Is “Jewish people” “Ger Toshav” “Gentile” the Same?

A conversation that I recently had (as an Admin of JIRA) between successfully colonized Jews and (we) Indigenous Jews of Israel directly follows below. We provide this conversation here for education about the Jewish people of the land of Israel:

Jewish people didn't bring monotheism to this world! Such is anathema to Torah!

“Monotheism is also kinda a big deal. That’s why we Jews have introduced this to the world.”

Actually, Jews didn’t give the world monotheism. Up to the 2nd Temple period, Jews were devout polytheists, like our brother/sister Canaanite peoples. Up to Maimonides of 12th century CE, Jews were devout henotheists. The colonized status of Jews in the Arab and European diasporas and the need to appear assimilated for our Indigenous people’s survival eventually had its affect upon Jews, thus we now place upon Torah a pantheistic/universal “monotheistic” god that Torah has no actual knowledge of.

“Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA ,

Ummm the ten commandments? The first one?”

That applies only to Jews, as does all the rest of the Ten Proclamations. If you read further in D’varim, you will find a pasuk that makes very clear that YHWH allows other nations their own gods. Why? Because these non-Jews are not bound to Indigenous Judean people’s mitzvot/halachot.

“Jewish Indigenous Rights Advocacy – JIRA ,

Allowing other nations to believe what they want is not the same as denying that Jews brought monotheism to the world.”

Historically, Jews didn’t bring “monotheism to the world”. We were a monolatrous people as of late 2nd Temple period. Jews and our Judean-orignating ancestral literatures were henotheistic until the Middle Ages CE. In other words, we are obligated only to YHWH, whom we Jews are vassals of, while recognizing the reality of other gods who rule other nations. Christian-Muslim diasporas living in colonized CE period allowed us Jews to evolve as a people to the Maimonides pantheistic “monotheistic” version of “G-d” that most Jews acknowledge today. History matters!

To erase parts of our lived history as Jews only serves to render Jews into “just a religion”. This history revisionism serves only to invalidate our Indigenous Judean land rights in the eyes of the historic Arab-European Colonizers of all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide. Our entire halachot is based on an Indigenous Judean understanding of this world, a Canaanite Hebrew language worldview, a world of many nations ruled by their own lands’ god-Kings, and how we Jews must be a separate people for our very survival as the Jewish people of the land of Israel.

This is why non-Jews who follow our mitzvot/halachot are called “ger toshav”, because they are not required to do so at all. They are not Jews! They get this honorific title from Jews, because they choose to bind at least the Rabbinic derived “Noahide Laws” upon them before a beit din (a Jewish court of law).

This is also why (travel advice!) Traditional/Indigenous Jews tell Christians – aka, Missionaries – to show some respect on the Temple Mount or go home(!), as recently hit the news medias numerous times. These Christians have, still in the 21st century CE, a Colonizer’s agenda for the land of Israel and for her vassaled people (“Jesus” or “Yeshua”, or whatever you want to call this northern Aegean-created “god in flesh”, is not the YHWH of the Jews, full stop!)

Note: Some of us Jews of the Jewish people wish that our Indigenous Judean people would decolonize a bit more and get rid of the Christian-Muslim enforced labels. “Conversion”, a long and studious legal process of adopting a non-Jew into the people of Israel, is not the same thing as Christian-Muslim theology-based “faith” conversions. By speaking with Colonial Arab-European correct labels (‘Oh, Jews are just a “faith” or a “religious category”, like Christianity and Islam, nothing more’), we are hurting ourselves – inviting the antisemitic Colonial Arab-European erasure of our Indigenous Judean land rights – keeping ourselves victimized, and slowing down the progress towards the age of mashiach.

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META Description: The world says Jews and non-Jews are the same. So why do Jews so vehemently disagree with non-Jews on who is a Jew?

Jews didn’t bring monotheism to this world! Such is anathema to Torah!





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