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy responds with recognizing that “the United States” has come to Ukraine’s support and reminds the Press that “Putin came to our territory [invaded]. They [Russia] BEGAN this war, and they have to stop.”


11) Near 32 minutes into this video, Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 says the following, “I hope I’ll be known as a peacemaker. This [the Russia-Ukraine war] would be a great thing to solve. This is a very dangerous situation. You know this could lead to a third World War. This was headed in the wrong direction. If this [USA 2024 Presidential] election were lost, if we [Donald John Trump 🇺🇸] didn’t win this election and, by, we won it by a lot. That was a mandate. We won every swing State, we won the popular vote by millions and millions of votes [this latter half ahistorical!]”…


12) A reporter now asks Ukrainian PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy 🇺🇦, “Why don’t you wear a suit [a European pants, shirt, tie, and dress coat]? … Do you own a suit? A lot of Americans have a problem with you not respecting the Executive office.” PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy responds, “I will wear a costume after this war [for Ukrainian 🇺🇦 survival] is finished. Maybe something like yours, yes? Maybe something better. I don’t know, maybe something cheaper!”

Donald John Trump 🇺🇸 is historically displeased with those who refuse to dress like him – again, easily verifiable historical facts! Which is why we who understand Donald J Trump are bemused by his subservience to Elon Musk, the unelected co-President of the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸. It must be ALL about the pursuit of money with DJT (he trying to be “white” as a born and gifted privileged white man)!


13) OMG!!! NOW, Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump blames Joe Biden for the two decades of UNRWA 🇺🇳 funded and support of Arab Palestinian’s Islamic HAMAS 🇵🇸 infrastructure and depraved terrorism!!! (Not to mention the PLO/PA occupation of Indigenous Israel that is fundamental to this anti-Indigenous racism.) Then, Trump who hates casual dressed “businessmen”, now compliments PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s dress for this USA press conference. They exchange, laughingly, “I like this guy”.

14) Volodymyr Zelenskyy now interjects about HOW MANY TIMES Vladimir Putin 🇷🇺 has “broken” the ceasefire between Colonial Russia and indigenous Ukraine! “25 times he (Vladimir Putin) has broken his own ceasefire signature.” Trump tries to discourage this comment before the Press. PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy backs his statements with easily verifiable historical facts!

What PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy shares with the Press at this White House Press conference needs to be HEARD by everyone WILLING to listen!!!

15) The gaslighting by Donald J Trump continues to ALL the non-USA news reporters, agreeing with their questions, as if it were true. Poland is an example, “I’m very committed to Poland” says DJT, simply because a Polish reporter asked. Then, comes the support of Baltics question, and Felon-in-Chief DJT 🇺🇸 cringes, and deflects to how much money the USA has spent on Ukraine’s survival compared to the smaller European nations. Zelenskyy shakes his head in disbelief!

BUT, WAIT!!! We haven’t even got to the JUICY STUFF that is PRESENTLY circulating around this ENTIRE planet Earth of humanity!!!

16) 44:50 minutes into this video, PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy interjects and explains to the Press, “I’m sorry, just a second. About any negotiations, nobody more than Ukrainians want to stop this war, but the future of any negotiations it is understandable that…” this war between Russia and Ukraine is not about “Russia 🇷🇺 and the United States 🇺🇸. This a war of Russia against Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.” He has SO MUCH MORE to say while he is NOT being interrupted!

WE ARE NOT JOKING, YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS FULL PRESS CONFERENCE BETWEEN Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Felon-in-Chief DJT!!! Okay,…

Now, we get to WHY VPOTUS JD Vance 🇺🇸 and Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump created their – LITERAL – propaganda video for VLADIMIR PUTIN’s ears, using THIS Press conference at the USA’s White House to SHOW loyalty to Vladimir Putin (GDAMN, IF ONLY CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES WOULD LISTEN!!!). The rare Earth minerals deal is ONLY between Russia 🇷🇺 and the United States 🇺🇸 . Ukraine is the RAPED victim – “Ukraine lives”, like Am Yisrael Chai!

17) Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 claims HE is “in a mess” because “I think he [Vladimir Putin] wants to make a deal and he’d like to see it end [the war]. It’s what I do, my whole life. I make deals.” … HELLO,…. There is a reason that Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 loves the leaders of Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran! (AGAIN, GDAMN, IF ONLY CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES WOULD LISTEN!!!)

18) 48:15 minutes into this video, Felon-in-Chief DJT publicly brings in the names of JD Vance 🇺🇸 and Marco Rubio 🇺🇸 into this Press “discussion”. YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS for yourself!!! The hardest questions are being asked by EUROPEAN press reporters, consistently!!!

19) 52:41 minutes into this video, NOW we get to what the Western media is so INFATUATED ABOUT – whether political Left or Right!!! The viral streams, shared everywhere WITHOUT FULL CONTEXT!!!!

20) 53:15 minutes into this video, Felon-in-Chief Donald John Trump 🇺🇸 says, “You see the hatred he [Ukrainian PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy 🇺🇦] has got for Putin 🇷🇺 [DJT directly pointed at Ukrainian PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy when he said this!!!]. It’s very very tough for me [Donald J Trump 🇺🇸] to make a deal with that kind of hate. And I understand that, but I can tell you that the other side [🇷🇺] isn’t exactly, you know, in love with him either. So, it’s not a question of alignment” (between “good people” on either side!).

21) 53:51 minutes into this video, so absolutely on cue, THIS IS WHERE VPOTUS JD VANCE 🇺🇸 destroys ANY hope for USA “ally”-ship with indigenous Ukrainians 🇺🇦!!!! JD Vance says, “I have to respond to this. For four years we had a….”! And the REST is present viral history circulating the internet!!! The Trump-Vance 🇺🇸 mafia-style shakedown of an invaded and victimized ally nation, all to publicly humiliate Ukrainian PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskyy 🇺🇦 – and to blame him, the Jew 🕎🪬 , for what Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 and JD Vance 🇺🇸 just brought an end to – on live television – and in a history making first for the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 !!

22) Yet another flat historical fact: Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 is ONLY and ALL about “a deal” that glorifies him and fattens HIS financial pocket. This is NOT hyperbole, just an easily verifiable historical fact over decades of HIS privileged life 🇺🇸 ! He does NOT want Ukraine to survive, because he is beholden to Vladimir Putin. The Mueller report made this relationship very clear during/after his last USA presidency! BUT, WHO is listening FULLY, and paying attention to actions, NOT words?!!!

Yesterday is the day that Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 proved to the ENTIRE WORLD that he is Vladimir Putin’s 🇷🇺 “puppet” AND that Vladimir Putin is his “handler”! AND, you wonder “WHY” Indigenous Jews 🕎🪬 and Israelis 🇮🇱🪬 do NOT trust the United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 !!! We’ve SEEN your self-oriented and self-righteous duplicity through TOO many generations of our people already.

ما هي اليهودية؟ מהי יהדות? نحن نقدر جميع الردود على هذه الأسئلة! What is Judaism? THIS must be answered for there to be ANY kind of PEACE and SECURITY for both Indigenous and Settler!

Donald J Trump and JD Vance target and terrorized Volodymyr Zelenskyy!!!

Again, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy showed how Jewish he is to the whole world during that Trump-Vance mafia-style shakedown! Trump and Vance publicly ended the negotiations for Vladimir Putin’s viewing enjoyment AND, then, blamed the only Jew in the room for this!

THIS is such a fucking embarrassment, United States of Colonial America 🇺🇸 ! Your Felon-in-Chief Donald J Trump and accomplice JD Vance is making a MOCKERY of your nation – and the WHOLE WORLD is watching this!!


META Description : ما هي اليهودية؟ מהי יהדות? نحن نقدر جميع الردود على هذه الأسئلة! What is Judaism? THIS must be answered for there to be PEACE and SECURITY!

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Link to the book directly below. Touch the cover!

Read this book and you won’t disparage the Jewish people nor Israel ever again! This book exposes the Colonial lie of false equivalency between Jews (Indigenous Judeans of the land of Israel) and Christians and Muslims (world colonizing European and Arab religions), that have been assimilating Indigenous lands worldwide for 1,600 years in the names of Jewish ancestors. Zionism is the Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Israel’s successful full decolonization is every Indigenous People’s/Nation’s hope!






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